Furries University Chapter 38 Hammer's on the strings

Story by Kitsune Warui on SoFurry

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#44 of Furries University

Chapter 38: Hammer's on the Strings.

(February 5th 2019 A.D. - 6:00 Am)

A black fog circled around in the distance, shadows lurking about in every path, and a familiar dark forest stretching out in all directions. Kitsune stood naked and cold as he heard figures drawing near. His heart raced and he began to rush forward, hurdling over a dead tree. His paws met slick mud and he slid forward on his heel and then came crashing to his back. Now covered in the muck and grime of the forest floor, the Fox picked himself up and began his sprint once more. The untiring steps of his pursuers drew ever nearer.

He came to a cliff, and a great chasm. His only escape would either be the cliff on the other side, or deaths cold embrace. He looked down the chasm with body tense and mind ablaze. The dark fog began to move in and then form in front of the fox a darker version of himself with lifeless red eyes and outstretching a paw.

"I can protect you, we can hide together" Spoke the fog-born fox.

Kitsune turned and from the pit Ozwot flew up, wings extended broadly.

"I can save you from all of this, No mortal can harm you in my arms"

Kitsune's breaths began to slow and he felt his chest heave, no air entering. He looked past the dark vulpine to see the hunters drawing near. Feral hounds at there feet barked with malice and anger.

"No," Kitsune said softly, replying to both figures who slowly vanished upon the speech. The hunters continued to step closer and closer, their rifles aimed towards him. They did not speak, nor give even the impression of breathing, bodies' stiff in their purpose, ready to take the fox's head from his shoulders. The silent conversation was evidenced by their communicated by their movement and pose.

His choices were clear and it all lead up to one step. One forward to accept the embrace of fire and lead as it passed through his body, or one backward to plummet downwards allowing the winds embrace to comfort him until his weak body met the cliff face shattering bone and tearing muscle. Either seemed dreadful, but he had come too far to allow the hunters to have what they desire, and yet, the disgrace of retreating only to die seemed just as absurd.

Kitsune replied to the hunters, taking a step forward. They halted their own advance in apprehension of his action. Another move of his foot and he grew closer until he developed a stride. His body filled with pride ready for his end; an end with pride. His eyes were warm as a single tear moved down his cheek.

He found himself without offense, until his head was directly in front of a rifle. The cold steel barrel kissed his forehead with its inanimate mouth. The hunters and their dogs faded into nothingness while the fox took a deep happy sigh at finding his body still intact. A bright beam of light blinded him causing his paw to try and guard it.

He sat up in his bed cascaded in bright beaming sunlight from behind the blinds. He smiled breathing in the feeling of warmth in his lungs. Life entered his veins. He wiggled himself about, naked under the covers, and his fox hood hard. He rubbed his eyes, stretched, and gave a high-pitched yawn; his body squirmed during his stretch. He brought himself from beneath the blanket, and crossed to the bathroom slipping in very softly.

In the Next room, Micah wiggled himself about his eyes half opened, an arm hanging from the couch and saliva on his pillow. He crawled out of the covers and stretched giving a breath into the floor and then drawing himself to his feet. He trudged along the floor and opened the refrigerator. Clasping his paw onto the handle, he pulled out a gallon of milk, removing the top and gulped it down. Micah, a feline, began walking back towards the couch, smacking his lips together and laying the jug on the table.

The black cat moved a paw through his hair and ruffled it slightly then looked towards a pile of clothes which belonged to him. He scratched at his stomach and thought about putting on more than underwear then waved it off. A rap came at the door and the feline went to call for Adrian but heard the shower running in the next room so he went to the door instead. He looked through the peephole to spy a tall otter with brown hair who was holding a letter.

Micah opened the door, to meet the surprised gaze of the Otter.

"H-hi' The otter waved to the cat.

"Yo" Micah said still slightly tired.

"I-is, Kitsune around?"

"Who?" Micah said "Oh oh oh, you mean Adrian"


"Ya'" Nodded the Cat "That's his Name Fella'"

"Oh, you mean the cute fox has a cute name" The otter chuckled "Yes, I'm Nikolai, a friend of his"


"Oh yeah?" The cat shrugged "So am I".

"A-are you two....ya' know. Busy?"

"What!?" Micah grunted "He is my friend an' nothin' more"

"Okay okay" The Other chuckled "I'm a little surprised, that anyone can be just "friends" With him".

"I'm straight"

"Ohhhh" Nodded the Otter "That's how".

"Is there anything I can help ya' with?"

"Can you give him this letter" Niko said softly "It'd mean a lot"

"Oh? Sure, why not..."

"Great" Smiled Nikolai "Thank you thank you!"

Kitsune turned off the shower, steam still filled the bathroom and the mirror was fogged over. He gave a soft hum as he wiggled a towel over his body drying off his fur and passing it over his sheath causing the fox to murr. He had neglected himself somewhat for the last few days and wondered how much longer he could continue. "Perhaps tonight," the fox said staring deeply into the clouded mirror.

Fog sheeted the mirror; Fog created by the heated water that had caressed the young fox's body. Under the clouded surface images lay beneath hidden from eyes, truths waiting to be discovered by those with passion enough to seek them. Kitsune feared these truths, and yet, needed them. His own mind had been fogged over years ago; he had neglected that as well. He took the towel and rubbed it over the mirror, uncovering only half of it and standing in the middle. He saw, on the right, a young vulpine, with crystal blue eyes, and dark brown almost black hair with a meek looking body. Kitsune felt pity for the creature on the other side of the mirror and placed his paw on it's own.

A scar wrapped around its neck, a remnant from an atrocity too immense to desire recalling. The other side however, was scattered images of orange, brown and blue. Distorted into something terrifying, and yet, Kitsune felt no fear of the strange creature on the left. It was no different from the one on the right. They were both only distortions created by events, which could have been prevented. He nodded his head and took a deep slow breath then shook his head.

"What a silly pondering," he said to himself, allowing the warmth he felt when he had awoken to seep into his body once more then stopped, staring at the mirror long and hard.

"Wh-when...did this get replaced?" he asked himself scratching at his head. He recalled smashing his own paws into it, shattering it over his body. He could not recall nor could he fathom from where the new mirror had come. Shaking his head, he left the bathroom after flipping the light switch off.

Kitsune slid on a pair of jeans, deciding not to wear anything underneath then put on a black turtle-neck shirt. Just as he was putting it on, he slid out of his bedroom to find Micah still in his boxer shorts and leaning back on the couch with a milk carton in paw.

"Good morning," Kitsune said with a glow.

"Mornin'," replied Micah.

"What's that?" Kitsune asked pointing to an envelope laying atop the television set.

"It's yours. Some guy wanted me to give it to you," shrugged the feline.

"Oh?" Kitsune was taken slightly back by this statement and grabbed for it. He tore it open with fervor. The fox's eyes scanned over the message with quick movements and his tail swished about. It Read:

Dear Kitsune Y. Warui,

I have watched you for quite awhile, and I find you more than just attractive. We know each other slightly but I want to get to know you better. I must

admit I am far too shy to come right out and say it, so I wanted you to perhaps meet me at a cafe tonight around 6. I just want to talk, and maybe grab a bite to eat. I promise, you can trust me. It's a place on campus, nearest to the parking lot, called "Beaver Dam" Don't know if you have ever been there. I hope if not, you have been by the end of tonight. See you at Six, Cutie.

"There's no name," Kitsune said as he looked around the envelope.

The dark cat shrugged and wiggled himself into a pair of jeans, a black t-shirt and a denim vest.

"So what're we doing?"

"We?" Kitsune was shocked by the question.

"Yeah, what shit are you gettin' into?"

"Not really much...I-I gotta, go to my friend Leo's to ask some things...th-then, I gotta check and make sure everything's all good before tomorrow"


"Pride parade event" giggled Kitsune.

"Hmmm, Okay, mind if I come wit' you?" asked Micah looking curiously "I'd be bored to tears here".

"Sure, there's no problem with that" Kitsune nodded.

"Kay' kay'," The cat said grabbing his phone from the table then tossed the milk carton across the room, which fell pleasantly in the trashcan, "Less' see this Leo".

Outside the sun was pleasant; while inside of its pure light, the body stayed warm but once shaded a chilling air entered and pierced deep within. Ominous movements in the distance which Kitsune recognized as Jerry and the rest of his AGF crew. They weren't moving towards him, or any dormitory, but rather the university itself. The fox could not muster any comfort at the site of the men who hated him so extremely. The two made their way towards Leo's little home off at the very edge of the campus; the sidewalk was a long narrow path leading directly to the very destination they sought.

Kitsune's paw went in motion to rap upon the wood surface door, but it was opened just as his knuckles would have neared the frame. Leo backed up quickly, and Kitsune drew his fist towards his chest surprisedly then blushed.

"Hey Leo," he quickly spurted.

"Oh, Kit, How're you?" asked Leo.

"I'm very good....b-but...Micah, could we be alone"

"Y-yeah..." Micah's eyes stared over the wings of the feline before him then went to the side of the house, sliding a cigarette from its pack and placing it in his maw, moving out of view just as he readied his lighter.

"I need to talk to you about Oz" Kitsune said looking up at Leo, "or Rather, I need you to talk to me about him".

"Come on in, I was just about to do some early fieldwork but it can wait," Leo said motioning for his sofa.

Kitsune sat on a seat opposite of Leo who offered him coffee.

Kitsune shook his head.

"I-I don't know what I should ask"

"I realize you are having trouble getting over the loss of someone you loved, Kit," Leo nodded.

"There was a day...I think. Where you had come into our dormitory..."

"Yes?" Leo asked.

"Do you remember anything at all outstanding about that?"

"Other than what?"

"Nothing at all? It's...odd"

"What is it you're trying to ask me?"

"Y-you even spoke on it...I remember...I remember it lucidly," Kitsune began to tremble softly and stood, so certain that there was no fallacy in his memories.

"Are you okay Kit?" Leo asked beginning to move from his seat moving out his paws to grasp across the coffee table to grab at the trembling fox's shoulders.

"You had walked through the door and his wings were out," Kitsune said staring into Leo's eyes, a small amount of tears welled from the bottom of his blue eyes.

"What? I-I didn't see any w..wings...are you okay?" Leo stated, feeling the fox's instability with the facts.

"Wh-what...What's wrong with me..." Kitsune said sliding his own paws over his eyes and beginning to twitch.

"Calm down, Kitsune"

"I know what I saw..."

"Shh" Leo moved across the table and sat beside the fox rubbing his back to calm him, "It's okay. It's okay".

"Kit, what is the meaning of all this?"

"O-Oz...didn't...wasn't a...So...nothing made him..."

"What are you going on about," Leo was becoming confused and startled.

"It was dark, his body was different, everything was different. H-how can I make that up?" Kitsune said his eyes darting around quickly, "Pictures, I surely have pictures...an-and...".

The Fox was beginning to sweat, and he could feel an extreme pressure move over his lungs; he was running out of air and the room was constricting around him. Everything grew smaller, or he felt like he was growing larger; he just knew he had to get out. He stood quickly and began to back towards the door.


"I-I have to go Leo, th-thank you for having me...I have to go. No air. No air," Kitsune began to fumble behind himself for the door handle before pushing it open and dashing outside, pulling off to a sprint. His hair lashed frantically in his movement and he didn't know where to go. The oppressive room was behind him, but his paws wouldn't stop.

Micah had let off behind him, confused and unable to keep up, his lungs admittedly weakened by his years of smoking. He kept after him hurriedly, unsure of where he was going. He ruffled his own hair and went through his pockets to pull out a butterfly knife.

Kitsune ran up the first three flights of stairs to his dormitory and then moved his back onto a door, his entire chest heaving as he gasped in air. His body trembled and his paw rested over his heavily beating heart. He felt himself fly backwards; he let out a feminine shriek and hit his head. He whimpered, rubbed the back of his head, and opened his eyes to find himself looking up a female cat's skirt.

"Kit!" came Aide's voice.

He was startled to hear his friend and quickly hopped to his feet.

"Aide," he said blushing, "Sorry, I had sprinted up the stairs, and I was a lil' tired so I leaned against your door, an-"

"Calm down, cutie," she said patting his shoulder, "I don't care if you saw up my skirt".

"I like the white lining going around the edges," Kitsune said.

"Yeah? That's why I bought them," Aide said and then turned to hear the gasping steps of another feline who came comedically to the top and fumbled over dropping his knife.

"C-can't...run...anymore...too tired, to be....snide," he said just before he toppled over.

"Who's the little guy?"

"Fuck....you" Micah managed.

"That's my friend Micah, He's umm... I guess a Jerk really".

"No, really...Fuck....you," rasped the prostrate feline.

"He's kinda cute," Aide whispered into the fox's ear.

"Yeah," smirked Kitsune, "especially when he acts tough".

He stood up, dusted himself off and looked around. "Where'd I put that knife, so I can make you a lady..."

"Calm down," Kitsune said moving his paw outward, "where are you going, Aide?"

"Going to that little place outside of campus, the Otter dam"

Kitsune bit his lip, "Really?" He had begun to blush, thinking of the note he had received earlier.

"Yeah. Wanna come? Never been there, but I'm curious about it".

"No. I gotta do somethings today. Isn't it a little early for that kind of thing?"

"I need some coffee, stayed up late with some friends," said Aide, "got this new teacher, just started. Her Names Ophelia Lien, She's got this awesome accent".

"Oh Yeah?"

"She'll be teaching anthropology next year too," Aide said smiling, "you should take the second course of it; I really want someone to study it with me".

"Sure, I think I will"

Kitsune was forcing this facade of normality, though he could feel a static crack running through his world. It shook. It was unstable. It felt uncomfortable and oppressive. He was barring his very spirit to hold himself together, but he could feel the schism moving in all directions through his body.

"Goodbye, Kit," Aide said giving a wave.

"Bye," Kitsune responded, his glance far off as she walked down the stairs.

If what Leo had told him was true then his reality was fiction. That was something he could not handle and, the fact was, he was not left alone to handle it. The world was attempting to crush him and he could feel it poison the air strangling him, heart chords being stretched and hammered on like poisoned piano strings controlled by a dark conductor. Aide, who he saw now, crossing the courtyard for the parking lot, had a life, which would probably echo a sweet sound of violins and soft flute melodies. His would be the distracting and abrasive melody of a hefty drum in rhythm to the sound of a quickening heartbeat and the distorted dissonance of glass shattering on cobble-stone.

He had not realized that he was in front of his dormitory door while Micah was tapping at the wall in which Kitsune had his forehead against.

"You gonna wake up?" Micah asked, flicking the fox's ear with his finger.

"Yeah," The vulpine blushed and wiggled at the door knob and slid it open, the cat slowly following.

*** (meanwhile)

The AGF met in the unused cafeteria, a fair group of about fifteen, mostly male, and one female in the group. Jerry looked around with a satisfied smile.

"So we all know what's happening soon," said Jerry to the group while sitting on top of a table, "They're having a lil' gay get together, with floats, and dresses. Well, we're gonna get them good...also it's the anniversary of when I took over. Now Mark's not talked to any of us months but he's gonna be visitin' in awhile and I want him to know everything is taken care of on our end. So we gotta do a big blow, we've been pretty inactive. Bein' lazy, bein' scared. Can't do it no more though. We all agreed, somethin' big's gotta be done".

"Yeah!" all of the others exclaimed.

"Good, we'll get em' good," smiled Jerry, "an' will make our old leader proud". He gave a curling smile, rubbing a paw through his hair and looking around. Jayson, was standing outside the cafeteria, leaning against the opened doors. The wolf stared out at the panther who gave a smug wave towards him.

As the group of furs began to pile out of the cafeteria in commotion, Jay began to cross the room while the panther sat atop the table his arms crossed.

"Ya' Know, Mark wouldn't have gone as far as you want to," Jay said as he crossed around the tables.

"Yeah? Maybe that's the problem, ever think maybe that's why we got people like you who were in our happy lil' group," Jerry spouted.

"Ya' know it was fun in all, when it was just playin', no one got hurt. That ain't right and you know it," Jayson pointed a finger towards Jerry as he drew close.

"Now, I don't need yer' high an' Mighty bullshit over this, Okay?" Jerry said hopping from the table and pushing Jayson backwards. Jay stood just an ear higher than the panther, and stared down at him.

"It ain't bullshit, now, you don't know kit, I know if you hadn't've had that pipe, their woulda' been one really embarrassed panther hobblin' back to his clubhouse," Jayson said pressing one paw against the feline's chest and pushing him against the table he had sat atop of, and while doing so he put a finger to his face "You do anythin' crazy, an' I swear to our fuckin' lord, I won't be held accountable fer' what happens".

"Our lord don't like their type"

"Our lord, don't like your type," Jayson said putting all his weight into a push, flinging the panther over the table, who then slid across and fell on the floor behind it, giving out a cough as he hit the ground and then stood up.

"You mother fucker!" grunted the panther dusting himself off as Jay walked from the cafeteria, slamming the double doors closed.

*** (one hour later)

Kitsune stared at a dress hanging from a rod attached to the ceiling of his closet. The dress was sable black and short, stopping just at the end of his hips with white lining at the top of the neck hole, around the sleeves, and skirt. The sleeves were frilled and had an intricate design of roses running around them. He had a pair of boots and stockings he would wear with it. He then smiled at the dress; it was beautiful, simply stunning.

He was going to wear his hair in a bun and put on make up of course. He had a pair of breast molds and a B cup bra. He wanted to turn heads; he adored the attention. Since his childhood, the fact that he was capable of such feminine beauty made him smile. He took a small bottle and sprayed over the dress, which now gave off a flowery scent that he adored. There was a pause then he let out a sigh before moving from the room.

He walked into the bathroom slowly, a dark fox stood in the mirror with its paw pressed against the glass looking at him with plea in its eyes. He started up the water and rubbed shampoo through his paws then splashed some water on his face; quickly taking a towel, he dried his muzzle. He turned and walked from the room, ignoring the figment in the mirror. It faded into mist before disappearing completely.

Micah lay across the couch and saw Kitsune enter the room.

"Howdy," said the cat looking upside down at the fox, "how're you doin'?"

"Good...you know ... I have a date tonight," Kitsune said rubbing his arm and giving a soft blush.

"No worries, I was just wondering if you had a key I could use? Uh, a friend a' mine, is nearby and he wanted me to hang out, so I was wonderin' if you mind if I came back a lil' late".

"That's fine," smiled Kitsune walking over into the kitchen and sliding out a drawer to pick up a key, which had a tag stuck to it saying 'Ozwot', the fox snapped it off and threw the tag in the trash then tossed Micah the key, "keep it. You can come by whenever you want".

*** (5:58 PM at the Otter Dam)

The store was very pleasing to the eyes with a white theme inside. The center housed a statue of a feral Beaver and Anthropomorphic Otter fighting atop of a large coffeepot-shaped base. It seemed to Kitsune that it was part of an inside joke that only the store owner understood. The Fox had a purse over his shoulder and was wearing a pair of white shorts that stopped just at his knees, a small pink spaghetti strap tank top, a pink and white wristband on his left wrist and a nameplate bracelet in silver on his right wrist. It was awfully girly but if someone was interested in him they would have to be able to handle his largest eccentricity, at least he thought for sure it was his largest.

He pulled a brush from his purse, and began to run it along his tail very gently, trying to make it look as good as possible. He hadn't done this in awhile and prayed to any creature that surveyed from heaven's high that they allow the person to be good looking. He admitted to himself the shallowness of the thought but regretted it for nothing. He rubbed a paw through his hair and up his ears, making sure they stood perky enough, and bent the tip of his left one very gently. Kitsune knew what looked cute and wanted this secret writer was to drop dead upon sight.

He slid some lip plumper over his black lips making them glisten plus he adored the tingling feeling it gave them. There weren't as many stares of disgust as he thought which he enjoyed the lack of infamy; even more so, he enjoyed the stares of people attracted by him. He was enjoying it to no end; He smiled and closed his eyes, basking in the flood for his own narcissism. He felt a finger running through his tail then strokes. At first he allowed himself to enjoy the touches before snapping out of his euphoria to turn around and meet the face of his calico friend, Aide. She gave a wink to the fox and looked him up and down.

"My my, someone is attempting to get laid this night," she snickered while rubbing her paw over the vulpine cheek just before dropping her paws down and pulling at the waist band of his shorts to see the black thong within. The fox blushed and turned in his seat to face her.

"I have a secret admirer," Kitsune giggled.

"Ooooh, and they wanted to meet here? I bet they go to the school."

"I don't doubt it, not very many friends outside of it after all," giggled the fox.

"Wonder if he's cute," then the Cat's ears twitched, "or SHE! Oh it'd be hilarious!"

"Now now, I surely hope not," said the fox waving a paw about, "her poor lil' heart "I can just see the lil' boy, taken some strap on action from a bull dyke," laughed

the cat, who then sipped from a foaming glass. The fox shivered at the thought.

"I don't see why she can't at least be pretty in your figments," stated the fox, moving a paw over his hair.

"Bull Dykes, can't be pretty?" asked Aide.

"Well, you know what I mean," the fox said shaking his head and hearing the door to the entrance open then turning quickly. A tall black haired dog walked in and looked in Kitsune's direction while the fox stared back in wonder. The canine then walked in the opposite direction.

"Damn it!" Aide said, "I really wanna see the guy".

The door opened again and a heavy set bear walked in waving to an employee then walked in Kitsune's direction. The fox bit his lower lip and shivered, planning his escape if the bear sat down; he closed one eye as it drew near, looked around just in front of him then turned left. The fox let out a sigh of relief and put a paw to his chest.

"Never again," the fox said to himself, "will I go on a blind date".

"Scary, ain't it?" said the cat who then rubbed at the fox's back.

"Oooh, but he's cute," Aide said as Nikolai, an otter, walked in. His brown hair hung over one eye and he wore a pair of black jeans, and white hoodie. He came towards the table looking surprised to see Kitsune there then placed a paw on it.

"Hey Niko," Kitsune said and the otter waved.

"Hey there Kitsune," said the Otter looking around and stopping at the calico who waved to him, "What're you doing here?"

"Oh?" the fox blushed looking up and shifting slightly, "I got a secret admirer."

"A little late aren't they?" said the otter looking at his watch, "It's 6:08 right now."

"Oh really? Well I guess he is...you think he stood me...up?" the fox stopped mid sentence and looked up to the otter who was blushing then sat down.

"Sorry about that. I couldn't find anything to wear"

Kitsune was now frozen, embarrassed and flushed entirely. He moved slightly and blushed looking away from the otter. At least it wasn't someone ugly he continued to tell himself. The otter slid a paw through his hair and was a little bashful himself; he then set his paw on the table.

"I-I'm sorry for doing it this way...I always have trouble talking to you cute ones," said Niko "...and just look at you."

"Th-thank you."

"I don't think it would be so easy to pull my eyes away from you," Niko replied "Come on, I'd feel better if you looked at me."

Kitsune blushed shyly and moved his eyes to Niko's who was smiling.

"S-sorry, I haven't done this in awhile."

"It's okay, Come on, let's just talk, I like that sweet voice of yours," Niko said, "Where are you from?"

"I'm from here," Kitsune giggled, "I was born in Virginia."

"Oh? I was born on a naval base myself. But I was raised in Mississippi," Niko said in reply, "are you full blooded fox?"

"Yes," smiled Kitsune, "Father is a red fox, and my mother is a fennec."

"My mother was a cat and my father an otter. They met while both on duty at the

base I was born on."

"I see," Kitsune could feel himself grow more comfortable with every word, "when did you find out you were gay?"

"Oh? I'm not," laughed Niko, "I'm bi, uhhh, well I guess gay is closer though, I've never been with any girls."

"Ooohhhh," giggled Kitsune, "any particular reason?"

"Cuties like you," Niko said pointing at the fox, "and you?"

"No girl's ever attracted me as much as a man," laughed the fox, who then leaned in softly, "I really don't know what I'd do without a penis to touch."

"I know what you mean," Niko replied.

"I'm a little stressed today," Kitsune said rubbing the back of his neck with a paw.

"Oh? Why?" the otter leaned back then snapped his , "Oh yeah, you're parade, that's right. I'm sorry...I had forgotten briefly".

"Yeah, it looks like everyone will be ready by tomorrow," Kitsune said, "just hope I will be"

"How do you mean?"

"I can't mess this up...it's a really big deal, a lot of people have worked hard on this, and there's no way I can't show up, it would mess it all up," Kitsune said looking down at the table.

The afternoon sun outside was beginning to set while they continued to converse over different parts of their lives. Before long many of the customers piled out but they continued sitting. The day was nice temperate and most of the departing patrons stopped to sit on the benches outside to chat or smoke.

*** Two hours passed

The sky was beginning to be enveloped by the night moon. The fox and otter had begun to walk towards the dormitories.

"So how've you been since...ya' know?"

"I've been dealing with a lot," the fox shook his head, "It's hard to tell what was real and what was imaginary,"

"Have you been okay? Lonely?"

"A little, hardly had time to notice with all this preparation."

"What about...ya know?"

"My sex life?"

"Inanimate?" Chuckled the otter.

"Ah, no, it's been lacking"


"I haven't had a sex life in awhile..."

"Come on, just because you're not looking for a man doesn't mean you can't have one."

"I know I know...again I've been busy sorting things out," the fox said before realizing the otter had his arm around Kitsune and rubbing his shoulder.

"What about your roommate? I'm not sending you in all alone am I?" asked Niko.

"He's probably out with his friends. That's fine though, I could use the time to set some alarm clocks so there's no way I mess up," Kitsune said.

Niko nodded as they began to ascend the staircase. It seemed there was no real commotion, Kitsune knew in the city the floats were already being prepared and waited for tomorrow. The parade would go throughout the downtown area then come to the university area, turn around and go through the city again. Speakers had been set up on some of the floats, hooked to a wireless music player so that music would play. It would be a lot of dancing, waving, and simply just enjoying it all.

Its major message was to promote the awareness of the homosexual and bisexual denizens of the city, and show it was a fair amount of the percentage, which Kitsune knew it truly was. It was not just him who was leading this but a lot of groups who planned together; he was simply readying his own group for a much larger scale. It made him far more comfortable than anyone could know, that so many would be there. The fox and otter arrived at the door and Kitsune unlocked it then turned to his date.


"I walked you to the door," smiled Niko who moved close to Kitsune who in return let out a hot breath. His heart was fluttering, as the otter grew close, positioning a paw just above his rump at the small of his back and another upon the top.

Kitsune did not protest but rather moved in as he felt the otter's lips press against his own plump black ones. His eyes closed as he was taken into a kiss by the vigorous young man, who's passion enveloped the little fox. He was pressed against the door; he felt the otter's pink muscle press through his lips and he happily accepted; the wet snake swirled through his mouth over his own tongue.

His heart pounded, his mind all but absent of thought, as the otter's paw moved lower and lower. The feeling was too much for Kitsune, who desired more. This did, however, help him understand what he had with his ex; the part he missed so much. The love he missed was the physical love, this passionate exchange made his heart feel aflame with desire. They parted lips slowly, saliva snapping as they did.

Kitsune's face burned with a blush that ran over its entirety. The door was pushed open and the otter gripped at the fox nipping up his neck, forcing the creature to lean hia head back and accept his every movement, taken away. The action never failed to arouse the fox who's eyes now closed while he felt himself led into the confines of his home. He was placed on the bed, a paw against his neck the other moving down his shorts, gripping at his sheath covered by his satin thong. His eyes opened as the otter leaned up, licking his lips, his own shirt already off. The well toned form of the sleek creature displayed by the lights of the room.

He worked his elegant paws over the form of the small vulpine, moving his digits to unbutton the blushing fox's shorts. They were pulled off and thrown to the floor. The fox's member's tip sticking out of his thong, a soft otter paw moving up it. Niko leaned in close slipping the fox's shirt over and off, tossing it to the floor; a paw moving over his chest and down over his belly button then to his thong to gently pull it back. Niko stared over the fox's sheath and slowly rising member; he gave a sniff into the air.

"Mmmm, that musk," murmured the otter who gave a lick over one of the fox's nipples, "that scent you canid's give off".

"Ohhh," the fox quivered in anticipation, his body warm and a soft shiver running through him. The creature could not fight the lust within him, taken away by pure ecstasy as he felt himself made nude by swift moves of the otter's paws, who then pressed his weight on the fox, gripping at his hips, licking a long tongue from his naval up his chest, over his neck and to his lips. Kitsune's own paws moving to the bare chest of the slim creature, running paws down his sides to open his jeans, which had already been unzipped then pulled them down Niko's pale fleshy member with it's tip pointed downward. As the animal moved closer, his slowly rising cock rubbed over the sheath of Kitsune's cock. It pushed out to its full length; the red veined flesh coated in a small amount of pre-cum.

They parted from the kiss and Kitsune traced his paws up to rub his against the chest of the mammal, who drew him into a hug.

"Give me, your passion," whispered the otter into the fox's ear.

Kitsune nodded with a layer of blush over his cheeks.

The otter eyed a bottle of lube on a dresser and grabbed it, rubbing it over his paw and then over the red dick sticking between the fox's legs. He continued to motion over it, until it was slimy with the lubrication, and took the rest to bend towards the fox pressing his lips to Kitsune's, whilst rubbing a finger around his hole. The otter lay upon his stomach his long cock pressing against his abdomen. Kitsune moved his paws over the soft toned rump of the otter, parting it and positioning himself above the creature.

He was shy and it was so different from his submissive nature but his pure passion forced him into action. He pulled at the hips of the otter sliding the head of his member into the mammal with a gentle motion.

Niko groaned at the entrance of the carmine cock slipping into his body, slowly slithering deeper and deeper until it met its sheath then the fox bent to Nikolai's neck, giving out a hot passionate breath.

"Take me!" murred the otter.

Kitsune held the hips of the otter and began to hump very gently at first, letting out hot breathes over the young man's neck. Niko's eyes closed as he licked his lips, enjoying the feeling and dimensions of the vulpine dick. It expanded his soft ring as it moved in and out; he groaned happily accepting Kitsune's passionate motions.

"More more!" grunted Nikolai, as Kitsune pulled out gently only to press himself back in while leaning down to lick up the back of Niko's neck.

The fox positioned himself softly and laid his chest to Niko's back before beginning to press his penis quickly into the pucker, pulling back quickly in a rythmic motion. The sound of a slap echoed from the meeting of Kitsune's thighs and the cheeks of the otter's rump. Kitsune gave into carnal desire sinking his teeth softly into the back of the otter's neck, forcing out a moan while the otter's tongue hanging out.

Kitsune pistoned into the mammal, his member leaked pre inside the otter, slickening his entrance. His passion enveloped the Night. Micah came to the front door of the dormitory and readied his key, stumbling slightly as he heard the sounds from within.

"Fuck, oh yes...YES! Take me! God Yes!" screamed the otter as the Fox rutted the slim animal.

Micah's eyes were set wide and he lay against the wall shaking his head. With the door unlocked, he was tempted to peek in but thought better of it, instead sitting on the ground and pulling out a cigarette.

Kitsune could feel his member throb from within the otter's soft entrance, pounding, wanting its release. He gripped at the waist of the otter and continued his quick rhythm. The sounds of their passion echoed as an orchestra to accompany the sable night outside. Their moans and groans piercing floor and wall. Kitsune let go of Niko's neck giving out a weak feminine moan into the air, sweat beading over his body, as a torrent of his love juice began to squirm and spray into the otter's behind.

There was only a moment before his knot began to swell and he could feel the otter tighten his muscle around it, making his orgasm heavier, and his body weak as he felt his orgasmic release, spraying and coating the annals of this lusty creature. His moan ended with the spray of his seed as he weakly kissed the back of the otter's neck, the fur matted with sweat, and his head turning in his sweet lust filled release.

"Ooooh, Yo-you foxes," panted the otter.

"I-I've n-never done th-that before."

"Mmmm" The otter grunted and pulled himself from the knotted cock with a moan and the fox released a string of seed and a wave of surprise passed over his face. The otter turned and began to push the fox onto his back, crawling until he sat upon the fox's chest looking down at him with lusty eyes.

"The night is young, little fox, and I am far from through."

"O-Oh my," the fox blushed, but was not unwilling to continue.

"Didn't think I'd let you go without hearing you squeel, did you?" Niko said leaning down and pressing his lips to the Fox's.

Night outside was cold, but outside their door, lay a black cat with an unlit cigarette hanging from his mouth, hearing the continued sounds of their carnal moans, grunts and even growls echoing through the night, piercing its veil of silence. Kitsune found himself enveloped in a wave of desire and sexual pleasure he had been wanton for. He was no longer caught in the stress of the day but taken into the clutches of his sexual nature. The night was long but the sleep was pleasant and deep.