Lust Pt.II

Story by AkaFox on SoFurry

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..."The second question, My name is Hayate. I trust I can find a way to make you remember that name later." He winked.

He wanted him inside himself, deeply. He wanted that knot to tie them together as they kissed the night away on the four poster bed.

Akane's mouth opened and closed with the same rhythm as Hayate's own, tongues interlocking when their jaws opened again. Hayate lifted Akane and lay him down on the bed, before sitting on his own knees above Akane's protruding foxhood.

Akane slowly dragged his claw through the Husky's tight pants, ripping them in half and allowing them to fall off onto the sheets... Hayate lay awake the entire night. He was absolutely exhausted. He had spent the night pleasuring himself and his new partner, Akane. He looked down at his own naked body, lying on top of the sheets entangled with his lover. His own clearly defined muscles, his silver fur, his dark feet and calves, his gray upper arms and his darker pubic fur. He turned slowly to watch Akane sleep against his chest. The young fox's white paws were around his own thick neck, head resting on his chest. Akane was snoring very lightly, the movement felt relaxing to Hayate. Akane's eyes began to flutter, and his head burrowed into the space between the mattress and Hayate's neck.

"You awake?" Akane grumbled, his voice muffled by the pillow.

"Of course, I'm surprised you were able to sleep at all after last night, well, this morning."

"Me too..." Akane moaned. "Hayate, I can honestly say that was the most amazing night of my life."

Hayate rolled over on his side and kissed Akane on the temple. "Truthfully, I'd say the same. You've honestly never had sex before?"

"Honestly," Akane turned a deep red, causing his purple facial fur to turn fuchsia.

"I find that hard to believe, you're actually amazing in bed, you know."

"Hmm... Thank you, you're pretty amazing yourself Hayate," Akane said, his glossy tail beginning to wag slowly. He turned round to look Hayate in the face.

Hayate looked directly into Akane's amber colored eyes and exhaled deeply.

"When was the last time you ate, Akane?" He inquired. "You look famished."

"Erm..." Akane started. He paused for a while and eventually gave a small sigh. "I don't remember... Although I know I haven't eaten anything since yesterday morning."

"How would you like to get some breakfast downstairs? I haven't got much really, I'm only used to feeding myself. There's some sausage and waffles down there if you want some?" "Sure, that'd be great," Akane grinned.

"Come on then," Hayate said as he helped Akane out of bed, grabbing his hand and pulling him into a tight embrace. "Don't you ever leave me Akane, I need you."

"Why would I leave you? I need you too," Akane admitted, playfully nuzzling Hayate's chest.

"Mmm..." Hayate growled lightly, deep in his throat. He exhaled deeply. "Okay, let's go get some breakfast."

They remembered that Hayate's lycra boxers were ripped open, and that Akane's were still downstairs.

"Oops. Our clothes are downstairs in the kitchen; I just put them in the washer yesterday. I'll nip down and get them, stay here."

"Hayate, nobody's going to see us, I'll come down with you."

Hayate smiled widely and took Akane's hand. They walked slowly down the white marble stairs, the pure white walls painted orange in the sunrise. The sun was just rising over the mountain and through the bare trees brilliant rays of amber sunlight sliced through the sky.

Hayate smiled again. "The sunlight is the same colour as your eyes, Akane," he mused. He rested his cheek on top of Akane's head and stopped, halfway down the marble stairs. They sat down on the cold marble, shuddering as their bare butts touched the cool stone. They watched the sun rise over the mountains for a long time, and watched until the sky turned blue. They listened to the birds chirping until they realized how hungry there were. Hayate took Akane's hand again, and lifted him off the staircase into a standing position. They walked into Hayate's massive open living room. There were two large red loveseats and a small red armchair. One whole wall of the room was made of glass, and outside was a small, blue saltwater pool. Beyond the pool and circling the entire house was a small forest, made of evergreen and deciduous trees. A thin layer of snow coated the ground and the trees, bringing the dead looking deciduous trees to life.

"It's gorgeous," Akane whispered to Hayate.

Hayate simply squeezed Akane's hand and led him on into the kitchen. It was modern, made mostly out of steel, but the cupboards on the wall were a dark mahogany. Hayate opened a drawer in one of the steel cabinets and took out a frying pan, and got sausages from the fridge to fry.

They ate breakfast slowly in the living room, not saying a word. They were both looking out the large window at the pool, where two birds were chirping as they watched them eat.

"Hayate, we're a mess," Akane laughed after a long time. Hayate first looked closely at Akane, he was right. He was drenched in both his own seed, and Hayate's seed, and his fur was sticking up everywhere. He then looked at himself, and realized he was just as messy as Akane was.

"Would you like to go and get a shower?" Hayate asked, but there was something in his voice telling Akane there was something behind this simple request.

"Sure," He whispered uncertainly.

Hayate took his hand and squeezed it reassuringly.

"Trust me, you'll enjoy it. And I think it's time to help you... remember my name further, as I promised you last night," He gave Akane the same wink he gave him last night and led him to the upstairs bathroom, leaving the dirty plates sitting on the table.

Hayate opened the door to the massive bathroom. There was an amazingly crafted white toilet with a toilet seat made of the same dark mahogany as the cupboards downstairs. There was a massive shower in the corner, with sliding, clear glass doors. The doors made up a small room-sized area to stand in for the hot water to shoot down in without soaking the bathroom floor. He turned to see Akane goggling at the massive shower, and he slowly turned to Hayate and looked at him in wonder.

Hayate giggled, and pulled again towards the shower. He slid the door back to reveal a tiled marble floor, and they both stepped inside. Shutting the door after him, he turned on the shower and set the heat to medium, and let the downpour soak them both. He immediately grabbed shampoo from a small shelf on the wall, poured a lot on his paw and began to massage it into Akane's fur. Akane began to groan as Hayate's paws masterfully rubbed every inch of his body, and before long he was doing the same to Hayate. They rubbed each other with their eyes closed for a long time, even though the shampoo was washed away completely.

Hayate turned Akane round toward the wall directly opposite the shower, the now roasting water beating down on them like a boiling deluge. He started kissing Akane slowly, still rubbing him down. Akane kissed back more powerfully and dug his claws into Hayate's gorgeous back. Hayate let out a moan and started kissing Akane even more powerfully than he ever had before; their naked bodies entangled and soaked in the downpour, purple, black and white fur becoming one. Akane slid down the wall slowly, knees coming up to his face. Hayate slowly slid to his knees, still kissing and massaging Akane. His hand touched Akane's semi-erect foxhood and started pawing him off as Akane pulled him closer. Eventually Akane returned the favour and started pawing Hayate off too. They weren't aware of anything, not even when the water ran out of heat and became freezing cold, they were only aware of each other. Akane started shaking uncontrollably, so Hayate, still kissing Akane, eyes still shut, slid open the glass door and pulled them both onto the bathroom floor. They rolled onto their sides before Hayate turned Akane round, his cheek on the floor, and sat on his own knees. He mounted him and began to thrust slowly, enjoying the moans and yelps of pleasure from Akane. He started nibbling on Akane's back as his humping grew even faster and stronger, his own soaking crotch fur smacking and thumping against Akane's furry ass.

"Hayate!" Akane screamed, over and over with each thrust.

Hayate smiled very slightly as he remembered his promise to make Akane remember his name.

His cock felt amazingly warm inside Akane's butt, and before long he was moaning and shaking too, before he released a massive torrent of dog seed. He shot again and again, filling Akane's insides with his own cum. They were tied by his large knot. Akane started to whimper and groan until he too started shooting. He didn't shoot as much as Hayate but the pleasure was just as good. The knot stayed inside Akane for a while longer before Akane unplugged himself and slowly turned round to suck Hayate off. Hayate moaned and shuddered as Akane's tongue expertly rolled around his cock, and he shot a few more waves of cum into Akane's muzzle. Akane swallowed greedily but spilled a lot of it all over Hayate's balls and inner thighs.

They lay there a while longer, hugging and breathing deeply, before Hayate brought Akane back into the shower to wash off the fresh seed in the freezing cold water.