VOFF Ch 2: Alex's Transformation

Story by Canoa on SoFurry

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#2 of Village of the Forming Fruit

I'm trying. I hope to eventually gain the trust of those who have begun to read my stories. Anyhoo...the continuing adventures of Alex in the Village of the Forming Fruits! This time, however, it will be from a new perspective...


"The legend of the Forming Fruits is a tale to be told,

for those who disobey the call shall never fill the mold,

Only those who answer it with power, choice, and haste,

shall, upon their forming time, find that sweetest taste..." -Legend of the Forming Fruits, Verse 1

I...found it. A large silver fruit. It called to me from the branches. I saw it soon, above me in a glorious light stream from the canopy. I heard the cries behind me as the others found their fruits...but I...I was fixed upon the silver one. I quickly climbed the tree and noted that it wasn't the silver fruit. It was a small, dinky-little red-grey apple-like fruit behind the silver fruit. Damn. Oh well. I took it anyway. I'm Alex, by the way. You know, the human kid raised in a furry village? Anyway, see, I decided to go on this whole Forming Fruits thing and such. Find my fruit, become a furre, forget about being human. Easy, right? Anyone have a fork, so I can eat my words? So, I took the red-grey one for myself and quickly ate it without another thought. Sweet, like tasting honey for the first time. Like chewing on my first real raw meat. Like...well, like a huge-ass orgasm. I layed back on the thick branch of the golden-leafed tree that held the fruits. I fell asleep very quickly. Yea, I slept a lot. I don't get much sleep now, but I did then. I had dreams of growing fur and claws

and being able to be normal. Not a human. Not a boy. No...a furre man. An alpha-male. Leader of the pack. Not some half-wit human. No! Well...again, I repeat, those words would be sooooo stupidly said at the time.

Ever woke up with a really bad headache? I did. I was lying in some kind of sac when I woke up. I heard voices around me. Heard 'em really well too. "She'll make a great addition, eh?" said one of them.

"Yea! Can't believe the War-Chief pays us so much to get these babes, eh Grandie?" said the second.

"Zanko's a good guy, Jumile..." said the one named Grandie. "And this gal's a knockout, too. Right, Vor?" said the second, apparently named Jumile. Vor! What the hell was going on?

"Hmph...you two humans make me sick. I hate that slang talk you human teenagers use...when my father gives you a Fruit of your own, you'd better learn to talk right. Or I may have to prevent you from talking at all..." said Vor with a sting of hatred.

"Come on, Vor. Loosen up, buddy!" said Jumile.

I heard a sound that I thought of as putting an arm around a shoulder. Then, I heard another sound that I thought of as putting a human skull through a barrel. Apparently, Vor hadn't been in a good mood. I wasn't sure what was going on, really, but I decided to find out. I shifted a bit. I found my hands and feet bound together. Something odd was with my body, but I wasn't sure what. My memory had been a little fuzzy. Anyway, I peered out from a hole in the bag and saw Vor, a red-headed human, and a black-haired human, all on a large wooden cart. Which I was on too. I saw the red-haired human male turn and look at the sac I was in.

"Hey! I think that furry chick's awake now. Hey Vor, think we could take a break so's I could play with her?" said the human, with a grin. Who were they talking about? I was clearly not a female at all. They must've been blind AND stupid. Vor turned with an angry eye, "Hmph...maybe a bit later...we'll be making camp soon anyway..." And about this time, I felt very sleepy for some reason. I also felt a dull prick of pain in my left leg. I fell asleep right there on that cart. Off in town, things were less peaceful. Landri, the Ocelot Nurse from the temple, Miste, the newly transformed cat-furre (with lovely grey and white fur, I might add), and a few others were still looking for me...

"Miste! Where is he?" said Landri, turning to the chubby cat.

"I-I don't know...he was in a deep sleep, so we decided to carry him back with us, on a patch-work sled we made. One minute he was there, and the next...gone! It's wierd!" said Miste, with a slightly higher-pitched voice. "Ugh...damnit!" said Landri, thrusting her arm down through the top of a barrel with a strong force. Everyone stared for a bit and then rushed off to keep looking.

Back with me, though, things were looking better. Better, because I woke up lying on a comfortable sleeping pallet, beside a warm campfire. Nearby, a small human girl I hadn't seen before, was cutting vegetables into a large metal pot over the fire. She looked at me for a second and smiled. For a human, she was beautiful. And she had a good amount of cleavage to prove it. She wore a long cloak-like garment and a pair of short cloth pants. Very short. And tight. And short. Anyway, she looked at me from behind a curtain of black hair with her violet eyes. "Finally awake? Feeling okay?" she said with a strain of concern in her voice, "I'm sorry I had to tranc you...those guys were gonna have their way with you if you hadn't fallen asleep again. I'm Maria, by the way." I tried to speak, but words failed me. Seemed that no matter how I tried, words couldn't come out. I looked at her, confused. "Hm? What is it? Can't talk? No wonder...they kinda'..." she scratched the back of her head, "...took out your vocal cords..." I silently gasped and felt my neck. I figured I was furry, but that didn't matter. I felt a long run of stitched flesh and fur. It was true. I was mute! Things went downhill from there. I sat up in the bed, the long, comfortable blanket wrapped around me. The girl came over and sat next to me, comforting me a bit. Now that I think about it, I rather enjoyed that part. Until the next part...she smiled and kissed my new wolf muzzle. That was fine, yes, but then she reached under the blanket and began rubbing my breasts. See, the problem there was...I was a male! I looked down and saw a pair of gigantic flesh/fur orbs jutting from my chest. Bigger than Marie's! I tried to let out an angry yell, but nothing came out. She continued to comfort me with soft words and her touch. I was, dispite the scare, very horny about then. Ever had that feeling that something about this scene just wasn't right? I finally got that through my head about an hour later,lying naked on the large, plush pallet, juices oozing from my new pussy. Yea. Wild, female-on-female sex. Every guy's dream, right? Well, about another hour went by, Marie eventually lay down on the soft pallet with me and we both drifted into sleep. Voices woke me up as Vor, Jumile, and Grandie returned. I hadn't even noticed their absence.

"Oi! What's that smell? They burn a squirrel on the fire or somethin'?" said Grandie. I feigned sleep at this point, not wanting them to know I was awake. "You idiot...it's those two. That girl and the bitch went at it...I can smell it, thick as curdled blood...Egh!" said Vor with a growl. The two humans laughed a bit under their breath. "Too bad we missed it, Grandie, eh?" said Jumile. These two WERE complete morons. Grandie coughed a bit, then replied,"Yea, man. It would've been like...Girls Gone Wild...only fuzzier! Damn that busty bitch...gettin' it on with Marie without us." I heard both of them laugh loudly, before Vor growled. That growl would unnerve anyone. If I had had vocal cords, I would've let out a small yelp when I heard it. Vor spoke again. "Look. She isn't just some 'Busty Bitch'. She's MY bitch, got it? I don't want either of you to touch her! That wolfox is a rare and lovely creature, and WOULD be set free...but unfortunately for her, that's not going to happen. So shut up and stand guard! Misirable human scum..." The two humans grunted a reply and sat down at opposite corners of the campsite. Back at the village, however...

"We checked the Tree...the Bath House...the Fortune Caverns...the Academy...where could he be?" said Landri, absorbed in her worries, "Only place in this blasted forest we haven't checked is the human city at it's edge! Feh...Miste!" The cat came running, panting loudly. "Find him...?" Miste shook his head. Finally, Landri was fed up with it. Looking all day and no sign of him? The forest wasn't large, and it was at the edge of a valley, so I could've only been in one place, by her reckoning: the human city. It made sense. I was human, afterall. But I had eaten a fruit, from what Miste had told her. She decided, then, to gather all of the village's furres together for a meeting. It was time to find me.

However, at this time, I was back in the sack and loaded once again onto the cart (which I was transported on earlier, as well). We were headed into the city. The city was a human dwelling place much like a village. Only much, much larger. It had been erected some years ago when Glash and a human had decided to work out a deal. Glash kept most of the forest and the humans had gotten some of it to build on. It had worked for years. People stared at the cart, but apparently didn't find it strange. I felt like I was being shown off as

some sort of prize. The hours glided on like slow sap from a tree. The sun had set hours ago and I was beginning to get hungry and a bit scared. I slowly drifted into sleep. I dreampt of a time long ago, before I had known what I was...

"Come on, Vor! Give it back to me!" said a young Alex, reaching for the necklace Alpha Glash had given him. "Hmph! You don't deserve something this nice, runt! If anyone deserves a necklace like this, it's me! At least I can wield a sword properly! You can't even lift one!" said Vor, with an angry sneer. Vor was a few years older than Alex, but wasn't transformed yet. He held the shining silver necklace, in the shape of a broad-sword, high above the young boy. Alex wasn't happy. That had been his birthday gift! Giving his own sneer, he turned as if to walk out of the Academy courtyard, where they taught young-ones to fight. Instead, he turned and grabbed a quarterstaff from the rack and turned, trying to hit the older boy across the head. He over-swung though and sent the staff flying across the room. "You...you dare try to attack me?! You little whelp! I'll have your hide for that!" and Vor grabbed a spear from the table nearby. He threw it at Alex with a champion's arm. It flew true, but Alex was smarter than this. He leapt to the side, just as the spear hit the ground outside the door. He leapt for the necklace and grabbed it, then commenced to run out the door. Sad to say, he tripped over the spear and watched as his gift went flying and landed in the river that ran alongside the Academy. He knew he'd never see it again. And Vor wasn't too happy...

I felt a slap to my face and woke up, seeing Vor standing above me, "Wake up, bitch! Marie wants you to come along as we dine in a human restaurant. You're lucky I have a soft-spot for her, bitch, or you would be staying out here..." and he lept from the cart, then took something from the human named Grandie. I looked at it and saw it was human clothing, adapted for a larger body. As Vor and Grandie proceded into a doorway, where I could easily smell delicious scents coming from, Marie came around the cart, holding something, "Sorry about him. Here, it's not much, but I thought you could use some clothing." and she gave me a small pile of human female clothing, these adapted not for a larger body, since I was about Marie's size, but adapted for a larger chest. I took them and gave a gentle smile. Marie continued talking as I dressed, "I'm afraid I'll have to explain this to you...Mister Zorka owns the city's largest furre-slave service. He pays people like Jumile and Grandie to catch wild furres like you and bring them in for domestication. I'm from SSFF, or Social Services For Furres. I try to make sure that they don't harm you too bad or mistreat you. I also help with cooking and cleaning while they travel. Sadly, about making sure they don't harm you, I can only make sure they don't beat you into fainting or unconciousness. If that doesn't happen, we're out of luck. But, good news..." I raised my eyebrows, waiting for her to continue. I had already slipped into the short cloth pants and had put on the tunic-style garment. It had something printed on the front in human lettering. I think it said, "Yes, they're real. No, you can't," but I haven't a clue what it meant. By the gods, this was a small tunic. My breasts stuck out like no tommorrow, leaving nothing to the imagination. She continued soon, "...I'm working on something to gives furres real rights. See, only furres who are rich, by human standards, can survive in our cities without being enslaved. But if I'm successful, you'll all be free! It's not going so well right now, but the entire SSFF is working on this with me, so it's only a matter of time." I smiled again and gave her a quick hug. She gave my oversized mammeries a squeeze and we walked inside together.

Inside, it was a magical place. I could smell things I didn't even know existed. I was forced to sit on the floor, however. Only rich furres could sit at the tables. I was astounded when they booted me out of the chair I had chosen. This city was too much for me. But Marie was able to get me something called a fill-ee cheese-stake. A very odd name. But it was delicious. The humans all talked for a bit, then Vor leaned down close to me, "Enjoy the meal, bitch?" I nodded timidly, ears pressed back against my head. Being female has that effect. He smiled evilly, "Good. Now, get under the table and have your dessert." Marie spoke up, "Vor! In public? Isn't she embarrassed enough!? And she has a name, you know! She can't exactly tell us, but she has one! I've thought of naming her Josephine. It sounds perfect for her." Vor sneered a bit, fangs showing, "You don't decide her name, Marie. Her owner will decide her name! Now shut up and...GET UNDER THIS TABLE, BITCH!" he yelled down at me. Noone in the entire place even turned to look. I silenty crawled under the table on all fours. Oh gods. Now I knew why he had wanted me under there. His huge feline member was stiff and sticking right out of a hole in his pants. Vor reached under the table and grabbed my head-fur roughly, then shoved me at the dick. I had no choice, so I opened my mouth and took the entire thing in one gulp. I began sucking roughly, and, to my horror, was enjoying the feeling of the rough feline cock in my maw. I slowly began to get into a rythm and sucked harder and faster. I heard him growling in pleasure up above me and felt him humping into my mouth. I soon felt him spasm and he shot his load into my muzzle. I drank it all up in expert style and sat back, watching his member retreat into the darkness of his trousers. I felt a pang of regret at seeing it go, but then I snapped back to reality. I had sucked Vor's cock!? And enjoyed it!? This thing was worse then ever. As we all went back out to the cart, I saw that Jumile and Grandie had put a large covering over the cart, like a tent. Apparently, we were stopping for the night. Vor pushed me roughly inside. Inside, it was covering in the comfortable bedding. But I saw something next that made me cringe. Both of the humans were naked, and apparently expected me to be so, as well. I knew I had no choice and took off my clothes. Great, I thought, I'm a sex toy. I closed my eyes and got on all fours. One human mounted me from behind, shoving a great long member into my pussy. I felt incredible! The second took this time to push his cockhead against my closed mouth. I obliged him and opened my muzzle, and he shoved a good 10 inches into my mouth. Soon, I was being rocked by orgasms as the humans fucked me from both ends. Soon, they had launched loads into my stomach and womb. I was in heaven. As they pulled out, I lay down silently on the bedding. That when I discovered something interesting about my new body: I can lactate. I found out because soon, both of the humans, who were in blissful unawareness, began rubbing my breasts, and saw streams of milk beginning to flow. They took this as a major perk and began to suckle on my engorged nipples, like a pair of cubs. I soon fell asleep.

Finally, the next day arrived. I woke up to a major surprise. I heard some sounds coming from outside of the tent. Soon, two furres entered, both with stitches on their throats. One was a red-coated wolf-bitch with large breasts (not as large as mine) and a gorgeous body. The other was a black furred vixen, again with large breasts. Marie soon came in, smiling, "Heh...guess what. I was watching you three last night, and apparently, your milk is special. Recognize these two?" The two fems began to give Marie pleading eyes, "Say hello to..." she pushed the small wolfess forward, "Grandie! And, of course, Jumile!" She shoved the vixen towards me. The two gave me looks of sorrow. Bet they were having regrets. Marie continued, "They're gonna be sold as your 'sisters'. You three are gonna be a set. I tried to tell Vor not to, but he's stubborn. You three better become really close. You'll be living with each other for awhile." and she left. The cart started rolling again, and the two

new furres, giving me looks that asked for forgiveness, crawled close to me and snuggled up next to me. I was stunned. Maybe they weren't so bad, all things considered. Vor was the real enemy here. I hugged the two and moved them close to my dripping nipples. They began to suckle slowly as the cart trailed onward down the city sidewalks.


Well, another chapter down. I'm getting better, I think. Well, more to come. I'm hoping for lots of reviews and criticism, personally. Adios.