Feline Love in School The Part After the Second Part: Fuck That!

Story by Born To Die on SoFurry

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The Part after the Second Part

Fuck that!

By: Born to Die (twisted Freak)

First, I washed my sheets. I cleaned my room top to bottom, and did my other chores.

I felt like I was standing back watching myself work. I hadn't stopped thinking about my relationship with a wild feline. I was covered with scratches and bruises that I wouldn't be able to explain to my father, who would be home soon.

I made my way to the bathroom and studied the bruise Sasha had left on my chest in the mirror. I couldn't help but chuckle a little. I did the best to clean the cuts on my back and shoulder, and jogged down the stares.

This was just too strange for me to process. My balls were real sore now.

Sasha had planned on returning that night, and I wasn't sure I had anything left to give her.

My cell phone rang. Dan's name on the call display. I didn't answer it; I didn't know what I would sound like. I didn't want him to know.

I dropped onto the couch, turned the TV on, and Zoned out.

My father entered, and threw his keys on the coffee table snapping me back to reality.

"Hey Eros," My father said as he made his way into the kitchen. "Care for a drink?"

"Ah, Sure," I said.

"Rum and coke," he suggested a split second before he began pouring.

I looked over.

He stepped back into the living room.

"What the hell are you watching?"

I hadn't even paid attention to the screen since I turned it on. I described the first image I saw.

"Some show about bee's" I said, seemingly interested, but in a monotone voice.

He took a sip.

"Bee's eh," he said sarcastically.

"How was your game?" I asked as he handed me the glass.

"Fine," he said.

"That bad, eh."

I took a long drink, and set the glass down on the table.

"So who is she," he asked.

I was at a loss.

I leaned forward, and finished my drink in one gulp.

He turned to look at me, waiting for a reply.

"It..." He sighed. "It's just that, things aren't what they seem here, Eros."

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"I think you're old enough to know. Son, in a few months, when you turn 16, you're going to be drafted."


"I just wouldn't make any long term plans with this girl." He said earnestly. "That's all."

I made no reply.

He slapped me on the shoulder. I flinched slightly, as it was still sore.

"You look thirsty," he said as he grabbed my glass and went into the kitchen.

"Why would I be drafted?" I asked.

"Everyone here gets drafted." He said.

He didn't speak as he filled the glasses again, and dropped a couple of fresh ice cubes in.

"It's what you were made for Eros... It's what she was made for to."

"I don't want to join the military." I said with authority.

He nodded.

"You're already in the military." He said as he sat down.

He sat down, and I got up, and left the room. I went to my room, and sat on the edge of the bed. I didn't know what I wanted to do with my life, but I knew the military had nothing to do with it. My heart sank, I couldn't think of what to do. I thought back to the conversation I just had.

What had he meant by "What I was made for"?

I looked over. My window was still open. I put my feet up, and lay on the bed with all my cloths on, and stared up at the ceiling. I shut my lamp off, as my eyes began to get heavy.

I was about to fall asleep, when a cup, that was on my bedside table fell on my arm and shocked me awake. I inspected the cup, and the table.

I laid back down, and saw the silhouette of a large feline sitting on the edge of my bed.

I jumped and gasped in shock.

"Jesus, Sasha?"

She giggled.

"Wow, that was pretty impressive. How'd you do that?"

"I'm a magician." She said, smirking.

"I was talking to my father earlier. He said that..."

She cut me off.

"Can we talk later," she said, and then licked my face.


She got into her mating position, her butt in the air and head resting in her paws. Her vagina beautifully displayed under her waving tail. Her show seemed to affect me even more than a human female. Her smell made me feel light headed and extremely excited.

Right away my hands were busy exploring her curves. She licked my face, as I ran one hand down her belly. She was already very wet, and my middle finger sunk partially into her as I ran my hand up her vagina. She Gasped and started panting.

I rubbed her soft pussy, and her wetness beaded down my hand. I slid my pants down with my other hand and my penis popped free. I brought my penis towards her opening. The familiar feeling of her slick warmth engulfing my cock sent a shock of pleasure up my spine. All I could think of now was shooting my seed up into her again.

I wasted no time and began to fuck her hard. Our wet slapping sound filled the room.

"I want you inside me all the time. I love the way your cock feels!"

I loved how dirty she talked, and I tried my best to keep up with her.

"I'm going to keep you full of cum." I replied.

Her vagina was so smooth and slick. I wrapped my arms around her and mated her like the discovery channel.

She growled at me and showed me her inch long K-9's, which made me nervous. I knew if I stopped, she'd get me for sure.

"Easy Sasha." I said.

I shuffled position slightly, careful not to slow down my pace. She lowered her lips a little, but still emitted a deep growl in her throat.

I pumped into her harder. Her fluids flowed freely, frothing up around the edge of her pussy, and dripping down her right leg. Her fluids coated my crotch as well, mixing with my sweat, and dripping off my hairless sac onto the mattress.

The smell of our sex was making me crazier. I was more excited, than I had ever been. Like my body had been taken over, and my actions were more focused and mechanical.

All of a sudden she hit her head hard on the mattress and covered her muzzle with her left paw to stop herself form calling out. I could feel her vaginal muscles contract around my cock along with a new burst of wetness that felt hot as it leaked out of her.

I was getting tired quickly this way, and I began to slow down to catch my breath. She obviously didn't appreciate that. I was still all deep inside her when she turned around quickly to take a swing at me. I dodged it in time, and sat back.

"I'm sorry," she said as she as she resumed her position. "I just get excited; I didn't really try to hit you."

"That's ok," I said, determined to finish off inside her.

This time I rolled her over to face me, as I climbed on top of her.

"Be nice, ok?" I said as I eased my cock through her folds. Her eye's locked tight, and she nodded quickly as I sank down into her again.

I thought about what my father had said, and it made me angry. Then I took my anger out on Sasha, pounding her hard, and for a long time. She licked the sweat of my neck and chest, and looked up at me, squinting and panting.

I wanted to fuck her hard like this forever, but I couldn't hold it in any more. This time I knew better, and I grabbed the loose skin on her breast hard. My knuckles resting under her chin, and my finger tips driving into her fur. I shuttered hard, held my breath and looked her in the eyes as I began pulsing into her. I kept my cock as deep as I could as I shot again and again. I couldn't believe I still had that much. She hooked a paw around my arm, to try and get away, but I stayed rigid as I finished off.

We both lay there panting as I loosened my grip. My knuckles still white with tension.

After a few seconds I caught my breath and bent down to kiss her. Her egger tongue found it's was into my mouth, and we French kissed for a long time. I pulled out of her and rested my softening penis on her furry stomach.

"That was so good, Eros," she said, as I rolled off of her, never breaking our eye contact.

She was so soft; I could run my hands through her fur for hours. She began to purr.

"Yah," I said while exhaling.

"Are you ok?" She asked me.

I supported my head with my hand. She began to lick the cum out of her fur.

"How old are you Sasha?" I asked.

"15, why?"

"My father told me today, that when we turn 16 we'll be drafted. I don't know what to do, I might run away."

"You can't leave this place there's a 15 foot high wall, with tight security all around here."

"There has to be a way."

She Sighed.

"I tried running away last year. I wanted to find a place where I would fit in better. I tried hopping over the wall, but there's wire up there. When I finally gave up and came home, some men told me they were watching me the whole time. They told me that I was important property, and I had to do what they told me to do."

"I'm no ones property!" I said.

She didn't know how to respond to that, and said nothing.

"Maybe I could steel a boat... I could steel a boat and head south. I could take you with me Sasha.

"If they catch me trying to leave again..."

"We have to try. I know we just met, but I feel so close to you. I think I'm in love with you. We have to get out of this place." I said.

Her eyes began to water.

"I think I'm in love with you to."

She moved over and started licking my face.

Her tongue still tickled me, and I tried not to laugh. I held her closer, and she probed my mouth with her tongue again.

When she broke our kiss I was already very hard, and ready for her. She looked down at my throbbing penis, moved between my legs, and gave it a lick. She could taste herself mixed with my semen, and gave a few more licks. I was feeling bolder.

"Could you suck it?" I asked quietly.

She giggled shyly.

"I don't know how," She whispered.

"It's ok," I said. "We're working together here."

She giggled, and buried her nose in my testicles. Then peeked back up at me from in between my legs, and gave my hairless pouch one long lick from back to front, that sent a chill up my spine. I held my penis out for her, as she giggled again. I realized that she enjoyed being told what to do.

"Wrap your tongue around it first, and then suck on it." I told her.

She made no argument and wrapped her wide pink tongue around my shaft before it disappeared into her muzzle.

I almost cummed right then, her tongue massaged my shaft so well. I pulled her head back, and brought it down again. She got the idea right away and started bobbing her head. Her tongue surrounded my cock perfectly, and once in a while she would lick my testicles while my cock was still in her mouth. When her tongue touched my balls, it was like sparks, and I couldn't hold on. With no warning, I started shooting into her mouth. She kept her tongue locked on to my cock as it rhythmically jerked up and down as it emptied itself. She waited for my very last squirt before she lifted her head, and swallowed. She was panting very hard as well.

"That was amazing." I said.

She licked her chops and came to rest on my chest.

"Don't worry," She said, "We'll think of something."

"Ok," I whispered as I stroked her soft head fur.

She could already feel my penis start to grow again. She made long slow licks up my neck and face.

I brushed her head fur back.

She lifted herself up enough to line her vagina up with my cock, and sank herself onto it.

I was brimming with sexual energy I never knew I had, because as soon as she started bouncing on top of me, I felt I had a lot more seed to give her. I kicked my head back and opened my legs as she began to pump faster. Her vagina was hot, and her rhythm was smooth and precise. My crotch and stomach were getting soaked in her wetness, as I felt her muscles clamp around my rock hard shaft. Her tail flagged up and down behind her with each bounce.

She displayed her rows of teeth again, which again made me nervous. I stroked her thick face fur to calm her down, and she changed gears. She began to lick my wrist and forearm, as I rubbed her ears.

She then began to lick the sweat from my face, which now, only made me more excited. We continued to fuck that for a very long time. She would climax, and her licks would become very powerful. I could feel her K-9's brush up my check, and her hot breaths engulf my face.

Suddenly every muscle in my body became tense. I held her butt close to me and began to ejaculate. She held her cheek close to mine, as I shot wave after wave of seed up into her. We lay there together panting for a long time. She rested her head comfortably on my shoulder, and fell asleep right there on top of me. She was like a soft warm blanket, and my eye lids became heavy as well. I fell asleep soon afterwards, and dreamt about a different life. A life somewhere else, with her.