Chapter 1: Settling In, Pt. 4 - PANDA BOOTY!

Story by Davasgo on SoFurry

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#5 of Fuckin' College!

Woo! The end of Chapter 1... Finally! I think I've introduced all the major characters, for now.

Next chapter will be a bit different. I won't spoil it, but hopefully it will be a pleasant change!

Sunday, August 23rd | 8:45PM | "PANDA BOOTY!"

After a nice walk, Kavik returns home to his dorm... Only to be greeted by a panda butt! Now, he must find a way to get into his room and meet his dormmate... without making things awkward.


Frozen with fear (and mostly awkward desperation) Kavik hung out in the hallway, too scared to go inside his room. Panda-man was still in there - face-down booty-up - unknowingly putting his rear on display for all to see. He seemed to be reading some kind of book. Every so often he'd hum or turn a page, at one point he stretched out his arms and legs wide, making it appear as if he were flying... Kavik imagined a red cape flowing behind him in the wind. Super Panda!

The good news was, Kavik now saw 'super panda' wasn't completely naked. He had on a pair of solid dark boxer briefs that matched his black fur almost perfectly. They accentuated the overall roundness of his butt astonishingly well... A hole was cut so his cute little nub could poke out, it swayed every time he'd turn a page.

"Hnnng! Dat booty so cute...!" Now aware that Mr. Panda had at least something covering him, the situation became a little less awkward. "Well. I met Bayno when he was half-naked... Guess this is becoming a trend?"

Kavik steeled himself and knocked.

"Ahem... helloooo?~"

Mr. Panda looked up from the book! His cute little ears twitched a time or two before he looked over his shoulder. A pair of black reading glasses rested on the end of his snout! +10 to the 'Adorable' stat! He made a funny squinty-face as he struggled to see past the lenses. He popped them off to get a better view and blinked rapidly, then exploded with excitement.

"...Oh! Hello! You must be Kavik! Come in! Come in!" Panda-man scooted his stuff away and gestured frantically inside. "Please, make yourself at home."

"Hiiii~ Thank you!" Kavik nodded and squirmed in. "I'm... not interrupting anything, am I?"

"Not at all! Just some light reading. My name is Pau." Panda-man hobbled out of bed and offered a deep, almost ceremonial bow.

"O-oh, should... should I bow too?" Kavik was ready to do so but stopped when the panda roared into laughter.

"Bwahaaa~ No, no. I simply do that to be stereotypical, is all."

"You don't seem too stereotypical to me..?" Kavik asked with blinky eyes.

"You have just met me! You never know!~"

"True, I guess!" Kavik smiled and adjusted his glasses...

Physically speaking, Pau looked like your average panda. Kind of stocky, very fluffy, and exceptionally cute. Of course he was black and white, but his pattern was a bit more on the uncommon side. Everything from his paws up to elbows were completely black; the left portion of his chest and shoulder had dark fuzz too, looking almost like some shoulder armor! Only his left eye had the regular black eye splotch, the right was completely white. Though both eyes were the same deep jaded green hue, somehow the right one seemed lighter... Or maybe the left one was lighter?

"Whoa~ How come everyone got awesome fur and eyes but me? Hecka jealous!" Kavik stayed still and stared before the panda spoke out.

"Well! Make yourself at home, hm hm!" Pau hopped back to bed and wiggled all about to get comfy. So cute. "I will be over here reading if you need me."

"Thank you, thank you~"

Kavik said with a smile and headed towards his side of the room, noticing something... His bed was apparently already made...? Someone had gone through his bags and got everything all set up! The sheets were tucked in and the pillows looked fluffed up; even his clothes were strewn across the bed - everything from his shirts to his undies were sorted and folded into neat little piles.

There was only one person who could be responsible.

"He went through my stuff! What the heck!" Kavik had a mild mental freak-out. Cute panda just became weird panda! "S-should I... thank him? He did a good job, but... My stuff! Who does that?!"

Pau seemed to notice the husky's confusion, for he soon spoke out.

"I took the liberty to help you unpack! Please do forgive me. Some habits are hard to break, hm hm!"

"O-oh, that's uh... that's fine!"

Though it was strange, in a way Kavik really was thankful. Less work for him, but still... kind of weird. But he didn't want to be mean, obviously the panda did that out of kindness. An overly forced smile found itself on the husky's maw, which Pau saw right through.

"Oh goodness. I've gone and upset you..."

Pau's ears wilted, a cloud of sadness hung over his head. Kavik yipped and flailed, waving his paws in a frantic effort to reassure the panda.

"No no no! It's fine, honest! Thank you. I was going to unpack earlier, but..." Kavik cast a glance over to the Doberman's room. A little huff-sigh escaped his lungs. "...Some drama went down earlier, so I dipped."

"Hm hm... I see..." Pau gave a knowing nod and lent forward. The base of his paws propped up his head, an expectant look was overly present. "That's right, you were here when it happened. What did happen, anyways...?"

"Actually... I've got no idea, honestly." Kavik huffed and scooted his clothes aside so he could sit down. It was still kind of weird how the panda took out all his stuff... but the current moment outweighed that. "...All I know is, when Bayno got home... he was really mad. I think I might have done something..."

Pau's ears flicked about, curious. "Why do you say this?"

Kavik huffed again. "Well... He told me not to let anyone in. But his friend came by and forced himself inside. When Bayno came home and saw the dude... I think that's when he lost it."

"Hm hm... You're speaking of Heidenreich." The panda said with a knowing tone and a shake of his head. "Strange fellow, that one."

"Right?!" Kavik flailed his arms and groaned. "He was watching porn on his phone right next to me. I think he was going to fap right then and there... It was weird, man!"

"Hah! I believe it!" Pau laughed with character, but then spoke somewhat seriously after. "But no. Somehow I doubt that was the source of Bayno's frustrations. He has been holed up in that room for hours... Normally whenever I get home, he's out there half-naked on the couch, no matter what."

Kavik chimed in with a laugh. "Heh, yeah... That's how I met him, actually."

Pau laughed too. "Exactly. But today? He has been hiding away. This is not normal for him, and I don't think letting Heidenreich in would cause this behavior. He's always outside, always. Something else happened, something far more serious."

Kavik re-positioned himself on the bed with a huff. Pau knew what he was saying, and it was a load off the husky's chest. He'd been carrying that guilt around all night.

"Sounds like you really know him..."

"I do. We are friends, good friends." Pau's regular smile filled his face, those cheeks were poofy as ever.

A quick stint of silence filled the room. It wasn't the regular heavy, uncomfortable stuff he'd been used to lately. In fact the conversation so far had flown quite smoothly! Kavik got a good vibe off the panda fellow.

"Well... as his friend... can I ask you something?"

"Certainly! Ask away, my canine companion."

Kavik adjusted himself again. Pau was welcoming, sure, but he was still a stranger. The anxiety itself was hard to fight off.

"...Well. As his friend... do you think I should offer some help if he needs it? Or keep my distance?" Kavik asked shyly. Pau seemed confused, so Kavik elaborated. "...Like, being his roommate and everything, I want to be there for him if he needs it... you know?"

"I understand." Pau nodded and tapped his chin with a fuzzy paw. He took some time to think, then even longer to speak. "...Bayno is a nice fellow. If he wants - or needs - our advice, he will ask. For the most part? I think he will keep to himself. He'll work this out soon, literally! Hm hm!"

"I hope so... I feel so helpless." Kavik shrugged and slumped his shoulders. Pau responded with a shrug as well, but remained silent... Uh-oh, silence again! Something had to be said. "...So, hey. I uh... I like your posters. You play Legend of Zorldo?"

"I do! Yes! It's only my favorite game ever. Look!"

Pau flew off the bed and zoomed underneath, rooting around for something. Kavik heard the sound of boxes and other items being moved, but he was mostly focused on the panda's booty...

"Hnnng... Panda booty yet again..."

That panda was a pro at unintentionally showing off his rear. Kavik got a nice view before Mr. Panda came back up with a black transparent box. Its contents crashed and rumbled about inside.

"These are all my games! They are all for the DS3." Pau opened the box and showed it off with pride. "I want a Zbox 720, but there's no room in here for a TV, hm hm!"

Those cheeks were big and round with excitement. Pau seemed so proud of his stuff! Kavik couldn't help but smile as well.

"Quite a collection there! What all do you have?"

"Legend of Zorldo, of course. Pokémans: Opal and Obsidian, oh! And Human Crossing! That game is so adorable."

"Human Crossing? Isn't that the weird game where like... you become the governor of a human town... or something?"

"Indeed! You take care of the town and make it pretty. I get mad when they move in right on the paths though."

"O-oh, I see..." Kavik knew that was some kind of reference, but he didn't understand it. "I've never played it before, so I wouldn't know."

"You?!" Pau shouted, his ears perked with delight. "Come, I will make you a new save file. We shall play together."

"Oh, uhm?! Okay? Maybe?!" Kavik stammered! For some reason he felt embarrassed! A save file, just for him?! Pau might as well offer his hand in marriage! Soon his savior came, in the form of hunger. His belly growled with a ferocity rivaled only by a rabid bear.


Kavik rubbed his tummy and smiled shyly. He hadn't eaten all day... Pau looked over, ears still perked.

"Oh! You are hungry!"

"Yeah... I haven't eaten at all today."

"What! I will not stand for this. Come, come! I am hungry too. Let's eat!"

"Wha- oh- okay!?"

"We might still make it to the dining commons. But we have to go quick."

Kavik nodded, but was helplessly confused. What was going on? Pau ran over to the game posters and slid open the door they hung on. Aha! So it was a closet. Panda-guy dove inside and rooted around, coming out with some tan cargo pants and a light long sleeve sweater. He got dressed in a flash and looked over expectantly.

"Come, come! You want to eat, hm?"

"Kind of? Yes? But I dunno where the meal commons ar- Waugh!"

"We shall go then, come!" Pau snatched up the husky's paw and dragged him out of the room, taking the lead.


For being on the bigger side, Pau kept a brisk pace! Kavik struggled to keep up. They both tore ass down three flights of stairs, darted across the street, zoomed through a small parky area, and ended at what had to be the dining commons. The building was fancy compared to others. It had a sleek, modern look with huge ol' windows that showed off everything inside. It wasn't big just for show either, there were two floors!

Fancy for sure, but after all that work Kavik was too tired to admire architecture... He was pooped! The panda, on the other hand, got pumped off the quick workout.

"We're here! Success!" Pau took an intimidating stance and threw his head back, roaring out with the force of a thousand dragons! " ITADAKIMASU!"

Kavik winced and jumped in surprise! The very foundations of the world shook with that roar, somewhere in the world just experienced a small earthquake. Poor Kavik, being so close, felt violent ringing in his ears.

"Sweet baby Jesus, he's loud! I'm gonna go deaf...!"

Pau looked over with an accomplished smirk, his chest puffed out with confidence.

"Aren't you going to say it, too?"

Kavik huffed and blinked, rubbing at his tender ears. They were still ringing.

"Hum... huff... Ita-daki-wha? I've heard that before, but... what?"

Pau struck a heroic pose! "Itadakimasu! You say that before you eat! It means 'thanks for the food' so technically I said it too soon!" He got all close and nudged the husky with a sly wink. "But I got excited and couldn't resist."

"...What was that for? And why is he so hyper now?! ADHD much!" Kavik thought. The sudden energy was a delightful change from the serious tone from earlier, but unexpected! Still, he smiled and - between gasps for breath - repeated the phrase. "Oh-okay! Itee-daka-mass! Now, do we just... go in?"

"Yes, come!" Pau opened the glass door and motioned inside. "After you!"

"Th-...thank you~"

Kavik entered with Pau in tow. Inside followed a similar modern theme: everything was sleek, white, and minimal. The entryway had solid white tiles that felt great to walk on after their run. Overall, the place looked more like a hotel lobby rather than a café. Kavik strolled through, eyes stuck overhead on the second floor.

"Whoa... So fancy just for a place to eat. So, is the food down here and you eat up on the second floor--"

"HEY!" A deep voice hollered out. "Is he with you, Pau!?"

"Wha- what??" Kavik flung around! He hadn't noticed it, but he walked straight past the cashier's table. Whoops.

A buff malamute stood guard behind the register. Much like seemingly everyone at that dang school, he was exceptionally tall and noticeably fit. With that build, he'd be better off as a campus security officer rather than some café attendant. It was kind of silly to see someone so muscle-y in a little apron and cap.

"He's with me, Flopp." Pau nodded and swiped his card through a device on the counter. "Kavik, come. Scan your meal card!"

The husky's ears fluttered and headed over. "...'Flopp?' That's an odd name. Maybe it's a nickname?" Kavik approached the card reader. It looked just like the one on his door. Also like the door, when he swiped his card, it was rejected! Thankfully this machine didn't buzz so loud. It gave off a dim orange light and a much softer \ **boop boop* * noise.

"Noooo it didn't work!~ I'm going to starve to death!~ This is the end of Kavie... Good-bye, cruel world~"

"Other way." The cashier motioned with his paws to turn the card around. "Dark side down."

"O-oh! Sorry. This is like, my 20th time doing it the wrong way..." Kavik slid the card - the correct way this time - and got a green light. In the quick moment he had, he took a glance at the cashier's nametag... Sure enough it read 'Flopp' in big letters. "Is that his actual name? Flopp? Oh my, that's adorable!"

"Thank you." 'Flopp' said. His voice was incredibly deep, with a slight undertone of a European accent. This made Kavik's manly-parts jiggle with enticement. "Enjoy your meals."

"Thank you Flopp!" Pau waved and grabbed the husky's hand. "Come! Tonight, we feast!"


Before he could oogle, Pau dragged the helpless husky past some tables and a desert booth - ooh, those sweets looked good - but Kavik had no time to drool over them, either. He was brought directly to the Asian corner. Literally. A sign with very stereotypical font read ' __Asian Corner' above.

"BEHOLD!" The panda shouted, using a paw to display rows of food. "The noodles here? Outstanding. The rice? Wonderful! And the sushi!? Hooooh, spectacular."

Kavik's eyes went wide. Before him lay all the aforementioned food and then some. Normally he wasn't too big on Asian food, but holy cow did it smell good! All sorts of herbs and spices filled his little nose, his mouth began to overflow with drool.

"Holy craaaaaap this smells so gooooood..." The husky's greedy little eyes spied some potstickers and poked on over. So good... His nostrils flared with enticement. "How much is it?"

"It's free!" Pau exclaimed as he grabbed up a plate. He got one for Kavik too and nodded. "But you can only use it a limited amount of times. Use your power wisely!"

"Free? _All_of this?!" Kavik was too shocked to take up the item being handed to him, instead he glanced around looking at all the possibilities... Asian, Italian, American, Mexican, Indian... You name it, they had it!

"Yes, free! Eat as much as you can!" Pau waved the plate, bobbing with the movements. "Take it, take it, take it~"

"What?! Oh, thank you!" Kavik smiled and swiped it up, eyeing the potstickers right after. "Yooooou... you shall be mine!"

Pau laughed as he watched on. "Hey! Save some for me!"


Both men got their plates filled high with random foods; Kavik preferred Italian and Chinese while Pau got mostly Mexican stuff. An odd combo, perhaps, but together their plates created an amazing aroma. Being so late, most of the tables were empty, but one particular booth near the Italian corner called out to the duo.

"There!" Pau said and headed over, taking a seat. Kavik sat across and nodded.

"Fancy booth, and close to the Italian food too. Good eye!"

"Indeed! I may need to get some pasta later. Now if you'll excuse me...!" Pau eyed up his plate with fierce determination. Almost like in the cartoons he dove right in, face first! The food stood no chance.

Kavik watched on in amusement and wonder as Pau devoured his food. What happened to that serious panda he met earlier, he thought? What brought the sudden change of behavior? Hopefully the panda wasn't some crazy split-personality type. He had to ask.

"So, uhh... Pau... Got a question for ya..."

Pau stuffed half a burrito in his maw and nommed away. As always those cute little ears wiggled, curious and intrigued! Though his mouth was full, he responded with a muffled hum.


Such a silly show. Kavik laughed and shook his head.

"Heh, well... Earlier in the dorm... it seemed like you were a bit more, I dunno... serious?" Pau's mouth was too full to respond, but his face contorted in a way to show he was still rather confused. Kavik continued. "...Well, not serious but... I dunno! It seemed like after we came out here, you got hyper! Like, you changed so quick! Zero to sixty in a flash! What happened to that stern panda from earlier?"

"He died!" Pau exclaimed with a laugh after gulping down the rest his burrito. He was about to dig in to some rice 'n' beans, but stopped himself short. "Hm hm! Did I give off a 'serious sensei' vibe?"

"Sort of...?" Kavik said with a shrug, finally taking a chomp of his food. Mmm~ The potstickers... He hadn't tasted anything so grand before, not even at the authentic places he used to visit. So good. "...When we were talking about Bayno, you were so calm and composed. Now you're like a different person. At first, I thought you were always going to be so strict and somber."

Pau rolled his eyes and stood. Right after he slammed a closed fist on the table and shouted out in a forced, cliché Asian accent. "KAVIK-KUN! YUH ARH LATE FUR SKEWL! SHOW MEH YUR PAHPERS!!"

Wah! Crazy! Kavik yipped and jumped back, then giggled in half amusement, half embarrassment. The few people who were there looked up from their meals and right over to them, curious to what was going on. Pau gave a relentless stare, and Kavik hid away under his paws. So many eyes staring their way...

"Oh, my gosh. What're you doing, you're crazy."

"Well! I must prove I am not a strict kar-rah-tay teacher now, hm hm?!" Pau threw his head back with a laugh and sat back down. Kavik, still embarrassed, managed to stifle a laugh.

"Point taken! I was just curious is all. You seemed to change so quick. It was strange."

Pau huffed and nodded. "...You caught me at a strange time. When the situation demands it, I can come off rather staid." He grabbed his plate and stood up with a little wiggle-dance, eager for more grub. "But when there's food involved? I go crazy! Plus, the run helped too."

"Yeah... You're crazy fast, man."

"I'm sure! I frequent the bicycles at the gym. I own those things."

Pau flexed his arms - though his legs were the ones in question, his biceps sported some obvious muscle. The dips and ridges were accentuated through his light sweater, just like his booty was with the boxers from earlier.

"Noooo don't flex... It's hard enough not to stare~"

After his show, Pau tapped his plate on the table and started to head off.

"I'm going for more! Will you join me?"

Kavik's plate was far from done, but he didn't want to be left at the table alone.

"Sure! I want to see what else they got."


Kavik and Pau enjoyed a nice meal together, or rather several meals! Kavik went back for three additional plates, his hunger knew no bounds! Surprisingly Pau had stopped after his second, but helped the husky clean up his leftovers. They stayed all the way until closing and headed back to the dorm together.

On the walk home and even well inside, the two talked without end. They discussed the awesome food they ate, their favorite games and movies, and even past experiences at their previous schools. Finally Kavik found someone he could talk with who didn't seem to have some weird or unexpected downside.

Soon the time came for bed. That unsettling feeling of being with a stranger didn't seem to haunt the husky this time. Though it was only the first day, he somehow felt comfortable around Pau. This was a good thing, too. He'd be spending the rest of the year with him. Hopefully, things would stay this good...

Onwards to Chapter 2?

Chapter 2: Bayno's Dilemma, Pt. 1 - That Damn Husky.

**"That Damn Husky." Monday, August 24th | 8:45AM | Bayno Willbrend** _The first official day is here! Our story today starts inside Intro to International Relations - IR 310. A certain Doberman we know starts off the day fresh, but is still...

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Chapter 1: Settling In, Pt. 3 - The Fruzzin!

**Sunday, August 23rd | 7:45PM | "The Fruzzin!"** _The conflict with Bayno and Heidenreich sends our hero Kavik out of his dorm and on a late night tour of the campus._ \*\*\* Kavik strolled the campus quad with no set destination in his mind. He'd...

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Chapter 1: Settling in, Pt. 2 - He's not interested.

**Sunday, August 23rd | 7:00PM | "He's not interested."** _After meeting his roomie, Kavik forgoes the daunting task of unpacking his luggage and instead dreams the afternoon away. Soon however, he's up for a rude awakening._ _\*\*\*_ Still fast...

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