Perit High: Chapter 7 - Zephyrs (pt. 1)

Story by strawby on SoFurry

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#9 of Perit High

Hey guys, here's chapter 7! Finally!

Thank you for your patience, I've had a number of personal things/events interfere with my ability to write over the past couple of months. I didn't want to break up Zephyrs into two parts but it was becoming unwieldly so please enjoy part one and rest assured I'm already halfway through part two.


Chapter 7 - Zephyrs (pt. 1)

Jesse's emerald gaze flicked from the whiteboard, to the teacher, to the door, and finally to his notes which mostly consisted of lazy doodles and shaded-in blocks around the edges of the page of his notebook. It was the second class of the morning and already Jesse had lost focus on his studies.

Hmm, but... yeah... well...maybe I could... uhhhh. This sucks.

Jesse inhaled deeply, filling his lungs with as much air as he could, then exhaled slowly - trying to flush his body of this irritating feeling. He was bored, tired, and uninterested in paying attention to anything going on in the classroom. He couldn't bear to spend more than a few moments at a time thinking about anything other than Tyler. His preoccupation was due to what he had promised his boyfriend the previous day.

***the previous day***

"Well after yesterday's ... entertaining morning session, I think we're all a bit partied-out." Tyler smirked at Jesse from the leopard's lap, the husky's head resting gently on Jesse's powerful thighs. The two were sitting on the edge of a large stone planter tastefully decorating the path between the gymnasium and science building, Tyler opting for a more relaxed pose laying on the hard surface. They were waiting for their friends to join them, having just finished a science class and found a spot to enjoy the midmorning sun.

A reminiscing grin creased Jesse's face at the comment, the leopard thinking his reaction was probably a bit excessive. After all, Zane was a big boy - he could make his own choices about who he sleeps with. Jesse guessed it was really the surprise more than anything else that led him to shout. Zane and Will forgave him immediately, of course, but Jesse still felt incredibly guilty for giving them the reaction they likely feared the most. Zane seemed to handle it well, though. It wouldn't be like him to take shit from Jesse, especially in front of others.

Jesse sighed and stroked Tyler's headfur, glad the rest of yesterday passed quickly. With his digits massaging the husky's scalp, he responded his honest feelings "I'm such a dick."

"Well maybe you're a little dickish sometimes when surprised, but you're not a dick." Tyler reassured, tracing Jesse's abdominal muscles with a claw through his shirt. "Speaking of you and dicks..." a not-so-innocent smirk crept across Tyler's muzzle and he looked up into the leopard's eyes.

Jesse was incapable of denying the husky his goal and within moments the leopard's loins stirred in excitement and anticipation.

"...Yeah?" Jesse asked, miserably failing to sound cool about the subject.

"I seem to recall a lack of 'action' at the party. We should make up for that." the husky spoke plainly but managed to inject a near-vulgar amount of subtext into his words. Jesse was momentarily stunned by his forwardness, but quickly gathered his wits and responded.

"I am all for making up with some making out. Your place?"

Before Tyler could respond, a familiar voice chirped behind them "What's at 'your place' and why aren't I invited?"

Gary bounded around into their field of vision to be greeted with amused chuckles that masked Jesse and Tyler's frustration.

"You're not invited because it's a members-only event." Jesse responded coyly.

"Ooh. Sounds sexy." Gary mocked as he sat on the pavement in front of the lovers.

"Honey, you should've told me you wanted to role-play the VIP and the security guard!" Noah said condescendingly to the cheetah as he joined the shorter fur on the pavement.

Jesse snickered and Tyler smirked at Noah's merciless quip. Gary was momentarily stunned but quickly steered the subject away from his defeat.

"So, there's a concert tomorrow night over at Marblehill, did you guys want to come?" the cheetah asked.

"Uh, maybe..." Tyler started, looking to Jesse for the leopard's reaction.

"I was kinda planning on a lazy night in. Did you already get too many tickets?" Jesse asked Gary. The question was straightforward, but Gary could see the faintest of hints behind Jesse's emerald eyes - as though the leopard was unsure if he should give Gary an unspoken hint.

Gary took the safe route and assumed Jesse had other reasons for not wanting to come. "It's fine; I got tickets for Noah and I, and two spares. I'll see if Will and- HEY WILL!" Gary shouted and waved past Jesse and Tyler, who turned to see the palomino jogging to the group.

"Hey guys. What's up, Gary?" Will asked, barely out of breath as he reached his friends.

"I was wondering if you wanted to come to a concert tomorrow night with Noah and I? You could bring a certain spotted boy..." Gary trailed off, an impish smile blooming across his muzzle as he glanced at Jesse. He immediately returned his gaze to Will, who bashfully rubbed the back of his neck and looked to the ground.

"Yeah.. I'll, um..." the horse trailed off.

"Will." Jesse said, intuiting the stallion's feelings. He waited for Will to look him in the eye and gave the horse a genuine smile "It's totally okay, you and Zane."

The stallion took the reassurance and regained his usual manner "Sounds good, Gaz. Think the venue can fit your sass?"

Gary threw up his paws in defeat. "Why is everyone picking on me today?"

The group laughed and Noah gave his lover a playful hug. "You can pick on me tonight if it will make you feel better." he murmured into Gary's ear, making the cheetah turn pink at the insinuation.

"Where are the twins and Alan?" Will asked, glancing around as though they might be hiding somewhere.

"I think Harry was going shopping for his free period." Gary responded "I actually have no idea where Ben and Alan are, maybe just catching up by themselves." his intonation almost turned the statement into a question, as though anyone else present would know.

"We" Noah grunted, pointing at Tyler, Jesse, Will, and himself "have sports in a few minutes, we should probably go now if we want to avoid the swarm when the bell rings."

Gary heaved an overly dramatic sigh "Oh woe, all these hot boys working out - fur all matted to their skin with sweat and their muscles flexing - all without me to ogle them! What a waste!"

The cheetah flopped in a mock faint onto Noah's lap, and then cracked a wicked smile. "Oh, that's right. I've got photography at the same time."

The others rolled their eyes as they could practically see the voyeuristic scenarios unfolding in Gary's mind. He cackled and rubbed his paws together. Noah stood up, lifting the devious cheetah to his feet.

Jesse and Tyler followed suit, the husky reluctantly leaving Jesse's lap. The leopard lightly touched Tyler's arm to get his attention, then said to the others "Hey you guys go on ahead, we'll be one second."

Tyler gave him a quizzical look: blended with a hopeful smile it was an adorably innocent expression, Jesse thought.

When the others walked out of earshot, Jesse looked Tyler in the eyes. It was a focussed, intense stare that conveyed Jesse's sincerity. Tyler felt familiar butterflies in his stomach - he hoped this feeling never ended. It was so flattering to be the sole focus of the beautiful leopard's attention. He felt unworthy.

"So as tempting as it sounds to have fun this afternoon..."

Why does this sound ominously like a breakup line? Calm down, Tyler.

The husky shifted his weight from one leg to the other uncomfortably, betraying how nervous he suddenly felt.

Jesse, noticing the change in Tyler's body language, placed his paws on the husky's arms and gently grasped the smaller canine. The gesture relaxed Tyler a bit, and Jesse continued "As temping as that is, I think I want to do this properly."

"Do what properly?" Tyler tilted his head to the side as he asked the question.

"Y'know... dating." Jesse searched the husky's eyes for comprehension but found only confusion.

"What's the proper way to date, then, according to Jesse Jarvis?" Tyler asked, genuinely curious what the leopard meant.

Jesse smiled at Tyler's phrasing - it perfectly lead to his response.

"I was wondering... could I ask for your company tomorrow evening?" Jesse asked.

It was Tyler's turn to smile, and he did so with zeal. He grinned and giggled at seeing Jesse tiptoeing around his words delicately.

It's probably cruel to laugh at him. I can't help it, he's just so cute!

Tyler nodded enthusiastically and buried his muzzle in Jesse's chest, hugging the leopard tightly.

"You are so adorable, and yes I would love to accompany you." Tyler spoke through a grin that was possibly the silliest he had ever pulled; thankfully, Jesse couldn't see it through the hug. Tyler felt like flying: his elation was so full, so complete, that it would lift him off the ground at any moment. In many ways, it felt like his paws had already kissed the earth goodbye since he locked eyes with Jesse.

The two enjoyed their embrace in silence for a moment before Tyler asked "Accompany you where?"

Jesse realised he actually had no idea where he would take Tyler on a date. He froze for a moment, unsure of what to say.

Quick, before he realises that you're an idiot.

"Ah, well... yeah... you see..." Jesse stalled for every moment he could to wrack his brain for an answer.

"It's a surprise."

Tyler's eyes widened, the cobalt blue colour almost sparkling in the late morning sunlight. Jesse thought if anything was an example of youthful wonder, that look was it.

"I can't wait!" Tyler said gleefully, yet another huge grin splitting his muzzle and showing off dazzling white teeth.

The two lovers walked side by side after their friends to their class, one excited for his surprise and the other nervously trying to think of a good date idea.


Zane bounced his legs nervously as he sat in the foyer outside Mr. Malowell's office. He was reminded of the few times his troublemaking behaviour had landed him in this same place - although this time was definitely different. He looked around the room again, taking in the elegantly minimalist decor: glass and white plastics featured prominently amongst the furniture with several sky blue elements tastefully adding colour to the almost sterile-looking environment. This office was a definite improvement over the slate grey furnishings when Mr. Malowell was the principal of Ensfield.

Zane was different too: no longer dressed in his borderline grunge rocker look of old - he wasn't here as a punishment. He was dressed appropriately for his reason being there: a freshly pressed suit lended crisp edges and lines to his body, making the thickly-muscled leopard appear much more streamlined than he would have otherwise. The lack of a tie gave his appearance the right amount of informality Zane was aiming to project. Whenever he wore a suit Zane could not help but feel like an imposter in his dad's clothes. These were gentlemen's clothes and even though Zane looked the part he knew in his heart he would never feel comfortable in clothes like these; he was still a child at heart.

The door to Mr. Malowell's office clicked and the tall jaguar swung open the door to greet his next appointment.

"Mister Jarvis - Zane, it's wonderful to see you again! You look very dapper today. Much more than the last time I remember you needing to come to my office." Mr. Malowell greeted the leopard warmly with a genuine smile and an open paw extended for a shake. It was uncanny how he knew to remark on the exact thing Zane had been thinking about. The leopard put it out of his mind for the moment and took the offered paw in his own to accept the greeting.

"Thank you, but I think I still prefer my old look." He replied honestly, returning the smile.

Mr. Malowell chuckled softly, a deep rumbling laugh that buzzed with mirth. "Understandable, to each their own." the jaguar said "Please, come in and get comfortable."

Zane entered the office, guided by Mr. Malowell's strong but gentle paw following him through the doorway. The jaguar closed the door behind them and indicated the chairs in front of his desk, both of which looked very comfortable to Zane. He seated himself on one, confirming that they were exactly how comfortable they looked.

"So, Mister Malowell-" Zane started, but was swiftly interrupted by the jaguar.

"Please, Zane. You can call me Stefan. You aren't a student here anymore." Stefan said, taking his seat on the other side of the desk "I'll save you the worrying and the uncertainty - you've got the job."

Zane was stunned. He hadn't said anything and he'd already landed the job. What game was Stefan playing? It felt wrong to get a job without even arguing the case for why he should be employed.

"Um... What?" Zane gave Stefan an expression he expected would match his confusion.

"I expected you would be a little confused. I'll be honest with you - my personal philosophy is hire teachers who know how to teach and hire tutors who know how to do, this gives the students exposure to a good mixture of the different types of furs that can offer them something to learn." Stefan explained, though Zane was unsure if he should take the explanation at face value, sensing an ulterior motive.

Stefan continued "I've had the pleasure of witnessing you play for several years, and I know you posess the technical skill and discipline that I would see instilled in all the music students." The jaguar's lips curled fractionally into an almost imperceptible smile as he spoke. "Additionally, you would be tutoring guitarists and therefore not have any conflict of interest with assessing your brother. In short, you actually are the perfect candidate for this position."

Zane was surprised, but he had to admit there wasn't much he disagreed with in Stefan's argument. It was a nice change to have his argument spoken for him, and by the very person he sought to persuade.

This has got to be the easiest interview I've ever had.

"I have to ask, Stefan. My parents...?"

"They are not the reason I'm hiring you. I'm hiring you based on your talent and my intuition that you will make an excellent tutor." Stefan firmly reassured Zane.

The jaguar proceeded to speak at length about tasks, responsibilities, and procedures Zane should be aware of in a professional capacity. Zane tried his best to listen intently to everything Stefan told him but his mind wandered involuntarily to other things, things he would get much more pleasure thinking about.

Will... Man, that horse has the perfect body... his looks... fuck...

It was all Zane could do to stop himself from obviously daydreaming about the palomino stallion and his chiselled body. The way he moved and the way he smiled made Zane feel dizzy. It was such an alien feeling - Zane had no idea how to handle this fixation, this obsession; it unsettled him and captivated him at the same time. Sure, he'd had fun flings before, but this was... more. This wasn't just a hot guy flexing and bucking his hips in bed just the right way. Will was funny, gorgeous, an adorable blend of innocent and savvy about all the right subjects. This was a thralldom that he could not help but choose. He didn't want to choose anything else than this feeling of... belonging. It was belonging he felt - like he'd finally found a place he perfectly fit, and that place was in Will's embrace.

"...Zane? Are you alright? Do you need something?" Stefan asked, his concerned expression registering with Zane and the leopard realised he had failed in keeping his thoughts professional.

"Uh, yes please, could I get a glass of water?" he asked, knowing his thirst was not completely for water.

Stefan nodded and briefly left the office to accommodate the leopard. Zane thanked his luck and took the opportunity to adjust his trousers, his stirring malehood uncomfortably bulging the fabric. He effectively wiped the lustful thoughts about the stallion from his present thoughts and composed himself just as the taller feline returned with a plastic disposable cup of water.

"Thanks, I was just starting to feel a little lightheaded." Zane said as he gratefully accepted the drink, imbibing enthusiastically.

"It's no problem. There is a lot of information to assimilate at first, but you will find that as you get into a routine, all will become clear." Stefan said, handing Zane a neat pile of documents. "These are for your reference and cover almost every conceivable question"

Zane flicked through the documents with titles ranging from 'Welcome to Perit High School' to 'Unions and you'. He would have to read them later to make sure he had listened to most of what Stefan had to say.

Looking at his wristwatch, Stefan noted "It's almost lunch time now, you would have walked past our staff room to get to my office - It is on the left when you are leaving here. Alternatively, many of our staff like to frequent the cafeteria and experience the same atmosphere our students do. The cafeteria does an excellent chocolate muffin if that takes your fancy. I must confess a weakness for their muffins."

"That does sound tasty." Zane agreed, unsure if the jaguar's words were an invitation or merely a statement of fact.

"Would you perhaps like to locate your brother instead? I believe he is just finishing the 'A'-string sports class now." Stefan offered, sensing the leopard's hesitance.

"Yeah I should find him and tell him the good news." Zane said, knowing he wasn't really looking for his brother, but rather the super-hot stallion that just happened to be his brother's friend.

"I would hazard a guess he is on his way to the cafeteria too, do you mind if I walk with you there?" Stefan always had a way of being incredibly polite. Zane smiled at remembering how much of a gentleman Mr. Malowell - Stefan - was.

"Sure!" Zane smiled and rose from the comfortable seat, leading the way out of Stefan's office.

They paced leisurely toward the cafeteria building, both enjoying the mid-day sunlight and the fresh air. Zane had to walk a little faster than would've been comfortable for him, since Stefan's stride was so large. Zane wondered if the jaguar was used to walking slowly for everyone else's sake. He laughed internally at the thought of Gary or one of the Drake twins trying to keep up with the gigantic feline's pace.

"Stefan, do you think splitting Ensfield up has helped the students' feel ... better about school?" Zane emphasised the word 'better', hoping to gauge the headmaster's personal feelings on the matter.

Stefan was mildly surprised to hear this question from Zane Jarvis - surely he of all people could understand the need for queer-safe spaces, especially for young minds still developing their ideas about the world. He guessed Zane was angling for his personal feelings, but decided to give an answer that was untainted with his disdain for bigots of all kinds.

"We are only a few weeks into the first semester of operation, so it's hard to draw any kind of empirical conclusion about the students' attitude about the change. Walking about the campus, however..." Stefan paused, smiling because he could sense the relaxed behaviour in each and every student he observed. He saw boys doing what they wanted to without fear of being teased or bullied for acting effeminate or flamboyant. He saw boys coming to terms with their sexuality without feeling like they needed to justify it for anyone else, or even worse, actively hide it. He continued, his voice hinting at the pride he felt for this accomplishment "I have noticed there is much less tension than what I saw growing to near epidemic proportions before the shift. You ask me if they feel better about school? I don't think there will ever come a time when students in general do not resent institutionalised learning, but I think this shift has relieved a lot of the pressures placed on teenagers, and soon enough we will see the effects this shift has had on the student population become tangible and measurable. That will give me a better platform from which I can start talks state-wide and nation-wide about other schools doing the same."

Zane took a few moments to process Stefan's words and everything he communicated that didn't need words.

*He truly is a grand master at real-world chess*

"Are you worried about Perit and Hart now being big targets for assholes to try to tear down?" Zane asked, feeling uncomfortably mature about his interest in such abstract ideas.

Stefan, too, was surprised to hear such grown-up talk coming from a leopard who last year he had considered supremely childish. He smiled inwardly at his own use of the phrase 'grown-up' and responded "I'm certain there will be attempts. Until they happen, I can't predict what form they will take and therefore can't pre-emptively protect this institution. I will just have to be vigilant and ready to control any damage done."

Zane pondered what exactly Stefan expected to happen, but was forced to abandon the thought as they approached the cafeteria building. The two felines entered the aromatic atmosphere and queued to buy their lunches, passing the time with small talk. Zane scoured the mass of furry faces for Jesse or one of his friends once he had his food, fortunately spying Noah's brutish bulk from across the large room. Be made a beeline for the bull after saying his thanks and goodbye to Stefan, who strode over to a table of other teachers.

The leopard weaved through the crowd of young males, remembering his days of pushing through much denser crowds of furs. He reached the table of familiar boys and announced himself, making sure Jesse, Tyler, Will, and Harry in particular were there.

"'Sup, bitches? Meet your new music tutor!"


Ben absent-mindedly brushed his arm fur with his paw, smoothing the dark brown fur with the grain and then messing it back up again. He glanced in both directions along the hall outside the geography classroom where he was waiting for Alan. He didn't mind foregoing his lunch hour to catch up with the wolf, especially since he had a free hour straight after lunch. He didn't know what he would have done with all the spare time if he wasn't meeting Alan.

Probably go shopping, or better yet I could've gone home... had a wank or something.

The otter grinned at the thought. It had been all of a day and a half since Cole had pounded his rear silly, and it had ached for the rest of that day; already he was thinking about how much he missed being filled like that. Before his loins started stirring beyond suppression, Ben quickly moved his thoughts away from the dominating bear to his best friend. He was extremely concerned about Alan, not having seen him since before he went to the psychiatrist.

The wolf exited the classroom with an unreadable expression on his face. Ben captured his attention with a wave and the grey wolf padded over to Ben, his body language lightening with every step towards the otter. Ben smiled and stood - a full head shorter than the wolf - and hugged his friend, burying his muzzle in Alan's neck.

"Heya, Wolfy." Ben's muffled voice tickled Alan, causing the canine to squirm in the hug.

"Hey yourself, Shorty." Alan replied between snorts and giggles as he pried the otter off his neck. "How are you doing?"

Ben tilted his head to the side. "I'm good, but screw me - I want to talk about you. I feel like I haven't seen you in ages. How was your weekend? How was the psychiatrist? Is there anything else exciting to tell?" the little otter took a deep breath after forgetting to do so between all the questions he blurted out.

Alan grinned, appreciating his best friend's curiosity and enthusiastic interest about his life. It was one of his greatest comforts that Ben was always so interested in his life, even when no-one else seemed to care. Ben was his best friend in the truest sense of the word. Sure, the others were great friends, and Jesse possibly came the closest to surpassing Ben's interest in his life, but ever since they were pups that otter had worked to forge a robust and dependable connection with Alan. For that, Alan was forever grateful.

"Well how about we go for a walk, and I'll tell you all about my weekend to pass the time?" He offered, breaking the hug and smiling back at the otter.

Ben nodded and they set off to walk around the edge of the campus. Once they exited the building, Alan began recounting his weekend.

"So after the... um... the fight, I took the next couple of days off because I looked absolutely hideous with the bruises and cuts. Thank god they healed pretty quickly. I just really stayed at home and played video games until Saturday." Alan was brief about how he was actually feeling, and Ben could sense it in the wolf's voice. He didn't press Alan for any more detail than he offered freely - Ben would hate to make his canine friend uncomfortable in that way.

They rounded a corner of the building's exterior and found the path that followed the fence line around the campus limits. The path was coarsely gravelled, unlike the others on campus that were intricately paved or bare concrete. The pair kept to the side of the path, knowing they would be passed occasionally by other students jogging.

Alan continued "On Friday, I found a few listings of psychiatrists. Thanks for your suggestions, by the way. One named Dr. Smoke stood out among the others, so I called the office and managed to get an appointment for Saturday morning - kinda surprising they make appointments on weekends but whatever. So I turned up on Saturday morning and had my first session."

Ben was silent for a moment, not sure if the wolf was going to continue or wait for him to comment. "... and?" he asked.

Alan visibly squirmed at the demand for more information. "Well... he's a little... scary I guess. But he's definitely good at his job."


"Yeah it's just the way he talks and behaves - it's very robotic, cold. I got used to it by the end of the hour. Not that he did much of the talking at all."

"He just asked you a few questions? Well that's not so bad. You don't have to tell me what you talked about, of course. I just wanna know that you're satisfied what he's doing is working."

Alan flashed the otter a smile "It's only been one session so far, but yeah... I'm hopeful. To be honest, talking with you has probably had the greatest effect on my mood."

Ben grinned and looked down to hide the faint shade of pink on his cheeks. "Hopefully the effect is good."

"It is." Alan insisted, knowing full well he was embarrassing the otter. He changed the topic to give Ben a break "I've got sessions tomorrow and Friday. Do you wanna hang out after school sometime this week?"

"Yeah, that'd be nice. I mean, obviously we're spending time now but we could even make a night of it - get pizza, play video games..." Ben's voice betrayed his excitement with every syllable.

They continued walking and talking - not about anything in particular, just whatever they were thinking about. The conversation went back and forth and before they knew it, the wolf and otter had completed a circuit of the campus. Ben was surprised when he checked his phone and realised they had spent almost the full lunch hour.

Wow. I know we were walking slow but... wow.

"Hey, uh... do you want to get something to eat? Since we both have the next hour free." Ben asked, not wanting to end their conversation there.

Alan raised a paw to his cheek, pondering for what he felt hungry... other than a cheap fuck to get last week's events out of his mind.

"Definitely. Do burgers sound good to you? I'm in a mood for a big slab of meat between some perky buns."

Ben's smile faded and he started going bright red, the blush clearly visible through his mahogany fur.

"Um... are we still talking about food?" the otter's voice faltered as his dick involuntarily twitched, thinking about debauched acts being carried out by the wolf. It was typical of both Alan and he to banter playfully with no real meaning behind it, so it was unusual that all of a sudden he felt Alan's innuendo resonate.

The wolf chuckled "... Sure. Relax short stuff. You look like you just saw a dick in public. Come on, let's go get some burgers."

Ben followed Alan's lead, wondering if the wolf had thought about putting his big meat between the otter's perky buns. Ben knew he'd thought about it more than once.


Zane pressed a button on the dash as he pulled into the driveway, taking care to drive slowly and give the automatic garage door time to open. He had borrowed his dad's Maserati today to get to his 'interview' on two conditions:

_ One - get some ham on your way home_

_ Two - don't crash it_

Zane smirked at his dad's priorities. With both conditions fulfilled, Zane rolled the dark blue vehicle into the garage and turned it off. After gathering together all the documents he now carried along with the ham, he closed the garage door and locked the car; he entered the house in a rush.

As soon as he was inside, Zane was accosted by Jesse and his father: both leopards competing for Zane's attention with increasing volume.

"Hey bro, can I borrow your amplifier? I need it for-"

"Son, SON. Where is my ham? I must have it. Also, keys please."

Zane did what he could, handing the car key and the meat to Tom and giving Jesse a puzzled look.

"Hi guys. How was your day? Y'know, mine was pretty good thanks for asking. Jes, what do you need my amp for?"

Jesse launched into what was clearly a long-winded, prepared speech: speaking of all the times he did nice things for Zane.

He must really need it badly if he's grovelling like this.

"Yo, Tolkien - you can have it, I just wanna know where it's going and what it's doing."

Jesse stopped mid-sentence, realising his brother was only going to get more curious if he kept dancing around the subject.

"Oh, I want to take it out tomorrow evening. I promise I'll replace it if I break it." and seeing the horrified look beginning to form on Zane's face, he swiftly added "But that's not going to happen, I guarantee it."

Zane gave the younger leopard a suspicious look, but acquiesced "Alright, whatever. You owe me one now, though."

Jesse raised his paw up for a hi-five from his sibling, which Zane gave reluctantly. One more thing to cross of his preparation list, and while he was here...

"Hey, dad?" he turned to the tallest of the three.

"Mm?" Tom looked back to his son, a slice of ham muffling an articulate response.

"You know how you lent Zane the Maserati?" Jesse asked, putting on his best pleading face and tucking his tail around to hold in his paws like a beggar.

"Oh god..." Tom started, knowing exactly how this conversation would play out. He wouldn't say 'no' to either of his sons, unless it was something he really could not give them. For a leopard of his means, that list was pretty small.

"Can I borrow Misty tomorrow night?" Jesse gave his father an encouraging, toothy smile that was the embodiment of the phrase 'Go on, do it, please.'

"Oh." Tom sighed, relieved that was all Jesse wanted. He had recently seen a magazine on the kitchen bench opened at a double-page advertisement for the newest Lamborghini model. "Not a problem, kiddo."

Jesse's jade eyes sparkled with happiness. "You're the best, Dad!"

"Wait a second." Zane interrupted his little brother's celebration "Are you taking MY amp OUT with Misty? What the hell are...?"

The pale leopard paused, the cogs in his brain ticking over slowly as he made an educated guess what kind of event would call for those two requests. A suspended few moments gave Jesse the chance to amuse himself watching Zane figure it out. Tom smirked, watching the exchange. His sons had definitely inherited their mother's Machiavellian intelligence, though thankfully they also inherited her compassion.

"Ohhh..." Zane said, realising Jesse's plans. "Ew." he playfully shot at Jesse, poking his tongue out of his maw.

"Ha! Ew yourself, mister double-dating-at-a-concert." Jesse retorted

Zane's jaw dropped momentarily and a faintly pink tinge could be seen through his facial fur. "He's YOUR friend."

"Whoa, whoa, TMI boys." Their father said, turning away. "If you need me I'll be in the study, eating this delicious, delicious ham... thanks Zane." Tom left the brothers to their squabbling. As he climbed the stairs, he could still hear very clearly the latest intrigue for his sons.

"Well, yeah. We're gonna go on a date. If you don't want to think about me tapping that fine piece of equine ass, then don't. Makes no difference to me."

"Is it you tapping him or...? Actually, I don't want to know."

"A gentleman never tells." Zane said, grinning. "But he IS a stallion-"

"NOO. NO. NO. NOPE." Jesse shielded his ears with his paws, not able to help but grin with his brother in the same playful manner.

"Anyway, Stefan had some pretty interesting things to say about you."

"Stefan... mister Malowell? Oh I see." Jesse adopted a judgmental tone "Iow you're 'staff', now you get all the gossip. Did he actually something about me?"

Zane cackled "No, not really, but you're way too easy to get on the defensive."


"Still your favourite brother."

Their taunting went back and forth for several more minutes, but eventually they both retired to the basement. Jesse asked his brother between rounds of one-on-one shooter games for advice about tomorrow night.

"Well, it's really all you. I wouldn't worry too much about fucking it up - as long as you are yourself and try not to take things too seriously, I think you both will have a great time."

Jesse loved having a brother he could wildly insult and then have a heartfelt conversation with moments later. "Thanks, Zane."

"Any time, Jes."


Tyler exhaled and stretched back on his couch, reclining in a position that felt much more relaxing than it looked. He stared blankly at the TV, the show he was watching had just finished and he was still feeling energised, like a child on the night before a school trip or christmas eve. There was simply nothing to do. He'd finished all the homework he could do tonight and had even tried some soft vocal exercises. He didn't want to disturb his neighbours and wasn't sure how thick the walls between the apartments were, so he kept the noise as low as he could.

I suppose I could take a shower... the hot water might make me more relaxed.

He padded over to the bathroom but when he got to the doorway, he reconsidered.

No, there's no point showering now AND in the morning. Maybe a snack...

He shuffled over to the kitchen, then realised he wasn't hungry and simply gave up again, falling back down onto the couch. His thin lounge pants did little to mask the contours of his lower half, which complimented his midriff-exposing tank top that did exactly the same for his upper body. As he laid there, he pondered if Jesse would find his nightwear attractive.

Before he got carried away with that train of thought, Tyler needed to know something. He fished around for his phone, quickly finding it between the cushions. He scrolled through his contacts list, which had recently expanded to include all his new friends' numbers. He scrolled to 'N' and found what he was looking for.

_ Noah Essander... Mobile... Call_

Tyler checked the clock that it wasn't too late to call the bull and touched the green icon, hoping Noah wasn't busy. The phone rang a few times before a click told Tyler that Noah was still up.

"Hey... Tyler?"

"Hey Noah. Am I interrupting anything?"

"Uh, no. I was just about to head off to bed so your timing's pretty perfect. What's up?"

Tyler inhaled, trying to calm himself and ensure he didn't sound worried "I wanted some advice."

"Sure. What about?"


"Um... okay... could you be a little more specific?"

"Sorry, I'm a little nervous. We're going on a date tomorrow night, that's why he said we can't come to that concert. I guess I just wanted to know what to expect."

"That's awesome. Where are you going?"

"I don't know, he just said it's a surprise."

"Ah." Tyler could hear the amusement in Noah's voice. "He doesn't have 'a regular place' if that's what you were thinking. If I had to guess, I'd say he's thinking up something unique. Don't expect the movies or a restaurant."

"Okay. I feel kinda stupid asking this and a bit of a dick, but... does he take them all out on a date first?"

There was a pause while the line fell silent, noah obviously thinking through his answer.

"With Alan there was no need to date to get to know each other, so they didn't do that. The guy before him was... uh... I guess a lot more physical, I don't think they went out on dates much. Now I think about it... he hasn't really done much proper 'dating', mostly he just picks guys he feels comfortable being informal with."

Tyler considered the bovine's words carefully. If that was the case, why did he want to take Tyler out on a date? Was he special? Tyler knew he felt something special when he was with Jesse.


"Yeah sorry, I was just thinking."

"You shouldn't worry too much about all the what-ifs and maybes: let them take care of themselves and just enjoy yourself."

"You're right... it was stupid of me to call you. I'm just worrying too much."

"No, Tyler. It's totally fine. I'm glad you did. Look, you two may not see it but literally everyone else can see the insane chemistry between you. I think you should trust yourself and trust him. That's how you build a good relationship, and great relationships blossom out of good relationships if you understand each other's needs and stay honest."

Tyler was impressed by the bull's comprehensive articulation of his thoughts. Noah had pretty much hit the nail on the head with reassuring Tyler about their chemistry.

"Wow, thanks Noah. That actually helps a lot."

"No problem, Ty. I think it's fair I get a question to ask you now."


"Were you asking me because you're worried about Jesse, specifically, or because you've been hurt before? I know that's quite personal but I promise you won't hear any judgement from me."

Tyler was dumbstruck by Noah's intuition. "... Well... yes. I had someone who made me think I was special and then they took that away."

"I'm sorry, Tyler." The husky could hear Noah's sincerity and that comforted him, knowing he was a genuine friend.

"It's fine, just... can you not tell Jesse about that, please? I don't want him pitying me or thinking I'm damaged goods."

"I seriously doubt Jesse would ever be like that, but sure - I'll keep that secret for you."

Tyler really was blessed to find friends as good as these. "Thank you so much Noah."

"Don't sweat it, dude. It's what friends do for each other."

"I guess I should let you go to bed now."

"Alright, you take care. Good night!"


Tyler lowered the phone from his ear and hung up, suddenly feeling much more relaxed. He had to give it to Noah - the bull was a good listener and knew how to comfort a friend. He sighed, still excited about tomorrow but that nervous element of his excitement was gone. He could finally to go bed, himself.

Lying in his bed, all the possibilities of tomorrow flashing through his mind, Tyler closed his eyes and embraced the feeling of his tiredness catching up with him.


As Noah hung up his phone, he groaned and looked down.

"You're such an asshole when you want to be." He grumbled at his crotch.

"Sorry, hun. I couldn't help it. I must have a fetish for doing this while you're busy." Gary's voice came from beneath the sheets.

Noah snorted and tossed the sheets aside to reveal his boyfriend delicately teasing the head of his huge bovine prick with his expert tongue. Gary's coarse tongue was a powerful weapon in the bedroom, and Noah knew the little cheetah had been going easy on him during the phone call. If he wanted to, Gary could bring the towering bull to the edge of orgasm in a matter of seconds, though as he would say - where would be the fun in that?

Gary opened his maw wide; exposing his curved predatory fangs and drew his tongue from the thick base of Noah's engorged organ along the underside to flick playfully along the frenulum. The bull grunted and moaned at Gary's merciless exploitation of such a sensitive area. The feline knew it turned Noah on to see the potential danger from his fangs to the bull's dick. He understood how the thrill, the excitement, added to the bull's pleasure. He had been sexual with Noah for over two years now, and by trial and error he was intimately familiar with all of the bull's kinks, favoured techniques and most sensitive zones.

"Ugh... Fuck..." Noah moaned, his intent stare broken by throwing his head back in pleasure.

Gary grinned widely and pursed his lips, pressing them to the same spot and sucking. Noah spasmed at the incredibly intense sensation - unable to stop himself bucking his hips into Gary's muzzle. The enormous cock was pulsing and throbbing in the cheetah's paws - its sheer size was commensurate with the rest of Noah's proportions and its coal black colour showed off every vein, every detail that Gary was oh-so-familiar with.

Gary impatiently took the head into his muzzle and began hurriedly bobbing his mouth up and down the shaft, taking as much of the thick pole as was comfortable. A pearly film of saliva and precum quickly began dribbling down Noah's shaft, giving the ebony flesh a wet shine that Gary thought made it look all the more delectable. As the mixture of fluids coated the entirety of Noah's length, Gary pulled his muzzle reluctantly off the pole and took each of the bull's hefty balls into his mouth, slobbering and suckling on them with zeal.

Noah was panting and moaning with each flick of the cheetah's tongue on his balls and tug on his cock with Gary's softly gripped paws. It was exactly the kind of ecstasy Gary wanted him to feel. Noah's sex ached with need and bare desire - he fruitlessly inched his hips back and forth to simulate fucking something, which at this point could have been almost anything his lover decided to place on his crotch.

Gary knew he finally had the massive hunky bovine in the right mind, and tore his head away from the dribbling dick. Noah whimpered at the sudden lack of pleasure that had been so constantly given until now. The two males locked eyes and shared a knowing grin - their thoughts perfectly synchronised.

The little cheetah stood up on the bed, his hips just shy of the perfect height for aligning with Noah's head, and turned around to show off his tight rump to the bull. In a familiar motion, Noah grabbed Gary's hips and drew him closer: just close enough for the bull to begin returning the favour and bury his face between the Cheetah's spotted cheeks. Gary gasped at the bull's enthusiastic tongue lashing over his tailhole, unconsciously winding his tail around Noah's head and down his spine. Since Noah had so conveniently bent Gary over to deliver his oral ministrations, the cheetah found himself being hypnotised by the bull's huge cock waggling back and forth, barely supporting its own weight despite being fully engorged. He took hold of the ebony shaft and licked at Noah's leaking cumslit, eliciting a muffled moan from the bull that vibrated Gary's puckered hole.

The feline flicked and poked the tip of Noah's cock with his tantalisingly textured tongue, eagerly swallowing the copious amount of precum flowing from the slit. Noah gave his boyfriend a playful smack on the rear, signalling he was done preparing Gary's tailhole for what he was about to do. Gary grinned greedily and squatted down, seating himself atop the huge, throbbing appendage.

"You gonna take this hole, baby?" Gary moaned, leaning back to put his weight on his lover's thickly muscled chest.

Noah grunted in response "You know it, little kitty. I'm about to fuck you senseless."

Just like his smaller lover, Noah knew exactly how to push the cheetah's buttons. Sometimes, like this instance, Gary wanted to be treated like a sex toy: pounded and used without mercy; Noah was more than happy to play into that fantasy. He waited to feel Gary's tailhole relax enough to start admitting his thick organ, then grabbed the cheetah's thighs carefully but with force, hugging the little feline's body and bringing Gary's knees up to his chest.

The big, strong bull was now completely in control of the movements and Gary let out a soft whimper as his tailstar began to stretch to accommodate his lover's massive babymaker. It was obvious that Gary loved being completely at Noah's mercy - the bull intently watched Gary's cock twitch with excitement: being violated at Noah's slow pace was driving the little cheetah absolutely wild. Noah knew from experience exactly when to push more of his cock into the cheetah and when to stop to let Gary acclimate to the amount of black bovine dick filling him up. Within a minute, Gary had taken half of Noah's cock - eight inches of wet, throbbing dick still left to fit inside.

"Ooh, baby... I'm already so full... Ah!" Gary mewed into his lover's ear, a particularly large wad of precum dribbling down his feline prick.

"Halfway there, babe." Noah grunted, shifting his weight so he could more easily maneuver his hips.

"F-f-fuck..." Gary moaned, relishing in the total transfer of control to Noah. Gary knew he would never be able to put into words how much he loved giving full control to his big bovine boyfriend. He bit his lip as Noah bounced the cheetah's weight back and forth over a few inches of his cock; slowly building up a rhythm that Gary knew was only going to get faster. The thought of the bull's prick pummelling him like that, coupled with the punishment his prostate was already receiving was overloading his senses: his speech was lost - an almost unintelligible slurry of moans, expletives, and praises to deities issued freely from his maw.

Gary's vocal approval of Noah's movements spurred him on to use more and more of his length and before long the bull was sliding his smaller lover over most of his dark lance: from just behind the head to a few inches shy of the base he made the cheetah's spasming ring ride his dick over and over.

"MM...M-Muh..." Noah could barely hold back on the imminent bellow his genes were screaming at him to release and give in to his animalistic instincts.

Between helpless cries of ecstasy, Gary managed to whimper "I want it all, give it all to me, Big Bull!" which was the perfect encouragement Noah needed to slam the cheetah all the way down on his gigantic pole, his hefty balls slapping Gary's own with a wet 'thwack'.

Noah had been driven wild and was completely consumed with achieving his orgasm, now pulling Gary completely off his cock and hammering him back down to the base of his shaft. It did not take long at all before the wild grunting Noah was producing turned into dominating bellows.

"Mooh... Muh- Mooh!" Noah loudly projected as he felt a hot pressure build to the tipping point behind his lance. As the spill gates of his malehood broke and released his hot, thick cum, he scrunched his eyes shut and slammed his lover down on his cock in a final motion and held him tightly in place, pumping the feline full of his seed.

"Ohmygod! I'm cumming, I'm cumming!" Gary frantically breathed as he felt Noah's cum splatter inside him like wet, sticky cannon fire, slowly drooling out his stretched tailhole. He stopped trying to fight back his own orgasm and let the pressure on his prostate get the better of him. He gave a weak growl as his twitching dick shot several thick strings of semen into the air, his tailhole finding hidden strength to clench down on that massive cock and milk the remainder of his bull's thick juice.

The two lovers remained motionless for a while, basking in the afterglow of their simultaneous orgasms. Noah was the first to move, rolling them over to their side so Gary could take his own weight. Noah smiled slyly, continuing to roll over until he was atop his feline boyfriend and still proudly erect inside the cheetah.

"I think it's my turn to be on top now, honey."


Perit High continues in Chapter 8: Zephyrs (pt. 2)

A much-awaited night approaches - Jesse and friends must prepare to carry out their plans. Zane encounters a prominent distraction for his personal and social life. A new personality arrives at Perit High.