Chapter 7: Reunion

Story by GhostDrake on SoFurry

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#7 of Immortalia

Lazok slipped his dusty bronze claw into Kaza's hand, and she smiled. They quietly walked along the rock covered trail that was just outside the capital of Mi-kra. In the distance, the stain-glass dome, that stood above all the other buildings, reflected the red-painted hue of the dying sun like a beacon to the faithful.

"So beautiful..." Kaza pointed to the dome, "Is that where we're going to stay?"

"Yeah, for a week, then we marry."

Those last words made them both grin wildly to each other, and even Karen, who had been shuffling along behind them, could feel the excitement of the coming wedding. It was to be a beautiful week of fun and preparation for her as well.

The small group continued to walk, entering the city around twilight. Even approaching night, the city was bustling with activity. Guards patrolling, mischievous Arillian children playing around and even the local city drunks were stumbling about looking for another dive to spend their last few coppers. Kaza bumped into one of the drunkards, "Watch where you're going!" She shouted and walked by.

"Five minutes in and you have to steal something?" Lazok shook his head as he saw her tossing a small bag of coppers in her dexterous hands.

"Wedding tax." She grinned, and put the bag in her side pocket. "Come on, marriage can't take all of my fun, now."

"Just don't steal in the temple."

"If I remember right the temple has steps," Karen interrupted, not wanting the fight to grow any more bitter. "a lot of them."

Lazok gently grabbed Karen by the arm, "There are."

Lazok's calves ached from trying to keep Karen from falling down the twenty one stairs that led up to the temple's entrance. The inside of the temple was illuminated by several torches that lined the wall, each one flickering from the draft of the open door. In the center was a large stone altar, and at it's base, was an old green Arillian priest. He stood up with a grin when he saw Lazok. "By the grace of Kurr, is that you Lazok?!"

"I am. Koralac, it is good to see you again."

The priest limped over to Lazok, his skin sagging with age, and rested his hands under Lazok's maw. "My god, you have grown so much." His bad eyes shifted over to Karen behind him and his tone seemed to shift to one of great concern. "Lazok, did you complete your quest?"

"What's wrong, Koralac?"

"Did you?!"

"Yes. Koralac, but--"

"Then we must hurry." The priest limped to the altar, bumping into a few pews as he rushed. He held up a wooden bowl that had rested on the altar, and raised it into the air. "May the ring within be held only by the holy, and may those that hold it be truthful to Kurr in everything they do." The staccato of several explosions outside the temple destroyed the awe of the moment. Loud clashes of swords, and hard clangs of shields shattered the quiet night air. Lazok pulled his spear that was draped over his back, and started to open the door.. "CLOSE THE DOOR AND DON'T MOVE!" The priest bellowed, as tears streamed down his gentle old eyes, and Lazok froze.

"O, Kurr, please guide and bless your new disciple." The priest lowered the bowl and placed it on the altar. From the waters, he pulled out a silver ring. He hobbled over quickly almost falling to the ground in his haze of tears. "Here, my child." He dropped the ring in Lazok palm. "Go with Kurr."

Another set of explosions rattled the cathedral, sending several bookcases falling to the ground.

"Has it truly begun, Koralac?" Karen said solemnly.

"Yes, it has Karen." Koralac walked to the door, "Now, I must go aid the injured."

"I will come as well." Lazok started to follow him, but Koralac stopped him at the doors. The priest put both hands on his shoulders. "You and the others have a greater destiny than all of us. Tonight, I must go meet mine." He motioned to the hallway, "There, at the end of that hallway, is the door to the Gardens of Kurr, and your future. As the High Priest, I command you to leave this city and not look back!" The priest headed out through the doors, locking them on the other side.

Lazok turned around to face Karen. "How does he know you?"

"I will tell you when and if we live through this night." The sounds of sword fight were clashing outside the very door that they were standing at. "Let us go!" The group stumbled down the hallway.

The door opened to revealed the night, and the dangers of being exposed to the darkness overruled Lazok's fear of Kaza getting hurt. He hoisted the spear on his back and stepped out into the crisp night air. Immediately, he found himself blinded. Karen tried to lead him along, but they both stumbled to the ground as they hit the brick path. Kaza grabbed his arm, "C'mon, I'll lead." They made their way slowly down through one of the brick paths that led to an alleyway, where they stumbled along through the trash that littered it.

They tried to duck past an alleyway into the main area, but a small stumble sent them staggering into a trash can. "Hey, did you hear that?" A voice came from outside the dark alleyway. She didn't hear anyone respond, but that didn't matter. She started to rush down the alley the best she could with the stumbling pair.

"HEY!" Kaza looked over to her shoulder at the soldier who was pointing at her. "We've got a runner!"

"Kaza, find me some firelight and I can fight." Lazok said confidently.

She took a sharp turn out down an alleyway and into the looted marketplace, where several stores had been set on fire. "This good?"

"Yeah, better than where we were, now, take Karen and hide." As the weight of Karen was lifted off of his arms, he drew his spear and stood ready, but his eyes were far from able to see. The metallic tap of boots against the ground echoed down the alleyway, and a group of four poured out onto the cobble stone marketplace.

"Look at the Arillian who thinks he can fight." They took up positions around him and teasingly poking the spear he held. "So weak... Where's your little whores?" Lazok tried to stab one of them, missing miserably.

They laughed.

A deep roar filled the night air, louder than any of the clashing swords or falling artillery. The laughing stopped to be replaced with icy fear. A black creature swooped above them, and something leaped off of it that looked very much like the kin of the black creature. Lazok watched the blur as it rushed up to one of the soldiers, clamping it's jaws firmly around its neck, then he heard Kaza scream as it teared the throat away clean.

The soldiers ran screaming, but one by one the black slashed them in the back as it chased them down. Only moments passed by before it returned, Lazok held his spear up at it. "Leave me alone, I want no part in this battle."

"But you'll need help to escape I bet," Drake's voice said calmly, licking the blood from his lips.

Lazok lowered his spear. "Drake..?"

"Yeah. It's good to see you, Lazok and you have a few friends nearby, too. I heard one scream."

"And I see you have one big friend."

"Yes, now," The beat of wings over them scared Lazok as the creature lowered itself from the sky. "Get on if you want to survive."

"Why should I trust you after what you did?"

"Because you have no choice. The secondary army will murder you when you leave this city."

"Lazok, we have no other options." Kaza said as she helped Karen up from behind the barrels that they had been hiding behind. "C'mon Karen, we have to get on."

"No, wait. I can't trust him."

"Eventually, he'll leave, so make your choice, but you must excuse me." Drake raced off towards to the sounds of battle.

"I just don't understand why he's helping us." Lazok said.

"It doesn't matter, he's here to help." Karen said abruptly, "Now lets get on and go."

"But Karen, he's fucking crazy."

"Lazok, I'm getting on and so are you." Kaza tugged them both over to the creature she recognized as a dragon. "We have no choice!"

"I hope this doesn't end bad." Lazok said as he climbed onto the back of the creature, almost piercing himself on the sharp jutting plates that stuck out.

"Me, too."

As soon as the three had scrambled on to it's back, the creature jumped into the air. The loud beat of its wings, drowned out the sounds of battle that raged on below them. However, Lazok heard the creature chuckle to itself. The flight wasn't long, and they landed somewhere in a wooded area outside the city, where they all sat and wait in silence. Eventually, one by one, they drifted into uncomfortable sleep.

Lazok stirred the next morning, with Kaza's arm wrapped around him. Drake was nowhere to be found, however his bloodied sword rested next to the large creature he immediately identified as a dragon. A Black Dragon. One of the most vile and cruel of the Dragonkin still alive, he cursed himself silently for trusting Drake once again and having him put everyone in danger. He looked over to see that the creature had draped it's tail over Kaza and Karen, whether it was to protect or to trap them there, he didn't know.

He leaned back against the Dragon's chest, listening it rise and fall. The smooth scales of the creature glistened in the morning sunlight, and he marvelled at it's terrible beauty. However, it was long before he grew bored of waiting for everyone to awaken. He stood up, and the dragon lifted an eyelid. Lazok froze, the creature narrowed it's eye then closed it. He took that as the Dragon's sign of good faith.

Lazok started to walk through the calm forest, and it eased his fears. He came upon an embankment and strolled down to a small river where the water had pooled up, then rippled over rocks to continue it's journey. Knowing a swim would calm his nerves immensely, he removed his loincloth and jumped in. Floating around in the lazy current, he didn't care about the war, the dragon, or anything at all.

Another splash sent his senses into alert, and he sat up. Drake was in the water leaning up against the river bank. His appearance was radically different from what Lazok remembered, stronger looking for the most part. "That creature won't hurt them will it?" He said, his eyes focusing on him intensely.

"He would like nothing better then that, but won't."

"That's reassuring. And the battle?"

"Not good."

Lazok noticed the crusted blood around his mouth, and made his way to the edge of the farthest side of the pool. "So they lost?"

"You think I'm going to do something to you, don't you?"

"You tried to rape me once. Remember?"

"Lazok, had I wanted to rape you that day. I could've done it very easily at ANY point. Right?"

"Why'd you do what you did, then?"

"What you saw was a reaction to another dragon, Azroth."

"Well, last I checked, no arillian ever did that when a dragon was near."

"That's because I'm a half-dragon."

"Well," Lazok shrugged, "I guess I can't call you a liar, because you do have that massive dragon. Azroth, is it?"

He nodded. "I trust him more then anyone."

"Does he talk ever?"

"Sometimes, but mostly to me."

"So what about them?" Drake motioned up the embankment towards the sleeping group. "Who are they?"

"Karen's the old one, a druid, I think, and Kaza is my lover."

Drake gave a sideways grin. "So no chance for us, huh?"

Lazok felt a dull ache in his heart. "I only feel things for Kaza, not you."

"If you don't think you're in love with me anymore, then how about a kiss?"

Drake was calling his bluff. "What you mean a kiss?"

"If you kiss me, and don't truthfully feel anything, I'll stop pursuing you." Drake stood up, his glistening ten pack almost fully exposed. "You've got nothing to lose, and maybe something to gain either way."

As Drake walked over and stood in front of him, Lazok couldn't help but feel enticed by the powerful muscles. Drake extended his hand, "So?"

"Let's do it." Lazok grabbed his extended hand and felt himself being lifted up.

Drake's maw approached slowly. Lazok opened his maw, sincerely doubting his ability to resist Drake. Lazok groaned as he felt Drake's lips brush up against him, another groan escaped from their kiss as he was pulled against the mountainous abs. Warm spit rolled down from their maws, dripping into the water.

As Drake pulled away, Lazok pulled him back, their lips meeting for a longer second time. He heard the familiar groan of a pleased Drake, and broke the kiss. "You fucker, you knew I'd fall for you again," He whispered softly. "Why'd you come back?"

"I don't know..."

A twig snapped in the forest, and Drake instinctively turned toward it. He saw a young green arillian male, his armor clearly possessing the markings of King Darren's army. "I'm suppose to deliver a message of highest importance to the one who controls the Dragon ravaging the Queen's Army."

"If he heard you say that I control him, he'd bite your head off." Drake walked towards him, keeping his waist below the water. "I ride him. What do you want?"

"Then I have to read you this," He pulled from the pouch on his belt a small letter, sealed in red wax. He broke the seal and started to read, "From Commander Knos, Commander of the Third and Forth Infantry Divisions: I write to you with great respect, dragonrider. Your skills in combat are those of legends, and we are in dire need for you to aid us. No doubt, by the time you read this letter, we will be held under siege by that bitch-queen and our food supplies will be dwindling. The rest of her forces will have moved on expecting us to starve in the keep of this castle, if you can aid us, I believe I will be able to pinch her armies between the combined forces of His Majesty, pushing them back to their borders." He closed the letter. "I am to offer you anything and everything that the Commander has at his disposal." The young green stood there with his arms crossed.

"We have to help them, Drake." Lazok said.

"Oh, really, Azroth is tired, and I am as well. We've been doing this for three nights straight and--" Drake felt his jaw being grabbed and wrenched back towards Lazok. "I will fuck you so hard right now if you help them." He whispered, pressing his sex up against him.

"Well If you put it that way..." Drake looked back at the male, "Get over to Azroth, my dragon, and wait for me there." He ordered.


"DO IT." Drake growled menacing, and the Messenger retreated in the direction of the camp.

"Now that we're alone, I can tell you," Drake caressed Lazok against his muscle wrapped abs. "How much I've missed this."

"I've missed you, Drake, but what about--?"

Drake hushed him with a gentle kiss. "Let's not worry about that now."

Lazok smiled.

They both stood in each other's arms, listening to the sounds of the river. It's current brushing up against their sexes, rubbing them gently together. He pressed himself closer, and listened to the soft beat of Drake's heart. Somewhere inside he knew that Drake needed him more than anything in this twisted and violent world

Lazok groaned with intense pleasure as he felt Drake's maw dripping with hot saliva, rolling it's teeth over his dusty bronze scales, and the large cock that was slipping up between them pressed hotly against his stomach.

Two large hands grasped his butt, and started to pull him upwards. He sat on the hands as they lifted him over the cock. He grasped the tight black cock, and aimed it for his hole. Hovering only inches from the hole, Lazok grabbed Drake's maw and kissed up against it. Slowly he was lowered down, and as he felt the cock push through his tight hole he groaned into Drake's mouth, unwilling to break the kiss between them.

Lazok slid, inch by inch, down the mass cock, causing Drake to groan as the hole took every inch of his monster cock. The kiss broke only when Lazok found him self at the base of the cock, his legs wrapped around the muscular sides of Drake, and his arms holding tightly around Drake's neck.

Two massive hand grasped his sides, and he groaned as he felt himself being lifted up then dropped back down the long shaft until his hole splashed down in the water.. He'd never remember being so loose with another male, another drop sent him groaning. Long, heated groans continued to slip from his mouth as Drake guided him up and down the shaft with his own two hands. He admired Drake. His long sensuous abs rubbing up against him as he pumped him, the power that seemed to emanate from his body, but most of all, it was how much he loved to fuck.

"Shhiitt." Drake groaned loudly. The pumps slapped against his cheeks grew harder and harder, drowning out the sounds of the running river they were fucking in. Hot cum rushed from the cock, spilling deep inside Lazok. The body Lazok held on to spasmed in raw untamed pleasure as the wet cum rolled out of his loose hole, dripping down off his own ball sack.

Drake's sides were heaving as Lazok slid off, the cold water brushing up against his tail hole. One big black scale hand grasped his cock tugging him closer. "Damn, I don't think I could pump you like that." Lazok grasped his hand and guided them over to the river bank. He got out and sat upon the warm earth. Drake slid out, his cock limping now, and pushed Lazok onto the ground. The long green scaly cock stood tall, and Drake greedily positioned himself over it's pointed tip.

Lazok could barely gasp as the hot ass dropped down his shaft, plunging him deep into the tight muscular rear that was now squeezing his cock in quick uncontrollable movements. Lazok opened his mouth in a groan as Drake started to pound his hot muscular thighs, his thick ass slapping out a quick hot rhythm. He watched each muscle in Drake's back as it took his cock over and over.

He tried to fight it. The hot sensations that rode his cock coerced him into cumming a little but he didn't want to cum just yet. He clenched up tightly, his head rocking back in forth as pleasure filled his insides, and he knew that he could hold out for only so long. The quick slaps became almost uncountable as the sounds slurred together.

He groaned loudly, louder than anything Kaza had gotten out of him. His cum started to shoot down Drake's asshole, filling him with reptile juices. He grasped Drake's tail, and he stopped pounding, just gently pushing against him and lifting only slightly. They both reveled in the moment as ecstasy took over Lazok's mind, and cum filled Drake's insides.