The Old Republic: Beyond Light and Darkness ch. 5

Story by Kaspian17 on SoFurry

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Chapter 5

Carnal Displeasures

It was just dawning on this side of the Galactic City. The Senate Plaza was slowly filling up with people going to work in the Senate Building itself or the trade concourse underneath. Still, the Garden of Equality, where Kaidan and HK laded, was relatively clear, which made their arrival unnoticed. Kaidan walked out into the Avenue of Core Founders, the droid shadowing his steps. Tall, impressionistic statues decorated the area, each representing one of the founders of the Republic. The wolf stood there, in the middle of the avenue, for a longer while, starting contemplatively at the statues.

„Query: Is everything allright, Master? You have been standing out in the open for a long time now. A hidden assasin could have easily taken you out many times now" The droid asked, concerned.

„I'm fine HK. I was just thinking," His master replied. „I can't believe that I spent my life working for the same ancient Republic that now hunts for me."

„Lamentation: Well Master, such is the life of a servant. We are nurtured and cared for only to play our part in the future and work for our Master, untill the day the exploitation gets to us, we trip and land on a scrap pile, waiting to be melted down and made into a cleaning droid or a moisture vapoorator for some poor, Outer Rim farmer." The droid mused, sorrowfully.

„That was deep HK," Kaidan was surprised at how sensitive his droid was „I suppose I've never thought of it that way. It never occured to me the Republic could be so cynical," He paused for a moment. „I was naiive."

„Appeasement: Look at it this way Master: you have escaped from their confinement and are now on your way to exact vengance on those who wronged you Master," The droid pointed out. „It could have been alot worse. And with an assasin droid of such sophistication like me, Master, you will be unstoppable."

„I'm on no quest for vengance, I just want to find out what's going on." Kaidan protested. „Enough talking, we have someone to meet. Someone who can get us out of Coruscant..

„Statement: As you wish Master," HK said, then added hopefully, „Perhaps we will finally find organics that need blasting."

Kaidan did not comment and headed for the stairs leading underground, to the trading concourse underneath the Senate Plaza. He was looking for a public HoloNet terminal and signal his contact. He couldn't use his private communicator, someone could intercept his message. Nobody will catch an unsigned, suspicious message in a sea of HoloNet traffic on a planet of trillions.

He approached a terminal on the far side of the western concourse and tapped at it, bringing up it's message function. He tapped in his contact's holofrequency and stopped to think on his message briefly. He typed the following: its k. need your help asap. meet at regular._He read the message again and tapped 'send'. Kaidan didn't have to wait long for a response. The message read: _cant make it there. go to dd. meet you soon. c.

The message made Kaidan worry. He wanted to meet his contact at the Senate District Spaceport, like he always did. Instead, he had to travel to Old Galactic Market, to the Dealer's Den cantina - a place too often visited by SIS agents, which made it the last place Kaidan wanted to be in right now. Unfortunately, he was at the mercy of his contact right now, as nobody else could get him off the planet clandestinely.

Kaidan and his droid headed back to the surface and to the taxi pad. The Old Galactic Market was not far from the Senate Plaza and a taxi was the easiest way to get there. He tossed a few credit chits at the flight control droid and boarded the nearest taxi speeder, HK on the passenger seat.

Coruscant airlanes were filled with speeders every time of the day, hundreds of thousands of people going back and forth. His speeder flew past illuminated skyscrapers on autopilot, monumental buildings glistening in the light of the rising Corusca, the sun of Coruscant. Kaidan looked over the board, at the traffic underneath him, seeing dozens of lanes above the capital's undercity. For a moment his eyes fixated on a shiny new, very expensive speeder model fly by, making him wish he could afford one. He was brought back to reality when he felt his taxi slowing down, as it neared it's destination.

After a short flight the pair disembarked on the Market pad. The area looked a bit raw and austere, the grey, metal floors and walls covered by a few plants and neons here and there. Kaidan and HK walked to the flashiest place in the concourse, surrounded by vomiting or beaten up figures. The lower sectors of Coruscant were just as dangerous as anywhere else and letting your guard down meant a blaster to the head or fist to the stomach.

Kaidan entered the familiar establishment, reeking of cheap alchohol and vomit. Smells like home. To think it's one of the best watering holes in this district...

He bid his droid to wait at the door, then took a free table on the corner and ordered a Corellian Brandy. Kaidan wasn't very fond of alcohol, but the Brandy was the one thing he actually enjoyed drinking, occasionally. He looked at his drink, then looked around the cantina, taking a moment to notice the holographic dancers, and back to his drink.

It's been a long time since I just sat down for a drink like that. He thought to himself. I'm so tired. And anxious. I thought I'd never feel so nervous again, yet here I am, sweating through my shirt. Cal better have a good explanation. Kaidan looked up contemplatively. I wonder how are Rex and Lily doing? I wish I didn't have to leave so abruptly. And Master Forzan, I wonder what os he thinking right now. He was so vocally opposed to these accusations and all of a sudden he finds out I'm gone. I hope they can all forgive me some day. Kaidan could feel tears welling up in his eyes.

„What's wrong? Undercity air stings your eyes?" A voice asked sarcastically.

Kaidan hurriedly wiped his eyes on his furry arm and faced the newcomer, a tall, well-built Cathar. It was Calder Peth, his underworld contact on Coruscant. He took a seat next to Kaidan and ordered Blue milk from the waitress.

„Screw you Cal, you made me come all the way here from the spaceport." Kaidan replied bemusedly.

„I know, I'm sorry. I'm in a bit of a trouble and can't be everywhere at once." Calder apologised sincerely.

„I know the feeling." Said the wolf, with a grim expression, then added, „I need your help to get my ship back."

„Oh no, no. If somebody stole your ship, then it's out of my hands." The Cathar said, waving his hands, strongly signalling his unwilligness to help.

„It's not that," Kaidan reassured him. „My Jedi corvette has been impounded on Tython and I left my freighter on Nar Shaadda. I need someone to haul it back to Coruscant."

„Oh, the XS? Nice piece of work that." Calder said approvingly. „But why not shuttle there and bring the ship yourself?"

„Because the Republic is looking for me and my destination is on Nar Shaadda. If I use public transport, they'll find me." Kaidan explained.

„Well, that sounds awfully complicated, but I know better than to ask. Got enough of my own problems as it is." Calder said. „I know a guy there. I can have your ship here in a week."

„A week is too long, I need it today." The wolf replied.

„Sorry, but like I said, I'm in trouble. I'll need time to work this out. Can't do this any sooner. Unless..." Calder paused, rubbed his chin, deep in thought and continued. „I've got an idea. You help me out of a tough spot and I'll get you your ship for tomorrow morning. Deal?"

„Don't push your luck Cal, I think I've done enough for you." Kaidan said angrily, invoking past favours.

„Hey, I'm not trying to milk you for what you're worth. It's for practical reasons." His contact reassured him. „There's this Black Sun guy - Orthos. I borrowed money from him and got overdue, so he slapped huge interest on my load and demands it back here and now. And he's keeping my list of contacts, holofrequencies and encryption keys hostage, till I pay him. So, can you do me a solid and make this thing go away?"

„What, are you expecting me to pay you off? You must be out of your mind." The wolf was visibly annoyed.

„I'm asking you to convince the Huttspawn to space off and shove that debt up his ass. How you do it is up to you." Calder clarified.

Kaidan didn't like the sound of that. Muscling a Black Sun boss could draw unwanted attention to him. Still, Calder was his only chance out of Coruscant. He had to play along, for now.

„Dammit, fine. I'll go see him" Kaidan said, resigned. „But you're gonna owe me more than just one starship. And you're paying for the drinks."

„Great! I'll send you details where to find him." The Cathar said, relieved. „I'll meet you at the spaceport once you get my stuff. Good luck!"

Kaidan got up from the table without a word and left the cantina, waving at his droid to follow him.

„Query: I trust your meeting went well, Master?" HK enquired.

Kaidan checked his datapad. Calder sent him the coordinates, an apartament deep in the Black Sun sectors.

„In a way it did. I think you're going to like this," Said Kaidan. „We're going to intimidate a gang boss into submission."

„Enthusiastic Declaration: Master, that is the most wonderful thing I have heard in weeks!" The droid said gleefully. „Please, let's proceed with the task at hand immediately!"

Jumping into a taxi, the pair headed for an apartament block within the ganster-overrun Black Sun sectors. Many parts of Coruscant lower city were under management of various criminal syndicates, which took opportunity of the chaos caused by the Bobmbing of Coruscant. The planet's security forces are unable to cope with the gang's activities, due to most of city's resources being funneled into restoriation of vital city infrastructure. The corruption in the Senate isn't helping either.

Kaidan's taxi speeder descended onto a landing pad in front of a pristine apartament building, towering over the dilapidated living blocks in the area. He and HK disembarked from the vehicle and entered the building. They walked into the turbolift on the far side of a posh lobby and Kaidan choose the penthouse floor, on top of the building. The wolf didn't know how to solve the problem yet or even who exactly is he dealing with.

„Don't shoot unless I tell you to. Or they shoot first." He cautioned the droid.

HK nodded, as the lift stopped and it's door opened, revealing a huge, opulent apartament full of people, covered in red, glided carpets and drapes, rare potted plants, aurodium statues and live, almost naked dancers of all kinds. On the far side of the large room, behind the costly decorations and carnal displays of affection stood a large, equally opulent throne, covered in purple cloth and crimson cushions. The place looked like a very sleazy cantina more than anything else. On the throne sat an imposing figure, obscured by a body of a young Twi'lek attached to it in what Kaidan found to be poorly faked, nauseating act of lust. On each side of the throne stood a muscular Nikto bodyguard, armed with an electrostaff, wearing armoured clothes bearing strange, religious markings.

Morgukai._Kaidan thought to himself, surprised and intimidated, but calmed himself down after a moment._That's fine. There's only two of them. And it's not the first time you have to fight multiple Jedi killers.

Kaidan's confidence was shaked further when the Twi'lek girl, who was obviously working hard in hope for a huge tip, moved away from the figure on the throne and revealed it to be a Gen'Dai, near-indestructible and biologically immortal, even more muscular than his bodyguards. He wore a light colourful tunic with short sleeves and long leggings and lots of loost jewellery everywhere. Kaidan had never seen a Gen'Dai dressed like that, but he suspected he could do some damage if he wanted.

Oh good, so two Jedi killers from an ancient Nikto sect and one immortal alien. The wolf was visibly worried, but then snapped himself out of the anxiety. Don't be such a pussy Kay! You've done far better against far worse and in even worse circumstances! This will be a cinch.

Kaidan looked at HK. The droid was unyielding as ever, but the wolf knew his partner couldn't wait for the slaughter to begin. At least HK would take care of any patrons dumb enough to join a potential fight.

„Welcome! Welcome! Please, come closer, esteemed guest!" The Gen'Dai greeted him cordially, in a jovial tone, gesturing with a hand decorated with shining rings and bracelets. „I am Orthos and this is my Pleasure Den. Grab a drink or a girl and let's talk buisness."

„Buisness I'll take. I'm fine for drinks and women though." Kaidan said stoically.

The gangster raised an eyebrow. „A boy then, perhaps? no? Not one for fun, I see? That's fine I can work with that." He said, then paused, seeing Kaidan's frustrated expression. He continued, „What can the Black Sun do for you then?"

„I'm here about my friend, Calder Peth. You need to stop making trouble for him and return his property to him." Kaidan plainly stated his demands.

„Oh, you mean the dirty, little Cathar who can't return money on time?" Orthos replied with a smirk. „Would you like to pay his debt? I accept all forms of currency."

Kaidan wanted to try and finish this job as quickly and painlessly as possible, so he had decided to coerce his opponent less violently, through the Force. He'd underestimated his target's mental resolve, however.

„You will cancel Calder's debt" He said, subtly influencing the ganger's mind.

The Gen'Dai must have had previous experience with mind tricks, as he crossed his eyebrows and stood up.

„You must take me for a fool Jedi, to come to my home and try your magic tricks on me." He said in a much more aggressive tone. „If there's anything I hate more than avoiding paying, it's cheating."

As he spoke, patrons around the apartament paused their activities and turned towards the throne, some reaching for their blasters. HK put his hand on his rifle, in anticipation of hostility. Orthos' Morgukai bodyguards moved in to grab Kaidan.

Not willing to give his enemies the upper hand, Kaidan grabbed his lightsabers and activated them, pointing at each of the bodyguards. Orthos reached behind his throne and pulled out an enormous vibroblades while his bodyguards brandished their electrostaves. HK fired a warning salvo into the crowd of patrons, which quickly discouraged the more feisty ones from engaging the intruders and causing everyone to flee the apartament in panic.

Without a warning, Orthos and one of his Morgukai bodyguards swung their weapons at Kaidan. The wolf blocked their blows with considerable effort and hopped backwards, spinning around as he did, making a saber barried around him that discouraged anyone from coming close. His droid took on himself to defeat the other Nikto and attacked him using a small vibroknife coupled with good old fists and feet. Kaidan couldn't watch the droid's handiwork any longer, as the other Nikto was already charging at him with his staff. This time, the wolf evaded the attack and swung his sabers at his enemy's back, as he swung his weapon past Kaidan. The Morgukai anticipated this, however, and the other end of his staff was already behind his back, blocking the saber blow.

Staggered, Kaidan narrowly evaded Orthos' vibroblade, aimed at his neck. He bent his knees and leaned backwards, while still keeping perfect balance. Going back to a straight up position, he lashed out with the Force at his enemies, hurling the Gen'Dai backwards, but barely even staggering the Nikto. In retaliation, the alien unleashed a barrage of strikes at the Jedi, which forced him backwards. Knowing he was loosing ground, Kaidan had to act fast.

Quickly surveying his surroundings through the Force, he noticed that his Morgukai opponent was not as resistant to mental as the other two. He just needed a free moment to work his magic.

Kaidan clutched the Nikto's electrostaff between his lightsabers and pinned it to the ground, then hit his adversary straight in the face with his elbow and pushed him away with a kick to the stomach. That gave the Jedi a moment to focus and confuse his opponent.

Your friends have betrayed you! He could feel his thoughts reverberating in the Morgukai's mind. You can have your revenge on them, strike now!

The trick worked, as the Nikto gave Kaidan a dumb stare, then turned towards his Morgukai brother, tied in a fight with the assasin droid, and hit him straight in the back, the electric surge incapacitating the other Nikto. HK took the opportunity to quickly eliminate the remaining bodyguard, leaving Kaidan facing off against the recovered Gen'Dai.

„Give up already and you won't be hurt." Kaidan offered his adversary. „HK, go watch the elevator. I've got this." The droid complied, leaving his master behind.

Orthos said nothing and assaulted Kaidan with his massive sword. Kaidan jumped to the side and quickly stabbed through the Gen'Dai's sword hand, making him drop his weapon. Orthos cried out in pain, clutching his hand for a moment. The cauterised wound healed quickly, but he didn't have time to pick up his weapon, as Kaidan was already on the offensive once more. Orthos tried to grab Kaidan by the waist, but the wolf made a rolling jump over the alien's head, landed on the other side and without turning around he plunged both his sabers into his opponent's abdomen. He pulled them out and in a swift move, turned around and cut off both of Orthos' legs at the knees, making him fall to the floor.

The ganster tried to pick himself up and crawl to his weapon, but Kaidan pinned him to the floor with telekinesis and turned him around so he could see his face.

„Had enough?" Kaidan taunted his opponent.

Orthos spat at the wolf. „I thought Jedi are supposed to be just."

„I won't be taught about justice by a petty criminal." Kaidan retorted, narrowing his eyes and pushing his enemy again with the Force.

„Perhaps you should," Orthos coughed, then continued. „Your friend was getting too rough with my girls, going as far as beating one up when she didn't want to do what he said." The Gen'Dai paused to catch some air. „I hit him with the huge interest as a punishment for being a dick, so he sics the Republic's lapdogs on me. Typical."

Kaidan let go of the gangster immediately. He could feel his thoughts and they were sincere. He was so blinded by his own needs and a misguided desire for justice that he had hurt an innocent man. Well, as innocent as one can be pandering, trafficking spice or whatever else is it that gangsters do for a living.

„I'm... I'm sorry, I had no idea." Kaidan said, shocked.

„Yeah, well, it's a sentient's thing to make mistakes." Orthos said in a hoarse voice, while climbing onto his throne.

„Threat: Nobody move, organic filth, or I will fill you with blaster holes!" HK yelled out.

Kaidan turned towards the turbolift and saw a crowd of armed gangster aiming at the droid and him.

„HK stand down!" Kaidan shouted at the droid.

Reluctantly, the assasin holstered his weapon and stood aside.

„Boss, are you okay?" Asked one of the men.

Orthos only waved them away, as he settled on his throne. His legs had already begun regenerating. The gangsters retreated back into the elevator and Orthos turned to Kaidan.

„Listen Jedi, I know when I'm beaten. I can recognise strength as a bargaining chip." The Gen'Dai said. „So you can have Calder's stuff, it's over there, in that locker." Orthos pointed to a locker in an adjacent room, then continued. „But if you're really sorry about all this, then do me a favour: make Calder pay me back everything to the last credit. It's only a request, I won't tell you what to do."

Kaidan had seen hundreds of criminals and gang bosses in his career, both as a spy and a Jedi, and Orthos must have been the most decent one, not only as a ganster but a sentient being.

Kaidan nodded in response to the Gen'Dai's request and gestured at HK to grab Calder's things.

„I genuinely hope that this won't sour our future buisness," Orthos said. „I'm really looking forward to working with one such as you in the future."

Without a single word more, Kaidan turned towards the turbolift and left the apartament with his droid following.

Back in the Senate district, Kaidan went straight for the spaceport's Hangar 57, where he normally met with Calder. Kaidan's walk was quick, he was furious with his contact and with himself.

Son of a bitch made me a fool. He thought to himself, seething with rage. Did he think I wouldn't eventually find out? What was he thinking? What was I thinking?

Entering the hangar, Kaidan noticed Calder in the lobby, talking to a technician. The wolf approached his contact, grabbed him by the throat and with superhuman strength dragged the much larger Cathar, slamming him against the nearest wall.

„You tricked me! Orthos was innocent and you were just looking for a looser to save your ass!" Kaidan said angrily through his teeth.

Calder was frantically gasping for air while trying to get out of Kaidan's steel grasp.

„I... can't... breathe!" He wheezed.

Kaidan squeezed Calder's throat for a moment longer, then let the Cathar go. Calder fell to his knees, hacking and gasping.

„Allright...! Allright...! I'm sorry! I had to, otherwise... Otherwise I wouldn't be able to help you." Said Calder, coughing and wheezing.

„Then you're gonna make it right, but after you do what you promised to me," Said Kaidan, extending Calder's equipment towards him. „You're gonna go back to Calder, tell him I sent you and beg him to hire you in place of paying him back."

„W-what? Are you kidding? He's gonna kill me!" Calder yelled.

Kaidan grabbed Calder by his shirt. „I am going to kill you if you won't start doing what I tell you. I want you get my ship here by dawn and I want you to redeem yourself by working for Orthos. Got it?"

The Cathar nodded and without a word ran into the hangar's control room.

Kaidan sighed deeply and sat down on one of the benches in the lobby. I have to be more careful from now on. He thought to himself. Don't know who to trust anymore.

He laid back and closed his eyes, tired after the eventful day. He could only hope everything will explain itself soon so he can go back to his life an his friends.

And just like that he fell asleep, with his droid companion keeping vigil.

The Old Republic: Beyond Light and Darkness ch. 6

**Chapter 6** **Haunted** „Don't open your eyes. Feel the Force flow around you." A soothing voice of a young Twi'lek Consular sounded across the meditation chamber. „Reach out to your surroundings, influence it." Padawans of all shapes and sizes...

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To the beat of gaming

**To the beat of gaming.** Jon came out of the back room at the city's Gamestop, carrying a stack of display games to restock the shelves. He was wearing the standard employee dress shirt with his nametag clipped onto his noticably toned and defined...

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The Old Republic: Beyond Light and Darkness ch. 4

**Chapter 4** **High-altitude prophecies** Kaleth was Kaidan's favourite place for a walk, despite the fact that the ancient ruins were crawling with equally ancient, aggressive droids. But for that reason Kaleth was off-limits to Padawans too young...

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