
Story by Sexywulf on SoFurry

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Arthur couldn't wait! Him and buster are having a sleepover tonight, which was going to be awesome. Arthur just turned 11 but couldn't have a party because the family was too busy. So they decided he can a friend over for a sleepover while they visit Grandpa for the weekend. Arthur was so excited; buster comes at 4:00 and it what 3:30 now. " Remember Arthur the money for pizza is on the table, the cake is in the fridge and you can use pay for view to watch Wally kk?" Arthur's mom said.

" Yes mom ill remember", Arthur replied. Then the doorbell ringed.

" Yesss! Buster heres!" Arthur yelled. Arthur ran to the door and opened it.

Buster was there with his mother.

" Hey Arthur what's going on?" He said.

" Nothing much, come on I want to show you my new games!" Arthur said. They both ran away upstairs to have fun. Then Arthur's mom came to the door. " sorry Judy you know how boys are."

" Yea I know so are you sure its safe?" she asked.

" Don't worry Judy Arthur is 10 and buster is 11 this can show them responsibility." Arthur's mom said.

" Well.... ok well heres buster things and ill be phoning Saturday just to see how buster is because he gets a little homesick."

" Yea go ahead im going to call too so everything is going to be fine." Arthur's mom replied.

" Well see ya later kk? Have fun too," she said. Then left to her car and drove away.

Upstairs Arthur and Buster were playing a video game when Buster brings up an uncomfortable subject. " Hey Arthur have you been noticing changing with you body?"

Arthur blushed and said, " No not really why?"

" Well I have been noticing some things like my area got bigger."

" Maybe it got bigger because you are getting bigger." Arthur said. Then at that moment Arthur's dad yelled them to come down stairs. Then Arthur and Buster ran down stairs and stand in front of the adults.

" Okay remember to behave yourselves ok? And the money is on the table remembered to call before you order a movie kk? Oh and Arthur if you want too you can watch some movies on my computer kk I even have the new Die-hard movie on there", Arthur's dad said.

" AWSOME!!!" they both yelled.

" Okay the password is L.U.V. kk? Can you remember it?"

" Yea dad I will." Arthur said with an attitude. Then the car honked from outside.

" Kk got to go give me a hug," Then Arthur and his dad had a short hug and Arthur's dad left and the next they know, they were alone, in a house, by themselves.

" So...what do you want to do?" Arthur asked.

" I don't know lets just have fun." Buster answered back.

Then from 4:30 to 7:00 they played video games. They also had a short game of hide-and-go-seek. Once it came time to 7 they both decided it was a reasonable time to take a bath.

" So do you want to go first?" Arthur said while he was getting the bath ready.

" Uhh I have an idea, how about we both take one at the same time do we can watch the movie quicker?" Buster asked. Arthur hesitated for a bit but then said yes.

While Arthur put the bubbles in, Buster started to take off his clothes. He got to his boxers and stopped.

" Kk all ready" Arthur stopped and stared at Buster.

" Well are you ready?" Buster said.

Then Arthur took of his shirt and shorts and kept his briefs on. At the same time they took of their underwear and they stand there looking at themselves. Arthur could tell what he meant by changing. Buster's area was much bigger.

"Well let's get in," buster said.

They both got in the tub and started to wash. Once they were done they both got out. But then Buster had an idea, " Hey, out parents aren't here. We can walk around nude!" Arthur then said, " yea but we have to order pizza remember?"

" Ohhhhh yea kk,"

They then went down stairs and Arthur picked up the phone and order the pizza. Buster went and sat on the couch. He turned on the TV and browsed through the movies. When he got to the adult sections he stopped. Arthur came into the room and said, " ok the pizza is on there way"

Then Buster said, " Hey what does blow me mean? "

" I don't know"

" Hm... well do ya want to watch this movie?"

" No we should just stick to Wally"

" Meh ok."

The Arthur picked up the phone and started to get Wally. The doorbell rang. " Uhh buster can you get that the money is on the table." Buster went into the kitchen and grabbed the money and headed for the door. When he opens the door there was a cute wolf holding a pizza. The wolf looked over buster and liked what he sees. Buster was wearing nothing except pajama pants with a button around the cock area so he can open up easily. " 22.50 please" the cute wolf said. Buster handed the wolf the money and the wolf handed the rabbit the pizza. Buster set the pizza on the living room table and then went into the kitchen to grab some pop for him and Arthur.

When Arthur finished on the phone he sat down on the couch beside buster and pressed play and they both dug into the pizza and watch the kids movie.

Two Hours Later

Arthur woke up at 10:30. Buster was asleep. The movie was over so he turned off the TV. It was dark so he turned on the lamp beside him. Buster was sleeping on the couch with his butt in the air. Arthur giggled to himself. Then Arthur shook buster to wake him up.

" Uhh what time is it?" he asked

" Its 10:35, do you want to go to sleep or do you want to watch some movies on dads computer?"

" Yes we should watch some movies huh? Lets stay up." Buster agreed.

Buster and Arthur then walk to the study and they pulled up two chairs and sat at the computer. Arthur logged on and enters the password " L.U.V" And he was in. He looked through all the movies to see what's good. Mostly all of them he already saw or didn't like. Then when they saw the new Die-hard he stopped. " Do you want to watch this?" Arthur asked.

" Nah we shouldn't we have all of tomorrow you know." Buster said.

" Yea you right" Arthur said back.

Then buster saw a file that said ‘ DADS', " Hey maybe your dad has some movies," Buster said. Then Arthur went to that file but a popup came up asking for a password.

" We need a password," he said sadly. Then buster said," Try that password your dad gave you."

Arthur enters it in, denied.

" Uhh try family." Buster said.

Arthur enters it in, denied.

" Try DW." He said.

Arthur enters it in, denied.

" Hmmmmm well try oh your name!" Buster finally said.

Arthur enters it in, Correct.

" YES!!" They both said out loud.

There are Four Files in that file, they are, XXX photos, XXX Clips, XXX movies, and XXX Homemade. " There movies!" Buster pointed out. Arthur clicked it. Then weird titles of movies came up Like, puppy luv, nighttime creeps, his first gray, dream men, and a lot more.

" Theses are weird movies huh buster?" Arthur asked. And buster replied, " ...yea scroll down." And Arthur did so, he slowly scrolled down until they found and interesting movie. Then Buster said, " Hey, that one, ‘ Construction' that's the only one I can understand." Arthur clicked it.

The movie started out with a young husky hammering into a piece of wood. When another young dog very muscular walked by and looked at the husky weirdly. The muscular took off his shirt and started to hammer a wood in too. The young husky stared at the muscular dog. His tongue sticking out, Arthur and buster finds this weird. The young wolf looks down and sees his bulge in his pants. The other dog looked and stared at him and smiled. He then walks up to the husky and starts kissing him. Arthur and Busters eyes went huge at the sight of this. The dog than grabbed the husky's bulge and rubbed it. The husky went on his knees and pulled down the dogs pants and started to suck on the dog's cock.

Arthur wanted to shut it off because he was feeling weird, but he was too afraid.

Then something strange happen, buster looked down at Arthur's cock and his jaw dropped. Arthur's cock was sticking out of his pajama pants. " Uhh Arthur look down." He did. Even Arthur's eyes went wide. Then Arthur's eyes went to buster's area. " Hey look yours got bigger too!" Arthur said. Buster then unbuttons his pants and his cock popped out. On the computer the husky and the dog were now jacking each other off.

That's were buster had an idea He reach own to Arthur's cock and started stroking it.

" Buster...what are you doing?" Arthur asks feeling weird.

" Im just doing what they are doing. You can do it to me if ya want." He said. On that Arthur grabs Buster's cock and starts stroking it " This ...feels god. Buster." Arthur noted. They stroked each other for a long time. Exploring each part of the area. Buster was enjoying this as much as Arthur. Then Arthur said, " This will be much easier if we took our pants off eh?" and Buster stand up and took of his pants, so did Arthur.

They looked at the screen and now they were sucking each other. That is were Buster said, " Can I do that Arthur?" And of coarse Arthur said yes since he loved this feeling. Buster got to his knee and started to suck on Arthur's member.

" Ahh!" Arthur yelped.

" Are you ok?" Buster stopped.

" Yea it just feels good."

Then Buster went back to work. He sucks Arthur so carefully. He explored new parts with his tongue. Then Arthur said, " I...I fell weird." At that moment Arthur came into Buster's mouth. The salty new taste Buster loved and he wanted more so he sucks harder. But it seemed like it was empty. He looked up to Arthur and smiled, " That was good...but can you do it to me?" He asked. At that moment Arthur feel to the floor and started to suck. It was soon after when Buster came but his cock slipped out of Arthur's mouth and it came all over Arthur's face.

" That was cool huh?" Buster said.

" Yea..." Arthur said. And they both lie there and fell asleep.

In the morning they woke up and had a bath. Buster's and Arthur's mother phoned but they didn't say what happen because they might get into trouble. They rest of the weekend they watch some more movies. And then Buster had to leave cause his mom came. Soon after Arthur's mom and dad came back, with DW witch wasn't good.

Off To Tronjheim

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Thorn’s Gift

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