First Love, eternal love.

Story by Luksinatriks on SoFurry

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#1 of Teen trouble

Ok ok! PLEASE PUT THE STICKS AND STONES DOWN! OY stop throwing rocks at me! yes I know this is rushed and raw but it was a choice between spending the next week prof reading and fixing it or focusing on the spyro and cynder part 2 (yes I have started to work on it so no need to beat me!!!) Anyway, enjoy the cheesy forbidden teen romance between a dragon and a gryphoness while I work on our kinky dragon couple.

Friendship is quite possibly the most valuable thing a person can have. That was the mindset of Drkasion at least. Most would call the young black dragon foolish for assuming or even worse believing such an assumption in the universe where conflict is inevitable and where it represented the daily form of existence. Yet he would pay those "wise" and "wiser" people no heed, possibly due to the fact that at 20 years of age he hasnt yet adopted the usual mindset of his kind. His family was rather gloomy and dark, at least he felt that way since they were always preoccupied with survival and conflict to appreciate the finer and nicer things in life. Maybe there was something inherently good in his being, for a dragon such as him was a rarity, not only in his own family, but also to the entirety of his clan.

"Where is she..." he spoke to himself, his voice betraying his concern. He was speaking of his one true friend Kandja the gryphoness. She was a few months younger than him and the two were inseparable. They had meet when he was but a hatchling and she was but a chick. The circumstances under which they meet were neither pleasant nor fair. While both dragons and gryphons were individualistic creatures, with dragons being able to fend for themselves as soon as they were born, both races maintained a social structure and tight familiar bond, with children most often nesting next to their parents for at least first few decades of their lives. However it was most unfortunate that the two races clashed on many fronts and the conflict that the Skytalon dragon clan had with the Hellfeather clan of gryphons was the most basic one, food. While there was plenty of food for every individual living in the Leaffall valley and in the vicinity of it the squabbles came over thing such as the best hunting grounds and area of control with frequent clashes over such matters. The only consolation was the fact that due to the fact that both clans had many members, or to be specific, the eldest couples had many offspring's it was very rare that a kill was made by either side as no one wanted a full out war. Even the most blood thirsty of them went to the "field of battle" ever month or so and that consisted of patrolling their borders until they would find a unlucky "intruder". The worst injuries so far came to the pride's and ego's of the two clans.

Such were the conditions that the two were raised in. Since they were both of the same age they learned to fly in a short span from one another and as soon as they did they started accompanying their families across the many social gatherings and hunting trips that they had. During one of such trips the two families met and thankfully there was no bloodshed that day. The patriarchs of the two clans exchanged a few words and ordered a departure of their followers and relatives, much to the sadness of some amongst them who desired blood to be spilt. The two saw each other but unlike their older relatives they saw not enemies but potential friends and playmates. When Drkasion asked his father if he could play with the "feathery girl" some of his brothers were outraged. His father only huffed and told him that to get ready for some day that girl will be his enemy and that it should be above his honor to play with her when he beats her. Young Drakasion didnt knew the true meaning of those words but he was glad he didnt heed them. Kandja also asked her father who was the "scaly boy" that she spotted amongst the dragons, she commented on how he looked like a small dragon, causing her father to hiss both out of humor and out of spite, telling her to stay away from the dragons for they are no good.

Ignoring his father Drkasion snuck out of their cave later that day and went towards what he knew as gryphon territory. He hid until he saw her flying about and entering the cave. He let out a sound of annoyance as he realized he can't follow her inside. Luckily for him he saw a hole in the mountain revealing another smaller entrance in to the cave. Through it he saw her and it caused his heart to race as he flew over and said hi over the hole, causing her to jump.

"My family told me that you dragons treat us like overgrown chickens and that you would love nothing more than to burn us and cook us all" she told him in perfect common, the secondary language which most species used to communicate with each other. To Drkasion she was the perfect friend, her yellow beak was complimenting her round head filled with white feathers which streched all the way down to her feathery tail. Her large avian orange eyes betrayed her intelligence and they had beautiful purple eyelids that was part of the female gryphons natural make up. In gryphon society, one could easily see who had what status as the more noble and privileged one was the more natural make up he or she had on his feathers.

"WHAT?!" He responded to her back in common as he saw how serious she looked. "Why would I ever want to do that? There is plenty of food around and besides its mean, bad and wrong to hunt other sentient people" he angrily spoke in his defense, causing her to rise her feathery eyebrow and look in his red eyes, which contrasted his black scales. She judged that he spoke the truth.

"Well... why are you here?" she asked him plainly "you know very well what my family would do to if you are caught."

"Well Im bored and in need of a friend... most of my relatives are either too old or too busy to play with me and watching them plan and plot their fights against anything and anyone is BOOOORING!" he complained. After there was a short pause he asked her "Do you want to play?". She was taken aback, thinking she could risk her life if she went with the young dragon but she too was in need of a friend and a play mate. After thinking it over a bit she responded.

"Alright, but we stick to the borders, I cant go back to your region" They both smiled with him letting out a small "yey" in the process. Ever since that day the two became fast and best friends. Playing with each other often and sneaking out to do all the things their oh so serious parents forbade.

"ahhhhh" Drkasion sighed as he recalled those happier times. He smiled as he remember his first rut. Heat hit him hard when he reached 15. One day he woke up and saw that his penis was erect and as hard as it could be. He felt the urge to hump the nearest thing to him. His father laughed and said that it will pass eventually and he even teased him about which dragoness was he thinking about. Drkasion thanked his ancestors that his father didnt knew that he was actually thinking about a particular gryphoness. He left that day to meet with her, with his face nearly as red as his eyes as he couldnt hide his erection. As they met neither of them said anything but he looked down while she looked at his painfully erect black penis. At first she blushed but her face regained its seriousness fairly quick.

"I take it you dragons have mating seasons and heats as well?" she finally asked him.

"Yes." was all he could respond with his embarrassment. She took his scaly hand with her own avian one.

"You have nothing to be ashamed of." She comforted him as he finally dared to look into her eyes "Its just a normal part of grown up and being a dragon. People our age are interested in sex no matter the species" She smiled at him. It took him many years but he finally was able to work out when a gryphon smiled, it was hard reading someone's facial expressions when they had a beak for a mouth. He wanted to hug her and hug her he did, whispering "thank you" into her ear before breaking off.

"I just... well..." he blushed again as he confessed "I fantasized about you... there is no dragoness dearer to me than you are..." his face sunk and his wings and tail retracted, displaying his sadness "My family would skin me alive if they knew... and on top of it I can barely control my urges, for even now they burn inside me, driving me to desire you." He felt relief as he poured his heart out "I just... dont know if I can control myself around you and I know that I would rather kill myself than hurt you. I... dont want to hurt you" he spoke unstably and watched as she didnt twist or change her face in response.

"Ohh Drkasion... you silly dragon. I doubt there will ever be a thing you do to make me angry!" she giggled "does masturbation help? I know masturbating can lower the hormone level in ones body" she told him. He waved his head.

"It does... a bit" he blushed again and admired her intelligence "I didnt know what that word meant until earlier today!" he huffed and she giggled in response, hiding her face with her feathery wing.

"Well... i have yet to enter my heat and as such thats why Im able to keep a cool head about all of..." she giggled again and hit herself underneath her wing "this!" she pointed to his penis. He twisted his face into one of annoyance but she continued to speak "Dont worry ill help ya out" she told him.

She told him that he is allowed to masturbate in front of her, in fact she INSISTED. This all proved to be entertaining for her. She even showed him how to cum properly. This did indeed help him control his urges and keep them in check, especially once she decided to give him a handjob. It proved to be the single most satisfying and most beautiful experience he had in his life, despite that both of them lacked experience. Still, he got worried when he came on her taloned eagle hand.

"IM SO SORRY!" he practically scream as he felt his heat going down to tolerable level due to his orgasm. "Im so so sorry! I should have..." he began but she put her finger on his mouth. To his huge surprise she licked his cum of off her hand and nodded in approval.

"I can see why females like doing this, the taste isnt all that bad" Kandja told him. Seeing his gapingly open mouth she laughed "what?" she told him "close your mouth, your jaw might come apart" He did so but continued to stare at her, his expression demanding an explanation as he failed to see his penis had gone limp. "Some females like to suck on their mate's penis... at least in other species." She finally explained.

"Oh." he simply answered, still confused by the whole situation. "Can you... do that on me?" he looked at her hopefully. She laughed again, squawking like a bird in the process and holding her stomach.

"Drkasion.... I have a beak..." she told him. "If you truly wish to... shorten your spear..." she giggled at her own pun "I would suggest you find a less painful way of doing it. Besides... that wouldnt stop your urges, only cutting off your balls would." she teased him, causing him to grunt and blush in annoyance. After a moment of silence she spoke again. "Drkasion..." her face suddenly turned serious and she turned his back to him as she looked away, lost in her thoughts "I will enter my heat when I turn 20..." she made another pause before she turned to face him once again. "I do not know a gryphon worthy of taking me... and I also suspect that like you fantasized about me, so shell I fantasize about you." She told him.

"Kandja..." he spoke and got closer to her, causing her to turn around and face him again. She took his clawed hand and examined it before speaking.

"I have every reason to believe that I will give you my virginity at that moment, for I will become super gravid..." she look at him sadly in the eyes "And there is no way that I will become a third wife to some older gryphon like many others of my kind." there was sadness in her voice. Both dragon and gryphon males tended to die much more often than their female counterparts, mostly due to their aggressiveness. "I dont want the first gryphon that just happens to be near me when I enter heat to hump me and put a child in my womb... they can say they were overwhelmed by my scent and get away with it..." she became even sadder.

"Kandja..." he called to her once again but she looked at him dead in the eye with determination.

"Father will most likely lock me away until my heat passes... but if I fail to endure it... if Im find lacking in my will." she told him as she moved closer and closer to him, being only inches away from his face. "Then I want you and you alone to mate me... fuck me... ravish me so hard that my body never thinks to dare go into heat again." tears began forming in her eyes as she placed her hand on his scaly cheek. She suddenly hugged him and as he felt the warmth of her feathers against his scales she whispered into his ear. "no one is more deserving." He just hug her back and enjoyed the moment in silence.

"You know... if you are gravid... we could make a dragon gryphon hybrid" he eventually said, causing her to laugh.

"Way to ruin the moment!" she said and punched him lightly on the shoulder. "Im not sure thats even possible, our species arent even related... I think..." she said, rubbing her chin. Her family never thought her about dragons and what she did know of them was either through her individual research or from Drkasion himself.

"And your a half bird half mammal, please!" He huffed at her, painting a picture in his head of a possible future they could have... if they lived under different circumstances.

"Well I wouldnt mind too much... however my father would skin you alive at best." She told him as she thought about it "But Im thinking that this heat is going way too much in your head." Kandja pointed to the once again erect penis that hung from the young dragon.

"Oh he would do worse things than skin me..." Drkasion huffed "But I am talking about... this... us" he waved his arms vaguely "because I love you!" he said, causing her to blush and hide herself beneath her wing, trying not to laugh but failing.

"Oh silly silly dragon" she told him and treated him like a child "Even if your manhood didnt influence your thought at this point, you fail to realize that even IF we were to run away like we were in one of those silly tales about young people in love..." she said losing herself in her thoughts "We would be hunted down! And even if we were not we can hardly hope to be accepted by our families... on top of that we are way too young to start a family." she tutored him.

"But! But! It cant be that hard! Hatchlings can survive on their own as soon as they hatch! And we have all the food and water we need! What? Are we mortals that we need clothes, shelter, warmth?" he stormed, over thinking and causing her to roll her eyes.

"While you do have a few valid points Id like to talk to you about that once that raging dragon down there calms down." she told him and pointed to his penis. He tried to protest but she put a finger on his lips, silencing him. "When and IF the time comes, we will talk about it." she told him and there was no arguing with her.

Years passed since then, with him now finally awaiting her as it was her 20th birthday. To make it worse, or better for him, her birthday overlapped with his own heat and while he did learn to keep his urges mostly in check, he still couldnt keep his dick from getting erect and dribbling pre all over the ground as he pounced about. She told him to wait for her at their usual meeting place and that there were probably only three outcomes of this. Either she manages to endure it and it isnt as bad as it looks, in which case she would remain locked in her room for the next few days. The second and the worst option would be for another gryphon to mate with her, either by ambushing her or by making an arrangement with her father. The third option however, was that in the case she couldnt endure she comes to their meeting spot and has sex with him to ease her pain.

He was half expecting her to turn up with a blissful expression on her face as cum dribbled down from her vent, but the saner part of him told him that that wasnt Kandja, that wasnt the gryphoness he knew and loved.

He had waited for hours patiently. Scanning the skies for any sign of a flying gryphon as he pranced about. He was unsure of the whole affair and it was late afternoon as he decided to leave.

Just then he heard a loud 'thud' not far from him, just like a large creature landing. He turned to face Kandja and his heart sank. She was facing sideways to him and shaking furiously, refusing to face him.

"Kandja!" he called out and started going towards her, feeling a strange but incredibly powerful scent emit from her.

"Fuck me!" she said quickly, causing him to freeze in his tracks. After a few seconds of silence she finally faced him and he saw tears rolling down her feathery cheeks "Fuck. me" she said again.

"b-but I" he tried to speak as she jumped in front of him.

"FUCK ME! FUCK ME HARD! RAVISH ME!!!" she screamed at his face, before her angry facial expression collapsed into one of despair "Please..." she whispered in a shaky voice. "If your heat is but a fraction of mine then you understand my pain... so please" she sobbed and lowered her head on his chest. He couldnt believe how warm she was and had he not known better, he'd say she was ill rather than in heat. Being the sane one this time he spoke to her.

"I can give you oral, it will help ease-" he offered but she cut him off.

"NO!!! FUCK ME! PLEASE! FUCK ME! MOUNT ME! MATE ME! RAVISH ME! HUMP ME! FUCK ME! FUCK ME! FUCK ME!" She screamed at him, causing him to clench his teeth as his ears rang from her bird like voice.

"ALRIGHT! ALRIGHT!" he screamed back.

"Thank you!" she calmed down but continued to cry "You have no idea how hard this is! I dont care if you make me pregnant or if father kills me just... just" she sobbed and hugged him "Just make it go away.". He stood there, holding her shaky form and nodded meekly as he tried to fight his own heat. He Then took her hands and placed them on a nearby boulder with sunrays piercing the leaves of the tree next to it, falling down on her back. Next to them was also a small river and as they would later recall it, it was a beautiful place to lose your virginity. He examined his prize and saw fluids leaking down her vent, emitting the powerful odder he sensed earlier. To him it was the most beautiful sight he saw in his life as he aligned himself on her back, which was easy considering she was born with a feathery tail like that of an eagle, instead the usual lions tail most gryphons had. His penis was millimeters from her pussy as his scaly belly brushed against her feathery back, rubbing the tip of his cock against the edges of her pussy, causing him to shiver with pleasure. "Just put it in already!" she urged him and he obeyed.

The entire forest echoed as a mixture of a draconic roar and a eagleish, high pitched yell pierced the sky. Most people would be deafened had they stood next to the two. Kandja and Drkasion were lucky that none of their kin was nearby them or willing to investigate, because they would have a sight to behold. Blood mixed with her sexual fluids as the dragons penis rammed her clumsily, robbing her of her virginity. He would usually stop and ask her if she was alright and had he hurt her, but he, like her, was in a state of pure bliss and he hungrily started pumping her, trying and failing to make a rhythm. She squawked as his dick slid in and out of her at a unstable pace. He didnt take his dick out of her completely, always leaving the tip inside before slamming in back in to its hilt, sometimes clumsily hitting his balls against her in the process. He moaned and let his instincts take over. That proved to be a blessing and a curse as his body made a pace of its own, resulting in a far more enjoyable sex for them both. On the other hand he failed to resist lowering his head and biting down gently at her shoulder. This resulted with him having a mouth full of feathers and caused her to gasp, more with pleasure than with pain as tiny droplets of blood formed around his sharp teeth.

None of them spoke anything as they mated. They both dug their toes in the ground to gain more stability and she stiffened to allow him to better penetrate and mount her. They kept their mouths shut and moaned through them as the only sound they emitted was the one of their genitalia's colliding and it boomed 'hump, hump, hump' into the forest that surrounded them.

For Drkasion it was like he died and went to heaven. The silky, gentle and elastic cock sheath that was her vagina worked on milking him constantly, with her vagina walls accommodating his size rather well. She on the other hand scratched the boulder, leaving marks on it, and looked down, enjoying the ride that her mate was giving her. He fucked her and fucked her on, loosing track of times. Hours may have passed or maybe it was seconds as he continued to put his dragonhood in her. Their minds were blank as they were over flown with pleasure and emotions of warmth, love and empathy which came as they mated. He huffed smoke out of his nostrils as he felt their hormones combine, sending off a powerful and intoxicating aroma.

She in turned moaned as he finally found a way to rapidly insert himself in her, taking small but fast thrust, sending out loud clasps as their flesh met. Her entire rear was wet with their combined sex juices and each time he took his penis out of her a small trail of goo formed between them, which then dribbled and flew down their legs on to the grass and dirt beneath them. The sound of humping constantly echoed around them as Drkasion used his newfound knowledge to go faster and faster, setting their sexual organs on fire.

As if snapped from her trans Kandja moaned as she told him "Drkasion, dont stop Im gonna-" but it was too late as her entire body contracted in the upcoming orgasm. Her body stretched and as if he knew it Drkasion bit down a bit harder and placed his arms around her, hugging her before inserting his dick inside her, going balls deep and plugging her hole entirely. Her vagina accommodated his penis like it was a gryphons and contracted around it, adding pressure to it and milking it dry. This was too much and Drkasion released her from his jaws as he roared, feeling a incredible ticklish sensation in his balls which twisted as they contracted and released massive amounts of his dragon seed through his penis inside the womb of his fertile gryphon mate. He pushed even harder, forcing Kandja to support herself by pressing her head against the boulder as she rode her own orgasm in silence. As his orgasm subsided so did Drkasion's roar.

Standing still in their position they took nearly half a minute to calm down, as if he had a knot and he knotted her, holding their breaths. Suddenly they started panting as they fell down on top of one another, with him still locked firmly inside her. There was no way to describe the sensation the both of them felt. The shivers still went down their spines as they felt light in their chests, as if they had formed a link of some sorts, the pain and the need of their heat was almost gone and after they stopped panting.

"Thank you..." she barely managed to utter as she felt every muscle inside her relax. She wanted to turn and caress his head and horns and to compliment him but found that she lacked energy.

"Mmhmm" he gnored in acknowledgment as he stood back up again on his legs, placing them in front of her own. He positioned himself as he took out a bit of his penis from her, sending a wave of sexual juices along with it, before he started humping her again.

"WAIT! WHAT ARE YOU AH-!" she screamed before she was forced to hug the boulder as he started mating her like a rabbit would as she laid flat on her belly. The mixture of draconic roars and bird like squawks filled the air once again as he humped her mercilessly with the only difference being that this time he sent out waves of cum inside her since he was either out of pre cum or simply was just that horny. No mortal could hope to achieve the pleasures like these two had as waves and waves of pleasure passed through them, over flowing their systems with pleasure.

Their sexual organs were still over sensitive with their previous orgasm and the fire they both felt from their heats turned into exhaustion as he struggled to find the energy to hump her. Kandja started to cry from joy as her oversensitive clitoris rubbed against the dragonhood of her mate. Just minutes ago she was burning with desire and her clit begged for release, the polar opposite of what it demanded now. She couldnt get away as she laid belly down with him pressing into her hind quarters, brushing against her feathery ass. Not that she wanted to get away, she was quite to content to let her mount her all day long.

Again they lost track of time, seconds could have been hours, hours could have been seconds as he rhythmically took out a bit of his penis out of her, taking a bit of his cum and her squirt with it, before inserting it back again in rapid succession. She in turn went limp, relaxing all of her muscles and she moaned silently in rhythm of him pumping her. She didnt even squawk as orgasm hit her. Pure joy overcame her, radiating from her gravid vagina across her body, all the way towards her toes and her head. She relaxed and enjoyed it as her vagina in turn milked Drkasion for his second orgasm, causing him to fill her up even more. He wasnt so quiet and he whimpered as his over sensitive shaft climaxed again. The whole thing lasted seconds as they rode it out. Kandja felt that there was not a single bit of heat left inside her after her second orgasm.

"Are you satisfieeee" she yelled as he suddenly turned her around, his dick still in her feeling the sensation of her vagina rotating around it. He picked her up and pinned her against the boulder as he proceeded to hump her yet again. She wanted to protest but found her legs instinctly spread around his hips and stretch out. "DAMN IT DRKASION! DO YOU WANT TO GET ME PREGNANT!!!" she yelled in pleasure as he continued to ruin her no longer virgin pussy. Taking his tongue back into his mouth and getting out of his trans for a second he nodded meekly at her and whimpered a silent "Yes" before he buried his head in her feathery chest.

"You horny dragon!!!" she yelled at him as she moved her arms from the boulder and wrapped them around his head, hugging him. The lack of support made her body slide slowly against the boulder as he ravaged her mercilessly. This was simply too much as pleasure filled her to the brim, penetrating her and causing her to feel her heart skip as the previously singular pleasure of the intercourse warped into a ticklish sensation which filled her body to the brim, causing her to feel as if someone was tickling her entire body inside out. Drkasion felt the same as his poor, oversensitive penis logged inside his feathery lover and his balls went limp from the abuse and stress he was putting on them.

The dragon's body gave up as his muscles contracted one more time and his dick throbbed his third, sloppy orgasm, sending the last bits of sperm into the gryphoness. He was now completely spend and he collapsed on top of her, making a comedic clash and causing her to squawk. She caressed his horns as they both lay there, panting in their own pool of jizz.

"Forget all those cheesy romance novels... this hurt!" she complained as he only made guttural noises in acknowledgement, still laying on top of her with his face buried in her chest "it hurt in a good way, but it was far from the gentle passion represented." she continued as she held his horned head in her hands.

"Oh come on you liked it!" he finally spoke, his speech muffled by her feathers "And besides... your ruining the moment now." he told her.

"Well turn around and lick me up, Ill do the same to you, we have got to clean ourselves." she told him. They both reeked of each other's stench. Most humans would pass out at such a strong smell, but the hormones would drive dragons and gryphons alike crazy with lust and there was no way she was returning home like this for everyone to see. He moaned in protest, too tired to do anything before he drifted into a light nap. She heard him snoring and annoyingly said "dont you dare..." before exhaling and letting her lover lie still. Soon after she drifted into her own sleep, holding his head firmly as her eyes closed.

They both just laid there one on top of the other for several hours and it had gone dark, the sun had nearly disappeared behind the tree tops while opposite to it the moon was rising, reflecting its own light at the valley. They both yawned and stretched clumsily as they found energy to get up properly.

"You idiot!" she said slapping him gently "we could have been found!!!" she protested as he rubbed the spot where her stroke fell. She continued before he could protest "but that WAS the most enjoyable thing in my life" Kandja licked the place where she slapped him "just so you know" she told him and saw a childish smile form on his scaly lips as his tail waved, betraying his excitement. He just purred, not lifting his gaze from her . "Kandja Hellfeather!" He began "will you be my mate?" he asked her, his entire body betraying innocence and his posture radiated happiness.

She took her head back in surprise as thoughts rushed through her head. At first she thought he meant sex but that rapidly washed away as she realized what he meant. He wanted them to become proper mates, to bind their souls together as their ancestors would have put it. To make their hearts beat as one and all that. In a moment she realized what hell it would cause for all the people living in the valley and a small part of her screamed NO. But she didnt hear that part of herself as she smiled and put her taloned hand on his cheek, moving closer to him.

"Yes Drkasion Skytalon, yes I will!" she said and the two started licking each other's tongues before starting to lick each other's face, nuzzling each other gently. Gently she pulled herself back and let moonlight cover her, portraying a beautiful image of the gryphoness she was. She whispered to him "Now lets get cleaned up" before turning towards the river and stepping towards it.

"THATS IT! A YES AND THATS IT" he railed back in surprise, provoking yet another giggle from her as she covered her face from him with her wing, something she had done since they met.

"What did you expect!?" she asked him as stars started to appear on the sky and reflect in her eyes "Now come I dont want you smelling of our sex when you go back to your fellow dragons" she said blissfully, as only a person who recently had sex could.

"What did I expect?!?! I dont know, stars exploding maybe?" Drkasion responded in his confusion "But you ruined the moment! you... you... chicken!!!" he teased her, like they were both 5 years old again. They had names for each other when they were younger and for some reason he started using them now.

"Oh yeah?" she cocked her eyebrow at him "well your a scaly lizard!!!" she responded.

"FEATHERHEAD!" he yelled childishly.

"SCALE SKIN!" She yelled back cheerfully.

"CHICKEEEN!" he yelled on top of his lungs before they both burst into laughter. They nuzzled each other before proceeding into the river to clean themselves. They spend a lovely hour playing with each other in the water as moonlight fell down on them from between the tree tops. The rushing cold water took any trace of sex the two had on them as their clawed feet danced around the rocks at the river bed.

After the two mates cleaned themselves of their sexual fluids they got out of the rushing cold water and shook themselves off of any droplets. It was night time but one could still plainly see the wet feathers on Kandjan's body. Drkasion wanted to persuade her to stay with him but she instantly told him that she wanted to spend this night with him, much to his relief. The black dragon hatched up a plan and whispered it into her ear, bringing a smile to her face. They went to a nearby clearing and laid back down on the thick grass in silence. The two watched the stars together and he took her hand in his own. "I want us to spend every night together like this" was all that she heard from him before the two went to sleep.