{1} New Kid

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#1 of Summer Rains

August 2017 UPDATE- I have rewritten this story and uploaded it here: https://www.sofurry.com/view/1223193

I would greatly appreciate you reading the new version!

This is a story I wrote about two young people (Ages 13 and 16) that met during the summer. I thought it turned out very good, and I've had it complimented on by a few friends, so I'm uploading it here. This is my first upload in a very long time. I hope you enjoy!

I may add more chapters after this one, so labeling this as #1. I have ideas.

New Kid on the block.

"Hey kid." Said the voice from over the fence. "Sup."

Kevin looked up and saw a face perched between the points of the wooden fence planks. It was a girl that looked older than him.

"Uh, hi." He was sitting in his new yard on the swing set that came with the property. Him and his parents moved in this past weekend and he was sitting alone after his first day of school.

"You replacin' the old fogeys that used to live here?" She asked him. She was a canine like him, but she looked mixed.

"Yeah, I guess so." He replied. She had to be a high schooler. He was still in middle school, but would have to change school next year to be a freshman.

"That's cool. I live in the trailer park down the alley. You in highschool?" She asked. He shook his head.

"Next year. I'm in the 8th grade." She told her. She frowned.

"That's lame. I'm in the 9th over at Calley High. Might flunk this year though, so maybe we'll be in the same class, huh?" He went to say something but wasn't sure what it should be.

"I guess so..."

"Well, see you 'round. I pass by here a lot, so maybe we can hang some time." And her face vanished from on top the fence.

So at least he had a neighbor that was close to his age. He hadn't seen anyone around that was a classmate or even a kid in the cul-de-sac he was now living in. Most of his stuff was still in boxes, and he sat for a while longer before going back inside to hunt for something to do.

School sucked for him. He wasn't adjusting well and often sat alone at lunch and kept to himself at recess. He had made some acquaintances and some of the teachers seemed to like him, but he was not having as much fun as he did at his old school. Homesickness, he guessed. Half of his stuff was unboxed, but he couldn't find where his game consoles were. The movers didn't put all the boxes where they were suppose to be so half the stuff in the house was put in the wrong rooms. His dad was pissed and bitched out the company over the phone about it.

With only the boring stuff unpacked he felt lost at what to do. The swing set outside was a tall one, and he found a little solace in the repetitive swinging.

"Yo, kid." The voice startled him and he stopped swinging. "Havin' fun?"

"Not really." It was the girl from before. "Hi."

"You don't get outside much, huh? Been by here every day but haven't seen you." She asked him.

"Not really. We've been unpacking and running errands for the house a lot." He admitted.

"That sucks. You got anything fun to do?" He didn't.

"Not until I can find what box my consoles are in." She put her arms over the fence and crossed them. She looked like she played softball.

"Which ones? Or jus' one." She asked.

"I got a Super VES and a WaveStation, but I haven't found the box." She grinned.

"Jus' got a Super VES. Wanna hang out?" He blushed. He wasn't used to hanging out with girls. All his old friends were guys, and girls were weird.

"I don't know. I don't have anything fun unpacked." He told her. She looked at him and yawned. He noticed more clearly that she had a lip ring on her lower lip.

"Kay. When I'm not fuckin' around at home I walk down to the creek. There aren't any other kids around here. Just me and you unless you count the apartments a mile or two away. But don't hang with them, they are in another school district. Fuck them." He blushed again at her language. He had a few friends that cussed a little, but only light stuff. And they were always guys. "So you want to go to the creek?"

"Is it far?"

"Nah." He thought about it. If she was the only person his age that was around he guessed he'd better get used to having her around.

"I guess so." She smiled.

"Sweet. This alley runs all down the cul-de-sac, dude. Hop it and we'll get there." She disappeared behind the fence. He got up off the swing and walked over to the fence. It was a tall fence to block out the alley on the other side and the treeline. The cul-de-sac was at the edge of the whole community and he thought there was only woods on the other side. Guess that's why there was an actual creek. He figured she must have been tall to put her chin on top of the fence like she did, or was standing on something.

It was a struggle to climb over the fence without something to stand on, but he made it. "Sup." She was there waiting for him with her hands in her pockets. He looked her up and down and was more surprised than he realized. She was taller than him and definitely looked like she played softball. She also looked... Trashy.

"Hi." He said and she started walking away from him down the alley. To their left was the fence and to the right was the treeline. It was dirty on this side of the fence and looked completely different from the rest of the cul-de-sac. She was several feet ahead of him walking with a lazy grace. She was wearing jeans like he was, but had a beat up brown leather jacket zipped up over her. It looked like an old aviation jacket, but he doubted it was nothing but a knock off that had been handed off from owner to owner.

She did seem a little trashy. She wasn't like the girls he was used to seeing. She did say she lived in a trailer park. "So you said you lived near here?" He asked her.

"Yeah, back the other way. Dead ends at the dumpsters." She told him, then veered off to the right through a worn out path between the trees. He followed her into the woods and discovered that the path continued for quite some ways. They walked mostly in silence for five or six minutes until she stopped and ducked under some branches and he followed suit. Beyond the branches was a man made canal that spanned maybe thirty feet and had a gentle current. The edges of the canal was grass and soil, but it was clearly dug out by a state department. "Boom."

"This is a city canal." He told her.

"Huh? Creek, canal, both start with a c." He shrugged. She dropped to her butt and laid out on the bank with her arms crossed under her head. He noticed her front. Everything she wore was kinda baggy. It was weird seeing a girl wear something that didn't hug her butt like shrink wrap. She might have been busty, but the jacket was the only thing he could see and it was tight fitting on her with something underneath it he could see around her collar. He sat down beside her with some space between them.

"This all you do?" He asked.

"Once school's out for summer next month I'll probably start swimmin'. Current aint too strong. Good for keepin' fit!"

"Do you play sports?" He asked her.

"Fuck no." So she didn't play softball. "I just like keepin' fit. Better than be a fatass."

"Guess so." He said.

"You?" She asked him, turning her head this way.

"No. I was in FFA at my old school. I don't know if I'll join at this school." She laughed.

"The farmer's gang?" He blushed.

"Yeah, I guess."

"At least you aint in the debate team." And she went back to relaxing. They stayed there for several more minutes until he decided to lay down like she was. They weren't very far away from the cul-de-sac and community but the woods helped shield so much noise it was almost like they were alone. It was peaceful.

"It's nice out here." He finally said.

"Yep." She replied. He didn't have his phone on him, but apparently they were at the "creek" for a while. His mother asked him where he'd been and she told him the truth. She seemed glad that he met someone his age that lived near them. He didn't describe her any, and he let his mother fill in the blanks. If she was ok with him hanging out with a high schooler from Calley, a school his mother liked, then that was good enough for him.

He didn't remember her name, or if she'd even given it. He hadn't told her his either, and he felt bad about the rudeness. If he saw her again he'd have to tell her.

The next day he didn't see her, or the day after that, and then it was the weekend. In another two weeks his school was going to let out for summer break and he hadn't made any progress on making friends. The only person he'd really hung out with was the highschool girl whose name he didn't know, and he felt kinda bad about that. He'd found his game consoles and so he at least had that. He felt uneasy that he'd told her he had two consoles. He kinda didn't want his parents to know she was, as they'd put it, trailer trash.

He kept himself outside Saturday hoping to see her, but she was a no show until lunch. He was in and out of the house out of boredom. "Yo!" She appeared while he was going back into the house to give up. He'd already eaten and was prepared to just waste the rest of the day playing games.

"Hi!" He waved at her and she waved him over.

"Been ok?" She asked him from over the fence.

"Yeah, I guess."

"Wanna go swimmin', it's fuckin' hot. And work was bullshit the last two days." Work?

"You're old enough to work?" He asked her.

"Nah, I just get paid to help keep my dad's autoshop clean. Don't know if it's legal." She told him. He thought about her request. He had swim trunks he could get, and it was hot. "So you wanna go?"

"I'll have to ask my mom, but I don't know if she'd be ok with me going... Alone with a girl." She smirked.

"Then lie. Tell her you, me, and a couple of the guys are going swimming. Tom, Dick, and Larry." He shrugged.

"I can try. I don't mind swimming." He told her.

"Good, then hop to it, guy. Swimming solo is lame." And so he went and asked his mother. She asked him who he was going with and he felt bad about lying, but he changed the names she'd told him to say. They sounded too much like cultural references to something his mother would know. She was ok with it and he was relieved at how easy it was to get permission. Maybe she was grateful that he'd made friends? He changed clothes into a white shirt and his trunks and headed back out. She was at the fence, so he knocked on it before trying to climb. She reappeared over him.

"She said yes?" She said, noting his change of attire.

"Yeah. She just wants me to be back before dark."

"K. Well let's go!" She said with enthusiasm. He climbed the fence and found that she was was dressed like she she was the last time he saw her. Jeans with her old leather jacket wrapped around her. She had a towel at least slung over her shoulder. He had his, too.

"You're dressed to swim?" He asked her.

"Eh? No. It's under. I don't tell my mom shit." She replied. He marveled at her lack of respect for her mother. He couldn't defeat the thoughts of trailer stereotypes he'd seen on tv.

"My name is Kevin." He told her.

"Huh, oh, yeah. Duh. I'm Marcy. Call me Mars." She told him.

"Mars?" She lifted a hand and ran it through her reddish hair that she kept cut almost boyishly short.

"Red like the planet. I like it."

The canal was the way they'd left it, and he threw his towel down on a clean spot of grass by the shore and turned away from Mars while she stripped out of her outer layer.

"Quit blushin', Bashful." He looked over at her and saw she was wearing a bikini with a pile of clothing next to her that consisted of her jeans, jacket, and a plain white tshirt with a sports bra dumped on top.

"I'm not!" And she turned and sprinted toward the canal and jumped into it with a big splash for a finish. He was blushing under his fur. He had no idea she was so pretty under her outfit. The bikini she wore was white over her reddish brown fur and hardly hid much. On some other girl it might have seemed modest, but Mars had a rack that filled out her top so much he wondered if she had bought the wrong size. 9th grade would be awesome if This is what high school girls look like by default. And everything below the chest wasn't bad either! She looked fit and toned everywhere with a roundness to her hips and thighs. She looked opposite what she acted and dressed.

"Water is fine! You going to go home dry?" She called out to him from the canal. He pulled off his shirt and she whistled. He blushed, but felt her whistle was sarcastic as he was skinny like a pencil. He joined her the same way she entered the water with a running jump. The water was warm on the surface but cold around his feet.

"Kinda cold below." He told her.

"Not as cold as it is on the bottom!" And she ducked under water for several long seconds before popping back up for air. "It's like ice if you can touch the bottom."

He tried to touch the bottom and succeeded on putting a hand on the muddy bottom. It was freezing cold and he quickly went back up for air. "It's cold."

"It'll get hot by summer." And so they swam. She was a better swimmer than he was, but he figured if he swam enough in the canal he'd get better. They were there for a few hours and the sky was beginning to get dark. "Guess you need to get back to momma?" She asked him as she hiked out of the water. She shook one leg and then the other to sling water. He tried to ignore how her chest shook right along with the water.

"Yeah, I should." He left the water and grabbed his towel to dry. "This was fun."

"Yeah, it was nice havin' a buddy to soak with. Turn 'round unless you want to see a naked bitch." He was about to ask her what she meant, but he saw her reach behind her back to undo her top and he quickly looked away while she stripped. He could hear her drying off with her towel. "Such a gentleman you are. I'm decent again."

He turned back toward her and saw she was decent in the sense that was no longer nude. She had pulled on her sports bra and had apparently wrung out her bikini bottom of water. He was amazed at how much smaller her bust looked with the sports bra on. It was like she dropped 2 Cup sizes.

"That.. Looks uncomfortable." He said out loud.

"What?" He regretted saying it now. "What's uncomfortable? Being the shit?"

"No, I mean. Your, uh, sports bra looks uncomfortable." She casually looked down at her chest and wiggled it into better position.

"Oh. These fuckers don't get in the way if I'm wrappin' 'em up. Why?" She asked as she started pulling on her jeans.

"Nothing, I just thought it'd be uncomfortable to wear."

"You're just sad I put 'em away." And over her top goes her tshirt. He blushed at her having fun at his expense.

"It's not my fault I don't have high school girls in my class." She was zipping up her jacket by then.

"Next year, you'll find out I'm a cut above the rest. It pays being two years older than the competition." She told him. He pulled on his tshirt.

"How old are you?" She told him she was 16. He was 13.

"Oh." He said.

"My mom fucked up trying to homeschool me for kindergarten so she put me in school at 6. Then I flunked out of 3rd grade. So I've got a 2 year head start on the other girls in certain areas." She patted her chest with both hands for emphasis then dropped them to her hips for the same. "Not giving too many fucks this year though. I might have to retake 2 or 3 classes. Fuck math."

They didn't have anything to pack up except their towels and Mars left him behind at his house on the way back. She told him they'd need to go swimming again soon and he agreed. He lied a little to his mother when he got back inside, but she was too happy for him having started making friends to worry about him.

He didn't see her Sunday and over the next two weeks he hung out with her a couple more times, and even went swimming with her again. He'd begun to appreciate her crude honesty and tomboyish beauty. She was like a rough cut diamond. Irregular and hard, but fundamentally valuable and beautiful. He was starting to get anxious around her, like a fluttering feeling with butterflies. He was falling for one of "those kinds of girls" like parents warned their sons about.

After school let out he wasn't sure how often he'd see Mars. She told him she likes to help her dad at his shop since her parents are split up. She apparently didn't like her mother any, who had custody of her. She also wanted the extra spending money.

It was on a Wednesday that his mother got to meet Mars the first time. He was upstairs in his room playing a game when Mars came looking for him and didn't see him in the backyard. His mother called him down and found her in the kitchen with Mars sitting casually at the bar. His mother had a look of concern on her face that "Marcy" was not the sweet girl next door she had envisioned from his handful of not wholly honest descriptions given.

"Hi, Kevs!" He said hi back and spent a few awkward minutes talking with them, but eventually his mother let them be and they retreated up his room to play video games. Over the next two hours she checked in on them six times, usually just to peek in. Hopefully her trust in him would be great enough to keep her from going crazy.

"You're mom is pretty nice. She totally thinks I'm going to jump your dick though." He blushed and his character died. She laughed.

"I, uh, guess I wasn't as accurate about describing you as she'd have liked." He admitted.

"Didn't want her to know you were out hanging with trailer trash?" He flushed a bit with shame. "It's cool. If I get kids I'd not want them to hang with me either."

"I don't think you're trash." He told her.

"Don't matter. It's what she thinks." He didn't say anything else. They kept playing for a while longer until he heard his dad get home from work. "Guess I should get so you can get chewed out for playing games with a hussy. K?"

"I guess, I don't know." She stood and they both went back downstairs, which led to another awkward few minutes of his dad politely interrogating Mars. The mood was tense for him at first, but then shifted positively once Mars offered up that she's been helping her dad out at his shop. Apparently his dad was familiar with that auto repair place and liked it. Mars' dad must be a good enough mechanic to make friends of his customers.

After she left he did have an awkward conversation about not getting roped into anything because of peer pressure. It was a weird conversation he didn't want to have and he had to tell them he'd never seen her drink or smoke or do anything else and that even if she did he's not interested in anything like that. He thought he was over and done with it by the time he was able to retreat back to his room, or so he thought. His dad came in and shut his door and they had a second round of "the talk". He wanted to die so badly.

He didn't see Mars again until that weekend. She apparently helps out her dad on Thursday and Friday every week. All other days are subject to whatever her dad wants. She gets her weekends though.

"So how bad was it after I left?" She asked him. They were both at the canal again doing a bunch of nothing.

"They talked to me about resisting peer pressure, and then my dad gave me another sex ed talk." She laughed a bit harder than he appreciated.

"Well, at least your dad thinks you've got a chance, otherwise he wouldn't be giving you the talk." He blushed. "And its fuck hot today. I don't know why I didn't bring my bikini. He wasn't dressed for swimming either. Just a yellow T and a pair of khaki shorts.

"I think it's suppose to be this hot tomorrow, too. We can go swimming then." He told her.

"Yeah, I guess." She sat up from the grass and pulled off her jacket. It wasn't a heavy weight jacket, but he knew it still had to be smoldering in this heat. She was left with jeans she cut off at the knee and a muscle shirt over her sports bra. He could see double straps over her shoulders which had an attractive appeal.

"Why do you wear that jacket so much? It's summer." He asked her.

"It was my grandad's. He was a pilot in WW2. He gave it to my dad then he gave it to me. I like this jacket." She told him as she stripped off her muscle shirt, too. She sat them aside and laid back against the grass looking much more comfortable.

"So it's a real aviator jacket. I thought it was a knock off." She told him "duh."

"That's cool." He said.

"Also why I wear this." She pointed a thumb at her chest. "They're too big. My dad and granddad were skinny dudes, like you. My fatass mother gave me too much meat on my chest to fit in this jacket without flattening them out with a sports bra."

"Oh. I guess that makes sense." He said. He glanced over at her and saw her looking up at the sky. He looked down at her chest and saw again that her chest looked so much smaller than it really was. "Can I ask you something?"

"Huh, sure?"

"How big are they?" He asked bashfully.

"Uh, I don't know. I don't think I have anything that fits like it's suppose to. This bra is for like, B cup chicks. My bikini is like, C cup maybe. So I don't know, D, DD. Something. Just remember they are fuckbig, and you'll have the right size." She told him.

"I don't think they sell that size in stores." He told her and she giggled like a boy.

"You going shopping?" He told her he wasn't, but she might need to one day.

"Nah, this top is like a tank. It's rock solid. My bikini, too. Though I had to add in a bunch of extra thread at a bunch of the seams. These jugs just seem to keep getting bigger though." She mashed her chest and readjusted herself. "Boys don't have to deal with this shit."

"Speedos." He said absently.

"Speedos?" She asked.

"Yeah. Big guys need a speedo that fits right, don't they?" She laughed again.

"Fuck speedos, they are goofy looking. You do alright in trunks." She told him. "Oh fuck it, I'm going."

"You're leaving?" He asked, and sat up. She sat up and stood.

"No, I'm going swimming, punk." And she pulled off her sports bra. He got a clear view of her tits spilling out like water balloons dangly and jiggling in the open air. He didn't have time to look away and the moment he caught a glimpse of them he couldn't stop himself from staring. She undid her shorts and pulled them and her panties off all at the same time. She didn't seem to care at all that he was seeing her naked, then she took off running and started skinny dipping. She told him to join him, but he declined out of embarrassment. "Suit yourself!"

His summer was going better than he had thought it would. He was hanging out with Mars a lot, and he even got to see her naked. Too bad he didn't have any other friends to brag to about it. It was a fluke though. In all the times they went swimming since she always had her bikini on under her clothes. There was still plenty of summer left though and he thought that maybe fate would smile upon him again before school started back up.

He got a job mowing some lawns for a few of his neighbors. So when he wasn't doing odd jobs for his new neighbors or doing chores for his parents he was playing video games and hanging out with the pretty girl from the trailer park. It was a pretty good summer. He even had time to go to the mall with his parents and spend some of the money he was earning from his chores and hard work.

As an inside joke he went into a clothing store and bought a speedo in secret. He thought it'd be funny to do like Mars and wear it under his clothes the next time they go swimming. He had to buy a hat and a cartoon t shirt, too. They helped hide the speedo if his parents were to peek into the bag to see what he bought. He really didn't want to have to explain a speedo.

The next time he saw Mars he asked her if she wanted to go swimming.

"Sure, but only if you're ok with me skinny dipping. I aint got my gear today." He blushed, but wasn't willing to put off his joke. He already had his trunks on over the speedo and was ready to go.

"I'll go swimming with you, but not naked." He told her, and she was fine with that. His heart was racing a bit. Not only was he going to get to play his childish joke, but he was also going to get to see her naked again. He didn't know why his joke was so important. It wasn't even anything good. Self-depreciating humor at best. He raced inside, but not too fast as to not look over eager, and his mother gave her consent so long as he didn't have anything else he was suppose to do for their neighbors, which he didn't.

"Yeah, I can go. Just be back for dinner." He told Mars back at the fence as he started climbing over.

"Cool." And to the canal they went. "Kinda wanted to play more Marty Kart though, just so you know."

"There's always tomorrow." He told her.

"True, but I guess seeing Mars and her moons is more important, right?" He blushed.

"That's not why." She lifted her shoulders and held out her arms in response. "It's not!"

"Chill, it's cool." She said as they ducked under the branches and through the woods.

As he'd been hoping she stripped, and he did indeed get to see her naked in all her tomboyish glory. He took his time to struggle with his socks and sandals before taking off his shirt. He even folded it and place it on his towel in a stack to waste a little more time.

"You are so obvious, Kev." He look at her directly then instead of from his periphery. She was standing naked and facing him. She had a hand on one hip with a posture that was cross between authoritarian and cocky.

"I, huh?" He wasn't good with words then.

"If you want to look, just look, fucker. You're cool, skinny guy. I won't bite." And she then turned and jumped into the water. It took him a few moments to get over his embarrassment. He hadn't been thinking that maybe he was being obvious. Too busy enjoying the view to notice his own body language. And she apparently didn't care? He was fully confused. Girls were confusing and mysterious even when they acted like boys. But he had to make his little gag before he got in the water.

She was underwater when he stood and got to the water's edge. When she popped back up he got her attention, and when he knew she was looking he hooked his thumbs under the hem of his trunks and began to tug them off. He watched her facial expression shift from A to B to C to D. Mostly nothing, then to surprise, then to what he shockingly thought was a joy, then to an explosion of laughter.

"Oh, FUCK, dude!" His bright red speedo did nothing to complement his fur, but that wasn't the point. He picked something bright and shocking for effect, and the end result he sought was acquired. "WHY are you wearing a fucking, speedo, oh my god, I thought you were going to show me your cock, oh shit!" She was a fit of laughter.

"Oh come on, Mars, it's not that bad is it?" And he put his arms behind his head like a male model and wiggled his hips. She had to swim closer to the shore to have ground under her feet because it looked like she was having trouble keeping her head above water.

"Kev, you look like a clown with its fake nose on the wrong head. This is awesome, but don't ever wear that again." She told him.

"Alright, I only bought it for the laughs!" He told her.

"I'm serious. The next time you pull your shorts down in front of me there better be a bone there or I'll put you in a choke hold." He blushed and now felt a little exposed. "And put your trunks back on or your mother is going to think we were fucking or something."

He picked up his trunks and suddenly had a thought as to what to do. He was embarrassed now, but he was also feeling bold. He stepped away from the water's edge and tugged off his speedo and patiently put his trunks back on. When he stood up to throw his speedo over to his stack of towel plus shirt he saw Mars looking at him with her lips pinched in a tight smile. He felt a rush of blood hit him all over his face and tossed the speedo aside.

"Hi." He said after he waded into the water next to her.

"Fuck Marty Kart, Kev. Let's play doctor next time we're at your house." Then she grabbed him by the head and shoved him underwater. She was gracious enough to not say anything more to worsen his mortal dilemma of embarrassment. He guessed to make a girl laugh you sometimes had to take a few risks.

Summer continued slowly like that with video games, swimming, and odd jobs up and down the cul-de-sac. He even got to see the autoshop her dad owned one day when riding with his own dad.

"That's that auto repair shop your friend Marcy's dad runs." He told him. It was a rough and dirty looking place, but there were some nice looking vehicles parked in and around it.

"Looks junky." He remembered telling his dad.

"Any job that requires you take apart a vehicle gets you dirty, son. They do good work there. A few of the guys at the office have taken their cars there before. Good work." He reminded him that they say not to judge books by their cover. I guess Mars is like that, too. Kinda junky at a glance, but not underneath. Definitely not underneath her clothes.

It was midway through summer by the time his parents confessed to him that they'd planned a small vacation for just the two of them. They'd be leaving on Thursday and getting back the next coming Monday. Apparently there was a concert involved involving a band he gagged at the thought of. Something only his parents could possibly enjoy. He went with his mother to go grocery shopping and they stocked up on easy stuff he could make for himself. Microwavables, ramen, mac and cheese. As a consolation to them ditching him for a few days she bought a bunch of sodas and chips and told him he could take those to the canal he swims at with his friends and have a little picnic.

He didn't get to tell Mars he was roughing it alone until that Saturday. Thursdays and Fridays he rarely saw her because of her time spent at her dad's shop. He'd already been solitary for two days and several hours. When Mars stopped by he was inside and it was actually earlier than he was used to seeing her. She knocked several times before he heard it and found her about to leave.

"Sup, I thought you weren't home." She told him.

"No, I'm just the only one here. Wanna come in?" She entered and stole a soda from his fridge.

"So where the folks?" She asked.

"They've been gone for two days. Won't be back until Monday. They took a vacation without me." He explained. She laughed at that with her oddly boyish laugh.

"Aww, for real? Ditched. So you've just been playing with yourself this whole time?" He told her he had, ignoring her vulgar innuendo.

"Had I known that I could have snuck over and had an all night game session with you." And he told her that would have been fun. Together they went upstairs and played video games for several hours. They didn't realize how much time had passed until he noticed it was dark outside his window blinds.

"Won't your mom be mad at you?" He asked. It was 8:00.

"No. I come and go when I want and she never cares unless shes drunk and wants to be a bitch. That's why my dad split." He felt awkward now for bringing it up. "It's cool though. Means I can crash on your couch and neither of us gets bitched at."

"If you don't mind, then yeah, you can stay the night." He told her.

"Well, I think you're the one that needs to not mind." She laughed.

"I don't care if you don't." He told her.

"Sweet." And they kept playing games until they got hungry at 9:30 and made microwave hot dogs.

Around midnight they were getting tired of games, but they didn't have much else to do. His room consisted mostly of video games and comic books, and Mars never professed much interest in the latter.

"Well, what's up now?" She asked him. They were sitting at the main menu of Super Asteroid.

"I don't know. I don't normally even stay up this late." He told her.

"Aww, poor baby."

"You a night owl?" She shrugged.

"I live by my own schedule, whatever that may be." She admitted.

"You got any ideas? I can stay up late like a big boy." He told her.

"You wanna fuck?" And he fell silent and stared at her, probably looking like he got caught in a pair of headlights. "I told you we ought to play doctor back when you did your speedo stunt."

"I uh, I, don't know Mars." He was blushing furiously and found it hard to make eye contact. She had taken off her jacket and was now just in her jean cut offs and a green T. That green T might has well of been a corset with how red he was burning under his fur.

"We don't have to do anything, but I bought a box of condoms after your little stunt just in case you boned me, and I've been carrying condoms every time I come over to hang with you. Just in case you bone me. I want you to bone me." She told him. He was more shocked than he could handle, and she could tell. "Shit, guess I pushed that too far. Look, we don't have to do nothin' and I can leave."

"Y-you don't have to leave, Mars. I just don't know what to do." He admitted. She stood up off the beanbag chair she was using for a seat and pulled a silver thin wrapper out of her back pocket. It was the first time he'd ever seen an actual condom. She sat it on his nightstand.

"I'm going to take a shower, and when I'm done I'll ask you again what you want to do, ok?" He nodded and she left him alone. He heard the bathroom door open, but not close, then the shower started running. He swallowed a dry lump. He got up and looked at the silver wrapper on his nightstand and then stepped over to his door and saw that the bathroom door was indeed open. He then found himself standing at the bathroom doorway looking at the silhouette of Mars behind the shower curtain. She was running her arms up and down herself, then reached between her legs and he panicked and fled quietly back to his room.

He was stiff as a board in his shorts even though he felt so nervous it was like ice being poured down his back. It was like being hot and cold at the same time. The shower quit, and she entered the room with a towel wrapped around her middle. She wasn't showing off anything. "So what you want to do?"

"I. I'm nervous." He told her.

"Want to take a shower to think about it? I'll be here. No pressure, Kev." He nodded and moved delicately past her and to the bathroom. The room was still misty from the shower and her clothing was piled on the floor. Her sports bra was on top along with her bikini. She must have expected a swim date today.

He took his shower, and it was a bit of a long one. He didn't feel cold under the hot water, but he couldn't get his erection down. He'd never felt that way before. He turned off the water and found a towel. He was tenting it like crazy and he had to hold the towel up at the front so his hands forced his erection to point down.

"Sup?" She asked when he finally found the courage to go back to his room. She was wearing one of his white undershirts and a pair of his boxers. She was sitting crossed legged on his bed. He swallowed again and gave himself another solid moment to think. He looked at her, then at the silver wrapper on the nightstand, then back at her.

"I've never done this before." He told her.

"I have. I'll teach you." She smiled at him and leaned forward. He guessed he shouldn't be too surprised.

"Ok." And he hesitated before opening his towel and letting it hit the floor. He couldn't look at her.

"Fuck, dude. This is going to rock." He heard her whisper. Then she got off the bed and stepped over in front of him and grabbed his face with both hands and kissed him hard. His first kiss. She let it last long and she explored every inch of his mouth. He was so hard he didn't know if it'd ever go down again. "This is going to so fucking rock!" She said passionately against his cheek. She pulled him over to his bed and spun and threw him onto it. He landed with a thud and watched as she tore off his nightshirt to spill her tits out to the open air. Then his boxers dropped down her legs.

"You know you're my type, right?" She told him as she crawled on the bed and straddled him so his legs were trapped under her.

"I-I am?" He asked, almost panting with nervous energy.

"Cute skinny nerds with big dicks." She scooted down further until she could dip her head low and he felt as much as saw her mouth open and engulf his dick. He jumped and grabbed handfuls of the bedspread.

"Oh my god, Mars!" She looked up at him from her position and smiled around his dick. Her lips made a perfect circle around his shaft and she started bobbing. She was going slow, and then he started to feel something slither and slide around the underside of his dick. "M-Mars!" She was still smiling. She shut her eyes and slowly pushed down his dick until she started to gag. Her nose was pressed into the fur of his belly and he could feel her breathing in quick bursts.

"Oh god!" He flexed under her and threatened to rip the sheets as she started to swallow around him in gulps. "Mars, Mars, oh ga,Im gonn." And she opened wide and pulled off him quickly. She gasped and panted with drool and spittle dripping from her open mouth. There was water around her eyes.

"This." She panted. "Is going to ROCK!" She was hungry in her eyes and her drool was just as much from her blowing him as it was from salivating at the thought of him boning her.

"Mars, that was," he began.

"Amazing?" She finished for him? He nodded.

"You just wait till I get you to dump your nuts in that condom." She was still panting. She looked down at his twitching member and saw a bead of precum drooling down his shaft. She wiped it up with a finger and put it in her mouth. "How big your knot get?" She asked.

"I, uh, don't know." He told her. She sat up and held her hand up to make the 'ok' sign.

"This?" He shook his head at her. With the size of her hand the 'o' was smaller than his shaft. She opened her 'o' a little by putting a small gap between her thumb and fingertip. He shook his head. She opened it a little more.

"No." She opened it more. He lifted up his hand and started trying to make his own circle. "I've seen it this big before." She was wide eyed, then grinned like a maniac.

"Oh fuck, Kev. You're going to be screwing me so fucking good." He had reached his limit for embarrassment, and was now sort of coasting on arousal and adrenaline.

"Ok..." He said. She hiked a leg and spun around until her head was at his crotch and his at hers. Her pussy was in his face and looked moist. He jumped again when he felt her devour his cock again into her mouth."Mars! Ah!"

"You can stare at it or you can taste it, guy." She said after popping off his cock quickly, then returned back to her meal. With her working on his dick like she was he was twitching and squirming.

"Oh god, Mars!" Her pussy was so wet it dripped on his noise. He shut his eyes and pushed his nose forward until he bumped into her. He felt the wetness begin to soak the fur around his nose. He stuck out his tongue and found fur, then dragged it around until he found the source of her moisture. It was a weird taste, but he kept lapping between her lips more and more until he was practically making out with it. He felt the pressure in his groin growing again and he wrapped his arms around her hips in a hug and focused on licking and kissing. She was groaning and humming around his cock as he worked at her as intensely as she worked him.

She started shivering in his arms and he felt her nose hit his nutsac. She started swallowing like crazy in hard gulps as she shook in his arms. "Oh, fuck! Ma-shh"." He lost the ability to speak as he felt his moment hit like a brick. He jerked his hips and heard her gag, but she never quit swallowing. She grabbed his ass and held him still as she drained him better than he could have ever done with his hands.

He kept twitching in her mouth as she nursed him, and he shut himself up by attacking her pussy again. She was whimpering and rocking her hips by the time she pulled off his cock.

"Oh, fuck, Kev, you're hungry." She said, sucking in air. He kept licking her and eating as he held her tight. He didn't know if it was the after effect of his orgasm or her flavor but he couldn't pull his mouth away from her. "Damn, dude." She groaned and made a noise like a whine. "And you were fucking pent up, my god."

She kept rocking her hips into his face and rubbed her head into his softened dick. He started licking from her clit up and didn't care when he went too far between her cheeks. She smelled clean and tasted like nothing he'd ever experienced before. "Oh my god! Kev, you're fucking kinky." He was licking everywhere he could reach and didn't think about if it was her pussy or pucker. He had his eyes shut and was lost in his hunger. She squealed through clenched teeth and hugged him tight as she shivered again. She sounded so amazing!

She was nuzzling his crotch and licking at him, and he felt the tingling return. She giggled and kept up her assault as she brought him back up to attention. "Ok, ok, quit!" She pulled herself away from him and broke his hug around her hips. She turned around and gave him a look he'd not seen from her before. She ran her fingers over her pussy and stroked his cock with her other hand. "Toss me the condom." He paused, then remembered the silver wrapper on the nightstand. He reached and found it, then handed it to her. Their fingers touched briefly and he felt the juice from her pussy on her fingers.

She maneuvered herself and gave his cock another good bobbing from her head while she ripped open the wrapper. She squeezed the base of his dick with her hand. "You're startin' to get swole. This is going to be so sweet!" She was saying more to herself than to him as she took the condom and began to roll it down his shaft. It felt strange having something that felt like plastic sticking to him. The bottom of the condom was baggy around the base of his dick where his knot was swelling, but tight everywhere. The second skin was in place and Mars straddled him and shifted until she was grinding her pussy over his protected dick.

Without words she leaned down and kissed him, and together their tongues mingled and traded spit and flavors from each others bodies. She grabbed his dick and lined it up with her opening. His gasp broke their kiss as he felt her heat swallow him sharply. Mars had wasted no time in burying him in her.

"Mars!" She kissed him again.

"Dude," she panted over his face. Her height advantage gave her everything she needed to ride and roll her hips while still maintaining her position with her head dangling over his. "Third times the charm!"

"T-third?" he panted back, his hands finding her hips and holding onto her tight. She was so soft, but stiff underneath. Silky skin and fur over her hidden strength.

"You're my third, and; fuck, you're my biggest!" she kissed him hard again and put her hands on his shoulders. He wrestled with her tongue and felt more of her weight shift onto his shoulders as he sagged deeper into his bed. Her hips ground and bounced on his as he was assaulted with waves of sensation he'd never felt before.

She let go of one shoulder and reached down to grab his dick. He thought she was massaging his knot, but she was checking to make sure the condom hadn't pulled off. "Fuck, you're thick!"

Mars pulled off him completely and dumped herself onto the mattress next to him before hiking her butt in the air. "Doggy, come on, Kevs!"

He staggered to his knees and used her to hold himself steady. She wiggled her rump under his touch. He was operating on her command and instinct more than he was any kind of personal rational thought. He looked down at his condom wrapped dick and saw how tight the latex gripped him like a second layer of skin. Her pussy was dripping and twitching like it was trying to wink at him. She whined and wiggled her butt some more. "Kevvv! Fuck me!"

And so he fucked her. He lined up his own dick for the first time and watched himself disappear inside her folds right up to the beginning of his knot. His knot was too big for her passage so he just bumped it against her pussy. She pulled one of his pillows to her and started hugging it. "Don't worry about me, Kev. Big girls take big dicks." She looked back at him over the curve of a pillow case, and he took hold of her hips and starts thrusting like he'd seen in videos.

Mars giggled and wiggled, but he wasn't going fast. She felt amazing wrapped around him, but he had just finished not that long ago and so the pleasure wasn't making him feel like he was going to pop like he always assumed it would.

She was making more noises through clenched teeth and pursed lips. He watched her hug the pillow tighter like she was trying cut it in half with her arms. He could feel a tingle in his groin, but he didn't feel right being so close to finishing. He wanted to last longer and he clenched his own teeth and kept hammering away at her through now shut eyes with a firm grip on her hips. He couldn't see her, but her own noises were frantic and sharp with a burst of noise coming from her every time is jerked himself forward. He was fighting against his upcoming release, and fighting more to keep himself upright. Sex was hard!

It helped that he was tired and his muscles weren't begging for him to give up. It gave him something to think about other than his orgasm. Her noises, the bed creaking rapidly, none of this was anything he'd thought he'd be hearing for a long time.

"Kev!" She yelped and squirmed under him. He still had his eyes shut, but under his hands and around his dick he felt her shiver and tremble. Mars was making an almost constant stream of noise. She hardly spoke a word, just whined and yelped and whimpered under him like she had lost her vocabulary. It couldn't last though, and he felt himself near to a point of no return.

He lost his grip with his right and found it again on her waist, which proved to be a good place to grab her. He took her with both hands around her middle and threw himself against her rapidly with whatever piddly strength he could muster up. The tension and tingle deep in his groin was telling him he had only moments to go.

Still clenching his teeth and his eyelids he felt himself trip forward, following by a loud 'yipe' from Mars. It wasn't that he tripped though, it was that the thick base of his cock, that knot Mars so admired, had finally found it's way inside her heat. He couldn't hardly thrust anymore, and in the same instant he realized he was buried in her completely, he finished.

He laid on top of her back, exhausted. They had both collapsed onto the mattress during his orgasm. He was spooning against her with his nose buried in her rusty red hair. She smelled like some kind of flower scented shampoo.

"Kev..." Mars panted. "You're so... oh my god." She was breathless.

He didn't know what to say. He was just as tired and hardly had the breath himself to respond even if he did.

He didn't know how long his knot lasted, but he was still stuck in her when he dozed off. She passed out before he did. Their last moments of consciousness together was nothing more than shared body heat, the sounds of each other's breathing, and a stubborn twitch from his groin in hers.

"Well 'ey, there Mr. Jonathan. You and the missus enjoy your trip?" Mr. McAllister called out from over the shared fence between their two properties. Jonathan was busy inspecting his yard to see what needed to be done. It needed another mowing, and the flower garden needed weeding. Kevin did a good job at chores when you set him to it, but he wasn't one to go out searching for more things to do.

"Yeah, it was nice to be childless for a change, even if it was only for a little while. My boy keep himself out of trouble while we were gone?" McAllister didn't say anything but shook his head in a gesture that read as, "maybe not".

"Well. I could say he did alright by himself. But uh, I did notice one thing that you might want to talk to him about. If you aint already by now." He finally did say. He seemed a little uncomfortable.

"Oh? Didn't throw any wild parties did he?" he joked and stepped over to the fence next to McAllister. He wasn't really eager to hear about whatever his son had been up to while they were away.

"One night, while you were gone, I was being a bit of a night owl to read. I can't ever get any reading done when Sybil is up. She can't keep herself from gabbin' to save her soul." he began. "But the other evening after she went on to bed, I heard uh, some business goin' on from your house I aint heard since I was a teenager."

"Business?" Jonathan asked.

"I don't think anybody but me heard it, since it was so late, but I'm pretty sure you're boy decided to practice on bein' a man with that girly friend of his." He finally came out and said it. "Just thought I'd mention it to ya."

"Well shit." Was all he could say.