The Forgotten Experiment: Unexpected Visitor

Story by Neofox on SoFurry

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Shad winced as the light came into view. He arose gently, trying not to wake Molly, who was beside him still in a soft sleep. He smiled as he stood up off of the couch, walking over toward the desk. He sat down in the wheeled chair and spun around a couple times. He then stopped and scooted in to the desk and began to think. He looked around again at the lab, noticing the huge chamber machine across the room. It was locked on a lifting mechanism that seemed as if it could be activated by a button on the side of the bar. He remembered reading through one of the documents, the chamber was part of experiment #2. This was the main chamber that would start the DNA particalization and the fusion process. He stared back at the table, noticing that that very document was sitting among him all along. He picked it up and skimmed across it once again, reading over the major details.

..."Experiment #2: Particalization and DNA fusion...

when Experiment #2 is activated, the process of re-arranging the DNA and fusing the human trait DNA will begin. The fox DNA (or Molly's) will first start to particalize, thus allowing the machine to introduce the human DNA and replace those proteins which make up the original fox traits (such as legs, arms, and other bodily features of a human). when these protiens are set in place in the fox (Molly's) DNA helix, the machine will then activate the "fusion" process. This will fuse the human DNA and the Fox DNA, insuring that the protiens are correctly fused in the helix. From this step, an adaptation process will start, thus adapting the new human protiens to the fox's. Once this process is complete, the machine will re-stabalize the setting of the DNA and the atmosphere, hopefully completing the specimen (Molly). If all goes well, Molly should turn out with human/fox hybrid traits. This will be my most amazing experiment yet, aside from the "Chemical Youth" that I created and injected into Molly to keep her alive. However, even with that chemical, once this rebirth is complete she will be able to live the lifespan of a human as well, which is an outcome of containing the human genes. I hope that this works, for this is a one time chance. It means that it is a life or death situation for the specimen, and it worries me to have to continue, but for the sake of feelings, and the bond between us, I promise to do all I can to create Molly into this form."

Shad hadn't read this far before in the document. He had only read through the steps taken to create the machine. He looked over at Molly who was now peeking one eye at him and smiling. Feeling a smile take his face he arose out of the chair and began to walk toward her. She stood up and ran over to him and leaped, throwing herself onto his chest.

"Hey you, sleep well?" Shad asked petting at her head.

"hehe...sure did, especially being next to you" she replied padding back down on the floor and stretching, arcing her back.

"heh..that's good, cause now we can start the second stage of the Experiment" Shad said with a nervous voice.

"Shad...what's the matter? Your shaking, and you look upset" she said walking behind him in circles, allowing her tail to brush against his legs.

"Molly...I...I love you...and I want you to know this..because I'm scared...and I'm worried for you" Shad said, feeling tears start to form on his eyes.

"Why are you saying that? Your acting like this is the end of everything, like I'm going to leave!"

"Well...Molly, this experiment's...."

Shad was interrupted by a loud crash from above. Followed by what sounded like footsteps.

"What the hell was that?" Shad asked, eyes growing

"I don't know Shad, it sounded like something fell" she said looking toward the staircase.

There was another crash from above, followed by another set of footsteps. Shad felt hisself tremble with fear, what was that? He ran over to the staircase and in the "private study" room. Molly ran in behind him and he closed the wooden door and clicked the lock shut. He reached up and flicked the light switch off, allowing darkness to fall upon him and Molly in the room. Finally he heard a squeek and a slam of what had to have been the hatch door. Shad creeped up to peek out the small window out at the lab. Footsteps could now be heard coming down the stairs. They were fast and hard, like someone was in a hurry. Suddenly, a man with a scarf and in a big Khaki coat walked into view from the stairs. He was huffing and looking around with one hand out. As he spun toward the side to observe the couch, Shad caught a glimpse of what he had in his hand. But, he was back on the floor now shaking in fear more when he saw it was indeed a revolver hangun. The shine of the barrel showed that it was a six shooter, and short in length. The perfect weapon to conceal. But who was the man? Shad peeked up again to observe the man.

"Shad, what's going on...I'm scared" Molly said silently, looking up at Shad in the darkness.

"I d...I don't know...there's a strange man..carrying a gun..." he replied, reaching over to hug at Molly. "...whoever he is, he doesn't look very friendly!"

Shad looked around the window trying to get a view of the man as he walked across the room, moving the cushions of the couch to the floor. The man then began to walk towards his direction focusing on the door. Shad's heart started racing, he knew whoever the man was, he probably wouldn't hesitate to shoot. He ducked down and put his back to the wall. He moved down and kissed Molly on the head for confort. He cuddled up next to her and looked at the door with wide eyes. The door handle clicked and rattled as the man tried to enter. But the door was locked, and couldn't be unlocked from the outside. There wasn't even a keyhole, so the only way in would be to break the handle. The door handle continued to click more rapidly, in the frustration of the man's grasp. stopped.

"I...I think he gave up" Shad said looking down at Molly, then slowly crawling back toward the window.

He eased his way up to peek out once again. But, this time there was nobody there! Shad looked around the lab and at the door where he had last seen the man. Suddenly, the mans face eased up from the bottom of the window, showing his angry expression merely inches from Shad's view. Shad yelled and fell backwards from the window and onto the floor. The man had definitley saw him this time. Even if he didn't, he would have heard the scream. The door handle shook rapidly as Shad moved back away from the door. Then a gunshot fired, sending a loud echo through the silence in the air. Then the handle fell from the door and to the ground with a loud ting. The door then eased open with a creek as smoke slowly rose out from the hole in the door.

"Where are you? Who the hell are did you find this place...come out!" A harsh voice came from the man as he entered the room. The door eased open more as the man entered the room, the shine of the gun showing into the darkness. Shad had taken a position behind the door, and Molly was across the room, hiding in the confinements of the shadows. Shad waited, his heart pounded, if the man entered and saw him, he was finished. But instead, the man moved his arms forward more and he saw from the shadow beneath the door that he was stepping closer into the room. Now was the chance, Shad reached out and threw the door against the man's body with great force. The man's arms flew to the side and he let out a scream of agony as he flew backwards onto the tile floor of the lab. He had dropped the gun and it slid over across to Molly's paws. Shad jumped down and picked up the revolver, easing it up into a firm grasp. He moved the door opened and took aim at the man. However, he noticed that the man was laying with his head turned and his eyes closed. It appeared that the great force of the door knocked him unconcious. Shad walked over to the man and knelt down, observing his face more as he swallowed the remaining fear he had.

"Molly, it's safe...he's out cold" He said looking over the man.

"Shad, are you alright?" She said running out of the room towards him.

"Yeah, I'm fine, but I'm sure he's going to have a couple bruises" He replied.

Shad reached down and lowered the scarf from the man's face mouth. Shad's eyes grew even wider as he was shocked from what he saw.

" remember the man from the news this morning don't you?" Shad said looking at the man's face.

"Yeah, why?" She replied walking toward Shad's back.

"B...because...this is him" he said standing up, putting the handgun in the labcoat's pocket.

" can't be!" Molly walked over and examined the man.

"'s Damion!" He replied, calming down his shaking.

Shad Walked over and put the cushions back up onto the couch and sat down. Molly jumped up and sat next to him, allowing her tail to wrap around his backside. He looked over at Damion, laying there motionless on the floor. What would he do now? If Damion had just escaped from prison, then the authority had to be hot on his trail. And if that was the case, then would they track him here? Shad felt his stomache knot as he thought of what could happen. He stood up and walked over past Damion, to the stairs. He had to see what damage had been done upstairs in the shack. If it was in bad condition, the authority would most definitley would see a possibility of refuge here. And Shad couldn't let them know, or even explain what was taking place in this lab.

Shad walked up the stairs and opened the hatch door. He walked up into the room, leaving the hatch open as he did so. The room looked perfectly normal with the exception of a few papers on the floor at the desk. He then walked over toward the door. Tugging at the handle, it was restraining to budge again like the first time he tried to open the cursed thing. Finally it gave in with a loud banging and a loud squeel. The cold hit him like a wave as he stood in front of what appeared to be solid white. Shad reached out and saw that it was indeed a blizzard taking place. here was not a thing in sight among the blanket of white. He looked down at the ground of the entrance, not even the footprints of his entry could be seen. Shad shut the door again and walked back over to the hatch and down the stairs. The trail he had left was more than covered, he had picked a convienient time to make his getaway. And yet, the lab was deep in the woods, and probably looked like an offce for tree loggers anyway, so why would they look here?

Resting his chin on his fist, he looked over at the motionless body on the floor. Shad thought to himself for a second. He now had Damion's gun, so really, he was the control. If Damion woke up, he would have to anwser to Shad. He reached into the labcoat and took out the revolver and played with it in his hand. Turning it over and over, examining its every detail.

"Shad, what are we going to do with him?" Molly looked up to him.

"Heh, well, I say we make this a decent situation, let's make him feel confortable..." Shad replied, replacing the gun in his pocket. "...Then, I'll get the answers I want from him!"