Fusozay Var Var

Story by Katalyst on SoFurry

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"'Fusozay Var Var': 'Enjoy Life'

Life is short. If you have not made love recently, please, put down this book, and take care of that with all haste. Find a wanton lass or a frisky lad, or several, in whatever combination your wise loins direct, and do not under any circumstances play hard to get. Our struggle against the colossal forces of oppression can wait."

-Excerpt from Ahzirr Traajijazeri by Anonymous

The public manifesto of the Khajiit organization Renrijra Krin

He walked the streets of Leyawiin. It was late afternoon, and the guards were changing shift. He had spent most of his day at the Five Claws Lodge, getting drunk and planning. Now he had chosen a plan. Now he had decided and taken action. 100 gold coins jingled about in his pockets, and his ears twitched anxiously. He was a Khajiit, and had slept alone for far too long.

The Argonian and Khajiit beggars still roamed the streets, as well as a few people doing the day's last errands. The sky was a simple blue, the clouds a brilliant pink. He walked slowly up the steps to the West part of town, where the Blackwood Mercenaries and the Fighter's Guild were stationed. He had no interest in either. Instead, he focused on the tree in between, or rather the Argonian sitting lazily beneath the branches of the willow.

"Deeh." K'bari said in greeting. Deeh stood and dusted off his sack-cloth pants. All he ever wore was a pair of pants.

"K'bari! My good friend," Deeh exclaimed, extending a hand. K'bari shook it and got down to business.

"How many Septims have you made today?"

Deeh looked up, thinking for a moment. He trusted K'bari, and didn't attempt to exploit him for money. "18 gold. Pretty good, eh?"

K'bari nodded absently for a few moments. He then cleared his throat. "How would you like to make five times that?" he whispered, cautious of the citizens passing by.

Deeh's eyes widened. "Would you...? I mean, yes, I'd love to!" he said, excited.

K'bari smiled, satisfied. "You know K'bari, my scaly friend. He doesn't often do charity, especially with sums of money this large. He'll need you to do something for him, first."

Deeh wasn't faltered by the added catch. "I'll do anything! Just tell me."

"Meet him at the White Stallion lodge at midnight tonight. Come alone." He discretely handed a small silver key to Deeh. "The Lodge is North of here, just off the Western road to Bravil. He will see you then." K'bari walked away. The sun was falling, and day was becoming night.

Deeh nodded to himself, noting the discreet nature of K'bari's exchange as he swallowed nervously, excitement gone, wondering what task K'bari had set for him.

Deeh approached the Lodge. Hours before, he had decided that whatever the task, he needed the money. He slowly put his key into the door and turned, opening the door. It creaked loudly, and the inside of the Lodge was dark and smelled of food and ale.

"K'bari, are you there?" Deeh called out. An opening pair of glowing eyes appeared in the shadows, startling the Argonian.

"He is here, Deeh," K'bari said. "He has your money, and your task."

Deeh sighed, though still not fully relieved. "What will you have me do?"

"Strip." The word shocked Deeh, coming from his friend. "Turn around, and take off your pants. Slowly." K'bari looked on, his lion-like eyesight letting him see perfectly in the darkness. Deeh shifted nervously, shaking slightly. He looked shy. And he told the citizens of Leyawiin that he was a war veteran. Pah! His frame was much-too obviously flimsy for a soldier's.

Deeh felt the blood rushing to his head. Strip? He had known K'bari for many years, but had never known the Khajiit to be attracted to him, or males in general. "K'bari, are you sure you are alright? Maybe the ale has gotten to yo-"

A fat purse jingled. The sound echoed briefly off the wooden walls of the Lodge. "You need this money, Deeh. I know you do. Now do as I say or you can stay out in the rain."

Deeh hesitated and composed himself. For the Septims, he thought, and turned, slowly removing his pants, revealing his scaly behind, as he could never afford an undercloth.

K'bari saw Deeh sliding his pants off down his nice, round ass. K'bari himself wore no clothes at all right now. He purred, fish oil on his cock dripping to soak his fur. Deeh looked startled at the purring and took his pants off of his tail, leaving him fully nude. He hugged himself, as if cold.

K'bari hummed thoughtfully, admiring Deeh's figure from behind. "Now turn around," he said. Deeh sighed again, attempting to compose himself, and turned, dropping his arms to his side. His dick hung limp. K'bari's shape was almost visible to Deeh, as his eyes had been slowly adjusting. K'bari purred louder, satisfied with what he was seeing. "Now, I want you to take three steps forward, turn around again, and drop to all fours."

Deeh swallowed nervously, just as he had done hours before, but obliged. Slowly, he took three steps, and found his first two to be onto a very soft wool rug, softer than most bed sheets. He turned and dropped to his knees, then to all fours. A chill went up his spine as two paws touched him gently, one grabbing the top part of an ass cheek, the other lifting his tail. He could feel the Khajiit's hot breath on him. He cringed, worrying if this would be worth the Septims.

Something fleshy and wet touched his tailhole, and he quickly recognized it as the head of a cock. It slowly creeped inside of him, followed by a think shaft. Deeh cringed, not in pain but because of the alien experience. With every advancement into him, he thought he couldn't get any fuller, but he was always proven wrong with the next bit of cock in. The process seemed to take hours.

"Relax," K'bari whispered, and touched the spine of Deeh. Deeh glowed for a moment. Suddenly, he relaxed fully, against his instincts and his own will. He had forgotten that K'bari was a skilled spellcaster. K'bari put the rest of himself into Deeh, a full eight inches, and suddenly, Deeh's attitude shifted. Something about where K'bari's cock had stopped had sent a shiver of unknown pleasure throughout his body. His own dick began to harden. He grunted softly, confused.

K'bari pulled out, slowly again, but not as slow as his entrance, and Deeh had a feeling of disappointment that was quickly smothered by puzzled emotions. However, K'bari thrusted into him quickly, and Deeh grunted in pleasure, his previous shiver of pleasure growing, his cock now fully hardened. K'bari began to thrust into him, and all emotionally analytical thoughts vanished quickly. Deeh had slept with women before, of course, but this was something altogether...different. The spell had worn off, but Deeh no longer needed it.

K'bari growled in pleasure, gripping Deeh's tail in one hand and Deeh's cock in the other, and he began thrusting faster. Pre gradually spilled out of his cock, replacing the fish oil for lubricant. With each thrust, K'bari's hand stroked Deeh's full seven inches.

Deeh's tail wrapped around K'bari's hand, and his own cock quickly dripped of precum. Shivers became shocks, and shocks became waves. He wasn't Deeh anymore. He was lost in the new and unbelievable pleasure. Slowly, Deeh's head came lower and lower to the ground, and soon, his head was resting on the soft rug, his hand gripping it tightly.

K'bari himself had his eyes closed. He was focusing on pleasure, going in and out of Deeh's tight virgin hole. The muscles hugged his cock perfectly. He growled louder and took his hand from Deeh's tail to himself. Suddenly, both of them shined brightly. K'bari felt a surge of pleasure and pounded Deeh's ass his final few times, as hard and as fast as he could muster.

Deeh cried out in pleasure. Whatever spell K'bari had cast, it felt like K'bari's cock had doubled in size. He cried out again and came, cum spraying out and staining the rug, some getting onto himself and K'bari's hand. As if on queue, K'bari came right after, his eyes rolling into the back of his head. He shot a load inside Deeh, but pulled out and came again on Deeh's back and head. He panted loudly.

Deeh felt his heart slowdown from its quickened pace. His thoughts lazily wandered, and soon, there was darkness.

Deeh's eyes opened to the White Stallion Lodge. He had been placed into a bed, and he was hugging on to K'bari's surprisingly muscular...he sighed and set his head back down to rest on K'bari's body. At this point, he didn't care about the money.

Also, Deeh has Yellow Tick fever, and K'bari didn't use a condom. This story now has a moral. Practice safe sex, kitties, or you might contract porphyric hemophilia from some vampiric bitch.