Feeling Love

Story by Korumai on SoFurry

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#4 of the path

this is the final chapter of this story (not sure if ill keep writing but i had to get this one out)

Koru finally finds love and acceptance, but an old nemesis reenters the picture will he survive the encounter?

"Don't mind mom, she's a bit of a jokester but she really does mean well" the boy who had answered the door said to me as he turned and went back into the house. "Welcome to your new home Koru, dinner should be ready in a few minutes, and in the meantime I'll have Bo here show you to the room you two will be sharing" I looked in the direction that the Doctor was motioning. It was the same boy that had answered the door but this time I got a good look at him, he was 6 feet tall, and was very muscular but the thing that really took me back was his fur, it was jet black and shiny, he was the most beautiful lion I had ever seen. I looked down uncomfortably, realizing that my sheath was beginning to swell, as he came over and put his large paw on my shoulder and began to gently lead me towards the stairs to the second floor. "you know I think you're the first kid mom has ever decided to take in permanently, usually she only does temporary foster care" I remained silent as he spoke and he didn't try to start any small talk again until we reached the room. "Well here we are the bed on the left is yours" I silently walked over to the bed and sat down trying to work up the courage to speak before finally saying "you were the one outside the school weren't you? and you rode in the ambulance with me to the hospital?" he looked at me curiously "yeah I did but how did you know that, the EMTs said you were so out of it that you wouldn't even notice" he stared at me, curiosity evident on his face. "I was pretty out of it, and I never saw your face clearly, but that wasn't how I knew, it was when you touched me. I would never have found my way back without it." I told him as my voice began to crack.

I didn't even hear him move across the room, but I suddenly felt the pressure of someone sitting next to me on the bed and then felt an arm drape over my shoulder "look I can't say I know what happened in your life to make you feel like you needed to kill yourself, but you don't have to worry about that any more your safe here". I closed my eyes afraid that if I didn't the tears would start again and not stop "No I'm not and by me being here I'm putting your family in danger as well" I told him with my eyes still shut tight. "Look mom already explained this to us, she said you're the key witness in a murder trial and the murderer has come after you once before", I couldn't help it I looked into his eyes and asked "and you all still want me here?" He didn't say anything in response, just put his other arm around me and hugged me. "By the way I don't know if Dr. Mom told you but we aren't really a traditional family." He told me slowly lowering one of his arms, leaving the one on my shoulder. "Yeah we have two moms" he said chuckling, "you know you look exhausted do you want to lie down for a while before dinner?" I nodded slowly as he set my bags on the chair by the end of the bed, as I crawled under the blanket careful not to jostle my wounded arms to much. I sighed loudly as I settled in, listening to Bo's footsteps move to the door and just as I was dozing of I called quietly to him "Bo, thank you for saving me".

"Koru it's time to wake up you need to get ready for school" I rolled over slowly, jumping slightly when I saw the unfamiliar jaguar woman standing next to the bed "sorry if I scared you, I'm Susan or mom whichever your more comfortable with" she said smiling. I must have looked incredibly confused because she went onto explain "you fell asleep before dinner last night and when we came to wake you up you looked so peaceful that we decided to let you rest". I pulled myself out of bed slowly as Susan showed me where my clothes, towels, and toiletries were and then pointed to a second door in our bedroom I hadn't seen last night that lead to our bathroom. "Once you finish showering and get dressed come down to the kitchen for some breakfast, a tip though if you want any bacon you better hurry Bo is known for devouring it" she said winking at me. I showered, and dressed in a pair of black cargo pants, a white, t-shirt, and the hooded sweatshirt I had worn home from the hospital the day before then grabbed my shoes and headed for the kitchen. When I entered Bo was sitting at the breakfast bar his back towards me and I couldn't help but stand there and admire the way the tight grey t-shirt hugged his form accentuating the rippling muscles of his back. "there you are I was afraid you had fallen asleep in the shower" Susan said motioning for me to take the seat next to Bo "It's a miracle Bo even made sure to leave some bacon for you, that's almost unheard of". My maw began to water as soon as I smelled the delicious food and my stomach rumbled loudly making both Bo and Susan chuckle, I sat down quickly and began to eat heartily my stomach reminding me I hadn't had a decent meal in days.

Eventually I leaned back completely sated "that was delicious, thank you" I said as I burped loudly, excusing myself quickly. "Ok boys go get in the car, Koru we got you everything you'll need and left it in your book bag by the front door; I'll be down in a minute." I grabbed my bag as I followed Bo out the front door and down to Susan's car "Bo, I've never seen you at school before how was It that you were there when I ......" I asked quietly. "It was pure luck actually our school was playing yours in football that day and the team and I were heading back to the bus when we saw you standing there, and then you just sliced open your wrists, it was actually terrifying to watch you didn't even look like you felt the pain, you just collapsed" Bo looked sad as he said this "I'm sorry Bo I didn't mean to drag you into my problems" I said as I got into the back seat of the car. After a few minutes of sitting in silence I looked over at Bo sitting next to me, he was looking directly back at me, he reached his paw over placing it gently on my shoulder "Look Koru it was scary for me to see something like that happen, but I'm glad I was there because no matter what it was like for me it must have been so much worse for you". It was only couple minutes after our conversation Susan came out getting in the driver's seat and starting up the car.

Other than the squad car trailing us the drive to school was completely uneventful as was the new student check in process. By the time the lunch bell rang I was almost ready to pass out, the past few weeks were anything but peaceful for me and my body was beginning to suffer for it, but I pushed on regardless. I grabbed my lunch from my locker and headed to the commons of the school alone except for the officer who had been following me all day, starting a new school was hard, starting it with a cop following you around was twice as bad, everyone had a theory as to why he was the there. My thoughts were interrupted as I stepped into the commons and I stopped to take in the madness, there were furs of every type jostling and laughing. I started forward, soon catching sight of Bo, he was tall enough and his glossy black fur made him easy enough to spot. But I didn't make it more than five steps before I felt a paw on my forearm and then nothing but agony, I heard a loud roar ring in my ears, and shouting, I hit the floor hard bringing me partially back to my senses "Koru are you ok, come back to me buddy." I recognized Bo's voice immediately. "I never left did I?" I said smirking as my vision came back, I was laying on the floor looking up into Bo's eyes and surrounded by a ring of unfamiliar faces. "what happened" I asked quietly, oh nothing much the school bully grabbed your arm, you roared loud enough to scare everyone and then your cop buddy tackled him and dragged him off to the principal, I called Dr. mom and she wants me to take a look at your arm" he said this as he carefully moved the sleeve on the left arm of my hoodie revealing my bandaged arm. "Good there's only a little blood it should be fine, she said as long as there isn't a lot of bleeding it should be ok till we get home". The officer returned a short time later, just as Bo was helping me to my feet "c'mon you can come sit with me and the team for lunch although I don't think anyone else would mess with ya as long as you have that officer following ya, no wonder they put a cheetah on as your protection, he had Randall on his ass fast."

The rest of the school day passed pretty uneventfully, and I was even able to finish my schoolwork during my study period, which was fortunate because by the time I got in Susan's car at the end of the day I could barely keep my eyes open. "the school called today and let me know what happened, are you okay Koru?" she asked with concern I was so exhausted I merely nodded, and without thinking wrapped both of my arms around Bo's and began to doze off, but just before I fell asleep I heard Susan ask Bo "so when are you going to tell him the real reason Linda wanted him in our home so badly" his reply was soft and full of affection "later if he doesn't sleep through the night again." As it turns out I didn't get the chance to sleep through the night Dr. Liconis woke me when she got home from work to check the stiches in my arm, and as soon as she left for the kitchen Bo came over and sat next to me on the couch looking more unsure of himself than I had ever seen him. "So look Koru I need to tell you something, Dr. mom wasn't the only one who fought to have you move in with us" I looked up at him curiously swearing I could see a blush in his dark cheek fur "I thought this would be easier than telling the team I was gay but......." he chuckled lightly as he said this. "Koru I wanted you here more than Dr. Mom, from the first time I saw you at one of the football games we played against your school I've wanted to get to know you. When I saw you outside the school the day you hurt yourself I was actually looking for you...." I almost couldn't believe what I was hearing and I felt my cheeks growing warm "I guess I'm trying to say that I really want to get to know you better and ummm you know maybe take you as my mate."

I was stunned, a guy I had known only a couple days had just confessed to me that he wanted to take me as his mate, I was nervous, scared, but most of all elated. I looked at him, his eyes locked on his fidgeting paws, and I knew what my answer would be. I scooted closer to him on the couch and took his paw in mine, wrapping it around my shoulder and then I leaned up and gave him a gentle kiss on the cheek, I was unprepared as I was pulled into his strong arms he bit down gently on my neck, I was his now. We both jumped slightly as we heard a voice from the kitchen "See Bo I told you he felt the same way about you, the way he couldn't take his eyes off your ass was dead giveaway" I don't know why but that statement made me do something I hadn't in a long time, I started laughing, even as Bo was shouting towards the kitchen for Susan to stop eavesdropping, I couldn't stop it felt so good to laugh after so much pain and hurt, and eventually it became contagious and before long all three of us were laughing. "What's gotten into you three, sounds like a pack of hyenas invaded the living room." Linda smirked as she walked in from the kitchen "hope you guys are hungry I made my specialty tonight, teriyaki salmon steaks." My stomach rumbled loudly at this causing the three of us to resume laughing. Dinner was a bit shocking for me I was used to opening a can ravioli and eating it cold at ten at night, not sitting down with others to a home cooked meal and when I told my new mothers this they both looked taken aback.

After we finished our dinner, and Bo and I had cleaned up the kitchen, I decided to go lay down, saying goodnight to my new mothers I headed up to the room I shared with Bo. I was just undoing my pants when I heard the door open, I looked over and saw Bo quietly enter shutting the door behind himself. I smiled shyly as I let my cargo pants drop to my ankles, kicking them away leaving me standing there with only my boxers to hide my rapidly swelling sheath. The rustling behind me told me that Bo was also stripping off his clothing, but the warmth of his large muscular body as he placed his arms around me and pulled me back into his now naked form still surprised me a little. "Koru I would really like to show you how much I love you, but if you aren't ready or don't want to do this just tell me and we can stop" he whispered quietly into my ear, I tilted my head back giving his chin a little lick before saying "I would be lying if I wasn't a little scared after my first experience, but I trust you Bo and I want to do this." As soon as I said this I felt myself gently spun about so that I was facing my new mate, and then I was drawn into a kiss so deep and passionate that I lost track of time. I breathed in deep savoring my lovers thick and enticing musk, losing myself in the moment. I whined slightly when his warm muzzle pulled away from mine, I opened my eyes and he grinned at me before beginning to slowly lick and nibble his way down my chest. I gasped in pleasure as he stopped to tease my nipples first licking and nibbling on one and then the other before continuing to lick his way down to my navel. He spent a few minutes teasing my navel with his tongue before pulling off of me, I looked down longingly into his eyes and he smiled up me before engulfing all eight inches of my now fully erect feline cock into his maw. I moaned loudly as his tongue explored my most sensitive part unable to control myself and no longer caring, he dragged his textured appendage over the barbs on my cock causing me to shiver and moan even more. finally I felt myself getting close "Bo if you don't stop I'm going to cum" I gasped out. He pulled his maw off of me looking into my eyes "do you want to continue?" he asked sounding unsure.

I answered him wordlessly by climbing onto his bed on my hands and knees lifting my tail and presenting him with my supple striped butt, hearing him digging through his nightstand I look over just as he pulled a bottle of lube out of the drawer, and walked behind me. I felt the mattress shift slightly as he climbed onto the bed positioning himself between my legs, I gasped quietly as I felt him smear a generous amount of the slippery gel onto my clenching tailhole and moaned in pleasure as one of his fingers worked its way inside me making sure that I was well lubed before gently withdrawing his finger. "I'm going to go as slow as I can, and if you want to stop just tell me ok?" I nodded, so lost in my want of the strapping black lion that I didn't trust myself to speak. I moaned loudly as I felt the tip of his feline member press against my tailhole; he paused giving me time to adjust to the intrusion before finally resuming his forward motion, slowly impaling me on his barbed cock. I was lost in pleasure, unlike my first experience this was pure bliss I won't say there wasn't some slight pain but mostly I just felt pleasure, and by the time I felt his large fur covered orbs press against me I was moaning in uncontrolled lust, and surrounded by his musky male scent. "I can't believe you took all ten inches." Bo huffed obviously in the same state as I was "I want to try a different position though, something a bit more intimate." As he said this I felt one of his strong arms wrap around my chest and then he moved us both into a kneeling position his length still buried deep in my tailhole and his legs on the outside of mine. He began to thrust in earnest then wrapping both his arms around me and whispering sweet nothings in my ear, I knew neither of us would last long in this position. Suddenly his whispers stopped and I felt his hot breath upon my neck as he bit down roaring around my neck as he began to breed me deeply, his hot seed painting my insides white. That was all I could take my vision exploded and saw stars as I reached my release as well. I have no idea how long we remained in the position unloading our frustrations, but when I finally pulled off his still respectably sized feline prick, and felt his still warm seed run from tailhole, I couldn't help but purr in happiness. "Did you enjoy that as much as I did my mate" I just nodded too tired to say anything as he pulled me into his chest and pulled a blanket over us. I fell asleep that night feeling so happy and safe in his arms that I thought nothing bad could ever happen again.

I was terribly wrong. After waking early and showering the next morning the two of us went down to breakfast hand in hand, Susan her usually perky self, smiled widely and said "sounded like you two had fun last night, Linda was a little miffed though, she no longer holds the title of loudest sex roar in the house" I blushed deep red, and Bo just laughed "Guess we know who holds the title now" she said winking at me and sliding the plate of bacon over. The rest of breakfast was pretty uneventful as was the drive to school, it wasn't until Bo and I were walking to our shared study period after lunch that things went wrong. As we walking down the hall we started to hear screams ahead of us, thinking it might just be a small fight we kept walking. It wasn't until I was knocked off my feet by a crowd of running students that I really began to worry; I looked around and saw Bo desperately trying to reach me, and the cheetah officer brandishing his gun.

And then I saw him, walking slowly towards me with a gun pointed directly at me was Mr. Snow. I got shakily to my feet, vaguely hearing the officer shouting at Snow to drop the gun, and then calling for backup. None of that mattered to me though, my full attention was on the gun pointed at my chest. "Kid you've caused me a lot of trouble, and even if it means I die here today I will have my revenge against you." Snow snarled, and then he fired. What happened next was a blur, I heard another shot and saw a blossom of red on Snow's forehead and he fell into an unmoving heap on the ground. I felt a warm wet sensation running down the right side of my chest I lifted my hand slowly and touched my shirt and then looked at my fingers, they were covered in blood. I was in shock unable to comprehend what was happening, I began to collapse but before I hit the ground Bo caught me and laid me gently on the ground. I saw his lips move and the tears begin to run down his face as he hovered over me, it was slowly becoming harder to breathe and I could taste iron my maw, eventually I saw others EMTs, police, even Susan, but always there holding my paw was my dear mate Bo. Eventually my vision began to fade and I fell asleep, I wasn't afraid I still had no idea what was going on.

I don't know how long I spent in that dark oblivion, a place of no light or sound before I heard a voice, it called to me and I couldn't resist, it was so full of pain and sadness that I needed to comfort its owner with all my soul. As I drew closer to the voice other sounds began to invade the silence, a beeping noise that came at regular intervals being the most prominent, the voice was no longer there but in its place was a warmth. So I instead focused on that, the closer I drew to that warmth the lighter it got in my dark prison, but it also seemed to bring increasing amounts of pain. The pain didn't matter only that warm touch mattered. Finally I breached the surface of that dark water breaking out into a light so bright it blinded me; it wasn't until then that I heard the voices one male and one very familiar female. "I'm very sorry Mrs. Liconis, but due to the amount of trauma his body has been through recently its very doubtful he will ever recover from the coma." I had no idea who was speaking my eyes were still adjusting, but I could still feel that bit of warmth resting in my paw. I didn't know what else to do so I squeezed the warm object as hard as could, I heard a gasp and then a voice that elicited a deep feeling of love "Mom he squeezed my paw!!" I heard footsteps slowly approach and felt a warm touch on my shoulder. "I know you really want him to be alright honey but it's been two weeks since the shooting, the odds aren't good." I could hear the sadness in the voice and I couldn't help the tears that began to run down my cheeks. My vision had now cleared enough that I recognized the figure holding my paw, I tried to speak but a strange object was lodged firmly in my maw.

Yet still I tried to say his name, it was quiet but it must have been loud enough, both Bo and Dr. mom's heads whipped around to look at me. Bo instantly hugged me causing me to groan in pain around the feeding tube in my maw, "I'm sorry I've just been so worried about you" he said around the tears cascading down his black fur. "Don't worry mom went to get the doctor to get that feeding tube out." In a matter of ten minutes the feeding tube was removed, I breathed deeply wincing at the pain, and I looked to Bo "what happened? I mean I remember Snow and the gun but things get fuzzy after that." he looked at me his eyes still teary "Snow is dead; officer Kinta put a bullet between his eyes. Unfortunately Snow shot you before Kinta got a clear shot, he hit you in the lung and by the time they got you here you had passed out, you've been in a coma for two weeks." I squeezed his paw as tightly as I could, trying to reassure him. "Bo wouldn't leave your side the entire time you were out he said you needed him, and honestly none of us had the heart to make him leave." Linda said quietly, giving Bo a look filled with love. "Well I'm going to go wake Susan and tell her the good news, and Koru I'm glad you came back to us." She smiled then walked out of the room. I turned then to my mate who still held my paw tightly in his "Bo you were right I did need you, I would never found my way out of that darkness without your voice to guide me." He smiled slightly as I said this. Suddenly Bo's eyes lit up and he began digging through his jacket, I stared at his antics smiling "ah there it is." He said as he pulled a small box from his pocket "I had mom pick this up for me while you were out cold. It's kind of tradition in my family that when you choose your mate you get them one, and mom and Dr. Mom both approved sooo.......... here." He smiled widely as he handed me the small box. I struggled for a few seconds with latch on the box before it finally popped open, revealing a black leather collar studded with sliver. "It represents my love for you. Will you accept it?" he asked his voice wavering a bit, I looked my mate in the eyes, and handing him the collar I said "only if you put it on me right now" Bo smiled wide, taking the collar and buckling it around my neck before drawing me in for a deep passionate kiss.