Sprung the Trap

Story by Fiskerton on SoFurry

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#1 of Cops are Fun

Disclaimer: This story contains gay furry sex. If you are under 18 or are offended by this, turn

back already! This is not for you! D=

I've always liked a fur in uniform... and bondage...

I sighed heavily, it was all so boring. This town had nothing past the occasional speeder,

nothing exciting for a cop at all. These hot and humid nightly rounds were filled with just

driving around and around looking at nothing but darkness, yawning all the way to dawn. No one

was ever out at night. Why did the chief feel the need to set a patrol? And worse, why did he

choose me?

As with every night, my fur started itching all over in the hot August night. The people who

designed cop uniforms had no concept of breathable material at all. And, worst of all, the

goddamn mayor wouldn't pay for new police cars, so all I had was this really old car that only

had an AM radio. With no AC, my tongue would be panting at the speed of a hummingbird's wings

in an hour.

One night, it was especially hot: ninety-five freakin degrees. How the hell does it get that

hot at night? I'm just lucky it wasn't in celsius. In any case, I couldn't take it, so I

decided to take it easy and drive out to the small pond in the middle of the town's park. It

was always nice and cool and I thought a refreshing swim would do me some good. After all, I

would have gone crazy in that heat.

Climbing out of that stuffy car, I breathed the not-so-fresh air deeply. Hey, it was better than

what was in that car. Walking towards the water, I dipped my feet in to check the temperature. I

grinned; it was perfect for cooling off.

Now, maybe I was a little bit bold or a little bit desperate that night, but I decided to go

skinny dipping. No one was around to see me anyway, and I was going to get a heat stroke if I

didn't do something quick. As I took off my police uniform, I couldn't help but admire my

body, swathed in white light by the full moon, accentuating the muscles. I was buff, no doubt

about it. My German Shepherd bloodline had always contained strong, powerful canines in every

generation. And, although I wasn't as ripped as the more hardcore bodybuilders, I still packed

enough heat to intimidate, and arouse, most people.

Fully naked, tail wagging, I practically ran into the water. It was so refreshing to jump in

and dive under. I even did some laps considering no one was there to obstruct me. Even though

swimming was allowed, there would usually be so much boats and fishermen during the day no

one could anyway. I took my sweet old time splashing around and just having fun. But, my

temporary lapse of desperation was eventually overcome by my sense of discipline. I got out in

about an hour.

Walking back to the car, I didn't bother drying off or anything. I figured it would be better to keep

as much water on my thick fur in order to stay cool all night. Heck, if it worked, I would do it every

night. No more hot sweaty patrols for me.

However, I arrived at my car to find it locked. What the hell? I didn't even remember locking

it, nor taking the keys with me. Indeed, I stared through the window at my keys still in the

ignition. I groaned. Great, I was locked out of my car, naked and on duty. How was I going to

explain this to my chief? My face scrunched up in thought.

That was when things got... bad.

My train of thought was suddenly interrupted by a sound I knew oh so well: a gun cocking. I

gasped and immediately made a move to turn around. However, his voice made me pause.

"Stop," he commanded. It was the only thing he said. Yet it was filled with such authority, such

power and such guile that I obeyed without thinking. Then, after thinking, I figured I still had to

anyway. He had a freakin gun.

So I stood there, naked and dripping, trying to think of a way out. A thousand classes of

police training zoomed through my head. I could've spun and disarmed him. I could've elbowed

him in the gut and grabbed the gun. I could've stomped on his foot. I could've done hundreds

of simple maneuvers to gain the advantage over him.

But I didn't do any of it, because he commanded it. "Don't move," he said. Again, it was

filled with a pervasive power that told my instinct to obey or I would die. Without even

having taken one look at him, I knew he was stronger, smarter and better than I was in every

way. I wouldn't have been able to overpower him. And, he had a freakin gun. I didn't even have

any clothes on.

Great, so what do I do now?

Unfortunately, I did not have time to think as my attacker held a piece of cloth to my muzzle.

I knew the smell; it was chloroform. A lot of kidnappers used it, so I suppose I wasn't that

surprised. And with my hightened sense of smell, I was knocked out in a second flat. But, as I

was going under, I couldn't help but think:

How the hell did this happen?

I woke up, I assumed, a few hours later. Of course, I couldn't tell because I was in a bare

windowless room lit only by a single candle on the table in front of me. My head was still

spinning from the chloroform and I couldn't take in my surroundings very well. However, when I

tried standing up is when I began to panic. I couldn't move. Looking down, I saw I was bound

to a cheap metal armchair with rope tied around my wrists and ankles. Attempting to break

free, I found both rope and chair to be very resistant. It wasn't very ergonomic either; my

back was killing me.

But I was dry. I noticed my fur was ruffled and sticking up, like when I towel off after a

shower. I guess I had my captor to thank for that. Good thing to, because the room was

incredibly cold, despite the temperature outside. Although a nice change of pace from the

extreme heat, I wasn't too eager to be still naked in extreme cold instead. But if he hadn't

dried me off, I would surely have died from hypothermia. At least he doesn't want to kill me.

So what then? What does he really want? And how do I get out of here?

This guy had a real knack for interrupting when I'm thinking. I heard a heavy door creak open

behind me. I strained my neck to look backwards, but it didn't help much. The candle's light

range wasn't far and he was hidden in shadow. Heh, reminded me of police interrogations and

how the cop would walk in real slowly to make the convict nervous. Boy, was I nervous.

Looking forward, I heard him softly pad towards me. His footsteps were very muted yet quick,

as if practiced. In a couple of seconds, he was standing right behind me, hands on my

shoulders. I felt grey-furred paws roaming up my neck and down my body, paying individual

attention to every muscle before moving on to the next. He breathed into my ear and nibbled

playfully, licking the inside. I could feel his sharp teeth as it scraped along the sensitive

skin lining the inside of my ear. This guy could kill me if he wanted. And yet it just aroused

me even more. The adrenaline coursing through my veins mixed with the pleasure of his touch to

make my body tingle, in the good way. I opened my mouth to moan, but he quickly told me not to

make a sound. I gulped it down, quickly shutting my muzzle.

He explored my upper body for a couple of minutes, all the while staying behind me. He wasn't

much of a talker, letting his actions speak for him. He squeezed and tweaked my nips, erect

and at attention from the cold, causing me to whimper lustily a little. He stroked the short

but plush fur of my pecs, sending ripples down my spine. This guy wasn't just a commanding

presence, but a veteran lover as well. Even though I was rather attracted to men, this guy had

my cock at attention in less than a minute. Not even the hottest guy on the force could do

that. Trust me, I've done him. My dick was painfully erect, throbbing in need. And each

squeeze of the nipples or lick on the ear shot bolts of pleasure straight down my body, making

me shiver in the cold air for more. Again, I had to struggle with an insupressible moan.

Then, those loving grey paws moved down lower, and I actually started wagging my tail at the

thought of getting jacked off by this kidnapper. I could feel my tail thumping against his

body, and it must have excited him as well. Soon, I could feel his own erection poking into my

backside. It all just drove my tail to wag harder as he teasingly felt around my cock. I

whimpered in need as those expert hands stole through my fur, arousing but not touching. My

god, was I really that desperate to whine in heat? I must've been acting like a total slut.

Apparently, that's what he thought too. "Aw, do you need to cum, my little puppy?" he

whispered, now with a sadistic tone of voice. God, I was so embarrased at being called a puppy

that my tail stopped wagging. But he just continued the degradation. "Yeah, that's what you

want, isn't it, slut?" My ears actually splayed back from the shame. "I haven't been here five

minutes and you're already on the edge." I lowered my head and he chuckled softly in my ear.

"You must be fucked every day by your coworkers, you little bitch." I attempted a sort of

growl in my throat, however it came out weak and muffled and ended up sounding like a whine.

Either I'm too horny right now, or too scared. This guy knew what he was doing to get me

begging on my knees.

His hands retreated and I breathed a sigh of relief. Even though I was clearly horny and ready

to hump away at anything I see, I had to make some kind of stand to preserve my dignity. This

time, the growl in my throat succeeded. I was even able to speak in a somewhat menacing tone.

"What the hell do you think you're doing, kidnapping an officer of the law?" I made a show of

trying to escape from the restraints, even though both he and I knew I would never be able to

break them. "You're going to do hard time for this! Untie me and face me man to man!" That

might have been the wrong thing to say because the moment I said it, he laughed uproariously.

He laughed so loudly, it echoed around the room and made it sound as if an entire audience was

laughing at my humiliation.

His tone grew strong and dominant again. "Really? A man? You are probably the farthest away

from a man I could find. Behind the uniform and the muscles, you're a slut. A goddamn slut.

And you know it too! You've been screwed by every guy on the police force more than once in

this town and the town before and the town before that." What the hell? How could he know

that? That's my private life he's talking about! "Why, you're a regular pussy. You just love

taking it up the ass over and over again." He leaned in close and breathed the last words into

my ear in an ever so loving voice. "And that's what you're going to do tonight, my little

puppy." My eyes widened in fear and I put all my energy into breaking my bonds. My god, this

guy was serious. I needed to get out of there, and fast! Ironically, my cock was still

throbbing painfully through all this.

As my chair rocked back and forth in place from my flailing, he took his time padding around

it to face me. I stopped and gasped from shock and embarrassment when I saw my kidnapper.

What I thought to be a huge bulky guy with rippling biceps that can tear me in half like a

phonebook turned out to be this athletically toned, naked raccoon. There wasn't much special

about his appearance. His disheveled headfur stuck out in all directions. There was an earthy

and rough scent about him. He was less buff than me, shorter than me, and his dick was sure

goddamn smaller than mine. Yet, as he sat down on my lap, and looked into my eyes, I saw the

wicked cunning and intelligence hidden behind his small frame. His striking green eyes flashed

dangerously with the candlelight and a malicious grin crept onto his masked face. He rubbed

his sensitive cock onto my own, teasing my erection to the edge, but not over. He pressed his

body to mine, continuing his previous treatment and exploration of my body. It was torture.

He resumed speaking in that captivating voice of his, breathing the words into my ear. "You

know, I have a few friends who've been just dieing to meet you. Some really big ones too..." I

gulped. My face must have looked panic-stricken. "But before that, I want to have some alone

time with you, so I can get to know you better." Sounds romantic I know, but I doubt this was

what someone would call a first date.

He began lapping at the side of my muzzle with his smooth tongue, making me shiver from the

cool touch. I knew what he wanted, and I wasn't in much position to stop him. Both out of

logic and lust, I parted my lips, and he took the opportunity to shove his tongue in my mouth

forcefully. I felt him explore my mouth with the same delicate attention as he gave to my

body. He made sure to lick every tooth, even the ones way in the back, and engage my tongue in

a little joust. His hand moved up and stroked the spot every dog loves, behind the ear, making

me groan heavily in pleasure. He echoed me with his own moan as he, too, was lost into a sea

of lust. With both our eyes shut tight, we shared a long passionate kiss. Strange, considering

the circumstances, but intense nonetheless.

Our lips separated and he smacked his lips, licking them as if savoring something delicious.

"You taste good, pup," he said softly. But I didn't hear him. My head was reeling from the

pleasure my cock was sending to my brain. I could barely even see past the haze of lust and

need. I started panting hard, throwing in an occasional whine. He smiled that evil smile of

his again. He had me now, and he knew it.

He stood up and dismounted from my lap, walking over to the table. There, he sat on top of it,

directly in front of the candle, becoming a dark figure looming above me. Dragging the chair

closer with his feet, he brought me face to face with his coon dick, hard and drooling precum.

Only a couple inches away, I could smell the musk emanating from his groin, and I inhaled it

greedily. It had the same earthy odor as its owner, which I found to be increasingly pleasant.

He wrapped one grey paw around the base, pointing the dribbling cock straight at my panting

muzzle, and commanded me to suck.

No longer in control of my own body, I complied readily. I gave long hungry licks along the

underside, scooping up as much pre onto my tongue as possible. At that moment, I couldn't

remember tasting anything more yummy; I simply had to have more. I suckled at the swollen tip,

trying to milk more of his coon jizz. Feeling his cock throb, I was encouraged to go even further.

His hand pressed down on my head, pushing me down onto his pubes. At closest range, his

scent invaded my nostrils and sent my mind into a frenzy. With very little encouragement needed,

I bobbed my head up and down on his manhood, feeling my own beginning to slip away as I

whored myself to his will. I shut my eyes tight and sucked as hard as I can, wanting more of that

sweet nectar.

My kidnapper moaned and groaned his approval. "Such a good pup..." he was inclined to say. His

panting soon matched my own as he neared his climax, wanting his release as much as I did. By

the way he thrusted his hips so forcefully, I could tell he'd been wanting this badly for a long

while. I've banged and been banged by enough men to know when a guy is sexually frustrated.

And man, this guy was pent up. I could hear his cum sloshing around in his large grey-furred

balls, feeling very heavy as they bumped against my chin over and over.

It didn't take long for him to cum. Placing both paws on my head, he shoved up as deep as he

could, choking me slightly as his jizz splashed against the back of my throat, plummeting down

into my stomach and giving me a warm and cozy feeling, like I was inebriated. Pulling back a

little, I let the rest of his milk fall onto my tongue, savoring the salty taste before swallowing. He

told me to clean up his cock, but I didn't need to be told. I was already lapping up the spilt cum

from his still-hard dick. It pulsed one last time and a straggler shot out onto the top of my muzzle. I

tried hard to reach, but my tongue wasn't long enough.

Laughing in amusement, he leaned over and licked it off for himself. He hopped of the table and

patted my head in approval. "You'll do great, little puppy. Wait here while I go grab my friends." I

shuddered at the thought of a round two.

As he started to go, I whined and thrust my hips up, indicating I wanted to cum as well, but

he shook his head. "No, no. That's for later." Leaving me sweating and panting in heat, he

padded over to the door, his rock hard cock swinging back and forth. The door thudded loudly

as it closed and a click was later heard from a lock.

Great. I'm trapped, tied down, with a raging boner...


Hope you enjoyed it~

This was supposed to be one entire story, but unfortunately it was too long (or at least I estimate

it will be too long. It's actually not finished yet =| ).