Chapter 1. A Secret Lies Within

Story by TheLycanSpeaks on SoFurry

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#1 of Alec's Adventures

All characters places and names are completely fictitious and are not intended to relate to anyone living or dead. Some of the content is of an adult nature and is not intended to be read by anyone under the age of 18.

If this is you, please look elsewhere.

This is my first story, hopefully part of an ongoing series if people like it. This chapter has been written in the first person to help the reader to identify with the lead character, because it is mostly about feelings and emotions. Yes, I know, some critics don't like first person stories, but it worked for H P Lovecraft, so it might work for me. Further chapters will probably be in third person, as per modern conventions.


Maybe it was my own fault the accident happened. After all, if you have dangerous hobbies, you shouldn't be surprised when things go wrong. My hobby is "free-climbing" - climbing with the absolute minimum of artificial aids. No safety ropes, and because the mainstream climbing community doesn't approve, usually you are climbing on your own, just you against the rock face.

I was on holiday, climbing in a remote mountainous area at the time. I was about 250 foot up a sheer rock face when an eagle decided that I was too close to it's nest and started attacking me. I was trying to hang on with one hand whilst fending off the bird with the other, my feet on a narrow ledge less than an inch deep. I was waving my arm about my head, trying to scare the bird of when I lost my footing. There I was, hanging from one hand and dangling over a sheer drop, my fingers cramping with the effort of holding on. The last thing I remember thinking as I lost my grip was "this is gonna hurt big time"

I awoke slowly, dazed from the fall and tried to open my eyes. They felt sticky and I was having problems seeing clearly. I tried to sit up and screamed in agony from the pain in my chest and hip, coughing up blood and collapsing back onto the ground. After catching my breath I took stock of my injuries. I'd probably broken some ribs, there was a grating feeling coming from my hip and my left leg was bent underneath me at a strange angle.

Unless I could get back to civilisation I was in big trouble. I had no close friends;I had no family to look for me, having been brought up in an orphanage. No one would notice me missing, so unless I could get to help I was finished. My camp wasn't far, only a quarter of a mile away. I'd left my phone there in case I dropped it climbing. If I could get to it I could phone for help, otherwise I was finshed. Trying to drag myself across the rocks I passed out again from the pain.

I woke up again after dark, not sure what was different, then realised that I wasn't feeling any pain. Surely it should be agony to move, had I died? I looked down at my hands and gasped in shock! All I could see was grey fur. Where were my hands, what was going on? I raised my head, grateful for the absence of pain and looked closer. There were no hands, only paws, like a dog's. Examining the rest of my body I found all the pain had disappeared, along with my normal body. I now looked like some sort of dog, with no trace of any injury.

I had been lying there on the rocks in the sun all day, and now was badly dehydrated and more hungry than I could ever remember, so headed over to where my camp was. It seemed strange at first, adjusting to walking on four legs, but after a few seconds seemed to feel like the right thing to do. I crested a rise and was relieved to see my tent. Down there I had food and water, which right now I really needed, jumping down over the rocks in my haste. Dragging my pack out of the tent, I tried to figure out how to get the darn thing open. It was hard work without hands, I had to use my teeth, managing to dig out some cereal and energy bars which I tore open and devoured in seconds. That dealt with the hunger, but the water was a different matter. There were a couple of water bottles, but they had screw tops. I tried to undo them with my teeth, but the bottles kept slipping in my paws. How could I open them? I was nearly in tears from frustration. It was absolutely hopeless. As for using my phone, how could I dial for help with paws, and being a dog how could I speak? Even if I could talk, I'd probably end up in a lab or freak show for the rest of my life.

The best place to find water is usually at the bottom of hills, in the valleys, so even though it was dark I headed down the mountain, through the tree line, all the time heading downwards. At least as a dog, I could see in the dark, much better than before. Even the darkest shadows under the trees weren't a problem. Finally, after about an hour I reached the bottom of the valley and found a stream. Dropping to my belly I drank as fast as I could. I couldn't drink the way I used to, I had to lap it up with my tongue, but in my dehydrated state it tasted better than the finest wine.

Once I was no longer thirsty, I took a bit more interest in my surroundings. Where I'd been drinking from was a deep clear pool, the water was fairly still, so I took the opportunity to take a look at my reflection. I nearly freaked out again! I wasn't just a dog, I looked like some sort of timber wolf. Before my change, I had been about six foot tall, and now seemed to be about twice the size of the average wolf. If a farmer saw me, I'd probably be shot, likely the same would happen if I met a hunter. I certainly couldn't go into a town or city. My life as I knew it was over, no friends, no home, nobody to talk to. All the comforts of civilisation were lost to me.

Whilst thinking these thoughts, and feeling very sorry for myself, I became aware of a strange smell floating on the breeze. Not sure what to make of it, but attracted by it nonetheless, I decided to follow it to see where it came from. Tracking by scent seemed to come easily, my sense of smell was much stronger than before, and separating out different smells was now second nature.

After about half a mile, I came to the edge of the forest. In front of me was a farm, with a house near the centre, the smell seemed to be coming from that direction. Around the house was a five foot wooden fence. For a wolf my size the fence presented no problem, I jumped over it easily, landing silently on the other side. Walking around the corner, I came face to face with a large German Shepherd.

The dog looked back at me, probably just as surprised as I was, but didn't seem to be hostile. If anything it seemed pleased to see me, wagging it's tail as it approached, head and ears down in submission, wanting to make friends. On examining each other, I found the dog was female, and the scent I had been tracking had been coming from her.

She rubbed up against me, wanting to be as close as possible, then backed away a bit turning away from me. She stood there in front of me, looking back towards me waiting for something. I moved closer, compelled by her scent, realising that she was in heat. No wonder she was so eager to see me. She wanted me, badly, and suddenly I wanted her just as much, even though it was wrong it felt so right. How could I , as a human be attracted to a dog? On the other paw, so to speak, I wasn't human anymore, I was a wolf, and being driven by a compulsion I was finding hard to resist.

I sniffed at her lips, drawn by the aroma. Tentatively I licked around her vulva, drawing my tongue slowy up its length, tasting the most wonderful thing in the world. I continued, licking harder, forcing my long tongue deeper with each stroke. She gave a little whimper, backing towards me. I placed a paw on her back, testing her to see if she was ready. She looked back towards me, waiting eagerly. I took hold of her hips and edged closer, searching for my target. My tip brushed across her lips, feeling her warmth, and I thrust into her, sinking my tool into her warm embrace as she pushed back to meet me. I drew back, almost withdrawing completely before thrusting forward repeatedly, pulling her back towards me each time, gripping her firmly round her hips as I drove into her. I felt a swelling at the base of my penis, dragging across her lips each time I thrust into her, slowing my progress until it could no longer fit.

Instinct then took over, I adjusted my hold on her hips and shuffled my back legs closer to her, withdrawing until just my tip was in her, then thrust deeply pulling her strongly back to meet me, forcing my knot into her depths. Her vagina clamped down around the base of my knot, pulling it deeper inside her.

The sensation of her squeezing down on it was better than anything I'd ever felt before in my life. I continued thrusting into her, my strokes shorter than before because my knot, trapped inside of her, couldn't move as far. Her vagina continued to squeeze down on my knot and massage my length, spasming as she came around me, shuddering in ecstasy, triggering my own release, filling her with my seemingly endless seed.

As a human, when I came it was only a few spurts, but as I lay on her back, trapped by my knot, I continued to fill her with my seed, cumming in repeated spurts which seemed to last forever. This lasted much longer than as a human, I felt as though I had been transported to heaven. Finally, after what must have been over half an hour, I stepped off of her back and pulled away, my penis withdrawing as my knot shrank. She turned around and cleaned me with her tongue, dragging it across my warm moist flesh, slowly shrinking back into my sheath. I returned the favour, cleaning her juices and mine from her lips and fur, enjoying and savouring the taste as she quivered beneath my tongue.

Suddenly I heard movement from the farmhouse. I realised that if they saw me in their yard I wouldn't be very welcome. I sped to the fence, clearing it in a single bound and headed for cover in the trees before anyone could switch on a light, collapsing to the ground panting from exertion.

Not knowing what to do next, and having no destination in mind I retraced my steps back to my camp, up on the mountainside. Nobody was likely to find me up there so it should be safe. Feeling tired after the events of the night, I curled up on my sleeping bag, the familiar scent of my clothes reassuring me as I drifted off into sleep.

I was woken up by the sun, high overhead in the sky. Stretching out I reached for my water bottle. Hang on, where were my paws? Looking around I found that I was no longer a wolf. Could it have been just a dream? If so, how come I was naked and where were my clothes. I dressed using spare clothes from my pack and wandered over to where I remembered falling. There on the ground were scattered torn remnants of the clothes I had been wearing, drenched in dried blood. If I had fallen, given the amount of blood I should be dead.

Maybe it hadn't been a dream after all. I had the feeling that the future was going to be interesting.