To Hunt a Monster

Story by FreelanceFluffball on SoFurry

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Hey! I'm back again with another one of my strange, dumb stories -- sorry for taking so long on this one. In hindsight, it's not exactly my best story, so maybe just give this one a pass if you're not into rubbish slogs. But if for some strange reason you are, I guess you're in luck (kinda).

Normally I would have just panicked and deleted this one by now, but a few people seemed to like it, so I'll leave it up for them. Anyways, here's a bunch of rough, smutty fun between a cute feral beagle and her huge, hulking monster of a mate. With an added dash of voyeurism, ear-play, a lot of messy fluids, and a few other fun things like that. Yeah... kinda weird.

Oh! And if you want to skip all the stupid buildup in this one, just CTRL + f "Sam couldn't help it", and that should bring you just before the fun starts

Catalysts: The most dangerous of all class B monsters, both in strength and intellect. They are characterized mostly by their jagged bone structure - designed to deter predators - and their smooth, jet black skin. As well as their high internal temperature, which necessitates that most of their blood be transported externally, in thick, thermal tubes similar in purpose to veins, though much stronger. If found, the IMHO advises to avoid confrontation by any means necessary. They are immensely powerful, clever enough to stage ambushes, and due to their excessive heat production, ravenous in their hunger. Call your local hunters guild and allow them to deal with the creature quickly and safely, but do not engage personally. Under no circumstances should you confront a catalyst one-on-one. You will always lose.

The codex chimed to the tune of a ringing bell. Singing the same soft tone on repeat, and flashing a gentle baby blue as it waited for user input. With the usual array of options up for grabs. Details on catalyst habitats, their strengths and weaknesses, almanacs about their biology, and at the very bottom, a hotline to call the local hunters guild. Flashing an eye-catching silver. Nothing Sam needed right now though, so with a quick flick of her wrist she closed it all, and got back to work. Armoured arm pulling up thoughtlessly to push some brush out of her way.

Jungle contracts. It always had to be jungle contracts.

At least it was a nice day out - especially for the forest of eden. The air was sweet and clear, and absolutely alive with all the telltale sounds of bright mornings. The birds were chirping chipperly from their perches up in the trees, toads croaking, bugs singing with their usual shrill insistence. And all manner of little critters skittering through the thick grass below. Scattering with every step Sam took, and doing a wonderful job of keeping her position hidden as they shook the leaves. If it wasn't for the monster she had to track down and kill, it probably would have been a pretty alright day... A job's a job though.

Behind her, Sam could still hear the cute little sniffing of her personal pet tracking hound, Daisy. Her nose pressed against the ground dutifully, and her paws leaving little imprints in the soft dirt below as she followed. Bright brown eyes up, and long floppy ears dragging against the ground messily. Picking up everything from twigs to leaves to chunks of mud as she trotted along, and even catching her own clumsy forepaws once or twice too. The eager beagle tripping over her oversized ears.

She didn't seem to mind though. Not much anyways. Her long brown tail still swishing from side to side all the same, and her sniffing snout still twitching in recognition as the monster's scent began to draw nearer. Legs swinging faster as her excitement grew, and pace picking up until she was practically stepping on her owner's heels. Eager and excited to catch up with the beast. Not that Sam could blame her.

After all, Daisy absolutely loved hunting in the forest of eden. Sniffing through the sweet, berry and dew tinted air to trace the one monster she was looking for, trotting through beams of light sometimes just barely peeking through from the canopy above, feeling the grass tickle against her upper legs and underbelly. It was complete heaven for the little canine. She gave another loud sniff, and let her pace calm down again. It was that wonderfully familiar scent she loved so much. Thick and strong and hot at the same time. Though, something seemed different about it today. She sniffed again. It smelt, almost coppery. Wrong. Something wasn't right.

Up ahead, Sam smiled to herself. Watching out of the corner of her eye as her hound tried to pick the catalyst's scent back up. Poor girl. She must have known that she didn't need to try so hard - not when Sam already had the thing chipped - but she was enjoying herself, so who was Sam to interrupt her fun? Instead, she let her eyes draw back down to her tracking pistol again. Sharp emerald orbs dilating as they glazed over the radar display on the back. Legs going into autopilot as the familiar blue dot slowly drifted closer and closer to the centre. The catch they were looking for.

Though strangely, it didn't seem to be moving on its own anymore. It was moving, to be sure, but only because Sam and Daisy were still moving too. If they stopped, the dot would do the same, and that realization made Sam chuckle. They had probably caught the stupid thing while it was still sleeping; the perfect time for a surprise attack. All it'd take would be one good shot from Sam's rifle, and that monster would be down like-


Sam jumped in surprise. Birds scattering terrified as Daisy's sharp excitement echoed through the forest air. Wildlife scrambling as her barks rang for what must have been miles. Ending any fantasies of a surprise attack. Sam cussed to herself, but she had bigger problems on her hands, and before she could get a grasp of what was going on, Daisy bolted. Slipping right between her owner's open legs and disappearing into the thick grass in a flash. Tail stone still for once as she vanished into the greenery.

"Daisy? Daisy! Get back here girl! You're gonna... ugh..."

The flustered hunter took a deep breath.

"God dammit!"

She had to go after her. There wasn't any question. That catalyst was going to tear the poor pup to shreds if she didn't, and there wasn't any time to waste with weighing options. So with a sharp sigh, she shoved her tracking pistol back in its holster and brought her arms up to cover her face - wishing now more than ever that her suit had a helmet - and charged.

The branches scraped against her armour like a thousand nimble hands grabbing at the thick plating. Most of them leaving little more than faint scratches as she brushed them by. Soon buried in a tidal wave of mixed greens and browns. The grass flattening beneath her harmlessly, and anything underfoot only barely getting out of her way fast enough to avoid being stamped on. Thicker branches snapping loudly as she charged past them, and even thicker ones smacking against her arms or chest and stopping her completely for a moment. Until Daisy's barking brought her back to reality.

She had to have been in the monster's territory by now. There was no way she wasn't. The wildlife was only starting to grow more and more sparse as she went on, and the occasional carcass decorated the ground like lawn ornaments for a den. Terrifying in a way, but it didn't matter. She'd be getting Daisy.

One of the branches snagged against the rifle on her back and tore it to the ground, but Sam kept running. Another clung to her pistol and ripped it off her hip. She kept going anyways. She didn't slow down for anything. The world around her spinning, blurring together in a flurry of colours until finally, the barking stopped, and Sam came to a breathless halt. Gasping for air. Hands falling to rest against her knees as she panted, and coughed hollowly. Trying to get her bearings again, and barely back to breathing normally before she heard it.

A low, deep, guttural growl.

Her blood turned cold. Every muscle in her body standing still as stone, and not daring to move an inch. Until she heard it again. A harsh, throaty baritone, rumbling through the air. It sounded close, but not enough to see her yet - hopefully. Maybe. Slowly Sam let herself unwind. She let herself breathe again and she let her eyes start to creep around, to get a better feel for where she was. Not that it was much help.

She was completely surrounded by trees, barely able to see more than a few feet in front of her through all the brush. Hell, even the path she had stormed through seemed to have been lost in the dense determination of the forest. The grass back upright and the branches all reaching out again in their proper place. Locking her in. She had no idea where she was, how to get back to safety, but that growling was still creeping up her back. Persistent at keeping her on edge. Maybe... maybe if she was careful, she could follow it. Get the jump on the catalyst before it got to Daisy. It had to be worth a try at least.

So with a soft grunt, Sam sunk her body to the ground until the cool metal of her chest-plate was flattening the grass beneath her. Barely higher than the brush now, and effectively hidden amidst the greenery. Listening to the frantic beating of her heart and fighting against a lump in her throat as she started crawling. Taking a quick inventory of what she still had to kill this thing in the meanwhile.

She knew her rifle was gone - she felt it come off clear as day while she was running - and her tracking pistol was missing too. So long range was out of the question. Her hand drifted to grope at her side. Fingers skimming over the firm leather handle of her sickle. Mostly for grass and branches, but if she needed to... Her binoculars were still in place too. Luckily. Her fingers just barely wrapping around one of the eyepieces before that awful growling filled her senses again. Harsh and feral. She was getting close now, and it made her hair stand on edge. Her stomach knotting as she continued to crawl; only making it a few more feet before she found a clearing in the trees. A beautiful little grotto of nothing but grass and leaves, and in the very centre, a gnarled old stump. With a catalyst slumped up against it. Wounded and bleeding

Sam couldn't help it; her eyes softened instinctively. The poor thing... Its face was twisted with pain. Every breath coming out as a growl less out of ferocity, and more out of desperation. Its dark black skin glistening under what little sunlight could get through the canopy, and its external veins all dull red with flowing blood. Long leathery tail tucked between its legs and strewn across the grass in front of it, and the tip curled back only slightly. Adorned with the thick, smooth orb that all catalysts had. Its left leg was twisted at an awful position, with a thick, oozing red gash torn through the flesh. And Daisy was nursing it.

Daisy? Sam fumbled with her binoculars to get a better look.

The poor beagle was whimpering. Tongue out and planting a dozen loving little kisses around the seeping wound. While the beast laid still, limp and growling. She didn't stop until he was completely clean though, even if it left her own fur stained with a few speckles of rough red viscera. White and brown and now a tiny bit red too as she finally pulled back. Mostly just to get a better look at the wound.

It wasn't perfect, but it was a lot better than when she found him. One of his external veins was cut right open, and still oozing a small stream of blood, but it was definitely calming down, and the gash in his leg was completely clean. The poor catalyst still breathing in ragged groans, though the pain was starting to ease up. He could even manage to move a few of his limbs without hurting. His body shifting, and his arms pressing into the dirt shakily to pull himself up. Bright red eyes looking down at his hound sweetly, and Daisy gazing right back at him.

She started lapping a little higher.

Carefully at first, of course. Feeling a little more adventurous now that her mate was tended to. More active now that his wounds were fine, and they weren't threatening to get any worse. It had been so long since she'd seen him after all... She'd missed him too much to not let it show.

So slowly, sweetly, she coated his smooth inner thigh in saliva. Not stopping until it was nearly glistening and dripping onto the grassy forest floor below. Looking rather silly with all the messy dirt and twigs still clinging to her ears, but not caring for even a moment. Happily lavishing over every muscle her tongue could touch instead. Running along the contours of his thighs, enjoying his natural heat, thankful just to be spending some time with her mate. Even if the circumstances weren't the best. He let out another little groan as she wandered farther, and found her way to the prize. His thick, steamy genital slit.

She slipped her tongue in playfully, eager to get her treat out into the open as she pushed that flat pink organ into his sensitive gash. Forgetting just how warm, how hot he was in there. Her tongue coiling and rolling around in the beastly heat out of instinct, until finally, she felt something thick and rigid pushing against it.

The taste was amazing. The cute beagle letting her tail swing back and forth sweetly as that intense flavour drooled all over her tongue, and the treat it clung to slid free for her. Loving lapping motions helping it out every inch of the way. Guiding it right into her eager, open maw.

Her jaw had to spread just to accommodate it all. Slowly, subtly stretching wider as that tapered tip drooled along her tentative tongue, pushing deeper until she had to strain just to make room for it. Still, she loved it all the same. His prick already slimy with his own wonderful fluids, and staying nice and slippery even as Daisy lapped it all up. Replaced instead with fresh, warm canine slaver. Hot cock quickly outgrowing her regrettably petite maw, and forcing Daisy to let her head pull backwards to set it free. Sliding that thick beast out into the open air. Giving her peeping tom of an owner the perfect view of that hot, throbbing monster-cock as it slid free from the catalyst's slit. Still nowhere near at full mast yet, with a good five or six extra inches slipping into the open before it finally stopped growing. Making Sam's eyes widen.

Dripping under the canopy now, with Daisy happily pulling back to let the entire mass bob back and forth in front of her, Sam could see just how huge it was. Almost half as long as Daisy, and still sticking to her snout by a few strands of mixed saliva and lubricants. The playful canine nuzzling her pretty black nose right against the beast, and letting even more of her mate's sticky liquids cling to her muzzle. Still loving his unnatural heat; the way his musk clung to every drop of his essence; gladly trailing her affections all the way down to the very base, before lapping her way back up. Easily coating the underside in her spit by the third or fourth go, and leaving her mate groaning. As the beast finally started to stir again.

He let out a soft growl. Feral, but somehow, tender too. Bringing a clawed hand down to caress against his mate's fuzzy ear, and gently comb along it. Brushing the mess away. His second paw soon roaming down to tidy the other too, as he gently wiped the muck from her delicate fur, pulling the twigs free with his thumb and forefinger, until the pretty things were both clean and beautiful again. His skilled claws still caressing over them even after he was done, and making the pleased pup shudder. Letting lose a blissful whimper as her mate wrapped his fingers around those soft appendages completely, and used them to guide her maw back to the tip of his member. A thick pearl of gooey monster-pre already waiting for her when she got there. Which she gladly lapped up. Savouring the taste, and opening her little muzzle up nice and wide for the next part. Letting the catalyst pull her down with a soft shudder.

She always loved it when he grabbed her ears like this... Her breathing growing heavy as the pressure built at the base of her floppy appendages, and they squished inside his grip. Feeling so intimately close to him now. Whole hindquarters wagging back and forth as his mass glided over her soft tongue, pressing the pink organ tightly against the bottom of her maw, and treating every tastebud to the wet warmth of his natural lubrication. Flooding her senses with his heavy musk.

Behind her, her sex was already starting to drip. Dribbling little droplets of canine bliss down onto the forest floor below, and winking open and shut cutely. Almost begging for something to fill it. Her heart thumping in her chest eagerly, as at her front, the very tip of her mate's mass probed deeper and deeper. Spurting little ropes of pre against the soft inner walls of her muzzle, and twitching to every steady pulse of his heart. Stopping just barely before the barrier to her throat, and pulling back again. Drool starting to dribble down her maw in messy strands now, to match the mess at her flank.

He kept at that pace for a long, teasing while though. Never pushing too far and never moving too fast as he relaxed into rhythm, and just enjoyed being with the beagle he so rarely got to see. Forgetting all about his wounds as his tail thumped and thudded against the ground playfully, and scared off any poor bugs nearby. Leaving a bulbous dent in the dirt, and brushing along Daisy's hind legs with every few swings. Giving him an awfully naughty idea in the process. Softly, he started repositioning that wonderfully prehensile tool. Shifting, sliding, until the tantalizing tip was touching right against his mate's sex. All at the perfect angle for Sam to see.

And god did she ever. Her binoculars were pressed almost uncomfortably close to her now, and her body was laying as still as she could manage as she watched every second. Too shocked and unsure to even look away. Daisy was there, panting and drooling all over the beast's cock like Sam had never seen her before. But despite what she'd expect, the little canine wasn't uncomfortable with it. Eager and earnest, she was anything but uneasy.

Her pretty pink slit was completely bare in the open air. Dripping a lewd, steady stream of feminine delight onto the grassy floor below, until the catalyst's tail moved up to catch it all instead. Soon completely slick with the messy nectar. Sam couldn't help it. She had to keep watching.

The orb on the end of his tail was thick enough to force her legs apart just to accommodate it, but Daisy didn't seem worried. Her cute little tail still swishing side to side, and her sex still dripping as her mate continued to drag her head back and forth. Letting her saliva drool all over his hips, tightening his grip on her fuzzy brown handles. He started grinding that thick ball up against her soft pink pussy. Pushing teasingly and making Daisy's hips buck back as he spun, twirled, and gyrated that big treat against her sensitive entrance. Slowly spreading those lips more and more, until she was quivering where she stood. Practically begging for more.

And he was happy to give it. Watching with mixed bestial arousal and intimate affection as he tensed the muscles in his tail, and with one sharp push, split her sex wide open. Delving that thick ball into her hot depths hard, and pulling her head down to spear her from the other end too. Growling hornily, as his member pushed right past her soft barrier, and slid through into her tight little throat. Not stopping until her fuzzy snout was pressed right up against his musky slit. Her tail still swinging back and forth eagerly as that thick tool throbbed inside of her, and at the other end, the tip of his huge tail battered her inner walls like a smooth black wrecking ball.

She was in heaven. Hind legs quivering cutely at the feeling of being broken in by her mate again, and eventually, giving up entirely. The poor girl staying upright only by nature of the way her mate was spit roasting her. His tail moving in quickly to support the horny girl from underneath as he pulled his shaft back again, and watched as half her length in monster-cock unsheathed itself from her throat. Attached again by a dozen different little strings still clinging to the inside of her panting muzzle. Daisy's beautiful brown eyes gazing up at the catalyst as those connections slowly broke. Filled with nothing but a pure, blissful shade of paradise. Still begging for more.

So he obliged. Pulling her all the way down on his cock again, and watching as her pretty brown throat bulged with the blatant outline of his massive shaft. Spurting hot little ropes of gooey pre-cum right into her stomach now. While at the other end, he started going to town on her sensitive pink entrance. Growling gutturally as he drew that appendage back and forth, and stretched his mate's inner walls to their blissful limits. Touching and pushing every surface until even the softest movement sent shockwaves up her spine. Leaving her head spinning as the catalyst throat-and-tail-fucked her shamelessly. Filling the air with the telltale wet slapping sounds of two creatures breeding.

She was already getting close, and it was wonderful. Her stomach knotting up on itself, her tail loosing all sense of rhythm, and her sex tightening desperately as she coiled like a spring. And before she could even realize it, she was there. Cumming hard around the catalyst's tail as her pussy dripped, and drenched the thick appendage in her enjoyment. Trickling down the rest of his tail in thin streams, and eventually, drooling into the tall grass flagrantly. Her whole body shivering as warm bliss radiated through her stomach.

Her mate's tail didn't stop though. Still ramming her soft pink sex all the while, he was determined to drive his little lover crazy. Her ears starting to ache from the way he was pulling her back and forth - not that she really minded - but the catalyst slowing down his affections all the same. Pulling her pretty head back up to let her catch her breath, and letting his hands go back to gently petting along her sensitive ears instead. The whole underside of her muzzle now a sopping wet mess of drool and pre-cum.

Sam was still watching from the sidelines. She knew she shouldn't have been, but there was something awful inside of her that didn't want to look away. She had never seen Daisy so lost and happy like this. Her tail wagging almost lazily now that she had come down from her peak, and her legs still quivering, even though they weren't touching the ground anymore. She lapped at the beast's cock even while he wasn't forcing her to, and his paws continued to pet along her fur lovingly. Even while his tail was still railing her sensitive sex zealously. It was so surreal to watch. A weird mix of rough and affectionate that made Sam's stomach stir. She didn't know how to feel about it.

So she kept watching. The catalyst and Daisy both groaning and cuddling together as that beast's tail continued to ravage her sensitive cunny. Sending little rivulets of liquid spurting with every push forward. Not pulling out until the little beagle on his tail was beyond satisfied, and gladly taking his time even then. Her pretty petals finally starting to spread again as he withdrew himself. Slowly, gently opening that cute slit, before finally letting his tail out with a loud, lewd pop, and a hot gush of clear puppy-love. Daisy whimpering with bliss again, as her once tight hole now gaped and flexed against the warm forest air.

The two were far from done though. Daisy's cute panting just about the only sound Sam could hear as the hound relaxed onto her mate's tail. Still catching her breath. Filling her lungs with the sweet forest air until her legs finally stopped shaking, and the world stopped spinning around her. Looking up at her mate and giving him a playful bark to let him know she was ready, and cooing when he growled back softly. The monster's whole body shifting again as he dug his dangerous claws into the dirt and grass below, and pulled himself up even higher - tail moving meanwhile to deposit his panting pup of a lover onto the ground in front of him. Letting her stand on her own four paws again.

She fell on her chest at first. Front legs still unsteady with aftershock, and giving out weakly to send her whole top half toppling down to the ground in a mess of beagle, but she picked herself up quickly. Legs still wobbling even as she ran a few practice circles to get her balance back, but eventually, she got herself composed again. Even if her little tumble did re-dirty her freshly cleaned ears. The catalyst meanwhile, gladly watching the show, as she eventually rushed forward a few fleeting feet and spun herself around dutifully. Letting her chest press down against the stiff grass below, and putting her feral flank completely on display for him. Giving another expectant bark as she wiggled her rump from side to side.

Despite her expectations though, her mate was more than content to just drink down the view for a moment. To relax a bit. Still growling softly as bright red eyes came alive, and traced along every aspect of her pretty backside. Starting with the obvious. It was absolutely, perfectly soaked. From all the cute tufts of fur around and underneath her sopping sex, to the whole upper half of her inner hind legs, all the way down to her back paws. With enough excess to drip down and make a mess of the fresh greenery beneath her.

Her pretty outer lips were still gaped cutely, and giving the monster a welcoming glimpse of her well-used insides as they flexed, and relaxed against the warmth of his gaze. Thin, sticky strings of arousal connecting the walls together in dozens of different places as she wagged her rear. Some of them breaking every so often, only to be replaced with another every time her borders touched. Her cute clit poking out just barely at the very bottom, and framing all the sexy mess going on around it. He couldn't take it anymore, he had to have it for himself.

The stump behind him almost buckled, and creaked with the sharp cracking of splitting wood as he tried to use it to hoist himself up. Firm feet digging into the dirt, chest rumbling as he tried to pull himself upright, eyes shutting tight as he focused on just ignoring the rivulets of fire in his leg and standing. It was no use though. One short stint on that wound and he came crashing right back down to earth again. The whole forest seeming to shake as he re-united with the ground to the tune of a loud thud. Making Sam jump and Daisy turn around with worry. He was growling indignantly, and trying to pull himself back up; uprooting grass and kicking up dirt uselessly in the process. It was only a few seconds before Daisy was back by his side though. Kissing him all over again.

Her tongue nursed against his chest in soft, slow little licks. Just barely brushing against the sensitive surface of his smooth skin. Her forepaws both pressed against his upper body gently, and her tiny tastebuds tickling against his form as she lapped away. Gently, patiently. All while the catalyst growled beneath his breath. He was such a proud creature. Reduced to writhing, and kicking on the ground in a flustered, frustrated mess. But Daisy was helping. Still bathing his chest in loving licks and kisses, and cooing against his leathery skin. He started calming down, and Daisy let herself grow more adventurous with her affections. Hurt or not, she'd still be breeding her mate today.

So she started lapping higher. Soft, flat tongue touching against his delicate neck affectionately, and making her mate shiver as her cute oral organ danced along its length. Skimming over a few of his external veins, ignoring the rough, jagged protrusions of thorny-bones, and going right for all her lover's sensitive spots. Earning exactly the reaction she was hoping for, as his chest rumbled and the rest of him quivered almost cutely. Loosening up and relaxing into Daisy's embrace. She started lapping even higher.

She kissed his chin. Keeping her little trail of pretty spittle going as she let those loving licks wander up in mock innocence. Rough pawpads now pressing into either side of the catalyst's face as she teased her way all around her destination. Kissing his cheeks, the definition around every intricacy of his dark head, a few more external veins, and finally, skimming over his lips just slightly. And riled up as he was, that was about all the encouragement her lover needed.

He let his tongue slip free into the warm forest air. Inch after inch. Long, and thick, and slimy with monstrous slaver as it uncoiled and pressed against his lover like a dripping snake. Wriggling around in time with the creature's growls as he tried to stir, to pull himself back upright, before Daisy's paws pressed harder against him. A wordless little hint that she had different ideas.

So instead, the catalyst complied, and let his tiny canine mate push him onto his back. Thick black tail swishing softly from side to side as he shifted, re-adjusted until his stomach was pointing at the canopy, and his cock was drooling messily onto his stomach. Daisy happily clambering on top, to rest her chest against his lovely neck and get a better angle at his still-stirring tongue. Lapping along its length like it was a long, wriggly cock. Only stopping when she reached the very tip, and taking that tool into her invitingly tight maw to finally kiss her mate properly. Cooing softly as that appendage gladly explored her soft insides.

It squirmed around inside of her and wrapped around her own tongue with complete ease. Daisy happily letting the lovely assailant have it's way with her as it squeezed around her sensitive little organ, and let her taste its much warmer, much muskier juices. When it finally uncoiled, she wasted no time in letting her tongue get to work. Dancing around with his and stroking along it eagerly as it bobbed in and out of her wonderful warmth. Mixing spit until Daisy couldn't tell one taste from the other anymore. Dipping into her tight, inviting throat every so often. Just enough to remind Daisy of how much tongue her mate really had. And with a few more inches still out of her maw and drooling onto the catalyst's neck, there wasn't any question that it was a lot.

And Daisy would have happily had it all. But, with a thick, rigid catalyst cock still drooling and throbbing somewhere just behind her, and a heavy load of gooey monster-cum still waiting to be dumped into an eager little canine recipient, she figured it was time to move on. White-furred chest shivering softly as her mate's warm, wet tongue slowly slid itself out of her mouth. Getting a new layer of messy mixed slobber all over her lower muzzle as it pulled away; retreating back into its own home. Reluctantly letting that wonderful kiss come to a close, in anticipation for what was coming next. Both Beagle and Catalyst beyond eager to get to the next part as Daisy gave the beast's tongue one last playful lick goodbye, and started backing up. Still blissfully unaware of her captive audience as she trailed along her mate's warm chest.

Though, captive might not have been the right word anymore.

Sam knew that she shouldn't have been watching. She could feel that soft, itching niggling in the back of her mind, reminding her that she could just look away. Go back and find her weapons. But for the life of her, she couldn't force herself to move. Her eyelids wide open and as far out of the way as they could go, and her binoculars close enough to leave rings against her skin as she watched. Her cheeks flushing, her fingers trembling as Daisy trailed along this monster's body eagerly. Panting cutely, and crooning in pure, brimming delight as she pressed her soft soaked flank down against his chest. Letting her cute little clit grind up against his lovely body, and even pushing her hips down just for that extra little bit of friction. With her fuzzy brown tail still wagging back and forth all the while.

It was enough to make Sam blush. Her breaths coming unsteady and uneasily now as everything unfolded right in front of her, and the two oddball lovebirds basked in the others' company. Her thighs grinding back and forth almost thoughtlessly. Filling the air with the unsubtle, soft sounds of scraping metals, but at least offering some relief to the heat she was starting to feel. The rose red flush on her cheeks telling volumes about her interest, as her pet beagle continued her teasing little trip along her lover's body. Almost at her destination now, as she pressed her pretty rear back just a little farther, and let that soft, wonderful tip slip up inside her. Meeting almost no resistance after the thorough tail-pounding from before, but earning an intense whimper from the beagle all the same.

He was just so... warm~. For all the times they'd done this together, it was still the one thing Daisy could never get over. The pleased little pup shivering, and rolling her hips instinctively as she let that tapered tip press into her soft slit again and again. Shuddering at the sudden cool feeling every time that lovely iota slid out of her, and practically melting against her mate's chest every time she pushed it back in. Relaxing and panting deeply. Quivering cutely at the sensation. The catalyst's cock now spurting its slick, sticky strings of pre right inside of her, and sending subtle shots of liquid warmth all up her stomach. Only an inch in and already driving her wild. Daisy couldn't help but try to push it further.

So she let her hips start to roll. To relax, and buck backwards as that hot, heavy monster pressed up inside of her. Forcing her inner walls to spread nice and wide for every extra inch she managed to take. His shaft thickening out relentlessly, as the quarter-inch width of the tip quickly transformed into an inch, and then two inches. Until her delicate outer lips were straining and hugging around that beast in a lewd little 'o', and making her mate groan for every unsteady push of her hips. Daisy could feel her legs starting to shiver beneath her again. Her breaths growing unsteady as that huge endowment pushed the air right out of her. Her tongue hanging out lazily, and drooling a messy stream of sloppy slobber all over her mate's stomach as she tried and failed to push back more. Worn out little legs refusing to fight against friction any longer, no matter how forcefully she tried.

So instead, Daisy just worked with what she had. Still panting cutely, and almost whimpering beneath every breath as slowly, she let that monster slide back out of her. Almost a quarter of that huge cock casually unsheathing itself from her tight, squishy tunnels, and coming out glistening as Daisy shifted herself back forward. The water-tight seal that her petals were so diligently keeping quickly breaking as the tool tapered back out again. Letting loose a messy trickle of mixed canine delight and catalyst pre-cum, right onto to her lover's leathery stomach. She kept going until only the tip was touching inside of her anymore. Still teasing her soft inner walls with its wonderful warmth, as the tiny canine took a deep breath, and pushed her cute rump back again.

She moaned, and her quiet lover growled, as that hot cock stuffed her tight tunnels all over again. The tapered tip sliding through first, with the growing girth of the rest soon following. Stretching her out so unbelievably wide. Making her outer lips strain just to take it all in again, and her inner walls shiver as they hugged around that wonderful warmth and only begged for it to go deeper. Daisy taking a few steps back once she ran out of room, and forcing even more of that beast inside of her. Eyes shutting tight and pawpads tensing into her mate's skin. Teeth clenching and tail going still again. Whole body coiling like a spring as she pushed back until finally, she felt that soft, probing tip touch against the barrier to her womb. Pressing snugly against her cervix, and signifying that she was completely, utterly at her limit, as that throbbing tool dumped its pre-load right against her back wall now. Halfway buried inside her. And that was it for Daisy. Her legs gave out and she fell onto her mate's stomach with a soft, satisfied sigh. Happy to let her lover take the wheel for a while, and letting loose an unsteady little bark to let the big beast know.

And of course, the catalyst below was beyond eager to do so. Completely thrilled at the chance to get himself involved again, as those strong, clawed hands moved in to pet her. Firm black skin sinking into soft fur as he stroked along every inch of his beagle lovingly. Touching against her back first, and petting all along the arch of it as she whimpered around his heavy cock. Other hand delicately cupping just beneath her pretty white chest, and quickly finding the first row of her sensitive pink nipples. Playfully brushing along them as the other hand kept sliding, roaming until it was holding onto her rump carefully, with her swishing tail tucked neatly between his second and third finger.

He added some pressure to the soft buds on her stomach, and watched as it made his mate buck her hips back hornily. Giving them a few more impish brushes and letting Daisy relish in the sudden, sharp jolts of pleasure, before moving on. Pressing his hand just a little bit lower, and pulling her up off his stomach entirely. Leaving her little white and brown legs dangling as he readjusted until his cock was completely upright. With his lovely lover still utterly attached to it. He started pulling her up. Using the hand on her rump to guide her as those dangerous claws dug into her fur just a little bit harder, and he lifted her up into the air with ease. Half of his cock now shining under the canopy, and all the messy pre and honey drooling right down the rest of his length now as he drew her all the way up. Slowly, teasingly...

And then slammed her back down.

Daisy yipped loudly. Every ounce of air suddenly knocked out of her lungs as that monster broke down her door like a big red battering ram. Harshly, ferally, and Daisy loved it - the catalyst wouldn't have done it otherwise. His bright red eyes dilating as he watched his cute, horny canine writhe all over his cock. Kicking, and wagging, and panting elatedly as her massive monster of a mate took control, and drew her back up again before she could even adjust to being so full. Unsheathing himself fast and re-burying that bone even faster. Groaning at the feeling of that tight warmth enveloping him so intimately. Hugging snugly around him, and almost begging for him to keep that mass inside as he withdrew it. Opening up with less and less resistance every time he crammed himself back in. Feral fingers hooking under her legs carefully for that extra bit of leverage, with his palm still on her rump as he piston-fucked his tiny canine. Careful not to grab at her tail. Knowing how sensitive that poor thing could be.


Daisy was in paradise. Panting hotly, and drooling from both ends as her lover battered her inner walls hard and fast. Bottoming out every time, and slamming against her sensitive cervix hard enough to make her whole body bounce if he wasn't holding her so tightly. She could feel his sticky pre-cum clinging to her inner walls. Splashing against her deepest depths and drooling back down his cock in messy rivulets, and leaving her tunnels feeling unnaturally warm even while he was withdrawn. His own cock just as stained with that sticky, clear warning fluid as he continued to let his pace pick up. Pulling out completely for just a moment to admire his handiwork. Daisy's pretty petals gaping wide, and slowly flexing back inwards to try and close again. Drooling messy strings of mixed arousal obscenely, until a thick, rigid monster-cock forced all that fluid back inside her.

The catalyst wasn't going to last much longer. His thrusts were already starting to grow erratic, and his breathing was quickly losing all sense of rhythm as he slammed that behemoth into his mate over and over. Loving the way it made her go limp for just a moment every time it hilted. He started going harder. Pushing that last bit of force behind every lustful thrust as he rushed to his peak. Daisy's lolling tongue flopping all over the place as he absolutely jackhammered the horny hound. Growling, groaning, and eventually, almost roaring as his peak hit. Scaring off what few birds hadn't already retreated to the quieter parts of the forest, as he pulled that beautiful canine down one last time, and came hard.

His throat rumbling. Cock dumping that hot, gooey load of pent up catalyst-cum right into her slick, quivering tunnel. The first spurt alone enough to over-fill her. As it flooded every inch of tight entrance that his cock wasn't already using, and overflowed right back out around his shaft, to gush out into the open air in thick, creamy ribbons. The second coming with a messy surge of white goo too. His whole cock twitching frantically, as the tip deposited every drop of hot load it could manage. Pulling upwards inside of the beagle, and pressing right up against her cervix for the third and fourth ropes. Both of which found themselves dumped right into her enticingly empty womb. Sloshing around sloppily in there as Daisy quivered, and the cock twitched itself out of alignment again. Losing the rest of its payload into her cum-soaked tunnels. Drenching his thighs in spunk by the time his climax finally came to a close. With both him and his mate panting hoarsely, and gasping for air as they tried to catch back their breath. Finally willing to rest again as the catalyst groaned, and Daisy crooned again. Sloppy spunk still drooling out of her from around her lover's cock.

Sam was almost just as exhausted. Panting deeply, and nibbling on her lower lip nervously as she relaxed. Slowly withdrawing her still-shaky hand from her grieves. Fingers absolutely soaked in her clear, sticky enjoyment, with strings of the shameful slime clinging between her digits and connecting them lewdly even when she spread them apart. Guilt starting to set in. But before she could reflect too much on it, her legs shifted again, moving just slightly, and snapping a firm branch beneath their metal-clad weight. Shit.

The catalyst's eyes came alive. Darting around territorially, suddenly more than aware of how long it had spent preoccupied, and how easy it would have been for something to sneak into its mating grounds. It didn't take him long to find Sam. Their gazes met, and immediately Sam felt the hairs on the back of her neck stand on edge again. That beast just staring. Unblinking and unmoving. Waiting for her to make the first move, and when she didn't, narrowing in on her even further. It didn't take long for the beast to put two and two together. It could smell her from there after all. The scared sweat, the battered armour, the arousal... Well, if she wanted a show, he'd give her a show.

With a curve of his his lips, a toothy, terrifying grin, the monster grabbed at his mate's fuzzy flank again and slowly, deliberately pulled her up. Sliding Daisy off of his throbbing cock completely, and letting Sam watch as more and more of his heavy seed drooled out of her the farther up his cock she got, until she was unsheathed completely, and thick, gooey ropes of cum were still dribbling out from her battered entrance. Daisy fairly confused, but too lost in the afterglow to really care as she let her mate do whatever he wished. Her sex gaping lewdly as he pressed a finger on either side of it, and spread it even wider. Never breaking eye contact with the human as he let her watch that massive, messy load drool out of her pet's gaping cunny.

Sam's mouth hung open. Eyes wide and whole body shaking, quaking as she tried to hold still. Her mind was spinning with a million thoughts at once, and before she could piece any together, she had pulled herself up and started running. Stumbling as she tried to pick up speed, gracelessly dipping through the trees, shoving branches out of her way, trying not to fall down again. She broke into an all out sprint eventually, and only stopped when she knew, absolutely, without a doubt, that that creature wasn't going to be able to catch up with her.

It was okay. She could still make this work. Somehow. Her mind was still spinning. Maybe... all she needed were some new supplies, even just to find her old ones. That thing was still chipped after all - she knew for a fact. It had to still be chipped.

And as long as it was still chipped, she'd find it again.