A neighbor, to friend, to love

Story by Kaca on SoFurry

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In the year 2028 Fox-Man and Woman have started to live with the human race in Earth, since the species evolved. But our story takes place in year 2034 in New York City. --Monday afternoon, July-- Matthew Farer a 25 year old man walks old of a taxi and walks into his apartment lobby. Manhattan has skyscrapers everywhere in downtown and midtown, the freedom tower is now standing. Uptown is full of apartment buildings. Matt lives in the Upper West Side, next to Central Park. When Matt is inside the lobby he sees boxes everywhere. 'Someone must be moving in' he thought. he walks into the elevator and stops on his floor, 5th. He sees a Fox-Woman standing outside in the hallway in front of a open door. there are man carrying boxes in and out of the apartment. She had thin orange fur going through most of her body and a thin white line going down from her muzzle. She had been wearing a tight red shirt and skinny blue jeans. She was a young pretty sight, to foxes. Matt walks to his apartment, which is right next to the fox's apartment. She walks up next to him and asks. "Ah, sorry to bother you but can you help me with this couch?" Matt looks at the couch, which looks heavy. "Ah, alright, no problem." He walks up to the couch and picks it up with the help of some of the movers. "Where to you want it, miss?" One of the movers asked. "Just in front of the coffee table." replied the fox. The men set the couch a few inches in front of the coffee table, just like she said. "There you go, miss." One of the movers said. "Okay thanks." the fox said. Matt was about to walk out when she stopped him and said. "Listen, thanks for your help. I really appreciated it. My name is Natalie. Natalie Goridale" "I'm Matthew Farer, and it's really no big deal." He started to walk out again, when she stopped him again. "I have to repay you." she told him. "Alright, I'm going to a friend's birthday party, you can come and join in, I guess it be fun if you come with me." he told her. "As your girlfriend?" she asked Matt, making him surprised. "No, no. As a friend." he said to her quickly. "I sometimes get bored. It be nice to have some company." "Okay, it's a win-win situation for me I guess." she said smiling. "When?" "Uh, Wednesday night, I'll, ah pick you up, i guess" "Yeah, sounds nice." "Okay then." he finished and walk out of her apartment. 'What a day' he thought. --Wednesday night, July.-- Matt knocked on Natalie's door and a minute after the door opens. Natalie is wearing a thin green dress and a thin red scarf. Matt looked at her stunned. "Well how do I look?" she asked him. "Stunning." he replied. "We should get going." she walks out and locks her door. Then she follows him. * At the party Matt and Natalie walk into a loft. It was full of people. We see a man the same age as Matt walk to Matt. "Hey, man thanks for coming to my birthday." he told him and turned to Natalie. "Who's the stunner here?" he asked. "Hi I'm Natalie." she replied shaking his hand. "Manny Horocus." Manny said to her with polite then winking at Matt. Matt understood what he meant. "Manny, she just a friend, don't go crazy." he told Manny. "Whatever dude." Man said. "Natalie this, as you already know is Manny, my best friend." Matt told Natalie. Then he turns to Manny. "Man, my sick little friend, this is Natalie." he told him. Natalie and Manny shake hands again. And they get along with the party. They meet fox-man, Ethan and two other girls Jenny and Clare. They had chat with everyone until they left. * Matt walks Natalie up to her apartment. They stop in front of her door. Then Natalie asks. "I had fun." "Me too" Matt replied. "You don't think with should be called girlfriend and boyfriend, do you?" she asked him. Making him surprised as usual. "No, I think we should just be called friends." He told her. She nodded and walks into her apartment. --August-- It had been a month since Matt and Natalie had met each other. And now they were best friends. Not boy and girlfriend. They had lunch together in their lunch hours. And in the weekends they had walked around Manhattan sometimes alone and sometimes with friends. "So." Natalie began to ask Matt, during one of their lunches together. "Did you get raise yet?" "Nope. I'll probably get one next week." Matt replied. "Maybe a 10% raise, or something." "Great for you!" Natalie claimed. "Last time I got a raise, it was only about 3%." Matt smirked. "Yeah, but you go to good places for business trips. Like Hawaii, Chicago and Paris." he told her. "I guess that's true." She said. "Anyway, I'd better get back to work." "Me too." They both got up and Matt payed the check, since it was his turn, and walked out with each other. --Saturday, September-- Matt was walking to his next door neighbor, Natalie. He knocked on the door. There was no answer. So he took out the key she gave him and unlocked the door. He opened it and saw Natalie lying on the floor. He ran her and felt her pulse. There was a very slow beat. He took out his cell phone and called 911. * Later at the hospital Natalie was awake and fine. Matt was sitting next to her bed. And the doctor came in. Matt got up and walked to him. "So, what happened?" he asked the doctor. "I'm afraid she has had a stroke." The doctor replied. Matt is now shocked. "How come? Is she gonna be alright?" The doctor nods. "Yes she'll be fine. Since you saved her she'll still be the healthy fox she is now." "Then why did she have a stroke?" he asked the doctor again. "It happens sometimes." The doctor replied. "No one can understand the human body at most times. But I assure you she'll be alright." "Okay, thank you doctor." The doctor walked out of the room. Matt goes back to sitting next to her bed. "What did he say?" Natalie asked him tiredly. "He said you'll be fine." Matt told her. Then someone walked into the room. See was a fox-woman who looked like Natalie. She went to next to Natalie on the other side and asked. "Oh my god, Natalie I heard what happened, are you okay?" Natalie gave her a slow nod. The fox-woman looked up and saw him. "Hi I'm Lisa, Natalie's sister." "Matt, I'm a friend of Natalie." Matt told her and they shoked each others hand. Lisa was wearing a skinny black jacket. She looked like Natalie, but her fur was more reddish than Natalie's was. "Natalie talks about you a lot at times." Lisa told him. "She talks about you sometimes too." He said. His cell phone rang. He got it out of his pocket. "I gotta take this sorry." He told Natalie. "Okay." And Matt walked out of the room. He picked up his cell phone and said. "Yeah Manny, what's up." And he was out of the room. Lisa turned to Natalie and said. "He's kinda cute. Are you going out with him?" "Oh, shut up. No, I'm not." Natalie said. "He's just a friendly neighbor I hang out with." "Okay, so that means he's not taken?" Lisa asked her. Natalie looked at her. "Are you freaking kidding me here. Your asking this question now?" "I'm just saying ‘does he have a girlfriend'." Lisa asked her again. Natalie frowned but said. "I don't think so. And you really have no remorse for me, do you?" "Of course I do." Lisa told her. And before Natalie can say anything Matt walked in. "Ah, I sorry Natalie, but I to go now. Manny is panicking." "Okay" Natalie said and Matt walked out again. * Matt knocked on Manny's apartment door. After a minute Manny opened it, and said. "Thank god you're here Matt, I'm having a panick attack And I lost my cat." "You what?" Matt asked. --Friday Night, October-- Natalie is with out her friends at dinner. The friends were two human woman. "So, I was like ‘write it down then'" One of her friend said. "then he wrote down, I read it and it ‘me liki pie'" and girls laughed. "You have an exotic life Zoey." The other friend said. "It's not her fault you work in a ticket booth for the Brooklyn Bridge, Amber." Natalie exclaimed and Zoey laughed. "Well job isn't so special either Natalie." Amber said. "But I'm sure that being an operator has a better pay roll." Natalie said. And Zoey laughs again. "Just looking at you two fighting is funny!" she said to Natalie and Amber. "Yeah well don't get to excited." Natalie said. "So, Natalie who's the guy your going out with?" Amber asked. "What do you mean?" asked Natalie, confused. "Oh, don't look like you don't know what I mean." Amber said quickly. "Your always out and you tell us where your going-" "-Well that's because I can go anywhere I like, it's not your business anyway-" interrupted Natalie. "-anyway, we haven't seen or heard from you for the last four weeks." Amber exclaimed. "Well you knew I was in the hospital." "For one week." Amber said. "So, who is he?" "Oh, goodness sakes I'm just meeting a friend." Natalie said. "What's his name?" Zoey asked. "Matt." replied Natalie. "You got a picture of him?" Amber asked. "No." Natalie replied. "Do you feelings for him?" Zoey asked. Natalie about to answer but a thought hit her. She thought about Matt and remembered the times they had together. "Well." Zoey asked breaking her from her mind. "Ah, not that I know of." Natalie finally got to say. "That means yes." Amber said. "Why do you say that." Natalie asked. "Well it just means yes." Amber said. Natalie went back into her mind. ‘Do I really have feelings for him' she thought to herself. * Meanwhile at Matt's apartment there was a knock on his door. He went to open it. He found Lisa outside. "Uh, Lisa? What are you doing here?" "Oh, nothing it's just that I came to see Natalie today, but she's out so I can I wait in here for her?" Lisa asked. "Ah, I guess. Yeah sure come in." Matt welcomed her in and she took a seat. "Can I offer you drink?" "Okay, I'll just have some water." Lisa replied. "Thanks." Matt walks into kitchen. He opens the fridge and gets out a bottle of water. He walks out sees Lisa only wear her bra and panties. Matt drops the water bottle. "What are you doing?" "Oh, nothing I want you to come over here." Lisa said seductively. "Uh, I don't think I can do that." Matt said. "Then I'll help you." Lisa said and took his arm and pulled him to her and pushed him onto the couch. "Uh, y-you s-still want some water, I can get it for you if you let me get up." Matt said nervously. "I want your water." Lisa said went to kiss him on the mouth. They kissed for a minute but Matt still wasn't into it. "Maybe Natalie's back." He said. "You wanna go check?" "No, I didn't really want to see her in the first place." Lisa replied. She grab his cheeks once more and pulled his face to kissed her. Natalie walk over to Matt's door and unlocked it with the key. She opened the door and saw Lisa kissing Matt. Then she felt something strike her. She closed the door quietly and went back into her apartment. Luckily Matt and Lisa didn't notice her. --November-- The next few weeks Natalie had never mentioned what she saw and Matt had never mentioned to what happened to him. They acted like nothing ever happen. They were still friends. One day Matt caught Natalie kissing a man. He was a inch taller than Matt and about five inches taller than Natalie. "Oh, Matt this is my boyfriend, Jeff." They both said hi to each other but something Matt felt wrong, like he about to vomit. * The next day Matt was talking to Manny about what happened the other day. "Maybe you like her." Manny suggested. "I don't know." Matt said. "We've been friends for so long now, I don't see why I would started feeling it now." "Maybe you've always have felt it." Manny said. "How long have you been friends? Four months-" "-Five-" Matt interrupted. "Same difference." Manny said. "How is it same if you say difference." Matt asked. "-look not listening. I'm saying maybe you should tell her." Manny told him. "But she's my best friend." "I thought I was best friend!" Manny complained. "I have two best friends." Matt said. "Whatever, but since she's your ‘best friend' why don't you tell her how you feel about her?" Manny asked. "I don't know." Matt said. --December 3rd-- Matt knocked on Natalie's door. Natalie opened the door. "Hey Matt! I haven't seen you in a while." "Yeah, I've been busy." Matt said. "Ah, Natalie I have to tell you something." "Okay, but I have something to say too." Natalie said excitedly. "Okay you go first." Matt said. "Jeff porpoise to me!!" Natalie yelled out happily holding her hand out. A large diamond ring carried by index finger was shinning. Matt felt even more pain in him, but tried not to show it. "That's great!" he managed to say. She hugged him. "So what were you going to say?" she asked him. "Ah, I forgot." Matt said. He didn't really forget, but didn't wanna ruin her happiness. "When are you getting married?" "This Christmas!" Natalie said. "It's my favorite holiday!" "Great for you!" Matt said, trying to sound happy. She hugged him again. --December 15th-- It had been over a week since Natalie told Matt the news. He was sitting on his couch when there was a knock on his door. He went to open it. Natalie was outside crying. She went to hug him. "What's wrong?" he asked her. "Oh, Jeff broke up with me, he said he's not marrying me anymore, because he's believe he finally met his soul mate!" Natalie said crying. "That asshole!" Matt said shockingly angry. "How can he do that to you! I'm go talk to him." He let go of Natalie and was about to walk out when Natalie stopped him. "Please don't. I don't ever wanna see his face again." Natalie said, wiping the tears off her face. Matt closed the door. "I'm sorry Natalie." "Don't be, it's not your fault." Natalie said. * Three days later Matt was talking to Manny again. "So you didn't tell the other day?" Manny asked. "No! She was crying her eyes out. I didn't her to feel any worse." Matt exclaimed. "Well it's your chance now." Manny said. Matt thought about it for a second. "I'll tell her this Christmas." Matt said to himself. --Christmas Day-- It was Christmas that night when Natalie knocked on Matt's door. The door opened and Matt walked out. "I got you a Christmas present." Natalie told him. "Oh, yeah me too." Matt started. "Just wait here." After a minute or two Matt came back out carrying a small box and gave it to her. She opened it and it was a diamond necklace. "Oh my gosh, Matt, it's beautiful!!" she said happily. "Here from me to you." And she gave Matt a small wrapped box he opened it and it was a wooden carved blue jay bird. "Wow!" Matt said. "I knew blue jays are your favorite type of bird." She told him. "I carved it myself." "Wow, thanks. It's just so beautiful." He looked up at Natalie and without thinking he said. "Just like you." Natalie's smile turn to a shocked expression. Then Matt started. "I'm sorry, I wasn't thinking an-" he was interrupted by a passionate kiss from Natalie. They held the kiss for a minute then Natalie broke it. "I've wanted to do that for a long time." She told him. "Me too" he told her. And they kissed again. While kissing they went into Matt's apartment and locked the door. They broke the kiss and went into his bedroom. Natalie pushed Matt onto the bed and went on top of them. She unzipped her dress and undid he bra becoming naked in front of Matt. She was a stunning sight. She was cover with silk orange fur and a narrow white line coming down from her muzzle to her pussy. She went to kiss Matt as there tongues circled each other. Then Matt took off his shirt and Natalie took off his jeans and boxers showing his erected penis about 6 inches long. She grabbed it making Matt moan and pushed it up her vaginal she gasped. She started to go up and down slowly and then picked up speed. Matt also thrust back into her. They went faster and faster and Natalie yelped in pain and pleasure as they fuck. Then they rolled over and Matt was on top of Natalie. The pleasure they felt was unbelievable. Natalie put up her on top of Matt and her tail curve up on Matt's back. "Oh, Matt fuck yes!!" Natalie yelled out loud. They fuck harder both getting close to their orgasm. "Matthew!!" yelled Natalie. "Natalie!!" yelled Matt. Then Natalie and Matt thrusted into each other smacking their hips together. And then they pushed into each other so hard that they ejaculated on the same time with their cum countering each other while spurting and mixing together inside her walls. Matt flew next to Natalie panting. And after ten minutes like that Natalie asked him. "Why didn't you tell this earlier?" "Well and Jeff were going to get married that's why. But what about you?" he asked. "Uh, well I caught you and Lisa together." Natalie said. "Oh my god, you saw that?" Matt said and Natalie nodded. "Well I didn't have sex with her. While she was kissing me I forced her to stop then leave." Natalie looked shock. "What, really? No wonder she look so pissed the day after that." Natalie looked at Matt with her loving eyes. "But why did you do that?" "I, guess I was in love with you." Exclaimed Matt. Natalie smiled and kissed. "anyway since your not marrying Jeff can I ask you something?" "Yeah, sure." "Will you marry me?" he asked her and she smiled and said. "Yes." They kissed each other again. "I love you Natalie" "I love you too Matthew." * * *

This is my first story I hope you enjoyed it!