Chapter 2. Exploring his secret

Story by TheLycanSpeaks on SoFurry

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#2 of Alec's Adventures

All characters places and names are completely fictitious and are not intended to relate to anyone living or dead. Some of the content is of an adult nature and is not intended to be read by anyone under the age of 18.

If this is you, please look elsewhere

He'd come home from his climbing holiday early, shattered by his experience, trying to deny everything, frightened by the feelings and emotions of his wolf self. By the end of the week, however, he had come to terms with it, eager even, to experience it again. Luckily his home was at the edge of town, next to some woods. Opening a ground floor window and taking off his clothes, he sat on the floor and concentrated on how he had felt as a wolf. This was the first time he had changed while he was awake and able to see what happened.

Grey fur began to sprout from his skin, growing swiftly, covering him from head to toe, his feet began to grow hard pads on the base of his toes and the soles of his feet, the nails shrinking in width, becoming thicker and longer, changing into claws. There was a faint cracking sound as his legs changed shape, hips adjusting to accommodate the new shape. His belly shrank and chest deepened, to accommodate the demands of his new form, the nose and mouth began to extend, teeth changing shape and growing long and sharp. Finally, his hands and arms began to change, the speed accelerating, fingernails changing to claws and fingers shrinking, merging into paws, the whole process happening in the space of a few seconds.

Leaping out of the window, he sped through the cool night air. Running through the trees and up into the hills, howling with joy at the power and strength of his wolven body, his nose deluged by all the wonderful scents of the world about him, determined to embrace his new life.

It had been two months now, since Alec's traumatic discovery upon a lonely desolate mountain, and during that time he had explored his new talent. He had found that if he concentrated he could change between human and wolf forms. It was also possible to halt his change part way through, still walking upright but covered in fur with a wolf's head, body and back legs, but most importantly still retaining his hands. He also could still speak, but his voice was deeper and more resonant, something like a cross between Barry White and James Earl Jones.

As for all the old myths and legends about werewolves, none of them seemed to apply. He still liked garlic in his food, silver cutlery wasn't painful to handle, and even wolfsbane was just another plant. Phases of the moon made no difference to his ability to change forms, maybe there was nothing magical about it, he was just "different". Each evening, when he came home from work, he transformed and became one with nature, fleeing to the hills and enjoying the night.

One night, he went up into the hills, as had become his habit, only to find them covered with police, lined up across the hills, searching for someone. If this carried on, he might be found out, especially by the dogs they were using. There was no choice, if he wanted to be rid of them then the only thing to do was find out what was going on and deal with it.

Returning home, he jumped through the open window, sat down and concentrated on restoring his human body. He dressed and went down to the nearest bar, that was usually the best place to pick up local gossip. His friend, Phil, worked behind the bar part time.

The bar seemed quiet this evening. Hardly anyone was there. Phil was standing behind the bar, cleaning glasses. "Hi Phil, how you doing today. I'll have a pint of the usual mate" Phil smiled back and poured him his drink.

"Very quiet tonight Alec, nearly everyone is out with the search parties" Taking a sip of his beer, Alec pretended to look surprised.

"What search parties? I got back to town from work late and haven't seen any news"

"We've had a hiker go missing in the hills today. She was staying here and went for a walk yesterday, but she hasn't been seen since. All her gear is still up in her room so the mountain rescue and police were called out. Anyone fit enough is up there with them. Pretty young thing, she's a student on a gap year, only about nineteen and first time away from home." Alec looked thoughtful for a moment, then declared he'd go up there and join the search after he finished his drink.

Later that evening, he went up into the hills to track down the search party and find out what they knew. Luckily he knew some of the rescue people, some were old climbing buddies.

"Long time no see, Tom. Phil told me about the search so I thought I'd join you. What team do you want me to join" Alec said.

"Well, we're short handed on my team, so grab a torch and join us. Always glad to see you pal" Tom replied, looking tired. They carried on searching the hills for another couple of hours, but come midnight the search was called off. Everyone was tired and they didn't want any accidents.

The next day, when Alec got home from work, he went straight up into the hills and joined the search teams once more. The police had brought the sniffer dogs again. This time they had found a scent trail belonging to the missing girl. They tracked up into the hills for a couple of miles, before losing the trace where it crossed a road. Despite casting about for a couple of hours, the dogs couldn't find the scent on the other side of the road, or in either direction, the trail seemed to have just disappeared completely.

Alec smiled to himself, maybe the dogs had lost the scent, but he was going to come back later that night to see what he could find.

Once safely home, after the search had finished for the night, Alec changed into wolf form and headed back up into the hills, heading straight for where the dogs had lost the trail. He detected the girl's scent straight away, but like the dogs had found earlier, it disappeared at the edge of the road. Maybe she had been abducted by someone with a vehicle.

One quite strong scent that he could identify, however, was that of pigs. There wasn't a pig farm within five miles. It could only have come from a farm vehicle belonging to a pig farm. There were about six pig farms within twenty miles, he was determined to investigate every one.

Sarah had been enjoying the sunshine, walking in the hills. The place she was staying at had made her some lunch and she was intending to walk all the way to the summit of the nearest mountain. It wasn't far, only about ten miles, she'd be there by lunchtime, then could walk back in the afternoon.

The first couple of miles, all had been going well. She was still close to civilisation, walking through farmland near the foot of the mountain. At this point the footpath followed the course of a minor unmetalled road. There was a truck coming up the road from behind her, so she stepped to the side, waiting for it to go past when she felt something strike the back of her head, knocking her unconscious.

She woke up in darkness, unable to see anything. She tried to rub her eyes but found her hands tied behind her head, attached to a collar fastened around her neck. She was lying on her back on a smelly mattress, her ankles chained either side of it. Panicking, she started screaming for help, but nobody came. Several hours later, there was a scraping and thumping sound from overhead, then she heard the sound of a ladder. She still couldn't see, and realised she was wearing a blindfold.

"It's no good shouting, bitch. You're at the bottom of hole in the ground. Nobody can hear you, get used to it. You're going to be my new sex toy. If your good I'll feed you, if not then you'll die like the last one." She started crying, unable to see any way out of her situation, she would probably rot and die down there. There were footsteps on the ladder as her captor descended. She thought the mattress was smelly, but he was even worse, he stank of pigs. He ripped off her clothing, fondling her breasts with his rough hands. "Get used to it, bitch, this is going to be the rest of your life." Her legs were held apart by the chains, leaving her totally exposed to him. The blindfold left her terrified of what would come next. He gave an evil cackle and said "don't go anywhere, I'll be back later, then we can get a bit more friendly". The sounds of him pulling up the ladder and slamming down the hatch were terrifying. She was left there alone in the dark, unable to see anything.

Alec had tried three of the pig farms so far, but with no luck so far. He was beginning to think that maybe he had been wrong. As he approached fourth one from downwind, he caught the scent of the missing girl. It seemed to be coming from a barn beside the house. There was a latch on the door. As a wolf he couldn't get it. Instead he concentrated for a few seconds, and changed into his anthro form. That's better, he thought, opening the door. Slipping into the barn, the scent was stronger, but he couldn't locate the source. There was movement from the house so he hid in the shadows, changing back into a wolf to be less conspicuous.

There was the sound of footsteps outside. The latch lifted and someone walked into the barn, not seeing him where he was hidden. To his surprise, the person swept some of the straw to one side, uncovering a trapdoor in the floor of the barn. He dragged a ladder to the hole and slid it downwards. "Hello Darlin', daddies here to keep you company" he said.

Alec realised he'd struck the jackpot, and caught the creep red-handed. A snarl rose from the depths of his throat as he emerged from the shadows, the light glittering in his eyes. The guy grabbed hold of a pitchfork and tried to stab him with it, but he was too slow. Alec lunged at him, grabbing hold of a wrist and biting down as hard as he could, the bones snapping in his powerful teeth. The farmer screamed in pain, staggering backward. He teetered on the edge of the hole for a moment, before falling down it, striking his head and knocking himself out.

Still in his wolf form, he jumped down into the hole, despite the dark he was able to see clearly, thanks to his wolf eyesight. There on a mattress was the missing hiker. He couldn't change back to human because he hadn't got any clothes, and his anthro form would terrify her. Maybe it was best to stay as a wolf for the moment.

Sally was woken by a noise from overhead, the trapdoor opening and that horrible man shouting down at her. Suddenly there was snarling sound from overhead, followed by a thump onto the ground beside her. What was going on? She heard breathing approach her, and something tugging on the blindfold around her head. Finally she could see again. She looked up, only to cower away as far as her chains allowed. It looked like some sort of wolf. The wolf walked towards her and reached out its teeth towards her neck. She closed her eyes in terror, certain she was about to be eaten. Instead she felt a tugging on her wrists, and suddenly they were free. Looking towards the wolf, it had gone over to her captor, and seemed to be pulling at his clothing. To her surprise, it came back towards her, dropping set of keys at her feet. Hesitating for a moment, she reached down and unlocked her chains, and followed the wolf out of the cellar. Not wanting her captor to escape, she closed the trapdoor after her. There were some haybales in the barn so she dragged some of them onto the trapdoor, weighing it down.

The wolf wandered over to the door, stopped and looked back towards her, waiting. She was naked, tired and cold, but wanted to get as far away from the place as possible. She might as well follow the wolf, at least it seemed to know where it was going.

After untying the girl, she had the presence of mind to trap the creep in his own cellar. Alec wasn't sure how long it would hold him there, so it was best to leave quickly. He led her across the fields away from the road. She was too tired to keep up for long, so once they were out of sight he led her to some shelter under a hedge. By this time she was no longer afraid of him, and she joined him, cuddling up close to keep warm. Both of them were soon fast asleep.

Alec was woken up a bit later by her snuggling closer to him in her sleep. The feel of her naked breasts rubbing against his chest began to make him get hard. He tried desperately to think of other things. She had been kidnapped and had gone through a scary and traumatic experience. If he followed his instincts, it could only end up worse. Gradually, his penis began to retreat into his sheath, and he gave a sad sigh. Sometimes, doing the right thing is the hardest of all.

Tired from the night before, they woke up late the next morning. There had been no sign of pursuit from the farmhouse, so he led her towards the nearest search team. As soon as he heard voices, he dived into cover, leaving her to be found by them. One of them rushed forward to lend her his coat and they escorted her back to civilisation.

A couple of weeks later, he was wandering in the hills again, once more a wolf, safe now that the searchers had gone. The kidnapper had been locked up and everything was back to normal again. Memories drew him back to the spot where she had been found by the search team, and even though he couldn't share it with anyone, he was remembering the way he felt when she was found. As he came closer, he found a car parked near the spot. He walked round the car and there was Sally, seated on a picnic blanket on the ground.

"Don't be afraid", she called. "You saved my life and I haven't had a chance to thank you. As stupid as this may sound, I know you can understand me, I owe you so much". Alec was a bit wary at first, but slowly approached her. She held out her hand to him, and gently stroked him. He gave a sigh, and sank down beside her.

She leaned closer to him, and whispered into his ear. "When we slept under the hedge that night, I know you wanted me. I wasn't completely asleep, so I know you were being a gentleman about it. I want to thank you so please take me". With that, she stripped of the tee shirt and bra she was wearing, and undid her skirt and panties, pulling him closer.

He licked at her breasts, feeling them harden beneath his tongue. "Oh yes" she cried. Moving lower, he licked across her belly, teasing her, skirting around her crotch and continuing down the inside of her thighs. "More" she cried, pulling his nose towards her crotch. He began to lick either side of her lips, running his tongue up and down them, circling her nub with his tongue, pressing it between her folds and causing her to gasp with joy.

He moved up her body, licking the side of her face. She turned towards him, sucking his tongue into her mouth, kissing him, their tongues wrestling with each other. He lowered himself between her legs, hard now and seeking his target. He sank down and thrust gently into her. She winced for a moment and he paused. She gritted her teeth and nodded, so he pushed into her harder. She wrapped her legs around him, her heels pulling on his hindquarters, dragging him deeper into her embrace. He began pumping into her, wanting to seat his knot before it became too big and hurt her. She felt it striking against her lips, and as he thrust forward she pulled him into her, his knot now seated inside of her swelling up. Each time his knot brushed against that sweet spot inside her, she gasped with joy, her legs gripping him tightly, squeezing down on his knot, causing him to release his seed into her. Finally, exhausted, she rested beneath him, his knot now diminishing, allowing his tool to shrink back inside his sheath.

"I would love to live with you for the rest of my life" she said, caressing him, "but I know you are a wild creature. What we have had together I'll never forget, we'll always share those memories together"

As far as Alec was concerned, he wasn't ready for a long-term relationship at the moment, and the last thing he wanted to do was share his secret with someone. They had both enjoyed their time together, and knew it was going to be their last. They lay together on the blanket for a while longer, enjoying each other's company before going their separate ways.