Mitch: Crossing the Ex-es

Story by Stormcatcher on SoFurry

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All characters herein are copyright by me. Please do not distribute without permission. Thanks!


By Stormcatcher

So here I was on a Saturday morning, stuffing my face with a bowl full of cold cereal and ruminating over the newspaper, while my mom's latest date du jour sat across the table from me, cigarette in hand, cup of java in front of him, placidly watching me eat. Justin definitely fit the mold of the "decent" category. An unassuming shift supervisor on the assembly line of Hoffstrom Motors, he's a fairly tall snow leopard with a solid build and the most electric blue eyes you've ever seen. They shine through the bangs of his dark brown tophair sometimes, and there's something about their intensity. They often seem kinda sad--but they can make any gal that gets a gander from them get seriously wet between the thighs. Justin's what I call a "second string heartbreaker": movie star looks, but lacking the style and confidence needed to really rake female hearts over the coals--and too genuinely nice to want to. He's probably gotten the short end of the stick many times, relationship-wise, but he's just too sweet-natured to return the favor by becoming a dick, himself. I'd noticed that he'd sometimes stare at me when he thought I wasn't looking, and although it creeped me out a first, I eventually figured out that it was simply a look of hope. 'Maybe...just maybe, your mom's the one,' that look would say. 'I think I could get used to having the two of you around.'

Today, though, that look was different. It was a quiet, almost desperate look, because he knew that the end was in sight, and there wasn't a damn thing he could do about it. I could feel those sexy blue peepers of his on me as he took a long drag on his cigarette, then turned his head away from the table slightly to exhale the smoke so I wouldn't get a faceful while I ate. His eyes never left my features as he picked up his coffee and took a swig, then set it down and propped his elbows on the table, leaning forward just a bit as the smoke swirled lazily upwards in front of him.

"Your mom's gonna break up with me, isn't she, Mitch?" he asked in a low voice.

I folded the paper over, my eyes lingering for just a few moments on the story I was reading before I set it down to give him my full attention. "What makes ya think that?" I asked, perking my round ears. We were both sitting there in next to nothing--boxer shorts on us both, me with a cotton tee-shirt, him with a red and black plaid flannel shirt, open to display that thick ruff of white chest pelt, and I'd had to remind myself several times that morning not to look at his crotch. I'd seen him in his boxers before, and while I didn't know if he was as hung as me, what I'd glimpsed before seemed pretty fully-packed.

He shrugged, those sharp blues of his blinking once--damn, I could practically feel the static from 'em, they were so fuckin' righteous. "I dunno. Been down this road one too many times before, I guess," he sighed. "I'm getting a vibe from her...sorta like she's losing interest, y'know?" He took another drink from his coffee mug, then narrowed his eyes as he waggled the cigarette at me, making the wispy smoke jitter around as it rose from the end of it. "Thing is, I don't understand why she would. I'm a nice guy, ain't I? Don't you think I'm a nice guy?"

I kept my face passive. I'd had similar talks before with some of my mom's other soon-to-be ex-boyfriends, and they were never easy. "You've always seemed totally likable to me," I said, honestly enough.

"Thanks," he replied, taking another hit from his cigarette. He finished it off and stubbed it out in the ashtray that was sitting nearby, then lifted his dark palmpads up for a minute in a gesture of mild exasperation. "Ya think maybe you could work some of that persuasion mojo on your mom, then? 'Cause she's nearly ready to give me the boot, and I'd like to know why." He propped his chin glumly into his hands and his elbows in front of him, and it was so damn cute and forlorn, I just wanted to face-hump him. We stared at each other quietly for a moment, and I was just starting to shift awkwardly in my seat a little when he finally rumbled, "Maybe I'm too nice. That's it, isn't it?" His brows furrowed, and those blues crackled with a touch of indignant energy.

I kept my voice casual but slightly apologetic as I shook my head some and said, "Doubt that--mom places a premium on 'nice', I think. I guess it's just that the way my old man hightailed it, she just..." I stared down at the table for a moment, pretending to search for the words, even though I'd damn well given them to other guys like him a good six times before, or so. "Well...I just...think it's hard for her to think about starting over, y'know? She tried the 'long haul' thing with my dad, and it didn't work out so hot."

"Mmmn," he grunted. "'Nice guys finish last', right?" He watched me get up from the table and put my empty bowl and spoon into the kitchen sink, and I looked over at him and managed to give him a small, rueful grin. He'd turned to face me, and he was scratching his nuts through his boxers--or at least, I think he was doing that. I'd let my eyes stray to his crotch, and just as I caught my stare and jerked my gaze back up to his face, I noticed that he was returning the favor at my own groin. Or was he? Damn, I needed to bitchslap my subconscious mind.

"Y'know, that saying is so much bullshit," I said, as I wandered past his chair and headed for the stairs, giving his right shoulder a pat as I went. "I'd love to track down the sumbitch that coined that phrase originally, so I could boil him alive."

"Makes two of us," he nodded, as he got up and followed me upstairs. He leaned against the doorway of my bedroom and watched me as I made up my bed, then started collecting a pile of dirty clothes outta my hamper to wash. He still seemed sort of bummed out about things with my mom, and he was nervous about something, too. I couldn't put my finger on it, but he wanted to ask me something else, and he just couldn't quite get the words out. I was also trying hard to talk myself out of seducing his hunky ass. When straight guys get in moods like the one he was now, it's almost easier to suck 'em off than it would be if they were dog-assed drunk. And I genuinely liked Justin. He and I had hung out a few times by ourselves while mom was at work, and he seemed pretty serious about trying to get on good terms with me. I felt bad for the poor guy, and I'd just finished dumping my dirty clothes into the laundry basket when I turned to look at him to see if he wanted to maybe catch a movie or run to the mall. If my mom really was about to call it quits with him, I figured that he and I might as well grab the last bit of quality time we'd ever get.

He had his hand on his crotch again, scratching himself--although this time, his fingers stayed there longer, and I realized it wasn't really a scratching motion he was making. The fucker was fondling himself right in front of me, and the way he was checking out my basket finally registered with my brain. I laughed my ass off inwardly--holy shit, how hard could I score? My mom's hottie of a boyfriend was makin' an offer! Guess all that talk about being 'too nice' was just a cover--that, or he was gonna get his own kinda quiet revenge on my mom's intentions by boning her own son. I all but tossed my reservations out my bedroom window as I parked my ass on the end of my bed, spreading my legs and letting my arms hang down between 'em as I gave my own goods a scratching and a lazy sort of rearranging, keeping my eyes locked on his face. He was watching my groin with the intensity of a news reporter, and I couldn't help but smirk a little bit as I said to him real low, "Careful, there, man. You keep foolin' with your sausage that way, and somethin' might end up floppin' out."

He snorted at me then, flashing me that killer grin and those oh-so-white teeth, the smile that would make almost any woman wanna drop to her knees and beg to wrap their lewdly-painted lips around his prong. "You'd like that, wouldn't you?" he rumbled. "If it did, wouldja suck it? Bud Harald over at the package store on Eighth and Lexington's told me things about you. He says that you can suck cock better than a professional whore."

I blinked in surprise. That pissed me off a little--yeah, I knew Bud, all right, he was my beer connection, given that he owned the store in question. Whenever I needed a beer fix, I'd wander over there and suck him off a few times, and he'd generally give me a free six pack for each load he shot down my throat. That fat black hyena cock of his isn't an easy swallow, and apparently, his wife isn't too keen on blowjobs--so our little arrangement was mutually beneficial, but that didn't mean that I appreciated him spouting off about it to just anyone. "Is that so," I snarled, my ears lowering as I gritted my teeth some. "Bud's got hisself a big fat set of loose goddamn lips, tellin' you that."

Justin looked surprised, then held up one hand to pacify me, the other hand edging his boxers down just enough against his crotch so I could get a peep at his cockhead, which was thick and pink. "Whoa, Mitch, simmer. Bud's a poker buddy of mine, we've known each other for awhile--and I think he only told me because he knew that I been datin' your mom. Guess maybe he thought he was doin' me a favor, if your mom ever decided to not put out for me."

"Well, fuck, ain't he a saint," I muttered, my dick ragingly hard in my shorts nonetheless as he and I sat there and watched each other stroke our poles. Justin's face looked amazed at my size, even through my boxers, and my anger eased off some as I finally gave in and tugged my cock out, flopping it forward to give him a good full frontal. "Jeezus, Justin, take a picture, why don'tcha. It'll last ya longer."

He sucked in his breath, eyes wider than ever as he whistled low at the sight of my pride n' joy. "Holy fuckin' shit," he breathed, stepping over to me immediately and gripping my thirteen-incher as I grunted softly, my pisshole starting to ooze up a thick drop of my lube. "You really are as huge as Bud said. How'd you end up with such a porn-star cock, man?"

"Luck and DNA apparently mingled with the fuckin' jizz of angels n' demons, I guess," I grunted, as I gripped myself a nice handful of his own dick through his shorts. He jumped a little, but he didn't pull away as I rubbed him through his boxers. "And if you keep strokin' me like that, you're gonna have me leakin' like a Girl Scout in a dildo factory."

Justin was quivering a little bit, covered cock good and tented out in my grip, now--and I couldn't really tell if it was because he was so horny for me, or if it was more the thrill of something he'd never done before. I had a shit-eating grin on my face the size of the Lone Star state, and the only thing that coulda wiped it off my face would've been if he'd chickened out by leaving the room--and from the way he was feeling up my cock, I knew that that wasn't gonna happen. He moved my hand off his dick long enough for him to pull his own boxers down and off as his big pink cock flopped forward and damn near slapped my nose. Justin was nicely sized, no doubt about it--his cock was humanoid-shaped with some decent girth, and I noticed that there were several small bumps dispersed around his upper shaft just below his cockhead. I stroked my fingers over some of them, and found that there was a tiny bit of a point on each one--not long enough or sharp enough to hurt my digits, but a perfect small-scale version of a built-in French tickler. I bet it made the ladies howl like banshees in heat when he slammed that thing inside 'em, and I couldn't wait to get it up my ass--but first things first. His voice came from somewhere up above me, and it seemed almost hazy and distant because I was so turned on. He gripped the lower portion of his shaft and held his cock firmly out towards my face, his cockhead glistening with pre as his other hand thumped onto my head.

"Bud's had me curious," he rumbled to me as he panted a little. "Show me what a good cocksucker you are, Mitch. Swallow me fuckin' whole."

I didn't need a second invite. I lolled my tongue all around his pre-coated glans, tasting his personal salt as it oozed across my lapper--then I slowly started to deep-throat him, gripping his thighs with my hands. His balls were fuckin' huge--granted, a lot of the heft came from the thick pelt of white fur that covered them, and he didn't really have a sheath--it was all flesh just above his nuts. But I took that thing down to the hilt as instructed, and I could feel it throbbing and leaking warm pre as his cock knob nudged against the back of my throat. He gripped my head hard as he let go of his crank, my muzzle having nudged them down and away, and man--that musky smell from his crotch hit my nostrils as I buried 'em in his crotch fur. Strong but not overpowering, that scent hit my brain and made my piss slit wanna belt out a fuckin' opera aria, it made me so hard. And if I had any doubts about what I was doing, they got wiped out of my mind when Justin let out a groan that I could feel through my arms. He ground his balls and groin against my face, and I coulda held my breath and kept him swallowed that way for a good five minutes, if he'd wanted--but he began to fuck my mouth nice n' slow, so I lashed my tongue all over that vein-latticed length of his, getting it all slick and wet. My drool glands were in overdrive, and I was literally dripping some of my spit on the floor as he slid his meat in and out of my mouth. My eyes were closed, and I was so into it that I almost didn't feel his hand gripping the back of my neck, tugging me off of him. I almost whimpered, but when I opened my eyes again and looked up at him, I was instantly relieved to see the blissful expression on his face.

"Jee...ZUS!" he gasped, his eyes wide and muzzle open and panting as he held me temporarily away from his cock. "Where the hell did you learn to suck cock like that? You didn't even gag once!" he said, his grin wide as he gripped my hand around his cock and made me stroke him. "Did you and your momma work as a tag team?"

"Alright, smartass!" I snickered, giving his soaked cock a wiggling with my hand. "Keep it up, and there won't be no jizz-swallowing," I teased.

"Screw that," he grunted, gripping my shoulders briefly and nudging me backwards onto the bed. "Climb up onto your bed, back down. I wanna fuck that hot little muzzle of yours from above, " he ordered, his thick tail lashing back and forth in eagerness.

I nodded agreeably, crawling up onto my bed as I reached over to my nightstand, opening the drawer and getting out a tube of K-Y. Justin gave it a curious look as he got himself into position, on all fours over my head with his cock aimed squarely at my muzzle. He opened his own mouth to ask me something, and I cut him off neatly by gripping his cock and tugging his groin down to my face, smoothly swallowing his shaft down to the hilt again. His hands slid on the bedspread, and he gasped, planting his groin against my face as he began to face-fuck me again. I could feel his balls thump satisfyingly against my chin on each stroke, and he took his time with the odd push-ups he was doing into my muzzle, his low gasps hissing through his teeth as his tail whipped over that finely-shaped ass of his like a cattail reed in a wind storm. I gripped my own shaft and greased it up nice with some of the jelly, and the thick, squishy sound of my fingers stroking my cock sounded out in the room as my other hand, equally sticky with my pre and the gel, rubbed all over his hunching ass, carefully sinking into that tight cleft till I could feel his pucker, which I began to lube up thoroughly by stroking my fingers all around his ring. The sheer tightness of the way his back door clenched against my probing digit told me that this was a guy who'd never had a dick up his ass, and the way he grunted sharply and let out something that sounded almost like a little yelp as he jerked his cock out of my muzzle was about what I would've expected from a straight guy who'd never had his ass played with, before. I tried to keep myself from grinning too hard as he propped himself up on his side next to me, giving me a little open-mouthed stare as he moved his other hand back almost protectively to cover his asscrack.

"Uh, oh," I murmured. "Didn't care for that, I take it."

"Uhh...Well, I...I guess you just caught me by surprise, is all," he stammered, and I could tell that he was probably blushing good n' hot under his face pelt. "Never had another guy play with my ass, before." He glanced down at my cock, then back up at me, a little bit of alarm and sternness in his face as he pointed at my dong and rumbled sharply, "You ain't thinking of trying to shove that monster up in me, are ya? 'Cause I'll tell ya right now, that shit ain't gonna happen."

I rolled my eyes a little bit at his overreaction, but I gave his left shoulder a pat of reassurance as I replied to him, "Fuck, guy, relax. I'm not gonna do anything to ya that you don't want me to do, and besides-takin' a big dick up the ass is something best left to the professionals, like me."

That was another one of my little tests. If there was ever a smidgen of hope that I could get my cock up the ass of a straight guy who'd never taken somebody my size before, I'd generally see it in their eyes when I laid a comment like that one on 'em. Faggotry or not, implying that there's something that they can't handle always tends to get their goat, and that was the case with Justin. His sparkling blues narrowed at me in a second or two of distrust, but then he rumbled to me in an uncertain voice, "What the hell's that supposed to mean? Don't it hurt like a motherfucker?"

"The first time you take one up there, yeah. But if you practice with smaller things first till you're loosened up just a tad...whoa, man...!" I chuckled, a huge grin sliding across my face as I waggled my brows at him suggestively. "You'll be downright pissed that you waited so long to do it. You dunno what you're missing."

He shot me a look that mingled doubt with curiosity, and I filed that expression away for future reference. His hand gripped the back of my head and neck again, and he gave me a firm squeeze there as he leaned his face towards mine till our noses were practically touching. His breathing was soft but ragged as he made me give his cock a firm squeeze, and I felt goose bumps rise on my neck as he rumbled to me in a low, lust-filled voice, "Speakin' of...I'm ready to fuck you, now."

"Are you?" I grinned, my tail jerking in excitement against my side as I hopped up onto all fours, and bared my ass up into the air for him, tail whipped aside as I showed off my lusciously snug boy pucker to him. "You ready to fuck this hot little ring of boy pussy all nice n' raw?"

He gave my ass a playful slap, then nudged me aside a bit as he lay down on his back, his knees raised just slightly as he gripped his cock and waggled it impatiently, his forehead fur wet with sweat droplets as he kept his head looking sideways at me. "You ain't no 'boy'," he snorted, that dazzler grin on his mug again. "Straddle-mount me. I wanna watch your face while I nail you," he ordered.

I tried not to move at warp speed as I moved my ass into position, my knees and legs taking on the load as I reached behind me and gripped his cock, pressing his thick knob against my opening. All the spit and pre on his glans meant that I didn't need to waste too much time sliming up my hole, and I pushed myself carefully back onto his cockhead, feeling it pop through my tail ring after a few moments of teeth-gritted anticipation. Justin braced my sides with his hands as I let out a gasp from him penetrating me, and my groan mingled with his low growl of arousal as his ears splayed flat against his skull, his chin jutting upward as he felt my hungry little ass-mouth gulping down his shaft inch by inch. I squeezed and spasmed around his dong, making his legs writhe in pleasured bliss-and I got this crazy mental image of him pushing several feet of stiff leopard cock up in me, the length never ending as he impaled me in the almost literal sense. That's not what I actually got, thankfully, but damned if that nine inch jizz-shooter of his didn't fill me up nice and full, anyway. I'd had bigger, but none of those cocks had belonged to my mom's boyfriends-and the taboo factor alone had me leaking like crazy onto Justin's abs. I finally felt his balls sealing up against my shitter, and it was good to have those big orbs up against me, 'cause he'd certainly given my ring a nice stretching. I pushed myself back and down on him, feeling his pre trickling along my inner walls as they stroked his dick nice and warmly, and it was hard to tell which one of us was groaning as his cockhead nudged firmly up against my prostrate gland. His fingers were like vice grips on my sides as he eased himself halfway back outta me, then started to move rhythmically, making me move back and against his thrusts-not that I needed any encouragement. His jaw was dropped open, and he panted through his open muzzle as he fucked me, that telltale squishing even louder than when I was milking my own cock. I was so lost in bliss that I didn't even know he'd been watching me through slitted eyelids, his spotted tail whipping so fast against the mattress I could barely keep track of it.

"Feelin' good?" he gasped, his fingers gripping me harder in emphasis as his groin pistoned against my hole. "B-bet ya never thought you'd g-get this, Mitch..." he panted. "H-how long you been prayin' that I'd fuck you?"

"Used ta...j-jerk off thinkin' about it," I grunted, my lithe bod hitching up and down on him as I rode him like a horse. "C-came all over the fuckin' place, I just knew I'd be tight for ya," I gasped. "Am I hot for ya, ya teen-fucker?" I growled. "Do I feel t-tight enough around your big ol' dick?"

"A-...almost too tight," he snarled, air hissing through his teeth. "Hurtin' it, a little, it's so snug..."

"Really?" I said, my own maw pulling back in a look that was almost a sneer, I was so proud of myself. Feeling his cockhead punching my inner joy buzzer on every pass was starting to make my head spin in the good way, and he'd seized my cock and was jerking me off in time with his thrusts, making me feel like I was even closer to shooting my wad all over him. I was ready for him to let loose with full force, and I knew exactly what to say to him to do it. I licked off my chops, then I leaned over as far as I could without actually toppling off his cock, my sweaty face hanging down to his as I narrowed my eyes at him, teeth bared and my hands grabbing two palmfuls of his thick chest pelt, pulling it up slightly. That got his attention, and his eyes snapped open, his face looking up at me as if I was possessed. I ground back down against his cock and hilted him as I whimpered to him in a low whisper, " I as tight as my momma's pussy?"

His jaw hung open then, and he paused, a line of drool running out the corner of his muzzle as he gave me a shocked look, even as he jerked his groin up against my ass and ground his cockhead against my inner gland hard enough to almost make tears come to my eyes. I threw my arms around his shoulders and locked my hands into place as I clung to him like a leech, my breath hot on his ears as my words stoked him.

"W-well...? Am I?" I snarled softly, my breath labored as he started to fuck me again-harder, this time. My webbed fingers dug into his neck as I pushed my whiskered muzzle close enough to his right ear to tickle it with them. "Are ya f-fuckin' me like ya fucked her? Is my ring m-makin' yer dick leak as much as her snatch did?" I couldn't see his face, but I could feel his head nodding shakily as he pumped my eager boy hole, my sphincter muscles working hard as I clench-milked him more firmly than ever.

"Yer just wantin' to mark us as yours," I accused him, my voice seething with lust as his balls slapped loud against my ring, my voice having to get a little louder for him to hear me above the noise of his cock ram-rodding my thoroughly-lubed hole. "NNNGH...! Wantin' to...shoot that h-hot...f-feline fuckmilk up in us so we'll both be yer bitches..."

He jerked his head sideways and sank his teeth into my neckruff, my think slick pelt sweaty against his grinders. I didn't feel 'em break my skin, but I had to admit-he gave me one hell of a start. My body jerked hard as his hand stroked my cock so fast that if I hadn't been so leaky, I woulda got friction burns. His dick also had to be a blur as he fucked me, his balls actually hurting my ass as he got ready to bust his nut up in me.

"S-such a...filthy-mouthed lil' slut, ya are," he grunted against my neck, his teeth loosening up their grip just enough for him to speak. "Wh-what would yer...m-momma say, if she h-heard you talkin' like that?"

"She'd t-tell ya to...f-fuck me harder," I gasped, as I loosened my hands on his neck and tried to push myself up off his chest a little. He let out a low yowl of protest and tried to sieze me back against him again, and after he hilted in me on the next stroke, I finally couldn't hold it back anymore. "Awww, shit... Gonna cum... Guh... Goddammit, man, I'm gonna SHOOT...!"

And shoot, I did, too, boy, lemmee tell ya. My nuts jerked hard as I shot my first spurt, and if I coulda been composed enough to see the expression on his face when he felt my blast, I probably woulda busted a gut laughing. His pretty blues popped wide open as my jizz jetted straight up over the bridge of his nose, spackling against my headboard, followed quickly by several more bursts that proceeded to paint his hunky face all kinds of messy, runny off-white. It was a bit like someone had shot him in the stomach, only instead of red, he was bleeding spunk. But he couldn't pull outta me, because by that time, my tightly-clenching ass passage had done milked a gusher out of him, too. I felt his big cock jerk up my ass and start to rapid-fire his cum all over my gland, and that just made me convulse more tightly around him. I jerked my head up and let out a shuddering holler of pure release, painting his face and chest with so much of my cum that my nuts literally hurt with the force of the effort. He re-fastened his muzzle onto my neck to shut me up a little as he let out a muffled yowl of bliss at his own release, and all I could do was lay there and let him shimmy-shake my head like a fuckin' rag doll while he emptied his load up in me till I felt like my fuckin' eyeballs were gonna be floatin'. There was probably gonna be the equivalent of some wicked love-hickey marks on my neckruff, but it was so totally worth it. His fingers slowed down their strokes on my own dick, but he kept massaging me till he felt my stream diminish down to a trickle, and I hug-squeezed his thick cock with my ass lining till he was totally dry.

We were coated with sweat, and too damn exhausted to move. We must've lay there tangled up with each other for a good ten minutes or so before we caught our breath, and it took me another five before I could muster the strength to slide myself off his johnson and flop down next to him. He lolled his head sideways and stared at me in wonder for a few moments, his shaky left hand fumbling in his sweat-soaked shirt pocket for his smokes-and after he managed to fish a cig out of the pack and get it lit long enough to stick it in his muzzle, he took a long puff and exhaled a plume of smoke that woulda made a dragon proud. My asscheeks were sore from the pounding he'd given them, and I felt a tiny trickling rivulet of his cum starting to seep out of my battered hole as it leaked onto my bedspread. This struck me as oddly funny, and I snickered.

Justin grunted, then nudged me gently. "What's so fuckin' funny?" he wanted to know.

"My lack of muscle control, after that intestinal seed-plantin' you just gave me," I smirked, opening one eye a little bit to look back at him wryly. "Gonna have to wash my 'spread and sheets, now. I'm leakin' yer gunk all over 'em."

He took another hit on his cigarette, then slowly smiled at me, chuckling a little bit, himself. "Ain't my fault that you got an ass-pussy so tight, a guy's gotta get urgent to get his load up there," he rumbled. "Hot fuckin' damn, Mitch. No offense to yer mom, but you have gotta be one of the most snug fucks I've ever had," he breathed, looking sideways at me again, brows perked in amazement. "My dick's gonna be sore for the next two days, I bet."

"And here I thought that you were such a nice guy," I snickered, winking at him.

He grinned lazily at me and flopped an arm around my right shoulder, giving me a snug against himself before his fingers started to scritch at my tophair. "I am a nice guy," he insisted, as he flicked his cigarette's ashes carefully into an empty soda can that was sitting on my nightstand. "It just so happens that I'm a nice guy with a possible soon-to-be-ex-girlfriend whose son is such a goddamn good lay, that he's got me wondering if I might not be interested in goin' bi."

I opened my other eye and rolled over a bit to face him, flopping my right arm onto his chest as I gave him a thoughtful look. "Y'know, for what it's worth, I hope she don't break up with you. Ain't too many nice guys left, in this world, and she'd be real lucky to end up with your spotted studly self."

He finished off his cigarette, then stubbed it out, giving me a look of gratitude that didn't really need a lot of words to go with it. He gave my tophair a ruffling as he rumbled to me, "I appreciate that, Mitch. But if she does, I'm gonna need a hot young stud that's good at givin' head to come over to my place every once in a while and console me by swallowing my load. You know anybody of that persuasion?"

"Yeah," I smirked. "My buddy Halston. He's two years younger than I am, so then you'd really be getting the jailbait experience."

He narrowed one eye at me and gave my neck a light rattling shake. "Hush yer muzzle before I wash it out with somethin' fertile and smelly, ya goof," he smirked.

"That better be a promise," I countered.

Justin was gonna be okay, even if my mom called it quits with him. I was going to see to that, personally, and I was looking forward to swinging by his place on poker nights and maybe helping him and Bud let off a little steam, spunk-wise.

How's that lame old saying go? "When one door of opportunity closes, another opens."

Heh. Guess the originator of that phrase just never counted on it being my own back door.