A Haunting To Remember

Story by zephyrnok on SoFurry

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Ghost blooowwjob* woooo! Woooo!

Commission for bbbuuu. A Lucario attempts to find a Megastone in an abandoned building, only to get more than he bargained for by its ghastly inhabitants.

"Mm... this must be the place," said the Lucario to himself, looking up from the map in his hands. It was a crudely drawn thing--one he had hastily scribbled down upon a tavern's napkin before leaving, wanting to be the very first of those to arrive. And the very first he was--or so it seemed. The house before him looked like quite the dump--rickety window-guards hanging by a single hinge, holes in the roof and a smattering of broken, cracked windows.

"I can hardly imagine a Megastone being hidden here... but I might as well just check it out, in case there really is something inside," Caleb muttered, gulping to himself. Talking out loud seemed to help his nervousness--if just a little bit. Walking up those squeaking steps, he could feel the rotting wood give underneath his paw-pads--thankfully not breaking through all the way as he stood on the porch. One hand grasped the door-knob, turning it. It was unlocked, just as that shady figure in the tavern had said it would be, and with a long creak the door opened, revealing a musty, cob-webbed interior. Oh yes, he was definitely the first one in a long time to set foot inside the dusty manor.

The building's foray had a magnificent staircase leading to the second floor. At least--it looked like it used to be magnificent. Much of dark wood that had comprised it was rotted away, with only a few steps remaining whole along it. Hopefully he'd only have to search the bottom floor before finding the megastone he was seeking.

Caleb turned to the right, starting his counter-clockwise search through the rooms. It was dreary work, pulling open each drawer of each cabinet, ruffling through dressers of old, moth-eaten clothes and hunching down upon the floor to peer underneath beds. Dusty work, too--as that Lucario's blue and black fur took on a lighter shade of gray the further and further he searched through the house.

So far, the kitchen seemed like the worst room--so many cupboards and drawers--and not all empty, either. Silverware jangled and pots and pans banged as he pulled them out haphazardly from their space. Had the home had any signs of lived-in-ness he would have perhaps been more ginger with the goods, but by all appearances it was empty.

"Goddamn, this is ridiculous," Caleb grumbled to himself, sneezing as a cloud of dust wafted through the air. His nostrils burnt already--and he had just barely gone through half the lower-floor! Dusk was soon approaching that Lucario, adding to his troubles in searching. The best he could manage was summoning a ball of Aura--one that would shimmer and cast a radiant blue glow upon his surroundings, though it took a paw from searching in order to conjure up the light. The Lucario's ears flicked a little; he was starting to think that maybe it'd be better to come back when it was lighter.

The dust on the windows reflected that slow glow of the moon. It didn't do much to light the inner rooms Caleb walked through, though it certainly made the abandoned building seem more foreboding and creepy. Biting his tongue, the fighting-dog took comfort in that bit of connection to reality from the pain, padding lightly through what appeared to be a study of some sort--though the bookshelves were all empty, save for one single book standing vertical, with no other support around it. Suspicious.

As he approached that lonely shelved book, the jackal's careful nose picked up the slight scent of stone--something he definitely didn't expect in that all-but-posh manor. Looking down at his feet, he could see lines in the dust swooping just underneath that bookshelf, as it wind were blowing through and beneath it. Just pull the book already, his body screamed--though the Lucario was still weary. He didn't smell or sense any other life-forms down here--what was to be afraid of?

Caleb's paw firmly gripped the book and pulled it backwards. As expected, it was no mere book at all, but a lever connected to a latch. The bookshelf rumbled, before smoothly opening outwards on hidden hinges, revealing a stone-lined staircase downwards into further darkness. Lightbulbs, long since burnt out lined the walls as the Lucario trotted down the cold stairs, shivering a little. Not only was that hidden basement spooky--it was chilly as well!

Finally, the Lucario reached the bottom of that dungeon-like basement, the chill and stone walls still seeming to close in on him from all directions. A new scent intermixed in with that smell of earth--something more musky and primal, though definitely faded from the passage of time. Sex. The walls were studded with sex-toys of all shapes and sizes--some definitely looking like they weren't for solely human use.

"Disgusting freaks," Caleb said, flaring his nostrils a bit. He had half a mind to leave this filthy Pokémon-human sex-room, but in addition to the sex-toys and bondage gear on the walls, there were drawers to poke his nose through. The light from his aura-ball wavered just a bit as he moved, pulling open drawer after drawer, not wanting to touch the centerpiece of the room, treating it as an unspeakable elephant. Still, he soon ran out of cupboards to search, with the very last one being empty, save for a small, musky book.

The Lucario loathed to touch such a dirty, dusty looking thing--especially in a room such as that. But, and he shuddered, curiosity killed the jackal, and he picked it up with two careful finger-tips, pinching it as he pulled the magazine out of the drawer and onto the cabinet's top. The pages stuck together as he peeled it open--turning the page right to a horrifying picture of a Lucario in heavy bondage-gear--multi-ringed harness, ball-gag, cuffs and spreader--the whole nine yards. Whoever owned the magazine definitely had enjoyed themselves to the picture, too--perhaps multiple times--as there were a few clear globs of semen residue on the top edges of the page.

"Good gracious Lord," Caleb recoiled, nearly pushing the skinrag off the cabinet and away from himself--were it not for the fact that doing so would force him to touch it again. Morbid curiosity caused him to turn to the next page, his throat tightening up. It was the same Lucario, though from a different angle. His eyes were rolled up and crossed, drool soaking that gag in his mouth. The Pokémon's wrists were chained up to the ceiling in cuffs, looking just like the pair of cuffs dangling from the ceiling in that very pleasure-room he was in. Behind the Lucario, a man, naked save for a mask over his face, appeared to be penetrating the 'mon, who's full-mast arousal twitched and pulsed violently in front of himself.

Unlike the first picture, a twitch of annoyance spilt from the Lucario's mind, his ball of Aura shimmering to a shade of purple-blue. How come _that_Lucario had such a large erection compared to his own? N-not that the Lucario had a bit of arousal from seeing such a sight, anyway. With an annoyed sigh, he knocked the book right off the cabinet he had set it upon, starting to leave the dusty-smelling sex-dungeon.

"What a waste of time," he grumbled. If anything, that Megastone should have been in that secret room--though there was still a chance it was in another of the manor's rooms. He took the first stone step on the stairs out from the secret room, only to pause, hearing a haunting noise from behind himself. His fur stood on end, turning around quickly, holding his ball of Aura at the ready to blast with a moment's notice. "Who's there?" he called out, eyes closing to sense for other life. The manor was empty as ever, void and dead.

"Damn wind..." he grunted under suspicious breath. The chains hanging from the ceiling rattled a little ominously again, but this time the Lucario ignored them, working on taking a few more steps up towards the ground-floor of that manor. A pair of ghastly hands lifted out from the stones below, their ethereal forms grasping hold of the Lucario's ankles and yanking them back. Caleb shrieked, falling forward towards the stone and whacked his head against it, falling unconscious as he was dragged backwards into the sex-dungeon.

Who knew how long it had been since the Lucario had passed out--but by the time he came too, it was much too late to escape. He hung from the ceiling, paws just barely touching the floor by the dungeon's centerpiece set of bondage. As he shook awake, blinking the pain from his eyes, he groaned, peering around. It was still dark--but he could see, somehow? A few of the wall-mounted lights had turned on--though not with any electricity, but with an eerie purple-violet glow.

"Kehehe... so you actually believed that little story about the Megastone?" a voice cackled, seeming to be produced around the Lucario from all sides.

"Where are you!" Caleb growled, gritting his teeth. Another cackling laugh came the response, before two purple hands smacked against his large rear, squeezing those blue cheeks firmly. "W-what are yo--oooOHHH G-GOD!" he howled out, feeling a firm and wet tongue slather up between his cheeks. With no regard for the Lucario's decency, it slathered its slimy saliva from the back of his balls to the underside of his tail, leaving it soaked and dripping.

Caleb kicked his legs out, trying to resist and push away from the tongue--though that owner of it was as ethereal as a ghost. Then, he didn't even have that avenue of protection against the mystery rim-tonguer, as his feet were captured at the ankles by two Gastly, appearing from nothingness and entrapping the Lucario.

"Grhahh... lemme go!" the Lucario cried out, squirming and writhing further in the Gastly and--what he could only imagine to be--Haunter's grasp. His back arched and flexed, pulling firmly on those chains holding his wrists up and useless in the air. With his legs spread apart, the Lucario felt rather exposed in the air, his fuzzy sheath hanging freely, balls dangling below it. "I'm warning you!"

"What can you do, huh? Try and punch a ghost?" the voice said, wriggling tongue up along taint and ring, smushing saliva firmly into the Lucario's passage. Another ghastly bit of laughter rang out from all sides. "And look, you're already enjoying yourself," the ghost chuckled, pointing out the Lucario's steadily growing arousal. Caleb's cheeks burned bright, his lips baring back and snarling a little as a Shuppet phased in through the ceiling. Its billowing, sheet-like body budged its edge against the Lucario's chest, dropping down lower and lower, until a sharp sensation of pleasure shot through the exposed tip of that canine shaft, causing Caleb to groan out.

"Haahh! W-what is this!" he barked out, tugging on those cuffed wrists, trying desperately to flee. His motions only brought his body up to a more horizontal angle, still leaning backwards as those Gastly clutched hold of his legs and immobilized them. Whatever was under the Shuppet's cape felt very good--bringing him to full mast almost instantly and keeping him there in the warm, pleasurable envelopment. It pulsed and undulated around his shaft, milking it slow and steadily, a few whimpers escaping his lips as his bravado faltered.

"That's a good dog," the Haunter chuckled, one purple hand spreading apart the Lucario's cheeks, while the other wedged a spit-slickened digit right up against Caleb's rim. "Do you like this as well, huh?" he teased, simply kneading the digit in a slow back and forth on the very edge of that rear, feeling the Lucario's tenseness. The pucker twitched tighter, trying its best to prevent the ethereal digit from entering, but with the spit and saliva it'd prove to be impossible to stop it.

Caleb bared his teeth, his fingers squeezing into his paws, trying to bite back a moan. His thin tail whipped behind himself, swishing back and forth, betraying his pleasure--as did a sudden and long groan he gave out when the Haunter's teasing digit left to stroke at and cup his balls in an eerily warm grasp.

"Ggaahh... damn you, I'm no dog...!" the jackal groaned, squirming back and forth in his captors' grasp. The action did little but to pump himself in and out of that Shuppet's under-sheet, the steady stimulation growing stronger and stronger. "Gfhh... grrhh!" he grunted, feeling the Haunter's hand grasp tighter upon his rear, that ball-fondling returning to a steady pressure against his hole. "Stop that!" he groaned--though a squirt of precum sputtered up into the mysterious underside of that Shuppet, seemingly absorbed into the ghost.

"Oh, but you seem to enjoy it so much, gehehe," chuckled that Haunter, pressing and worming his finger just a tiny bit harder against the Lucario's pucker. Caleb lifted his hips up higher from probing finger, feeling it sink inside just a slight bit as his shaft plunged further into the Shuppet's nothingness. That pinkish Lucario-rim twitched and tensed a little further, tight and spit-slimy wet against the prodding finger. With a sudden push forward, the digit sank an inch inside the Lucario, causing him to cry out in sudden pleasure, cock twitching and spasming within the grasp of that Shuppet.

"Guhhh...! Mmffh...!" The Lucario huffed out, biting back a word that nearly escaped his lips. The sensation of that intruding digit felt... well, it felt good. Great, even. His slightly stretched rim sent tingles of pleasure through his spine, driving him closer towards his steadily budding orgasm, knot swelling up thicker and thicker inside that Shuppet. He pumped his hips a few times, managing to groan out a semi-stifled, "m-more", only to find the sensation around his maleness vanishing the instant he said those words.

"Now you want some more, hm?" teased that Haunter, his finger still twisting only an inch, penetrating into the Lucario's tunnel and teasing it with that ghostly warmth. "You gotta beg for it now--beg and plead to have us use you," said the ghost, his tongue slurping wetly upwards, smacking against the Lucario's cheek from behind.

"Haah... haahh..." Caleb panted, the sexual excitement from his budding orgasm dying away. Maybe he didn't want such a thing after all, and he had only thought of the experience as pleasurable due to his lust-addled mind. That rear-groping ghost-hand gave a tight squeeze, sending a submissive whine through the Lucario's lips. "Nnggh...! No, never!" he spat out, though his shaft, untouched by the Shuppet, throbbed potently from his sheath.

Caleb twisted his head away from where the tongue had licked, squeezing his eyes shut for a moment. He could still feel the cool sensation spreading apart his ankles and that firm digit pressing into his rear, sinking in another inch deeper, sending a shameful shiver through his spine. Squinting, he spotted that discarded magazine, pages flipped open to the page of that Lucario in deep, mindless ecstasy.

"Gfh... urgh... I want it..." the jackal grumbled, biting his tongue after he said it. How could he help such jealous when that other Lucario seemed to be having such a fantastic time? Almost immediately after his admission the Shuppet's under-sheet form returned to envelope his shaft, squeezing the knotted member tightly. "Graahhh!" he moaned out suddenly, bucking upwards--though that rear-fingering hand followed, stuffing the digit to the knuckle within Caleb's ass.

Such sensations only lasted for a few moments more, as the Shuppet's touch soon vanished--and even that finger drew out from the Lucario's rim, merely tapping on the outer edge of it, leaving him high and dry from pleasure. Caleb's toes splayed out within the grasp of those two Gastly, panting out hotly and whining.

"Oh c'mon! I said I wanted it!" the Lucario cried, that on-and-off teasing driving him absolutely mad, balls starting to ache from their brief stint of edging.

"Even though you were so quick to judge the owners of this house of being disgusting deviants? Now you're wanting the exact same thing as them?" the Haunter said, chuckling just a little. His tongue swept up between the Lucario's cheeks, wriggling and writhing against his taint and hole for just a moment, leaving it tingling with the ghost's spit. "We'll see what he has to say about that," snickered he.

As if on command, a Gengar phased in through the ceiling, wide grin on his face and fat, fully hard dick twitching between his short, thick legs. He seemed to have had a cooling aura, the air getting just the slightest bit of a chill as he hovered down further, below the Lucario and looking up at the male's spread rear.

"Keheh... You know, I can see into a soul... and I can tell without a single doubt in my mind, you're one disgustingly perverted Lucario," the Gengar cackled just a slight bit, licking across his grinning lips. "The way your rear keeps squeezing and tensing... like it's just dying to suck a fat cock into it, I bet," the purple ghost chortled, while that Haunter gave a firm and hard squeeze to those cheeks, spreading them apart.

The Haunter's lengthy tongue swept out from his lips again, this time swirling down between the Lucario's cheeks for just a moment, before continuing to grow longer and longer. It curled up underneath Caleb's taint, pressing into it just slightly as it brushed past his nuts and shaft, leading up along the dog's chest before forcing itself into the bound Pokémon's mouth, wriggling and writhing from tailbase to maw.

"Grffh... rrhhggh...!" the Lucario growled back in shock, trying to push and spit out the tongue with his own, though it proved more than a little bit difficult. He spat across it, tipping his head from side to side, managing to get just a brief moment of respite as that Haunter slurped that lengthy organ backwards, grinding it along the Lucario's sensitive crack and pucker. "Hffhh! I'm no pervert! I'm a virgin!" he spat out--before realizing what he said.

Caleb's ears burned red beneath the fur, his face darkening a shade. Before he could say another word, the Haunter had lifted upwards to force a powerful and mouth-locking kiss. That Lucario squirmed and writhed, feeling just a bare teasing brush from the Shuppet upon his shaft, tears welling up in his eyes. He twisted and pulled himself away, unable to move much more than a few inches has his throat was violated down my that slimy tongue, Haunter French-kissing him deeper than he had thought possible.

"Just a virgin and you're already so eager to have your first fucking all tied up in 'some perverts sex dungeon'," teased that Gengar, his hands grasping hold of the Lucario's ass in place of the Haunter's former touch, squeezing and kneading those plump cheeks. "Just lookin' at your hole I can see how desperate it is for a filling dick to stuff inside it," continued the ghost. He made a loud slurp as he licked across his lips, spitting upwards against that bare rim, which tensed in response.

"Grfnh!" the Lucario groaned out, trying to deny his desires. Despite what words he tried to muffledly speak from his tongue-stuffed maw, the way his tail flagged upwards as his tush was stroked and those splurts of precum drooling from his knotted cock gave away his true feelings. That wet tongue slopped freely from his lips, and Caleb coughed out, feeling that tingling saliva dribbling nearly all the way down to his stomach. "I am not!" he exclaimed, voice wavering just a little, fearful that maybe he was.

"Really? Then you won't mind me doing this, will you?" the Gengar said, wedging that fat, purple schlong of his right up between the Lucario's thick cheeks, grinding it back and forth in a steady, teasing motion. He chuckled deeply, lips curled into a deep smile as he teased and toyed with the resistant male, feeling that whine of aroused pleasure from the Lucario.

"Gruh...! Stop it! Stop--" the Lucario began, biting his tongue at his next words. What was he about to say--'stop teasing me?'. But, that was impossible, he wasn't gay at all. At least, he didn't think so--but was that Shuppet even a female? And the way that dick twitched coolly between his cheeks, well, it didn't feel too terrible, either, he supposed.

"Oh, I won't stop one moment of this," the Gengar chuckled, his laugh a little deep. There was a brief moment where the Shuppet's physical-ness was felt around his shaft again, causing Caleb to moan out. "But... I'm not going to go any further than just rubbing until you tell me how damn badly you want to be fucked hard and thoroughly," finished the ghost, his ghastly giggle echoing a bit through the stone dungeon.

"I'll never say that!" the Lucario shouted back, squirming a slight bit, turning to try and face the Gengar, only to feel that fat arousal throb and grind against his spit-slobbered hole, his rim aching to be spread and stretched out. "You won't... get me to say it!" he huffed, pausing as another wave of pleasure twitched through him.

Caleb gritted together his teeth, squeezing his eyes shut. He tried to block out the powerful sensations--but to no avail. If anything, closing his eyes made them worse, his traitorous mind recalling the images from that magazine he had seen, the utter jealousy he had felt at seeing the mind-brokenly euphoric Lucario bubbling up to the front of his mind.

"I..." he huffed again, feeling his strength and willpower weaken a bit further. Could he just push back and try to get that dick in himself? His hips shifted--though that Gengar was more than a little careful to keep rubbing that fat dong right between plump cheeks, spreading them apart but never stuffing inside. "Just... hff... f-fuck me," the Lucario said, his voice dying off to a barely whispered stutter.

"What's that? I could have almost sworn you said something," the Gengar snickered, his grin widening a bit, that grinding slowing to a tip-prodding and teasing at Caleb's entrance. Oh, how he so enjoyed tormenting lost souls like the Lucario. That rim greedily tensed and flexed at his cock-tip, as if trying to open up wider and sink it down into its hungry, virgin depths.

"Grr! Fuckin'... fuck me!" Caleb howled out, the humiliation driving another pulse of pleasure through his shaft, precum jutting upwards into the Shuppet's form. He panted out hard, breathing ragged as he pushed his hips down as best he could, trying to get that Gengar's girth to plunge into his deeply needy hole. Of course, right as he gave that word, the ghost drove that fat purple dick balls-deep inside his rim, stretching the ring and muscle out as the Lucario cried out painedly. Goddamn, it hurt, but the sensations of relief spilling through his body made it all the more worthwhile.

As Caleb opened his mouth to speak once again, a tongue found its jamming way back into it, stuffing the Lucario's mouth full of that slick bit of saliva-drooling organ, spinning and pinning down the dog's own taster in its ferocity. The Haunter's clawed hand grasped against his cheek, stroking it down a bit before meeting his lips to the Lucario's own, the wet slop-sound of drool spattering against the stone floor as that intense French-kiss deepened further than imaginable.

More and more pleasure spilled through the jackal's form, the gripping sensation of that Shuppet's "insides" returning once again as he was plowed into from behind by that Gengar. The pressure and texture against his own shaft, however, paled in comparison to the immense joy the Lucario received from the ghost's rod plunging into his ass over and over, rutting that cherry-popped hole raw and hard.

Caleb's toes tensed and splayed, spreading out within the grip of those Gastly. They gave him a little give now, no longer pulling him immobilizingly tight--loose enough so that the Lucario could push his rear back down on that cheek-splitting phallus drooling spectral precum into his tunnel. The ghostly fluids leaked out from his rim, dribbling and splatting on the floor below, making a sloppy-sticky mess between the cheeks and thighs, the fighting-type panting harder and harder.

"Bet you're right on the brink, huh?" the Gengar snickered, his stubby purple arms swatting down at the Lucario's thick rear, giving a firm smack to that blue bottom and leaving a mark to bruise. "Of course... you're never going to cum until you howl out how good you're feeling specifically," said that ghost, shifting his hips just a slight bit, delivering a firm punch to the prostate with his phallus.

"Gooaahhh!" Caleb groaned out, his eyes widening, the Haunter's tongue stuffing deeper into his throat for a moment before it shlorped right out of his muzzle, leaving spit to sputter from his panting maw. The Lucario's eyes had rolled upwards, crossing near the bridge of his nose as he made all manners of submissive, feminine noises, knees shudderingly weak. "Y-your ghost dick feels so goo_ooood_," he panted out, tongue lolling from his maw as that Gengar continued to thrust inside, the tip of that purple penis just barely tapping against his prostate now. "Puh... pummel an orgasm from my prostate!" Caleb moaned whiningly--it was as if an entirely different entity had taken over his body to say those words!

The Gengar smacked that rear once more, feeling it jiggle against his lap, the inner rings of muscle clenching around his ghastly shaft. His angle shifted once more, this time plowing against that sensitive gland within the Lucario, grinding and knocking against it repeatedly, over and over. Those walls rippled over the ghost's shaft with arrhythmic clenches, squeezing tightly down upon the purple prick with a hungry grip, the Lucario's hips bucking upwards into the Shuppet.

"Gaahhh! Yes! Yes!" the mind-broken Lucario howled out, straining his arms as he pulled on those chains cuffing him to the ceiling. "I'm gonna blow for you!" he howled. That Shuppet lifted from his lap, leaving the Lucario's turgid shaft in the musty dungeon air--though it hardly mattered at that point. He was too enthralled by the sensation of that Gengar's pistoning maleness. With prick fully knotted, the Jackal flipped his head backwards and howled out his prostate-orgasm.

Thick, steady cum drooled from his tip--it didn't even manage a few inches of height as it was pummeled through his abused prostate. That tight winding in his groin slowly softened bit by bit as his seed drooled out from that cockhead, spilling across his lap and leaking down a thick thigh, ultimately dripping upon the floor. Caleb's face contorted, the Lucario's mind-blowing orgasm was just that--mind-blowing.

"Uuhhahh... whahhh..." he droned out, hardly speaking any words as his orgasm throbbed through his entire body, wiped out of energy. Still, that Gengar continued those steady ruts to his rear, not stopping one bit, even as the Lucario's tailhole tensed and milked around the ghost's shaft. More seed oozed from Caleb's tip, a bit thinner in consistency but still leaking out for as long as that Gengar prodded and ground against his prostate.

Two purple hands grasped hold of the Lucario's hips, pulling them down over that girth and hilting, the ghost groaning out in sharp, orgasmic pleasure. At long last, thick, sticky jets of cum battered deep into Caleb's passage, flooding it full of that viscous, cool cream. His hips tensed and twitched, squeezing down tightly upon the base of the ghost's shaft, feeling it throb within himself as that gooey load battered and bloated out in his belly.

Spit drooled from the Lucario's open-hanging maw, his eyes watering just a slight bit as he felt that ghastly ecto-jism spunk inside of himself. It was a strange experience--something feeling the slightest bit wrong by that slightly chilled seed as it spattered along into his passageway, soaking his walls with heavy glop.

At long last, the Gengar's shaft slipped free of his hole, that deflowered rim leaking a steady bit of that ecto-cum down between his thighs, adding to the sloppy, sticky mess that was already there. Caleb went limp, hanging loosely from the ceiling, panting hard with hazed over eyes, barely able to see a few feet in front of himself. His jaw hung loosely, shutting a few times as he tried to speak, only to mumble out meaningless syllables.

"Ugghh... hhahhuhh..." vocalized the jackal, nearly collapsing to the floor as the Haunter undid those cuffs around his wrists--only saved from becoming a crumpled heap by the Gengar scooping his shoulders with short purple arms, those Gastly still holding his ankles. Loosely he could feel himself being dragged back up that dungeon and through the house, lifted up into the second story of the manor beyond that busted staircase.

Caleb's vision faded for a moment, passing out from the intense pleasure his body had been wrought through. Completely defenseless, the ghosts did with his body as they pleased, leaving him to wake up a few hours later to the slobbering licks of that Haunter.

"Gghh... what? Where am I...?" he muttered aloud, a little sense having returned to his mind. His ass pulsed sorely, still sloppy with the Gengar's load--the rim feeling cold as well as sticky. As Caleb tried to roll away from that slobbering tongue, he found his wrists bound to the bed-frame, cuffed tight, and his legs spread apart at the ankles, a steel rod keeping them from touching.

"Don't you worry about that," came the deep voice of that Gengar from above, and the Lucario gazed upwards--about the only direction he could look. There wasn't much to see--maybe a sliver of the manor's rotting ceiling, as the majority of his vision was blocked by that ghost's larger purple rear, lowering down over his face inch by inch.

"Grh! W-wait a sec...!" the Lucario grunted, pulling again at his handcuffs. Sure, he may have been tricked by the ghosts once, but he wouldn't fall for their mind-trickery again! He wasn't able to protest the tongue slathering up between his thighs, wetly smushing into his fucked hole and stretching it wider. "H-haaahh!"

"Like waiting is gonna make this any different," the Gengar chuckled, his rear dropping down upon the Lucario's face, grinding and rocking back and forth, sliding defiantly across the jackal's snout, smearing sweat and ghost-musk across Caleb's maw. "Get to eatin' ass like the filthy Lucario-slut you are," ordered he.

The feeling of that cool, ghostly ass upon his face was more comforting than the Lucario had wanted, and his tongue slicked up between the cheeks. It was... pleasant? He pressed his tongue to that purple rim again, slurping up the ghost's ecto-sweat finding his willpower diminishing once more as that Haunter's tongue dug into his rim, and his own tongue smushed into the Gengar's.

"Y... yes..." the jackal Pokémon finally mumbled out, his eyes lidding shut. He could get used to being treated like this--probably. That thought scared him--and shamefully excited him to the point of that red canine shaft was poking out freely from his sheath once more. The Haunter's hand grasped hold of it, pumping it once, and soon his pride was squished beneath the pleasure for good.

If he ever escaped that manor, it would be a haunting to remember.

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