The Forgotten Experiment: Reincarnation

Story by Neofox on SoFurry

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Shad could see a figure come to him from the darkness. It was a women, but she was different. She had a slightly different ouline than a womens body. It almost looked as if it had fur on the skin. The figure stood there in front of Shad. It held out a hand. "Shad...please...wake up" it called out to him. Shad tried to lift his hand to grasp the figure's. But his body wouldn't move. A faint white light could be seen coming in from behind the figure. "Shad...come on...wake up!" the sound grew louder as the light came closer and closer to Shad. Shad started to cry, it was all he could do. He was scared and paralyzed. Suddenly the light took him completely and he was blinded.

"I'll be fine Shad, I promise."


Shad could feel something soft against his skin. He also felt his breath come back to him, but he struggled to breathe for a few moments. "M....Molly" he said faintly before he could slowly feel his eyes respond. He opened them slowly to see Damion's face above him. He winced at the bright lights on the cieling. Damion's eyes were filled with tears and he was gasping. "Shad...oh god...Shad...please...stay with me! I'm not letting you go!" he said choking up on his sorrow. Shad managed to raise his arm slowly, letting it fall to Damion's shoulder. "I...I'm....not...done...yet..." Shad said slowly bringing forth a smile. "...I made a" Shad began before he felt himself twitch a little. " Molly!"

Damion took Shad's hand and rested it back on Shad's chest. "Kid...take it easy took a pretty good bit of shock from that wire!". Shad fully opened his eyes and started to shakingly sit up on the couch.

"Did...Molly....did she make it?" Shad said looking up to Damion.

"..." Damion looked to the wall.

" promised" Shad felt his eyes fill with tears.

"The machine displaying the data in the end of the process. It was still running, but the fusion and the stabalization process might have failed. I...I'm sorry Shad." Damion said looking toward the floor.

"'s not true! Molly couldn't's not fair!" Shad began, crying and leaning toward Damion. He clenched his fists and pounded at his legs.

Damion put his arms around Shad and rested his head on his shoulders. He patted him on the back and rubbed at him softly. Molly was dead. The machine failed. The process had stopped initiating, and she was left incompleted in the chamber. All the time and promises he'd made to her, all gone! Everything he'd worked for, gone. His one and only love...gone. Everything to Shad had dissapeared. And nothing was left now, but sorrow. Shad felt his heart being torn inside of him. "Why?" he shouted, muffled by Damion's coat. "I don't know kid, I guess some things...were better left untouched." Damion said in a low tone, trying to help calm him down. Shad pulled back from Damion and stood up, wobbling slightly before running over to the control panel.

The chamber's doors were still shut. Inside, Molly remained...destroyed by the process that had taken place. Shad looked down at the machine's controls with blurry vision from the tears. He moved down toward the progression screen, which was black, clear of any working text or any progress. "WHY!?" Shad said closing his eyes and clenching his fist. He raised his hand up and brought it down hard on the panel causing a loud bang. His fist was overtaken with pain, but he didn't care. Nothing was as painful as losing Molly. He put folded his arms on the machine and hid his eyes in them and cryed. Damion walked up slowly behind him and placed his hand on his back. "I'm sorry Shad...truly...if there was anything I could do to reverse it I would". Just then a faint beep came from the panel. Shad stopped everything. He quickly raised his head and looked around. The screen on the panel displayed a green text. Shad looked at the bright green display and was starstruck. "STABALIZATON PROCESS COMPLETE" the text flashed on the screen.

"What's this?..." Damion said walking over to the screen. Shad looked over to him. "...Well...I'll be damned!" he said with a smile.

"What...what is it?" Shad said, snifflling and wiping tears from his cheeks.

"I think that Molly is still alive!" Damion said facing Shad and smiling.

"...Molly's.....alive?!" Shad said slowly raising up in hearing the words "alive".

Damion shuffled down to the other end of the panel, which contained the switches and buttons for the chamber. He raised up a glass shield and pressed a button. Suddenley the hissing of the doors on the chamber echoed in the lab. The panel's text flashed the words "RELEASING" on the screen. Smoke rolled out of the darkness of the interior of the chamber. Both Shad and Damion ran to the front of the doors and waited for the smoke to clear. The light shined into the chamber, illuminating their view. Shad's eyes grew wide as he saw what was laying on the floor inside, curled up and exposed.

It was the women he'd seen before he had woken up. But, he could see the figure completely. It was built exactly like a human being. Covered in red fur and had black fur covering its arms and shins. It had long sandy blonde hair which two little furry ears poked out of with black tips. The machine had really done it...Molly had been transformed. Shad was awed and he slowly walked up and kneeled down to her.

"Molly?" Shad called out, reaching down and stroking the body on the side. It reacted with a flinch, and then the ears perked a little.

" that you?" A fimiliar voice called to him. The body rolled over, exposing two tender breasts and a slim, white, furry tummy. Then her face looked toward him. She was beautiful. Her eyes a bright blue. Her face was a cute foxy look and was covered in white from the cheeks down to her neck to her chest. It was Molly, she had been truly transformed into an anthromorphic being. Shad shed a tear and smiled before reaching down and hugging her.

"'s were right...everything worked out, and your okay!" He said sobbing lightly against her shoulder.

"Of course it did Shad...I would never make a promise to you without truly meaning it!" Molly replied.

Shad felt a rub on his back. It was from Molly's new formed hands. They were soft on him and they stroked gently back and forth. He raised up and held out his hand to her. "Molly...thank you for everything you did...but I think you might want to get dressed." he giggled with a blush. Damion looked over Shad's shoulders and smiled before rolling his eyes and walking back up to the lab. Molly looked down at her newly formed self. She raised her hands up and turned them around a few times. She curled her fingers several times before she sat up. "Wow...this is different" she said looking over herself. She reached down and cupped her breasts. "What are these?" she said feeling herself. Shad blushed harder and helped Molly up. She stumbled and fell over a few times before she shakingly got her balance.

"You make it look easy!" She said giggling, trying to walk. Shad looked to her face and laughed. "Trust me, you get tired of it before too long." he said helping her to sit down on the couch. He handed her the blue sweater and Molly took it in her hands. She raised it above her head and pulled it down over her chest. Since her body had changed, it was too small on her, making her breasts raise it out. Shad blushed again and giggled. "You still might need some pants..." he said trying not to gaze between her legs. "...Hey Damion, it might sound silly, but you wouldn't happen to have any pants would you?"

Damion looked over to him from the office chair. "Heh, well, I think I might have something in the cabinet...hang on." he said rising and walking over to the "Private studies" room. The lights came on and Damion rustled around, looking in the shelves. Molly reached over and wrapped her arms around Shad. She moved her head upon his shoulder and licked him on the cheek. Shad blushed harder and threw an arm around her. "It's a little different kissing you this way." she said giving a little giggle. Shad looked into her luminous eyes. "That's's done like this..." he said queitly to her, before commencing a passionate kiss. He pressed his lips to her mouth and allowed his tongue to tease at hers. She closed her eyes and responded by doing the same. She put her hands to the back of his head and pulled him closer. She emmitted soft moans as he continued. He broke the kiss and brought his head back a little and smiled.

"That was felt really good Shad, is this what it's really like to kiss?" Molly asked smiling brightly back to him. "It sure is Molly, and I thought...that you'd be my first." Shad said, leaning back in for another kiss. She did the same, accepting the new experiance. "Ahem..." Damion interrupted across from them, holding up a pair of white khaki pants. They broke the kiss and giggled as he threw them over to Shad. "Alright Molly, these are for your legs..." Shad said bending over and slipping them over her legs. He looked up and accidently peeked at her clit. He blushed madly and quickly pushed the khaki's up further on her. "Shad, I've seen you dress before. I know how to do it." Molly said standing. She reached down and pulled them up to her waist. They were a perfect fit on her. But she winced as her tail was stuck on the rear of them. "Hang on Molly, let me fix that..." Shad said looked over to Damion again. "...Hey, do you have a knife or anything?" he asked gesturing to Molly. Damion reached into his coat and drew a utility knife. He tossed it over and Shad caught it out of the air.

"Alright Molly, can you take those off for a second?" he asked sliding the knob up on the knife, exposing the sharp blade. Molly allowed the pants to slide to the floor and giggled. She bent down and wispered in Shad's ear "I like hearing you say that". Shad closed his eyes and laughed. He took the pants, flipped them over and spread them out onto the table. He took the utility knife and pushed the blade to the rear of the pants, piercing a small hole in them. He continued to cut a slit in them big enough to allow her tail to fit. He pulled the cutout of the pants and threw it aside. He handed the pants back over to Molly and smiled. "There, that should work!" He said standing and pulling the knob back on the knife, concealing the blade. He turned to Damion and threw the knife back to him he caught it and replaced it in his pocket.

She slid the pants back up, this time her tail slowly creeped out of the slit in the back of the pants. It was cute with a soft snow white tip. Shad smiled as Molly finally buttoned up the pants. He walked over to her and hugged her. She did the same and laughed.

"I feel funny in these clothes." She said pulling at the small blue sweater.

"Hehe..yeah, it's alright, we all do. But it's probably better than running around naked." Shad said laughing.

"Why?" she asked curiously.

"Well....I...don't know....I guess it's because we think it's more appropriate." he said scratching the back of his head.

"Why can't everyone just be natural?" Shad said stretching her arms into the air.

Shad and Damion both started laughing uncontrollably. Damion burst out into tears as he calmed himself down. Shad caught his breath and sat back down on the couch, Molly sitting down with him. "heh, I don't know...but I guess it's good to feel natural at a world like this, it's good to be yourself." Shad said leaning back. He raised his arm to his view and slid back his fleece. He was going to check the time but his watch was cracked, the hands missing from the dial. There were small cuts on his hand and bloodstains. "Shad, what happened?" Molly said grasping his hand lightly. Shad looked at his hand a bit before turning to Molly. "I guess it was from when I was shocked!" he said looking back at his hand. The cuts were'nt deep, but they had bled a little. He was already forming scabs. He licked his thumb and wiped the dry blood from his arm. "Shocked?" Molly said tilting her head in confusion. "Well...I guess I could explain to you what happened during your transformation" Shad began.

He explained everything to her up to the point of which he woke up. Damion had went to bed that was in a room next to the staircase. Molly was looking depressed, and she shed a few tears. "Shad...I'm sorry I put you through all of that...I'm so sorry!" She said reaching over and hugging him. He put his arms around her and patted her back. "It's okay, all that matters is that your okay Molly. I'd do anything for you!". Molly raised her head and looked at him with her sapphire eyes. She then lerked forward and pressed her mouth to his, commencing another passionate kiss. She put her arms around him and pulled him closer. He went along with her as she tumbled backwords on the couch. "I want to make up to you how sorry I feel" she said winking at him. Shad smiled and stood up.

Shad walked over to the coat rack and hung his fleece on it. He unbuttoned his shirt as he approached the light switch. He brought the handle down to the lowest setting. The lights dimmed to almost pitch black. There was just enough light to allow him to see his way back to the couch. Upon him getting back, he noticed Molly was nude laying with her arms stretched on the arm of the couch. Shad reached down undoing his pants and he raised his shirt over his head. Then he allowed his pants to fall to the floor, his boxers falling behind them. His member was already starting to get hard. "Molly, I can do alot more when your like this. I hope your ready for this." he said as he got onto the couch and crawled up between her legs. His arms brushed soflty to her warm slit. "Hmhmm..try me!" Molly said in a seductive tone.

Shad allowed his hands creep up through the fur on her tummy to her soft breasts. He rubbed gently over them to her nipples. She gave a low moan to the feel of his hands. He arced his back and put his face next to her clit. He started to tease at her nub with his tongue. Molly jerked her hips up slightly to the pleasure that Shad was giving her. He continued down deeper into her wet petals. He flicked his tongue in and out, teasing her just right as he allowed his tongue to go deeper. Molly's hips pushed up further, her legs wrapping around his head. She reached down and stroked his hair softly. Shad felt his cock throb as he began to rise. He reached down and placed his hands on her sides as he moved his own thighs toward her now dripping vulva. "You ready babe?" Shad said, his member against her tender exposed flesh. "mhmm..." She replied closing her eyes and laying her head back on the couch. Shad smiled and pushed forward slightly, allowing hisself to slide into her warm depths.

Setting a pace, he continued to thrust repeatedly in and out of her, bringing their overall pleasure to new hieghts. Molly gasped and jerked to the new feeling of his cock inside her. Her walls tightened and rippled as he continued his humping motion. The feeling of being inside her for the first time was amazing. It was so warm and slick with her fluids. He felt himself beginning to thrust quicker and harder in and out of her. Molly reached up and pulled him to her, kissing him passionatley as he continued to quicken his pace. Molly moaned loudly in the kiss, sending vibrations in his throat. Shad felt her walls clench around him as she gave in to sweet release. He felt the force of her sexual juices rush past his cock as he continued to thrust into her. Shad felt his climax come shortly after. He gave one final thrust deep into her pussy, shooting pulses of cum inside of her. He moaned as their orgasms came to an end.

"I love you Shad" Molly said pulling him down, embracing him into a hug.

"I love you too Molly" Shad replied kissing her softly on the cheek.

They both were fatigued and fell into a deep sleep. Side by side, the two of them lied through the quiet of the night.