Infamy - Chapter 2

Story by Gobaz on SoFurry

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#3 of Infamy

Tyng and Aito return to the City of Plume after a long training session to learn of some disturbing news.

Author's Note: When I played, LightRage was the vice leader of Infamy, but I didn't know her long. All I know is that when she quit playing and left the faction, many of the players were very heartbroken. She must have meant a lot to them.

Aito and Tyng spent a few hours together teaming up to battle the forces of the werewolves. Once they got the hang of the werewolves' fighting styles, they became an unstoppable force. Tyng would stack his Iron Blessings upon Aito, and then Aito would rush in to anger a hoard of werewolves. While the monsters attacked Aito, Aito's collected wounds would quickly heal thanks to Tyng's magic. While time permitted, Tyng would fire Plume Shots upon the werewolves, helping to quickly dispatch the enemies before Aito would take too much damage. Together they became stronger, the once mighty werewolves who were capable of tearing Tyng apart now cowering as the pair of furs approached.

As they defeated werewolf after werewolf, they came across some useful items such as mana potions and crafting materials. They began to amass a large amount of these items, and Tyng offered that they should take a short break. Aito reverted to his leopard form and sat down in the grass next to Tyng, sighing heavily. "Thank goodness! I'm beat...what's for lunch?" As Aito dropped the large sack he took from a dead werewolf filled with crafting materials, a few of the items dropped out from the small opening in the sack. Tyng knelt down to pick them up and put them back inside as he spoke. "Well, I didn't plan on being out here this long in the first place. We've been here since early morning, and it's already past noon." Tyng looked up and saw that the sun was already passed the high point in the sky, and heading in the opposite direction from where it rose. The once darkened cliff face where Tyng was nearly killed now showed it's brilliance of red, yellow, brown, and white rocks. The cliff face was filled with all sorts of minerals, but they must have not been minerals that furs cared for that much, as nobody would just ignore it otherwise. A cool breeze swept down passed the two furs, blowing Tyng's white fur forward while Aito turned his head to face the breeze, enjoying the pleasant chill. "We should head back to town and grab some lunch. Come one, let's go. I'll pay for yours." Tyng smiled at Aito as he stood up, grabbing the large sack with both paws and trying to lift the filled sack. Tyng tried as hard as he could to lift it, but the weight was too great. He grunted and heaved, trying to jerk it up again and again. Aito watched Tyng's attempt with great amusement. "Come on, Tyng...don't make the kid carry it." He grinned evilly at Tyng, but Tyng didn't feel ashamed. So what if he wasn't strong? He wasn't built like Aito was, but Aito had no magical talent. "Well then, I guess we'll just leave it here." Tyng began to walk towards town, smiling as he listened to the quiet grunt of Aito lifting up the back himself and rushing after Tyng. "Hold on! Wait up!" Tyng began to jog, laughing as he just barely outran the barbarian holding the heavy sack.

When Tyng and Aito reached the City of Plume, Tyng looked up with disappointment. The beautiful glow of the tree and the cold colored lights were gone. The city in the day time looked just like a tree with furs and small buildings on the giant branches. Tyng stopped as they approached the great tree. "What are you stopping for? Let's go get some food!" Aito exclaimed as he jumped onto a low hanging branch.

Tyng noticed on his left, just north of the tree, there was a large group of clerics clumped together, all looking down at something that he couldn't tell. It could not have possibly been a great duel, as they were all too close together. Many of the clerics were casting the same spell, a blue beam of light descending from the sky and yellow feathers descending the aura's path, into the center of the group of clerics. They were casting resurrection.

The fear of death had long ago been changed when clerics were able to perfect the craft of bringing the soul back into its original body. Death was nothing more than a horrifying experience that furs tried to avoid if possible. The permanence it once held was long gone. What Tyng found strange, though, was that resurrection only needed to be casted once for the fur to regain its life. Why were these clerics repeatedly casting the spell? "Aito...go to the Blue Rhapsody. I'll be there shortly." Tyng began heading toward the crowd, curiosity overwhelming him. He heard the thud of Aito jumping off of the branch and heading towards him. "What's going on, Tyng?" Aito looked up at him, and then looked in the direction that Tyng was looking. "What are all those furs doing there?" They both walked closer, sounds of whimpering and distress becoming louder. Tyng folded his ears back, the sounds of grief becoming clearer to him as they approached. Tyng stood on his toes as he approached the outer ring of the crowd, trying to get a look. "What's going on?" He said.

The giraffe in front of him stepped aside, calmly saying. "You can try if you want, healer..." Tyng and Aito weaved their way through the crowd, expressions of defeat, sorrow, and terror painting the faces of the furs they passed. Aito made it to the center first. "Oh my god! What happened!?" The shriek of the youth foreshadowed what Tyng soon discovered as he entered the center of the small circle.

A white furred coyote with closed eyes, lids adorned with light make up, laid motionless on the ground. She had a torn black dress covering bits and pieces of her body, shredded pieces of cloth lying around the lifeless female fur. Her bushy tail lay in the grass, perfectly intact and beautiful just as she was. Three clerics were casting Resurrection upon the fallen coyote, yellow feathers surrounding her as if she lay in a bed of phoenix feathers. It was the most beautiful image of femininity, but it was completely ruined by the knowledge that this fur was dead...and they could not revive her.

"Move aside, you morons!" A loud, angry bark came from outside the crowd. Ahead of Tyng, the crowd split apart as a fur walked up to the dead coyote. The first one was another coyote with dark grey fur. He wore black leather, black leather leggings, and black boots. On his back rested a glowing orange hunter's bow, nearly the size of Aito. The coyote's green eyes stared down at the dead fur, anger turning to a deep sorrow as he dropped to his knees in front of her. "L...LightRage...get up...this isn't funny." The coyote archer's paw lifted up her lifeless head, the other stroking her ears. "Get up..." The coyote looked up at Tyng, tears welling in his eyes. "Resurrect her..." Tyng held up his paws, "I...I don't know how, yet...I'm sorry." Anger began to return to the coyote's voice. He looked around at all the clerics with glowing magical instruments. "Resurrect her! You worthless self-entitling..." He stopped himself short, ending his sudden outburst with a stifled grunt, anger mixing with sorrow. The clerics with bright glowing weapons of magic all tried together, the brilliantly bright beam of the combined effort almost putting the sun to shame, forcing the furs to draw their heads away as the spells took effect. Hundreds of feathers fell upon the white coyote, covering her with a blanket of yellow. However, as the beams of light dimmed away, the dead fur still remained still, showing now hopes of recovery.

The grey coyote moved away the feathers, and then laid a paw on either side of her. He watched her closely, looking for any sign of movement, however faint it might be. The soft, gentle voice of the cleric tutor broke the silence that came after the ending of the Resurrection spells. "She's gone...I'm sorry. We can't save her." The beautiful white dove stepped forward, kneeling down next to the grieving coyote. She laid one of her feathered hands on his shoulder, but the coyote's rage came forth. He flung his arm up hard, shoving her hand away from him and his mighty paw smacking her right on her beak, pushing her back. The coyote stood up, fire in his eyes as he looked at the dove that touched him. "What kind of magic are you teaching!? What kind of garbage tutor are you?" The coyote lunged at her, the dove raising her hands in an attempt to cast a spell, but the coyote was too quick. He grabbed her by the neck with one paw and took a firm hold of one of her hands, keeping her from casting any magic. The onlookers backed away, some of them running from the scene as he went on. "Let's see how amazing your useless magic works when you're the one dead!"

Tyng watched the coyote take her down to the ground, paw crushing against her throat as the dove choked and struggled for breath. Her wings flapped wildly, trying to batter at the coyote that was on top of her, but they did not faze him. "Die, you murderer!" barked the angry coyote. Tyng was about to back away from the conflict. Should he try to help? What if he was killed? Would he not come back?

Just as Tyng took his first couple of steps back, he saw a white tiger lunge at the coyote, roaring loudly as his mighty paw struck against his left arm. The coyote howled in agony as he thrust forward and landed onto his back. "Aito! Stop!" Tyng yelled for his friend, wanting him to stop. "We don't know what he's capable of!" Tyng's cries fell upon deaf ears, as Aito lurched over the wheezing dove to strike again at the coyote. The coyote looked up and saw the tiger getting ready to strike, and quickly rolled onto his stomach at the last second, dodging the deadly pounce of Aito. The coyote quickly got onto his feet, pulling out his bow and quickly drawing a bright blue arrow from his quiver. Aito tried to quickly strike at his opponent again, and rose up on his hind legs to come down with ferocity, but the agile archer nimbly back stepped just far enough to avoid the strike. He then drew his arrow quickly, aiming a bright blue, shining arrow straight at Aito. He let the arrow fly the short distance, and the arrow pierced Aito's skull. The great white tiger had fallen to its side.

Tyng did not hesitate at that moment to act. His emotions were halted, even at the sight of his possibly dead companion. Vision came to his mind on how to tackle the challenge ahead. This coyote was too dangerous to fight alone. Tyng reached for his magic sword, and quickly casted Blessing of the Pure Hearted upon the tutor who still writhed on the ground. As the red aura descended upon her, the coyote turned his gaze on Tyng, seeing what he was doing. The coyote drew up his bow and pulled another arrow back, aiming it straight at Tyng. He waited until the fingers of the archer let go of the bowstring, and at that very second Tyng lunged to the side. Time slowed down as the arrow quickly came upon him, slicing open his left cheek before he finished diving onto the ground to his right. His cheek stung, but it was nothing like the werewolf attack. "Coward!" The coyote began to draw his bow again to shoot Tyng, but he was interrupted. The white dove had already cast her spell, an orb of yellow light leaving from a wand she was holding. The orb struck the coyote and he immediately dropped to the ground, bow and all, completely unconscious. Tyng saw this, and quickly got to his feet. His focus changed to saving his friend, now. Maybe he was still alive. He rushed over to Aito, as did the tutor. He casted Blessing of the Pure Hearted upon Aito, but no red aura came down for him. This distressed him. It was a sign that there was no life to repair. This was a job for Resurrection...which no longer worked.

Tyng threw his arms around his fallen friend, lying next to the great white tiger and hugging his neck as he cried into his back. They had only been friends for a day, and he was only just a cub. How could such strength and stamina be ripped away from him just like that?

As he grieved, a bright light appeared above him, shining through Aito's lifeless body. Aito began to glow brilliantly, making Tyng back away a bit from the familiar site of how Resurrection worked. Yellow feathers descended upon him, and the feathers were absorbed like a sponge taking in water. The tiger began to rise into the air, a brilliant display of orbs of light entering his body from every direction. He opened his eyes as he was turned upright, slowly descending onto his paws before the brilliant light faded away. The tutor had cast resurrection, and it worked.

"Aito!" Tyng covered his mouth with both paws, keeping himself from shrieking in excitement as his friend returned, not a scratch on him. Aito shook his body, grunting quietly before he reverted to his leopard form. The leopard held his head with both hands, whining quietly. " hurts..." Tyng ran over to Aito, kneeling down and hugging him tightly. "It's okay, Aito. You did great. Let's get you something to eat." Tyng sounded calm, but as he hugged him tears of joy escaped him. He wiped his tears away before he stood back up, nodding down at the leopard rubbing his temples. Aito looked up at Tyng, smiling brightly. "I did? The last thing I remember is beating up that grey coyote, and then suddenly I have a headache and you're crying like a little baby." Aito looked around him, quickly noticing that the grey coyote was lying on the ground nearby several others who were lifting him up and putting him in a large cage rolled in on a wagon from underneath the tree. "Did I...did I kill him?" Aito looked up at Tyng again, a look of horror in his eyes. Tyng shook his head, explaining as he watched the furs lock him in his new prison. "He's not dead. But you did quite a number on him. He won't be causing any more trouble, though." Tyng held up a paw, Aito taking the hint and giving Tyng a high five, jumping up to reach the arctic wolf's paw.

"Don't celebrate too early...we still have a mystery on our paws." The tutor had approached the two of them, crossing her arms as she looked towards the lifeless body of the white coyote on her right. She looked very concerned. Tyng could not help but look at the coyote too, thinking about how none of the clerics were able to save her. "What do you think" Tyng scratched his head, looking at the white dove. She sighed quietly, responding, "My name is Bella..." Bella began to walk passed them, beckoning for them to follow her to a small building against a hill just across the way from the giant tree. "Come with me, you two. Let's talk about what the Raging Tide." Tyng and Aito looked at each other briefly, shrugging at each other at her comment. Aito quickly responded, "Can we eat, first? We're starving!" Bella stopped in her tracks, turning her head and looking at the young leopard, and then Tyng. "Meet me here at my house when you're done, and I'll explain. Please do not forget." She walked away again, heading toward the building. "Anybody willing to go up against NightRage deserves to know the truth." She said before she reached her home and entered.

Tyng and Aito climbed up the giant branches of the tree to reach a small building laying on the edge of a very thick branch. A sign hung from the front of the stoop leading up to the entrance that read, "Blue Rhapsody". "I've never been here before. Is it good? Do they have lynx burgers? Do they serve biscuits?" Aito went on and on with questions, Tyng answering each one of them. It was a good restaurant. It was very popular for always serving the freshest of monster products. The meals they served were always delicious and perfectly seasoned, and it was fun to listen to the angry yells of the chef plating the food, chastising the other chefs who served non-quality dishes to him.

The inside of the restaurant was mostly blue in theme, blue cushions lining wooden booths, blue chairs surrounding tables covered with blue table cloths. At the center of the seating area, various musical instruments laid unattended next to a few stools. That was where bards came to entertain the guests whenever the time came. At the back of the restaurant they could see the kitchen, several pigs with chef's hats working quickly on different dishes. The serving area was large and open, allowing for customers to look at the chefs at work. It was popular amongst younger customers.

"So, you like Bella?" Aito grinned as he looked at Tyng, tilting his head as he gauged the reaction. Tyng quirked and eyebrow and smirked at the sudden question. "Well, she's good looking, but I'm not attracted to beaks." He laid his head on his paw, looking back at Aito with an evil grin. "But I know who you like." Aito's face immediately went bright red as he looked down at the table. He hid his face in his spotted paws, smiling brightly. "You can't stop thinking of her, can you?" Aito shook his head side to side, just as a bashful youth would when their crush has been revealed. Tyng wanted to tell him that Roxianos was just toying with him, but he didn't want to break his heart or make him angry. It was best if he just let him go on thinking he had some chance of getting together with her.

Aito did not seem to know that he had ever died. Perhaps this was a blessing, as knowing what the pain of death was like was a very traumatizing experience. Perhaps NightRage did not wish for Aito to suffer that pain, or was he just that dangerous to fight? And why could they not resurrect the white coyote? Hopefully Bella would have the answers that Tyng wanted answers to.

Infamy - Chapter 1

A hazel eyed arctic wolf appeared from a spiraling light of blue centered on a tan platform covered in symbols and ancient writing. His hazel eyes were small, thick white fur leaving just enough of an opening to let him see the world. He wore a simple...

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Infamy - Prologue

Two dorm roommates had returned from finishing their last finals for the spring semester. As they entered, they both fell back onto their own beds that were on opposite sides of the small dorm. "'d it go, Brett?" The first roommate had a...

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