The Were-creatures' Curse and Blessing - The boys' revenge

Story by king of lions on SoFurry

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#2 of The Were-creature's Curse and Blessing

The Curse of the Werelion's love - Payback

  The sun shined through the old window and upon nearly inding the wide awake Leo, woke up the semiconciouss Darkey.Â

"Aww, hey Hun, how'd you...." Darkey said before the memory of the previous night slammed into him, causing him to leap up and back into a corner.

"Oh god... knew this was comming." Leo muttered as he sat up on the edge of the bed.Â

"Okay, first off: W-what the fuck were you last night?" Darkey stammered.

"Hun, have you ever heard of a werecat?" Leo asked rubbing his face.

"Its like a werewolf, but a feline instead, right?" Darkey asked, relaxing slightly.

"Yeah. That's what I am." Leo said smiling kind of innocently.

"Okay, now, any particular reason you didn't tell me this?" Darkey said sitting in a swivle chair across from Leo.

"You'd run and scream." was Leo's answer

"When were you bitten?" Darkey asked trying to relax.

"I wasn't..."Leo said.

"But you have to be bitten to turn into a "Were-creature". " Darkey said looking at his boyfriend's face.

"Not all the times, sometimes the sign of the beast randomly chooses a host." Leo explained

"Okay. So when do you change into the creature?" asked Darkey.

"Ummm...almost every...night..." Leo said afraid.

"ALMOST EVERYNIGHT?!" Darkey exclaimed.

"Yeah...sorry." Leo appologized.

"How come you didn't change all the other times you stayed over?" Darkey asked.

"When I matured, I think so did the beast, so once it's sexual needs weren't being met by me pleasuring myself, I lost control and I haven't gotten the control back just yet." Leo explained embarressed that the creature living in his soul had it's own needs.

"Its okay, but let's go to school." Â Darkey said.

---At School---

  Darkey and Leo walked down the locker lined hallway hand in hand to the library. Just as they were about to walk into the library, a 6'9" tall boy pushed Leo to the ground.

"Fucking queer." Devon said at Leo.

"Devon, you may be on the football team, but you're still the biggest jerk here." Darkey said as he helped Leo up.

"So? What are you gonna do? Rape me?" Devon said with a laugh as he walked off.

"Do we have to stay late again today?" Leo asked when he and Darkey got into the library and sat at an old wooden table.

"Yeah, we need to finish that report for computer class." Darkey said bored and Leo let out a groan.

---7 boring hours later---

"God! why do we stay late after school?" Leo exclaimed.

"Hun, I found something, it says here that "a werecat is created when a human is bitten by the werecat, received the mark of the beast, or...mated by a werecat." Darkey looked back at Leo a little worried "Am I going to transform?"

"Ummm...."Leo tried to think of a way to put it nicely

"I AM! Did you know that?" Darkey asked, his light face even whiter.

" Ummm..." Leo still tried to think of something to say.

"This is ....AWESOME!" Darkey shouted happily which got a very confused look from Leo.

"Youre going to enjoy this?" Leo asked with an eyebrow cocked.

"Yeah. So, when do I transform?" Darkey asked looking at his werelion lover.

Leo looked out of the window and in the distance, he could see a sliver of sun on the hills and meadows in the distance.

"5 maybe 10 minutes." Leo answered as he returned looking at his beloved Darkey "I suggest we go to the restrooms so we don't have the possibily of being seen." Darkey agreed and they ran to the bathroom just as they realized Leo's eyes had turned purple.

When they got in the bathroom, Leo stripped nude and the transformation started. Leo got tipsy so he braced himself against the wall with his left hand. Just as Leo had done, Darkey stripped to his birthday suit. Leo's teeth started to turn fangs and Darkey's eyes changed to the same purple colour as Leo's. A loud cracking sound started to echo in the large tile restroom as Leo clentched his teeth as his spine elongated and his bones rearranged to fit the werelion form. After a quick pause, Darkey caught up in the transformation phase. Both of their bodies started to cringe and jerk violently as the transformation continued. Darky collapsed onto the floor trying to scream.

"Darkey, just relax, it'll be less painful." Leo said before throwing his head back screaming as his face turned into a muzzle and so did Darkey's.

Fur quickly started to grow all over their bodies and their legs turned into that of a feline's and their hands turned to claws. Leo's black hair turned into a thick mane and a tail formed at the base of both boy's, if you could still call them boys, spines and their ears became pointed and Leo's poked out of his mane. The last thing that both boys did was throw their heads back and roared in unison.

Leo looked at the mirror a few feet in front of him and saw what he considered a good friend. But when Darkey stood up, Leo, even being a monster himself, jumped in surprise.

"What the hell!?" Leo said when he saw Darkey was a were-snow leopard and not a werelion.

"Wait! I understood you." Darkey pointed out.

"Yeah, I guess we can talk now." Leo shrugged his new muscular shoulders.

"How come you didn't say anything before when you mated me?" Darkey demanded as he stomped on the floor actually cracking a tile.

"I don't know, I guess I didn't know I could talk. I don't know why." Leo said.Â

Then the boys heard a familiar voice.

"He baby, how are you?....What's my cute blonde wearing?...ooooh, that sounds sexy....thinking of me?....Damn girl, I'll be over tomorrow." said the voice.

"Devon!" Darkey whispered.

A plan crystalized in their heads.Â

"Wanna have fun with a jock?" asked Leo smiling and baring his fangs.

"Yep." Darkey answered.

The voice disappeared and the two werecats left the restroom and ran out the main entrance of the school. They quickly ran into the forest that was parallel to the sidewalk Devon was still talking on his cellphone to his girlfriend, unaware of the massive beasts less than 12 feet behind him and 6 feet to his right. The moon was still quite full from the previous night, aparently yesterday not being a full moon.

"I'll be over tomorrow. I love you too, Shelly." Devon said and hung the cell up and pocketed it. Then Devon heard muttering and giggling.

"Who's there?" Devon demanded getting close to the forest.

"I know, Shelly is the biggest whore for dating Devon." said a voice talking to another person.

"The little bitch was desperate." said another.

When Devon heard this, and he was furious because he knew those voices from school; he ran into the forest, dodging trees. The voices got closer and closer as he ran farther and farther into forest until he slammed into something maybe 7 feet tall and furry.

"God, my head!" Devon said as his eyes came into focus and what he saw made him crawl backwards. Standing in front of him were two massive werecats, a black maned lion and a snow leopard.

Devon jumped up and tried running but before he got 10 feet from where he started, the snow leopard was in front of him and the lion behind.Â

"What do you want?" Devon screamed and just when he said that, the snow leopard tackled the football jock and held him there until the lion walked over and pulled Devon up. Devon trembled in fear. The lion reached out and ripped Devon's shirt off his chest; and Darkey pulled Devon's pants and boxers off. Try to find a way out, Devin looked around and saw the possible reason that these creatures tore his clothes off, both had full erection.

"Oh god! Please, no!" Devon pleaded before being thrown to the ground. Darkey knelt down behind the jock, hoisted Devon onto his hands and knees and held Devon's shoulders so he couldn't escape. Devon broke into a cold sweat when he felt something thick and hot press against his asshole.

"Oh god! Please don't! I'll do anything, please just don't do this." Devon pleaded again trying to escape, but the second he finished his sentence, a spotted paw covered his mouth and he screamed into the paw as a throbbing were-snow leopard cock was shoved up his virgin ass, this caused agonizing pain for Devon but amazing pleasure for Darkey, who started to thrust mercilessly into the helpless football jock's ass.Â

Leo knelt behind Darkey and eased his cock into Darkey's warm ass and started thrusting. The nearest house was a mile away, so they wouldnt be disturbed. Soon, the forest started to fill with the sounds of moaning and growling.

"God, please kill me; dont let these creatures do it." Devon pleaded his God to end his suffering.Â

The werecats grunted as they neared their orgasms. Both werecats roared as they shot their loads into the ass they were fucking. Still wanting pleasure, Leo pulled out of Darkey's ass with a wet pop and walked in front of Devon. When he looked down, the werelion saw one thing he was hoping for, tears were streaming down Devon's cheeks; but Leo had no intention of showing mercy toward the school's and his and Darkey's bully, who beat them up and stole money from younger kids, even the kids in wheelchairs.Â

Darkey knew what Leo was gonna do, so he started thrusting into Devon's ass again, making Devon cry more. Leo grabbed Devon's long blonde hair, hoisted him up and forced Devon to suck his cock. For a straight guy, Devon knew how to give a nice blowjob. The lion pulled out of Devon's mouth and turned around, raising his tail.

"Fuck no!" Devon yelled knowing what was expected of him. Leo growled loudly and Darkey reached forward and pushed Devon's head between the werelion's asscheeks.

Devon hesitantly opened his mouth and licked the werelion's tailhole. The taste nearly made Devon vomit, but if he vomitted, who knows what the furious werecats would do for him, so he continued to lick the hot tail ring. With each lick, Leo came closer to orgasm. Darkey was getting turned on by seeing what the jock was doing to his boyfriend/partner. Â

  Leo roared in unison with Darkey as he came and Devon went limp, his body had no muscle resistance. Darkey pulled out of pathetic excuse of a jock and Devon collapsed onto the leaf covered ground.Â

"Think he'll become one of us?" Darkey asked as the two stood a few feet away and admired their work.

"I'm sure he will." Leo said.

"Ready to go home?" Darkey asked.

"Sure." Leo answered and they made their way to Darkey's house. Darkey ran next to Leo as they ran threw the forest and across the fields swiftly. Occassionally Leo would look over and he could see the way the full moon made the were-snow leopard's fur shine and Darkey could see the way Leo's muscles contracted as they ran northeast.Â

Once they got to Darkey's house, they climbed into Darkey's second story room window and the two laid down on the bed, and after pulling the sheets over themselves, they went to sleep.Â


  Devon opened his eyes and sat up. He realized he was in the forest and nude.Â

"Oh god! That wasn't a dream..." Devon said as he felt the dried werecat cum on his ass.

He looked around and saw his adandoned clothes. He climbed to his feet and pulled on his pants. He reached into his pocket, but in place of his cellphone he found a little green post-it note.

"You're a really good fuck" was what was written on the note. Devon couldn't believe what had happened, but surprisingly, other than the fact he'd been mated by two monsters that he thought existed only in the minds of nutcases and psychopaths, he enjoyed the feeling of being dominated, the feeling of having a throbbing member forced into his ass and fucked with little mercy; it felt so good. Â Picking up his shredded shirt, Devon headed home.

---At Darkey's house---

  The two lovers were still in bed and smiling evilly at eachother knowing that "the creatures' action" last night ensured revenge for Devon's cruelty.Â

"Tonight, we have a new member of our family, no matter if he likes it or not." Leo said knowing Devon's transformation would begin the second the sun set.

"Yep." Darkey said before kissing his lover "I stole Devon's celly so we could prove it was us last night."

"Good." Leo said "I love you Darkey."

"I love you too, Leo." Darkey responded before the two got up and ready for school.

The End...

But not for Devon! Â Â

The Curse of a Werelion's love

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