Chapter 16

Story by Will785 on SoFurry

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Alex p.o.v

"You... You what!?" I asked the husky with disbelief. Turning my entire body to face him quickly, he gave me a soft smile, 'Yeah... I know it's weird and you aren't interested. You might even hurt me, but I want you know... I've felt this way for a long time." I started to shake, "How long... How long have you been keeping this from me?" I asked slowly, he grinned, "Well... Ever since we were kids really, I've felt on and off about it, but I always have deep down." I paused and looked straight into the canines eyes, "You aren't... Messing with me right? You are being serious?" He scooted closer to me, "Yes, I meant everything I said to you." I wasn't sure what else to do so I just pulled him into a tight hug, "I don't know how I feel about all of this, but I appreciate you a lot." He hugged me back, "Take all the time you need... I'm just glad you're not upset." I pulled away and looked into his eyes, leaning in he went to kiss the canine. He blushed and pulled away a bit, "Um..." he started to say, "It's fine, I know you don't really want to be with me..." he said his ears drooping back. "No! Nothing like that! I just want you to be sure of what you want before we... do anything." I nodded softly, "That seems fair." I said quietly, then he leaned in and planted a quick kiss on my muzzle, "I hope you figure it all out soon!" I blushed and nodded, "I'll think about it! I'll definitely think about it!" Zach stood up, "Well I'd better get going, please don't hurt yourself! I'd miss you too much!" I blushed again, "I won't, don't worry. I'll text you later!" I said leading him out the door, "Alright, see you soon!" He grinned and walked out of the house, I closed the door and sat down on the floor, feeling quite overwhelmed with the whole situation. He sighed and got up, going into his bedroom to rest for a while, today had been a long day.

Skylar p.o.v

I got up for school on Monday morning and turned down the hall to the shower, poking my head into Ryan's room to see if he was awake, my ears fell back when I was once again reminded that he was no longer in my house, and no longer mine. Tears started rolling down my cheeks and I began to quietly sob, burying my face in my paws. After a few minutes I took a deep breath and trudged down the hallway and into the bathroom. I looked myself over in the mirror with disgust, "What were you thinking..." I said bitterly to my own reflection before pulling away from my own icy stare. I turned on the water and began to undress, roughly pulling the clothes off my body and throwing them into the basket by the door. Stepping into the shower, my fur was matted down by the hot water running down my back. I leaned up against the wall of the shower and sighed, "I can't let myself become bitter just because I can't think of a good way to get Ryan back..." he said quietly to himself, his expression sullen and sad. He began to wash himself and soon found that he had been in the shower for much longer than usual, maybe even an hour. I quickly got out and dried myself off, running down the hallway into my bedroom. I frantically looked at my clock and saw I only had 5 minutes to catch the bus. I threw on a pair of jeans and I white tee shirt and sprinted down the stairs before grabbing my school bag running out the door.  I came to a halt at the curb, beyond out of breath only to find the bus driving away. I groan, I have to go to school, I've already missed like 5 days. And I don't have time to walk, or even run for that matter, and get there on time. And just when I thought things couldn't get worse, I noticed an old corvette turning onto my street, and I know who is driving. The car slows down and comes to a stop next to me, the window rolls down and I see Ryan looking at me with a concerned look. "Er... Do you need a ride?" He asks looking straight into my eyes. A sigh escapes my muzzle, "Sorta... I-I... Yeah, I do." I stutter out finally. He unlocks the door and opens it for me as I flash him a look of gratitude before shutting the door and strapping in.  He pulls away from the curb and starts driving down the road, I hear that he is breathing pretty quickly, "A-are you okay?" I ask him quietly, he took a shaky breath and swung the wheel around, turning the whole car around abruptly as he started driving down the road the opposite direction of school. "Ryan, what are you-" "We need to talk, soon. And I'm afraid if we don't do it now, I won't have the courage to do it ever. So please just let me do this." He said cutting me off with an almost harsh tone in his voice. I opened my mouth to speak, but I found I couldn't, so I looked down at my paws and waited for Ryan to talk. Finally he pulled over at a park with a couple of picnic tables and a small pond. He stepped out of the car, walked around, and opened my door. I nervously got out and shut the door. He walked over to one of the tables and sat down, motioning for me to sit across from him. I hesitated for a moment before sitting down and looking at the fox, "So... Why'd you take me here?" he asked nervously, Ryan looked away, it appeared he was fighting back tears, "You know why Skylar... I want to talk about us." I bit my lip, unsure how ready I was for this confrontation, but had to sigh and nod, I was already here, and I did want him back. Maybe this was the way back. "Okay... Let's talk."

Ryan p.o.v

I took in a deep breath, refusing not to cry as I sat before the wolf. "I really just wanted to start with saying sorry. I got so mad at my dad that I took it out on you, which wasn't fair at all, and all I've been able to think about are the mistakes I made by not treating you right." Tears started to form in my eyes and I was finding it hard to speak, but I continued, "And I understand if you don't want to take me back, but I really want to correct myself. None of this was your fault, it was my bad judgement and bad decisions that got us to where we are now, I'm sorry..." I looked down I unable to bring myself to look at Sky, I was on the verge of bursting out crying, but I managed to keep myself together for the time being. "I'm sorry... I'm so sorry..." I said softly. Skylar slowly stood up, and walked around the table and sat next to me, I turned to face him, shaking a bit. He suddenly threw his arms around me and I didn't hesitate before hugging him back tightly, then he whispered, "Please don't leave me again... I love you." I hugged him even tighter as the tears started to roll from my cheeks, I'm shaking really badly now. "I won't! I never will! I love you too!" I sobbed, letting myself go completely as all the sadness, anger, and frustration left my body and were replaced by his words, he pulled away and I saw his eyes were red too. "I missed you, so much." he said rubbing his eyes. Unable to stop myself, I leaned forward and kissed him on his muzzle, pulling him closer to my body as I ran my paw through his fur, taking in his scent once more. Then I pulled away and gave him a weak smile, "Sorry, it had been so long since the last time we kissed and I-" he tried to explain before Skylar leaned in and kissed him again more deeply. After a few moments he pulled back, smiling widely, "I'm really happy that we could talk this all out!" he said leaning himself against my body, I smiled back and wrapped an arm around him."So, you're sure about this? You want to give me another try?" He put on a weak smile, "Of course! I trust you Ryan, I'm sure you won't be leaving me again!" I chuckled "So, you want me to take you to school? Or do you want to take a day off with me?" I looked down at the wolf, he grinned, "Maybe I could take one more day off! Just for you!" I felt his paw slip into mine as he looked up at me hopefully, I grinned. "Well lets get going!"