Good Advice

Story by summerlong on SoFurry

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#5 of October

First thing's first, sorry for being late in getting my usual upload out, between the past holiday and everything else going on it's been hard to find the time.

Second, avatar?user=188394&character=0&clevel=2 SkyWing was nice enough to do some proofreading on this, and chances are I'm such a novice at doc collaboration that I probably nuked his edited and brought in extra scrap garbage somehow, Let me know if I missed anything and I'll try to fix it. (And yes, it's collaboration. Making sure I seem just a little more polished is a job that deserves recognition). A character of his is mentioned too, setting the stage for the next chapter.

So this closes the first main arc, and as such it's a bit talky, but I still hope you enjoy it, and thanks for reading!

Standard boiler plate: This is fantasy, not real. Simple rule of thumb, do not do things to people without their consent in real life. That is bad. No more to say there than that.


"WHAT THE HELL IS THAT!?" Matty shouted, barely audible over the powerful droning hum from the ovoid wall of fire that appeared in his front yard. The shock wave from its explosive arrival had shaken him out of bed, causing the confused black fox to rush outside wearing only an over sized t-shirt and red boxers. Behind him Valian stood silently in nothing but a pair of black boxers, ignoring the question as he stared fearfully at the blazing mass of flame.

Moments later Will and Dax joined them on the front steps, both nude except for a bed sheet shared between them. Vydra was nowhere to be seen, most likely obliviously at work somewhere inside.

"WHAT'S GOING ON? WAS THERE AN EXPLOSION? IS THE HOUSE ON FIRE?" Will screamed, trying to make some sense of what was happening.

"I DON'T KNOW! VALIAN! DO YOU HAVE-" Matty stopped when he looked over his shoulder and saw the bat frozen in primal terror. A look that was shared by the poodle. A look that told Matty everything he needed to know.

It was a gateway.

A rift.

A portal to hell.

And something was on its way through.

For the first time in his life, Matty was genuinely at a loss for what he should do. Best case scenario he might luck out and manage to capture whatever's coming, provided it isn't an army, but he'd never be able to sleep again without looking over his shoulder. Whoever they were, they knew how to find him, and they probably weren't happy. Really, all he could do was try to stay brave and wait.

It wasn't long until something appeared in the depths of the flames, starting as little more than a speck and growing larger with each second, every heartbeat marching them closer to their doom. The invader grew more defined as it continued its approach, gradually taking the form of a short hunched figure hidden under a hooded cloak. It shuffled along slowly, barely supported by a walking cane while a long, fluffy, graying black tail swayed with each step.

Matty's eyes grew wide. Graying black tail? It looked... almost... familiar...

Fully emerging from the flame and onto the grass, the figure gave a flick of its wrist and closed the portal, leaving the yard deathly silent. After taking a moment to dust himself off he lowered his hood, revealing a scrawny, graying black fox with a thick pair of glasses magnifying his eyes to a cartoonish degree.

"GRANDPA?!" Matty shouted at the top of his lungs, understandably in shock. Off to his side Dax fainted, taking the sheet with him and leaving an equally shocked badger standing slack jawed and completely exposed.

For his part, the aged fox was just as surprised by the gathering as they were by him, jumping with a start and squinting back at his grandson. "Matthias? Is that you? What are you doing here?" he asked with a slight wheezing quiver to his voice.

"WHAT AM I DOING HERE? WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE? HOW ARE YOU NOT DEAD?" Matty shrieked in response, not sure whether to feel joy or rage at the sudden turn of events.

"I'm dead? Who said I was dead?"

"You went missing and were declared dead ages ago! Where the hell have you been? What's going on?"

"Oh dear. Oh dear oh dear oh dear. This isn't good, I must have forgotten..." The elder fox trailed off when he noticed the horned bat standing behind his grandson. "Matthias! Get down, hold on!" he shouted, suddenly launching himself forward with a speed belying his wizened appearance. Extending his left arm as he moved, a crescent charmed bracelet on his wrist shimmered and a gleaming silver cutlass was conjured directly into his hand. With a single fluid motion he grasped the hilt and raised it up high, readying a strike to the bat's chest.

Time was again moving in slow motion for Matty, his entire world existing entirely between heartbeats. Without thinking he shoved Valian out of the silver sword's path. Having no time left to get out of the way himself, he simply closed his eyes and braced for impact. He could feel the blade enter just below his left shoulder, slicing smoothly through the rest of his body and exiting below his right armpit.

Matty let out a choking gasp, surprised by the strangely painless feeling of being eviscerated. In fact, his chest felt rather pleasant, almost warm. The sound of something hitting the ground made him cringe as it echoed endlessly in his head. All he was able to do was screw his eyes shut tight to spare himself seeing what kind of mess had been made of his body. For what felt like an eternity he remained perfectly motionless, not even daring to breathe.

"Oh, stop being so dramatic, Matthias. It's only harmful to evil, you're fine," the old fox said as he ran a finger along the blade's edge.

Slowly opening his eyes, Matty looked down and confirmed that, indeed, he was totally unhurt. No blood, no wound, no anything. His shirt, on the other hand, was sliced clean through, and what used to be the bottom half was lying in a heap on the ground.

"Incidentally, I might recommend you to do your clothes shopping elsewhere," his grandfather added as he dismissed the weapon with a bright flash of light. Continuing to suspiciously glare at the frightened demon sitting motionlessly on the ground, he quickly noticed the pentagram shaped scar on his neck. He looked at Matty's hand and confirmed that, yes, the younger fox was wearing a certain red ring. Letting out a tired sigh, the old fox sternly stated, "My boy, I think we have quite a bit of catching up to do," and limped toward the mansion's front door. He stopped briefly as he passed by Will, looked the nude badger up and down, and flatly stated, "William," before continuing inside.

Having been reminded of his awkward state, Will yanked the fallen sheet out from under the unconscious poodle and frantically covered himself. With some degree of modesty restored, he grabbed Dax by his limp shoulders and did his best to drag him inside, shakily followed by a still dazed Valian.

Barely aware of anything else that had just transpired, Matty used both hands to feel around his chest, still looking for some sort of wound that, by all rights, should have appeared. He eventually gave up the search and looked around to realize that he was alone. After raising his arms and shouting "THE FUCK WAS THAT ABOUT!?" to no one in particular, he sprinted off to find where everyone had gone.


Though he was dying to say something, ask a question, anything, Matty held his tongue as his grandfather sat across the table, slowly drinking the entirety of a tall glass of water. It was decided that the best place to get caught up, as the old fox described it, was seated at the long ornate dining room table. To his sides Matty was flanked by Valian and Will, with the badger now wearing his sheet as a makeshift toga.

Dax had woken up, but was entirely paralyzed by fear, sitting as far away as possible at the other end of the table. The poor naked poodle wasn't even blinking, too busy staring at the one who tried to kill him so many decades prior.

Finally finished with his drink, the old fox gently placed the glass on the table and stared sternly at Valian, narrowing his eyes as if scanning him. Initially, Matty was worried about what his grandfather was going to do, but the stern expression was abruptly replaced by a warm smile.

"I don't believe we've met. Oktober Wechsler, but everyone just calls me Burr." he said as he held out a hand.

Tentatively, the bat grasped the offered hand and replied, "Valian," giving it a quick shake.

"Alright, now that you've met, can we deal with my questions?" Matty interjected, growing impatient. "Namely, WHAT THE FUCK?!"

"Please, Matthias, language," Burr reprimanded, relaxing back in his chair.

"Alright, fine then. For starters, where have you been?"




"...Hell..." Matty rapidly twirled his hand, desperately trying to get his grandfather to elaborate.

"Oh, there's not much to it. A few years back I noticed my mind beginning to slip. You know, forgetting things, getting lost, forgetting who I was, and I decided I'd rather die as I lived, on my feet fighting evil rather than let myself get stuffed into some home or another or go full loony alone in my mansion. I found a way to open a portal down below and once there went after the nastiest demons I could find."

"You... were trying to kill yourself?" Matty asked, in complete shock.

"Essentially yes. Unfortunately I suppose at some point I up and became so good at my job no demon could touch me," he replied, chuckling to himself. "As a matter of fact, with each victory I gained followers, lesser demons who were happy to see the old guard fall started joining my side and it all blossomed into something of a rebellion. It seems ruling through fear only works if you're the scariest thing around!" The old fox let of a raucous laugh that rapidly turned into a hacking fit, prompting Matty grab the glass and sprint to get more water. The instant his grandson returned with a fresh drink he gulped down half and cleared his throat. "Thank you, Matthias. Now, where was I..." He stared at his glass for several minutes before Matty snapped his fingers, focusing his attention again. "Oh! Right, right, apologies... So, Hell... I daresay it isn't remotely the way it used to be these days." Valian said nothing, but his eyebrows visibly rose at that information. "Anyway, the whole experience has been good for the old noggin. Maybe it's the dry air? It seems to have slowed my deterioration, even though my mind is still most assuredly on its way out. I come back every here and again for supplies, medicine and the like, and to let my friends know I'm alive."

"Then how were you declared dead?"

"I just told you my mind's slipping! Pay attention, boy!" Burr shouted before calming down and clearing his throat again. "Well, I guess I just forgot to let them know the last time I was here. Given what I was doing I told them if I didn't contact them at certain intervals, it meant I was dead, and to get that all dealt with. That's about it."

"Oh..." Matty quietly uttered, still not entirely sure what to make of things. He was having a hard time processing the whole back from the dead thing, sure, but no one other than his grandfather could be that blase about leading a demonic rebellion in Hell itself, speaking as if they were detailing a trip to the bingo parlor.

"For what it's worth, I truly, TRULY wish I had made plans to have that old warehouse destroyed, or at least sealed away permanently. I'm so sorry you found that ring and got roped into this world."

"What? Why?"

"No one in this business wants to see their family join in. It's not a happy one, and most don't last long at all. All I ever wanted for you was a long, happy life. I guess we can't avoid fate... my own grandfather reluctantly brought me in, so it follows."

"Grandpa... I may not have been doing this long, but I don't regret a minute of it. I wouldn't have met Valian after all," Matty said, smiling and grasping the slightly startled bat's hand, an act that wasn't lost on the old fox. "And Vydra and Dax for that matter. You've met them both, actually. I don't know where Vydra is right now, somewhere cleaning, you know, that's his thing. And Dax is right over there."

Dax gave a loud gulp as Matty pointed in his direction and Burr stared him down. Climbing off of the wooden chair, the old fox walked up to the shivering poodle, adjusting his glasses and squinting to get a better look.

"I'm sorry, have we met?" Burr asked, almost nose-to-nose with the poodle.

"Y-yes... over 50 years ago, you locked me up and left me for dead..." Dax quietly muttered, pointing slightly down toward his caged crotch.

"Hmmmm. Yes... Yes, something is coming back... You had just killed that squirrel couple, yes?"

Opening his mouth as if he was about to answer, Dax instead chose to solemnly nod in response. Both Matty and Will, beginning to worry something bad was about to happen, walked over and discretely positioned themselves between the two. Holding his grandfather by the shoulder, Matty added, "He's nothing like he was when you met. He hasn't hurt anyone since then, he's an entertainer and we're actually opening a club in town. He makes people happy!"

"Yes, I definitely remember you now," the old fox grimly rumbled. "That poor couple... being unable to save them was my first great failure... I never regretted leaving you to starve to death in that warehouse after what you did."

"Grandpa!" Matty shouted, quickly cut off by a raised index finger in his face.

"That said... I was young once, and full of rage. Being in this game for so long, I came to discover many of your kind didn't choose to be monsters, they were victims same as anyone. You were deserving of at least a chance to choose redemption, to live alongside us peacefully. I trust my grandson, and if he says you've managed to change for the better, then, well, I'm glad I failed to kill you, and you were given that chance." The faintest hint of a smile showed on the poodle's face as he politely nodded and relaxed a little. Burr looked back at Matty, pointed at Valian, and asked, "I trust the same is true of your boyfriend over there?"

"...How did you..."

"Please, Matthias, I'm senile, not blind... You are using protection, yes?" Burr asked, blatantly gesturing toward the poodle's chastity cage.

Blushing furiously, Matty responded, "Yes, and for crying out loud PLEASE can we change the subject?"

"Alright then," the old fox said with a laugh as they all took their seats. Despite still appearing uncharacteristically nervous, this time Dax was willing to join them at the other end of the table. "So, how did you all meet?"

"I accidentally ran into Valian at a club after I found my... your ring. Dax, I tracked down with... actually, hold on, maybe you can help me with it, I have some questions." Matty left them alone to make small talk while he retrieved his DPS demon tracking device. Returning a short time later, he wasn't sure what they were discussing, but he was happy to see them getting along. He handed the device to his grandfather, who adjusted his glasses to give it a look.

"Ah, you found the oracle, that would do it."


"Yes, there's an oracle stone inside, it guides you to whatever you might need when you hold it. I had a friend of mine build an interface that worked in conjunction with the ring to pinpoint the locations of whatever demon you need to target. I'm surprised it worked for you, it can be moody."


Matty jumped when the device sprang to life in his grandfather's hand. The screen lit up saying, "I LIKE HIM. HE'S NICE AND DOESN'T LEAVE ME STUFFED IN A DRAWER."

"I only leave you stuffed in a drawer because you'd be too dangerous in the wrong hands!" Burr shouted at the screen. "You're a stone, why do you care? Can't you see whatever you want?"


"Lonely? How can a stone possibly be lonely?"

On the other side of the table, Matty held his face in his hands, let out a sigh and muttered, "I'm watching my formerly dead grandfather argue with a handheld oracle. I'm not sure how much weirder this can get."

"My grandfather argues with the television all the time, but I think that's something else," Will said with a polite smile, getting a tired laugh from the younger fox.

"Alright, it guides you where you need to go, I can accept that," Matty continued as his grandfather continued obliviously arguing with the oracle. "So can it tell me why it guided me to capture a nightmare?"

Immediately dropping the oracle, letting it clatter against the table, Burr turned and screamed, "YOU CAPTURED A WHAT?"


The bedroom containing the nightmare had changed noticeably in the short amount of time since he was stored in there. The demonic raven was kept in a sort of stasis, resting quietly on the bed with his hands clasped over his chest. All around him the darkness was spreading like an infection with inky pitch black shadows creeping up the walls. It was clear that, even in stasis, he was fighting to free himself and most likely winning.

"Well I'll be darned... It really is a nightmare... I thought they were extinct," Burr whispered in complete awe.

"Darned? Honestly? You just came from Hell and you said darned?" Matty asked incredulously.

"I'm old, Matthias, let me have my quirks."

"Sure, fine. More importantly, can you tell me why I needed to capture something I can't control? And maybe how to control him, for that matter."

"For one, I think he was intended for me... and for two, I can do you one better! Do you mind if I take him off your hands?"

"Oh, uh, no, go ahead."

With a nod, the old fox drew a long thin crystal from a pocket and placed it on the sleeping demon's chest. "You see, demons, being the corrupted creatures that they are, are masters of opposites. Like how incubi can either steal life or bestow it upon others."

"Really? I guess that would explain how Valian healed my shoulder..."

"He did that, did he?" Burr asked with a chuckle. "You're very lucky, my boy, it takes a profound connection with another for an incubus to be able to directly heal them. Good for you! In that same vein, a nightmare can destroy minds, or, if used correctly, can restore them." He placed his hand over the crystal, and with a flash of light the nightmare and all of his darkness was gone. The crystal, on the other hand, now looked like it was made of liquid shadow. Placing it in a secure pocket close to his heart, the old fox was positively beaming. "Thank you, Matthias. So long as I hold onto that crystal my mind will stay as strong as it ever was. Thank you."

"You're welcome, grandpa, don't worry about it. So... what now?"

"Well, It's late so I'd like to get some sleep, and I do need to go back tomorrow."

"Oh... you're not still trying to... you know..."

"Not at all! I haven't felt this alive in years! You've given me a new lease on life! But there's a lot riding on me down below, and I can't abandon them all, for good or for ill... But there's no reason we can't spend the day together, right?"

Matty smiled and nodded, genuinely elated to have his grandpa back, even if only for a day.


By the time he climbed back into bed the sun was about ready to rise. Valian was already sound asleep, having lost interest in the little reunion the instant he was sure he was safe. Even though the bat was stretched out across most of the bed, Matty did his best not to disturb him. He didn't really know why he was bothering to get in at all, it was going to be nearly impossible to sleep after everything that happened. Will and Dax had retired to their room, as had his grandfather, and Vydra had amazingly slept through it all. Still, the last thing he wanted was to miss out on anything because he was too tired, so he focused all his efforts on nothing else but falling asleep. Cuddling up to his boyfriend, he buried his muzzle in the bat's short white shoulder fur and took a deep breath, enjoying the soothing, smoky scent. He focused his senses entirely on that, and his thoughts were only of the pure satisfaction he felt at all the twists and turns his life had taken of late. Sighing contentedly, before he knew it he joined Valian and drifted off to sleep.


The smell of breakfast cooking woke Matty a short time later. He rushed into the kitchen to find, much to his surprise, everyone but Valian gathered and chatting like a group of old friends with Vydra, as always, doing the cooking. If history was any indication, Valian was out in the garden working, happier to be in his garden. Dax seemed to have gotten over his fears and was telling some thankfully clean stories of his life while Burr and Will ate. Matty smiled, seeing the old fox laugh along like he was almost surreal, but wonderful. He eagerly joined in and grabbed a plate.

He did regret missing Vydra and Burr's reunion, however. From what he heard it was wonderfully awkward with the little otter affectionately shouting "Mr. Wechsler!" and giving him a big hug. They didn't exactly know each other that well since their relationship amounted to master and security system, but even so Vydra was delighted to see his former master again.

Once breakfast was finished, the rest of the day passed by like a blur.

They went down to the warehouse so Burr could pick up his supplies, a few mysterious artifacts and such he said he needed. Not that he ever explained himself, only occasionally muttering something like, "Yes, the maiden of horrors will hate this!" while holding up something like an eldritch runed mirror. Matty and Will helped carry the boxes out to his car, and they were on their way.

The club was being built next door to the warehouse, so Matty happily showed off the construction site. He was careful not to mention precisely what kind of club it would be, since if his grandpa was unable to say 'damn' there was a chance it would give him a stroke. Then again, he knows it's going to be run by an incubus, so odds are he's already aware.

With that done, that they grabbed some lunch, adventured about the city, visited a few shops, and generally had the sort of day together he never thought would be possible again. He genuinely hadn't realized just how much he missed just spending time with his hero.

As nothing can last forever, eventually the day drew to a close, and after having a nice dinner together it was time for Burr to leave. They gathered on the lawn to say their individual goodbyes, going from hugs from Vydra and Will to a smile and a nod from Dax to a shrug and "Nice to meet you" from Valian. When he made his way to the end of the line, he grabbed his grandson by the shoulders and looked up with a smile.

"What can I say, Matthias, but thank you. For looking after my things and helping me more than you'll ever know. And, I suppose, for carrying on my legacy."

"It's nothing grandpa, I've never been happier."

"Before I go, there's two more things I can give you... one, you know how the incubi have a tendency to, well... finish... even though they're otherwise restrained?"

"Uh, yeah, sure," Matty said, severely blushing.

"What that is, is them releasing the absorbed life force that they can't process. The cages have an additional blocker functionality. If you turn the ring around the... his... scrotum... it'll prevent them from finishing. You keep building up the pressure by denying them release, and after 4 or so times turn the ring the other way and let them go, what comes out will be concentrated life, a potent healing elixir. It's a way incubi can heal others without needing that same personal connection."

"Wh... how do you know that?"

Burr said nothing more on the subject, merely giving a warm, knowing smile. "And the other thing, I want you to have this." He reached into his cloak and pulled out a black book, handing it to his grandson.

Flipping through it, Matty was surprised to see a long list of names and numbers as opposed to the book of spells he expected. "Oliver Wilke, Axel Verndal, Ray Segler... what is this?"

"A list of some of my friends, fellow hunters and the like. It's not very useful to me where I'm headed, and they can help you get some more training and experience. You've been doing well, but if you're going to keep it up I want you to do it right."

"Don't worry, I understand, believe me. So... you'll be coming back, right? Like maybe for the holidays?"

With a laugh, Burr confirmed, "Absolutely, I wouldn't miss it for the world, son." He gave his grandson a big bear hug, patted him on the back, and added, "Once more unto the breach, or however the saying goes." With his goodbyes done, he uttered an incantation and reopened the portal, walking through with a wave while pulling a loaded cart behind him.

Once he was through, the portal closed, and they were left in silence.

"Alright, if we're done here I have work to do," Valian said, beginning to walk to his garden.

"Hold on a second," Matty said as he followed after him. "If you're feeling up to it, there's something I'd like to try..."


"Please. Stop. Asking me. I already said no," Valian growled through clenched teeth. "I've come to terms with our arrangement as it stands, what made you think I'd agree to THAT too?" Punctuating his assertion, the nude bat sat back against the headboard of their bed and crossed his legs, completely hiding his cage from view.

"Come on, you can think of it as an experiment! It could be fun!" Matty begged, whining like a child asking for a toy. Hindsight being twenty-twenty he probably should have predicted Valian would be reluctant to give up his orgasms, even temporarily, but as usual his boundless optimism clouded his judgment. He'd been asking all day and the bat had yet to soften his stance.

"No. I'm not willingly giving up one of the few pleasures I have left. No."

"It's not like it'd be permanent, just 4 days, and after it's over if you hated it I'll never bring it up again, alright?"

"You won't bring it up again because I'm saying no."

"How do you know you won't enjoy it if you don't at least give it a try?"

"Oh, are you volunteering to be caged too, then?"

"I... no, I... see..." Matty stuttered, swearing under his breath as he realized the bat had caught him on a technicality. "Well, it'd be hard to feed you if I was locked away too, you know?"

"Mm, nice work dodging that one, but the answer is still no."

"Alright, fine, I'll drop it. I guess since Dax was willing to participate we don't really need you anyway." Hearing this, the bat said nothing but narrowed his eyes at the fox. When in doubt, Matty thought with a grin, always use petty rivalries to your advantage. "Oh yeah, a few hours ago he agreed to have his blocker engaged and I got to watch Will fuck him silly. Looked like he enjoyed every minute of it, maybe more than usual." His grin grew ever wider as Valian audibly grumbled. Figuring one more push should do the trick he added, "You know, I bet that healing elixir would make a great fertilizer for your garden. I mean, if you were willing to go along with it, that is."

"...Hnnnn... Fine... Once... And after that, you'll never bring it up again." Valian sighed defeatedly as he uncrossed his legs and scooted to the edge of the bed.

"Yes!" Matty squealed in excitement, immediately making Valian regret his decision. Reaching between the bat's legs, he grasped the ring locked around his balls and turned it clockwise as far as it would go until it stopped with a reddish shimmer. "There, does it feel any different?"

"Not really. Feels more or less the same."

"Then how about we test it out and make sure?" Matty asked, giving Valian's chest a gentle shove and sending him onto his back. Crawling on top of his demonic lover, he kissed the bat as he sensually caressed his wings and playfully pinched his nipples. Before long Matty's knotted penis became fully erect while Valian's own shaft throbbed, trapped inside its cage.

With a smile, Matty slid off the edge of the bed and placed the tip of his cock against the bat's tailhole. He wasted no time pushing inside, hissing as he was hit by the same burning heat he hoped he'd never get used to. Despite already being on the verge of blowing right then and there, Matty wanted to make absolutely sure his boyfriend could enjoy himself as well.

Given that Valian was letting out pleased moans and splaying his toes, it seemed the fox was doing an admirable job. Nothing felt any different yet, the same tightness of his cage and the same cool stiffness of the shaft filling his ass, so as far as he knew the cage was a dud. Not that he was even thinking much about it. Whether he could ever admit it or not, he had grown to enjoy their time together far too much to consider much else.

Placing his hands on the bat's chest, Matty began thrusting his hips, starting with a fast pace and only getting faster. His knot pounded repeatedly against the tight tailhole gripping his shaft, getting closer and closer to tying them together with each thrust.

Taking Matty completely by surprise, Valian wrapped his legs around the fox's waist and slammed their hips together, forcing the bulging knot past his ring into his ass. That was it for the fox, who grit his teeth and rapidly filled the bat's tailhole with cum.

Normally Valian would reach his climax at the same time Matty did, but this time as he felt his scrotum tighten, getting oh so close to finishing, the cage flashed red again and everything just stopped. He let out a small grunt, shuddering slightly as he felt his balls grow a little bigger. He weakly thrust his hips into the air, stunned by the lack of his usual relief. Total denial was a new experience for him, but strangely, being left needy wasn't altogether unpleasant. He was certainly a sort of horny he never felt before, and his sack felt fuller than ever, but it somehow felt good. If nothing else, the next few days would be interesting.

Looking down, he smiled as he saw Matty had fallen forward and gone to sleep on his chest, lightly snoring. He finally had to admit that after so many years, so many centuries stalking the earth, he finally felt content. Not that he'd ever tell the fox, of course.


There was no indication just how old his grandfather's contact list was, but going by the unsettling number of disconnected or wrong numbers Matty hoped it was just incredibly out of date. Even so, many were still active and correct, and all were extremely happy to know that Oktober was still among the living and literally raising Hell. A few were even willing to make their way to the mansion to check things out and help him along with training, and the thought of having some more residents move in delighted him to no end.

Of course, none of them would be arriving for some time, so he was free to continue their little experiment without interruption.

The next few days were largely business as usual, though both Valian and Dax had noticeably larger bulges showing through the crotches of their pants, and definitely seemed more than a little distracted. Dax in particular was having trouble keeping his hands off of Will, much to the badger's enjoyment.

For the second night of their experiment the foursome gathered in Matty's bedroom, with both incubi lying on their sides tied back-to-back with some silken rope Dax unsurprisingly had on-hand. In addition, Valian's wrists were cuffed to Dax's, something that initially annoyed him, though he was reluctantly beginning to understand the appeal.

Matty and Will were kneeling next to each other, each powerfully thrusting into their respective partner's ass, loving the sounds of delight from below. Using his practiced flexibility, Dax did a partial split, holding his leg high in the air while Will hugged it close and used the additional leverage to pound his ass raw. Matty and Valian didn't have quite the same level of enthusiasm and gymnastics going, but were having the time of their lives all the same.

Looking over at Will, Matty had to stifle a laugh when he saw the badger, perhaps absentmindedly, sucking on the poodle's cute little toes as they splayed wide. Dax clearly loved the extra attention, letting out an occasional giggle between his enthusiastic moans of ecstasy.

By the end of the night, Will and Matty climaxed inside their partners, and Valian and Dax had their own blocked. Once again their balls swelled, now reaching the size of oranges.

For the third night Vydra joined in again, planting one of his tentacles into each of their asses, fucking them hard as they paired off and had enhanced make-out sessions. As always, Matty had some trouble maneuvering around the bat's long fangs, but he wasn't one to shy away from a challenge. The indescribably wonderful feeling of the cool, slick tentacles pounding away at their rears didn't allow them to last very long, with Matty and Will jizzing onto their bellies and marking their fur with a sticky mess. The incubi's cages gave another red shimmer as they were denied, swelling their balls yet again.

For the fourth night they decided to switch partners, Will fucking Valian while Matty and Dax had some fun together. Will had Valian on his back as he drove his shaft repeatedly into the bat's tailhole, loving the familiar warmth of an incubus's insides. To Valian's surprise, Will grabbed one of his legs and sucked on his toes as he continued to thrust. He loved the feeling of the moist tongue exploring his footpaw, making a mental note for something to make Matty do later on. The fox did seem fascinated by his naturally smoky body after all.

Deciding to try something different, Matty knelt over Dax's face as he used his long tongue to eat out his ass. Matty did his best to reciprocate, sucking and massaging the poodle's swollen balls and fingering his burning hot tailhole. It didn't exactly take much effort, but to Dax's delight he shortly managed to fit his entire fist into the dog's experienced ass. All too soon Matty finished, splattering the poodle's chest in cum while Will did the same to the bat's rear. By the end of the night, the incubi were each sporting a pair of heavy cantaloupes dangling under their cages.

On the final night, wanting to be prepared for whatever might happen, they decided to have their fun in the currently empty swimming pool. Visibly twitching with anticipation, Dax and Valian were bent over on all fours, each with a large bucket carefully positioned under their cage. After carefully rotating the rings around their scrotums counterclockwise, causing them to give a blue shimmer, Matty and Will spread their respective partner's tailhole and began to give an enthusiastic rimjob.

Being the first time Will had tried this with Dax, he wasn't expecting the wonderful smoky applewood taste unique to an incubus's tail end, but he wasn't complaining. He didn't have long to enjoy the taste however, as in their pent-up state it took them mere seconds to reach their long awaited climaxes.

What could only be described as an explosion of cum came bursting forth from both cages like geysers, completely drenching them all before anyone could react. The buckets were sent flying by the initial salvo, uselessly rolling away as their swollen balls enthusiastically emptied themselves into the empty pool. Valian and Dax were outright roaring, barely able to process anything but the raw pleasure that had been building up inside them.

Will was utterly soaked, still kneeling behind Dax, utterly stunned by what had happened.

Matty was holding his sides, rolling in a large puddle of demonic spooge while laughing his tail off. A part of him hoped at least a little of it made it into the buckets so they could test it out later, but for the most part, he was simply overjoyed and in awe of the spectacle he just witnessed.

Having completely spent themselves, restoring their balls to their original sizes, Valian and Dax collapsed into gasping heaps, too exhausted to do much else but stare up at the sky.

After crawling over to the love of his life, Matty looked into his eyes and asked, "We've still got a few days before anyone'll arrive, what do you want to do now?"

Slowly looking down at the fox as he caught his breath, Valian gave it some thought and said the only thing he could think of. "Turn the ring back."

With a sly grin, Matty gleefully obliged.

void main

This one was a bit of an experiment. I haven't tried writing a story in the first person before, and I wanted to give it a shot, so here we are. It was definitely different to write, easier in some ways, harder in others. If people like it I have ideas...

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The Highs and Lows of a Career in Sales

Not much to say, finally added a new chapter to this series, I hope the wait was worth it. Also had a nod to another suggestion from[![avatar?user=6365&character=0&clevel=2](

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Whew, rewrote this a bunch of times trying to get it perfect, so it might be a bit frankensteined. I kind of ended up following the pattern I established with Undersourcing, where the second chapter is a lot of exposition with less action, but it...

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