But you had already been set free...

Story by MixedUpPup on SoFurry

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#8 of If I could be your chew-toy: Based on a True Story.

***Stupid Disclaimer Thingy***

Everything you see here, came from my brain. The characters, the scenery, the situations... Everything. Any coincidences like character similarities, name usages, or scenes are utterly just that. Coincidence. Nobody likes getting ripped off.

Also, this story contains romance, love, and graphic interaction between members of the same sex. not your bag? I request you leave. Nobody likes hate-spam.

Otherwise Enjoy It^^


It's strange...

When you see an immortal die.

Especially one who, you'd thought...

Couldn't hurt you anymore.

The sky was getting brighter by the time we reached it. An old abandoned sky-scraper, half skinned against the sky, rose up in the middle of nowhere. I thought it was just scenery, that we would just drive right past and be done with it. But my heart sank when we turned into the enormous parking lot.

Nameless had become silent, more so then usual, as we creeped around with our headlights on high.

"See anything?" Jenna whispered.

"Nothing but rubble..." I replied.

The place was a mess on the ground. From the first floor up, the building had been seamlessly build from concrete and glass. You could tell it used to be beautiful. But once you reached the halfway point, only the skeleton rose up, wind-torn and chipping against the clouds. It didn't even look like whoever built this thing tried to finish it. Like they just gave up and left the corpse to rot.

"This is what was known as "The Fountain Building"," Nameless said, keeping his eyes peeled for any traces of life. "About five years ago, this building's core was born. My father built a fountain in the middle of these plains and ditches to symbolize my graduation."

"Wow," I chuckled. "And to think I only got a laptop for mine..."

He glared and cleared his throat.

"Sorry... go on?"

"It was a fountain made entirely of obsidian," Nameless continued. "Something about how my father thought volcanoes were the most powerful things to form on this planet, and that harnessing that strength inside something tributed to me would make me stronger... Or some shit like that..."

"That's aâ€""

"Little fucked up?" Nameless cut me off. "Yeah, my old man's crazy. Believes in spiritual nature and karma and bullshit..."

"How much did that cost?!" Jenna jumped in. Till now I didn't think she cared to listen.

"I dunno," Nameless said. "But the point is, people kept fucking up this fountain. Graffiti, pissing in the water. We'd find beer bottles floating in here every time he'd bring me along to see the stupid thing."

"Ah," I said.

"Long story short," Nameless sighed. "My dad built the building around it to work in. Wanted to start another business or something. Got halfway done and ended up dying. So it never got finished."

"Wow..." I didn't exactly know what to say. He told of his father's death like it was something out of a book. That it didn't really effect him... I didn't understand.

"Not so much "wow"," Nameless sighed. "In any case, we better get out and find your friend before he does something really stupid..."

The rain had slowed to a sprinkle as two jeep doors slammed. Jenna had a harder time getting out then getting back in, bumping her head on the roof twice before reaching ground, which she complained about until she reached the entrance.

Two huge black doors rested firmly against each other, one almost perfect against the reflection of the brightened clouds, while the other displayed cracks and small rocks lodged in it.

They opened on their hinges without a sound. Fucking creepy...

Inside was an absolute disaster. Light leaked in from above, casting the ability to see the rocks, rubble, and emptiness that lay within. To our right lay a path of stairs, to our left, a desk that was cut in half.

"What's that way?" I asked Nameless as he quickly headed for the stairs.

"The fountain," He replied, not looking back. "We're going up. I don't want to see it."

So we followed him. The dark carpet squished against my shoe as Jenna tried to help me up. After all I still had that embracing sort of limp, so let's move past this shall we?

The first floor was dead silent as concrete walls and overhangs stared at us, keeping watch as we walked in.

"Aiden!?" I screamed, making both Nameless and Jenna jump only to land glare at me. "What?! That's who we're looking for right?"

"We don't know who lives here," Nameless snapped. "The word "Abandoned" sort of sounds hospitable to the homeless if I DO recall."

"Sorry..." But I wasn't. I didn't care, to be honest... I just wanted to know if he was okay. I felt like I needed to know... because if I didn't, then I wouldn't be okay either.

"We should keep moving..." Nameless said. "Here," He handed me a flashlight. "The corners are still dark. He could have passed out in one of them..."

Images kept popping into my head as I took it, feeling my energy draining by the second. What was I doing here... Why did I care... That stupid quote of Todd's rang like a gong in my head.

"It's going to take time to heal... but pretty soon things are going to turn back to normal..."

Over and over it repeated, just making me wish I had the balls to just stay in my bed.

"We shouldn't be here," Yeah I heard it come from my mouth. Jenna had been clinging to my arm as I flashed the light this way and that, checking behind rubble, old furniture, and support beams.

"What...?" Jenna whispered, as if some apparition said it, not me.

"Jenna, we don't even know if he came here..." I sighed, feeling hopeless. My fur swished with moisture, my heart beat heavy in my chest... "For all we know he's home in some sort of jerking off coma..."

"Hey guys!" Nameless called. Jenna dragged me over too him, my limp leg dragging behind me. Like a 3-step pain train. "Is this his...?"

He held up a soaked over-shirt with a skull embroidered on the breast-pocket. It's plaid sang out the name.

"Yeah," I regretfully said... "That has to be Aiden's..."

"AIDEN!" Jenna shouted, running off.

"Damnit, bitch," Nameless groaned as he threw the shirt aside.

"...How did you know he'd be here..." I eyed him. Something seemed different... like I didn't know something everyone else did. The tiger just returned the glare.

"You're so fucking ignorant..." Nameless sighed. "They don't call this ‘The Suicide Block" for nothing..."

"The suicide block...?" I repeated. I didn't know what to think... I didn't know how to think... I just didn't know.

"Started by my father," Nameless growled, sarcastic pride strung through his voice as he raised a paw to his heart. "Now come on, we've got to find your friend... If it's notâ€""

"That's enough..." I cut him off. It made me angry... this suicide... these thoughts of Aiden ending it all... How blind he was to the life he had, and how wasteful and neglecting he was of it. "I hope Jenna finds him... before I do..."

"What can you do, cast-boy?" Nameless took his head under my arm. "Limp arm smack him?"

That's when I pushed him, hard, like a stack of bricks. "Don't help me..."

"Sorry," He peeled his ears down for just a moment before taking my lead. "On we go then."

"Jenna!" I shouted after her. Nameless gave me a look, but otherwise kept quiet. "Jenna! Whereâ€"!"

"I'm..." I heard her faint voice. "I'm up here..."

Nameless kicked off into a sprint, and I did my best to keep up, but my braced leg might as well have been not there. I could only keep a jogging pace, and it hurt like fucking hell.

The second floor showed no one, just a big open space aside from rubble and torn carpet. The third floor was no better, but the lack of half the wall made it brighter in the coming dawn.

Fourth and fifth got progressively brighter, leading to the sixth, where Jenna stood. Nameless was padding behind her, holding his paws and whispering.

"It's okay Jenna," He said, compassionately enough. "Just... step the fuck away from the edge...

She stood, lifeless as the sunrise caressed her form, wind lapping at her hair as she looked down at something.

"Jenna!" I shouted. I don't exactly know why. My breath was gone and I'm pretty sure my foot-paw was broken more now... But my heart raced in my chest as I ran to her.

She looked behind at me, making me stop.

"I can't... believe it..."

And she fell...

Backwards mind you, into the arms of Nameless, just cause he was closer and could, ya know, actually lunge...

"What the fuck is she talking about...?" I said, making my way over. Limping like a fucking idiot.

"She fainted...?" Nameless looked at me, laid her down, and stood.

I already knew what was happening. He stepped out of my way, and bowed.

The next few seconds blur into each other each time I think about them... If not for Nameless, I don't exactly know how this story would have ended, not to mention the fact even reach you here and now... But what I saw I wouldn't wish on even my worst of enemies.

The sun cascaded in the sky like a beautiful blooming orange, rolling around in a mix of banana and strawberry sherbet. Light was just barely touching the ground as I saw him, laying lifeless like an oil-painting.

Blood had trickled from his jaw as it lay smashed in from impact, shining as the sun touched it with brightness.

He looked so chaotic, but yet so natural... Harmonious even. Like angels had taken him away, leaving his husk in a bloody pulp of what he once was.

My legs felt like jelly. My vision kept zooming in and out, and my balance seemed to not matter to me anymore. I just kept focusing on this one feeling. I was sort of... happy for him. And I couldn't possibly understand why.

Aiden was no longer walking with the living, and I couldn't bring myself to hate him for leaving me...

That's when I felt weightless. And for some reason the ground was coming up to meet me...


There's something unholy about waking up to your best friend missing. Especially when he has a cast around his arm, a brace around his leg, and just got out of the hospital not too long ago.

And then I find this shit. Oh wait... Never mind, where was NOTHING.

Usually when he left, he'd leave a note... Which made me think about the worst.

"Aiden found him again or something..." I sighed as my alarm hurt my ears, like it does every time I wake up to it. "Some scam... I dunno..."

But I wasn't satisfied with that. It felt bigger, like something suddenly was missing or worse.

*sigh* I got out of bed anyway. My Audio Engineering class wasn't for another hour and a half, but in all honesty, I had been missing too much school. Granted it was all excused thanks to Felix and him being emotionally retarded... but still.

That's when my cell phone went off. I had it set so when I got a text message, the alert sound from Metal Gear Solid played, which scared the fucking shit out of me.

"Morning Love<3" It read from Lindsay. Like every other morning, which was fine, I like love. But it wasn't Felix, and I was starting to move from worried, to annoyingly worried. Which means I was going to tear him a new one for it.

I replied with the same thing, got up, and stretched my wings. I don't think I've ever yawned so wide...

"Shower-time..." I thought, opening my door with another stretch. I looked in Felix's room again, just to confirm I wasn't stupid... which I wasn't. He really was gone. Prick.

That's when I heard my phone go off again.


I slide it open.

"So I almost died..." It read. From Felix. What the fuck...

"What the fuck...?" I typed back to him.

My phone set off in my paws. He was calling me.

"Seriously?" I answered before the first ring finished. "You leave without saying anything and you let me know your alive by saying "I almost died"?! What the fuck is wrong with you!?"

"Okay, in my defense I did tell you I was leaving..." He countered. "It's not my fault you sleep like... a bat...?"

"It's hard not being nocturnal, kay?" I groaned. "But what the hell is this? Why did you almostâ€""

"Aiden killed himself, Alex..."

"So?" Was my first response. Which I didn't say. Cause I'd be dead right now. That's why I went with "Are you okay?"

"I don't know..." Felix sighed. "He's in the car in front of ours..."

"Who are you with?" I asked him.

"I'm in a police car right now," He said. "Jenna's in the one behind us, and Nameless is in his Jeep."

"Jenna...?" This was getting to the TMI section of my brain. "Okay, when are you going to come home and explain everything to me..."

"I don't know," He said. "They're taking us in to the station or whatever to ask us questions and after that I have classâ€""

"We aren't going to classes today..." I cut him off.

"Oh trust me..." He said. "I know."


So he told me everything. He told me how he saw him, he told me how Nameless pretty much saved his life, and he told me how Jenna fainted cause she's a bitch like that.

And now I find myself in this god damned suit sitting next to Lindsay, around a bunch of people I've never met who are mourning over a guy I pretty much wanted dead anyway...

I'm here because of Felix. He asked me to come, and best friendship clearly states I have to be here for him for things like these, even if he never really showed up for any of my concerts in high school.

Whatever, I can see my girlfriend's cleavage, so I guess it worked out for the better... kind of. The place reeks of tears and crying old people.

"The loss of Aiden is a tragic one," A black panther stood and spoke to us like he was a preacher. He probably was... I don't know. "Cut down in his youth by his own paw, which cast him over into the dark reaches of lifelessness... Let us pray..."

Everyone bowed their head... Even Felix, who had a seat in the front row, moved his neck in motion. His face looked like stone as he kept his attention on the panther. I felt like I was the only one not playing along in this...

"Put your head down," Lindsay whispered, eyeing me with venom. "Show some respect!"

And I tried, but before I could reach full-on bowing status, everyone raised their head again.

"Before the ceremony starts, I have a special request to accommodate," Said preacher panther. "A brave young wolf, Felix, has written some words to start us off."

"Alright," I thought in my head. "The sooner he finishes, the sooner we'll be outtaâ€""

"With all do respect Reverend..." Felix stood and spoke. His words were... powerful actually. "I kind of want to save what I have for Aiden for the end... If that'sâ€""

"Whatever you wish, son," The panther bowed his head.


Lindsay just eyed me like she could read my thoughts.

His mother took the stand with a veil over her face, blackening out her motherly features. She said a few words about how he was the only one she had left ever since she split up with her husband. How even though he was gone, she would still cherish his memories. How she could push on.

Nobody clapped for her once she walked down. Crying faces aimed her way, sending out sympathy into the universe, hoping God would somehow save her from whatever she might be feeling right now.

I could probably guess it was Hell...

Other family members took their turn, although none seemed to have been in close contact with the bear. Everybody said the same thing. That he was bright, that he had a future, that he would be missed, and that it was a shame to lose him, which got me thinking... How can someone have a future if they don't see themselves in it...?

At last, the panther gave Felix the eye, and I was actually quite impressed that he hadn't shed a tear yet. He just kept that stone face front and center like the world was just in front of him.

He stood and limped, and while few offered to help him, he refused and made his own way. People would have probably seen that as brave. I just saw it as typical.

"I would have never thought I would be speaking at someone's funeral..." Felix said. His voice seemed hoarse, and I could probably guess why. But was all listened anyway. "I still can't believe... He's gone. We aren't immortal like the people we think we are... And the fact that someone I used to Lâ€"" He paused and looked around. "Someone so close to me... could be gone..."

He unfolded a piece of paper from his pocket.

"I wrote something..." He sighed. "I feel like I could have done something so much more... Like save him... or something... But all I can mold are words..."

He paused, sucked in a lung full of deep breath.

"Aiden... it took me a while to put this together... Hell it rained on that day I found you... All day like it knew... and was basing off how I felt for you... But throwing those feeling aside, there's something you've left behind I must put into perspective.

I dedicate this to the magic you gave to me. To the day you fucked me over, we couldn't have seen coming any closer, even though I was as far as a magnet in range.

To the night you stole from me, I give thanks. Nothing else has changed my life so much as you have... I've can't believe it's over.

To the afternoon I'll keep forever, even if something wills it not, it'll still be there, carved in my chest... like initials on wood. Forever and a day I promise you that...

To the day you made me see, I never understood you. You were always so many steps away, I couldn't believe it. I couldn't read... I didn't want to read you...

To the wars you made me wage on myself, a lesson learned was nothing more then self-help. A lesson everyone must find on their own, they can read, predict, and side-step away... but everyone gets burned eventually.

And when I threw away the key to myself, in a blinded rage I saw the mass of mistake that I made...

But it was too little too late...

You had already been set free."

Felix stopped. Everyone held their breathe, nobody moved. Hell, I was afraid to. You could see the wolf's soul on that stage, maybe it was the way he took it all standing, or maybe it was the flow of liquid running down his cheeks... but everyone suddenly synced in how they felt, and it was all because of this.

This tiny sheet of paper nobody knew until now about.

"Take from this what you will..." He said as he wiped he face. "We've all lost something here today, and because of that we're all together. My best friend came here to support me," He eyed me and I smiled. "So if anyone feels alone, look around. We're all here together to get through this... Nobody should feel like they're to blame... nobody..."

He was becoming hysterical. The reverend moved before I could, taking the pup in his arms to bleed. That's when everyone started clapping, even me. We stood together, in unison, to pay our respects to the dead, and to the boy who probably lost something bigger then we all thought or imagined.

But he couldn't hear us. He was too busy eye-leaking all over the panther's gown...


The after party's food sucked balls... That's what I was looking forward too, and as I held Lindsay inside the taxi home I replayed the last image of Felix in my head.

"No you go on ahead," He said. "I'll catch up with you later..."

I just nodded like the best friend should...

Lindsay asked if she could stay over that night. I delightfully declined, just because I wanted to be there for my wolf.

And when I got in, home just wasn't home anymore.

That's when I saw it. A letter. A fancy one too. And it had my name on it.

I opened it with a claw of mine. Handy as that was, and read it.

~Dear Alex,

Best bud, you've been there for me since before I can reMember... actually that's Not true at all cOnsidering

we meT in high sChool, but yOu get the point. What i'M tryIng to say is that what you did for me blew my miNd

today considerinG i neglected your concerts in tHe past.

Thanks bud... I really dOn't know how Many timEs i can say it. How manY times i can say i Owe yoU my Life,

ya know? I Love you, alex. I Know i doN't say it enOugh, but i knoW i sHouldn't have tO because Why else

would we call each oTher best friends, right?


I trust yOu best FrIeND.





Behold. The end xD. Nothing really else to say xD. But I just saw the other day, and by other day i mean 5 minutes ago, that you get notified that people paw to your stories now...

I actually don't know how i feel about--

Fuck i'll write a journal about it.

But as i come up with new things to post, i give each of you who've read my shiz a sincere and honest thank you. I really dont think i would have made it to the end of this or any other thing ive written without your support, gratitude, and confidence boosts.

So *HUGS* for all =D

~With love and all that fun stuff.
