Journey to another world ch45

Story by Tootall on SoFurry

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#42 of Pokemon Journey to another world

Journey to Another World 3

Ch. 15

I quickly grabbed the bottom of my shirt while Jenavee grabbed my belt as the two of us worked quickly to strip me of all my cloths. Once my shirt was mostly over my head, Jenavee leaned up and quickly started kissing me again. The shirt was mostly off of my head, but still covered my eyes, as we shared a passionate kiss.

Once the two of us finished the kiss, I pulled the shirt off the rest of the way and jumped back to the floor. I could see that she was giving me a disappointed look, so I decided to have a little fun. Taking a few steps back from the bed I slowly started to dance around while slowly started to remove my pants.

"And what do you think you are doing? GET...Back...h...Oh my. Yes Donovin. Take it off, take it all off." She said as she quickly switched from laying on her back to propping her head up on her hands on her front, with her feet quickly kicking in the air.

Not one to back down from something that just got started, I slowly let my pants fall down to the floor and placed my hands behind my head and did a few pelvic swings and thrusts. It was quite interesting to see her eyes go that wide when I did that, so I did it once more. Though the second time I did it, she reached out and almost touched me.

I waged a finger at her and backed a few paces away from the bed. " honey. No touching just yet." Then straitened up and continued to swing my hips back and forth. By now I could see her eyes start to glaze over and knew that if I didn't finish up with this that she'd, tackle me to the floor, and jump my bones right there on the floor. Well that's not to say that I wouldn't mind it, but the bed would definitely be kinder to my back, than the floor.

With that I placed both my thumbs inside my boxers and stretched out the elastic. Doing this a few times got Jenavee's legs to really start kicking, and I could see that she was beginning to breath quite deeply. ‘Time to bring it on home', as I slowly lowered my underwear to my feet...

"Come here you!" Jenavee said as she grabbed me by my shoulders and pulled me on top of her again. Then wrapped her legs around my hips to hold me tight against her. "Enough teasing. I have waited long enough for this and I am not going to wait any longer." She said right to my face. Our faces were just an inch away from each other.

I could hear the hunger in her voice and could see the lightning in her eyes. If I didn't do something quick, I was in ‘T R O U B L E'. (Author: Sorry couldn't resist getting a little country in there) I slowly kissed her again as my hands moved with a mind of their own and began to play with her breasts. She let out a soft moan as my fingers worked their magic. I noticed something a little strange at that moment; Jenavee didn't have nipples. So not focusing on the lack there of, my hands just massaged those glorious heavenly orbs. As my fingers played, I began to deeply kiss her again. I guess you could say, ‘while the mind is away the tongue and fingers will play'.

We broke the kiss a little bit after that and looked deeply into each others eyes. I didn't know what it was she saw in my eyes but she must have seen something she liked, as she smiled sweetly up to me. "Oh Donovin...I love you so much."

"And I love you, my green goddess." I said as I gave her a smile of my own, then quickly went back to the task. Now that I'd gotten her all riled up, I decided to see how far I could push her and began to give her kisses down her body. Starting at her neck I gave her a long drawn out one that once I moved on had left a nice green hickey, to mark her as someone that I truly loved. She must have realized that I was doing something new as she let go of me with her legs. Eventually I made my way down to her sacred spot and just stared at it for a moment. ‘Is this really happening? Am I really looking at a woman's flower, Jenavee's flower?'

"What is the matter Donovin? Why did you stop?" That brought me out of my train of thought as I looked back up her body to see that she had a concerned look on her face.

"Nothings wrong Jenavee. I'm just admiring how beautiful you are." I said to her as I could see a deep green blush start to appear on her face. ‘Now that's something you don't see everyday.'

"Oh D...AH!" I didn't give her a chance to say anything as I jumped fully into, or should I say licked into her. Jenavee's back shot up like she was doing a reverse cat hissing fit and moaned out like a banshee. When she'd calmed down a bit from the tongue shock to her flower I went back to work, licking around her entrance.

It didn't take long before she started to flow with her nectar. It was hard to describe the taste of something like that, since this was the first time I'd done something like this. Though the more of he nectar I licked up, the more I had to get more of that precious liquid. By this time she was really starting to flow, and I knew that she was close to her peak.

She was now trying to squeeze my head deeper into her with her legs and I had to place my hands on her thighs to keep her from doing just that. As I continued with the task, I glanced up at Jenavee to see how she was fairing through this. She had a nice sheen of sweat dripping over her face, while biting her lower lip to keep herself from crying out. I knew that she couldn't keep that up for much longer and I decided to push her over the edge.

Searching around for a moment, I eventually found what I was searching after and started to suck on her clit. A deep moan escaped her lips this time and I could see that now she was panting quite hard. ‘She's holding herself back. Now that wont due.' I assaulted that little nub for a minute or more before I could see that she was biting her lower lip so hard that there was a little blood from her bite. "D...Dono...Donovin! Oh Mew! You are...d...driving c...crazy!" She took a deep breath and with that I decided to clench the final straw and plunged my tongue deep as it would go into her and tasted her as deep as my tongue would go.

Jenavee let out such a deep yell that it was probably heard throughout the Pokemon center, arched her back that looked like someone that was nearly bent the wrong way, and then she came into my mouth. It was like someone had just thrust a full liter of fluids into my face. Not wanting to be drowned in them, I quickly began to drink down the glorious liquids. Eventually the torrent of heavenly liquid stopped flowing and she collapsed back onto the bed. Taking deep breaths to which she'd probably held her breath through her climax.

For quite a while I stayed there. Licking up the remainder of the liquid. Once I'd gotten all that I could I looked up at her licking my lips. Jenavee's eyes were half open with her irises were nearly all the way back into her skull, her tongue was hanging out of the side of her mouth with a little drool falling from it, and she seemed to have a death grip on the sheets on either side of her body.

"Th...that...that was...amazing." She said between deep breaths. Once she'd regained her breath I lowered myself over her and gave her another deep kiss.

"And that's just the beginning." She searched my eyes for a moment before I looked down our bodies. I had just lined myself up to go on ahead and take the final plunge, but was holding myself back. "But if you want to wait a moment, so that you can catch your breath..."

Jenavee placed a finger on my mouth, silencing me. "There is no need for words. I want this. I have wanted this ever since that dream. I just can not believe that this is going to be my really real first time." I was a little taken aback my this. "Oh I am sorry. Did you really think that we did do what we think we did in the dream?" I just simply nodded. "Well sorry to disappoint you, but we did not actually go through with it. After all, it was just a dream."

‘Now wonder she was so pissed off when I released her after Rena and I were together. That means that Rena was...'

"So this time we are going to really go through with it." She reached up and stroked my left cheek with her right hand. "So, be gentle with me." I gave her another gentle smile then gave her a quick kiss. Lowering my self a little more I began to push into her...

BAM BAM BAM. Came someone banging on the door. Jenavee quickly sat up, smacking her head right into my nose, which effectively threw me off her and the bed. "IS EVERYONE ALRIGHT IN THERE! I HEARED SOMEONE YELL."

"Nay we're nall night in nere." I said. Jenavee came over and looked over the bed.

‘Oh Donovin. I am so sorry.' She said as she placed a hand over her mouth.

"It's no-kay Jenavee. I'mn no-kay." I told her as I pinched the bridge of my nose, trying to stench off the flow of blood that was now leaking down my face

"ARE YOU SURE YOU'R ALL RIGHT SIR?" I could hear the doorknob start to turn and cursed under my breath.

‘Shit! I must have forgotten to lock the door.' I thought to myself. Quickly getting up I ran over to the door and threw my back into the door just as it was starting to open.

"NES. NEOW GO AWAY!" I said as I held the door closed with my bodyweight.

"IF YOU'R SURE SIR. Just try and keep it down in there. Your waking up the other people in the center."

I fell back onto my backside, stared up at the ceiling, and pinched my nose a little harder. Jenavee came down and knelt down next to me. ‘Donovin, I am so sorry. Are you really alright?'

I didn't answer her as I got up and made my way into the bathroom. A few moments later I emerged with two pieces of toilet paper stuffed up my nostrils. "Ya, I'm ok Jenavee. Though I thing that that nurse just ruined our little love session tonight though." I looked down and could see that mister happy wasn't looking so happy anymore. ‘Damn, and we were so close to.'

I could see that she had a really disappointed look on her face, but what could you do? I'd just lost all that drive that I'd had from being given a bloody nose, nearly a heart attack at being discovered by that nurse, and not knowing the consequences of being caught making love to a Pokemon. After all, being a pokephile probably did have a severe consequence here. Not to mention but since the nurse had mentioned that we'd been so loud that several people would come barging into the room was probably the last straw to turn mister happy into a limp noodle again.

I looked over to Jenavee and could see, not only the fact that she'd not gotten what she wanted, but also caused one of things to kill the mood. ‘I can not believe I did that to him. Now he will never want to really mate with me.' She clenched her fist. ‘No. I can not, will not, loose him to Rena.' She looked out the window. ‘Tomorrow is another day and that means another chance for the two of us to be alone together.'

So the two of us just walked over to the bed hand in hand and climbed in. Trying to avoid the wet spot while the two us curled up together and fell asleep. ‘I guess Jenavee had been so vocal during all that, that she'd awoken several of the other people in the center, and had complained to nurse Joy.' A deep blush spread across my face. ‘If we are going to do this again, I need to remember that.'

‘Damn that nurse. She is so going to get it in the morning.' Jenavee thought as she pressed her back against my chest, to which I draped an arm over her side.

‘We just can't do this again where we might be overheard by other people.' We both thought as sleep gradually overtook the two of us.