City Life

Story by Jamboree on SoFurry

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#4 of Buddy & Luther

So, they say that everybody sleeps with each other in a restaurant.

The little black restaurant looked very small and intimidated surrounded by the city's grandiose blocks of granite and the occasional neck-craningly tall office block or skyscraper. Buddy certainly felt that way as he tentatively pushed through the door, smirking a little at the pink "We're open!" notice that hung in the window. The interior seemed just as dark and uninviting, with dimly lit, black painted walls. It was somewhat saved by the colourful paintings spread around the room that caught the eye; they were large, original pieces and actually rather pleasant.

A small female mink was humming to herself as she laid a table, facing away from Buddy. She turned as she heard him come in and smiled. She wore a faint pink cardigan over a plain white shirt and white jeans, which was quite brave considering how much she stuck out from her dreary dark surroundings. Honestly, Buddy thought. this place looked like a disgrace, it could have been a night club if it weren't for the tablecloths, menus, and fine cutlery that had been laid out.

"Hi!", she chirped happily, "Welcome to Joe's!" Buddy just blinked at her and tried to take the whole room in. "Do you need a table?"

"I, uh, think I'm working here." The mink looked confused for a second.

"Oh! Duh!" She blushed a little. Buddy couldn't get over how out of place she looked. "My name's Betty, the boss told me you were coming today. Are you the guy who's out here with me or...?"

"Nah, I don't think so. I'm the one you want in the kitchen."

"Oh, well. The boss won't be here for a while so you can settle yourself in." She turned to laying tables again.

Buddy stood around awkwardly for a moment, and leant on a table. "The chef is out? What if customers show up?"

The mink giggled. "You know, that's never come up. I guess it would be down to you." Buddy didn't respond, but picked up a menu and skimmed through it, raising an eyebrow as he went. Eventually he put it down and just looked around, trying to take everything in. When Betty had just about finished setting up the dining room she looked up at the husky inquisitively. "Well? What do you think?"

"Um. I like the artwork I guess. It reminds me of, I dunno, a traditional Asian style." The mink looked slightly Asian herself, actually. "But otherwise, it's dark, gloomy, and the menu... well it's not really my thing. But I'll give it a go."

"Don't worry about it. The boss'll show you the ropes."

"Yeah." Buddy looked around the empty dining room. "He's doing a great job on his own." The mink smiled at him again.

"The paintings were my idea by the way, I'm glad you liked them." She blushed a little, but smiled wider. "I go to an art college and I picked them up cheap from some desperate students."

"Right." Buddy had already started to move to the back of the room into the kitchen. It was more like a closet than a kitchen though. He ran a finger along the wall and the dust came off onto his finger. He noticed it was even smaller than his kitchen at home and filled with ancient equipment of dubious practicality. He was just about to start playing with the machinery when Betty bustled loudly through the door carrying a bag of assorted vegetables.

"You can help me start the prep." The mink had begun to take things out of the bag and peeling them.

"Do all the waitresses here work in the kitchen when the boss is out?"

The mink blushed. "I'm the only one I'm afraid." At which point, a very muscular tiger made his arrival.

Joe the rat was not exactly a happy camper. Middle aged, overweight, single, and stuck in an empty restaurant, it was pretty difficult to motivate himself to come to work every day. Which was probably why he was always late. Now, things were looking to get a lot worse. The buff new waiter made him feel very inadequate and that cheerful demeanor of his was sickening. His new ‘apprentice' was a little better and didn't need a lot of attention; in fact he seemed to appreciate the rat's laid-back approach to life. But, infuriatingly, he kept changing things around the kitchen without telling poor Joe who could barely manage the restaurant as it was.

In truth, Buddy was just starting to get bored from the lack of customers. It had become very obvious that "Joe's" was a sinking ship. Buddy figured he could get away without doing any work here whatsoever, which was sort of comforting, but at the same time was a pretty big waste of 2 months and he did feel like he might be taking advantage of Luther's uncle. So he had started secretly making changes to the menu and testing out his own recipe ideas when the boss wasn't in. Unfortunately, not even the best menu in the world could make Joe's a success without customers through the door.

It was about 3 days into his time at Joe's when Buddy had the idea. It was early evening and all the staff were in the restaurant, Joe keeping to himself while Buddy daydreamed and Luther chatted away with the waitress like they were a pair of schoolgirls. Buddy got up and left the kitchen to interrupt their little conversation (he could have sworn he heard his own name pop up) when it struck him. Why not send Luther out to rally up customers? He was good with people and was meeting potential customers at the gym every day, which was a nice start. In the end he and Betty (who very quickly concluded that this would be a lot of fun) ganged up on the tiger and sent him out on the streets to rally the people up.

Soon enough, people started to come in. At first it was mostly gym rats, which was a little unfortunate as Buddy felt they cramped the style of the place (if you could call it that), but soon word began to spread and more people showed up. Aside from a few complaints about inconsistency - almost as if there were two chefs silently battling away with each other behind the kitchen doors - it was a remarkable hit. By the end of the second week it had started to fill up, and a new problem had emerged. The restaurant clearly hadn't been anywhere close to full capacity in years and half the equipment was broken; the rest of it emitted constant heat that was beginning to become intolerable.

It was very trying of Buddy's patience. The constant little squabbles in the kitchen that he could never win because of Joe's authority. The long hours he had never imagined would be so tiring. Having to wrestle with an unworkable menu and broken equipment. And the heat; oh god, the heat. Finally, one friday night, he snapped, and desperately peeled off his shirt, tying it loosely around his waist as he sighed in relief. Joe sniggered, and made some jab about a naked chef that Buddy found decidedly tedious. He didn't even look up when Betty walked into the kitchen and dropped a stack of dishes as she stood open-mouthed at the sight of the sweaty, half naked husky. Joe certainly chewed her out for it though.

The weeks went on and on and Joe's got busier and busier, and Buddy got more and more exhausted. By the end of the first month, he had gotten into a routine of showing up in their apartment an hour after Luther got back (Buddy had to clean up the kitchen as per Joe's orders) and collapsing into bed with barely a word spoken between tiger and husky. Luther missed the little guy, so when the final evening of their first month abroad came along, he was determined to show him a little fun for a change.

Also, he needed to get laid.

Buddy yawned sleepily as fumbled for his keys to open the apartment door. Lazily he pushed through to be greeted by a shirtless tiger sipping on a glass of champagne. Luther looked up at the husky, flexed his muscular torso casually, and winked. Buddy blinked for a moment. Then he slowly sat himself down at the table. Luther silently poured him a glass of the drink.

Buddy sipped at it suspiciously. "What is it? Did I forget your birthday or something?"

"Naaah. But we've been here for a month and you've worked so hard." Luther purred out the words. "We should do something special." Buddy yawned again.

"Not tonight. Too tired." Luther frowned and growled, mostly pitiful but with a hint of menace and frustration. Buddy ignored the tiger, downed the rest of his glass in one go, lifted himself up and walked out to his bed.

He was just getting comfortable when a giant mass of tiger crawled into bed and rolled himself on top of the husky. "What if I don't take no for an answer?"

Buddy growled a little in response, but it was not exactly hostile. This was new. Luther sensed the husky's curiosity and grinned lewdly in his face. "You don't think I spent all these nights alone without any new entertainment, do you?" A paw slipped under the mattress and he pulled out a pair of handcuffs.

Buddy stared, a little wide eyed. "You're kidding, right?"

Luther's grin remained. "And there's another one where that came from. Wanna wrestle?"

"Mmph." Buddy squirmed under the tiger, but even with little active effort, the tiger could keep him still. "Well, this is hardly fair."

"All's fair in love and war. So will you come clean?" The tiger jingled the cuffs and Buddy sighed.


Luther pounced suddenly in response, growling as he pulled an arm to the bedpost and clicked the husky into place. Then, he swept a paw under the bed again, pulled out another pair of cuffs and did the same thing to Buddy's right side, holding him still. The husky was now loosely locked in place and was slowing down his struggles, panting a little. "I guess you got me. What now, tough guy?"

Luther whistled cheerfully to himself, hopping off the bed to open a nearby cupboard and take out a purple plastic dildo and some lube. It was about 7 or 8 inches long and moderately thick; Buddy looked over his shoulder at moaned pitifully at the sight. Luther's excitement was visible from both his wicked grin and wicked erection, as he dribbled the viscous fluid over the small plastic toy, coating it all over with his fingers as he crawled back into bed. He worked a pair of slippery fingers beneath the husky's body and round between his ass cheeks, until they found the sweet spot and worked their way through the opening, swiftly followed by the toy itself. Luther eased it in gently to moans and groans from above.

"Whoo..." The husky was panting a little. Luther nuzzled himself under his chin. Buddy was still a little sweaty, but it was mixed with the smell of cooking that made it all the more pleasant. Luther took a moment to run a hand over the husky's muscled chest while his other one groped the growing package down south. He lapped between the pecs, over those arms, and slowly returned his tongue to the central chest passing through the pits. After repeating this cycle for a while, he leant up.

Lifting Buddy's legs over his shoulders, the tiger growled as he played with the toy inside the husky, moving it in and out with small thrusts. Buddy yelped a little as Luther started to get rougher, with sudden thrusts punctuated by pauses as Luther allowed time to lubricate his own cock. Soon the dripping organ was ready to go, and without asking for the husky's permission he yanked out the dildo and pushed his own cock head against the entrance. Leaning over the husky once more, the pair locked lips and Luther forcefully drove his tongue into his captive's mouth at the same time that he pushed his sizable 9-inch erection into the moaning husky's ass.

The tiger thrusted hard and fast. He had replaced his deep kiss with repeated smooches, starting on the husky's muzzle, but moving down to his neck as the tiger moaned in anticipation. Buddy had never felt such an enthusiastic Luther inside him. He groaned at the sensation of being pounded mercilessly, and shifted his paws around in their restraints. Luther growled loudly as he fucked, running his hands over the husky's torso, occasionally running a finger or two over a nipple and giving it a small tweak and eliciting a yelp from his friend. Buddy was at full mast now and dripping precum over himself.

"UGGggghhh!" Luther cried out and constricted his face as he made a deep, final thrust and a guttural moan. Buddy cried out as well from the feeling of being filled so suddenly and completely. He could feel the tiger shooting his load as he panted an wriggled a little. Luther sighed in relief as he finished up, and leant over the husky as he slowly pulled his dick out. Teasingly he slid a still-damp paw over Buddy's erection, who groaned and helplessly jangled his cuffs. It didn't take much for the sweaty tiger to work him to the brink of climax, teasing the dripping cock along the edge until finally Buddy cried out at last and shot his seed all over his stomach and chest. Panting heavily he relaxed back into bed.

"Thanks, Luth... I think I needed that..." The tiger just held the husky close as the pair got their breath back and enjoyed the post orgasmic sensations. They laid that way for a while. Eventually Buddy shifted around. "These cuffs are a little uncomfortable... and I'm gonna get sticky like this..."

Luther took the liberty of looking for some tissues to clean up. When he got back to bed, Buddy had already fallen asleep. The tiger smiled to himself as he undid the cuffs and wiped his friend down. Luther took a moment to admire the little guy, as his sweaty chest rose and fell while silently slumbering, before covering the husky up in a blanket and heading to bed himself.