Week 2

Story by houndlover56 on SoFurry

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#2 of Gainer's Paradise

Anthony lies in his bed in nothing but his Christmas light boxers. Cuddling with him is Tom, who is only wearing tight white briefs. Anthony is wide awake and is caressing his cuddle buddy, who's still sound asleep. "You two are so cute together." Mike says from across the room. "I'm surprised you haven't kissed yet."

"I'm not sure if he likes me that way." Anthony says. As if hearing him in his sleep, Tom hugs Anthony a little tighter. "Do I think he's cute? Yes. Do I like him? A lot. But I'm not sure when the right time is."

"If you ask me, the right time is any time. If you waste your time, next thing you know, you're on the chopping block together with one of you guaranteed to go."

"You're right, Mike. But how do I tell him?"

"Two words buddy: 'Be subtle'." Mike gets out of bed. "I'm going to the kitchen. I'm sure the rest of the team is there." He leaves the room, leaving Anthony and Tom by themselves. Mike walks past Robert and Stephen, who are playing Halo on the XBox and Nathan who is watching them.

"Mornin' Mike." Nathan says.

"Hey." He waves to all three of them then continues to walk into the other room. In the kitchen, Fred, Raymond, and Will sit around waiting for the oven to go off.

"What're you guys making?" Mike asks.

"Muffins." Raymond says. "Why?"

"No reason." Mike reaches up into the cupboard for the unopened box of honey buns, but Raymond couldn't help but think of something. Something is up with the teams, he thinks, but what? When Mike brings the box down and opens it, he notices Raymond looking at him. "What're you staring at?"

"Nothing." He says quickly and diverts his eyes away.

"Right." Mike takes the box of honey buns and walks back into the living room. The oven still has 2 minutes left on it.

"Ray? You ok, man?" Fred asks.

"Yeah I'm fine." Raymond sits down while Will goes into the fridge to get butter. "It's just, something's on my mind."

"What is it?"

"The teams." Will's ears perk up when he hears that. "Have you noticed something strange about them?"


"Ok. Remember when me, you, Paul, Eric, and Nathan were talking about our girlfriends last week?"


"Well, members of the other team are starting to get romantic... with each other."

"What are you saying?" Fred asks.

"I'm saying the blue team is made up of straight guys. The red team are LGBT guys."

"Woah. Now that's a twist I would've never seen coming."

"You think the teams are divided by sexuality?" Will asks. "That doesn't seem likely."

"Well, you're forgetting that Toner did set the teams." Raymond says. "What's to stop him from doing it that way?"

"Ray, now that I think about it," Fred says, "I saw Mike and Jon cuddling in the red team's room after the elimination. And everyone knows about Anthony and Tom."

"It all fits together, doesn't it, Will?"

"I guess." Will admits. "But what about a Robert? He hasn't made a single connection the whole game."

"True, but maybe he's hiding who he is to get further in the game."

"This is blowing my mind." The oven goes off and the game talk will have to be put aside, for now. Back in the living room, Mike and Nathan are scarfing down the honey buns as Stephen is about to win the game.

"Dude, you're almost there." Nathan says.

"I know." Stephen says. The screen starts to flicker a little.

"Um, Steve, you might want to save your game." Mike says.

"Why?" A few seconds later, the screen goes to static. "What the heck? I was in the middle of my game!" The screen turns black and words start flashing. Task #3.

"Oh no." Nathan mutters. A picture of a key replaces the words. After a few seconds, more words appear on the screen. Stephen reads them out loud as they go.

"The task is to find the key. Reward: access to the outdoor pool and a buffet to enjoy by the poolside. Failure: the pool remains locked and the fridges becomes magnetically locked until midnight."

"What?! But it's only 9am!" Mike complains.

"Mike, if we do this, then we might be able to get one step closer to our gaining goal."

"Yeah, but we don't have to accept the challenge." Nathan points out. "That way there's no consequences."

"What about you, Robert?"

"I say we should try." He says. "I mean, I didn't come here to wuss out and let other people do the work. Besides, the rest of the house will love us if we do this." Nathan rolls his eyes but doesn't speak any further.

"We accept." Stephen says. The screen flashes to a timer and counts down. 10 minutes.

"Woah! How are supposed to find a key in 10 minutes?" Nathan asks.

"I'd be in an obvious spot." Stephen says. "Not anywhere like our bedrooms or under the stove. Either way, we have to get looking." The four of them get up and start spreading out. Mike and Stephen look around the TV and in the shelves underneath it. Nothing.

"Think, if I were Toner, where would I stash a key for some fat guys to find?" Stephen mutters.

"The kitchen! Obviously!" Mike says. Robert already went to the kitchen while Will, Fred, and Raymond were still there. He looks into the cupboards and the top of the fridge but doesn't see anything

"What're you looking for?" Will asks.

"Key." Robert says. "We got another task."

"Oh no." Raymond says. "What will happen if you find it?"

"We get to use that pool outside and we get another buffet."

"And failure?" Fred asks.

"The fridge will get locked until tomorrow." The other three boys grow wide-eyed. Meanwhile, Nathan walks down the hall past the blue team's room, keeping his eye out for the golden key. Ahead of him is a glass door with a perfect view of the pool outside. He puts his paw on the glass, knowing the door's locked. He tries the doorknob, which just confirms that it's locked.

"Hold on." Nathan mutters to himself. He felt something nudge his finger as he tried open the door. There. Something in the keyhole. "The key." He grabs it, twists it around a little, and then hears a click. Nathan the key out of the hole and tries the doorknob again, this time it opens. "YES!!!" He turns around and speed walks into the living room.

"What's up?" Mike asks. Nathan smiles as he holds up the key. "You found it?" Mike and Stephen get up off the floor and stare at Nathan.

"Where was it?" Stephen asks.

"In the keyhole of the back door." Nathan says. "And it's open so we get a buffet and pool!" Mike and Stephen hug Nathan tightly. Robert comes into the room and sees the group hug.

"Did you find it?" Robert asks. Nathan holds up the key again. "Great job." He walks up and hugs them too.


The next morning, Anthony gets into the pool with a plate in paw. Toner's backyard is big enough so all 13 contestants have elbow room if they were all back there. A wooden fence surrounds the whole yard, probably to keep moles away from his garden.

Tom walks out of the house in nothing but his swimming trunks. "Hi." He says.

"Hello." Anthony says.

"Are you eating in the pool?" Tom slowly gets in with Anthony.

"Yeah. Do you see a rule book?"

"No. So, what've you got there?"

"Just leftover Oreo cake from last night's buffet." Tom holds up a paw and makes a fist.

"The piece you got is bigger than my fist. I take it you're still hungry even though Raymond and Eric made us breakfast?"

"Hey, don't get me wrong, the way they make eggs and bacon is awesome. It's just that my stomach was saying it wasn't full yet."

"Really?" Tom slowly walk up to Anthony, reaches underwater and slowly rubs his paws all over his friend's belly. "Maybe I could help with that."

"Well, I wouldn't mind if you kept doing that." Anthony blushes a bit. Is the right moment to tell him? He thinks.

"You like this?" Tom asks.

"Absolutely. Who wouldn't love a belly rub now and then? Especially when it's coming from a handsome bear like yourself." Anthony sets his plate by the grass and wraps his arms around Tom.

"You think I'm handsome?"

"Yes I do, brown eyes." Tom starts racing. He thinks I'm cute, he thinks, what I would do for a kiss right now.

"Well, I think you're cute, blue eyes."

"Yeah?" Anthony starts pulling Tom closer to him. "Let me show you what this blue eyed bear can do."

"Wha-What're you-?" Tom is cut off as Anthony presses his lips against Tom's. He closes his eyes and hugs Anthony back. The number of fireworks going off in Tom's chest is unimaginable. When Tom kisses back, Anthony slowly rubs his back. When the kids breaks several seconds later, Anthony just smiles and Tom slightly blushes.

"I like you, Tom. A lot." Anthony says.

"Wow. I... like you too, Anthony." Tom holds one of Anthony's paws and looks at him in the eyes. "Can I please be yours?"

"Oh, you have no idea how long I've wanted you to ask that. The answer is yes." Tom smiles brightly when he hears that. The two bears hug each other again and this time Tom kisses Anthony first.

From inside, Robert smiles as he looks out the door and sees the bears making out. He walks back through the living room and into the kitchen where Kevin, David, Mike, and Jon are.

"What're you smiling about?" Mike asks.

"Anthony and Tom are making out in the pool." Robert giggles.

"Really?" Kevin asks.

"Yeah. I saw them talking to each other as I was going to go into the pool too, and then I saw them kiss and then didn't."

"Why not?" Jon asks.

"I didn't want to go out there and interrupt them. That'd be rude."

"Huh. Who would've figured?" David asks.

"I think it was pretty obvious." Jon says. "Those have been nothing but cuddle buddies since the day they got here. 11 days into the game and now they're making out. Next thing you know, they're having sex by day 25." Kevin says.

"Maybe you're exaggerating a bit, Kev."

"I don't know. But I'm telling you, one day is this smells like love was made, I'm gonna be sick."

"Why's that?" Mike asks.

"Because, I'm not a virgin so I know what sex smells like. Not the best scent in the world."



Eric and Fred walk into the kitchen, shirtless, before they go to bed. "What're you in the mood for?" Eric asks.

"Not sure." Fred says. His stomach is already stuffed tight so he's not in the mood for something heavy. Maybe just a PB+J. "What about you?"

"I think I'm just gonna have pop tarts. I don't really want anything hugs right now."

"Me neither." Fred takes out the milk (the jelly is behind it) and sees something strange in the back of the carton. It's a piece of paper. Fred tips it off the back of the carton and unfolds it. "Task #4."

"Woah. Another task?" Eric asks.

"Yes. 'Feeling thirsty? Drink the entire gallon of milk in 3 minutes. Passing means 6 gallons of milk will be put in the fridge tomorrow instead of the usual 5. Failing means only 4 gallons.'"

"Don't do it, dude." Eric says. "I like milk and if you don't do it, some people might be mad."

"You're probably right. Besides, I'm stuffed tighter than a pig. Then again, doing it means we earn more milk." Fred opens the gallon of milk and looks at the clock. 11:42 pm. He tips the gallon up and starts chugging it.

"You can do this, man." Eric says. Fred can feel every ounce he swallows into his stomach. Every once in awhile, he stops to a breath. Over half of the gallon is gone and he has a minute and a half left.

"Man, this is tougher than I thought." Fred quickly says before continuing to chug. He can feel his stomach expanding only a little bit. He suddenly feels a bit heavier, and heavy, he's a bit drowsy.

30 seconds left. He sees he only has a few ounces left but isn't sure his belly can take it. I've got to try, Fred thinks. He lifts the jug vertically and feels the rest of the liquid flow down his throat. Eric stands there, shocked at what he just saw.

"Done." Fred puts down the empty carton and looks at the clock. Just 3 seconds to spare.

"Nice job. You passed." Eric says.

"Thanks. But now I have a bellyache." Fred rubs his stomach slowly in hopes it will relieve the slight pain.

"Here." Eric puts an arm around Fred's shoulder and leads him to the couch in the living room. Fred lied down on his side.

"Thanks Eric."

"No problem. Good night, Freddy."

"'Night Eric." Fred then slowly drifts into sleep. The next morning, we wakes up from his dream of being forced stuff donuts until he was immobile. He feels someone touching.. no, rubbing his stomach. Also, he feels a blanket wrapped around him. Strange, Fred thinks, I don't remember getting a blanket. He opens his eyes and sees Robert next to him.

"Good morning." Robert says.

"Hey. What time is it?"

"About 10 am. You ok?"

"Yeah. It's just I had to drink an entire gallon of milk in 3 minutes last night. It was another task."

"Wow. Some of us were wondering why there was 6 gallons of milk in the fridge and not 5."

"Well, it was because of me."

"Great job. By the way, David found 4 boxes of donuts in the cupboard this morning. Want any?"

"Sure. Do you mind getting me one?"

"Not at all." Robert gets up and walks into the kitchen and comes back later with two donuts in paw. "Here you go." He hands a jelly filled one to Fred and keep Los the glazed one for himself. As Fred takes a bite and enjoys the flavor, he notices Robert going back to rubbing his belly.

"Hey, Robert?"


"Why are rubbing my belly?"

"I don't know. I thought that you'd want one as you were eating. Do you want me to stop?"

"No, I was just wondering." Fred goes back to eating his breakfast. When Robert finishes his donut, he uses both paws to rub Fred's stomach. Fred begins to murr a little bit.

"Is foxy liking this?" Robert asks.

"Yes. I really appreciate this Robert."

"Hey, every fat guy needs a belly rub every now and then."

"So true." David and Kevin come out of the kitchen and head back to the blue team's room. They both sit on Kevin's bed.

"Is Fred trying to showmance it up with Robert?" David asks.

"Doubt it." Kevin says. "Fred said he has his eyes on a girl back home. Plus, I overheard them. Fred just asked Robert for a belly rub; nothing too much."

"It's still a bit bizarre."

"The fox drank 8 pounds of milk yesterday and you expect him to not want to be rubbed a little? He probably got stomach cramps from drinking that much."

"Alright. You have a point." David goes over to his bag to get a new shirt put on, but doesn't find any. "Where are all of my shirts?"

"Mike doing the laundry." Kevin says. "They're probably still in the wash."

"Oh." David takes off his shirt and walks out of the room. "I'm going to the pool."

"Ok." Kevin says. He strips down into his boxers and curls up in bed, wishing he had a cuddle buddy like most of his housemates.


Everyone gathers into the living room, all of them nervous as for what's about to happen. "Good luck." Anthony whispers into Tom's ear.

"Thanks." Tom kisses Anthony's cheek. The TV turns on and Toner appears.

"Hello everyone." He says. "Well, after another week, I see some couples have started to form." Anthony & Tom blush and Mike & Jon kiss each other with the rest of the house cheering on. "Woah. So, a few things to address: Fred, after chugging milk, I see you found yourself a cuddle buddy on the other team."

"Well," Fred starts out, "Robert was just being a friend. I know that he was thinking about me and that I would've liked it. And he's right, I did like his belly rubs."

"Interesting. Anthony, Tom, I see you shared the first kiss of the season. How was it?"

"Oh, Toner, I was in heaven those few seconds." Anthony says. "I'm very happy that Tom asked me to be his boyfriend."

"Awwwww." Tom says. The hug tight.

"Glad to hear you boys are fine. Nathan, thanks to you, the house gets to enjoy a pool for the rest of the game."

"I just found it by accident." Nathan says. "I never would've noticed it in the keyhole if I hadn't tried to turn the doorknob."

"Well you did and you did great. I hate to kill the mood, but it's day 15 and you all know what that means. It's time for one of you to be sent home." The 13 contestants look nervous as Toner continues. "You know how this works. First, you all get weighed. Tom, you went last yesterday, so you'll go first today."

Tom gets up and walks into the hall to step on the scale.

"408." He mutters. That's a gain of 2 pounds. Stephen goes up to the scale next.

"Please be good." He whispers. 362. Shit! That's a loss of 2 pounds.

+8 pounds: Raymond

+6 pounds: Jon

+5 pounds: Kevin, Nathan

+3 pounds: Eric

+2 pounds: Robert

+1 pound: Fred, David, Anthony

-1 pound: Will

-2 pounds: Mike

"Well, now that we have all that taken care of, it's time to announce which team is safe." Toner says. The players get really nervous; especially Stephen, Will, and Mike, who all lost weight. "Blue team. You win immunity."

"Yeah!!" Eric cheers. Fred, Raymond, Kevin, David, and Nathan all let's their breaths go. They're all safe.

"Red team, it's time to send one of you home." Toner says. "But first, the ones marked for elimination, based on everything we've decided, are... Stephen and Mike." Mike looks at Stephen, then at Jon. I don't want to go home, he thinks. "Ok. Voting works the same way. If you eat a cupcake with a 1 on it, that's a vote to send home Mike. Eating a 2 is a vote for Stephen to leave. Anthony, you're up first. Please head to the kitchen." Anthony kisses Tom again and gets up and walks into the kitchen.

"Oh man." Anthony says. "I'm so sorry Mike." He picks up a 1 cupcake and eats it whole, tossing the other away. It's Jon's turn.

"I don't want you to leave Mike." Jon says. He proceeds to eat the 2 cupcake. That's one vote each. Robert walks into the kitchen next.

"What do I do?" He whispers. He doesn't want to end up being the deciding vote. Will absolutely wants Stephen to stay. Not wanting to me in the minority, Robert eats the 1 cupcake. Tom vote next.

"Mike is ok, but I don't really know him that much. Even after two weeks." Tom says as he picks up the 1 cupcake and eats it. Last but not least is Will.

"This is a no-brainer." Will says. He eats the 1 cupcake and throws the other away. After Will sits back down on the couch, Toner reappears on the TV and prepares to announce the votes.

"Stephen, Mike, your teammates voted." Toner says. "Whoever is voted out must immediately leave. With 4 votes against 1, the person leaving is..." Mike crosses his fingers and Stephen tightly holds Will's paw. "...Mike."

"What?!" Mike says. "Why me?" Jon hugs Mike tight and kisses him on the lips.

"I'm sorry this happened." Jon says. "I'll try to win for us, ok?"

"Ok." Mike gets off the couch, fingers still laced with Jon's. They walk to the front door together and Mike reaches out for the doorknob. "Good luck, Jon."

"Thanks." Jon says. Mike opens the door and shuts it behind him, leaving 12 people left in the game. Mike walks down the porch steps and across the front yard over to Toner.

"Hiya, Mike." Toner reaches out a paw.

"Thanks." Mike shakes paws and he takes a seat.

"Well, looks like today, you weren't so lucky."

"Nope. I guess not."

"Why do you think your team voted you out over Stephen?"

"Probably because of my relationship with Jon. I don't blame them."

"What was going on between you and Jon?"

"We started out as friends and then we started cuddling together and getting to know each other. Our first kiss was right there in the living room."

"Did you have any idea you were in danger?"

"Not at all. I thought me and Jon were good until the end. I guess not."

"Now that you're gone, how do think Jon will do?"

"I'm sure he'll be fine. As long as he makes friends and build connections, he'll be fine." Mike says.

"Well, there is something you should know." Mike perks his ears up as he listens to Toner. "The reason the blue team won immunity is because they gained more weight than your team."

"Woah. Is that how the game works?" Mike asks.

"Yes. Since the red team lost, the two people who gained the least we're marked for elimination which was you and Stephen."

"Wow. I'm shocked. I didn't see that coming."

"Well, for your effort, you do get this." Toner hands Mike a $50 gift card for Subway.

"Thanks." Mike says, tucking the card away.

"See you at the finale."

"Bye." Toner says as Mike gets up and walks away. "Well, that two down and twelve remain. Who will voted out next? Tune in next week, right here on... Gainers Paradise."