Sugar Cookies

Story by Demonic_Pidgeon on SoFurry

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#1 of Sugar Cookies

(Commission prices & info are listed in this journal. This submission is a work of fiction and none of the characters represent any actual persons or figures.)

[WARNING: This story features underage furry characters in sexual situations. If this written material is illegal in your region, the author implores you NOT to read it.]

Hunter is an expert at pulling off the "feminine" look when it comes to boys, and one of his classmates asks him to help her brother out with his own femboy style. However, after sitting down with their family and enjoying a few (dozen) of their mom's famous cookies, it becomes clear to Hunter that a powerful aphrodisiac is part of the recipe and this is certainly no ordinary family at all.

Hunter wasn't your typical boy, or so the other kids at school had thought of the young snow leopard. For one he dressed like a girl, every now and then flaunting cute seasonal skirts and tank tops one day, then switching to tight denim booty shorts and a pink babydoll top the next. Even his pastel green bra straps would peek out on one shoulder or the other now and then, depending on how the feline cocked his hips and flicked his nearly shoulder-length pink-striped "emo" head of jet black hair. He carried himself with more confidence than some of the popular girls did, and certainly most of the males, but their jealousy could only translate into sarcastic insulting remarks as it does with most people.

His aqua eyes stood out the most, especially when he batted his eyelashes and half-closed his eyelids for that alluring "bedroom" look he had become famous for. Was he looking to court a boy, or a girl? With the distracting overtone of his playful narcissism it was often difficult to tell; he kept equal company with both genders, and no one had spread any legitimate rumors of him getting frisky with anyone else. The boy was damn near impossible to figure out, and he prided himself for it, although it had also grown to become the reason for his incurable loneliness.

Nevertheless he still presented himself each day at school with the same bright smile he'd had since day one upon arriving, even when being verbally harassed by other students and sometimes even teachers in the subtle ways they managed to get away with. He was one of the more emotionally sound students of any gender, which for some broke the stereotype of estrogen-infused males with a knack for crossdressing and dumping out their heart to the world. Sometimes he felt like a superhero; he'd never been in a fight, he'd never lost a bet, and even the people who pretended they hated him knew they didn't have a reason to. He was made of steel for someone who looked so soft and acted so compassionate.

Although Hunter never seemed to have a problem making friends, it was romance he truly fumbled on. His platonic conquests might one day rival the territorial achievements of Alexander the Great, but when it came to asking someone out he'd be lucky enough to form a congruent sentence. Just who did he like, anyway? Boys, girls, something in between? It was just as much of a mystery to himself as everyone else, and his tastes in erotic fantasizing might change within the hour. Perhaps it was his severe case of A.D.D. his counselors told him he was struggling with, or his desire for change and fluidity among aspects of his life. In any case, Hunter had never dated anyone, and as a high school senior that fact was beginning to bother him substantially.

He swore to himself after watching his parents fight and split up he would never be prone to emotional compromise; it made him recognize early on that people needed him to be strong when they couldn't, a shoulder to cry on and words of insight within dark places. Hunter only lost his temper verbally toward non-present parties, and treated them with respect when they were near; something other kids mistook for being "fake," which the leopard didn't like.

It was on the evening of the last weekend that August when Hunter walked home by himself as he usually did, wearing a white babydoll top with a pink heart in the center and a baby blue skirt covering his white panties that hugged his plump rear, wondering what to make for dinner when he noticed a group of familiar girls chatting on the opposite sidewalk. "Oh wait, there he is now!" he swore he heard one of them say as the blonde one on the right of the trio waved and approached him. "Hey, Hunter!" she shouted in a friendly tone, although the look on her face was that poorly-hidden expression of worry and concern people gave him for whatever reason, possibly his eccentricity.

"Hey Summer," he said with a wave but not more than a brief smile, since he didn't know the bunny very well. "What's up?" The other two girls across the sidewalk exchanged brief giggles and glances at him...holy shit, was this girl about to ask him out? No, it was probably a stupid favor he would end up doing out of the goodness of his heart, and maybe one of the other girls had remarked how his bra cup probably didn't come in a flat enough size.

"Not much," said the bunny as she slowed her walk toward him, stopping that three or four paces away that everyone does when only mildly acquainted and somewhat nervous. "I wanted to ask you, since you seem to have a lot more...well, 'knowledge' about girly stuff than other boys do, would you mind coming over and showing my brother how you keep that look?"

This was certainly a weird request, but not one he might refuse. To his knowledge he was the only crossdressing boy at their school and had been for a long time, and now this girl's brother wanted to jump on the bandwagon...sweet jumping Jesus, had he actually started a trend?

Summer twirled her hair nervously and avoided Hunter's gaze, something he normally sensed was a female mind control weapon on men, but this time he concluded was actually genuine. "It's just that, well, my brother hasn't had the courage to be his true self in public yet," she said before looking back at the leopard. "But he saw you, and how pretty everyone thinks you look, and he wanted to be like that too. He really looks up to you."

This could be the start of either something great or something disastrous. It sounded like the perfect mission for Hunter to embark on, even if it did only end platonically like every social endeavor in the past. Why the hell not? After all, Hunter was the subject matter expert.

"Yeah, sure no problem," said Hunter with a captivating grin. "We will get him looking just the way he wants." Hopefully his aqua eyes hiding partially behind pink and black mop of hair would send this girl the right signals, but for now the girl only reacted with thankful joy.

"Yes! Awesome, thank you so much," said Summer as she gave the other two girls a thumbs up, and they departed with another secretive fit of giggles. "I was actually wondering, if you're not doing anything tonight...well, I could show you where I live at least."

Now the leopard was getting somewhere. "Sure, I don't have anything going on," said Hunter with a bigger grin this time. "We seem to be in the same part of town, at least."

"It's just up this hill, around the corner," said the bunny girl as they began strolling together. "Caylen is going to scream for joy when he finds out why I brought you."


The result wasn't quite the same as Summer had predicted since Caylen was so shy, and being a sophomore having just transferred from homeschool it was understandable. Still, Hunter greeted him with a smile upon entering the bunnies' household.

"Look Caylen, I brought that boy you told me about from school," said Summer to her younger brother as she undid her ponytail and set down her bag in her bedroom across from his. "His name is Hunter, he's really nice!"

"Pleasure to meet you," said Hunter toward Caylen politely from outside the boy's room door. "Mind if I come in?"

"Not at all," said Caylen, opening the door a little wider to make room for their effeminate feline guest. The bunny had tried somewhat for the girly look already, wearing loose girl's clothes that most likely were handed down by his sister around the house, though at school he still wore a few boyish outfits to hide his curiosity that so embarrassed him.

"I heard you're wanting to learn the tricks of the trade," said Hunter, sitting on the side of the boy's bed and glancing around the room. "Looking more 'feminine,' that is. It's nothing to be embarrassed about, it just takes some work."

Caylen nodded and opened up his makeup drawer by the mirror. "I'll say."

Hunter pondered to himself for a moment before a thought came to him. "Say, why don't you pamper up for a few minutes and show me what you've got so far? I'm curious to see how you want to go about it all."

Caylen's face lit up at the request, although his answer was still timid and reserved. "Oh! Okay, yeah I can do that. Would you mind waiting in the living room for a bit?"

Hunter stood and flicked the hair from his eyes as he made his way toward the hall. "Not at all, just let me know when you're ready."

On his way back out to the hallway, Hunter nearly bumped into a completely naked Summer sauntering toward the bathroom. "Oh, I'm sorry! Excuse me," she said as if it were no big deal and grabbed a towel from the closet.

"Whoah!" Hunter looked away politely and stepped back a few paces. "My bad, I didn't know..."

"It's no big deal," said Summer. "Our family doesn't really care, we're from a town that doesn't stress these pointless norms. After all, we're all naked under our clothes anyway right?" Damn, maybe Hunter needed to move to the town this girl was from. He caught a glimpse of her curvy bare breasts and plump, soft ass as she sifted through the closet, then stepped into the bathroom to turn on the shower.

"I guess things are different out there, huh?" said Hunter, not wanting to be rude but still trying to give this girl a hint that she might not want to do this at a sleepover; of course, girls were different by default. Hopefully Summer would invite him over again soon.

Hunter took a seat on the living room couch and nearly jumped when he heard a sound in the kitchen. "Oh, hello there!" said a female bunny in her late thirties while wiping her hands on a dish towel. "I'm Natasha, Summer's mother. Are you one of her friends from school?"

"Yeah, my name's Hunter," said the Leopard. "And I'm actually here to help Caylen out with something. Thank you for having me over!"

"It's no problem," said Natasha before wandering back into the kitchen. "Make yourself at home, there's food in the fridge if you want!"

"Thank you, that's very kind," said Hunter. A few minutes later Caylen's door opened, and out walked a complete transformation from what he had seen earlier. The boy now wore a purple skirt and light magenta babydoll top, proudly twirling as his mop of blonde hair spun with him.

"Well, what do you think?" asked the boy, batting his baby blue eyes at Hunter from between perfectly-applied eyeliner and mascara. At first glance Hunter couldn't find anything wrong with the new appearance, and soon this young boy might even outdo him, so it seemed the only major problem was building confidence which was already Hunter's specialty.

"Oh my god, that's gorgeous!" exclaimed the leopard as the rabbit bounced over to the couch and cheerfully sat next to him. "Sweetie, I can't think of a thing wrong with what you've done. You're prettier than me!"

"Yeah, well I doubt that," said Caylen while pulling his white stockings further up his thighs, wiggling his toes inside the black high heels. "But thank you."

"Seriously, if you walked into school wearing that you'd have everyone asking for your number," said Hunter encouragingly. "Is there someone in particular you're trying to impress? Not meaning to pry, or anything."

"Well, there is someone," said Caylen looking up at Hunter with a brief smile, then looking away. Their little moment was interrupted by Summer walking out of the shower just as naked as before, drying her wet hair for a moment before stopping in surprise.

"Well, look at you two!" she said with a smile before walking slowly over and sitting on a chair nearby, reclining in it casually. "Getting along famously already."

"Yep, I guess so," said Hunter looking away again out of respect.

"You don't need to worry about where you look," said Caylen matter-of-factly to the leopard beside him. "Summer doesn't care, and neither does the rest of our family. She's a dirty perv like that."

Summer scoffed and leaned forward in her chair, giving both of them a wide-open view of her teenage snatch. "Says the boy dressed like a girl! I'm sure you don't want me to bring up the time I caught you masturbating in one of my tube socks."

"Oh, well you did just now," said Caylen with annoyance. "So maybe I should mention the time you blew Dad while he was asleep when Mom was at the store."

"Is this, like, too much information or something?" asked Hunter while shifting in his seat. He didn't normally get nervous around people, but these were certainly unique circumstances. Was this family always so open about things around their guests? "I mean I'm not judging," said the leopard with a flick of his hair. "I'm just curious is all, my friends' families are like...completely reserved."

"Yeah, that's not us," said Summer with a laugh as she picked her phone up from the table beside her, still giving both boys a wide-open view of her tight slit. "Just let us know if we ever cross the line, but I figured you wouldn't care too much."

Hunter nodded and leaned back on the couch next to Caylen, every now and then sneaking a peek at the nude bunny girl's young pussy. Hopefully she hadn't already slept with most of the guys in the area; it was only natural, having been raised the way Hunter was, to assume that much about her thus far. But she seemed to be comfortable with who she was despite what other people thought, and that much he could definitely relate to.

"I think we should all rent a movie and get ice cream," said Caylen, pulling out his phone as well and turning away from Hunter to lean his back against him. "Sound like a plan?"

"Yeah, I've got nothing going on," said Hunter, butterflies in his stomach from the other boy's touch even if it was only friendly territory.

"We've got a bunch of new choices on Amazon," said Summer. "And there's a few buckets of Ben & Jerry's left in the freezer."

"Whatever works for you guys," said Hunter as he began playing with Caylen's hair curiously. "What kind of movie do you guys want to see?"

"Summer's probably going to want to rent a porno," said Caylen, dodging a small pillow she launched in his direction. "What? It's the only thing you're ever in the mood for since that stupid book came out."

"50 Shades of Grey is not a porno!" Summer barked defensively. "It's a passionate romance narrative that breaks traditional boundaries."

"Yeah, well so is 2 Girls 1 Cu..." This time the next pillow hit Caylen square in the side of the face, and he turned to frown at his sister. "What's with all this hostility lately? Did you break your new dildo with that shark-mouth vagina?"

"You probably broke it trying to fit it in your little ass, you mouthy pervert!"

"Alright, you two, that'll be enough," said their mother as she entered the room with a platter of sweet-smelling cookies. "Now, who's hungry for some of Mom's world-famous cookies?"

"Awesome!" said Caylen, jumping up alongside Summer as they both grabbed a handful from the tray and started stuffing their faces.

"Leave some for our guest too, you know," said Natasha as she watched her voracious children eat. "He's gonna want four or five at least."

"Here, have some!" said Caylen as he handed Hunter a few to get started. "These are amazing, you'll get addicted."

After several bites Hunter found the taste was even better than the smell, so he gladly partook. After all it was nearly impossible for the boy to gain weight, so it didn't worry him to help the other two empty the platter.

"That was so good," said Summer with a burp before sitting on the other side of the leopard and turning on the TV, scrolling through the newest popular movies before choosing a sci-fi thriller everyone at school had mentioned at some point. "I'm gonna go into a food coma just from that."

"I'm surprised Hunter ate so many," said Caylen before laying across the leopard's lap, staring at the tv. "Not that that's a bad thing, or anything. I'm just wondering where it all goes!"

"High metabolism," said Hunter proudly as he resumed playing with the boy's mop of blond hair. "And thank you, ma'am, those were amazing!"

"No problem," said Natasha with a wink as she finished the last cookie herself. "I'll be in the kitchen if you kids need anything."

After the movie began, Hunter felt a strange sensation spring up slowly within him, and after ten minutes or so it was overpowering. He could tell the other kids had been put under the same spell, judging from their movements. Had he been drugged? Whatever this was it felt amazing, and certainly not a sedative...maybe these were those "special" cookies he'd always wanted to try, and now he knew why.

"Mmmnn, you feel it Sis?" asked Caylen from Hunter's lap, looking up at the naked girl. "I can really feel it now."

"It's coming on slower for me now, for some reason," said the bunny girl scooting closer to Hunter, running a few fingers through his hair. "But I can definitely feel it...and don't worry, Hunter, you'll be fine. These are just Mom's cookies..." She leaned in and spoke into his ear with a warm breath, sliding a hand up under his white shirt and squeezing his breast under that pink bra. "They make you feel really good," she said, taking his ear in her maw and sliding it between her teeth and tongue.

Hunter gasped in an effeminate voice as he often did when pleasuring himself alone, only now it was different. He could feel Caylen sliding a hand up the white stocking on his mid-thigh, up the fur to where his panties covered the bulge that had been growing ever since the drug took effect. The other boy slipped his fingers into the fabric covering the uppermost leg and pulled the leopard's hard dick out, cooing at it in his girly voice and smooching the tip before sliding it into his soft wet mouth.

Well, Hunter certainly wasn't going to argue with whatever was going on here. It may not have started as entirely consensual, but sweet Jesus would it ever end that way.

Summer ran her tongue all around Hunter's ear with soft groans of teenage lust, grinding her naked hips against the boy's blue skirt. "Are you okay with this?" she asked in a drugged-up daze, turning Hunter's head toward her and kissing his nose. "Like I said, if you get uncomfortable..."

Hunter stopped her sentence in its tracks with a firm kiss on her lips, putting his arm around her shoulder and pulling her close. Caylen's head bobbed up and down on the feline's cock as the boy slid his tongue up and down the sensitive shaft at a quicker speed than his head was moving, obviously very skilled for his age. The boy slid Hunter's panties off and undid the buttons to the leopard's skirt, the feline now completely bottomless as the bunny got on his knees in front of the couch and began deepthroating him.

Summer's makeout session with Hunter only grew steamier as they tongue-fucked each other's mouths desperately. She slid off his shirt and bra before kissing down to his chest, flicking her tongue against his nipple gently.

"Mmmff...this is great, but what if your mother walks in?" asked Hunter.

"What if she does?" asked Summer, kissing the boy's neck. "She put the aphrodisiac in these cookies, and you ate most of them. Maybe she'll join in, if you're okay with that." She grinned and kissed Hunter's lips again.

A tornado of "Yes" and "No"s spun in Hunter's head, so he decided to let them take control of the situation since he was probably too high and turned on to be able to stand up from the couch. The movie playing on the screen was the last thing on their minds.

Caylen took one of Hunter's nuts in his mouth and gently, lovingly nursed it with his tongue while sucking at the skin and fur with his young girly lips. He then kissed further down and spread Hunter's legs, lifting them up with a bedazzled grin to get a look at that tight star. "Hunter...let me play with your pussy," he said more like a forewarning than a request before laying a wet kiss on the boy's sensitive rim, sliding his tongue deep into the hole.

Hunter groaned loudly as his toes curled inside those stockings and tennis shoes, biting his finger as Summer reached down to jerk his hard rod coated with her younger brother's spit. "He's really good at that, isn't he?" she asked into the leopard's ear as she jerked him off. "I should know."

Hunter gasped as Caylen's warm, wet tongue invaded his boy-cunt and probed at his sensitive depths, his rim twitching against those lips in a deep French kiss only two lovers could share. He lifted his legs high in the air and cried out, Summer's slender fingers dancing up and down his sensitive cockshaft while the girl chewed playfully at his neck.

As Summer continued cooing in the leopard's ear and stroking his dick, Hunter felt her brother's tongue hit an extra-special sweet spot inside him, and he began crying out as spurts of cum shot out of his tip like a shotgun blast up onto his face and chest. "Haanh...aaahh!" He groaned and rocked his hips as he came, his knees bending in the air while Summer kissed his gaping and moaning mouth. He panted and whined as Caylen's tongue slipped out of him, and the boy gave his hole one last wet kiss.

Summer grinned and straddled Hunter from the front, looking down at him and running her fingers through his hair as she massaged his cock with her young pussy folds. "Good, now you're all nice and slick~" she said before sliding Hunter's cum-covered cock into her tight teenage slit.

Hunter gasped and let out a girly moan as her young pussy squeezed around his rock-hard shaft. "Aaahh wait...couldn't you get pregnant?" he asked, wanting to make sure.

"You don't need to worry about that," said Summer in the girly boy's ear before she wrapped her arms over his shoulders behind his head and began bouncing up and down.

"Oh, so I did all that hard work and now I don't get any fun?" said Caylen wiping his lips.

"Jump in wherever you want, silly," said Summer to her brother behind her as she bounced on the lap of their guest, lifting her tail up toward the younger bunny. "I'm wide open from the back."

"Yeah, but I want to play with him too," said the bunny boy, stepping out of his heels and pulling off his skirt before tugging his hard pink cock from beneath his panties. He stepped up in between the others and stood on the couch, rubbing the tip of his sissy cock against Hunter's lips. "I think he wants more than pussy, right?"

Hunter immediately opened up his mouth and took the boy's cock deep in his throat to repay the favor from earlier, looking up at Caylen and sliding a hand up the boy's girly pink shirt while he slid forward until his lips met the waistband of those panties. Caylen moaned as his shaft flexed in the back of Hunter's moist throat, meeting his gaze with a girly gasp of pleasure as he began rocking his hips.

Summer continued riding Hunter's stiff cock, feeling its tip nudge her cervix as she reached up to pull down her brother's panties partially and give his curvy bottom a loud firm kiss. "This will get you to shut up," she said before prying apart her brother's ass cheeks in front of her and pressing her nose against the base of his tail, sliding her tongue all the way inside his little flower while she massaged his buttcheeks like they were her girlfriend's breasts.

Their mother walked in to find all three kids groaning and frolicking in that position, rather surprised her dessert's charm had worked so early on. "I see you three are getting to know each other already," she giggled, watching them buck and hump. "I was going to tell you that supper's almost ready, but it looks like most of you are already eating."

"Ma, I'm thirsty~" groaned Caylen as he rocked his hips against Hunter's face, then back toward his sister's. "I don't usually have my cookies without any milk!"

"Oh, quit whining," said Natasha, unbuttoning her dress shirt and pulling a breast from her bra before wrapping her hand behind her son's neck and pulling him slightly down toward her. "You kids are so needy sometimes, but that's part of why I love you so much."

Natasha stroked her son's hair as she listened to him gurgle against her tit, her little boy sucking greedily at the nipple hoping that anything might come out. Soon after he was swallowing mouthfuls of her breastmilk, moaning softly while his sister ate out his ass like it was going out of style and his schoolyard crush bobbed back and forth on his dick.

Caylen was the first to cum, releasing a torrent of virile seed down Hunter's throat while his sister gave his girly ass a firm squeeze and a spank. Summer was next, having bounced on Hunter's rod so long that she began squirting her juices all over the feline's cock and stomach. Hunter cleaned off her brother's dick with his tongue and swallowed his creamy bunny load, watching the boy whimper and drink from his mother's tit.

Eventually Hunter came again, squeezing Summer's ass as he unloaded his kitty cum into her quivering womb. The two collapsed together on the couch while Natasha pulled Caylen onto her lap in the nearby chair, continuing to feed him while humming a tune.

"Are you sure you've had enough, Summer?" asked her mother. "Your father's going to be home from work soon, you know he's going to want to blow off some steam."

"Definitely," giggled Summer as she felt Hunter's cock flex inside her, tracing her thumb across the leopard's lips. "And maybe Hunter here would like to meet him, too."

Hunter looked back at her, then over at Natasha and Caylen before throwing his arms over Summer's shoulders and pulling her in for a deep kiss. "I think I've just found the perfect family."

Natasha pulled off her shirt and removed her bra, then lifted Caylen from her lap before sitting between Hunter and her daughter on the couch. "Now Hunter, I want you to understand something," she said while flicking a cherry-red bang from in front of her eyes. "In this family we love each other very deeply, and in many different ways, which most people don't consider normal. Having you as our guest, we all want to share our love with you too, so if you don't like anything we start doing just let us know and we'll stop."

The teenage boy looked up at the beautiful, big-breasted bunny woman with drugged lust in his eyes. "Oh Ma'am, you could do practically anything and I would melt right away."

Natasha grinned to herself, undoing her jeans before sliding them down to reveal a rather sizable bulge beneath her red lace lingerie bottom. "Are you sure?" she asked in a slightly deeper voice than normal, sliding a hand behind one of Hunter's ears.

The leopard's cheeks flushed as he gulped, leaning forward to slide his hand over the fabric encompassing her hefty package. "Oh, my this a dream?" he asked in an effeminate voice, pressing his lips to the bulge and deeply inhaling its scent.

"She had the operation shortly after Caylen was born," explained Summer as she traced her fingers over her shemale mother's lump, pressing her fingertips to Hunter's lips. "Everything works fine, and it's even bigger than Dad's, but don't let him hear you say that."

Natasha rolled her eyes as she tugged down her lingerie bottoms and began slowly tugging at her thick cock until it was semi-erect. "Men and their egos...what does it matter, anyway?" She scratched behind Hunter's ears affectionately. "We're all just here to have fun, right?"

Hunter slowly licked up Summer and Caylen's mother's veiny cock shaft, groaning already from the flavor gracing his taste buds. Her penis was almost shaped more like a canine's with its pointy tip and thick, almost knot-like base. Hunter knew one thing, he could sit on this for days.

"I think he likes Mommy's cock already," cooed Caylen while kneeling next to Hunter and jerking him off slowly, sucking at his neck. "It's always been my favorite."

"Don't let Dad hear you say that, either," said Summer as she stood up to pull a box of erotic toys from the closet. "You know how jealous he gets." She pulled out twin vibrators, one orange and one blue, and she slipped them gently into the boys' butts while they knelt in front of the mother and began taking oral turns on her cock.

Hunter gasped in a muffled voice when he felt the blue vibrator massage his rectum while he went down as far as he could go on Natasha, the tip of her cock nudging his uvula while he choked down only half of her length before retreating. He gasped upon pulling away with strands of saliva dripping from his chin down her dick as he passed it to her son, watching him take a turn. Caylen squeaked when the orange vibrator tickled his prostate, and his sister gave him a loving spank while he looked up at his mother and took only an inch more than Hunter did before choking.

Hunter massaged one of Natasha's nuts carefully with his tongue and took the large orb in his mouth, rolling it around curiously while sucking on it. Natalie groaned as she watched the girly boys work their magic on her she-meat, then turned to kiss her daughter wetly on the lips as they fondled and massaged each other's breasts. Natasha reached down and slipped two fingers in her daughter's vagina, making out feverishly with her and sucking on her bottom lip with a groan.

"Mmnnn Mom can I ride this cock?" asked Caylen in his sweetest voice, kissing up and down the length of her shaft in adoration. "I'm so desperate now that you're giving me a taste..."

"Now dear, remember Hunter gets to choose," said Natasha down to her son. "He's our guest, we need to show him some courtesy."

"It's fine, Ma'am," said Hunter while kissing up the other side of her throbbing cock and sliding his tongue around to meet Caylen's. "I'm sure Summer and I can have plenty of fun, too."

"You said it," said Summer as she dug through her toy chest, then produced a large purple strap-on and secured it to her hips. "I gotta get you stretched out at least a little bit, before Dad gets home." She took the blue vibrator from Hunter's ass and turned it off before lewdly deepthroating it, then tossing it to the side as she spread the boy's butt cheeks wide and pressed the tip of her toy into his gaping hole. "Bottoms up, loverboy~" she giggled.

Hunter gasped when Summer pegged him from behind and spread his legs apart to give her more access. Caylen kissed up his mother's hips and breasts to her mouth before she turned the young bunny away from her and lowered his hips, her cock tip kissing her son's sphincter. Caylen cried out when her full length invaded his sensitive depths, the entirety of her leviathan cock swallowed by his hole. His rim clenched affirmatively around the base of her shaft, a million butterflies floating through his body as her pointed head cozily nudged his prostate. His heart pounded in his chest as she turned his chin to kiss him on the lips, smiling down at him. "My sweet little baby boy." Natasha steadied her son's hips and began lifting him up and down on her shaft while he groaned up at her, his rear entrance being hollowed out by the throbbing member of the woman who gave birth to him.

Meanwhile Summer was taking full advantage of Hunter's submissive side, and in full force. She'd grabbed a fistful of his mop of hair and was making out with him fiercely as if she were trying to drill a hole through his skull with her tongue while she mounted him, forcefully smashing her hips against his and driving that toy deep into the feline's bowels. Every time it smacked his G-spot he yelped a little, and the pace was picking up.

Natasha's thrusts were also quickening, and at this point Caylen was crying out even louder than Hunter. His voice inflected every time she slammed her knotted cock into him as her balls tapped his with loud, repeating smacks. "Is this what my boy likes?" asked Natasha as she slowed the pace for a bit, feeling her knot pop in and out of his rim. "Getting fucked in the ass by Mommy?"

Words escaped Caylen when she quickened her hips again, only continuing to moan louder as his boi-pussy was drilled by his own mother's superior shemale cock. His mouth gaped when he climaxed, the bunny boy's dick shooting loads across the room all over Hunter and his sister who were still frolicking on the floor.

"Oh, you think I'm done with you already?" asked Natasha to her son as she traced her fingers up the boy's cum-covered cock, then held her sticky fingers to his mouth and pressed them inside. "I'm only getting warmed up, after all I still need to fill your belly up with cum~"

Summer had now flipped Hunter onto his back and was now making out with him madly while pegging him on the ground; evidently, she'd had years of practice. Hunter nearly hyperventilated while their tongues explored each other's mouths and her bare breasts rubbed his chest. His hole clenched firmly around that toy cock she so diligently rammed into him, making sure to hit his deepest regions with as much fervor as her mouth had dedicated to his. But more than sex, there was passion - something Hunter had found himself desperately, tragically wanting for so long, now ringing in his ears with a full orchestra of delayed gratification. It made him happy to be alive.

Next to them, Natasha was now straddling her boy at a downward doggystyle angle, something in her nature she could have attributed to her surgery long ago - it felt normal to her, and very necessary just as it did to her son beneath her. His stocking-clad legs spread wide apart as his mother's towering cockshaft plowed deep into his pink fleshy tunnel with loud meaty thuds, and the bunny boy lifted up his ass further with a groan as his mother jerked him off faster.

"Who's my little boy, hm?" Natasha cooed into her son's ear while she stroked him just like she had seen him do the first time she caught him beating off to bisexual porn in his room. Her balls tapped his with every thrust as the entirety of her pink smooth tree-trunk cock disappeared into her son's asshole, the pointed tip bashing his prostate as he yelped out girly moans and squeals. "Who likes getting fucked?"

"Ahhn...aaahhhaaaah!" Caylen groaned as he came again, his hole squeezing and milking his mother's shaft while it plowed into him fiercely. "Ohhh...god, mmm! Ma..."

The woman kissed the top of her son's head as she hit her peak, feeling it course through her like a tsunami. "Oooh baby Mom's cumming, Momma's cumming hard!" She clasped her son's hand and kissed him feverishly when she peaked, a flood of thick shemale bunny seed pumping out of her knotted dick into her son's rectum and up into his bowels. Caylen moaned into her mouth as his pucker squeezed around his mother's massive cockshaft, milking it for every drop it was worth. A warm feeling flooded into him, and just like the countless times the two had shared this moment before, he truly felt complete.

Hunter's climax followed soon afterward, his girlish moans drowned out by the fierce kisses of his female lover pegging his sensitive rim with the toy she wore strapped around her waist. It seemed he'd just met this girl and her family a mere few hours ago, but when he looked in her lust-glazed eyes he felt as if they had already spent a lifetime together. His jaw gaped open as his cock spurted thick warm semen all over his chest, his shaft twitching wildly and devoid of any stimulation; he had been edged on completely from being rammed in the ass by a girl, and it was the best goddamn feeling in the entire world.

After a few minutes of heavy breathing and cleaning up each other's mess, Natasha went to pick up the phone ringing in the kitchen while the three kids cuddled on the couch. The bunny woman then returned to the living room with the phone receiver clutched near her breast and a smile on her face. "Sorry kids, looks like Dad won't be home until tomorrow night. In the meantime, Hunter, you're welcome to spend the night here if you like."

"That's okay," said Hunter, shaking his head reluctantly. "My dad and sis are probably worried about where I am right now."

"You should invite them over sometime," said Summer, taking one of Hunter's fingers in her mouth and flicking her tongue around it sensually. "Mom and me can bake plenty more of those cookies, you know."

"Eh, that's fine," said Hunter with a nervous laugh while averting the gaze of his schoolmates. "I have a feeling they wouldn't really be into this kind of thing."

As the kids continued watching their movie, the seed of an idea was planted in the back of Hunter's brain, and it was beginning to grow into a plant that would never cease to bother him until he gave it a try. After all, it wouldn't hurt to ask...would it?