Gears And Dragons III

Story by OniKage on SoFurry

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#3 of Gears And Dragons

Gears And Dragons III * * *

Well now i heard somebody asking for some yiffy time, so here it is. Now all i ask in return from you is to read and review PLEASE (super puppy dog eyes), because this is so long chapter it might take some time to come up whit another one and the weather here doesnt help at all, oh fuck that was one heck of a lighting bolt XO.

  • * * The Quest begins. After our agreement to find out how this war had started, we had been heading deeper in the ground where dragons main base and home were located. Or that was what Ax said, but she didn't give me any location only said that "I have to go to my place to pick up some things." so i just decided to follow her, because i was interested to see how these dragons lived and were they any different than humans. "So Ax any idea where we could find this information." I asked when i noticed her yellow eyes glancing at me one´s again. Seriously a basic academy level henge i used to look like a black scaled Drone and next thing i notice she was the one ogling at me, i had done same at the beginning of our quest, but then i always found my face eating the dirt, because she had popped me on the head whit her fist, so i stopped it so that my head would stay in one piece. "How to hell you managed to make your self to look like a Drone." The blue dragoness asked making me sigh, even academy student in our world wouldn't be this annoying. "Its just an illusion for god´s sake, its not even real and besides the Jutsu which completely chances your form is lot more complicated and requires more chakra." I said crossing my arms while glaring at the passing scalies who were looking at me in wonder, seriously why didn't they use their sense of smell to see that i was human in disguise, maybe they were just dumper than they looked. "You can make it real." Ax said suddenly and i could see something in her twinkling eyes, which made me shudder and seriously think about running away and screaming like a little girl. "Um. Yes i can but, i rather not do it because it takes lot of chakra and i need most of it if we are going to get in a fight." I said seeing her pouting face, which made me snort while trying to hold my laughter. "What." She asked glaring at me, which made me wave my hands in front of me. "Nothing, just something in my throat." I said couching few times and i almost collided whit Ax when i noticed that she had stopped. "We have to take Reaver if we are going to cross this river." She said pointing at the platform in front of us where two drones where guarding a big flying dragon, it was kind of funny looking dragon. It was green colored and had six legs, four wings and it was wearing some sort of armor which was obviously covering all vital parts. On its back was a some sort of seat which was used to pilot the dragon, it had two seats. One in front, which was for the driver and another on the back for a shooter or something. "So how are we going to get that thing." I asked while we were hiding behind a boulder, "Well i think we have to pop them out." The blue dragoness said grinning like a little kid in candy store which made me sweat drop. "Aren't they suppose to let you in because you are higher up." I asked which made her to look at me and frown. "After i started to look out the real reason for this war, the queens right hand RAAM thought that the reason should stay hidden so he ordered my capture whit any means possible, behind the queens back." Ax said looking at the platform where the Reaver was, which made me frown. "So your queen doesn't know anything about RAAM´s actions." I said making her nod her head. "Yes and that where we heading, to tell the queen about our mission and thats why they are not going to give me the Reaver, if i´m going to go there and ask for it." Ax said sighing which made me grin, "Well then, you haven´t asked nice enough." I said making few hand signs and whit a poof of smoke i was transformed in a female red scaled dragoness whit big bust and very revealing clothes, after that i stood up and walked at the Drones while swaying my hips seductively. "Hi boys, would you mind if i borrowed your Reaver a little." I asked smiling at the two drones who were ogling at my form, "I..i am sorry.. bu.. but we cant.." One of the drones said, which made me pout. "Oh then." I said making another hand sign, "Harem no Jutsu." I said and whit a big puff of smoke there was ten naked red female big busted dragons kneeling and hugging the two drones while asking "Please Drone sama." Which made the drones eyes roll on the back of their heads while foam came from their mouths and blood could been seen dripping from their noses. "Ha, nobody says no to Harem no Jutsu." I said dispelling the Jutsu while taking a pose in my human form, only to start shuddering when i felt an killer intent behind me. I slowly turned to look behind me only to see an very angry blue dragoness looming over me, which made me sweat bullets. "You pervert moron." She said pummeling my fragile human body on the ground, after i was beaten in a bloody mess she started to yell at me. "Look what you did." She said growling and i managed to look at the two passed out drones behind me, "Not them, the Reaver." She said and i turned to look our transport, which was now in same condition. Laying on the ground passed out while a blood trickled from its nose and then i noticed that the Reaver had a huge boner which made me chuckle nervously. "Well... Ehehh i didn't expect that to happen." I said which made the dragoness groan, "Now we can never get there." She said sighing while i collected my self from the ground wincing because of the severe beating, how the hell me one of the strongest ninjas in my village was beaten by a woman. The i remembered what my sensei used to say, "It doesn't matter how strong or fast you are, but you are nothing against womans wrath.", which made me groan. "Look if it helps i know a way to get us another Reaver but its gonna take a lot out of me, so after that i´m only able to do few smaller Jutsu." I said which made her look at me and i started to do hand signs again. "Doton Bunshin No Jutsu." I said making about fife earth clones who took a diamond shaped formation and laid one hand of each others shoulders and then started to make one handed hand signs. "Kage henge no Jutsu." They said in unison and whit a big poof of smoke we had a black scaled Reaver standing in front of us which made Ax to gape at it. "What the hell Ryo." She said gaping at the Reaver i just created, while i dropped on one knee panting slightly. "It only last few hits and its not real, because it will disperse after some time, so we have to go now." I said standing up and climbing on the back seat while Ax was touching the head of the Reaver. "This is unreal." She said jumping on the pilots seat and whit a roar the Reaver clone took of the platform. And some action. "Could you teach me to make these Jutsu´s you are using." She asked while we were flying and i was looking around while trying to rest so that my chakra would slowly recharge, "Maybe, i don't know if you have any chakra pathways so its pretty hard to tell." I said, which made her sigh. About ten minutes later i was back in my drone henge because i had rested enough so that i felt sure to hold the henge up and running, but throwing any Jutsu was out of question. But suddenly a missile went over us and exploded on the cave roof above us, making a rain of big rocks which were dodged by Ax, "Enemy Reaver behind us." I yelled at Ax above the gun fire which came from the backseat of the enemy Reaver, "Shit, take this and shoot them down." Ax said handing me a one handed gun of sorts and i took it, while turning around to face the enemy Reaver, "Oh shit! How the hell humans got a Reaver." I yelled at Ax who glanced over her shoulders only to dodge another missile, "I don't fucking care just shoot them down or something." She yelled at me making a sharp turn to the right, while i thought what to do. I didn't want to kill any of them because it might be bad when i go back to the other humans, so i just decided to take them down whiteout killing. So i took an aim, while activating my sharingan and shooting two rounds. Whit a loud roar from the Reaver i shot the left side wings of it, so that it couldn't fly any more and crashed in the river below. "Good shooting Ryo, maybe you aren't idiot after all." Ax said grinning at me, while petting my head whit her light blue scaled tail. "Hey, i´m not a pettable." I said swatting the tail gently away, which made her laugh and me to pout. Few minutes later we landed at the bottom of large tower on another platform which was guarded by different looking dragons, they had a different kind of armor made for whole body rather than slight armor Drones wear. "Those are palace guardians, i hope RAAM haven't brain washed them." Ax said sighing and we climbed of the Reaver and i told it to fly away and then dispel it self. "Welcome back princess Alexander, the queen has been worried about you and RAAM told that the humans have captured you." One of the guards said which made a vein tick on my head, because she haunt told that she was a princess, seriously if i had killed her then humans would be in deep shit. "Who is the Drone whit you." Asked another guard which made Ax to grin, "He is my body guard." She said while the guard nodded and they started to walk while i and Ax walked behind them. "What the hell Ax, you dint tell me that you are a fucking princess." I whispered at the dragoness, making her laugh, "I thought you didn't want to know about such a small things." She said grinning at me which made me sweat drop, being a princess wasn't a small thing, but i wasn't going to bow at her that for sure. "Oh yeah, i think you look more like tomboy than a princess." I said grinning while dodging her punch, because it would have dispelled my henge. "Be quiet, where are here." One of the guards said stopping in front of big door which probably lead to the queens chamber. The pervert queen. "Yeah, right." Ax said kicking the door open rudely and entered the hall which made me to sweat drop again while following her, "Tomboy indeed." i thought. But when i got in, i saw an older blue scaled dragoness sitting on the throne, covered in some sort of royal silver armor. At least now i know where she got her huge bust from and then i noticed someone standing next to the queen. It was a tall red scaled dragon anthro whit a black armor and some sort of bladed staff was on his back, this obviously was the RAAM, according to what Ax said. "Alexander you are alive." The queen said standing up and running to hug her daughter while i could see RAAM growling and glaring at her on the background. "Off course i am alive, but you should ask from the red dick head for real reason why i got missing." Ax said glaring at RAAM, which made the queen turn to look at the red dragon. "RAAM what is she talking about." The queen asked making the dragon bow in front of her, "My queen i don't know what she is talking about, all i know is that she was captured by humans, maybe they did something to her." RAAM said and i could smell a lie from a mile away, which made me snort and they all turned to look at me. "That wasn't what i heard when i rescued her from three horny Drones." I said making the red dragon curse silently while the queen looked at her daughter, "Is it true what this Drone is saying Alexander." The queen asked looking at her daughter and it was first time i saw her crying, she didn't even cry when she was going to get raped and now her eyes were red and tears where falling from her eyes. "I..they were going to.. to rape me and he ordered them to kidnap me." Ax said sobbing and glaring at RAAM which made me grin, man the red dragon was now screwed. "Guard, take him to the prison and question him whit any means possible." The queen yelled which made the RAAM protest while the guards subdued him and started to drag him away. "I swear i am going to get you bitch and you fucking daughter, i swear." RAAM yelled before he was dragged away and the queen turned back to her daughter reassuring her that everything is okay. After she had calmed down she turned to look at me which made me nervous, "And who is this brave Drone who saved you from those criminals." The queen asked and i saw Ax smiling, "He is the one who saved me from them and brought me back here." Ax said standing straight while wiping her tears away, "Well then i think promotion would be a nice reward for you." The queen said smiling which made me sweat drop and Ax started to chuckle nervously. "Well.. Mother thats not quite possible." Ax said which made the queen turn to look at her, "And can you tell me why." The queen asked and suddenly her face lit into a smile, "Oh you want him to be your mate." The queen said grinning which made me face fall on the ground while Ax gaped at her mother and then blushed furiously. "Mom its not that, its just that he isn't one of us. Kind of." Ax said which made the queen look at me after i had stood up, "Ehehe.. you see this is just an illusion, this is real me." I said chuckling nervously before dispelling the technique revealing my human form and the i stood there sweating bullets while the queen looked at me disbelieving, until she burst into a laugh, which surprised me and Ax. "Well i didn't think that my little girl would swing that way." The queen said grinning, "" Ax said looking embarrassed, which made the queen chuckle, "Well he doesn't look like those other humans in armor and he hasn't done any hostile movements so i let it skip this time, now tell me what happened Alexander." The queen said and Ax started to tell her a story how i saved her and how i protected her using those "Stupid tricks" and then to the moment we got here, she also told about our quest which made the queen interested. "Well i always wondered how this all started and i knew RAAM was keeping me from something important but i didn't have any proof so i give you permission to research about this and to stop any attempts on Ryo´s life i decided to make him first honorably human guest." The queen said which made Ax to hug her and me to sigh in relief, because i didn't have to fight my self out of here. "Now i think you both are tired and because we are short of space i think that Ryo should spent a night in your room if that is okay." The queen said and i could see that she had something in mind because of the twinkle in her green eyes and the grin didn't help at all. "Well, okay i think i can spare few pillows." Ax said looking unsure about what her mother was thinking and after she said good nights we left to find her room. Something yiffy. "Well that sure was interesting experience." I said glancing around and noticing many palace guards looking and pointing at me, "At least she didn't order your execution." Ax said sighing which made me to pet her back, "Ah, but don't worry i could have used my ultimate technique to escape if the situation went bad." I said taking a pose until i felt a pain on my head and i was kissing the dirt again, "Idiot." Ax said huffing while crossing her arms across her chest while glaring at me. "Owwie, thats gonna live a mark." I said rubbing back of my head while i picked my self up from the floor, which made the blue dragoness sigh. "Lets go i´m tired." Ax said yawning and i followed her until we arrived in front of a door which was guarded by two palace guards who greeted Ax when we entered, i was stunned when i saw her room. It was big almost as big as the queens chamber. There was lots of different kind of stuff in the room but mostly bookshelves, a fire place where a fire was warming the cave, then there was a pile of white pillows in one of the corners, probably her bed. There was only two doors in there which led somewhere, "The door on the left is bathroom and the door in front of us is to the balcony." Ax said after noticing me looking at them which made me nod. "So you read a lot." I said walking in front of one of the selves and taking a random book from there, which was about human anatomy and this made me rise my eyebrow, maybe it was because the war, in my home it was pretty usual that you had at least one book of human anatomy if you were a ninja. "Well we really don't have anything else to do in here than read and fight." Ax said walking in the bathroom to take bath, but she stopped at the door before turning at me. "No peeking or i kick your ass to moon and back." She said walking in the bath room, after she closed the door i returned the anatomy book on the self and opened the balcony door. When i looked outside from the balcony, i saw a small city below us, obviously other dragons lived in there. I started to think about how the dragons had managed to live down here without becoming mad, because if i would have to live below the ground whiteout anything to do i would be mad pretty soon. After some time i heard the door behind me to open and i noticed Ax walking next to me on the balcony and look at the village below. "Beautiful isnt it." She said, which made me to nod and sigh because it reminded me of my precious people at my home. "Yeah i´m going to take bath too." I said walking back inside and heading to the bathroom, when i went in there i noticed that there was a small water fountain where a hot and steaming water was falling into a hot spring below it. "Well damn an onsen, its been too long since i´ve been in one." I said starting to undress while tossing the clothes near the door next the wardrobe in there, which probably was holding her clothes. When i was stark naked i walked in the water and laid against the wall whit a sigh while releasing my aching muscles, i almost fell in sleep in there until i noticed that i must have been an hour in here so whit a groan i stood up and started to wash my self on the small water fall. After i got all the muck of my skin and long hair i used a small futon Jutsu to create a small gust of wind which dried my body and hair, then i took a scroll from the pocket of my jacket opening it and laying it on the floor. When the scroll was open i bit my left hand thumb and smeared some blood on the scroll making a puff of smoke which revealed a set of clothes, but i only took a black baggy pants from them because i always wear only baggy pants before i went to sleep and rest of the clothes were sealed back and the dirty clothes were tossed in the pile where her dirty clothes were, probably going for wash or something. "Yawwnnnn, damn i´m tired." I said picking up my other stuff and pouches from the floor and walking back to Ax´s room where i saw her laying on the pillows while reading a book. "Yo Ax where do i sleep." i asked after i had walked next to the pile of the pillows and then i saw her grinning face look behind the book at me and then i noticed what read on the cover of the book, "Oh hell no." i said in horror and turned to run away but suddenly something hit my leg making me yelp while dropping my stuff on the floor and fall on the pillows on my back, but before i could stand up Ax sat on my stomach and i could feel something holding my hands and saw a metallic shackles holding them and i turned to look at her. "I´ve been a bad bad dragon." She said moving her finger along my bare chest which made me shiver, "What are you going to do now." I asked becoming nervous and her big grin didn't help at all and then she took of her black gown revealing her bright blue scaled body and her big breast which made little Roy starting to stir up, which made her giggle. Then she lowered her muzzle in front of my mouth and suddenly i felt her lips touching mines and her tongue asking for permission to enter my mouth which i opened suddenly when i felt something squeezing my balls and i could feel her tongue exploring the depths of my mouth. Then as suddenly as it started it stopped and i opened my eyes to look at her yellow ones, "Now lets see what you got in here." She said crawling backwards until i felt her hands pulling my pants away revealing my now hard cock, which made her gasp. "My my aren't we big, maybe you need a little treat." She said licking her lips before suddenly taking my tool deep in her hot mouth making me gasp and buck my hips. For gods sake it felt like an oven and i could feel her tongue wrapping around it making me moan loudly. Suddenly she started to pop her head up and down which almost made cum then and there, this lasted sometime until i could feel her muzzle leaving from my cock making me groan and she started to murr. "Not yet my little human, i need that for something else." she said before kissing me again and i could taste my own pre from her tongue. Whit a moan we separated again and i could feel something hot and wet above my tool and i saw her pink colored slit dripping her juices on my crotch, which made me to look at her smiling face and then she started to lover her self on my length making us both moan. It felt like a torture because she was so warm and tight and the slow pace didn't help at all, so i tried to buck my hips but i was stopped by her hands. "Tut tut, you didn't say please." Ax said grinning which made me moan because i wasn't even a half way in her, "Please." I moaned making her grin and suddenly she dropped on me so that my tool went deep inside of her making us both gasp, "Oh god you are so big." Ax said moaning while starting to move up and down slowly, "And you are so fucking tight." I said groaning because i couldn't do nothing, i was owned. "I didn't thought it was going to be this good, oh god." Ax said moaning while starting to speed up, "And i never thought i would be in bed whit a dragoness." I said moaning when she sped up again and i could feel her cunt spasming meaning that she was gumming soon, "Oh god i think i´m coming." She said laying her hands next to my head and giving me a deep kiss making us both moan and i could feel my own orgasm building. "Cum cum in me little human." She said suddenly biting my neck when her orgasm came and that made my balls shoot my load in her cunt making me to yell in pleasure while she roared. After our orgasm subsided she fell on my chest and i could feel my hands getting free from the shackles so i wrapped them around her while still keeping my self inside of her. "Did you like it." She asked looking happy and tired, which made me smile. "Hell yeah, we have to this again sometime, but now lets get some sleep, beautiful." i said giving her a deep kiss before she snuggled close to me and we fell in blissful sleep. * * *

Now did you like it huh, did it make you hard, were you naughty and made a mess on your screen... Just kidding, just please remember to comment my life depends on it... Hmm.. it would be cool if somebody drew some of the characters in my story, but i think it might be hard because i haven't described them enough, buuut now i´m going to watch and get hit by a lighting bolt.. YAY..