Gears And Dragons III

Gears And Dragons III * * * Well now i heard somebody asking for some yiffy time, so here it is. Now all i ask in return from you is to read and review PLEASE (super puppy dog eyes), because this is so long chapter it might take some time to come up...

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Gears And Dragons II

* * * Yo. Wazz up my dear readers. Ive got some views and few favorites for the first part of this story series and it seems that the story keeps popping in my head so i have to write it out. To those who are waiting some yiffy type action BE PATIENT...

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Gears And Dragons I

* * * Yo. This is going to bit of confusing story, but then there is Gears and Ninja and Dragons. So it might come out pretty good, if i can think of some kind of plot, because i´m just making things up. Off course there is going to be some yiffy time...

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