Lizard of the Night

Story by Sludawg on SoFurry

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Laughter broke the dark night, the rain poured heavily on thatch roofs. A dark figure ran from sword-baring guards, the guards shouted at the figure as it threw down a bloodied sword and tripped one of the followers. The figured lifted a hand, and with a cackle, vanished into the misty rain. The guards stopped and glanced around worryingly, they swung their blades through the air. A seemingly glowing figure stepped through the guards and stared at the position where the figure disappeared.

"Forget it, the bastard escaped again. We shall catch the midnight assassin sooner or later." The warrior's face hid behind a closed polished helm while the rest of his body donned in the same material giving him a powerful appearance.

"Yes, Captain Akul, we shall." One of the guards sheathed his blade and turned to the captain.

The captain glanced up to the roofs; the rain rang off the metal. Inside the helm, the scaled face of one of the few lizard faired populace in the town, frowned as his enchanted armor found the criminal's life force. He hissed a curse in his native tongue making his human companions wince, they rarely heard him speak another tongue little on seen him out of armor.

Captain Akul turned and took a deep breath then he muttered: "Return to your posts, and watch for a female baring my crest. When she enters, escort her to me immediately. Is that understood?"

The men saluted and shouted, "Sir, yes sir!" Then they ran off leaving the warrior standing in the street alone. He walked down the street to a nice mansion; he stood there as he pulled a set of keys from his greave's waistband. He then sorted through the ring to find the key that unlocked his house and walked in. He shut the door then took off the helm. His dark green coloring reflected in the silver armor. He placed it on a hook then removed the boots then followed the rest of the armor.

He stretched his near nude body then moved around to gather his home clothes in the next room. His tail twitched with anger as various thoughts came to mind. He growled and slammed his fist into the doorframe. He shook off the pain, happy to be thinking of something else.

Akul had just fastened his linen pants when a knock broke through the mansion. He rushed to the door and opened it. There stood two guards and a slim female lizard, even in the darkness her coloring made her glow a blushed red. He greeted her then dismissed the guards gratefully.

"Nac chul." He muttered as he bowed in her presence and ushered her in.

"Drop the native speech, Rodnas Akul, and put on a shirt."

He chuckled and did as she ordered. "So, Egias Redscale, what was such the importance that you had to come yourself?"

"I came with the orders of Grogasnia."

"Let me guess, even though you fled the kingdom, you are still going to follow their laws?"

"Normally I would not, but...well, I just let you read the message yourself." Egias pulled out a letter from her bosom and handed it to Rodnas.

He read it and chuckled. "Ah, now that is a twist, but then why did I not get the message?"

"You will, this pairing was arranged by our rulers. You are the best warrior Adnai while I am the highest-ranking noble female here."

"Am I now? When did that happen? Oh well, is this a forced retirement?"

"The courier should arrive within the next month. They would not entrust me with it even though I was present unexpectedly."

"Really? That is odd, so this might just be the end of my career. Finally." He sat down kicked back the chair next to him then offered her the seat. "Come take seat, I am sure all of this ‘City' walking is killing you." He chuckled lightly.

"You have not changed over the years."

"Nor have you. How long has it been? Twenty-five?"

"Thirty years since you ran from the royal guard, now I expect that you offer me the place to myself until the courier comes and officially makes this pairing."

"I cannot do that, though you are more then welcome to stay here. I have plenty of rooms, but I need this place. If I don't have my space, my men would drive my insane."

"Understood," She said after a pause. "But at least leave me be until then."

"Aye, the only time I will ever get to see you is at morning meal."

She nodded then looked around slightly.

"I know, not what you are used to, but you will get used to it. I can show you to a room if you want, then I will retrieve your belongings through my men."


He took her to the stairs that stood in the family quarters then they went up to the second story where he showed her the largest spare room he had. She quickly entered the room and slammed the door shut. He sighed then went to the third story to his room and went to bed.

In the morn just before the sun rose, he woke and continued his daily routine forgetting he had a guest, he walked around in the nude fixing his morning meal and doing his exercises while the meal cooked. He stopped as a disgusted gasp broke the silence. He stood not caring if his body was hid from the female.

"Did I wake you? I admit, I forgot you were here, but I will not forsake my routines for you."

"You are a..."

"Well built warrior? I know, now, either you can join me or you can return to your room it is up to you. There are no servants here to tend to your whims."

"No, that is not what I was going to say, but that is a good excuse for your...choice of dressing."

"I do not dress in the morning so I can move freely to stretch before work. Now, if you don't mind, I am behind schedule as it is." He dropped back to the floor and started his push-ups again while she walked around him and looked into the pot of foul smelling gruel. She sat and watched him move up and down she particularly noticed his limp maleness resting on the floor, she squirmed slightly as she licked her lips.

She bested the temptation and turned to the bubbling paste that he was cooking. He rose and grabbed a bowl, a ladle, and a spoon. He dipped the paste out and sat the bowl in front of her and handed her the spoon then turned to grab another bowl and spoon.

"What is this mess?"

"Oats, my dear, eat up." He filled his bowl and just as quickly emptied it. He then rushed off to don his armor just as the sun started to break. He returned to her carrying the helm. "I may not meet up with you until morning. But until then, adieu and may the waters be swift." He donned the helmet then walked out leaving his guest to fend for herself.

She roamed the house that morning trying to peer into her soon-to-be mate's life. She found nothing unusual of being a guardsman. She sighed and laid on his bed wondering why he chose such a large bed and not have a female to quench his male needs. Or, he hides the evidence well, either way, she could not find it. She smiled as his musky scent wafted around her. She hated acting herself around him, she knew she had to open up to him. She went to dress herself in her best clothes then headed out to wander the town.

She talked to the guards asking about Akul most of the afternoon, finding that most of the men joked about him, otherwise they kept quiet not wanting the wrong words spilling out and getting back to him. She also found that several of the men wanted any kind of female company and a cold ale or two.

She ran into Rodnas as he was patrolling the streets. She pulled him off the road and talked to him. She found that he was more official on patrol then when he was at home. She figured it was the armor clouding his mind in some way. As he walked off, she sighed then headed back hoping he would return soon. In a way, she was right, he followed her back to the mansion and then inside they went. He took off the helm and glared at her.

"Do you want to be killed? If my enemies find out that you are a noble they will hunt you down and hold you for money. A little advice, get some local clothes and blend in. Do not let me catch you showing off, I am held accountable for all noble folk that visit. If anyone of them is captured or worse, it is I that has to risk his life for them."

He turned and stormed out putting on his helm in the same motion. She noticed that his tail was not showing either, she guessed that he kept his racial features hidden to keep his status with the populace. She shut the door and sighed. She decided to rummage through the drawers in her room, she found some linen clothing and changed. She itched in the coarse cloth, but she would appease that just to keep hidden in plain sight.

That evening she found herself waiting on him. Her tail swished eagerly for something she did not know. As he entered and started to strip off the armor, she stepped in his view and clapped her sides.

"So, how is this? Is this better?"

"Yes, it is a start. If you have any money on you, you should go and buy some clothes, I have sent for your belongings, but it is going to take a while."

"I have started thinking, since we are to be mates according to our rulers, shall we get moving before it becomes official?"

"And have you considered a whore? I would die first."

"My, my, do you think I did not know that?"

"All we have to do is get used to each other."

"Then train with me in the morn. I woke up late this morning and that rarely happens."

"We shall see about that in the coming months." She strode forward and rubbed his bare chest. "Come, let's break some native laws for the common laws."

"I...I..." He drew in a breath and looked into her eyes. "That would break my very being. I could not do that."

"But I think I could. I think that even you would fall weak to a beautiful body." She chuckled as she stepped back and then let her shirt fall off her shoulders.

"Please, let's be civilized, I know that we could ignore every aspect of this opportunity but..." He stopped with his mouth agape as the shirt fell and left the female standing smiling with her round-scaled breasts staring at him.

She took one step towards him then let the pants drop to the floor. "Come, show me your goods now."

He swallowed hard then a solid thump against his greaves made him flinch. "I...uh..." He looked around and saw that most of the windows were covered, most likely, she planned this. "I will meet you upstairs, my room."

"Finally I get the answer I wanted. I will not wait too long though. If you don't come soon, I will come for you." She smiled and twitched her tail as she walked to the stairs.

Rodnas shook his head and followed. He could not deny himself the luxury of being this close to a female again, the last time was when he left the homeland. He met her in his room, she laid there on her stomach stark naked and tail lifted. He smiled and let the rest of his armor fall to the floor as quickly as he could remove it. There he stood, his green body glistened as he thought about the moments to come. His maleness pulsed and shown a brilliant greenish-pink.

He moaned as he toyed with himself; he had forgotten how good it felt. He crawled onto the bed moved to caress her back, as he did so, he squirmed between her legs and found her opening. They both moaned as he pushed his way in and warmed in her moisture. He twisted his tail around hers as he began to thrust, she moaned with his size stretching her. She let her lubricants flow a few moments after he started pushing in and she barely could stop. He grunted as his length grew stiffer and forced himself to thrust harder. The squirts of her juices filled the air with female musk and sounds.

This made him even more grateful that he did fall to this, he pounded and pounded holding back the pressure he felt building. The smacking of his hips against hers resounded loudly in the room. The moans and groans played just as loud. He pulled out of her and spilled his seed over her back. She groaned with disapproval, he rolled her over then lay on her chest and reentered her, she gushed out as he did so, soaking him and the bed. He began to thrust hard; the force moved the bed across the floor. They both moaned as they felt him spill again he kept going as he pumped harder and harder until he felt himself drain. Even then, he tried to keep going, but he went limp, though that did not even stop him.

She still moaned as his limp maleness trickled across her more sensitive places, which made her leak onto the bed. He tried to get his erection back for a good ten minutes then gave in to his heaving lungs and flopped over beside her. He breathed heavily but grinned wearily. She rolled over, rubbed his chest, and smiled. The she turned to his limp member. She licked her lips as she drew near; she grasped it with one clawed finger and drew it up to her lips. She sucked it in and drew it tight. Her tongue wrapped around it and forced some of the remaining seed into her mouth. She eagerly swallowed wanting more. She toyed the flesh with her tongue and teeth making her male shiver and whine in ecstasy.

"Let me rest first." He begged.

To no avail, she continued her milking. She drew his flesh into her throat and got minor flare from him. She continued this, yearning for more seed; she finally got him erect again after the fourth, full swallow and pulled away. She turned on him, forced herself down on him and then squeezed her hips. Tightening her muscles, she moved up and down on his shaft, she started to rub her breasts and sides. She bounced hard enough to make him grunt with each smack. He exploded in her though he figured she did not know it or cared. She arched back and sprayed her warm juices on him and the bed.

She stopped and curled on his chest and kissed him, then with a twinkle in her eye she pulled away from him and released her grip. She rose from the bed and stared at his body. She licked her lips then tuned her eyes at his, she saw gratitude in him. She smiled at him.

"I think I might stay even if I do not conceive, you are the best male that has served me." A chuckle broke lose as she slowly reached down her body to gather her moisture to taste it. "And you actually make me taste rather fondly."

"Well what can I say? I am the ‘best' warrior am I not?" He winked at her then rose. "I do have a rather large to join me?" He chuckled then offered the crook of his arm to her.


"Aye, it is more of an underground pond...but, well, I had to get my swimming in some how."

She took his arm and he took downstairs to the basement where he opened a hidden door near his potato cupboard and took her down into the cavern. The lighting was bright, but no torches were lit. The glow came from the rocks themselves, he muttered something about having magic rooted in the foundation of the cavern to enchant the rocks. She could not hold the information long enough to think on it as the water came in view.

She was shocked at it's size, the water was also very clear, she saw the bottom rock she estimated it was at least twenty feet down. He let her go of her arm and went to a small cranny to the left then returned with a sickly looking man.

"This is Francisco, he keeps the pond stocked up with fast moving fish for me. If you are going to stay here, I would like you to know that he is...special. He won't harm you as long as I protect you." He turned to the man and nodded. Francisco ran up the way they came and disappeared. "We will be left alone a unless the messenger comes, then he will get me."

"What sort of beast was that?" She asked as she washed the man disappear.

"Beast? Francisco is no beast, he is simply a loner who dreads sunlight. He is no night follower though."

"Then why would he harm me?"

"He loves his cave more than life itself, so try not to move any rocks. Anyway, the water is a bit cool." He ran and jumped into the water causing no more then a ripple to form on the surface.

She followed making a loud splash to echo throughout the cavern. Rodnas chuckled from the chilly depths and circled his ‘prey.' He jumped her as she rose to wipe the water from her eyes and made her shout. He backed away and splashed her then dove and swam slowly away hoping she would fall into chasing him. He looked back and found the result pleasing, she was chasing him wanting to get him back. He happily let her catch up then swam away. Occasionally he turned back on her and teased her playfully, then he let her catch him. The first time she caught him, her strength caught him off guard as she picked him up and tossed him over the water surface.

He shook off the water from his face and stared at the semi-smiled face of his mate. He chuckled and smiled back. She spat a stream of water at him then drew closer to him. She chuckled as she wrapped her tail around his and spread her legs to grasp his waist.

"Take me again, Rodnas, and this time don't waist a drop." She pressed her chest against his and rested her head on his shoulder.

"It would be my..." Rodnas looked up as he noticed a torch lighting the path.

"Forgive me, Milord, I have brought a message from his Majesty. Shall I read it Milord?"


Francisco cleared his throat and opened the scroll. "Captain Akul. You are hereby removed from post according to a pact made with your kin's homeland. You are to be the registered breeding mate to noble female Egias Redscale, the council recommends you go through the local laws of matrimony and be bound by law.

"On a more personal note, I recommend that you two do not tell the homeland about your children. Have a grand retirement, Captain, and this order takes effect immediately."

Francisco rolled the scroll and tucked it under his arm. "That is all, Milord, except that this must reach the Count now. I will take it, sir, and leave you two alone."

He bowed to the couple then ran off with the torchlight.

"Well, that came quicker than expected." Rodnas chuckled. "It is going to be a bit to get back into the mood. In the meantime, care to have a meal?"

"I would have to agree, the intrusion did disrupt the moment."

They left the cavern and made up a decent meal without bothering to dress. They talked casually and asked when each other are going to be at their peak standards. By which they meant physical standpoint. Neither could answer, but routed back to the discussion of pleasure and postures. Egias smiled as her plate vanished and was placed in the sink. Rodnas, indeed, was a grand housekeeper and wanted it to stay that way. He rinsed off the plates then turned to his lover.

A grin crept across his face as he groped himself. He grabbed her and took her upstairs happily. They lay in his bed as they toyed with each other increasing the mood. He grew erect while she opened herself to him. He rolled onto her and thrust himself deep into her body happily taking his mate into the full bond. He pounded his hips into hers working up the pressure and making her leak on him. He drenched the bed and sheets in her juices. He licked away at her neck nipping every so often.

He worked his way as far down her chest as he could get without having to withdraw from her. She moaned and gasped as his lapping and pounding gave her the utmost pleasures. She climaxed and poured a great amount of her juices onto his body. Right after her tremors, Rodnas let go of his seed and filled her until he felt like he drained the very essence from his body. They moaned in unison and embraced each other as their orgasms drove them to leak more fluids. Finally, the tremors stopped and they parted the other body, smiles and laughter broke out, as did the sensation of a completion they barely knew was possible. They drew in deep breaths as they stared at each other truly happy for the first time in ages. Laughter broke out in the street again, laughter that Rodnas Akul knew all too well.

He growled and ran out to chase the villain. Egias sighed and chased after him and caught him at the door, with a pull of his tail, she pulled him back in and held him tightly. She drew him a smile as she shut and locked the door.

"You are retired. Leave it to the younger men, someone else can catch that fool."

He succumbed to her and let her drag him away from his foe. They went back upstairs to mate once more...

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