Tales in Taboo: Jenna and Gilly 12

Story by minatek616 on SoFurry

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The girls are getting ready for their big trip away from the mountain, but get easily distracted when Jenna has Gilly put on Wix's cock ring.

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Jenna has been talking a lot about going out on an adventure. Somewhere far off with new and interesting things and people she keeps saying. It is in her nature to imagine the best possible outcome but the truth is, traveling can be very dangerous. Or at least that's what you've been told, mostly by your mother. You've never considered leaving the mountain for any extended period of time, and why would you? Your home was here, your family was here, and most importantly, Jenna was here. There really didn't seem to be a reason to leave, but if she ever left... you don't even want to think about it.

You finally broch the subject of a trip away from home with Jenna to your parents at breakfast one morning.

"Sounds like a fine idea," you father nods in is deep but gentle voice while setting down to a cup of tea.

"Don!" your mother interjects pounding a hand on the table, "The open road is no place for two young ladies. It isn't safe."

"And that's why it's such a fine idea, my love," your father agrees. Your father, Don Grayfield is an impressive example of your people, tall and heavily muscled. He has a darker brown coat that yours with a jet black mane and kind gray eyes. He is in his usual work clothes, a simple stained tan shirt and matching trousers. "The girls will get their fill of travel quickly enough, realize just how good they have it here, come right back, and that'll be the end of it."

You mother, Hanna Grayfield, glares at her husband. She is a beautiful mare, silver maned and dominantly peach colored with a few white splotches. A generous bust and slim feminine curves are visible beneath her plan white blouse and long green skirt. She glares at your father as he addresses you, purposely avoiding her gaze. "You know the smith runs some trade to Hashire, a small town a little ways away. I think that'll be a good trip for you and your friend."

"That sounds great dad," you reply smiling. He nods and takes another sip from his mug.

"Gilly, I don't think it's a good idea for the two of you to stray so away from home," your mother say, clearly trying to remain calm.

"Mom, I need to, I can't let Jenna go alone," you reason.

Her psture is stiff as she looks down at her own tea, "I don't understand why either of you need to go anywhere at all, when you have the entire mountain to explore."

Telling her it's just because Jenna wants too sounds too childish so you try to come up with a better reason but can't come up with any. Luckily your father saves you. "Let them go Hanna. If they don't go with our approval they'll just end up sneaking off without it, you know they will. Besides it'll be good for them to get a taste of the real world." Your mother opens her mouth to counter but he continues, "We can't keep them from it forever and this way we'll know where they are." He turns back to you as your mother crosses her arms under her large breasts in irritation, "I'll talk to Ceard when I see him, see if he can give you direction. Now if you ladies will excuse me, I need to be off to the fields." He rises, kissing your mother on the cheek and heads for the front door, his hooves heavy on the wooden floor boards.

You hear him leave a moment later and your mother lets out a heavy sigh, "It'll be alright mom. Dad's right, Jenna just needs to get it out of her system is all." She takes a sip from her mug and doesn't say anything. Gathering up your and your fathers hand carved dishes, you thank her for breakfast and take them to be washed. When you've finished you come back through and find she is still sitting at the table. You tell her you're going to go forage and kiss her on the cheek as your father had. Grabbing your sack, you head out into the morning to meet Jenna and tell her the news.

It's not long before you see her skipping gracefully along, her plan pink sundress flowing behind her and forage basket flailing at her side. She is as radiantly beautiful as always and it makes you grin widely knowing she's here for you. Picking up your pace you meet her as she lands from a bound and wrap your arms around your dearest's shoulders. Jenna hugs you tightly about the waist. She is a bit shorter than you which lets her snuggle perfectly into your neck as you run your muzzle between her pointed fox ears. "Good morning, Gilly," She says in your arms.

"Mmm, good morning Jenna." And with that small exchange, you simply hold each other for a time, enjoying the comfort of you fox's soft warm body and her familiar scent.

Jenna's exquisitely soft fur on your throat is a heavenly tickle and you sigh with the pleasure of it. She giggles lightly and rubs against you a little harder, forcing you jaw to lift over her head. You hold her gently, rubbing her hands along her back and she ahhh's happily. Before things can go any further, Jenna pushes away and grasps your wrists, pulling you off the road and into the trees. Once the two of you are out of sight she spins and wraps her arms around your neck to pull you into a deep kiss. Her lips are wonderfully supple against yours and you return her affection, holding her close. Tilting your head to one side you lock your lips even more firmly over hers, tasting her sweetness. Jenna's tongue enters your mouth and you gladly accept it, running over the delicate moist flesh with your own.

After an entirely inadequate amount of time, Jenna pulls her tongue free and asks, "So, did you ask about going on an adventure?"

"Yes, just this morning," you reply, kissing her once more.

She pulls away again smiling, a thin strand of spittle still linking you together, "Finally. Well, what'd they say?"

"My mom's not too happy but dad said he'd talk to our smith and _he_might be able to give us directions on how to get to a town a couple of days away."

"Oh, Gilly, that's wonderful! My parents said we could go on a little trip too as long as it isn't very far _and_I go with you. When can we go see the smith?" she bubbles.

"Maybe later today, I don't know when my dad is going to see him."

Before you finish Jenna starts to jump up and down, "Let's go now, just to see."

"But Jenna, it's only been a..." You try, as she bounces in your grip.

"Come on, come on, come on!" she interrupts, slipping free from your arms only to tug on your wrists pulling you in the direction of your village.

A few minutes later, you're leading Jenna to Mr. Telford's forge. You don't hear the usual loud clash of metal being worked and wonder if he is even in. Entering the fairly open wooden building, you maneuver around various implements of his trade, an anvil, tables of various uses ladened with tools, his own work hanging up on the walls from hooks and nails. Jenna follows just behind you, the air getting steadily warmer as you make your way to the back. There you find him tending the intense flames of his brick furnace. He is turned away from the two of you and glows orange in the light of the fire. Ceard Telford is the village's blacksmith. A stallion in his elder years, his gray coat and lighter nearly white mane seem to accent his age, which contrasts sharply with his impressive build. A lifetime of hard labor has given him a powerful physique even in his elderly years.

"Mr. Telford?" you ask quietly, not wanting to startle him. He turns his entire body to show much of the front of his thick leather apron, heavy brown trousers, and coat covered in black soot despite the early hour. His face has its share too which makes his teeth look extra bright when he smiles at you.

"Gilly, oh and Jenna too, the saviors of our little village. Come in, come in, your father told me you might be coming to visit." His voice is deep and a bit raspy.

"Dad already came by?" you ask a bit surprised.

"He did, left just few minutes ago. Said the two of you wanted to visit Hashire. That right?"

"Oh, yes! We want to go on an adventure!" Jenna exclaims, clasping her hands together.

Mr. Telford laughs heartily, "An adventure, eh? Well, Hashire would be a good start, not too far, and a decent enough town."

"My dad said you might be able to help us plan a route," you say hopefully.

"Oh sure, I travel that way, know it inside'n'out. Was planning a trip there myself, t'do a little sellin'. If you girls could help an old man out, I'd be more than happy to draw up a map t'a help you on your way."

"That would be great!" Jenna bubbles.

"What can we do for you?" you wonder.

He jerks his chin towards the wall where a rather large and heavy looking rucksack leans. "See that pack? Have a buyer in Hashire, needs those tools. You girls get it there in one piece, make the deal, and bring back the money."

Jenna claps again, "It's like a quest, Gilly!" You eye the pack some more and think, more like a job. "We'll do it!" Jenna announces before you can say anything and he pumps his fist, "That's the spirit girls." The aging blacksmith tells you to come back tomorrow for the map and the two of you head back out.

Jenna prances around you as you walk, "Isn't this amazing, we're going on an adventure!"

It's terribly hard not to get swept up in her excitement and you smile, "Yup, soon it'll just be you, me, and the open road."

She smiles brightly, "This is going to be so much fun! I can't wait!" The excited fox then wraps her arms around your waist from behind and hugs you hard, "Thank you so much Gilly, no way I'd be able to do this without you."

You stroke her arms lovingly, "Let's go forage in the mountain, we'll need some snacks for the trip."

She gives you one last hard squeeze and then cheers, "Ok!"

The two of you head into the mountains together and easily find plenty of nice things to bring. Several different types of berries are ripe though you take more of those that could use some more time on the bush, that way they don't squish as easily. Jenna isn't nearly as picky, and for every berry, leaf, or seed she manages to gather, another seems to end up in her ever munching mouth. She catches you watching and grins widely, her teeth colored maroon from various fruit juices. You take her in for a moment, her bright glittering amber eyes, lovely reddish orange coat, and slender petite figure. Her eyebrows lift a little, "What?"

Smiling you say, "You're really beautiful, Jenna." She grins wider and steps close, kissing your lips. She even tastes good.

You both end up lying beside each other were a bit of sun breaks through the forest's thick canopy. Your legs intertwined as you lick the inside of one of her delicate fox ears, while playing idly with her thick luxurious tail. She massages your breasts through your blouse letting out cute little noises of pleasure while rubbing her hip into your crotch. With your wonderful fox stimulating you so, it isn't long before our hermaphrodite equine cock begins to push out from its sheath. Jenna giggles as it presses up your skirt and climbs along her belly. She pets it fondly over the cotton cloth as it grows for her.

Once you're at full mast, she slides down your body, and slips under your skirt. She lets out an awed, "Ohhhh..." as she grasps you thick shaft with both hands. You feel something furry, her cheek maybe, tickling as she rubs herself all over the base of your considerable length. She then forces your thighs apart and you feel her wet supple tongue glide over your nether lips and up the underside of your dick in long licks. Your hands close into fists as you moan, a wonderfully warm slow electricity running into you from her tongue. She giggles, "Gilly, I want you to wear it."

"Uhhhhh, wear... wear what?" you groan down at her, Jenna's saliva leaving a cooling trail over your crotch. A hand pops out from under your dress waving the deceptively simple bronze cock ring. You let out a breathy laugh and take the offered magical accessory.

Jenna continues lavishing you privates with long gentle intensely distracting licks and it takes a few tries to get the ring on. The moment you have it in place you let you head fall back to the ground into your thick silver mane, squirming under her ministrations. Her moist breath warms spots on the trail of saliva she leaves on you as she reaches up to fondle your flared head with her slender enchanting fingers. She makes you moan incoherently, until a new sensation arises just above your cock, a sort of swelling warmth like a warm ball gently expanding under your skin. It feels fantastic and Jenna squeals jubilantly, "Ooo here it comes!" You snatch at your skirt pulling it up to reveal the fox with your large cock in her hands as she watches enraptured by the growth of a second equine penis just above your first.

Jenna pulls down hard with both hands on your original shaft, lifting herself up to watch your second swelling length reach full erectness. The pleasure and pressure are too much and you pulse, a viscous glob of precum bursting free and landing between the beautiful fox's amber eyes. She jumps a little and then smiles wickedly even as it slowly slides down the side of her muzzle. She collects the thick goo with two fingers, bringing it to her mouth and sucking audibly until the digits are clean. "If you're going to make a mess, we better spare our clothes," she chides playfully and starts to undress.

You join her and find it a little tricky getting both enormous cocks free from your skirt, but you manage with Jenna's help. She tosses the garment atop her own, kneeling in front of you, practically drooling over your twin endowments as you slip off your blouse and bra. Just as she reaches for your brace of penises, you turn away to collect both your clothes. She crawls after as you place them among some surface roots for their own safety, all the while keeping your erections just out of her reach. You then sit in a clearing on the opposite side of the shielding tree with your legs spread wide before you. Jenna crawls up to your side, rubbing her lithe nude body over your arms, shoulder and chest as she positions herself between your legs.

Placing a hand low on both your penises, you start to jerk off. Jenna grabs both shafts just under your flares and begins rubbing the mushrooming flesh all over her face in utter delight moaning, "You're so amazing, Gilly." Her fur tickles wonderfully and watching the glittering strands of precum webbing all over her face is intensely arousing. She starts to lick your flared heads while taking breaks only to suck on the rims. Your mouth falls open and doesn't close as you moan again and again, watching your vixen work.

She offers your new cock to you as she sucks and licks your original. You take it into your mouth, knowing it gives her a vicarious thrill to watch you suck yourself off. The magicked cock is marvelously sensitive and almost immediately a spurt of precum hits the roof of your mouth. You don't know how Wix did it, but it tastes exactly like your natural juices. Jenna leans in and licks your nose until you pull away from yourself to kiss her, your own flavor thick on her tongue. She energetically roams in your mouth as if trying to take all the pre for herself, and you don't mind in the least.

She breaks away to take a breath while stroking both your cocks, now slick and shiny with precum and spittle, "Ohhh Gilly."

"Mmm, lay on top of me, I want to try something," you coo to your fox.

She smiles, "Ok." You lay back and she follows. Draping Jenna over you, you flip her so the fox's shoulders rest just under your breasts. She snuggles in between them, her furry cheeks tickling the sensitive mounds marvelously. She wraps her arms around both and pushes them in around herself moaning in delight. Not to be forgotten, she then spreads her legs around your towering erections so they fit snuggly between her thighs. They're forced to angle a bit downward between her fuzzy fox cheeks and along her moist nether lips. "Like this?" she asks looking up at you between your breasts. "Mmmm, perfect," you moan as you lean in and kiss her upside down.

Your hands roam over her soft furry belly to her modest breasts, massaging the supple fur there, as you begin to thrust between her thighs. Jenna crosses her legs, giving you a wonderfully tight passage under her as she moans in appreciation. Her mouth open, you suck on her lower jaw feeling her sharp canine teeth with your tongue. Her lower half lifts as you thrust, her feminine honey leaving a warm wet trail on the base of you magicked equine dick. Jenna grasps, the thick shaft in both hands as she pulls it up over her nethers forcing it to bend a bit along her lips as she grinds against you.

Planting both your hooves on the ground, you buck into the tight slit made by Jenna's thighs making her bounce atop you. Her lovely soft warm butt flattens out against your hips just before you fling her back into the air. Her mouth drops away from yours and she looks down, gripping your magicked cock like a saddle horn as she rides you. Your beautiful fox rests her head back between your breasts and laughs in ecstasy as you hold her in place and pound, your fingers cradling her ribs.

She makes little noises as her nether lips are stroked by your new penis and she bends it up harder and harder, "Uh, ha, ah, ye-oh, uh, uh, I'm, I'm cum, I'm cumming!" Her body suddenly goes rigid, her thighs tightening even more around your thrusting cocks just as you feel the warm little sprits of her feminine juices coating the base of you top dick to drip onto your hip. The added constriction is too much and without warming you thrust hard, lifting your butt off the ground with a tense exhalation. Both your cocks go off, launching thick ropes of white cum into the air. The top fires an arch well over the two of you but the other shoots nearly straight up and warm semen starts to splatter heavily on you both just as you send up another blast, and another. Jenna points your top cock skyward, adding its load to warm rain plopping down while laughing hysterically. You have to close your eyes as your own spunk hits your forehead, nose, and cheeks.

Her laugh turns into a gurgle as cum splashes into her mouth, making her cough to the side before laughing some more. Your legs collapse as you empty, your butt hitting the ground, and Jenna shifts her now wet thighs around your cocks, looking up at you from your chest. Cum drips from her ears, nose, and mouth, as she smiles. You're both breathing hard, and you rub her cum covered tummy lovingly while planting a kiss on her nose, tasting your thick salty pudding. She giggles and wiggles a bit to get comfortable, and then sighs contentedly in your arms. After a few minutes you roll to the side, still holding your vixen, and spoon. Jenna shifts up a bit to fit in the curve of you neck letting you rub your muzzle between her ears. It's a wonderfully comforting feeling to have her warm soft body against yours and it's not long before you both fall asleep.

It's gotten rather late when you wake up, the sun casting evening orange colors. Jenna is still napping and you can hear the cutest little snore from her. You consider letting her sleep on, even with your arm asleep and tingling under her but you're going to want to get an early start tomorrow for your grand adventure. You rub her furry tummy gently and she moans happily in her sleep, her tail trying to wag between your tangle of legs. "Jenna. Wake up, we need to get cleaned off," you call to her softly.

"Hmm? Mmmmmm." she stretches and wraps her arms behind herself over your neck. She then pulls herself into you, moaning happily. "Oh Gilly, I wish I could wake up beside you everyday." You let out a noise of agreement and hold her closer, her fur wonderfully soft, though various parts are matted with dried cum. "Ugh, look how late it's gotten," she exclaims looking up at the sky through the trees. Looking up yourself you add, "Yeah, let's head to the waterfall."

You make the relatively short trip there, dumping your things in your drying area before prancing into the cool falling water with Jenna. The two of you have your bathing ritual, complete with no small amount of sensual caressing and kissing. With the ring still on, your wet fox has both your cocks at full mast again in moments. She gets on her knees in the shallow running water and jerks off both your hard dicks, one in each hand. She bites her lower lip some as she grips you as hard as she can. You watch your amazing fox while playing with your breasts and take an erect nipple into your mouth to suckle.

It doesn't take long for you to reach orgasm, the water somehow intensifying the friction your fox manages to give you. Your nipple pops free from your lips as you cry out, "Oh fuck!" Jenna sensing it coming pulls back hard on your penises and points you down at her chest just as you give her both barrels. "Oh, ah!" she laughs as your thick pressurized twin streams beam into her breasts and stomach, only to immediately be watches away by the water fall. You can't help laughing, too even through your heavy breathing, at the sheer joy your lover bubbles over with as she takes your cum shots. The small stream the falls dump into begin to run cloudy white with sperm.

Clean but tired, you hobble over to your drying spot and collapse in what little is left of the evening sunlight. Jenna flops down next to you still giggling. Taking off the cock ring, you hand it to her huffing, "I think... I think that's enough... for today." She smiles taking the ring and slipping it on herself. She then fondles your shriveling endowments as they slowly retreat back into their sheaths, the top one disappearing shortly after. You lay on your back spreading your arms and legs on the soft grass, Jenna leans over and starts to suck on your right nipple. You sigh happily, feeling her soft lips and light suction.

After a few minutes you feel her poking your thigh and look down to find her erect canine cock stabbing at you. She smiles guiltily and you groan in mock irritation, "Bring it around." She titters and spins on her butt, spreading her legs wide so all you have to do it lean over, use your tongue to guide her in and begins sucking her off.

She lets out a blissful, "Ohhh..." as you take her entire length to the sheath and with her in you stick out your tongue to lap at her honey sweet pussy. You turn your head a little and let her firm warm length push on the inside of your cheek. Jenna rewards you with a spurt of precum as she lazily runs her fingers through your thick silver mane. She tastes wonderfully on sun ripe berries.

She curls in and kisses the top of your head as you suck and lick her length. You meet her lips with yours, sticking your tongue into her mouth so she can taste herself. Enthusiastically, she sucks off her of juices, supple moist tongue roaming under yours. You break away from her with a wet pop of suction before going back for more. You suck gently, bobbing your head over her groin, taking her until your lips touch her fur before pulling back. You build a steady rhythm as she moans over you, her fingers gripping your mane steadily harder.

"Gi... Gilly, I'm gonna, cum," she warns and you suck harder bobbing fast, while closing your lips tightly around her girth. She lets out a little cry, her butt flexing as she thrusts into your mouth, warm cum squirting free from her pointed head. You drink her berry sweet jizz as she pulses between your lips, emptying herself directly into you. Jenna's cum slides down your throat, clinging thickly to your esophagus, the warmth soothing. Her knot begins to swell and you lick at it curiously. It pulses along with her cock, growing bigger with each shot and she exhales sharply in sync with her ejaculations.

She empties out and flops on her back, breathing rapidly. You give her one last hard suck to clean her off as you let her cock slide from your mouth. Examining her knot, you place two fingers around the bulb and squeeze a little, finding it firm to the touch. Jenna jumps a bit making a little surprised noise as you do. You conclude that it must be rather sensitive and lift it up to run your tongue over her dripping nether lips, collecting the delicious honey. As you do, her cock pulses again and a small sprits of cum makes you jerk as it hits near you eye. You bend her pink veiny penis a little in punishment and she oooo's.

You rest your head on her inner thigh for a few minutes, absently licking at her privates until she recovers. It's getting very late now and you really should be heading home. You manage to coax the drowsy fox to her feet so you can both dress, gather your things, and head back down the mountain. It's nearly dark when you part ways and she promises to come to your house tomorrow to start your grand adventure.

The next day, or at least a few hours after you finally manage to get to sleep, you're awakened by a strange noise. You look around from your pillow into the darkness of early morning. "Gilly." you hear Jenna's rasping whisper again just outside your one window. You mean to call her name but only manage an unintelligible grumble. "Gilly? Are you awake?" she whispers again.

"Uhhhh, Jenna?" you yawn, "It's so early."

"I know I couldn't sleep, can I come in?"

You grumble affirmatively and slide out of bed. As you walk to the front door, still pulling on your blouse you're surprised to see your mother in the kitchen. "Mom?" you call to her.

The beautiful mare looks over her shoulder, "Gilly, you're up early."

"Yeah Jenna is outside, said she couldn't sleep, too excited about the trip I guess," you tell her and she turns back with an, 'Mmm.' Walking up behind her, you place your hands on her shoulders giving her a kiss on the cheek. Looking at the counter you see she's kneading some dough, "What are you doing?"

"Just some morning baking. Go on and let her in dear." She replies and you head to the front door.

Opening it you find Jenna smiling brightly in her usual worn pink dress but loaded with a backpack as well as her basket. "Hi Gilly," she greets wrapping her arms around you.

You hug her back yawning over her head, "Morning, Jenna." She pushes in to kiss you but you back away looking over at you mother, just as the matron returns her attention to the dough.

"Morning Mrs. Grayfield," Jenna says, walking past you and over to your mother.

"Good morning Jenna, and I do remember telling you, you could call me Hanna."

"Mmm," Jenna grins happily, hugging your mother, the older mare leans into her. Jenna asks looking around the counter, "Watcha doin'?"

"Making you girls a little something for your trip," she replies.

Jenna gives her a tighter squeeze, "You're so nice, Hanna. Thank you!"

Your mother wiggles a little in Jenna's grasp, "Oh, don't dear, you'll get flour all over yourself."

But Jenna keeps on, "Mmm, I don't care."

You mother laughs, "Go on now, both of you."

The two of you head down the small hall and you poke at Jenna's backpack, "What did you bring?"

"Food mostly, my mom made us cookies and biscuits," she answers as you enter your room.

Closing the door behind you, you ask, "The ones with nuts?"

She sits onto the edge of your bed, "Yeah, and the mmm..." You smother her response with a passionate kiss. Her amber eyes go wide and her lips part in surprise, letting you thrust your tongue into her. Jenna's pack keeps her propped up and you push into your beautiful fox feeling along her tongue and sharp teeth. You break away from her with a wet sound of suction.

She smiles blissfully, exclaiming, "Wow," before wiping spittle from her chin with the back of her hand. You smile down at her and she takes off her pack, lying back on your bed. You've had Jenna over a few times now, but rarely have you gotten to have her in your room. Your vixen snuggles into your pillow a takes a deep inhale, "Mmm, smells just like you." You get into bed with her, kissing and cuddling, your hooves mingling with her paws.

After a while you start to smell the wonderful scent of baking bread and your mother taps on the door, "Girls, breakfast is ready."

"Ok, thanks mom," you call through the door and rub your face all over your wonderfully furry fox lover before rolling out of bed and heading to breakfast, Jenna follows smiling.

Your father is already seated and the two of you join him, your mother still bringing cups of steaming tea to the circular dining table. The large dark brown stallion's ears angle as he sees your fox, "Mm, Jenna, you're here early. Ready for the big trip?"

"Absolutely Mr. Grayfield, this is going to be great!" she bubbles back.

Your father reaches up and kisses your mother as she places a mug in front of him. "Mr. Telford said he was making us a map, we still need to go get it, Jenna," you remind.

"Ceard is making you a map?" your father asks a little surprised. You nod, taking in a spoon full of porridge. It's hot but sweet, no doubt made with the Bovidan sister's milk. Your father continues smiling, "What does he have you doing for it?"

"He wants us to take some of his wares to Hashire with us to sell," you answer.

Your father barks a laugh, "Yeah, that sounds like him." Jenna meanwhile eats with audible relish making your mother smile meekly as she takes her seat. You all discuss the trip and your preparations for the rest of the meal. When you're done, the two of you thank your mother and wash your dishes in the cleaning bucket. You tell your parents you're going to Mr. Telfords to see if the map is ready while kissing them both. Jenna kisses and hugs your mother declaring it was the best porridge she'd ever had. Your mother accepts it and gives your fox a gentle stroke on the arm before Jenna releases her to join you at the door.

Your father calls to you both just as you're leaving, "Be sure to come back soon with everything you'll need. You're going to want to get in as much walking before the days out." And with that bit of advice you head to the local forge.

You can hear Mr. Telford grinding away at something as you approach. You find the sturdy old stallion operating a peddle ginder, a large circular stone spinning lazily as he hones what looks like an old sickle's blade. The exposed edge already shining new while the rest looks like it's seen a great deal of use. The graying Eachanian spots the two of you and smiles, placing the sickle blade on a nearby table, "Ah, you girls ready for your big adventure?"

"Yes sir. We came to see if you've finished the map," you tell him as Jenna slips past you, fascinated by the grinding wheel that slowly spins to a stop. "Wags, what does this do?" she asks inquisitively looking at the spokes and belts that drive the device.

"Oh," Mr. Telford says as he makes his way to a nearby table, "That little miracle keeps me from wearing out these withering old arms. Sharpen a blade faster than I could, even in my youth." Jenna pushes the pedal with her hand and makes the large stone wheel spin again. Jenna's village doesn't have a forge and tends to trade with Mr. Telford when in need. He picks up a folded piece of parchment and the rucksack full of tools, holding them out to you, "Now girls, I need you to take (crash)..." Jenna jumps as the items in the sack clang loudly on the floor, far too heavy for you manage with one hand as Mr. Telford had. "Sorry," You mumble picking up the sack by the two straps and hoisting the hefty load over your shoulder.

"Oh, you won't hurt nothin' in there none," he continues, "'Bout the trip though. The man I need you to find runs a shop on the south side of town, has a ram's head on the sign, calls it Giles' Emporium. That sack has about twenty-eight glints worth, the old goat'll try 'n' stiff ya on the price. Do not let him talk ya down no more than twenty-eight, got it?"

You nod but Jenna salutes, "Twenty-eight glints and not a brin less. Got it, sir."

Mr. Telford smiles warmly, "Alright then girls, good luck and be safe." You thank Mr. Telford for the map and head back home.

You hand the map to Jenna so you can put your arms through the heavy rucksack's straps to wear it like a backpack, the tools digging into you uncomfortably. Jenna unfolds the map and her eyes go wide, "Wow, look Gilly," she says in astonishment as she holds it open for you both to see. "Wow," you agree. You haven't seen many maps at all in your life, but Mr. Telford's had an amazing level of detail. You expected some squiggly lines and a few words but instead you have carefully labeled and articulately drawn landmarks. The trees that make up the mountain forest are clearly defined with thick canopies and trunks, rocks along your travel route look distinct and easy to distinguish, and the starting point of your journey is a little house you recognize as your own.

There is a dark region, crosshatched and labeled "The Muck" with small words under the name saying, "Swamp Do Not Enter." The path he's laid out goes well around it, skirting a forest. "Shailwood. That's our forest?" Jenna asks.

"I guess so," you reply.

"I never knew it had a name. We always just called it the forest. Shailwood, foraging in Shailwood. I'm going foraging in Shailwood." She tries with different pronunciations. You join her and exaggerate certain syllables, laughing at what the two of you come up with.

As you're nearing home you see your parents standing out in front of your house. They've been joined by Bella and Ellen, Jenna's younger sister. Your mother is kneeling beside the little fox and says something to her while pointing in your direction. Ellen looks over and immediately dashes to her big sister. Jenna crouches down to catch her in both arms, "Ellen? What are you...?"

The younger fox huffs and sniffles, clearly upset, "Jenna! I thought I missed you and you went away and I wouldn't get to say goodbye and..."

Jenna hugs her sister hard, "Calm down squirt. Did you come all the way here alone?" Ellen sniffs and nods. "Did you tell mom and dad?" Jenna asks.

"Mm-mm, when I woke up, you weren't in bed and I thought you left already so I ran to see if I could catch you on the road, but I didn't see you and I thought you were already gone, and I didn't want to miss you so I came here." The little fox admits in one long stream of soggy words. Jenna holds her sister rubbing cheek to cheek and the young Tokala adds through tears, "I wanted to say goodbye."

Jenna stokes the girl's back and ears, "Oh, don't cry Ellen, it'll only be for a few days. We'll be back before you can say, 'little Lilly Lemon like licking Lila's lime lollies' three times fast." Ellen tries it, still holding Jenna, but the little fox gets tongue tied easily. Jenna holds her hand as she tries a few more times and you make your way to your house. Bella greets you warmly, "Hello girls. When we heard you two were going on a little trip, we decided to make you a little something to take along." She holds out two of the larger bottles she sells filled with milk.

Jenna and you accept them gratefully, "Thanks Bella, you didn't have to."

"Oh hush now, the least I can do is help send you off proper," Bella chides smiling. You both hug her for the gift and head into the house to get your packs.

You mother stops you when you're heading back out, "Gilly, take this with you. It's not much but if you're careful, it should last the trip." She hands you a carefully wrapped parcel, warm and wonderfully fragrant with the freshly baked bread inside.

"Thanks mom, uh...," Carrying your backpack in one hand and the bottle of milk in the other ties up your hands, so Jenna accepts the bread. She takes in a long whiff, "Oh, this is going to be great!" Your mother smiles and shoes you both out the door.

Ellen is trying to get Bella to help her with the tongue twister and your father steps in front of you. "Know where you're going and how to get back?" he asks, and you nod. "Got enough food to last you the trip?" He asks again.

You reply, "I think so."

"There are a few streams and ponds along the way, so you should be able to find water. It was good of Bella to give you those bottles." You nod looking at the large milk bottle and he leans in, opening a pocket on your skirt to drop a few bronze coins into it whispering, "Use it if you need anything."

It surprises you. Your family isn't wealthy by any means and you've only very rarely handled money. "Dad, I..." you start and he shushes you as he wraps his massive arms around your shoulders to give you a firm hug. You hug him back the best you can even with your hands full. He then puts his hands on your shoulder and looks you in the eyes, "Stay together, stay on the path, and stay safe."

"Thanks dad," you reply smiling the big moment finally here.

Your mother assures Jenna that she'll see Ellen home and the fox sisters have one last hug before she joins you. You start walking, turning back and waving and calling goodbyes. Ellen shouts as loud as she can as she waves both her short arms frantically, "Bye Jenna, bye Gilly, come back soon!"

Once you're leaving ear shot, you ask Jenna, "You ready for this?"

"Totally!" she exclaims, unfolding the map. She then changes your course to west instead of north.

Tales in Taboo: Jenna and Gilly 11

As you're taking your usual morning walk down the road to Gilly's you consider how to approach something that has been on your mind for some time. Ever since you started going on your little adventures and seeing new things and meeting new people...

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Alice Dippleblack in The Jellybane, Ch1

Alice slashes at the jelly again and again careful not to damage the precious core.  Jellies have no organs to pierce, no real flesh to rend, or bones to break.  The simple semitransparent hemispherical creatures only have three parts to them.  First...

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Tales in Taboo: Jenna and Gilly 10

You got grounded for a week for accompanying Bella and her sisters. You've been forbidden to see Jenna or go foraging for that time and since she hasn't come by, you imagine she must have been punished similarly. It hasn't been all bad though. While...

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