Visit One, Get Two

Story by SashaWS on SoFurry

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After his encounter with Anastazja in Krakow, Zeus finally reaches the home of his friend and decides to spend his time with her to the max, but they are not alone as a friend of his friend comes to visit too, and what started out as fun for two becomes a mess from three.

Commission for fox3087 on FA for $20

May © Me and

Sasha and Story © Me

Vee ©

Zeus © fox3087 on FA

Length: 8,086 words. 42,545 characters.

Time used to type: ~16 hours (with corrections, editing and cleaning)

Visit One, Get Two

This story is copyrighted to SashaWS/ArtisticEastern, containing characters owned by various people used with permission.

Any usage or posting of this story under the claim of being your own is not approved and you will be requested to remove it or face charges.

Chapter 1: The Arrival

"How will I explain this to Vee when I finally get there?" Zeus thought to himself as he sat on the train towards the destination of his friend. Ever since the encounter with Anastazja, Zeus had begun to feel a bit like he was going to have one heck of a vacation from how things had started. Also finding that dragoness appealing had certainly not helped his hormones to calm down a bit. If anything, it only made him hornier for more. Sighing to himself, he looked out the window at the landscape passing by as a hand gently tapped him on the shoulder, "Ticket, please." Zeus reacted to it and reached into his pocket to retrieve the train ticket for the female conductor, "Oops, sorry. I was dreaming away." The vixen just smiled and checked the ticket when she got it and took out some sort of device to punch a hole into the ticket before handing it back, "There you go, sir. Have a nice trip."

Zeus could not avoid but following the vixen with his eyes as she walked into the next passenger carriage. How he wanted to pull her into the restroom in the carriage and just enjoy her to the fullest. She would not mind it, right? That nice body of hers bouncing against along his shaft, all buried inside while she was yelping happily and moaned, making the other passengers wonder what they were up to, then hold her close just as he was... "Next destination coming up. Alighting for some." Zeus quickly came back to the real world and looked confused before taking a look at the sign telling the destination, causing him to quickly gasp out in shock and grab his bags, "That is where she lives!"

He was quick to get off the train when it finally arrived to the platform. Zeus took his time to look over the platform as hundreds of fellow passengers walked past him and in the middle of it all, he felt two hands reaching around and cover his eyes, "Guess who." A very young feminine voice asked while Zeus chuckled and turned around to hug the zebra standing behind him, making her giggle, "Hey, you are cheating." Zeus laughed before kissing her softly on the maw, "Hi there, Vee. Glad you came here to pick me up." Vee giggled before feeling how Zeus lifted her up and carried both her and his bags towards the parking lot, smiling as he noticed her pointing towards what seemed to be a Ford, "That is mine." Zeus chuckled as he was soon putting her down near it and put the bags into the trunk of it before getting into the car, finding it a bit uncomfortable due to his sheer size, but Vee giggled as she was quickly folding down the passenger seats in the back and then folded his seat down so he could be laying instead, "There, better?" Zeus nodded before hearing the car's engine roaring as Vee had turned the ignition and skillfully met the clutch with the throttle and soon drove out from the parking lot of the train station and towards her home.

Chapter 2: Warming Up

As the car took the last turn onto the road leading to Vee's home, Zeus had told Vee about what happened in Krakow. Vee smirked at Zeus from time to time as he talked, like she knew he could not have avoided it, "Maybe I should drive you back to Krakow then so you can spend some more time with her." Vee said with a teasing tone on her voice, Zeus chuckling softly and played along with her, "No, anything but that. She will ride my balls empty." Vee giggled with him before slowing down and turning off the ignition, "Well, here we are. Watch the edge of the door." Zeus slowly slid out from his lying position and looking in awe at the building in front of him, "Wow, you are not living bad at all, Vee." Vee giggled, "I know, now lets get inside, I am actually a bit cold." Zeus just gave a nod before lifting both Vee and his bags up into his arms before taking a jump over the fence, making Vee giggle happily, "I am not in that much of a rush, silly."

Once at the doorstep, Vee unlocked it before hearing a soft moan from the inside, "Oh, I almost forgot to mention, my daughter May decided to come visit from her other mother's home." Vee explained before Zeus laughed, "Is she as pretty as you?" Vee smirked before opening up the door, "May! I am home, and I got my friend with me who will be staying here for a few days, maybe even two weeks. Stop masturbating and come and say hello." The moaning stopped and a soft sigh could be heard, "Give me a second, mom." The voice was something silky like an angel's. Both Vee and Zeus took off their jackets and shoes while listening to the stumbling of someone trying to put their clothes on before a door opened and someone came walking down the stairs.

Once May reached the bottom of the stairs, Zeus whistled gently at what he saw. May was a laquine of the zebra and bunny hybrid kind, sporting a white body with back stripes and a blue chest and fluff at the tail, black hair draping down past her shoulders and onto her rather decent size breasts, her green eyes looking at him as she smiled, but what he seemed to notice the most was the fact that her pants did a bad job on hiding a bulge. May bowed politely to him, "Hello mister, I am May. Who are you?" Zeus laughed, "I am Zeus, I am your mother's special somebody. Nice to meet you." Vee smiled and May seemed to recall Vee telling her about Zeus, "I have heard about you, Zeus. Mom told me that you were coming here. Nice to meet you."

Zeus softly chuckled, "You are just as lovely as your mom." May winked to Zeus, "Which one of them? She didn't tell you I got two mothers?" Zeus smiled a bit before Vee interrupted them both, "How about we have some lunch?" May smiled happily, "Can I get a veggie pizza?" Zeus chuckled at how quickly May seemed to really switch her attention before he smiled, "Sounds like a great idea, I have not eaten since this morning." Vee waved them into the kitchen before making her way over to the fridge to open it up and grab some ingredients and a veggie pizza. Zeus lifted an eyebrow when he saw that Vee had pulled out some meat, but he just looked past it since he should have remembered Vee wanting to gain protein from a better source than simple supplements.

May looked at Zeus with a smile, "You came here for a vacation, am I right?" Zeus looked at her and smiled, "Yes, I came here to visit your mom since I had some time away from work. Did Vee tell you anything about me?" May nodded and giggled, "Yes, she told me that she was looking forward to it and she told me that I was free to do what I wanted for the next days." Zeus chuckled softly, "I guess that must have gotten you very excited to be unable to not get a head-start, hmm?" May gave an attempt to an innocent blush, "I have no idea what you are talking about." Vee giggled at the poor attempt before hearing how May eeped when Zeus gently pressed a hoof against her crotch, "Liar, liar, plants for hire. Your pants has a hidden fire." May was blushing brighter now while Vee giggled louder, "Be nice to her, Zeus. She is just not wanting to tell what she does in her room."

Before any deeper discoveries could be made, Vee put a veggie sandwich in front of Zeus, the veggie pizza in front of May and a BLT sandwich in front of herself before taking a seat as they dug into their food. "Mmm. Mom, your cooking is the best!" May cooed while biting down on the pizza slice she was holding, Zeus nodding, "I agree, this is a really good sandwich you made." Vee blushed gently, "Aww, you two are saying that to be nice." May winked, "Of course we did, because it was true." Zeus gave Vee a soft kiss on the cheek before noticing that May was moving around a little, "What's the matter, squirt? Getting a bit uncomfortable?" May looked away while eating on the pizza, "No, I am just needing to move the legs so they do not fall asleep."

Finishing up her food, May licked her maw clean before standing up, "Hey mom, I gonna use the shower." Vee nodded before May left and both Vee and Zeus were quick to finish their sandwiches before Vee got up, "I will show you the guest room so you can get unpacking." Zeus smiled and got up before following Vee after grabbing his bags. On the second floor, Vee opened a door to let Zeus inside with a smile, "There you go. I will wash the dishes, so you just get ready and everything." Zeus nodded as Vee left and he got to unpacking. Since he had organized his bags, Zeus was done after just a few minutes before he felt that all too familiar feeling, "Oh boy, I need to use the bathroom." Heading out the room, Zeus called out to Vee, "Hey Vee, where is the bathroom?" Vee replied quickly, "It is one on the second floor next to your room, but do..." It was too late as Zeus was already rushing to towards the door and quickly opened it up before stepping inside. A soft melody could be heard from inside the bathroom and soon Zeus realized his mistake as the thought crossed his mind, "Oh no, I forgot that May was using the shower."

Chapter 3: Embracing the Inner Horse

The melody that Zeus was hearing, it was the moaning of a female, but there was only May in there other than him. Looking at the shower, Zeus could see May's back as she was leaning against the wall, her right hand stroking a rather impressive horse-cock, making Zeus a little impressed how she had actually concealed that thing. Hearing the soft moans, he could not avoid it and gently coughed, "Excuse me, I just need to use the toilet." May stopped stroking and coldly asked as Zeus turned towards the toilet to tend to his business, "How long have you been standing there?" Zeus neighed gently from letting it out before he flushed and replied, "Just for less than a minute, I swear, May." May was thinking to herself before hearing the sound of a zipper followed by something landing on the floor.

She didn't wanted to look back, but she was soon tensing up when she heard the sound of hooves against the floor tiles as Zeus stepped in closer and before she knew it, May felt an arm around her body as Zeus gave her a gentle hug, "May, you really needed to be helped with your problem, didn't you? I guess it is more than fair that since I teased you, I might help you out, right?" May gently whimpered and turned around to look at him before feeling him pulling her up into a soft kiss while his other hand was rubbing along her butt, feeling around before noticing that May was a shemale, the kiss slowly breaking, "Mmm, you became really beautiful. Who is that other mother that you talk about?" May softly panted in need before replying, "Her name is... Alexis."

Zeus smiled before putting May down, "Lets shower first before I show you how a mare rides a stallion, what you say?" May nodded happily before stepping under the stream of water, feeling how Zeus was groping her breasts and cleaning them off while she was rubbing over her body with a sponge covered in soap. Zeus cleaned off her front before taking the sponge and lifting one of May's legs. May was about to ask what he was up to before her mind registered the sponge touching the back of her balls and how Zeus seemed to clean off her naughty spots and also slowly working his way up her back, "I say it again, May, you are truly beautiful." May began to blush before Zeus came up again and very gently began to work on her shoulders just before a knock was heard on the door, "Everything okay in there?" Zeus called out, "Yeah, all is good. May asked me to wash her back." Vee was smiling, "That is kind of you. Good to hear that you both are getting along well. We'll talk once you are done, Zeus."

As they heard Vee walking off, Zeus slowly turned off the water before walking out and grabbing a towel, walking back to throw it over May before helping her to dry off, making her giggle from his touches until she got a chance to return the favor by helping to dry him off. May found it interesting to study all of his body slowly, making Zeus get a little excited until finally he took the towel back from her and took a seat on the toilet, "Come here, my little mare. I gonna show you how a wild horse rides." May couldn't help, but to giggle as she was walking over and leaned in to spit at the tip, stroking her saliva over it before giving it a couple of quick sucks and looked into his eyes.

Zeus watched that cute bunny butt as it soon raised and the tail lifted up as her buttcheeks was spreading and soon her rosebud was feeling the pressure from the flat tip of his dick, May giving a soft coo of expectation before two powerful hands grabbed her by the thighs and May was feeling the tip pushing into her and the sound of moan told Zeus that he was inside, her hips soon moving slowly back and forth to move his shaft inside of her. Zeus pulled her down against his chest, giving her a soft kiss while thrusting himself slowly into her butt, cupping one of her breasts into one hand and the arm under one of her legs while the hand was grabbing and stroking her erection, "Mmm, look at you, May. A proud mare getting fucked by a stud that appreciates your wonderful gift of nature." Zeus could see May crying a bit, before he was speeding up and May was moaning happily, "What is it, May? Shocked that someone actually does you for once instead of you doing them? You were a virgin for this, weren't you?"

May could not lie to Zeus, she had been a virgin when it came to anal. Giving Zeus a very soft look, she nodded and moaned into the kiss as she soon felt him bouncing her harder on his dick, her anal muscles clamping down to tighten her for him while he was neighing, "Can you feel it? This is what a real stallion feels like and what you carry as a pride. Can you measure up to this feeling?" May was unable to speak without moaning at this point, her hands grabbing the balls on herself and the other breast, squeezing them while her butt was loved used by the stallion behind her, the young girl taking the pleasure and learning from it before she pushed herself up and began to ride him herself, taking the lead of the pace now as Zeus just let her heart ride with her while he neighed, "Mmm, I can feel how proud you are. Ahhh, you are really good, May."

May looked back at him before moaning as she pushed up and quickly grabbed him by the dick, "Follow me." Zeus didn't need any further motivation to follow her, watching that cute butt and the gaping anus moving in front of him as she was leading him to her bedroom on the second floor, quickly closing the door once they were both inside before she was walking over to grab a condom from the bedside table, ripping the foil open before retrieving the condom from it as she pulled it over her dick, smiling to Zeus as she laid back onto the bed and spread her legs widely, "Come here, stud. Make this mare yours." Zeus didn't have to be told twice before he was getting down between her legs and soon May felt him push back inside her, doing long and deep thrusts that only pushed deeper into her, causing May to moan louder, "Mmm, just like that."

Zeus had to admit, May was certainly a different kind of mare, but that charm was contagious and he was becoming more and more caught up in it. Zeus leaned over while thrusting deeper into her, forcing May to raise her lower body a bit before they shared a deep and warm kiss while May felt Zeus' big balls slapping her butt, causing her to whimper happily into the kiss and her hands quickly went to hug him tightly to her before Zeus was thrusting even faster into her. The sound of their fun was deafening out the sound of knocks on the door, both May and Zeus being too deep in the pleasure already to notice that Vee was entering the room and caught them in the act, just standing there while she was seeing how Zeus was sinking deeper into her daughter and how May seemed to really enjoy it until she noticed how Zeus' balls were pumping a bit before she saw that May was filling up a condom with warm cum at the same time and before she knew it, May was leaking Zeus' seed out of her bunny-hole while Zeus just provided more and once they were done, they broke the kiss and did not notice that Vee had slipped out and after pulling out of her, Zeus noticed that May had fallen asleep. He chuckled and grabbed a tissue from the bedside table before cleaning up the mess from their fun and tucked May in carefully before leaving the room. Once outside, he quickly headed towards his room to put on some clothes, finding a note in the drawer where his underwear were laying, "Tonight, you will do to me what you did to May. Signed Vee. P.S Thanks for making her feel loved."

Chapter 4: A Gem in the Massive Collection

Zeus was blushing as he was having dinner with Vee and May, both of them looking as if they exchanged secrets with their eyes. Zeus knew that Vee knew what he and May had done and for some reason that little note had only made him more eager for the night, "Earth to Zeus! Are you there?" Vee giggled as Zeus snapped out of it, "Wait, what?" May giggles, "We asked you if you wanted to watch a movie with us tonight." Zeus looked at them and his mind was racing at the highway now, "Sure, that would be cool." Vee winked to May as she finished her steak and soon stood up, "If you excuse me, I gonna go and shower. May, you do the dishes this time." May did not object and finished her own potato salad before lifting up her and Vee's plates as she walked over to the sink and began to clean them off before she saw Zeus putting down his plate in her hands once she was done with washing the other two, "How does it feel?" May gave a soft giggle to him, "I have not felt this good since the day I got to play with my twin sister and one of her wives." Zeus chuckled softly before May had finished washing off his plate before she pulled him with her to her bedroom. Zeus was smiling, "Oh? You want more?"

May did not reply before she pulled him over to a shelf in her room, taking down a big frame with a photo of a big group, "This is from the last family reunion." Zeus was lifting both eyebrows as May began to call out their names and what they were in relation to her. (For safety, I will not have you go through the entire dilemma of understanding their family tree. So lets skip to the important part in all of this.) "And the trio here are my twin sister Jane and her wives Leona and Magea. They run a hangout for those with same gender preferences. Leona is holding her first born. And the one spreading those massive wings behind everyone is the matriarch of all my sisters and myself, Alexis or Sasha, the queen of death itself. So yes, you can say you screwed regally." Zeus felt his right leg going weak from hearing that May was actually a princess, but May was quick to stop him, "Please, do not kneel to me. I am not caring about my title. I just wanna live life like a regular person."

Zeus nodded, "I am just surprised by the development of all this. Wait..." Zeus was looking closer at the photo, "I must have been having wax in my ear, but is that Seras?" May was looking at the photo where two dragonesses stood and snuggled before May nodded, "Yes, that is Seras and her daughter and my half-sister Juna. Why you asking?" May could see Zeus smiling warmly, "I just happen to know Seras, cause she is my pet. And I would like to visit your family, they look all so happy in the photo." May smiled to him, "This was taken after the war between us and Tenchi's evil mother. We finally had achieved some peace and spread tranquility throughout the world. I will leave it at that." May put down the photo before noticing that Zeus had found her collection of porn movies, "My, my, what a curious collection. Little Red Riding Whore, Cat and Mouse in Sexual Partnership, The Movie of the Youth Who Went Forth to Learn What Creampie Was, The Wolf and the Seven Young Virgins, The Busty and Slutty Musician, The Twelve Hermaphrodites, Brother and Sister: A tale of Forbidden Love, Slutterella, Cum White, Whoring Beauty 1-3. You certainly have a nice collection." May was blushing before Zeus gave her a soft hug before May winked to Zeus, "How about you go and surprise mom by giving her some love too?" Zeus grinned and gave May a soft kiss on the maw before letting her go, "Mmm, I think that sounds like an idea." Stepping out of May's room, Zeus walked over to the bathroom, hearing the shower run inside before he opened the door with a grin, only to meet the view of Vee's face in front of his own before she pulled him inside, "Come here, Zeus!"

Chapter 5: The Stud and The Striped Mare (and The Loving Girl)

Zeus followed the arms inside the bathroom before feeling the silky texture of Vee's muzzle pressing against his as he returned the affection and slowly began to undress, the pants soon hitting the floor and his underwear next before he felt how Vee was grabbing and stroking his erection, working slowly to get it hard while making out with Zeus, their tongues dancing eagerly before she was slowly breaking the kiss and moving down along his body, kissing the tip happily before her breasts wrapped around it as much as she could, feeling Zeus eagerly thrust in-between them, "Mmm, you always had a way to tempt me for more. And you sure you wanna do this outside of the shower?" Zeus neighed softly as Vee worked her big knockers around his shaft, nodding slowly, "Yes, I want the main fun to be in the shower." Zeus was about to speak, but when Vee's maw wrapped around the tip of his dick, it was too much and he neighed out happily.

Vee and Zeus had not closed the door to the bathroom though, allowing May to watch them in secret, while stroking her horse-dick as the sound of their fun was getting her going. Zeus looked at the shower and then at Vee's rather dry body, "Mmm, you waited, aaahhhhh, for me all this time?" Vee looked up at him and nodded before Zeus smirked as he asked, "So that note from you means I will get more tonight?" Vee was looking confused at him before returning to sucking on his dick as Zeus smiled, "Ohhhh, do not try to hide it." Vee was not hiding it, she didn't really know what Zeus was talking about, and neither was May who stopped what she was doing to go and check on that note. Zeus chuckled before pushing up closer to Vee's face and made her gasp when he pushed it so deep that she was gagging on it, only to pull out at the last second as Vee coughed and soon felt herself being pulled up to a standing position and brought into the shower, Zeus pressing her against the wall before kissing her deeply.

Vee kissed Zeus back before feeling him lifting her up before he leaned in to suck on one of those lovely breasts, making Vee neigh happily until she felt the tip of his dick landing against her vulva, and soon they both gave up a light moan as Zeus sunk himself into Vee, slowly beginning to move himself in and out of her watching that other breast bouncing next to his face, the movement almost hypnotizing for him. He knew that he could take longer with Vee due to his fun earlier with May. He could feel how Vee wrapped her arms around his neck while he was going a little faster and sucked on her nipple a little harder.

Zeus soon put down Vee before pulling out as Vee turned around and leaned against the wall, allowing him to push back inside, something Zeus did not waste any time with, happily neighing as he sunk back into Vee and began to thrust at the same pace as before, "Mmm, this is amazing. You are really fitting me like a glove, Vee." The zebra mare was groaning out softly, "Less talking, more fucking, Zeus." Zeus got quiet and focused more energy on thrusting in and out of her while reaching around to give those breasts a loving rub and squeeze, Vee happily pressing into it before once again feeling how Zeus was doing his best to go even faster and deeper, her cervix certainly getting some exercise of keeping him outside of her womb.

Vee and Zeus were enjoying their moment together even as the shower water was going colder and colder, until finally it became so cold that both of them gasped from the cold water hitting them and their shower fun was disturbed, but Vee had no plans to stop this as she pulled Zeus out of her and quickly grabbed a towel, drying herself off and then quickly did the same to Zeus and almost by force pulled him out of the bathroom and up to the third floor, literally throwing him onto the bed before quickly crawling over him and sliding his erection straight back into her, beginning to bounce on it while moaning as she had no intention of stopping until she got what she wanted.

Zeus could feel his dick hitting her cervix over and over again, and he could also see how Vee was rubbing her tits in front of him, happily moaning on top of him. Zeus took a firm hold of her sides before helping her speed up a bit, his dick flaring up a bit inside of her and Vee closed her eyes, knowing what was about to happen, but soon Zeus was slowing down a bit and Vee was about to ask what he was doing, however all she could see was Zeus smiling, "I just wanna enjoy you longer, darling." Vee blushed and nodded, riding him at the slow pace, but what she was not knowing was the fact that Zeus had set her up a bit and soon pulled her down to get a warm kiss from her. Vee happily kissed him and hugged him tightly to her while he did the same to her, both sharing the loving moment and panted into the maw of each other from the pleasure until Vee felt two hands on her butt and tried to turn around to look, only for Zeus to keep her head in place until Vee moaned out when something or someone pushed into Vee's pucker before the moan she knew too well could be heard, it was May.

Vee moaned out happily from the double penetration before Zeus and May began to thrust in and out of her, Zeus smiling to May who seemed rather eager to give her mom some love too. Vee could feel herself almost crying as Zeus broke the kiss and May was leaning over to kiss her with the same love and passion that Zeus was, filling Vee up with maternal pride, Zeus and May stood punching knuckles with each other like a sign of respect before going full speed into Vee who was gasping out loudly in pleasure from how they suddenly made her feel like her body was tearing apart. Zeus neighed as he looked at May, "I cannot keep it up much longer. Aaaahh, she already gave me a hard time with pounding her pussy. But I bet you saw that already." May didn't wanted to lie and moaned louder as she was reaching her climax too, but managed to get out a decent reply, "Yes, you really need to close the door if you wanna have fun or else someone might look inside."

Vee moaned and felt both of Zeus and May thrusting all the way into her before their seed began to fill both her orifices at the same time, her own orgasm really near, but still a bit away. Zeus could feel his orgasm being bigger now and May could see it from how Zeus pulled out once he was done and much more was leaking out of Vee than it had from her, but she also noticed that Vee seemed to not have squirted. With a soft smile, she pulled out of Vee and quickly rolled her mother onto the back, locking her powerful legs around Vee's waist before leaning in to lick up some of Zeus' cum, but also tease Vee a bit, hearing the zebra whimpering while Zeus watched the family fun between daughter and mother, May pushing her tongue against Vee's folds and spreading them before wrapping her lips around the clit to suck hard, Vee whimpering and moaning, "May, please. Let me have it... let me have it!" May giggled before almost stabbing two fingers into Vee's pussy to try and hit all pleasure spots while using her thumb to tease the clit she had sucked, soon hearing Vee moaning out as she squirted like a fountain, giving Zeus a soft chuckle as he watched the mess at May's face before Vee was twisting and turning in pleasure as May let her go and brought up Vee's head to push her dick into the maw, feeling Vee sucking it clean before giving Zeus the same treatment, before she pulled out the note from her back and held it out, "This is not mother Vee's handwriting." Zeus was confused, "Then who's handwriting is it?"

Chapter 6: Night of the Dragonflies

The note was a mystery as neither Zeus, Vee or May knew who could have written it. But the focus was set more on the evening's movie. Vee had taken May with her to get snacks, leaving Zeus in peace to look over the note, "I wonder who wrote this. It could not been Vee since I checked her handwriting, and it is not May's either, because she writes like a doctor." He chuckled at the last part, "Okay, maybe not that bad, but it is hard to read it. This handwriting is almost like the kind someone would use for poetry." He sighed and leaned back, dreaming himself back to Anastazja and him having fun in that underground house. His eyes opened up, "I wonder what she is up to now." He stood up and walked over to the window, watching the sun going down before he heard something behind him and noticed a dragonfly sitting on the bedside table with a note under it, and quickly it flew out the room as Zeus ran after it, leaving the room before noticing the dragonfly had disappeared, "Where did it go?"

Turning back to head into his room, Zeus walked over to the new note before opening it up, "I guess May is too smart and have figured me out. But that was a lovely show you put on. At midnight, the bell will chime and your body will be mine." Zeus was getting cold feet (or in his case cold hooves) as he read the note, "Who is this freak sending me this?" He put down the note on the bedside table before noticing the dragonfly had returned and once again the chase was on, but this dragonfly was too fast for him to catch. He ran between the third, second and first floor to try and catch it before it finally landed on a table. Zeus moved closer as silently as he could see a message on the table with a black marker and the dragonfly suddenly sunk into it to form a dot above a letter as Zeus read it, "I am the one who will take a piece of you. Just you wait and see."

Zeus was quickly rushing back to his room, only to find dragonflies flying around his bed before he could hear the door opening and Vee calling out, "We're back!" Zeus was quickly rushing down to meet them with the note in his hand, "This is freaky. Whoever it is, they seem to know exactly what we are doing, read it." May took it and read before she smiled, "Oh, I cannot see anything wrong here. Do you, mom?" She showed it to Vee, who giggled before nodding, "Yeah, I just see the same note as before." Zeus took back the note and looked at it, before he was looking confused at that the note was the one from after he had fucked May, "I... there is a message on the table in the living room!" May and Vee gently grabbed Zeus and giggled, "Calm down, you are getting paranoid now. Grab a glass of water and then come to the living room so we can watch that movie."

Zeus whimpered before heading to the kitchen to get himself a glass of water, slowly sipping on it before he noticed a dragonfly sitting down on his shoulder and quickly he caught it and ran into the living room, "And dragonflies appear inside here too." He opened his hands to let it out, but it was gone. Vee and May looked at him and just shook their heads, "You are really getting paranoid now. Lets just watch the movie." Zeus cried inside, but just sat down on the couch before Vee and May took place near him and turned on the television set and the DVD-player, Zeus knowing this movie, "Oh, that is Vampire Hunter D!"

Zeus was getting comfortable in his seat as both May and Vee moved closer and leaned up against him, rubbing over his chest while watching the movie. Vee gave Zeus a soft nuzzle on the cheek before she softly neighed as he was rubbing her belly gently and also gave May the same treatment, both girls happily cuddling up to him, closing their eyes slightly so they could still watch the movie. But as time slowly got closer to midnight and once the movie ended and the snacks were gone, a mist began to surround the building and soon a knock was heard on the door, "Who can it be at this time of night?" May wondered before she walked to the door and opened it, squealing loudly and happily, "Mommy!"

Final Chapter: Executing her Royal Desire

Vee smiled before getting up as May was carried into the living room by a really tall dragoness with two wings. Zeus remembered it all, and even the note and what time it was. The coin finally fell down as he kneeled quickly, "So it was you. Alexis... or Sasha... whatever you wanna be called, your..." Sasha was quick to lift a hand to silence him, "Enough. I am not wanting you to see me as a queen. I want you to see me as someone who is here on a personal mission." Zeus was confused with Vee and May before Sasha kissed May softly and cupped her balls, making Vee and Zeus understand until all three could feel the scent that began to drive them crazy. May was the first one to ask, "Mom... are you in heat?"

Sasha didn't answered, but instead put down May on the floor, "I originally came here to get away from others while my heat was in full bloom. And I was not expecting such a stud to be here. I would have introduced myself earlier, but the observations made me a bit frisky." Sasha giggled before Vee walked over to her and hugged her tightly before Zeus made a connection, "Wait, you are a dragon, so why is May a bunny with horse-cock?" Sasha smiled before showing Zeus that she could switch specie without a problem, making Zeus nod in approval to this, "Not bad, you are quite a talented queen... I mean lady."

Sasha smiled before May looked at Zeus with a smile, "I figured it out. Mom wants another kid and you are the chosen, Zeus." Zeus was taken back by this and blushed gently, "But I am just here on a vacation and... and..." He was dropping his jaw when Sasha decided to turn into a mare with the same body proportions as her dragoness form, giving him a wink before giggling, "I will go to my room now. You three have fun now." The last wink made Zeus blush before Vee and May gave each other a wink, "We will go and get dressed for bed. You better do that too."

Zeus was a little taken back by all this, but sighed as he got up and rubbed his eyes as he walked up the stairs and quickly went to the bathroom to take care of some business before heading to his room. As he opened the door to walk inside, he gasped at what he saw. On the bed laid Vee, May and Sasha, all in see-through nightgowns and were making out, but May was also fucking Sasha's tailhole from behind while Vee was fingering Sasha's pussy, all three of them happily moaning before they noticed Zeus standing there and Sasha beckoned him closer, "Come here, stud. We have waited long enough for you to come." Zeus could not take his eyes off them, because they all looked like the complete set with May being the proud shemale, Vee being the sexual female and Sasha being the divine hermaphrodite. Remembering what Sasha had told him, he began to undress himself before climbing onto the bed, watching the trio break up so he could lay back, Vee quickly leaning down to suck on Zeus' dick while May was carefully beginning to tend to his balls. Wanting to get to know the stallion a bit more, Sasha moved up to his head and put her breasts in his face, "Mmm, feel free to play with them as much as you like."

What an offer that was, Zeus had no plans to object and while neighing, he opened his maw to catch one of the nipples in his maw, happily sucking on it while Sasha murred happily, "Mmm, are you going to allow me to get what I want?" Zeus was not wanting to surrender as he wanted to be in control, but something about Sasha seemed to almost make him not fight her. With a light nod he agreed to it and Sasha smiled, "Good." She was not going to do it yet though, she was planning to wait it out as Vee and May switched their jobs every minute until they nodded and grabbed Sasha's bottom to move her into position, Zeus feeling the heavy weight on top of him before she sunk down onto his erection, and to his surprise, it was not even hitting her cervix and he was already all the way inside of her, but a quick spell soon turned her around so she could lay down on top of him while bouncing as they both heard Vee moaning when May thrusted into Vee's cum-filled pussy, May reaching around to hold Vee tightly before she begins to thrust into her mother, both of them moaning in delight.

Zeus wrapped his arms around Sasha's waist, neighing as he was thrusting right into her, listening to her moans while kissing her neck, listening to the sound of the hips hitting each other, "Ohhh, you are so..." Sasha grunted, "Silence and keep fucking, please." Vee giggled and moaned as May was eagerly speeding up, "Same old Sasha." May was kissing Vee's neck while pushing deeper into her, "Mmm, the same one we can love and respect." Vee nodded as she felt the big horse-cock driving deeper into her before May moved them both closer for a better view.

Sasha reached one hand down to grab and stroke her dick, something that Zeus anticipated as his arms soon locked her own into place, trying to test the waters, but Sasha was neighing louder as he was increasing the speed of his hips, thrusting faster and harder into her until he slowed down when Vee was made to suck Sasha's dick, the two pairs now making it a foursome with Zeus fucking Sasha, while Sasha was having her dick sucked by Vee, who was being fucked by their daughter. Zeus chuckled and neighed, "Mmm, impressive." Sasha was about to warn him, but he was already silent and kept making her moan before Sasha quickly pushed Vee's head off her dick gently and with a light force rolled both her and Zeus to the side, one leg wrapping around one of his to pull it up before he began to go even more intense on her, her moans sounding a bit louder than before while Zeus took a chance to suck more on her tit that he could reach.

Vee moved closer with May still fucking her, eagerly moaning before wrapping her maw around Sasha's dick again, sucking while also having it thrusted into her maw by the force of Zeus' hips, Zeus watching it together with Sasha before May pulling out of Vee, kissing both her pussy and pucker before moving up to Sasha's face and ram her dick into the maw, feeling that eager tongue wrapping around it and licking when she began to thrust in and out, Sasha's dick soon growing a bit in size, but not before Vee attempted to take it all the way down to the base, which didn't work well and Vee pulled her head off the dick while coughing gently while Sasha gave her an idea what to do next by pointing to May's butt.

Vee didn't need to be told what Sasha meant, she moved closer to May and soon a soft coo could be heard from the laquine as Vee began to give her a rimjob while Sasha was sucking on May's dick, tightening herself up for Zeus who had not even slowed down a bit, but seemed more eager now to make her carry his young, but he was neighing to her, "As much as I, aaaahhhh, like how you look as a mare, I wanna have the real one here now." Sasha was moaning and soon sprouted her wings when changing back from her mare form into her dragon form, growling out in pleasure while sucking more eagerly on May's dick, feeling a small dose of pre in her maw before May moaned out as Vee pushed her tongue into her butt, feeding Sasha a warm load of seed while Sasha got herself fucked even harder from behind. Once feeding time was over, Zeus took command again and sat up with Sasha in his lap before moaning, "Spread your wings!"

Sasha didn't understand what he might want with it, but she spread her four wings proudly behind her before noticing them being draped partially in his own, making both Vee and May watch in awe as Sasha and Zeus went on full steam now, Zeus' mighty hands grabbing Sasha's long dick to stroke it while she was riding him, "Mmm, with two lovely mothers like this, no wonder May is so beautiful." Sasha was about to growl, but Zeus forcefully kissed her and began to make out with her, calming down the giant as they kept on going, the neighbors coming out from the nearby houses to see what was going on inside there, as Sasha moaning was loud enough to disturb them.

No one cared in the bedroom though as Sasha was giving out a loud growl when she finally erupted all over herself, soon hearing Zeus neighing before a torrent of warm seed made its way into the depths of her body and soon Sasha closed her eyes before riding out their orgasm, shooting the load all over herself and also squirting all over his crotch, Vee and May deciding for the better to clean it up, making both Zeus and Sasha happily pant as they got the best tongue bath ever, soon being sparkling clean before Sasha pulled herself off the dick and gave them a warm smile, "Mmm, that was... out of this world."

Zeus laughed and nodded with a neigh, "You can say that again. Were you for real when you said that you are in heat, or was it a way to make me go full out?" Sasha gave him a smile, "I am in heat, so this means that you are probably having a future child being made inside me." Zeus was looking at Vee, who simply smiled, "When Sasha makes a choice, it is like a blessing." May smiled and gave Vee a soft kiss before Sasha laid down on the bed and with a murr used a final spell for the night as the bed grew big enough for all of them to sleep in it, Vee and May cuddling up Zeus while May was laying with Sasha close to her chest and the arms on Sasha's belly, happily rubbing the place she had once been in herself, and now it might be used by a future sister, or maybe for the first time, a brother.

As the sun tickled the four laying in bed, they all yawned before Zeus got a surprise when Sasha seemed to already show signs of pregnancy, "What the?" Sasha giggled, "Okay, I will explain. Where I am from, pregnancy lasts for about a day at minimum due to the atmosphere. We can make it last longer, but most prefer it to be over quick. Mmm, and I got a question. How do I want my eggs this morning? Scrambled, or fertilized?" Before Zeus could raise an objection, Sasha was already pinning him down and his morning-wood was being used to make sure she got what she wanted. Vee and May looked at each other and giggled, "Same old Sasha, same old sex addicted queen."

The End.

Royal Science 1

**Royal Science 1: Acquiring a Sample** **This story is copyrighted to SashaWS/ArtisticEastern, containing characters owned by various people used with permission.** **Any usage or posting of this story under the claim of being your own is not...

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Krakow Amazons 1

**Krakow Amazons 1: The Amazoness of Wawel** **This story is copyrighted to SashaWS/ArtisticEastern, containing characters owned by various people used with permission.** **Any usage or posting of this story under the claim of being your own is not...

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Sergal Tails 2

**Sergal Tails 2 - The Hot, The Cold and The Bitch** **This story is copyrighted to SashaWS/ArtisticEastern, containing characters owned by various people used with permission.** **Any usage or posting of this story under the claim of being your own...

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