Forbidden Affairs - A Murderer and a Degenerate

Story by Silvador on SoFurry

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#3 of Forbidden Affairs

Victoria's screams ripped through the great hall while the huge crowd of citizens stared in surprise at the

headless figure of their previous king.

"SHUT UP, FOOLISH GIRL!" Sen yelled at his sister as the albino panther collapsed to the floor where she stood.

The new king turned to the stunned community,

"King Dorian was a murderer and a degenerate! He killed Queen Nasitteer and desecrated his own daughter

frequently. He will not be missed." The young panther stood before the gathering of people, his blade pointing to

the headless corpse; not an ounce of regret was in his eyes, voice or very stance, he stood proud and confident

in his actions.

"Long live King Senthius!" a voice called out from the back of the crowd.

"HAIL, KING SENTHIUS! HAIL, KING SENTHIUS!" the chanting filled the hall quickly and Sen, who'd turned to look

at his sister, faced his people and bellowed at them.

" GET OUT!" the panther's voice was strong, deep and powerful; nobody objected and all but Victoria,

Garth, Alira and Senthius himself were soon alone in the huge hall.

"Do you not understand what he did to you was wrong?" Sen kneeled in front of his sister as she sobbed loudly.

He lifted her chin and spoke in a soft voice; looking in her eyes, he saw only sadness. Sighing, he called for a

maid to take the white panther to her room and comfort her.

Alira just stood in amazement as her king sat on his throne, Garth stooding over the growing pool of blood. Sen

looked at the lion in light brown robes and saw in his eyes not a hint of mourning.

"Say it, say it or your head will join his." The panther commanded. Garth looked at his new king and spoke


"The bastard deserved it."

"Good." King Senthius stood and walked over to the head of the fallen panther. "If you are to continue being the

advisor to the Kenedine family, you will speak your mind or you will say nothing, do I make myself clear?"

"Yes my lord, as you wish." Several minutes passed before anyone spoke again. Alira stood at her king's side

though her presence went un-noticed while Garth continued to look down at the lifeless body of his former king.

"She doesn't understand." Garth looked at Sen as he spoke absently. "Garth, my father ordered you to focus

your teachings on me did he not?"

"Yes, he did."

"Had Victoria been taught as I have, she would have denied Dorian early on. I think he knew this and deliberately

restricted her teachings to prevent her from understanding what he was doing to her."

"I must admit, it frightens me at how clear and logical your line of thinking is." Garth nudged the limp hand of the

dead panther as he spoke.

"Teach her... teach her what you have taught me. Make her understand that what he did to her was wrong."

"It will not be easy my lord, she will not listen."

"Not at first. This will take time, but she needs to know that what he did to her was..." Sen saw worry in the lion's

eyes "You fear she will not be able to handle it."

"I'm trying not to think about it, but I cannot deny what has crossed my mind."

"You believe there is a possibility she will take her life." Sen stood and walked towards his father's body.

"Guards." He called to the pandas standing outside the hall's doors. "Clean up this mess please; no burial, no

remembrance of any kind, throw his sin riddled body to the crows."

"Yes King Senthius." The guards picked up the body and took it from the hall, a trail of blood forming behind them.

"I don't deny that I have considered that possibility as well," Sen looked once again at the lion "But this had to

be done and she can not go on not understanding why." Garth turned and started toward the small door at the

side of the hall.

"The other leaders will want to know what has transpired here today, shall I prepare a message to explain?" the

lion stopped in front of the door and spoke without turning.

"No." Sen said "Prepare an invitation, I will address the families myself; the throne is mine, there is nothing they

can or would do. Too many wars were waged over control for leaderless lands before, the families would not

lead this new world into old habits."

Garth nodded and left Senthius alone with Alira who now sat on the queen's throne. The panther turned in thought

and as his gaze fell on the human, he walked over to her, remembering for the first time in an hour that she was

still there.

"Gods, I forgot you were here. Alira, I am so sorry you had to witness all this." King Senthius kneeled in front of

the girl and rested his muzzle on her lap.

"So this is what you had on your mind this morning." The dark skinned girl gently stroked her king's head.

The rest of the day passed slowly; again, Alira's provocative advances were wasted as the panther was far from

in the mood. Garth returned to the hall after a short time to inform the new ruler that the head of each family

would arrive in three days but little else happened.

Sen spent the day in a distant mood that caused his mistress-servant to grow just a little frustrated and leave

his side by the evening to entertain herself. On her way to their room, she passed the rabbit she'd met earlier

that morning.

"You look a little worn." Tessica said softly as Alira approached her. The human brushed past the rabbit then

stopped and turned around.

"I'm sorry, he's just..." Alira found herself angry at the panther for neglecting her though she knew he wasn't

doing it intentionally.

"I heard about the ceremony, news travels fast around here. Do you want me to make you a bath?" the frustrated

human thought for a minute then accepted.

"I'd love that, thank you."

"There's nothing like a hot bath to wash away a day's tension." Tessica took the lead, sizing up the girl as she

passed her. Since meeting Alira that morning, the yellow bunny found herself with nothing else on her mind but

the image of the attractive girl lying naked in bed.

Alira stood at the edge of the bath and watched as the light-yellow furred bunny held her hands over it and

summoned a puddle of water from seemingly nowhere. The puddle started small at first, in the middle of the

carved and tiled stone bath, then grew with astonishing speed to fill the empty space.

"Where did you get all that water from?" Alira looked at the rabbit in amazement.

"There's more than enough moisture in the air, all I did was relocate it." The girl had learned in her schooling

that when the gods gave the anthropomorphs form, they also gave them powers in order to protect and maintain

the planet. Over the centuries, most power from the anthros dissipated and left only a small percentage with

powers such as control over the elements. Tessica dipped her hand in the water and in a moment, steam rose

and Alira could feel the heat from the water.

"Do you mind if I join you?" the rabbit asked. Alira was a little caught off guard by the request, but had no

objections. She stripped out of what little clothing she wore and stepped into the water, gasping as her body

adjusted to the wonderful heat.

As the human girl slowly lowered herself into the bath, Tessica watched the water rising up her dark brown skin.

Alira jumped slightly as the water rose up her legs and contacted with the bare skin of her pussy then settled

down on the step, the top of her breasts sitting just above water level.

Tessica pushed the long white dress on her hips down to reveal her pink panties, then unbuttoned her

short-sleeve shirt to let loose a rather large set of breasts. Alira found herself admiring the full bodied bust of the

bunny as she bent over, pulling down her underwear while her legs remained straight. Interest filled the human

as she touched her own perky nipples while watching Tessica settle in the bath herself.


Garth entered the hall again to find King Senthius sitting on his throne with a very distant look on his face. The

lion turned to exit again when a voice stopped him.

"There's something on your mind." Sen still had a distant look on his face, but he knew Garth was there.

"It's really none of my business." The lion didn't move, his back still to his king.

"If you have a question, ask it."

Garth thought for a moment, then turned to the panther and spoke.

"How long... How long were you planning..." Garth wasn't sure how to put forth the query, but the meaning got


"To kill my father?" Sen finished. The panther looked at Garth and began at the beginning.

"He started just after she turned fourteen." The panther's expression filled with sadness. "We still shared a

room then. It was a hot night and I couldn't sleep, he came in, went to her bed and touched her while she slept.

I sat up and confronted him about his actions, and he snapped at me, held a dagger to my face."


'What the fuck are you doing?'

'Keep your mouth shut boy, if you want to keep living; go to sleep.'


"I lay there in silence, listening to him coax her into sexual acts, he didn't have to try hard. I choked on my cries

as I heard their breathing get heavier and heavier, when she started to cry with joy, he covered her mouth to

keep her quiet." Senthius sat on the edge of the throne as he recounted the details of his father's sins, Garth just

listened as he stood half way between throne and door.

"Every night he came to her, every night I lay there listening to their breathing. Only a couple of months passed

before I finally couldn't take it anymore and went to mother."

"You said earlier Dorian killed Queen Nasitteer, I was under the impression she'd left the kingdom." Garth


"Everyone was," Senthius explained, "I went to her and told her of father's nightly visits, she must have seen

the truth in my eyes because as I spoke, I saw the anger grow in her own. She left me alone to face my father

about what I had said, I heard the yelling and screaming and ran to the kitchen. The queen had found my father

lap deep in one of the maids and I arrived in time to see the king take a sword from a guard, behead the guard,

the maid and finally my mother. He didn't even flinch as he swung that blade through the throat of the screaming

tigress before turning to mother." Senthius paused for a moment then continued.

"My father turned to me next and I froze with fear, he pointed at me with the blood drenched blade and ordered

me to clean up the mess lest my own head 'join the collection'. It was after that when he ceased hiding his

actions; Victoria's screams of pleasure kept me awake all night... he even began desecrating her in the day."

"Yes, I remember you were getting no sleep. Had I said anything, I would have lost my head as well." Garth

stood in front of Sen now, remembering when the frequent cries of pleasure began rolling off the walls of the


"As you know, a week after mother's death I finally turned seventeen and it was time for my own room. I chose

one as far away from Victoria's as possible. Though I slept better, her screams echoed through the castle and

still my night was interrupted. During those times my anger and hatred grew, calming my mind and clearing my

thoughts. I knew it had to end and I knew the only way it would happen without problems was after I was

guaranteed the throne." Senthius stood up, a weight now lifted off his shoulders. "It would have been just after

my eighteenth that I started clearly planning Dorian's demise, I went to the weapon-smith and had this katana

made especially for the purpose."

"Every night for two years, how did she not fall pregnant?" Garth inquired.

"You don't know?" Senthius looked at him curiously "Victoria is infertile, she's incapable of baring children."


Alira's frustration washed away quickly under the soothing heat of the bath. Leaning her head back and closing

her eyes, she ran her fingers up and down her body as she let her mind wonder. Tessica watched the dark

skinned beauty run her fingers up between her breasts then down into her lap. Her blue eyes stared at the water

lapping gently at the dark brown skin of Alira's breasts, her nipples just out of the water.

With the human off in thought, she didn't even notice the rabbit's movements. Startled, the sexy human girl

lifted half way out of the water and gasped as she found her legs spread and the bunny's muzzle pushing deep

between her thighs. Tessica lifted her head from under the water as Alira sat down again.

"Just relax, you're all tense." The rabbit placed her padded hands on the human girl's breasts and planted a

kiss on her lips before diving back under the water. It was a lame excuse, but it was half true. Tessica had her

own desires to quell beneath the water and it would help relieve Alira's frustration.

The dark skinned beauty gasped again as the rabbit pushed her muzzle in between the thighs of the human and

pressed her tongue on the folds of flesh so smooth and desirable. Tessica did little more than lick and tease the

human female, running her tongue up and down the grove of her pussy. Every now and then, the rabbit rose out

of the water to breath then lowered herself to continue her teasing.

Alira leaned back against the edge of the bath and placed her hands on top of the rabbit's head, trying hard to not

smother the creature between her legs. Moans and gasps filled the room as the heated fun continued. Tessica's

fur clung to her body as she rose out of the water one final time, lifting Alira as well. With no objection and

almost aching desires, the dark skinned girl sat on the edge of the bath and parted her legs to allow maximum


Lying on her back, Alira's body began to twitch with pleasure as the maid's tongue frolicked inside the dark

chocolate vagina. Tessica delicately pushed her tongue between the lips, running it along the inside slowly,

tasting the juices she'd longed to taste all day. The yellow bunny added a finger to the mix to increase the fun as

she gently flicked the quivering girl's clit with her tongue.

Alira's moans turned to cries as she ran her hands over her wet body. Her nipples were hard now and she

gently squeezed them, sending more pulses of ecstasy coursing through her body. Nearing an orgasm, she

began squirming on the stone floor before finally convulsing with pleasure and covering Tessica's muzzle with

bodily juices.

"Now, doesn't that feel better?" the bunny asked as she stood out of the water. Alira just nodded as she caught

her breath and watched Tessica leave the room.


Neither Alira nor Sen spoke a word of the day's events that night, both had been to the edge of their nerves and

a silent agreement was made to leave well enough alone. The mistress-servant lay on her back, sleeping

soundly while her king lay on his side, facing the empty floor of the room.

Senthius was not fully asleep when he felt the third presence in his room, and so opened his eyes to find

Victoria standing beside the bed. Sadness filled her eyes and a familiar look could be seen on her face. Many

times when they two siblings were younger had the albino panther retreated to the comfort and security of her

brother's bed, often when a particularly powerful storm raged outside.

The king lifted his sheets and without a word, welcomed his sister to find comfort once more in the company of

her brother. She slept soundly in her pink pajamas and for the first time in two years, Senthius' night was

un-interrupted by screams of pleasure that would have sent his blood boiling.

Forbidden Affairs - Under New Management

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Forbidden Affairs - Family Matters

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