A Change in Focus

Story by Lysaila on SoFurry

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By fate there might be a meeting...

It happened on one moonless night in winter. The night was cold and a dampness filled the air suggesting to anyone outside of a sickness was lurking. I had just finished editing another story written for posting at a favored site where were people like me delighting to read or see drawings as of humans becoming as then animals.

I have come to terms with my personal moral ideals, and having read some of the very best descriptive stories about transformation, if ever I was offered the choice or chance, I would accept the risks.

As I entered my home and turned on a light, I noticed an odor, a sour smell. I began to sniff the air as open first the door to my largest room where set my model railroad layout, but the smell was not in there.

I opened next the closet built under the stairway leading to the main floor of my raised ranch style home, only to sniff and decide the smell did not emanate from there either.

The only other door lead to my small office where set my computer I used to write my stories. As I opened the door and turned on the light in the room the horrid smell hit my nose with a disgusting smell.

"What the Hell is in here stinking up..." I said, as heard a voice comment, "That is me!"

Whoever he was he was inside my house and had sat there in total darkness, the room having no windows, as if waiting for me to arrive.

He surprised me by being there and for some odd reason I never once thought he was there with ideas to hurt me, or kill me. Yet he was there, and he had entered my house by some means other than unlocking a door.

"And who are you," I said before walking into the L-shaped room and come then face to face with my intruder.

"Lord Zepar is my title and name," He said.

"I never heard of anybody named Zepar, other than the Demon by the same name?" I said remarking to his reply.

I walked into the room and there sitting in a chair set into the corner of my small office was my intruder. He, this thin as gaunt looking man he said was of the name as Zepar sat there looking up at me, he glared at me, his red eyes seemingly burning though my chest.

"Never is a long time for not having known of such as I!" he replied, as his eyes remained fixed on me, as if ready to spring up at my next move.

Thinking this to be some war of words and this man was without a doubt some masterful burglar, I turned to walk out of the room, and run!

"Please do not try to run away and leave here, or be so foolish as place a call to any legal authorities, as none could get here in time to save you from what I could do, as do if I wished to do something bad.

I give you my word of promise I shall not try to injure you. Just the opposite, as i came here with thoughts of gifting you an easier way of life, something more along the line of your interests." Zepar said, as not so much asking me not to leave, but like more an ordering of me to stay and hear then his proposal.

"Your style of such a booming voice tends to make me apprehensive," I said just as then the lights in the room suddenly became much brighter than normal.

As I stood and faced him sitting there in my office, he looking up at my face, at that began to smile. To look at this manly form named Zepar should have sent me running for safety and or my very life. Yet, I foolishly stayed to talk, conversing with him as his words could mean almost anything, to anyone, for just about whatever he wished to do next.

"On your drive home tonight you saw a wandering red Angus bull standing beside the road did you not?" Zepar asked of me.

I began to ask the first question on my mind as of how he could know what I saw and where.

"To be quite truthful, I have had a busy day and tonight should prove equally profitable. As to the bull, well she-ah-he or it was quite befuddled still of the mind having just become what she-he was only a few hours previous of you seeing my last victim.

The bull you knew as when she was Angela, she the overly inquisitive girlfriend to you friend Ryan, who earlier today met with me and voiced his delight for being the largest donkey draft animal with a pedigree in this state, as his permanent state!" exclaimed Zepar, his words trailing off to a round of snickers and muffled laughter.

I tried to rationalize out what I heard to what I had seen while driving home, as quite so I had seen a yearling red Angus bull standing like a statue, it eying me as my car drove by it.

"Pray tell, why would Ryan wish or ask to become a donkey anything, he is a wealthy business man with a family and owns about everything he ever wanted?

If Angela was his girlfriend, this I have no knowledge of, but care not to know if it is so. You say that you then did cause Ryan to be changed of form, becoming a large jackass, a monster Jackass, and then why if you have such powers would you go after Angela and make of her to be a bull animal, there is some truth as still unsaid." I said as to argue with this strange man.

The muffled laughing stopped abruptly. "If you please there Mister Kevin Rooste, do cease beginning a sentence with using the words as "Pray-tell."

I met with Ryan after receiving a notice that he had inadvertently stated he would give away his own soul for the chance to become his favorite donkey Jack stud animal, something similar he read from one of your sex orientated transformation stories.

We met earlier today and with very little argument from Ryan, he signed on the dotted line and is as we speak, lying in his barn stall, he looking forward to his first full new day living in the physical form of a Andalusian draft donkey embodiment.

When we were finalizing his preferences about being a healthy Jackass stud, and of having an extended lifetime to live as, and enjoy what he deemed he would delight by becoming such an animal, as who should arrive but Angela, she boldly walking into the room and overhearing a bit too much of what was said.

She was a witness to Ryan transmigrated from his office to the farm of his choice, as I looked into her mind I saw there a passion she had for liking to gawk at bulls, she loving the size of their big balls.

I gave her no a word but with a wave of my hand sent her to stand outside the front gate to the Killingsworth farm. I rather expected your friend Jonathon to see the young bull and lasso it, as place it with his cattle herd.

Instead, Angela turned and ran away from the farm, and wandered until you saw her, as she seeing you drive past then realized she was what I made of her and walked back to stand again outside the farm gate.

Ryan had asked about his younger brother, as you might recall that he went missing last summer.

A henchman of mine and another Demon caught the youth as unaware, he cursing his family heritage. During his verbal wrath he met..., well shortly after that unholy meeting, his cursing ceased as becoming a colt mule his vocabulary became equally limited by the thickness of his lips and tongue.

Barry and his older brother Ryan held to similar fantasies, as after Barry realized his transformation to being reality for him, he began acting as if he were born to being a male mule. I rather helped him to enjoy his first fun as left to him his equine size scrotum. The farm owner thought to have the young mule castrated as considered proper, but I tantalized the farmer to reconsider and let the mule have his fun.

The mule that was Barry has by now days gained a twisted mind with animal ideas, he thinking like a true beast, is allowed his fun to try and breed with mares. Although his semen in wholly incompatible with equines, it is viable if he were to have sex with a human female." said this very demonic Zepar from the realm of Demons.

I did listen, hearing his explanation, it sounded as if this "Father of Time" as named Zepar governed over people, making them act and or become as were animals.

Then seemed as if a fantasy situation without a doubt, I again took a step back toward the doorway, only to gain a reprimand from Zepar.

"I note that what you have heard you do believe is factual, and if what you write and post on the Internet sites is as well factual your deep desire, then my coming to you is providential.

You know what the price is for my servicing your wish to become a reality, be you as have others who by varied means implored of me to make of their human bodies as become animal bodies, with animal lifestyles.

Simply agree to my terms and step close, let me touch your body and feel then my power start your physical transforming.

Present to me your soul and feel then the extreme sensuality and delight as what is human transitions, you becoming your favorite animal form, and live then as if you were just another animal!" beckoned Zepar of me and my fantasy interests and past.

Suddenly shaken awake to what all Zepar said, I asked, "You are kidding me, that bull was a woman named Angela, and my friend Ryan you made of him a donkey, if so, their fates would be my fantasy too, but nobody can make such things happen!"

I had no sooner said it, but remembering and having seen the bull on my way home, I did believe it was true.

Standing two steps from where Zepar sat as if seated upon some devilish throne, I looked at Zepar, as he leaning closer toward me, did smile.

"I see doubt, you still do not fully believe me enough to give away the rights to your soul and gain your fantasy delight," beckoned Zepar, he seemed to be offering me my chance to let me sample his power.

Thinking for a second and giving in to my wild fantasy, I stepped very close to the demon, as I reaching out my left arm and open hand, as if wishing for Zepar's friendship.

"Do say, what right now is your preferred fun fantasy to be," asked Zepar his hand changing to look like a claw.

"For as long as I can remember back, I have longed to be like... I have longed to feel and be like a Billy Goat!

A silly thought I suppose, but for some odd and maybe subconscious reason, the idea of being a goat has fascinated me for many years. So why do you ask?" was my reply, knowing the Demon had changed others and of his asking, might come to me the chance of attaining a youthful dream.

I was enthralled mentally, captured in that moment of desire for to become something other than what I was born. I stood in silence, feeling horrified to some extent of what was to happen. I watched as Zepar, his face having a sadistic grin, lifted a crab claw toward me.

My mind went wild with apprehension over what I was doing, dealing with a Devil and high demon of Hell, accepting from him a good will gesture, one that would degrade me from manhood and reduce me to a common farm type animal. I began to feel a building sense of fear.

Zepar moved slowly but with a watchful eye, he was quite intent on getting his third or fourth catch of the day.

The instant his crab claw gripped my wrist, I felt an electric surge jolt my arm. The sense of his mighty powers went up the arm, into my chest, then spreading out to every part of my body.

Even as it happened, my thoughts turned from the sensual fantasy I had dreamed of for so long, to my growing up, school, learning, graduating and preparing myself of accomplishing something. The memories faded and replacing them are thoughts of self satisfaction. Lustful desires filled my mind, thoughts of mating, mounting a furry rump and thrusting, feeling the rush, and loving it! "Dare tell, what might be some favorite color if you were a Goat?" asked the demon, my body seemingly now on fire, if only figurative.

"Red or brown!" I answered, my voice then giving forth a bleat rather than a human word.

Everything began in its own way to take to the changing wish of what Zepar thought of how a Billy goat should be, mostly adding to the male parts and causing these to make one want what was to come.

A wave of change engulfed me, I stood clothed but gaining a desire to become naked. Striping off clothing, I actually ripped my shirt off from shoulders and body; seeing then the changing of skin coloring and sprouting patches of shaggy goat wool.

Stunned by what I saw happening, I became aroused, and then to my eyes became the vision of one so endowed to be a male buck goat that I longed for becoming then a goat. My tail bone jutted from out my spine and as wool covered my buttocks, I felt the weight swelling of testicles and a growth of one long goat sheath added to my lusting want to become as an animal for this demon and devil.

Wholly a foolish and irrational thought, the sensations from all that overwhelm the mind and then the body came suddenly to realize...this Demon creature had robbed a soul and left its previous owner as some degraded animal!

Imagine later me re-awakening, discovering this new me, and having then the memories of living four seasons as would a bold buck of a herd sire goat. Horrified and awestruck, the sensuality I had only dreamed, was fact, and me part of it as being a goat seemed undeniable.

Daytime, and almost anytime, no matter what I was doing, whether grazing or standing at the fence watch cars driven past, people in a hurry to get to nowhere better than what I was enjoying.

My existence was nothing close to being in heaven, as the odor of urine, manure, and various female bodily fluids permeate the air we as goats have to breathe. I felt still pacified by living a life of virtual ease, of doing what seems natural, whether feeling a want to exercise I might run around the pasture.

If I wish to relax, there is our big shade tree to lie under and then having the urge, I chew my regurgitated cud. At times of the year the whole consortium of nanny goats seem to come into feeling heated passions, and they come a calling, looking for their herd sire to stand up and begin his primary task.

I love to do just that, as quelling female lusts, and giving the nannies soon kids. Kids that grow up, as what become like their nanny mothers, they become for me as more females to keep satisfied.

Humans are never satisfied, or if they become so, they do not retain the moderation. I have nineteen human females that come at various evening sessions. They come to pet and prod, wishing to see what glory I hold up in my hairy sheath. As to those human females that come, a few are as perverse as once was I, they wishing for what the nannies get. I do as they wish, often rutting them into a violent state, their vagina bleeding from deep and rough thrusting.

The demon who begot for me this way of life did warn of the coming of such silly women. He did make mention of the infectiousness of my semen upon the human wombs, and of what would happen to those women from prolonged irritation by me and my male organ.

Only one, as to this day and time of year has come back, she removing all her clothing and brashly showing her stud what his infectious semen does to a woman. She got a rash, it red and weeping, being like a Thrush infection of her skin.

Brenda, she a young woman I knew in my past life, and she coming to play with me, and I with her, we enjoying our long evenings, her has a want of lust for such as me, we conjoined, and she massaging. Her rash ended up growing forth a pelt of goat fur. She felt the changes beginning and comes a calling, she had many questions but I could give her no verbal intelligible answers.

Two years to the day, and Brenda since has joined our happy herd. I for one am happiest, as Brenda having been human knows' some neat ways of bringing a matured sire goat into a full blooming erection!

Why or how, but Zepar never returned to collect the right to my soul, as much this delights me, I have to think about how I look, how I live, and of what I became.