Friendly Encounter: coming clean (chap. 1)

Story by Neofox on SoFurry

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Max took a seat and opened up his laptop. It displayed a custom welcome message and the screen flashed up his desktop. He quickly navigated to his music files and played an upbeat techno song he'd ripped from one of his computer games. Most game music was cliche, and alot of it was themes that didn't exactly cut his approval. But this one was jumpy, and it was fitting his mood great. Max smiled and bounced his leg playfully as the beats of the song took the young bobcat's actions. He reached down and pulled on his socks slowly, still feeling bouncy from the beat. Then he saw an Icon flash on his laptop indicating an "Incoming Call". The young 17 bobcat was high tech on just about everything, hooking his laptop up to many of the appliances in his reach. He could even turn the lights off in his room with the touch of a button. Max reached up and hit "Enter" accepting the incoming call. The music lowered in volume as the screen opened a scope showing a line that shook to the words "Hello Max what's up?".

"Hi!" Max said, putting on his headset quickly adjusting the microphone. "How are ya Ty?" he said with a giggle. The scope started jumping again as Ty started talking.

"Not too bad pal, you?" the fox replied, laughing a bit. Ty heard in the background a familiar comedy show he'd seen on TV about a week ago.

"Well, not too bad I guess! So, what are you up to today?" Max replied stretching his arms in the air and giving a loud yawn. He'd gotten up not too long ago and eaten his cinnammon cereal. He still had a couple of those morning kinks to work out. He put his finger on the mousepad and switched his headset to digital and unplugged the cord from the laptop.

"That's good...I'm bored to death over here...been up playing this new game I bought...I've already beat it and found everything hidden in the levels..." Ty said with a sigh. Max had heard that he was getting that game. It was amazing though how fast he'd beaten it. He stood up after the laptop displayed the bar signal for his headset's range. Than he walked to his dresser and opened the top shelf and blushed to see a little red thong. He forgot that he'd sneaken a pair from his sister, who was now long gone. She'd moved just a few days before.

"Well...I'm not too busy, would you like to come over?" Max said picking the thong up and giggling. He threw it on his bed and walked over to his door, closing it. He quickly reached down and started unbuttoning his jeans.

"Sure, that sounds like a great idea considering my mom and dad just left for a little vacation...I believe that they said something about asking your mom to join them" Ty said with another laugh as he heard the comedian.

" long ago did they leave?" Max asked, slowly pushing his jeans to the floor. He grabbed ahold of his undies and gave them a playful push.

"Actually, I guess I was pretty accurate on the notice. They really did "just leave". They figured I was responsible enough to lock up the house and such. But you know parents, they still worry unfortunatly. Your always "there little baby" bah!" the fox grunted on the other end of the line. Max let his undies slide to his feet and he stepped out of them and walked feminine to his bed, acting naughty due to his privacy. He picked up the little thong and put a foot in it and slid it up his slender legs. He giggled as he felt the skinny string ride into his rear. He then took his paws and started rubbing at his butt slowly, feeling the exposed fur.

"Yeah..." the bobcat laughed as he walked to the mirror next to his bed. He looked in it, seeing his fine body and his cute face staring back at him. He smiled and twisted his body, taking in the sight of the thong. "...that sounds like my parents too. They never leave me alone with..." Max was interupted with a knock on his door. He quickly ducked behind his bed and moved the microphone on his headset up slightly. "Yes?!" Max yelled, worried he might get caught red handed...or in his case...with a red thong. The door opened and his mother walked in standing in the doorway. "Hey hunny...I think I'm going to head with your friend Ty's parents to the you think you could look after the house for me?" she said. She was wearing a long golden dress with her pearl necklace and earrings. " mom...have fun!" Max smiled, hoping she would leave his room. His mother smiled and walked out shutting the door slightly before peeking back in. "If you need anything, I'm putting $30.00 on the table next to the list of numbers in case anything goes wrong".

The door closed and let out a small click insuring it was closed. Max sighed with relief and stood up, running over and locking it. He lowered the microphone again "You still there?".

"Yeah, I'm still here...what happened?" Ty asked. Max heard the TV shut off in the background and figured that Ty had gotten up to get ready.

"Oh, nothing...I guess your parents are here to take my mom with them. So I had to talk to her a sec'" Max replied, rolling over his mattress back to his laptop. He rubbed softly at his chest, watching the lines of the scope move rapidly as Ty spoke.

"Well..I guess that makes two of us left alone eh? Hehe oh well, at least your just a few blocks down the neighborhood. I'm not sure what I'd do without a friend like yourself". Max heard a zipper in the background and a few rustles. Ty must have been putting his clothes in his duffelbag.

"Hehe..yeah, me niether Ty" he said a little soft. Max had known Ty for a long time. They met each other at school and ever since they'd been best friends. But here lately, Max had been taking a liking to Ty. And it was something more than just a freindly feeling. He would think about him every once and a while at night. What it would be like to hug him or even kiss. He blushed and brought up a picture of Ty on his computer next to the Scope. The fox was a little taller than him and a little more broad. Ty had a home work out gym and he was sorta lazy, but nevertheless he worked out occassionally.

"Well, I'll let'cha go. I ish gonna get packed and over there" Ty said with a giggle.

"Alrighty Ty, see you in a little while" Max replied before hearing the click of the other line.

The screen showed another tab displaying the "Disconnected/Line dropped" notice. Max took off the headset and brushed his hair back with his paw. Tonight he was going to try to show his feelings for Ty...but he wasn't sure what to say or do. He smiled and shrugged his shoulders. Rolling over and off the mattress, he took one last look at himself before putting his jeans back on and throwing on a button up light blue shirt. It was a little lighter than his jeans, but it looked like the same material denim. He unlocked his door and walked down the hallway to the stairs. He sat on the cold metal rail and slid down on his rear, touching down and walking toward the kitchen. He loved having the abilities he had. He was agile, sly, and overall cunning. He could easily use his experiance and his manipulative personality to in essence read others thoughts. It was a little confusing, but Max could easily do so.

The doorbell rang about 6 minutes later. Max ran over, quickly buttoning one button on the midst of his shirt. He opened the door to see Ty standing there wearing a pair of black cargo pants and a light grey hoody. Max blushed, Ty looked really hansome dressed in those colors. He invited him in and Ty slumped on the couch, throwing his bag on the floor next to him. "That was quick!" Max said with a giggle walking toward the kitchen. "Well...I figured if I ran I'd get here quicker. Besides, our parents are gone man. We could do anything if we wanted." He said laying back on the couch. Max walked back in and offered a glass of Pina' coloda flavored juice. Ty sat up and accepted it, allowing Max to sit next to him. " sounds to me like you were in a hurry to see me then" he said giggling, nudging at Ty playfully. Ty almost looked as if he blushed and he looked over at the window away. "Heh...yeah...sure, that's totally why I ran instead" he laughed. He looked back over at Max and smiled before sipping some of the juice.

The two of them headed up to Max's room and Max hurridly opened the door. He ran in excitedly and jumped up onto his mattress. Ty walked in behind him with his bag over his shoulder and he threw it on the floor next to the mattress. Shutting the door he then walked over and took a seat next to Max on the bed.

"So...what new stuff do you have on your computer huh?" Ty said with a wink. Max blushed and quickly navigated on his computer to his "secret files". It was true, Max kept a folder which contained hundreds of naughty pictures of other furs. He blushed as he opened it though, considering he'd never shown Ty the folders with males. He was worried that Ty might think he was weird. So he clicked on the pictures of the hot fox femies and enlarged them on the screen. He activated the pictures into a slide show and sat the Laptop on the desk next to his bed.

A few minutes passed and Max was bored, laying up on his pillows, peeking down to Ty who's gaze was glued to the screen. He then noticed that Ty was rubbing softly at the bulge he had in his pants. Max giggled and blushed. Ty instantly stopped, his smile fading as he quickly looked up to Max. "Enjoying the show are we?" Max said with a grin. Ty innocently looked down at the bulge in his pants and then back at Max. "Hehe..I guess so." he giggled before rubbing at his bulge again. Max watched him anxiously. He wanted so badly to assist him even greater. Just then a plan struck him good. He would let Ty play right into his paws.

Max started rubbing at his pants too, giving out some soft moans as he felt an erection begin. He glanced to Ty every once and a while, seeing if he noticed him. Ty smiled when Max would moan, he even looked over at him a couple times before huffing a laugh. Ty even closed his eyes a little and leaned back slightly, getting a better angle on his bulge. Max saught this as an advantage and he quickly crawled over and put his hands on Ty's leg. The fox opened his eyes and looked up at Max who was now staring back at him. "What...are you doing?" he said nervously. Max blushed and looked toward Ty's footpaws. "Uhmm....I'm....sorry Ty...I couldn't help myself" said max, now moving back a little from him. Ty sat up and looked at Max who was now trying to look away innocently.

"If you wanted to help me....I....don't mind" he said blushing, scratching the back of his head. He lied beside Max and giggled. Max smiled and moved down again to his pants. It worked and Ty fallen right into play. He slowly undid Ty's pants and slid them down to expose his bulging underwear. Ty moaned a little before slowly reaching down and pulling the undies down his legs to expose his fully erected sheath. "'s...not much" he said nervously, closing his eyes. Max giggled a little before grasping it with his paw. He slowly stroked up and back down a few times before putting his head above his length. "Hehe...well it's enough for me" he said before suckling the soft tip.

Ty gasped lightly at the feel of Max's tongue, which was now licking in circles around his tip. He jerked his hips lightly and gave low moans as Max continued to suck down halfway. He looked down at Max and saw the bobcat bobbing his head up and down slowly his warm, slick mouth taking him in more and more. Ty gasped again before taking off his hoody and undershirt. He was feeling hotter due to the blushing and the slight embarrasment of something new. Max started sucking harder on Ty making him jerk more in pleasure and he reached down shakingly to pet at Max's short, soft blonde hair. He closed his eyes and jerked his head back closing his eyes.

Max tasted the sweet taste of precum as he continued, now deepthroating Ty's wonderful cock. He was moaning himself in pleasure. He had wanted so badly for this moment to come and he was definitly having it his way. Ty wrapped his legs around Max's back as he felt the hot warmth of Max's maw take his length fully. He was panting rapidly and making a humping motion to Max with his pace. The feeling was amazing, and he'd overcome his feelings of embarassment. But he started to feel himself come to a climax. His cock started pulsing within Max's mouth.

"M...*gasp* Max....I...I'm going to ...c..cum!" Ty stuttered as he shook hitting his orgasm. Max felt Ty's cock tremble in his mouth as it started shooting hot jets of cum. He took in all that he could, swallowing in reaction to the pulses. Ty was moaning louder as he neared the end of his orgasm. His glistening cock started receading back into his sheath as Max finished cleaning up. He licked his muzzle clean and giggled, laying his head on Ty's chest. "That was fun...don't you think Ty?" he said rubbing his finger in a circle on his chest. "Y...yeah...I wish we could have done this before." he said shaking a little still overcoming the pleasure surging through his body.

Max moved up a little on the mattress next to Ty and looked him in the eyes. He stared at him a few seconds before Ty reached his arms out and pulled Max to his maw, pressing Max's lips to his. Max allowed Ty's tongue to slip between his lips and explore his mouth. He returned the feeling tussling at his Ty's tongue playfully. They kissed passionatly for a couple minutes before the kiss was broken. "That was nice Max...thanks" Ty said blushing and looking him deep in the eyes. "Ty...I have a question for you...we've been friends for some time now...but I..." He was interrupted by Ty's finger pressed against his lips. "Of course you can be my boyfriend Max" he said with a giggle. Max blushed hard " did you know?" he asked, now overjoyed to hear the reply. Ty rolled his body slightly and opened his bag pulling out a sheet of paper. He pointed to a smudge on the top corner. He handed the paper to Max and he blushed as he saw a doodle he'd erased.

"This was one of the rough drafts for english we did right before summer...I saw that doodle and gave it some thought. You see...I had feelings for you too...but I wasn't sure how to ask or talk to you. I figured you'd think I'm crazy!" He laughed laying back down next to Max. He stretched his arm around Max's chest and gazed at his face while Max still looked at the doodle. It was a heart with "Max and Ty" in the middle with an arrow through it. He giggled and sat it on the desk. He shut the laptop and kissed Ty again.

"Hehe..well...I guess were together now. Thank you so much Ty for everything. I...I love you!" Max said, resting his head under Ty's neck. Ty put his arms around Max and giggled. "I love you too hun". The two of them were still a little fatigued from the morning effect. So they decided that they would just doze off together. Besides, feeling the loving and warm embrace of one another, it was a moment that they both knowingly wanted to last forever.