Commission : Raine on the Farm, A Mina Story.

Story by MrWoofles on SoFurry

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#5 of Commission

Proofread by the The Bloody Seje

Commissioned by Martigan

The morning sun was nice and warm on the feathers of Mina. She was a red macaw living out on a small horse farm. She yawned while stretching, the soft grass felt good on her talons as she looking over the farm with the gaze of an excited avian female. She started to feed the smallest horses first, the various falabella horses that she kept for an wealthy human couple that only came around once a year to scratch the horses' heads and show them off to friends. Mina started to pour out their water trough to refill it with a new batch of cool water, the horses following her around as she moved around their source of water.

"Come on you guys," She chuckled running her hands over the head of a particularly friendly spotted female, "You know you are getting more water." She snickered at the group before turning on the hose and watching the water fill up, smiling as she pulled out her brush. She started with the biggest male as she slowly stroke the brush over his mane, him starting to press his head against her thigh. At only eight heads high, the male was very large for his breed and through his weight around as he would buck at any horse trying to get close to her.

Mina clicked her beak at the horse which usually caught any of the horse's attention. "Come on, Rocky, if you keep acting like that. I won't let you have fun when my friend comes to visit." She teased, knowing that the horse didn't understand a single word that she said while she brushed him. Rocky was a of a championship line of show stallions which allowed him to roam around the females without being gelded first; his foals and fillies were a sought after line. Mina smiled thinking of this in her head while she brushed him.

"Every time you get laid that's another ten thousand dollars that ends up in your owner's pockets. They should come by to visit more often, don't you think?" Mina stated as she finished brushing his mane and tail. She moved on to the other horses, she smirked looking forward to her company later on in the day.

Once Mina was done grooming the smallest horses she moved to the other large, fenced-off space. This was where she kept her larger males. Most of the horses in this section belonged to her, as she had a variety of horses, but her eyes were focused on only one. The biggest stallion she owned, Night, the moment she walked into the enclosure the jet black stallion slowly trotted up to her. He was a massive standing at twenty heads tall and weighing at 2,500 pounds. He was a Juggernaut even among his own breed.

Night trotted up to her with a little pep in his step, gazing down at the colorful female beneath him. Night rubbed his neck against her sharp beak;it felt nice to scratch himself against the female while enjoyed showing her affection at the same time. He gave a soft sigh as she started to rub her feather hands through his mane, Night loved her like another horse.

"Well Night I have good news. I have a friend coming by that is looking forward to meeting you. Another pretty bird that doesn't know her limits." Mina snickered thinking about the raven that was coming to her farm, "So since we have to clean you, wanna get clean?" Mina asked the large equine who just snorted in reply. She taught him that word as he walked to the entrance of the fence.

Mina walked to the fence and paused, "Where is Dunham?" She asked before gazing around for the Friesian gelding she adopted as company for Night. She notice him laying on his side and looking at Night with an accusatory gaze. Mina could see that his puckered hole was slightly crusted with dried semen.

"Night... For the love of god..." Mina sighed before getting a wash cloth from the small shed in the fenced enclosure. She dipped it in the water before walking over to Dunham, the gelding simply lifted his head and gazed at her. As Mina got close, she noticed that while around his hole was crusted with dried semen, his hole was still leaking a fresh torrent of thick horse seed.

"Dunham, you know you aren't a mare right? At first I was worried that you wouldn't like Night but this is starting to become so common I'm worried that you like him a little too much." Mina teased while cleaning the gelding's legs. As soon as she started cleaning around his black puckered hole, he gave an excited whinny. Mina could help but chuckle at his reaction.

"Jesus, Dunham, for a horse with no balls you are almost as bad a Night. Tomorrow I've giving you a full cleaning, you smell worse than the mating stalls in the barn." Mina teased before walking back to the entrance and opening the gate for Night. The equine trotted out before walking toward the barn where he waited patiently.

Mina led him inside to the cleaning area, a simple concrete stall with a few horses and enough supplies to make a horse groomer jealous. She turned on one of the hoses and waited, allowing the water to get warm. When it was enough, she slowly brushed off the grass, dirt and various debris from Night before turning the hose on him.

"I know Raine is going to be all over you. I can tell you exactly how this is going to go, Night, I'm going to recommend that she start with a smaller to mid-size horse but she is going to be all... 'Oh my god look at the size of this one, I absolutely have to try him.' Then she is going to cry to me about why I didn't warn her. Mark my words Night, my friend is stupid." Mina chuckled while running the water over her hands to be sure that it was warm enough.

The water was warm and comfortable to the stallion as his owner started to run his over his back, Night grunting in annoyance as she was teasing him. He waited patiently as she put the sweet smell gel over his back and ran water into it. He hated smelling like flowers and fruits but it was worth the second part of his cleaning.

The female red macaw moved the hose against the equine's sheath. Mina could smell the strong scent of Dunham rump as she ran water over it. Mina ran hand her hands over his sheath checking for stallion beans, once she was sure that there wasn't any she slowly started to stroke his sheath lovingly. The Stallion response was almost immediate as his long cock started to unfurl from the sheath.

Mina continued to play with the sheath as it unfurled, she checked over the full length carefully. The stallion as only half erect and already longer than her arm, "Can't have Raine's first experience being with a dirty horse cock but as goofy as that raven is, she might get off on it." Mina said with a chuckle as she ran her hand over the length while using only minimal soap to make sure that the sheath was clean without drying it out.

The equine writhed in pleasure as Mina moved her hands over his shaft. Night didn't enjoy the water on his body but he gladly tolerated it for the loving attention that his owner paid to his body. He could feel his length throb in tandem with each and every stroke. He whinnied in pleasure as she started to stroke his tip in particular, turning his head to gaze at her skillful display.

"Oh? You are really enjoying this aren't you?" Mina said before gripping the shaft tightly and starting to stroke at a faster pace. The avian enjoyed the way that the warm horse flesh felt in her hands. She started so badly wanted to suck on the cock, but her sharp beak would do more harm than good. She paused only to apply more lotion to the shaft, loving the way his dark rod throbbed from her attention.

Night took two careful steps backward so that her hands were once again near his tip. He was so close and her hands felt so much better than the gelding's tight hole. Mina was a gentle caress while Dunham was a just another hole and an eager partner but this was passion in its purest form. He felt himself getting closer and started to grin with a large equine smile while curling back his lips.

Mina shook and stopped, "Ah Ah Ahhh." She chided at him with a slight wag of her index finger. "I can't have you being spent. You need to be ready for when Raine arrives." She said before removed her hands from his cock. She then turned her attention to the hose once against as she quickly showered him down.

Night gave a pitiful whinny in protest as she lead him to a small pen with food. He moved his head close to his owner before giving her a disapproving snort so hard that her feathers rustled from the force. She chuckled and just patted him on the muzzle. She turned around before sauntering out of the barn with her tail feathers raised so that Night got a great view of her bright red feathered rump.

"Now be a good boy and wait here. I know I if let you back in with Dunham he is going to be all over you." Mina said over her shoulder as she stepped out of the barn with a grin on her face. "Hmmm. I should find someone to pass the time with before my friend gets here." Mina felt as frisky as a feline in heat.

Mina walked back to her home as a expensive looking car started to speed into her driveway, it stopped right in front of her house while kicking up gravel. The door open as a Raven female stepped out with a loud caw, She held up to large bags filled with alcohol as she approached Mina with a sultry wiggle of her hips with each step. The raven was dressed only with a set of tight blue jean cutoff short, Mina smiled while her friend, Raine, walked up to her.

"Miiiiiiiiina! I brought the booze!" Raine shouted at the top of her lungs, "How you been, little farmer girl?" She said before handing over the bags to Mina and giving her a tight hug, gently tapping her beak against Mina's as they embraced.

"I didn't expect you so early, Raine." Mina said as she was held by the much bigger female, Raine tower over her five foot frame by almost a foot.

"After I heard my best friend has turned into a farmer and she had such interesting ideas about horse rearing. What kinda friend would I be?" Raine replied with a coy wink of her eyes.

"I'm guessing our mutual friend sent you the videos I made and you came rushing..." Mina as she was released from the embrace, Raine followed her into her home while chuckling.

"Such biting words, I didn't almost wreck my car watching video of my best friend getting railed by Clydesdale cock as long as my arm. Nor did I come rushing when I heard that she had a full farm of horses." Raine mocked as she reached down and pinched Mina's butt.

"Ow. Stop it, you slut bird." Mina yelped as she nearly stumbled into the kitchen from the painful pinch. She placed the liquors into her fridge before reaching into a brown bag and pulling out a box, she looked at Raine who simply clicked her beak shut and looked away.

"Open it. It's my gift to you for what you are doing for me." Raine said simply.

Mina opened the box with the expectation that there was going to be some gaudy piece of jewelry inside. Inside of the box was a sheet of paper, she picked up the paper and her eyes widened in surprise.

"I don't understand..." Mina said trying to control her breath. "This is a deed for the plots of land on each side of my farm and the lake to the south." She continued to read the document. "Why are you giving me this?"

"Oh I'm not just giving it to you, you couldn't afford it. I'm simply getting more space for my horses to be taken care of. I'll cover the costs of those locations and pay for you to care for my future horses" Raine said with a nonchalant shrug of her shoulders and a cunning shine to her eyes.

"What is your angle?" Mina said before she started unscrew the cap of one of the vodka bottle, she took a quick swig of the drink that she felt would calm the nervous flutter of her heart.

"I want what you've quit the industry to pursue. You used to be a star, and not a lot of females can say that they took Stan Shaft and not have to quit making videos. The longest cock in the industry and you took him." Raine said before taking the bottle from Mina.

"I'm sure you also remember that I could barely walk after we finished up the video. So you just dropped all this money so that you could fuck horses?" Mina shook her head.

"Mina Mina Mina... You are so short sighted that it hurts. No, I plan on buying the land so that I can have my own performers get to your skill level. Stan might be a horse anthro, but he isn't as big as the one in the video. There are more horse males getting into porn and not as many females can take them like you. With this farm, we could train them and make money on the side. Let me put it like this: Your video only sold for $20 a DVD, the cheapest horse fuck video goes for $40 and the average price is about $60." Raine said before gazing out the window at the horses.

"So you want to turn my farm into a training camp for porn stars?" Mina mulled about the numbers inside of her head for a moment. "I like what I got here. People don't bother me and I don't have paparazzi anywhere. I don't want you to wreck that."

"I'm not. Why do you think I bought the land nearby? My own farmhouse will be away from yours; I'll just bring you in for the fun times and no one will have to step on your farm for anything that you don't want them to." Raine clicked her beak watching Mina down another swig.

"Fiiiine... Even if I said no you would just do it anyway." Mina grumbled as she put the bottle on the kitchen counter. "Follow me slut bird. You want to fuck a horse so let's get that done with." Mina said with a slight chuckle, the red macaw simply stepped out with Raine following her.

Mina stopped them as they entered the barn, "So Raine, I was thinking we should start with one of the smaller horses, get you used to their size."

"What? Do I seem like some blushing schoolgirl to you? The very first movie we worked on together, your arm was so deep in my asshole that I think I should have asked for your medical license. I want the biggest horse dick you got." Raine slapped Mina on the back as she entered the bar and noticed the large Clydesdale horse gazing at her from his pen.

"Who is this majestic looking stud~?" Raine said before approaching Night who simply snorted and lowered his head to get a better look at the midnight black bird that was making noise.

"This is Night, he is my own horse and the biggest guy on farm." Mina said while watching Raine gently put her hand flat against the horse's muzzle.

"Is he the one from the video? I mean he looked big enough to break your feathery butt in half." Raine snickered while thinking of the video, "I mean the stud you had in the video was pretty big so this could be him." Raine rubbed her hand along the muzzle, his warmth felt good as she trailed her hand up to his mane with soft scratches.

"I think that I'll try him first." Raine said with an affectionate pat on the equine's head before she started to open the button on her cut off shorts. "Show me how it's done, you naughty horse fucker."

"Well first thing first, slut bird, you might want to see if you want to take a dick this big. I mean I have much smaller horses that aren't so big." Mina said watching her friend strip off the pointless clothing while loose feathers drifted around her body.

"Don't care, I like a challenge. I want to fuck him so hard that he dreams about it. Let's go!" Raine said with a triumphant grin, "Don't play shy with me now. We've got too much history for that kinda silliness."

Mina nodded as she thought back on how many porn sets that they have played in with each other. She sighed looking at Raine. While she quit the business to work with horses, her friend continued on till she could open up her own multi-million dollar studio. She was probably one of the few porn stars with their own business and enough money to never need to work in the industry again.

There was a long sigh before Mina decided to speak out, "Alright, fine." Mina said before opening the stall door with another exaggerated sigh. She walked to the corner of the room to pull out a large device that was covered in leather with a hole at the end. She turned the device sideways before facing Raine with a pleasant chirp, "This is a AV that is used for the milking the stallions but in this case it will be used for the Night to keep from putting his weight on you."

"Yes, teacher." Raine said with her voice dripping with sarcasm, "So what next?"

"You'll like the next part." Mina said with a sultry wink, She stood behind the raven and slowly started to train her hands down her back, until her fingers rubbed between the girl's thick thighs. "Where are you thinking of taking him? Here?" She said before sliding an unlubed finger into Raine asshole.

"Ow Ow Ow! Dammit girl! I'm not a butt slut like you. I'm taking him in the proper hooooOOOOOOlle!" Raine screamed as Mina jammed another finger inside of her puckered hole.

"Oh... well. It would have been funny to see you scream as the horse railed you." Mina chuckled while sliding out her fingers and reaching on the windowsill for a bottle of lube. She slathered the liquid on her hands till it coated her hands to the wrist, "I hope you're pretty loose." She said as her fingers started to slide gently inside of the ebony feathered woman's pussy.

Raine moaned softly feeling the cool fingers sliding inside of her, "It's been a long time since I had those magic fingers inside of me." Raine cooed softly while gripping on the AV stand, Mina's fingers starting to pump in and out of the female. Raine bucked with each thrust of her fingers, the skillful wiggle of Mina's fingers sent chills down Raine's spine.

Mina smirked before adding two more fingers and sliding them deeper inside, she watched as the raven meet her fingers with push back of her own. "Oh? Is the little slut bird having fun with just these few fingers? I guess the fisting queen has been dethroned." Mina teased.

"Please... You ain't got nothing I'm not ready for. Stop playing and get on with it." Raine growled loudly as she felt smaller female pull her fingers out before she felt the sudden girth of her fist slowly opening up her feminine folds. "Fuuuuuck yeah that's the stuff."

Mina chuckled, feeling the familiar warmth of the raven around her fist as she started to pump far more vigorously inside of her friend. The tightness was comforting and exciting at the same time, she started to blur her fist in and out of the female as while twisting her wrists. A soft sucking noise was the only sound in the room, the strong smell of Raine's excitement wafting through the barn.

The large equine snout of Night started to push against Mina's shoulder as he watched their play, his cock slowly slid out of his sheath at the display in front of him. Night wanted his chance and he felt that they were preparing the black bird for his pleasure. He gave a soft whinny as he nudged his owner even harder. She was being too slow and he wasn't a patient stallion so he leaned his head down to sniff at the strong feminine scent.

"Night's ready, so you wanna take him now? I will still give you the option to try with a much smaller horse." Mina said while still patting the stallion with her free hand. She knew that the raven beneath her wasn't nearly ready for the cock but Raine was going to do this any way.

"I'm ready! I'm been ready since I got-aaaahhhh!-here." Raine moaned loudly as the fist slid out of Raine's pussy with a wet pop, gushing slightly as she wiggled her hips at the pair. "Let the big boy try now. I love your magic hands but I'm ready for some real dick. I wanna see the cock that you've given up the industry for."

"Fine. Suit yourself, don't blame me when you have to go to the hospital." Mina chuckled before stepping back, "Keep your back low, your butt out and your hand close to your chest. Then just wait for the magic to happen."

Raine did as she was instructed, she could hear the heavy thump of Night's hooves against the concrete. Her heart thumped in her chest both from the excitement, fear and a prevailing sense of naughtiness. A sudden slam of the hooves on each side of her slammed on top of the artificial vagina, she felt his length sliding along her tail feathers as he thrust the air trying to hit home. She shivered as she felt him get closer with each ill timed thrust, gripping the leather tightly while hoping that the stallion would finally hit his mark.

"You're a bit taller than me so his aim is a little off." Mina snickered before to the side of the Clydesdale, she reached down to grab the shaft gingerly before positioning it just behind Raine's pussy. The feathers around it glistened from her own juices and the liberal application of lubricant. She watched as the stallion bucked his hips before sliding in with an audible pop, Mina's beak being splashed with juices as the horse started pumping.

Raine opened her beak in a silent scream as she felt the shaft slam into her with the force of a kick, the hot length of flesh feeling large inside of her. She could feel every throb of the cock, every heart beat of the equine male. She wanted to scream at the painful stretching, but her pride along with a hefty dose of surprise held that back, so she gave a low whine as the equine pulled out with snort before slamming his length into the raven once again.

Night felt like he was in horse heaven as he slammed his length into the larger avian without a second thought. She was tighter than his owner but the way she writhed beneath him only served to spur him on. Night moved closer with a proud snort, he felt his length bottoming out inside of the smaller female as she moaned out in pleasure.

"Fuck! It's like I'm trying to have sex with a telephone poOOOOOOO-" Raine trailed off as the stallion started to pound her with each thrust hitting her cervix like a battering ram. She kept her eyes forward as she gripped tightly on the leather to keep the stallion from knocking her down with his powerful thrusts.

Mina stepped around the pair till she stood in front of the raven with a smile on her face, "Lick." She said with the same commanding voice that she would use on a naughty horse before she pulled Raine's beak against her slit. She wouldn't allow her friend to be the only one to get off.

Raine didn't bother looking up but opened up her beak before flicking out her tongue, licking around with her long thin tongue to lap at the sweet tasting juices. Her licks were practiced and skillful from many years of working as a porn star, as evident with her continuing to flick her tongue over the feather-lined feminine folds before her. Each thrust rocked her hard enough that she wobbled as she licked, grunting with each one that filled her silky wall and pressed deeply inside of her.

Mina moaned loudly as she pressed her crotch against the raven's tongue that danced over her labia while making sensual flicks against her sensitive folds. Every thrust of the male from behind just pushed Raine closer against her which sent the raven's tongue deeper inside of her. She took the time to relish the sight beneath her; the wild eyes of the raven beneath her, the large equine trying to balance on the AV while pressing his hips against Raine's tongue.

The equine whinnied loudly as his thrusts became more fierce. He wanted to show his owner how good he was. In his mind, this blackbird was a gift for being the strongest male and a part of his herd, so he would let her know her place beneath him. Night's hips slammed into the smaller female as she licked his owner, the sweet smell of feminine juices driving him wild. He bellowed loud enough to be mistaken for a bull instead of a horse while his shaft was coated in the Raine's juices, as she writhe beneath him. The feeling of getting close was pleasant to him.

Raine closed her eyes gripping for dear life as she continued to get railed, the pain having long gave way to pleasure as she lapped her tongue out obediently. She tried to continue to lick out the female but the pleasure was building up much faster than she was used to, and with every thrust she could feel the cock touching every inch of her walls. She whimpered softly as she tried to control herself against the onslaught.

Night felt his body tense as the female started to climax over his shaft, the drawn-out moan the raven gave pushing him over the edge. He slammed his hips in as far as he could, the tightness even more pleasant as his felt his flare expand inside of her. The clenching of his balls was almost painful as he flooded Raine with every ounce of his seed, the large amount of watery semen gushing inside of her with such force that it spilled out only to coat the concrete beneath them.

The raven's legs quivered as she was hit from a second orgasm as the fluids spilled out of her. The horse's flare spread inside of her as she felt more filled than she ever did with an anthropomorphic equine. She moaned loudly as she moved her legs further apart, her body feeling sore and weary but experiencing the overwhelming feeling of satisfaction.

The long horse cock slid out of Raine's twitching body while more of his hot seed pour out of her. She moved out from under the stallion with a grin on her face, wobbling with each step as her lower half was coated with the mixture of their sexual fluids. She approached Mina and leaned on her for support as she slowly tried to stop quivering, even as she shivered while gazing at Mina.

"What the fuck..." Raine said between tired pants as she slowly stood to her full height. "How do you take that kinda cock regularly?" She said with a chuckle as Night walked up to rub his muzzle against her shoulder tenderly.

"Eh?" Mina said with a shrug, "I don't know what you're talking about. I take him often and I also have no problem taking him anally anymore. Oh, is Porn Queen Rain defeated by a simple stallion? Tsk Tsk... " Mina said with a haughty air about herself, walked over to give Night a friendly pat on the snout.

"Shut up." Raine said with a snort, "I'm still a queen, I'm just learning something new. We all don't have a farm full of cock to pick and choose from." Raine snickered as Mina grabbed her hand before leading her back to the farm house.

"Yeah yeah. Just come to inside, get all the horse washed off you, then meet me back downstairs." Mina said before sitting down on couch in the living room. "Make it a quick shower because you have stuff to do when you get back down."

"Oh?" Raine tilted her head curiously as she looked down at the red, blue and yellow bird that relaxed on the couch. Mina smiled up at her with a wicked gleam in her eyes as she slowly opened her legs.

"Didn't you just get off? Didn't Night just get off? Well, Raine, there were three of us there. I think you should get cleaning up and come to finish me off." Mina said with a sly grin on her face as she pointed to the bathroom, "Go get cleaned up. I'll be right here."

"Yes, Ma'am." Raine smirked as she walk to the bathroom. She was excited as she looked out the bathroom at the horses. Her tail feathers fluttered in excitement; she was going to enjoy this week more than she first expected. Raine shivered in anticipation as she turned on the water to the bath, even as she stood in the bathroom she could feel the empty feeling between her legs that she hoped to fill many times over the coming week.