Sacrificed to the Satyr

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Well it has been a long time since I got around to posting, but after my two previous rather "rough" stories

I wanted the third one to be different, especially concerning the main charichter.

While my first two stories induldged the dark and raunchy side of my fantasies, I though perhaps I had gone too far, and wanted to take a step back and try something different and less agressive.

Normal Warnings apply in all cases to this story, and I hope you all enjoy it!



Long ago there lived a great and powerful wizard who practiced a dark and terrible art. He conducted ancient and bizarre rituals to give him endless age and endless health. But the fuel for his arcane spells could not be found in any natural way; only the liquefied life force of another male could give him the energy for his dark rites. To this end, he spawned and shaped three creatures, each the pinnacle of masculinity and sexual appetite. A Bovine, an Equine, and a Satyr...

These three where set out, each given horrid abilities to harvest what he needed. But upon discovering their purpose, two of the beasts refused to obey. When the Equine left to willingly begin his tasks, the Satyr and Bovine crept upon the Wizard and ended his life.

Since then the three drifted to edges of the world, one embracing this role, one rejecting it, and one, finding balance between the two.


In the middle of a great open meadow, a great beast rested. He was a Satyr, and his name was Phalamor. He had come to this place long ago seeking nature and seeking the wilds. Of the three 'brothers' he was left most with a sense of the race he had been shaped from. Satyrs. He felt deep passion inside him not only for sex, but also for song, for wine, for love of nature.

He also had spent long learning to master the 'abilities' that where forced into his body. He long ago learned he did not need to end the life of another in order to feed from them, and had even practiced more complicated ways of consuming life while sustaining life. Of course, such practices still need people, and the satyr had gone for several weeks without such sustenance...

In a valley below his sunny meadow, a similar drought was gripping the village that lay nestled between the tall hills.

The small town, isolated from larger trade routes, relayed mostly on its own crops for food as the caravans rarely passed through. In the height of the summer though, the fields had gone without rain for almost three weeks and having spent their supply of irrigation, the mix of Furs where growing desperate.

"What can we do? A trade caravan may not pass through for another Month, if our crops spoil we will have only meager provisions to last us, and little to trade for."

The villagers mumbled, they spoke, they bickered. They argued over what had happened, at perhaps who had angered the gods to cause the drought and who was to blame. Finally, someone spoke up, someone old, someone wise, someone who remembered the Satyrs,

"My father, and his Father before him, told me of a time when the hills above the Valley held court to a tribe of Satyrs. Ancient and primal, for as long as they lived her there was never a need to worry about water, crops or food." The others paused; they quieted, looking to the Old Wolf, the eldest among their people.

"But there has not been Satyrs in the hills for close to a hundred years, I, I thought they where only a legend?" a great manned Lion said. The others looked to him and nodded, wondering what use the Wolfs words where.

"They are not legend, and, one has returned." The wolf spoke slowly as the others now quieted. "My son, tending his herd high atop the hills, has seen from afar a beast that could only be a Satyr. If it is true, we may have a chance to restore our fields." He said as the Lion once more spoke up, questioning how and in what way this could be done.

The Wolf looked down, as though deep in thought, leaning on his cane.

"It was said, that at Dusk of the first day of each full moon, a virgin was offered up to the Satyrs. A boy who had just come of age." he finished, his words hanging in the air as the others looked around. Unsure to trust such words, but desperate to try anything. They spoke in a hushed tone, speaking of what to do, of whom to send. Tomorrow would be a full moon, and if they had any hope, they would need to choose someone soon.

The following evening Phalamor stirred from an afternoon nap. He awoke with a start as he felt a strange presence in his chest... For days, ever since he had first entered into the lands here, he had been plagued by strange dreams. Visions had come to him even during the day when he feels as though the earth below him was calling to him. It had troubled him what it meant, and as he stood, deep in thought, he was caught unaware when a soft voice spoke from behind...

"Are, are you a Satyr?" the voice spoke gently as Phalamor turned on his great cloven hoofs. Looking down, he saw a young Fox, clothed only in a simple jerkin and loincloth.

"Young boy, what are you doing here? How did you come to me?" Phalamor asked curious.

"M..My people, of..of the Village, th..they sent me" he said, his voice now quivering. "They sent me to you, in th..the hopes you would restore our crops." he continued, his voice barely a whisper no...

"I...I am to be given to you, an offering."

Phalamor looked down at the trembling Boy. The young Vulpine couldn't have been more then 16 and seemed thin and almost feminine. Phalamor pulled him forward, wondering why villages always seemed to sacrifice the young and innocent to their deities. Yet the burning hunger in his balls grew, and he knew he couldn't afford to pass up this chance at a meal.

"Your people have gave you to me, to offer up as a Sacrifice, if it is so then your body shall belong to me and all it contains" The Satyr grunted as he pulled the boy to his laps. His immense sheath begging to stir, reaching out to the now nude foxes own member. Phalamor sighed with pleasure as his foreskin extended slowly, sealing around the boys crotch as he pulled the foxes member slowly into his own shaft.

He wanted to take his time, wanted to slowly enjoy, caress, and pleasure this fox as much as such beauty deserved. But his balls burned.. his strength had grown weak, and from the moment his sleeve took in the foxes member, he felt the Hunger surge in his body and he knew he would struggle not to suck the youth dry.

"Wh..Whats going on? I..I though I.. I was going to be e..eaten?" The youth yelped as he looked at his groin merging into the Satyrs foreskin, feeling his shaft bone surrounded in heat... The Satyr simply looked down at him, wrapping his buldging arms around his form as he laid back into the cool grass, feeling once more the strange sensation of heat from it...

"My dear fox, you shall be taken, and consumed, but not in the way you imagine, and not without pleasure to your soul" He said gentle as his balls contracted, beginning to milk the shaft inside his own as the fox gave a high pitched yip. His thin arms clutching the burly waist of the satyr as he began to moan. His youth and natural arousal kicking in quickly as Phalamor licked his lips. It would not be long now, and within a few moments, he felt the balls of the fox give a kick as he began to cum.

"Ah, Ahhh AHHH!! I.. Im!" The fox yelped as Phalamor ground into him "I know, you are cumming in me, and soon, you will feed me" He said breathless as his own balls contracted again, extending the boys climax. The semen flowing from him, down his cock, into the Satyrs, and soon into his balls... The orgasm fading slowly, but not ending... Soon, the great Satyrs phallus contracted once more as it leaked a powerful oily fluid into the foxes member, quickly pushing him into yet another orgasm as at last the Satyr begin to feel strength return to him.

He held the fox tight to himself as his balls fell into the dual, rhythmic throbbing of a good feeding... It wasn't long before the Boys young seed sac was milked dry. The next orgasm making him whimper a bit from pain as his balls where forced to contract once again. The Satyr trying to calm him as the next step of his feeding took place... Fluids seeping back into the fox, numbing his body and insides as his muscles and flesh slowly begin to break down into pure protein and nourishment.. The foxes body beginning to grow thin as the Satyr drank hungrily from him...

Phalamor beginning to grunt.. It had been so long since he fed, his natural lusts and greed where beginning to raise, to take him. He knew he had to be careful, that the youth could not survive being fed upon so vigorously for so long... His balls where already shrunk and withdrawn, milked dry by the Satyr as his body began to go limb. His limbs visibly shrinking as he grew thinner with each moment...

"P...Please s..stop, I.. I c..can't.. go...anny more..." The fox said slowly between chocking gasps, his voice suddenly cutting out all together as the Satyr shivered. As soon as the fox stopped speaking he knew something was wrong...

Phalamor grunted against himself as he struggled to halt his feeding, fighting his base instincts as he retracted his foreskin and extracted the boys cock from his own. The member a red, raw piece of flesh now. He leaned down, listening to the heart of the fox and shivered. It was beating, but only just. Each beat seeming weaker then the one before, growing slower by the moment... The satyr cringed. he fought of the urge to weep at what he had done, and what would happen.

He had never intended for the fox to truly be sacrificed' to him. He knew he could not truly change the fate of the Valleys weather or gift to them healthy crops.

He laid the boy at his feet, knowing his time was short. He dug his hands into the soil disgusted with himself a bellowed a loud, primal howl of anguish. Yet, even as he did so, he felt something stirring in him. Something coming to him, from all around him. A feeling of need, of want, of something that had to be done. his head swam with the sensation as he pulled his hands from the earth.

Before he even realized what he was doing, he had folded the fox's body up into a fetal position and dilated his Urethra. He shuddered at what was happening, and would have felt horrified at sliding the dying fox into his shaft.. His foreskin expanding once more, swallowing the feet, then legs, then hips of the fox as he was slowly pulled down. Yet even as the fox began to enter his cock directly, he felt a strange sense of relief, as a voice seemed to caress his ears.

" Do not worry of the soul of the vulpine, follow your instincts and continue, and fulfill a pact that has been broken for a century. Fulfill your desires and fulfill your calling to fate "

Phalamor leaned forward. Not knowing where theses voices cam from, where the feelings of relaxing and almost motherly calm he felt as he pulled the fox deeper inside.. His foreskin know forming a sac fully around the rest of the Vulpine's body as his cock swallowed him downward and deeper inside... It wasn't until the boy was fully inside his now engorged phallus that the Satyr realized he was still alive. Not just alive, but growing healthier...

Phalamor groaned and rolled onto his side. Bellowing as the fox was drawn down past his shaft and slowly into his Balls. The sac stretching quickly as he slipped into a pool of cum. It was then that he began to feel himself grow warm. His balls, designed to consume and absorb the life force of prey, now seemed do do the reverse. His semen flowing around the fox, being absorbed by his body, restoring what the Satyr had feasted upon. A strange link growing between the fox and the Satyr as he stretched out onto the grass.

He felt a connection growing, not just between the fox and his own body, but slowly between himself and the land. His mind was on fire with memories, images, and magic. His eyes fluttered as he dug his hands into the earth once more, slowly sliding into a deep sleep.

It was the first light of the raising sun that awoke the Slumbering Satyr. As soon as he opened his eyes and looked to the sky, he understood everything that had happened...

Reaching to his balls he felt them. Still hideously swollen with the body of the Fox. He could sense his body, his new body inside. He new it would be forever changed by his experience, but it was the joining between the two that restored what was lost to the Valley...

it was not the gods or worship or fickle fate that had kept the valley healthy. It had been the pleasure and play of the Satyrs that once lived here. Satyrs that Phalamor now knew where able to 'feed' as he did. But it was not true feeding; it was a sacred act, a ceremony that formed a pact between the energy of the civilized village with the energy of the wild Satyrs. It wasn't until Phalamor absorbed the essence of someone from the valley, that the connection fully awakens within his mind. That he knew by absorbing, the remaking the boy, he had restored the pact between the people and the magical Valley.

Even as he thought of these things, he was reminded of the "guest" inside his balls.

"Come out young one, it is time for you to return to your world" He said as his immensely swollen balls began to contract. The vulpine inside shifted and was seized by great contractions as his cum slicked body began to push back against Phalamors inner phallus. Slowly beginning to push his way up, the vulpine slide further along the slick ones of the Satyrs shaft. Lubed by the thick cum from Phalamors balls, it was not long till the fox made a noticeable stretched bulge in the shaft.

Phalamor grunted as his cock ached with the feeling of the fox. Never before had anyone ever exited the dungeon of his balls, and the sensation of the fox sliding out was something he had never imagined. Yet as the cum slicked feet of the boy emerged, he felt it would be something he would be doing again and again. Soon the legs, then the hips slide out, and with a final loud "Squelch" noise, the fox emerged with a Burp of cum from the cock.

Seeing the now shivering Vulpine, Phalamor quickly scooped him up into his strong arms, holding the tired fox, Phalamor also exhausted from the rebirthing, he warmed the boy, boy no longer as he looked upon a gleaming muscled male.

"S..Sir, S..Satyr, I..I live" the fox said breathlessly.

"Yes, and you have been restored far beyond that which you gave to me" He said as for the first time the fox began to notice his new body. His slim femish form was gone. Filled out with muscles and strength given to him through his slumber in the Satyrs balls. Reaching to his sheath the Fox felt it swollen, no long a boy's shaft, it had stretched and become a proud member.

"H..How?" he asked as cum still dripped from his face. Phalamor simply smiled as he began to lick the fox clean of his thickening seed.

"You helped restore something long lost to your people, and in doing so your body was hounored for it. Your ancient tales of giving males to Satyrs where not as 'sacrifices' but as offerings. Offerings that where enjoyed and returned to your people with the blessings of the fertility of the Satyrs." He said as he cleaned the fox, eventually settling him down to his paws.

"Return to your people, tell them of what has happened here. Tell them they no longer need fear for the lives of those they send to me, for each shall be restored stronger then when they came. Let them know for as long as I am here, and the pact fulfilled, their valley shall thrive." He says as he kissed the fox gently on his forehead.

The vulpine smiled, his fur still wet and a bit sticky in places, but he cared little as he leapt down the hill, his heart alight with new joy and life.

Phalamor smiled broadly as he watched him depart. He leaned back, relaxing against the grassy field and dug his hands deep into the earth. He felt out with his new connection to the land and air. He closed his eyes and perceived the fox returning to his people, the astonishment of his story... From afar, he could already feel storm clouds gather. The air twisting with growing moisture and rain... And all around him the joy of the ancient Satyr spirits that guided his path...

"I believe I shall enjoy living here" he spoke.