Rebirth through Desecration

Story by Drunken Rogue on SoFurry

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Mistress do you really believe this to be the best course to take? With a snarl the older jaguar spun around backhanding the smaller female hard enough to send her sliding across the polished marble. "Never question me." With a jerk of her head she motioned two guards to drag her to her feet. "Take her away, I shall deal with her later." She strode across the room looking out past a column and over a barren mountainous landscape. This palace despite being one of her most luxurious was also one of her best fortified and well defended. Even as warm rains pounded the site she could still see the flashes of the nearest outpost relaying information to her scribes. If need be she had other, less conventional means of communication but she doubted she would need them tonight.

At nearly six feet in height she was an imposing figure. Barefoot her violet robe was splashed with red and gold the hardened nipples of her ample breasts tenting the thin fabric. Her jet black hair hung loosely halfway down her back. Her age would be guessed as thirty something though the hardness of her deep golden eyes would suggest many more years then that.

She watched as the last signs of the sun fell behind the mountains and out of sight. Turning she stalked across the throne room heading deeper into the palace followed by a train of servants. Finally after many turns she reached a torch lit hall and entered into a large chamber. Braziers holding coals scenting the air with grape vines and the petals of the black rose provided the only light. At the center of the room a alter of white marble held something covered by red silk spider webbed with silver glyphs.

Surrounding the alter were eight female jaguars nude excepting a silver chain wrapped around their waist bearing a sheathed blade. The exquisitely engraved silver bands around their arms and legs identified them as mage-priestesses. At each of their feet lolled a young woman each one fully nude and unadorned.

Holding out her paw a servant hurried forward and filled it with a goblet and dark red wine before falling back into the small group. She strode towards the alter sipping the liquid already feeling her senses heightened as she traced pawtips along the silken covering. "Is all made ready" she asked knowing she had no need to. There was no such thing as an unskilled user of magic and ritual under her command. The politics of their own universe of power skill and knowledge quickly rooted out any unable to perform to the highest standards. The feats demanded of them by their mistress required the highest of skills and only those most dedicated to her and the craft. From a purely selfish perspective none of her number wished to risk their own life by allowing for any doubt of their members skills.

"Yes mistress, as you suspected the full Rites were performed upon him before interment."

The jaguar's grin was predatory as she drained the last of the wine and handed the goblet off with a wave sending her servants from the room. "Have they, the fools." Running her pawtips along the center of the of the covering one could make out the shapes of legs and a broad chest before she gripped a fist full of the silk and yanked it off in a sharp movement letting it flutter to the floor behind her. Laying on the cool marble was the naked form of a male wolf quite clearly bereft of life. He had been powerfully built when alive and even in death his body somehow gave off an aura of quietly thoughtful strength.

Licking her lips she traced the runes and sigils that had been burned and inked onto bare flesh shaved of fur. Over his hart was burned an invocation of the Guardian of Paradise and around his right eye was inked a twelve sided seal of erasure.

Despite the cloying warmth of the room the body was cold as ice. She did not bother to hide the grin on her face as she felt the taut muscle of his thighs and abs. Despite being just past forty years of age the general had looked after himself very well indeed. The priests had done a flawless job preserving his body. If not for that lack of living light behind the eyes and of breath one could believe he was sleeping. Leaning forward she brushed a kiss onto his lips inhaling deeply and feeling the coldness of it's skin on her tongue. "Soon my dear traitor, soon."

The news that his wife and children had been arrested and named as supporters of the rebellion had nearly broken him. Out of kindness the queen had sentenced them to exile with a substantial amount of money rather then the usual execution. Their guilt or innocence did not matter in the court of public opinion of course, in such matters it rarely did. There had been enough evidence that despite all of it being circumstantial there had been a cry for there to be justice. Despite the scandal he had remained at his duty his loyalty unbroken. News of their death to bandit raiders had shattered it though. When the Mistresses agents approached and offered revenge in return for his knowledge of military plans and strengths his grief led him quickly to agree. Unfortunately the Queen's own agents had been watching him even more carefully then had been suspected. Under her orders agents quietly assassinated him claiming the killing was done by rebels.

They called his death at the paws of the enemy a tragedy and used it is a rallying call. Despite being gentle and kind of heart the Queen knew well the value of a martyr. He had been laid to rest in the Grand Mausoleum as befitted a hero of the Realm. Despite all traces of the reason for his death being covered up measures had been taken to ensure his soul stayed in the worlds beyond and his body was of no value. His chest had been scared and burned with the sacred inscriptions with blessed reagents sealed into the wounds with healing magics.

The Mistress sighed and tilted her head back inhaling deeply her breasts raising and falling. She could feel the moon rise through the many layers of stone. Goddess of the night and of dark birth, it was time.

She nodded to her mage-priests as she shrugged out of her robe the rosettes of her bare fur seeming to shift and slide in the shadowy half-light light from the braziers.. "Let us begin."

The flames seemed to waver as each of the mage priestesses began to softly recite spells weaving them like cat's cradles between outstretched paws.

She was unable to keep a grin off her face as she tasted the electric tingle of raw magic being drawn and directed on her tongue. The fools always ran to their gods at the first sign hint of trouble rather then rely on their own ability and strength. They truly believed that such barriers would stand in her way.

She climbed onto the alter swinging a long leg over the corpse to sit astride it's legs. She stretched out over the body lifting his head and once more pressing her lips to it's mouth this time with unbridled passion. Her tongue darted about it's mouth and along it's teeth. Her paws twined themselves into it's hair closing her eyes and surrendering to feelings of pleasure building between her legs as her breasts pressed into it's broad chest her nipples so erect she could feel them distinctly. The cool softness of it's flaccid sheath pressed into her stomach causing a tingle to slide along her spine for the briefest of moments.

Gently laying it's head back down she sat astride it's thighs spreading her arms out wide on either side of her her breasts raised and fell as she focused her breathing and uttered a stream of words more like a modulated sigh then coherent sounds a pale light beginning to glimmer between her fingers. Bringing her paws in a wide arc and clasping them together as if in prayer above her head she spread the palms apart so only fingertips were touching. Ending the incantation with a growl she brought the cage her fingers had made down sharply over it's sheath causing a the corpse to jolt as if struck by lightning.

Around the room flames flared in the braziers and streamed outwards scorching the walls before dying back down to a dim glow.

The Mistress' eyes seemed to glow with an inner light as beneath her fingers the the tip of the corpses cock began to push out from it's sheath. Bending almost double she took it in her mouth with her lips closing around it. The flesh was cool against her tongue as she licked along it's still growing length. She grinned as she felt it hit the back of her throat and continued to grow the beginnings of the canine knot beginning to form as she wrapped her paw around it. It was beautifully cool under her touch distinctly animated rather then actually alive as she stroked it almost absently.

Between her legs a thin strand glistened extending from her nethers to a growing pool on the alter. Reluctantly she pulled herself back resting her paws on it's chest as she focused her powers. Her fur rippled like reeds under a stream and the rest of the room seemed to become a mere background as if nothing really existed but her as she focused inward empowering and directing her abilities.

"Do it, now." the command was quiet though it resonated like a force of nature. The eight mage-priestesses who had stood silent sentinels until now nodded and raised their right arms straight ahead paws flat in front of them as one, each beginning to chant a controlled stream of spells.

Until now the young woman at each of their feet had lulled in an enchanted stupor unaware of their surroundings. As one they were drawn to their feet as ethereal strands of magic from the mage-priestess paws tugged at their limbs like strings of puppets.

She took a deep breath feeling the world around her slow, her perception expanding and intensifying. The outline of the barriers on the body showed themselves clearly to her sight as glowing sand flowing through water. They were indeed extensive invoking pages of their sacred writings and the Guardian of Paradise. The body was now a holy relic, infused with powers of protection against any tampering let alone receiving his soul once more.

In the darkness her grin was diabolical her white fangs shining in the darkness. "Their pride and arrogance will truly be the end of them." She thought. Each of the mage-priestesses now drew their blades gripping them firmly in their paws. Placing them carefully alongside the necks of each of their victims they pressed the blades into their throats severing the jugulars with dramatic effect. However instead of the blood simply gushing out it remained in a controlled thin stream twisting and turning through the air until it faced the alter. At exactly three feet away it burst forth drenching the Mistress in a gushing torrent. The blood slid down her body covering her and spattering the corpse. With a snarled curse upon the gods she raised herself above the body allowing the blood to pour between them before impaling herself on the corpse's shaft with a wet thud sending blood spraying in all directions.

She gripped it's chest her claws biting deeply into the flesh as she thrust against it feeling the fullness of it's knot as it pressed deeper into her. Beneath her even someone without magically enhanced sight could now see the outlines of the holy script on the wolf's chest. Bright orange rivers twisted and writhed like snakes below his skin as the desecration of the wolf's body began to show an effect. Her head thrown back she screamed into the night laughing as she felt the protections and barriers placed on the body wear away with each thrust of it's cock into her loins

She had already reached climax twice leaving a sticky mess of blood and her own honey spattered around the wolf's cock when at last she felt the final resistance fall away. Now came the hard part. Simply preparing the body was in many ways the easy part. Though not as dramatic but infinitely more dangerous she knew was pulling back the soul. Creating a mindless zombie was easy. Creating an intelligent undead by keeping the mind intact was ever harder. To pull the soul from paradise and rejoin it with the material body was something else entirely...

She seemed to glow for an instant her body becoming transparent the skeletal frame standing in sharp relief against her flesh as she pushed herself to the fullest extent of her abilities. Around her the sacrificial victims convulsed their blood no longer following the neat orderly streams but now drawn directly to the woman like a magnet. Two of them seemed to explode the blood pulling itself from the veins and heart through the skin. Each of the mage-priestesses felt their Mistress pull at their own life force knowing they had to resist and that she would use anything and anyone she needed to accomplish the ritual.

With the suddenness it had begun it finished. Barely a second had passed but in that time she had traveled through the body following the faint traces of his departed soul leaving a bloody wake through the astral plane as she crashed through a weakened chink in heaven's guard. The Gatekeeper was always vigilant but she was simply too fast and she had the sorrow of eight tortured souls expending one to stun him as she found her prey. Retracing her path the general's soul in paw she extinguished each of the womans' souls in turn effectively erecting a painful barrier and scattering her trail.

Much of the blood covering her had scabbed in great zig zags where lighting had flashed across her form. Beneath her the general's body convulsed pounding his cock against her uterus in a staccato burst. She climaxed again her head throw back in a primal scream of victory defiance and deep pleasure. She collapsed on top of him as both their breathing slowed to normal. She kissed him deeply and he responded in kind almost by instinct. For a while they stayed like that their bloody forms locked together with only their lips and tongues moving.

Finally she pulled herself away and off of him paying no attention to the blood dripping from her body or his cum flowing from between her legs as she helped him off the alter. "Now you are mine, my dear general. Body and soul." He seemed to still be dazed from his experience and was beginning to look around questioningly. Smiling the Mistress took his paw leading him out of the room. "Come, let us get you cleaned."

In the chamber the mage-priestesses collapsed onto the floor. Each one of them felt the strain of the nights work though looking at each other no one was without a grin. Despite the deep weariness they all felt they could not help but wonder and look forward what their Mistress planned to do next.