Eternal bond Chp 2 (Old)

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#2 of Eternal bond (Old)

I give nothing to those who have not read.

Eternal Bond 2

I stirred as I felt the gentle stroking of my head fur and a soft purr the vibrated my whole body and sent a tingling sensation from my toes to the white tips of my ears.

My emerald eyes flickered open and he purring intensified as my glaze met a pair of dark violet eyes. I smiled tiredly and wrapped my arms around the kitten on top of me and gave her a squeeze, she gave a squeak and licked my nose.

Then I remembered that someone had caught us, a panicked look must have crossed my face because Amura said

"Shh... its ok. That was just my mommy." I gave her a look that said ‘Just!?!' then she continued "She told me it was ok if I loved you. Oh, and your mommy is here too."

"What!??!" I barked and made a move to get up, but she held me and planted a kiss on my lips, effectively immobilizing me.

We laid there for several minutes, and then I murmured

"What am I going to do?" I was under the impression that I was in big trouble.

"It's ok Eddy, my mommy said so." Amura said as if that was the absolute truth, but I still didn't believe her, so she rolled off me and took my paw into hers and started to tug me off the bed. I grunted and stood up, a little stiff from not only laying there, but from the abuse I had put my back through so many hours before. I looked for the flower clock and saw that it was 8 am; I blinked, unable to accept that we had slept the whole night.

She put her arm around my waist and leaned on me as she guided me out of her room to another room at the other end of the hall.

The lights were out in the room, but I had suburb night vision, so I saw the it looked a lot like my moms room; a few shelves with a random assortment of items; A long rubbed stick that looked like my willy, but a lot bigger, and of other sticks that I couldn't begin to guess as to what they were used for, on was like the first stick, but it had nubs all over it and there was no knot, another was as long as my arm and had a tip like a mushroom. I mentally shrugged and saw some dressers with nothing special on them. Dominating the room was a massive king size beds, on it, in the center, were two lumps.

Amura flicked on the lights, but instead of being above, they were in the corners of the room, pointing to the ceiling. On one of the lumps a head appeared as it popped up and I recognized as my mommy.

"Mommy!" I almost ran over there, but the other lump sprouted a head, the head of a panther; from the features on it I was sure that it was Amura's mommy. Besides me Amura ran to her mommy and pounced her and I was right behind her, we rolled around with out moms and laughed, they eventually won their way on top of us.

Amura and I were right next to each other, each under our respective moms, giggling. Our mommies had out arms and legs pinned so we could only move so much, and were grinning. They looked at each other and then my mommy said

"So, Erika, what should we do with out horny little pups?"

"I don't know, Amy. Maybe we should tickle them."

Simultaneously both Amura and I whimpered. We gripped each others paw and squeezed, our mothers saw this and their grins widened. Erika started to tickle Amura's sides and the pressure on my paw increased rapidly and I heard her shrieks of laughter right before my own shrieks joined hers. We both squirmed under them, laughing and trying to breath.

Amura had it easy; she had the luxury of having emptied her bladder lately. But I wasn't so lucky, it'd been nearly a day since I had relieved myself, and I needed to pee really badly, and now that I was getting tickled I was going to burst. I fought my mommy with a renewed vigor, but my own strength came from my mommy's side. I gasped and blushed in embarrassment as I emptied my bladder onto my mommy's underside.

She was so shocked that she stopped what she was doing and I managed to slip out from under her, and ran into the bathroom. I cried and I heard talking outside the door.

The door clicked open, but I didn't look up, I just sat huddled up on the toilet.

"Eddy?" came Amura's voice, softer than usual, to my left. "I told them what happened to my earlier, now they are laughing at both of us."

I looked up and saw that she was blushing and sitting on the edge of the bath. "You didn't have to tell them that, they wouldn't have known; you didn't need to get laugher at too..." I moved over to her and sat down, then pulled her into a hug, "But I'm glad you did."

"As long as it's with you, I really don't mind." She said, giggling girlishly. I looked at her, struck silent by those words. I smiled at her and leaned over, licking her cute pink and black nose. She lowered her head into my shoulder and nuzzled my neck; I blinked as I felt her sand-paper tongue slide across my neck; I knew that in our society, when a feline lick your neck, it was one of the deepest signs of submission, and more importantly, love.

My mind worked fast and I thought of the gesture that meant much of the same among candid, but was a sign of domination, rather than submission, but it was a dominating love. My mommy had told me that one day I would do this for someone I loved, that once I did it, it created a physical as well as an emotional bond with that person and could not be revoked, that it only worked if the significant other felt the same as you do to them; a whole-hearted and deep love.

I tipped Amura's chin up and gave her a serious look; she seemed to be able to read my mind and said

"Yes, I love you with all my heart." Tears gathered at the corners of her eyes and I got worried and asked her what was wrong.

She just shook her head and buried it into my neck and continued to lick. I shivered as I felt a tingling sensation run up my neck into my head. I felt as if I had just been drenched with cold water, but I realized I was still dry.

In the back of my mind something pushed me to perform the bonding act; my body seemed to subconsciously reply and I bent my head and clamped my maw around the nape of her neck. I ran my tongue across the skin between my teeth, until I though it was numb, and then I bit down hard, breaking the skin.

I felt Amura stiffen slightly as she licked my neck, but she didn't stop. I felt her claws dig into my back, but I ignored the pain and bit down harder to dig my fangs into her skin to ensure that I left an imprint. I slacken my jaw a little and let her blood mingle with my saliva.

‘Gestan saliva is a powerful thing when used for the right purpose.' My mommy had told me. As my saliva flowed into Amura's wounds I felt a powerful force take hold of my body and mind. I flinched and felt tears run down my face as every part of my body turned into fire and melt all that was there. Somehow I just... knew... that Amura was in the same intense pain. I heard a door slam open somewhere far away and two voices talking, most of it was too far away for me to hear, but I managed to pick up "No, this is their choice..."

Then it was over. The pain was gone; it left a peculiar feeling like I was in two places at once. I felt... wired; but at the same time I felt good, better in fact, than I had ever felt. I suddenly realized that I wasn't in the bathroom anymore; somehow we had gotten into Amura's room and we were lying on her bed... ‘No' said a voice in my head, Amura's ‘not mine, ours.' This caused me to smile, and I felt Amura bury her head deeper into the crook of my neck.

At the same time I felt what it must have felt like to do that. I blinked and stared at the sleeping kitten. I closed my eyes and instead of seeing blackness, I saw her feelings, for a lack of a better way to put it. There was a lot of blue and pink, there was a little black in there, some I just knew that she was happy.

I opened my eyes and the colors stopped, my mind was reeling, confused and scared, unsure of what was going on. My mom always said that I had a strong mind; I struggled and fought against the torrents of feeling that were not my own. I mentally reined them in and held them still, and put a lock on them.

Instantly my mind cleared up. Tears of relief filled the corners of my eyes as I sighed and relaxed; it hadn't occurred to me how much strain that had put on my mind. I closed my eyes and tried to look at the colors again, and they came to me, then I willed them away, and they went. I tried to talk to Amura with my mind, as she had me,

Amura? I asked mentally Eddy? Came the reply, what are you doing in my mind...?

I don't know... I just seem to be able to do this; you did it earlier, when you corrected me...

Let's not use this unless we have to... ok? It feels wired.

I had to agree with her, this felt almost as if I was invading her privacy, Ok, go to sleep love.

I kissed Amura's ear lightly and it flickered, tickling my nose and I sneezed.

She stirred and lifted her head, leaving a cold spot on my chest, and grimaced as if she was sore. I gave a worried whimper but a second later she said

"Mmm... I-... I'm fine, just a little dizzy." She looked up and met my eyes. Simultaneously we gasped, then gasped at the fact we both gasped at the same time. I chuckled and she giggled, and then I remembered why I had gasped; in the place where her normally dark left eye was a striking emerald eye, my eye. "What happened to your eye?"

"Me too?" I replied with a murr of pleasure, I had adored the way her eyes looked.

She started to purr and said "I'm ok with this, I think your eyes are beautiful." Then she reached her tiny paw out and stoked my muzzle, I playfully snapped at it and succeeded to capture a finger in my muzzle, and started to suck on it. The flavor was that of the sweetest honey you could find, I whimpered when she took her finger out and reached down under the covers.

Her purring intensified and she began to pant softly. When she withdrew her fingers back up and pressed them at the entrance to my lips. I noticed that they glistened in the low light coming from the window, I briefly wondered why, but then I smelled them and squeaked, eager for more of that sweet taste. Taking them into my muzzle I shuddered as the flavor washed across my tongue, I sighed as I wrapped my flexible tongue around her tiny digit.

She took her fingers out, against my protest and pushed herself up to where she had her back to the pillows; I rolled over a little and leaned my head onto her soft stomach and murred. She plated with my ears and reached down, then nibbled on the tip of one, then licked down it. I turned my head and out muzzles met and we kissed; she slipped her sand-paper tongue into my mouth and caressed my long, soft tongue.

We slowly broke apart and she whispered "You want to taste more of the stuff that was on my finger?" There was a note of hope in her voice and I nodded vigorously. She grinned as she pushed my off gently and spread her legs, showing her slit; instead of being closed and dry, it was slightly open and she short fur around it soaked, I took a deep whiff and groaned in longing, though I couldn't say why. I crawled up to her, but she stopped me short and placed her paw on her slit, slipping her middle finger in, I watched in fascination as the lips quivered and tightened around it. When she withdrew it her finger was wet and she brought it to my lips and pushed it in before I could protest; it dawned on me as I tasted the sweet nectar again.

I sucked the finger of its juices and pulled my muzzle off it and kneeled down between her legs, and tentatively ran my tongue up her slit; she shivered in pleasure and more of the nectar flowed out, of which I lapped up and found it tasted better from the source. I let it sit on my tongue, the flavor, I quickly decided, was by far my favorite among what I had tasted.

I felt that if I ever stopped, I would die; my mind and tongue held my body still as my tongue ran over the luscious, drawing out more of her fluids. I grew bolder and extended my long tongue and pushed it inside her tight tunnel. My ears twitched as she grabbed them as hand holds, I could feel the blood pulse through her as my tongue dove deeper into her.

Her soft pants turned into heavy ones, my tongue was as far in as I could extend it, so I started to curl it deep inside her. I ran it over the walls of the tunnel; my muzzle was started to get soaked in her sweet juices, between my legs I felt a familiar weight hanging down, throbbing in need of attention. I drew my focus back to the panther kitten that I had my tongue deep inside of. I curled my tongue and started to pull out; but this seemed too much for her and she screamed out in a high pitch shriek, abandoning my ears, she wrapped her paws around my head and pulled me closer.

I retracted my tongue into my muzzle along with some air just before my muzzle was jammed into her visibly pulsing tunnel.

She screamed as it was stretched beyond its former limits, I wanted to open my maw, but it was jammed tightly shut in her wet slit. I felt the walls around my muzzle convulse as they had around my willy, of which seemed to be about to explode even though I hadn't touched it. Amura took hold of the sides of my head and for a second I thought she was done as she pulled me away. But she just jammed me back in, she did this several times each time thrusting down with her hips. Then her body (which was raised to my surprise) collapsed with a soft thump on the bed, her grip loosened and I pulled away to catch my breath, and in doing so I inhaled her musky, sugar scent. It was too much for me as it filled my lungs, my willy throbbed and started to spew out this white stuff I'd never seen, but my curiosity was short lived when the pleasure kicked in and I started to moaned loudly, and the sound resonated throughout the room, then I collapsed on the bed in a pool of my own warm fluids.

I laid my head on the inside of Amura's thigh, she was still panting slightly as she laid there dozing.

After a few minutes I started to realize how much of a mess the area between her legs was. I lazily started to lick clean her fur and she shuddered and gave a small moan.

I finished and licked clean my own muzzle, then crawled up to her head, scooted her down into a reclined position. Her eyes flickered, emerald and violet, they recognized my smiling face, and then closed. She turned into my chest and started to purr, soon she was fast asleep and I was left to think about all that had happened in the past day.

It all had gone by so fast; I had never realized that my feelings for her ran so deep. It was like they had been deep rooted into my system and it took a simple kiss to water them until the blossomed into a spud of a tree. That tree had grow and I had a feeling it would just keep growing.

I must have dozed off, because when I awoke to a gentle tapping on my right shoulder, the room was dark, and the sun had set. I saw my mommy sitting on the edge of bed, Amura was still asleep on my chest, my mom made a sign saying be quiet, and then started to whisper

"You two are so cute together. Erika and I have been hoping for long time that you two would find each other," She had a happy twinkle in her eyes, which were green like mine. "It's very clear that you love each other very much, other-wise you couldn't have done what all else have failed to do."

I gave her a confused look and she sighed, and then continued.

"Panthers and foxes have always hated each other, not outward in public, but deep down, behind the scenes. Both panthers and foxes have magic, not like you might think, but enough to effect our lives." She looked at me, willing my to understand it seemed, and suddenly I did understand, it was as if someone had flicked on a switch.

Our magic was a blessing as well as a curse. Foxes could bend emotions of others, not to control them, but enough to influence others to feel the same way. We could also ‘make' people understand, it was like we just shoved the knowledge into someone's head.

"See?" I nodded and she continued "The panthers can influence others movement, like we can others emotions, and they can also erase others memories to a certain point, depending on the strength of the mind, like yours, they might be able to erase five minutes if they were good. But it requires a lot of energy, just like our forcing knowledge does.

The reason we hate each other is because out magic doesn't work on the other." She shook her head and said "Such a stupid reason to hate, that's why Erika and I have tried to unite the two."

Her strong feminine voice turned to a soft, hopeful tone, "For years Erika and I have recruited people to our cause and many have joined. But there had been little progress; we decided that we needed to create a bond between the two, an Eternal bond." Her voice started to shake "Many have tried to make a bond with each other, but over the years many have died trying or gone insane. We've learned this much: only a male and a female can do it, which was the easy part. But the hard part was that they must love each other, and the love must be true, without hate. Many have tried to fake the love, but they have all died or gone insane." A solitary tear ran down her cheek.

"I was by fate that you and Amura fell in love, though we did our best to shield you from the hate. You don't understand how much hate passes between the two before you see it first hand." She took a deep breath and sighed "We won't shield you anymore. We plan to wait a few years, and let the wonderful thing you two have grow." She put her paw on my cheek and I nuzzled into it.

"I love you mommy, I won't say I understand what you mean, but I'll try to remember." At this she smiled and I suddenly felt tired, and I curled into Amura a little more, and fell asleep to the gentle closing of a door and the sweet purrs emanating from my love.