Tanya and Shiva

Story by Horakh on SoFurry

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#2 of Tanya and Garyl

Tanya and Shiva

Alright guys, this one's a LITTLE different from the first one. There's a fair amount of hyper-dragon fun, and I tried not to stray too far from that, but I would recommend you stay the fapping until deeper in the story.

Hope you have fun nonetheless! And please comment! I'd love to hear some more critique on my work.


Blurry light registered on the mind of a sleeping dragoness. She scrunched up her face and crammed a pillow down on her eyes, but suddenly remembered that breathing was a necessity. With a half-hearted snarl, Tanya Tiamata rolled over onto her side and tried to go back to sleep.

Then the alarm went off. Her parents were awoken by the sound of the ensuing roar of dragon rage and the inevitable mechanical crunch. The father, a lean, middle-aged red dragon gave a grumbling sigh and her mother just shifted uncomfortably as their progeny continued to grind her clock to dust.

Time for school. Tanya sat on her bed's edge with her long blond hair making a nightmarish roadmap on her face. Her brown eyes were bloodshot and she felt greasy, wearing nothing but her pajama pants and a white T-shirt. She sneered at the red scales glistening back at her from the mirror across her room and tried to declare martial law over all the parts in her body that demanded she roll back into bed.

As she came to, her personality rebooted itself and she saw herself in the mirror for the first real time that day. There was nothing new, except for the daily changes in her rapidly lengthening hair and steadily swelling tits. The latter installment was starting to weigh on herâ€"not because of their actual WEIGHT, of course, as dragon scales made the best natural supports, but because she was already very content with how big they were, if she wasn't already wishing they were just a little smaller. This was understandable; they were already the size of basketballs.

This would also be a good time to remark on the rest of her remarkable assets. Under her pajama pants her hips were perfect and shapely, and swayed naturally without a bit of training in the art of the sensual walk. She had great legs, long and lithe with just the right blend of muscle to bear her torso's abnormal weight, and a torso equally fitting to the role. Her tail was strong and sinewy, exactly what a male would look for in a girl's caboose minus the caboose itself. All this perfection was nothing to her though, as she watched her lazy flesh rise out of bed, wearing just her pajama pants and the white T-shirtâ€"size XXL, thanks to her wondrous boobs.

The SECOND young dragoness chirped and shifted on the top bunk, climbing up out of her stupor to look at a similar image in the same mirror. Shiva Tiamata was blueâ€"like her mother, but also had the same blond hair that her sister was graced with. Also, whatever genes that led to Tanya's disturbingly sublime beauty had asserted itself on her body as well, though in a weaker measure, being a couple years behind in development. She had massive breasts and wide hips and a sweet physique. Her hair was a much paler blond though, reaching up to a platinum color that looked great on her powder-blue scales and contrasted fabulously with her black underbelly, a trait that Tanya too shared.

Shiva stretched, raised her arms high and gave a weak yawn, lifting her baggy shirt to reveal the base of her soft abs. Tanya rubbed at her eyes and kept scowling at the mirror, and at the fact that she wasn't still sleeping. Shiva looked down at her through the mirror and Tanya met her eyes the same. Neither wanted to be second in the shower that morning.

* * *

A few minutes later, Garyl Turing gave a careful knock at the front door to the Tiamata family's house and waited for a reply, while behind him a black Honda steamed in the early morning cold. Their agreement was that he would drive the sisters to school every morning, and Tanya's dad wouldn't break out the shotgun every time he walked by. Much to the old wyrm's chagrin, the seven-foot, musclebound sea dragon was dating his beautiful daughter, which naturally put him at unease. Such size boasted of deeply-rooted stereotypes that made him fear for his daughter, but in time, Garyl had proven himself a gentle companion.

The thick wood door opened and Tanya popped up to give him a big, welcoming kiss, which he received warmly.

"Hiya handsome." She intoned.

Morning Beautiful." Garyl replied, watching her slide down from his broad chest onto the floor. "You ready? Where's Shiva?"

"I'm coming, I'm coming!" came the younger girl's voice from the bedroom.

Garyl nodded and swept his eyes up and down his girlfriend, who straightened up and waited patiently for his review.

She was wearing, as she did everyday, her fortified sports bra; a special device she discovered that binds her chest down especially well without suffocating her. It worked all right, she appeared to be a quarter less busty than she was, her real size reserved exclusively for Garyl. Over that was an average no-logo black tee that cut JUST above her waistline, showing off the smallest smidgen of her belly scales. For the cold, she put on a black sweatshirt with red flame designs all along the rim and hood. Then, black baggy jeans that didn't hide an inch of her hips and ass, with a belt featuring a large Asian dragon belt buckle. Garyl also recognized something else he saw on her...

"You're wearing the earrings I got you!"

"Yep." Tanya chirped as her boyfriend gave her a powerful hug. "Just love the reactions they get me." The earrings were brass castings of an evil deity from a popular fantasy setting the two of them were fans of; an instant resume for her personality.

Garyl lifted her up by her rear and onto his chest, her arms as far around him as they could go. There she stayed, Garyl supporting her by her thighs, their muzzles mere inches away from each other.

"So what's the plan hon?" she asked softly.

"School, gym, homework." Answered Garyl, "the works."

"And, the usual question?" Tanya pushed.

"Parents are gone till late tonight." Garyl grinned. "I'm hoping you can come over to help me with algebra."

"Really?" Tanya's expression sank from foreplay-happy to an honestly questioning one. "I mean, of course we'll be busy doing the obvious, but do you still need help with your math homework?"

"...well..." Garyl's eyes shifted to the floor, "...yeah. I do. But don't be disappointedâ€""

"I'm not disappointed, handsome!" she giggled, placing a loving peck on his cheek, "I just wanna' make sure I know what I need to do."

Shiva's voice came from the living room and the sound of the bathroom door closing. "Alright! I'm ready!"

"I might be planning something special, by the way," Tanya said quickly, softly, and sensually. "What time are your parents coming home?" .

"Ten." Murmured Garyl, eyes wide, mind already blown by her beauty.

"Can't wait." She smiled, and kissed him, very affectionately on his lips, leaving him to wonder what she was planning.

"We gonna' roll orâ€"what..." Shiva paused.

"Oh!" said Garyl, spotting the blue dragoness. She was wearing a white midriff with some new band logo on it, with a small bright blue sweatshirt and average girls jeans. She looked ravishing. "Sorry, is it time to leave?"


"Okay, uh, Tanya?"

She slid off her boyfriend's chest and put her arm around his broad waist, just as the three walked out the door, down to the Honda, which was still spilling exhaust into the cool morning air.

* * *

"She really likes that boy, doesn't she?" Observed Itja Tiamata, nostrils smoking. He looked away from the window over the driveway to his wife, sitting up in bed, watching him. "Why can't I get over him Serenity? How come I have to be so bitter and judgmental every time he comes around?"

"You're a father sweetie." Answered Serenity, smiling. "You care about the safety of your ‘lings. And we dragons do tend to be passionate about things. Tanya most of all."

"It's just, That hormone imbalance....it's made them...unnatural young ladies. I'd feared every day of my life that one of them would come home one night, raped and bleeding."

"Don't say that around me Itja, I'm just as worried as you." Serenity sighed as she rolled out of bed. He watched her walk into the master bathroom, admiring her lasting assets. She was nothing like her daughters, nothing at all, but she was still beautiful. And to Itja, no other being was.

The dragon father turned once more his gaze out toward the court upon which he lived, watching the Honda, carrying the most precious cargo in all the world, as it drove away down the street. Itja didn't hate Garylâ€"he was hostile to him, unable to shake the image of that enormous beast taking advantage of his beloved firstborn. Shuddering, he stood up and walked to the door of the master bath, keeping his focus on his wife in the shower.

"You seem to like him." he pushed.

"Of course I do honey," Serenity replied, "he's seven feet tall, built like a tank, and would stop one in its tracks for Tanya. I can't think of anyone else in the world short of you, who would be a better guardian."

"I suppose that's one way of looking at it." Itja mumbled, still suppressing his thoughts.

"He's also the star of the school's swim team. Remember, we had a friend who had the same role two decades ago?"

"Oh, yeah, James Fraschini. Only shark I ever knew and liked."

"He was just like Garyl, wasn't he?"

"Probably a coupla' feet shorter."

"Oh well, anyway I'm sure Garyl will be a great boyfriend, Itja." Serenity glanced at him from her efforts at washing herself, and silently admired his sleek, worn body. "Come on, somebody needs some cheering up!"

"Huh?" Itja looked back over to his wife's naked form in the shower. "Wuzzat?"

"Come on, join me sweetie!" she beckoned, grinning. "Remember our first time making love?"

Itja smiled broadly. "It was in the shower."

"Showers. It was after the Falcenon-Toserus game. You were the linebacker. I was the cheerleader."

"Very romantic. And what a victory!"

"Yeah, why don't we reminisce my favorite part? Come on in."

"Yes Ma'am!" Itja tore off his glasses and strode right into the cascading water, embracing her, his girl, and giving her collar a gentle bite, to which she reacted in a very stimulating manner.

* * *

Tanya had inherited that talent. She gasped and moaned at just the right moments, her arms gripped at the spined fins on Garyl's back, tearing at his shirt and spasming erotically. She cast her face down, at the bathroom stall's floor, saw the gigantic telephone pole that was Garyl's member piercing her overswollen vagina, felt the drool drop from her lips and shadows creeping at the edges of her vision. Abruptly, the ecstasy spiked as she crashed into another orgasm, spilling more and more fragrant juices down along the black flesh of the sea dragon's shaft and onto the tiles.

Her spasming forced her to throw her face into his bulging, enormous pectorals, where she moaned expressively, the sound muffled by his twitching muscles and his heavy, powerful breathing. Her shirt had been soaked through by her bursting tits, the milk trailing down her legs and further slickening the floor, where it joined the thick droplets of dragon seed at the dark edges of awareness. Garyl was half-focused on getting as much of his semen, spilling out of her pussy, into the toilet so there'd be less of a clean-up.

Just as suddenly as before, Garyl also felt a rising, rumbling orgasm coming from the depths of his libido, and pushed her body up onto the wall with a gasp, his dick still buried deep, placing her directly above the bowl of the toilet. Keeping her supported with the rest of his body, and the force of their sex, he dug his claws into the tiles on the walls, causing webs of cracks to form in the ceramic. A roar was welling up in his lungs, but he forced it down, trying to keep everything discreet. It was still during School Hours, two trips to the bathroom, pre-planned from them both to meet and have their fill for the day. So far it was working nicely, but it weighed on both their minds, that they may be taking a few minutes too long.

As the torrent of cum erupted into her, Garyl forced his jaws onto her wet shirt and sucked powerfully at the hard bulge. Garyl's seed burst out of her overflowing pussy onto every surface in the stall, dripping long and fast drops down the walls, dangling from the ceiling and pooling on the floor. It was like someone had blasted a firehose into an immovable bowl, exploding out in a great hemisphere to coat the room in sticky, steaming hot spunk. The storm lasted for several uncharted, euphoric minutes before Garyl successfully kegaled hard enough to stop the flow, or at least stem it. Garyl usually spilled a large amount of post-cum as well as precum, and this never helped in keeping things as discreet as he'd wished.

Eventually he let go, and the two lovers sank to the ground, gasping for breath, leaning on the oozing walls of the stall. Even across from each other in the stall, Garyl's cock's head was still stuck in her snatch, a full three feet of dragon meat, plump and heavily veined. His testicles felt to be in perfect condition, and boiling urges to continue the mating dance raged in his brain, but he suppressed them. Instead, he stood up, wiped the cum from his faceâ€"unsuccessful, as his hand was worse coveredâ€"and exited the stall, still ejecting a trail behind him.

Tanya's mind was reeling, her libido was screaming and her vision was clouded by black coils of faint. Her vagina was still convulsing with need, still hungry to satisfy the furious and powerful sexual instinct of her draconic pairing. But she quieted her mind, gripped the grip bar carefully, and forced herself to stand up. Utterly soaked, she followed Garyl out of the stall, and joined him in removing their soiled clothing.

"Well..." the male panted, washing his face with a succession of paper towels, "...hope that was satisfying."

"It never is Garyl." She replied breathlessly, opening one of the very many compartments on Garyl's great backpack. She pulled out the second set of clothes she kept in there, another pre-planned thing, having described to Garyl what she was going to wear the previous night. She folded them on the counter and started removing her current clothing, careful to place her precious earrings in a paper towel next to the sink.

"Fuck, I love Lawrence." She exclaimed, examining her hard, bare nipples; both were still trailing milk.

"Yeah, he's undoubtedly the best janitor I've ever met." Garyl said, putting on his own twin pair of pants.

"Seriously though, I don't know what I'd do if he didn't let us do this in here with the doors locked."

"We'd find a way." Garyl said optimistically. "Now we gotta' get back to class, soon."

"Yeah, maybe if I can get these goddamn factories to stop producing." She growled, wiping up more and more milk off of her exposed breasts. Basketballs. That's how big they were. It was never really not unbelievable.

"Well then I'll get started on this mess. It's the least I can do for the guy, for cleaning up after us as well."

"If I wasn't fucking you, it'd be him."

Garyl looked up from the spunky floor, a single eyebrow raised. "Really?"

"You get the idea Garyl."

"Uh-huh. ‘Cause the guy's fifty-two years old."

"And built like you."

"But does he have it where it counts?"

"Big dick is a perk. Not a necessity. Dammit, stop FLOWING!"

"Well, stop thinking about sex, maybe that'll help."

"Hah! And maybe Games Workshop will lower their prices." She snorted.

"Focus on that. See, their already thinning up." Garyl added. "Or maybe I should also expect Games Workshop's stocks to rise too."

That got a laugh out of her.

* * *

Eventually the situation fell back into their control, and they left the girl's bathroom in a rush. Lawrence, the elderly and powerful white tiger was waiting for them outside.

"Careful walking around you two, I can smell the musk on you from half the school away."

"Thanks Lawrence, this really helps." Said Tanya as she bolted off to class.

"Yeah, thanks Lawrence."

"Don't mention it. And remember, I quit once she's pregnant."

Tanya gave another enthusiastic laugh before she through open the doors to the science building. She slowed to a walking pace, thought for a moment, and reached into one of the side pockets in her backpack. She revealed a shapeless air freshener, opened the package and slipped it under her shirt between her breasts, filling her nostrils with a soapy scent. She then entered her classroom just in time to see the students gathering up their things, and immediately the bell rang.

She quickly hurled herself through the door and leapt to the side to evade the oncoming crowd, simultaneously panting and sighing at her timing. Her biology teacher was collecting her notes on her desk. While the tide passed, she spotted Tanya, and beckoned expressionlessly.

* * *

Shiva was hidden within that same crowd, having just escaped from her class, and was currently walking through the halls of Falcenon High, thinking of her next destination. The building that contained her math class was clear across campus, and she had to do more than speedwalk to reach it in time. She never liked to run, what with her fat milky breasts making excessive leaps every step she took; unlike Tanya, her body made her enormously self-conscious, but despite this she'd learned how to intimidate the boys in her grade with her assets. Vulnerability, though consciously recognized, was never a sensation developed in the draconic community.

But there was one boy who wouldn't fall victim to her scathing beauty, so sharpened by her intellect. The horned wolf with fur the color of midnight, small unremarkable body and glittering indigo eyes gave her a wave and a wink as she passed him standing amidst his friends near the lawn, unmoved by her fuming nostrils or infernal glare.

His name was Jadyn Radimir, and the two had known each other by sight for at least a year. He was Russian, and spoke better English than she did; he was articulate and creative, funny and charismatic, and was lucky enough to boast of a few draconic ancestors, as the bony protrusions from his skull had been attributed to. Shiva didn't need to think long on the identity behind the name Hornywolfpup180 when it spontaneously appeared one evening while she was chatting on AIM.

It was true that Shiva had few friends. During lunch, she sat with her childhood compatriot Emma Nicholson, who was in all reality, her only friend. She was the complete reverse of Shiva, half-phoenix half-hawk, with barely any breasts, hips or ass to speak of. Due to her bizarre lineage, she turned out to be something of a degenerate, but she didn't run with the other girls when they left early-blooming Shiva all alone on the playground. Such a habit had grown into a willing social sacrifice in service to a dragon girl that she had shared lunches with for seven years.

Yes, Emma rocked, but Jadyn was a mystery. No one treated her so much like a neighbor as he had, and no boy who wasn't several grades above her ever stared down at her demanding gaze and phenomenal cleavage without faltering. Emma put forth the idea that he might just be gay, and was simply treating her as normal.

Somehow, that concept unnerved her a little.

* * *

Emma Nicholson was already sitting in the sun and enjoying the California heat that appealed to her nobler phoenix traits so warmly as Shiva walked up, smiling in surprise.

"I can't believe you found us a table! You're from like, miles away in the history building aren't you?"

"Yep." the hybrid avian answered proudly, "I saw it as I was headed for the cafeteria, thought I'd snatch it first and wait for you to get here to hold it for us."

"Oh yeah, great idea Emma! Thanks!"

"Thank you! Now please excuse me while I begin where I left off."

"Oh sure, be right here when you get back. Seeya!"


Shiva sat down, smiling, as Emma loped away to the steadily lengthening lunch lines. Shiva rested her bust on the table and sighed in relief as the weight left her. She dropped her backpack and massaged her lower back, idly, observing the numerous cliques as they congregated together in the social ooze of high school, and thought idly to herself.

Eventually she reached into her backpack and withdrew an algebra textbook. She flipped through the pages till she came across the current unit and started to review the details. Another couple moments of silence slithered by until Shiva became aware of another figure sitting across from her; though as she lifted her head, her focuses snapped as she saw it was Jadyn, smirking, elbow on the table.

Shiva's gray eyes darted all along his young physique for a moment before she said, nonchalantly,

"What do you want Jay?"

"Oh nothing." The horned wolf replied, still smirking, "I just saw you sitting here, all alone, and thought you might want some company."

"Cute," Shiva gave him a cynical smile, "but lucky me, my girlfriend is getting me lunch. She should be back any moment."

"Did you say girlfriend?" Jadyn's eyes raised to the heavens, "Sweet Jesus, that's gotta be something else to watch! Don't mind if I hang around a little while when she gets back?"

Well that was it for her suspicions of faggotry.

"No you sick pup! She's just my friend!" She snapped, "We girls tend to be a little more literal in our word choice, if I meant she was my proposed mate, I would've said so!"

"Christ, you're articulate. Yeah I know about Emma, she seemed to be a pretty nice girl. I'm glad you're such friends with her. Dunno what woulda happened to her if she wasn't."

Shiva's tone rose to that of appalled concern. "What do you mean?"

"I mean your sister's boyfriend. He can get pretty goddamned defensive when one of his friends, or one of his friend's friends gets in trouble. Don't tell me you didn't hear what happened to Mike Hassan?"

"No, what happened to Mike Hassan?" Shiva didn't miss a heartbeat.

"He was talking about a girl on the swim team, saying he'd like to grab her in a back alley some night and force himself on her. He was in the locker room when Garyl was, and Garyl walks round with his fists all balled up, picks the guy off the ground and pounds him into his own locker door."


"Broke Hassan's collarbone. Nobody knew why. Hassan was too afraid to press charges. I swear, I've never seen him act the same way since. All because he said something bad about another girl on the same swim team as your sister's boyfriend."

"Holy shit! I'm amazed he didn't kill the guy!"

"So were the rest of us, you should see his locker."

Emma‘s voice materialized behind them. "See who's locker?"

Shiva looked around Jadyn's head to see the hybrid walking up with a pair of pizza slices and a matching set of milk boxes. Se sat down next to Shiva while the wolf assumed the wheel of the conversation again, detailing the whole story back to her. After he was done, Emma looked less surprised than Shiva had.

"I dunno, he kinda always scared me after all. All those muscles on him...didn't think the guy was stable."

"What? Garyl Turing?" Said Shiva, "For gods' sakes, he's the gentlest creature on the planet, I've never heard of him doing such a thing."

"Well he doesn't like perverts. That's what I wanted to talk to you for." the wolf answered.

"What?" Shiva and Emma missed a beat in saying the same word.

"Look, I know you've noticed how I watch you and all, but I'm not having lewd fantasies about you or anything. Honestly, I wouldn't touch a bitch unless she asked for it, my paw to God, and I wanted you to know that. Just on the off chance that you mention me in passing to your sister's jade tank, alright?"

The trio paused for a minute of silence before Jadyn continued his forward apology.

"Agh, okay, truthfully, yes, I have had SOME thoughts about you, but trust me, no guy on campus doesn't. It's no secret that you and your sister are bombshell beauty's, no matter how many say they think your tits are disgusting. The girls tell you that because they're terrified of you two. You're intimidating, you know that!"

"Oh my goodness..." Shiva mumbled.

"So just, I hope you see this as me being respectful to you. I don't want you to feel threatened by me, I just, want you to think of me as a kind of, pleasant acquaintance, if that even. Just don't call your knight in emerald armor on me, I kinda like my face the way it is!"

"Wow, Jadyn I..." Shiva stammered, "I didn't know you felt that way. I'm sorry, I didn't mean to intimidate you, it's just..." she shrugged, "I sorta grew up with deceptive people. When I saw you giving me those waves, smiles and thumbs-up's, I felt like you were making fun of me some how."

"Really? Well I didn't mean to make you feel that way."

"Oh, no, it's okay now. I'm kinda flattered actually." she smiled, and it was hard to resist. "I'm really glad you decided to come out and say this to me. I know, trust me I know it isn't easy for you guys to come up and say things to my face.

"Mind if I grab one of your milk jugs hon?"


"Thanks." Jadyn reached over, seized the little milk box that was standing unopened in front of Shiva, ripped it open and took a swig.

The two girls stared at his blank smile in amused shock.

* * *

Shiva shared the same supercharged sex drive that her sister had, and as Tanya‘s baby sister, she‘d had a perfect viewpoint to take note of the mistakes it incurred. This is why she didn't tackle the wolf the minute he asked her about her milk jugs, choosing instead to laugh and trade phone numbers as was customary. As she walked away down campus, all she could hardly think about was the sudden frantic urge to sprint after Jadyn, grab him by his horns and drag him off into the bushes somewhere and claim her mate. It made her uncomfortable. Hell, she was blushing at the deafening pulse of her own libido, even as she walked toward the math building with an awkward speed, desperate to get somewhere where her stone-hard nipples wouldn't show so clearly through her padded front.

She decided to pause briefly in the girl's bathroom, where the heavy scent of soap could cloud her mind and dull her senses a little bit, but the minute she entered the stall, she growled and pushed herself up against the wall, just to feel contact with something.

She opened her eyes and stared at the tiled floor. Shiva was sweating. All she could think about was the subconscious image of that black, horned wolf humping her passionately. My God, she thought, How had her thoughts of him shifted from mild disdain to raging sexual attraction? It was true though; it was a charming move to come up to her and apologize for the very thing she disliked him for.

There was nothing left to do. Shiva gripped the hem of her shirt and pulled it over her head, dropping her backpack and stuffing them both in the corner. She exited the stall, fell with her paws against the tiled sink edge and stared at herself in the mirror.

Her platinum blond hair was slightly bouncier and more unkempt, falling farther past her shoulders than it did only a couple of days ago. Her black chest scales were glistening with perspiration and her bra was soaked through with milk and getting worse. She groaned audibly, and removed it with a defeated sigh, finally allowing her cantaloupe-sized bust complete unrestraint since her shower that morning.

Tanya made it all look so easy, but the thought of having to clean up all the fluids afterward was nothing but dread to her younger sister. Already she felt what could have been an unused, diluted automatic orgasm trickling down her legs and into the fabric of her jeans. She groaned again, still dwelling on the mess she was making all over herself, the bathroom sink, the floor, her clothes, everything. Even after taking them off and hanging them on the stall walls to dry, they still had huge damp patches that reeked of dragon milk all over them. Now her lower body was smelling strongly of a dragoness in wild heat. She had no idea what to do.

The bell rang. She was already late for class, and hadn't solved the issue of her gushing body. Well, she thought, at least the chances of some other student walking in on me are significantly reduced. But she didn't like the idea of being late no matter what the situation was.

Her attendance record wasn't perfect, but neither was it suspicious. Tanya had a hard time with her teachers in the past, having to explain her daily disappearances with increasingly creative solutions, but Shiva had better reign on her still-developing body. An explosion of horniness hadn't yet become commonplace to her, more or less happening once every couple of months or so. She successfully passed them off so far as shocks of sickness and fatigue, or special family events, an excuse which helped when Tanya suffered the same.

Today appeared to be one of those special days. Acting quickly, she withdrew her phone from her backpack, claws still a little sticky with her fluids, and hastily texted, "Meet me @ grlz bath in 400 bld? Thx." sent the message to Tanya's cell, wherever she was.

Shiva dropped her phone on the tile near the sink shelf and breathed out hard, feeling the rise and fall of the strength of her libido in the rushing and subsiding of the flow coming from her tits. As careful as she could, she tried to make it all into the same sink, but as for what she was going to do with her vagina, she was still lost. It was all she could do to just send the message to Tanya, just to focus hard enough to type and send, over the storm raging inside of her.

A few minutes passed, and she heard footsteps in the hall, then the sound of the door being pushed slowly open.

"Shiva?" Came a terrifyingly MALE voice.

The blue dragoness's heart stopped for a moment. With a frantic gesture, she flipped open her phone and stared very hard at the first name in her contacts that she hadn't bothered to yet organize, fear and panic rising in her gut. As the door swung wider, she dropped her phone into the black abyss of dread that had formed around her and emitted a despairing whimper.

"Are you in here?" Jadyn continued, "Are you all right? You gave me a..."

Shiva tried to turn around to look at him, but she staggered and had to hang tightly onto the stall wall to keep from falling over. The black wolf was staring expressionlessly, hand still gripping the door handle, at the smooth curves of Shiva's thin waistline and soft abs, her wide, sensual hips, curled toe-claws, broad thighs and stiff, strong tail. His eyes leapt up to her cascading silver hair, swept along the curves of the tense, young muscles in her arms, her glistening collarbone, and finally, her massive, outthrust bust, leaking twin trails of milk down their perfect globular surfaces, to drip silently to the floor. Her glittering, tear-stained eyes drew his gaze back to her tortured, beautiful face.

She gave a small gasp.

Jadyn, with admirable initiative, took no time to assess the situation. He coolly and calmly put his arms around her and held her tight, heedless of her breasts pouring their cream all over his front, eyes closed, his muzzle a empathetic frown. Shiva, mind reeling, hung onto him, her typically azure face almost as red as Tanya's. She rested her head on his shoulder and shook like a small scared puppy.

After a few moments of quiet, Jadyn gently lifted her up and placed her on the countertop, still shivering, and nuzzled her neck in a reassuring motion. He then lowered his maw to the right of the twin cantaloupes and softly suckled it with his canine tongue, slowly gaining force and causing Shiva to emit small squeals of pleasure and need. Her sex continued to pulse wildly, aching with the desire for something, anything to pierce her depths and put out the fire. But her heart was singing.

After a few minutes of quiet, strained bliss, Jadyn moved onto the other teat. He had nearly sucked the first one dry, though Shiva knew it would take less than an hour for it to begin flowing anew, it was regardless a relief to have the flow stemmed, if only for a while.

When Jadyn had finished with the second teat, he drew away slowly, a small trail of white dripping down his muzzle, and he gave her a compassionate smile. It must have taken fifteen minutes to empty those jugs, but he did it. His paws circled the base of her vast tits idly, as they stared at each other with uncertainty.

Shiva, face still flush, watched him through jaded eyes. When up this close, she noticed that Jadyn, though small and thin, wasn't at all scrawny. She could see the muscles working in his arms, and noticed the raise of his upper chest beneath his dark shirt. She watched his talented, gentle fingers remove her belt and undo her jeans, felt his strength as he lowered her from the countertop and up against the stall wall. But where her mind ceased to take note of anything was when she felt him enter her.

Jadyn was no where near the size of Garyl, but his draconic heritage had made up for the genetic gap. Whatever his girth was though, Shiva felt like she was being mounted by the longest, thickest, toughest pole any woman had ever been pierced by, and sounded like it. As Jadyn thrusted slowly, ever gathering force, Shiva gave a cry of ecstasy that rang in her own ears, gasping and moaning and clenching her teeth, scales flexing and nerves twitching. The release was almost as unbearable as the need. Breifly, she opened her eyes to stare at Jadyn's focused expression, brow furrowed, eyes shut tight, jaws locked together. With no regard left to secrecy or caution, she gave another cry, as what she realized was her third orgasm since he'd entered her, and her body still throbbed for more.

She ventured a glance downward toward their joining point, and saw that Jadyn was still fully clothed, with his belt buckled and holding up his pants, while his prick pummeled her from the unzipped exit. With another squeal, she gripped him closer, attempting to match his thrusts with her own, despite him doing a fantastic job by himself. She shook violently as her body buckled under another powerful orgasm, giving no more than a vast intake of breath as she felt it rise.

Another downward blink made her innards cheer when she saw his actual length. He couldn't be more than seven inches, but she felt excited to view the apparatus as it was. It was the first dick she'd seen in person, and something in her was enormously happy to have it be Jadyn's own. She gave another cry of ecstasy, but for the music in her soul rather than the fluids in her body.

Jadyn opened his indigo eyes and was happy to see her smiling softly as she leaned on him, and thrusted harder. He knew he'd given her multiple orgasms already, but his first was still a far cry off. Things were accelerated as he watched her jiggling bust between them, and lifted one paw from her waist to squeeze them. He was smiling too now, and panting with effort, still only half-believing in the dream he was having.

Shiva felt the thrusts get more vigorous, and became aware of the curious mass she was feeling farther down along his shaft. With another glance she saw, hidden within the zipper of his black jeans, was Jadyn's knot. It looked like a whole apple had been forced down his urethra, and it throbbed in unison with her cooze. She moved her head closer to Jadyn's and tried to whisper something.

"Jadyn...." she managed, but speech was becoming increasingly difficult for her. She gasped and tried a second time, "Jadyn, please..." was all she could manage. The wolf's eyes opened up again, and though they were misted, he gave her his full attention.


"What?" the wolf panted, his thrusts slowing, "Is something wrong?"

"No, just..." Shiva clenched her teeth in desperation as their pairing lost vigor. With a deep intake of breath, she spat out the words she was fumbling; "...just force it! Give it to me Jadyn, give me the knot! I want the knot!"

"Whoa, whoa," the wolf sped up his movements as he rubbed her back reassuringly. "Calm down baby, I heard ya." he kissed her neck softly and empowered his thrusts, trying hard to open the dragonesses flexible walls to accommodate his full girth. To his surprise, he found this was easier than he'd thought.

Shiva felt a shock fire through her body and suddenly felt the air in her lungs escape. When her mind cleared, she felt as though her whole lower torso had been stuffed with Jadyn's maleness; still he thrusted, though the motions were limited and difficult, allowing little movement with so much of his dick buried within her, but the movement was just enough not to let the feeling go stale.

Shiva hugged him close, convulsing around his shaft, pumping the fleshy rod of all the fluids it could afford to release. Her face was now a sweat-soaked, tear-stained and smiling image of tired beauty, and though Jadyn longed to look at her, he still had to finish this. He empowered his thrusts even further, allowing the knot to go where it will, and focused on the lonely image of her perfect, stunning, voluptuous body wrapped around him as it was.

Shiva felt her lover's embrace weakening, felt her next climax rise like a rocket from the waves, and as Jadyn's expression betrayed his mounting bliss, she grasped his shoulders, and with the tidal wave of hormones broke his maw open with her tongue and kissed him, deeply, just as he crossed over the peak and dove into the waters of euphoria.

Jadyn finished a mere instant after, but the dragoness in his arms wouldn't stop twitching and spasming and pressing her lips closer to his for what seemed like a couple of minutes. She pulled his headfur and grasped his horns in orgasmic frenzy, and eventually she broke the kiss for a gasp of breath.

Quiet and shuddering, she rested her head against the wolf drake's chest, all thought reduced to a gooey mental bliss pierced with the occasional spikes of pleasure that were the hallmarks of a good afterglow. Jadyn had never felt so tired or so aroused in his young life; this was the last thing he'd expected after exchanging numbers with the hottest girl in the world, and only because it was exactly what he wanted. He stood there, still pressed up against those scaly mountains and gripping those unbelievable hips, slowly shrinking dick stuck deep inside her mind-blowing snatch. Nothing could have prepared him for this pairing, he thought as he brushed his smiling, blushing face against her hair. Nothing.

* * *

Lawrence Andrews used to think he had the best damn nose a White Tiger could have. Now, after having suffered the scents of both Tanya's and her sister's musk in a single day, he's convinced things will never be the same for him.

Jadyn started as the door to the girl's bathroom swung open after he'd banged on it several times for discovering that it'd been locked. The towering tiger gave him and his dazed partner twin stares of blank understanding, and ushered them out.

"So you smelled us, and instead of calling us out, you gave us privacy?" Jadyn asked, mystified.

"I do it every time I find someone stupid enough to mate in a public place, wolf." Lawrence replied, "I just can't stand the thought of someone getting caught like that, especially if it's teenagers. It's a bad habit, to be truthful, letting you do that. But I just can't stand the thought of it going bad."

"Well, Christ, thanks!" Jadyn said, exasperated, "I'll be sure to pay you back sometime. Uhh, listen, I hope we don't do it again, but if we do, and you happen to catch wind of us...?"

Lawrence nodded comprehensively.

Jadyn just smiled, shaking his head, thanked him one more time and snuck off down the hallway.

...in time for the final bell to ring.
