Taking Chances

Story by GothWulfe on SoFurry

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good storyline, well written. good descriptions. Amazing yiff scenes. A story to get you reaching between your legs

Taking Chances

Copywrite GothWulfe 2001

species. If you are under age to read this type of thing, or the uptight politicians where you live say you

shouldn't, then I leave it up to your own conscience. If, however, you are of age, then read on. I hold no

responsibility for any fantasies that may come out of reading this*enjoy J>

Taking Chances

The music blared through the speakers, filling the small smoke-filled bar with

sound as on-stage Liza Manelli finished the last chorus of "New York, New York."

"O.k., maybe it's not really Liza," Andrew though as he ordered another drink,

"but he sure does look a lot like her*.after a few too many boxes of doughnuts." He

snickered quietly as he sipped his drink. Walking over, he bent down to give "Liza" a

quick kiss on the cheek.

"Great job Sandy." He told the aging drag queen. He always tried to make it a

point of telling each of the "girls" that they had done well on stage, knowing how much

effort went into just getting ready. He was standing chatting with a few of them just after

the show, laughing at Lil, Rhoda, and Cherice cutting each other down playfully, mock-

flirting with Krystyna as she laughingly tried to "vamp" him, and trying to look ashamed as

Sandra scolded all of them. They had all just done their fifth shot of Southern Comfort

when Krystyna dropped the shot glass on the table, made a noise that could only be

described as "yipe" and smiling, took off at top speed across the bar, dodging people that

got in her way. Andrew turned to see what was going on just in time to see her jump up

into the arms of a tall, muscular, black man.

"Very tall." Andrew thought. "Hell, Tina is at least six-three in those heels and he

is definitely taller then her."

He stood watching them for a few moments, then, as the man lowered her back to

the floor Andrew did a double take. What he had thought was a black man*wasn't. He

was male, all right, but he definitely wasn't human. About seven-foot tall, the lion towered

over the drag queen nestled under his arm as they talked. Having never seen a fur before,

except on t.v., Andrew was fascinated. He looked the fur over carefully, noticing how the

light glistened off his ebony fur, how his muscles bulged through the tight blue jeans and

white T-shirt, how Tina was playing with the tuft of fur at the end of the tail wrapped

around her waist, and finally stopping at his pale, blue eyes. Eyes that we looking right at

him. He felt himself blush as Tina looked up at him and waved, and started walking over,

pulling the big lion by the hand behind her. He suddenly noticed that the drag queens'

chatter had stopped behind him as the pair walked up. As usual, Rhoda was the first one

to break the silence.

"So*here's Miss Krystyna, back from safari with her new coat. So, Tina, how's

he fit?"

"Just fine, hon. Kinda' tight, though." Tina laughed, winking.

"Yeah right. On you're worn out ass?" Lil snickered.

As everyone laughed, Tina tried to look offended, but failed miserably.

"Seriously, though," Tina laughed, "This is my brother-in-law, Michael. Mike, this

is Cherice, Rhoda, Lil, Sandra, and Andrew."

As the introductions were made, he kissed each of the performer's hands, ending

with a firm handshake for Andrew, who nervously returned the gesture. After chatting for

a few minutes, Mike turned toward the bar and started walking away.

"I need a drink, be right back." He said over his shoulder, walking across the bar.

As soon as he was out of earshot, Andrew leaned over and whispered in Tina's ear.

"I didn't know your sister married a fur."

"She didn't," Tina laughed, "My sister is way too young to get married."

"But you just said that he was your brother-in-law" Andrew was confused.

"He is. Haven't you ever met my lover, Gabe?" Tina asked, "Mike is his brother."

"Oh, O.k. I get it. I didn't know you were seeing anyone." Andrew said, trying to

cover his shock.

"Must be adopted." He thought to himself.

"So where is that cute man of yours anyway?" Lil teased.

"He'll be here later. He had to work late."

"Aren't you afraid of him?" Andrew whispered to her.

"Who? Gabe?" Tina looked confused.

"No. Him." Andrew said, glancing back over his shoulder at Michael, who was

trying to make his way back across the bar without spilling the try of drinks he was


"That big pussycat?" Tina laughed "Why-ever would I be afraid of him?"

"Well, he's so*umm*big." Andrew tried to explain, lamely.

The girls were still laughing at him when Michael walked up.

"What's so funny?" he asked, handing shots of Irish creme to everyone.

"Andy was just telling us how big he thought you were." Rhoda snickered, giving

Andrew an evil smirk.

"Oh, Really?"

Andrew felt himself blush as Mike looked at him and winked.

"I'm sure that I'm big enough for you, pretty-boy." He grinned, his canine teeth

showing slightly.

This was too much for Andrew, and shaking, he fled to the safety of the bathroom.

Splashing water on his face, he tried to get his conflicting emotions under control. He was

terrified of Michael. He had been afraid of cats as long as he could remember. He knew it

was totally unreasonable, but there was nothing he could do about it. His mother had tried

to explain it to him once when he was younger, something about him being bitten and

having to get a lot of shots. He didn't remember it, but still the fear was there. Drying his

face with a paper towel, he looked up into the mirror.

"Then why the fuck do I find him so god-damn attractive?" He asked his

reflection. As expected though, the face in the mirror just stared back at him.

"Yeah, some help you turned out to be." He said, gulping down his drink and

heading for the door. He hadn't realized just how long he had been in the bathroom

"hiding out" until he looked around the bar and noticed that not only was the bar a lot

busier, but all of the performers except for Lil and Krystyna were gone. Glancing down at

his watch, he swore.

"Shit. I was in there half an hour." He looked around the bar and wasn't sure

whether to be relieved or disappointed when he failed to find Michael anywhere in the

crowd. Walking over to the bar, he sat down next to Tina and Lil and ordered another


"So where did everyone go?" he asked.

"The other girls had to work early." Lil told him.

"And Mike had to leave for a bit." Said Tina.

Plied with liquor from Tina and Lil, both of whom knew that something was

wrong, though not what, and kept distracted by their chatter, the rest of the night passed

quickly. Andrew was shocked for a second time that night when he found out from Tina

that Michael was not adopted, but her lover's younger brother. It only got worse when

Gabriel, Tina's lover, finally showed up. The only difference between the two brothers

was that where Michael was a deep, ebony black, Gabe was a creamy white, though with

the same blue eyes. He almost choked on his drink when Tina leaned up to kiss Gabe. Just

the thought of all those sharp teeth made him shiver. Slowly though, through either the

alcohol or the fact that Gabe was obviously both very gentle and very in love with Tina,

Andrew started to be less and less afraid as the night went by.

It was shortly before closing, and looking around the mostly empty bar, Andrew

wondered where the night had went. He was feeling just a bit lonely as he sat at the end of

the bar and watched Tina running her fingers though the soft fur on Gabe's shoulder as

she leaned against him. It had reached that time of night that, if you were alone and drunk,

was a little depressing with the music playing low, the lights dimmed and couples talking

quietly or leaving together.

"A perfect setting for romance" he thought, sighing as he watched Gabe and Tina

kiss again, their love for each other showing in their every gesture.

"I wish someone would kiss me like that." He sighed

He jumped up, startled, as a low voice from behind him said quietly,

"I would, if you asked."

He spun around quickly to find Michael standing behind him.

"I*I didn't see you come in." He stammered, trying to cover his embarrassment at

being overheard.

"That's because I never left. I know I was making you nervous, so I told Tina to

tell you I left. I've been sitting back there all night." He said, pointing to a small table in

the darkened back corner of the bar.

"So why are you talking to me now?"

"Because you looked lonely, that's all."

"Oh." Andrew couldn't keep a hint of disappointment out of his voice.

"That, and well*I wanted to do this." With no warning, Michael leaned down and

pulled Andrew to him, kissing him passionately. Andrew melted into Michael's arms,

returning the kiss with a passion that surprised him. For a brief minute he was lost in the

sensation of Michael's strong arms, the muscles rippling under his shirt, his warm, slightly

spicy scent. The softness of his fur against his cheek. His fur*against his*..suddenly

panic replaced passion as Andrew frantically pushed Michael away, trying to get a grip on


"I'm*I'm sorry," Michael stammered "I shouldn't have done that."

"No, it's ok. It not you. It's me." He said as he turned and ran out of the bar,

leaving Michael standing confused at the end of the bar.

Andrew lay in bed the next morning, wondering how he had gotten there. But

mostly he was trying to figure out what had happened to him the night before. Never

before had he been so attracted to someone, yet so afraid of them at the same time. He

thought back over the entire night, from the time that Michael had walked into the bar to

when Michael had kissed him. Remembering how Michael's strong arms had felt around

him, how soft his fur had been against his face, and how rough Michael's tongue had felt

against his own.

"I wonder what it would feel like in other places?" He thought to himself, and felt

his cock give a twitch at the thought.

Letting the fantasy play out in his mind, he imagined Michael kissing him deeply,

then slowly licking down his chest, teasing each nipple as he passed. He reached down and

began slowly stroking his hard dick as he imagined Michael's rough tongue licking around

the head, down to his balls and then back to his asshole. He could almost feel Michael's

rough tongue against his tight hole as he pounded his meat. Then, just as he was about to

shoot his load all over his smooth chest, he heard a voice from the bedroom doorway.

"Do you do this every morning, or is this a special show for me?"

He tried to pull the blanket over himself as he sat up, staring for a moment at the

cute blonde in boxers standing in the door. Twenty-ish and tan, toned with just the hint of

definition, and completely smooth, he was definitely Andrew's type. Then, just as

suddenly as he had been disturbed, he realized who it was standing at his bedroom door.

"Damn it, Tina, try knocking next time, will ya?"

"You know better then to call me that when I'm not in make-up, hun." He


"Fine. Chris, you wanna try knocking next time? And why aren't you wearing any


"Well, for one, hunny, calm down*I'm the one that got you undressed, so I know

EXACTLY what you look like naked and with a hard on. Hell, you tried to get me in bed

last night." He laughed "but the fact that you kept calling me Michael kinda put a damper

on that. Well*that and my three hundred pound muscle-bound boyfriend. And as for why

I'm undressed, I slept on the couch, and I'll be damned if I was going to sleep in that

damn girdle. The only "boy clothes" I had in my bag were these damn things. Gabe should

be here any time to bring me some other clothes."

"Why did you sleep on my couch?"

" You don't remember me bringing you home last night? Boy, you must have been

drunker than I thought."

"You brought me home? The last thing I remember is*"

"Mikey kissing you and you running out of the bar?" Chris interrupted, snickering.

"Yeah. How did you know?"

"Because that's all you could say on the way home last night*" Chris snickered.

"he kissed me*.he kissed me*.DAMN*.he kissed me*" Chris laughed as he mimicked

a drunken Andrew. "Maybe I should have let him bring you home last night."

"Yeah*maybe," Andrew said, then, picturing his panic at waking up with, for all

intents and purposes, a rather large cat in his bed, said "but it's probably better that you

didn't. Thanks for bringing me home, Chris. I owe you one."

"Fuck yeah, you do. Gabe was feeling rather frisky last night and did I get to enjoy

it? Noooooo*I had to drive your dumb ass home *cuz you were too drunk. So you bet

your ass you owe me one." He laughed again " Though maybe it's a good thing that I

did. When Gabe gets really frisky, I can hardly move for three days and since I have a

show tonight, I really should be able to dance, don't you think? Anyway, I made breakfast,

so finish beating off and get your ass in the damn kitchen." With that he turned and

flounced off into the other room.

"Well, I might as well get up," Andrew thought to himself "He's kinda ruined the

mood now." He quickly got dressed and went into the kitchen where Chris was just

putting the finishing touches on a huge breakfast.

"What the hell all did you fix?" he asked as Chris put another steaming plate of

food on the table.

"Eggs, scrambled and fried, bacon, sausage, toast, pancakes, cream of wheat,

grapefruit, orange juice, tea and coffee. Why did I forget something?" Chris said, not

looking up from the napkin he was folding into some type of flower.

"You really think that I'm going to eat all this? What the hell were you thinking?"

"I wasn't," Chris laughed. "Remember, I'm used to cooking for a three-hundred

pound horse in a lion skin."

They ate breakfast quietly, Chris occasionally looking up at Andrew as if he were

about to say something, then thinking better of it. Finally, as they were finishing up the

dishes, Andrew turned to Chris and asked,

"O.K., you've been wanting to say something all morning. What is it?"

"Well*I was wondering why you ran out of the bar like that last night. I mean,

you and Mikey seemed like you were getting along rather well. Then you just suddenly

run out. What the hell was up with that?"

"I, umm, got scared." Andrew said quietly, as he blushed bright red.

"Of what? Mikey? Why?" Chris asked, confused.

"I'm, well, umm, I'm afraid of cats." He blurted out.

Chris started giggling. "You're kidding, right?"

"No, I'm serious. I have been ever since I was a kid. I know it's dumb. I know that

he wouldn't hurt me. Just from hearing you and Lil talk last night and seeing you with

Gabe, I know that I don't have anything to worry about, and damn, I want him so bad I

can taste it, but I'm still terrified. What the hell am I going to do?"

"Well, dear, first thing your going to do is calm down. It'll be O.k. I'll think of

something." Chris said, as he went to answer a knock at the door. After a short, whispered

conversation, he walked back into the kitchen carrying a duffle-bag slung over one

shoulder and carrying a large, intricately carved ebony box.

"What is all that?" Andrew asked, puzzled.

"The bag is my clothes, so I can finally get dressed. And as for what's in the box,

you'll find out after I have had a shower and put some clothes on. I've been in this damn

kitchen for two hours freezing my ass off. Trust me though, it's something that just might

help. Gabe thought that I might need it. He's pretty good about knowing things like that."

And with that cryptic statement, he turned and walked into the bathroom, setting the box

on the couch on his way past. Andrew sat for a minute, listening. Then, once he heard the

shower running, he went into the living room and sat down next to the box, looking it

over. Every inch of it was covered with intricate carvings of trees, birds, and animals.

Looking closer, he noticed that some of the animals were actually people and furs engaged

in various activities. Some were dancing. Some were playing games. He blushed as he

realized that the prevalent action seemed to be sex. In every combination and position a

person could think of, as well as a few that he was sure that you would have to be a

contortionist to pull off. There didn't seem to be any type of lock or latch on the outside,

and finally his curiosity got the better of him and he decided to take a quick look inside.

Strangely though, the lid wouldn't open, no matter how he pulled or pushed on it.

Noticing that the shower had shut off, he quickly set the box back down and jumped over

to the loveseat across from it just as Chris came back into the living room, toweling his

hair dry.

"You tried to open it, didn't you?" he said, without even looking out from under

the towel.

"How the hell did you know?"

"I didn't*but I figured that you would. I wasn't worried about it. There is no way

that anyone but me or Gabe can get it open anyway, so it wasn't a big deal." He threw the

towel over the back of a chair and flopped down on the couch next to the box, picking it

up and putting it on his lap.

"Now, like I told you, I just might be able to help, but your going to have to have

a rather open mind about the whole thing, ok?"

Andrew was intrigued.

"Ok. I can do that. What do I have to do?"

"Nothing. All you have to do is sit there for right now and listen to me. If you

decide to back out at anytime, that's fine. No harm, no foul."

"Oookay." Andrew said slowly, not sure what Chris was getting at.

"All right. I have a question for you. Do you believe in magick?"

"Sure. You know that I adore David Copperfield and Siegfried and Roy."

"No*not stage magic, you twit. Real magick. With a "k" magick. Spellcasting,

shapechanging, witch's cauldron in the middle of the night, magick. That's what I'm

talking about."

"Well*I'm not sure. I suppose that it could be real. I've never seen anything like

that, but anything's possible. Why?"

"Hey, I'M the one asking questions here, remember?" Chris laughed "I'll explain

everything when I'm done. Now, how old do you think that I am?"

"Well, I've known you about eight years, so about twenty-nine or thirty. Though I

guess that if I was just meeting you I would say about twenty or twenty-one."

"Ok*now I have somewhere to start. What would you say if I told you that

magick was real, that I'm over six-hundred years old and that Gabe is much older then


"I would say that you were nuts, that's what I'd say." He chuckled nervously.

"Yeah, that's kinda what I thought you would say. But, I'm telling you the truth."

"Ok*fine*let's say that you are. How the hell could you be that old and look so

young? Shouldn't you be some old guy in a tower somewhere, wearing robes and a pointy

hat?" he laughed "And if you are telling me the truth, then do something to prove it."

"Ok, fine. I knew I was going to have to anyway. I always do." Chris sighed,

sitting up and centering the box on his lap. He started chanting something too low for

Andrew to make out while running his hands across the top of the box, which began to

glow with a soft bluish light, becoming brighter and brighter, until finally winking out as

the top of the box simply*disappeared. Andrew sat there, mouth hanging open with


"Happy now, or do I have to do something else?" Chris asked as he gently lifted an

exquisitely carved wooden mask out of the box and set it on the couch next to him.

"Um*" Andrew swallowed hard, "No, I think that proves your point. I still don't

understand how you could be so old and still look like that, though."

"One of these days I'll explain it to you. But what we're supposed to be worried

about right now is getting you in bed with Michael, right?" he snickered.

"I don't know if I would go that far. I thought we were just going to get rid of me

being afraid of cats*and I don't see how anything you can do will do something that

years of therapy couldn't."

"Because, my dear, I have one advantage that they don't." He said, handing

Andrew the mask he had taken out of the box. "Put this on."

Andrew looked down at the heavy mask of carved wood he held. Delicately carved

in the shape of the face of a lion-fur, it looked as if it might almost breathe any second.

Andrew ran his fingers lightly over the cool wood, just staring at it for a moment. It was

the most beautiful thing that he had ever seen.

"Where did you get this?" he asked, finally looking up at Chris. "It's wonderful."

"Thank you. I made it a long time ago while I was studying in Snowdonia, in


"How long ago was that? No wait*I didn't take all of those history classes for

nothing. Snowdonia was where the druids studied, right?" he looked up at Chris, who only

nodded in confirmation. "And the druids were outlawed by the romans about*my

god*that makes this at least a thousand years old!"

Chris laughed. "I'm not that old! The druids went on for many years after Rome

outlawed them. It's only about seven-hundred years old, give or take a decade. I wasn't

worried too much of keeping track of the years back then. Me and Gabe had just been

bonded, and, well, to tell you the truth, I really didn't think about much except for him. I

made that one evening after we had wonderful sex and he had fallen asleep. I knew it was

the only time that I was ever going to have him staying that still for long enough, and I

wanted something to look at to remind me of him whenever he wasn't there, so I stayed

awake all night and carved that. I didn't get around to enchanting it until after our

"honeymoon" was over*about seventy-five years later." While Chris was talking, his eyes

had taken on that far-off look of someone that isn't seeing what is in front of him, but

some long remembered place. "Anyway," Chris said, snapping back to reality "put it on."

"Why? What's it going to do?"

"You'll see." Chris grinned "Just put it on."

"Ok*I've trusted you this long*a few more minutes won't hurt, I guess."

Andrew teased as he fitted the mask against his face and tied the velvet ribbons behind his

head. "Ok...now what?" he asked, looking over at Chris.

" Now the fun begins."

Andrew was never able to remember exactly what it was that Chris said the next

few moments. All he was ever able to remember was that it was in Latin, and had the

words Homo-leonus and phobus in it, as well as a lot of other words that he didn't

recognize. He knew the one meant "fear" and he was pretty sure that the other meant

"lion-man" but other then that he had no clue. Finally Chris stopped chanting, and blew

some type of sparkling dust at him from the palm of his hand and sat back and looked at


"Hmm*that worked better than I thought it would." Chris said, looking satisfied.

"What? I don't feel any different." Andrew said, though, in fact, he did. The mask

didn't lay as heavy upon his face any more, and he hadn't felt as rested in a long time, or

as full of energy. He reached up to untie the ribbon to take the mask off and stopped

dead, for instead of a ribbon, his questing hand found a thick mane of hair.

"What the hell?" he said, running his hands though the shoulder length mass. "How


"Magick." Chris said. "And that's not the only thing that changed either. Take a

good look at yourself in the mirror over there." He gestured to the full length mirror on

the wall.

Andrew slowly stood up and walked over to the mirror, staring in shock at the

image that was reflected there, because it was wrong. Staring back at him from the mirror

was someone that he didn't know. A tall lion-fur stood reflected there, tawny and sleek,

with just a hint of black at the tips of his ears and tail. And very nude. Andrew looked

down at himself and realized that it wasn't the reflection that was wrong. It was him.

Somehow, Chris had transformed him into this shape. For a second, his old fear took over,

making him panic. He was terrified of cats and here he was one now. Then it hit him. It

was ridiculous to be afraid of himself.

"Kinda hard to be afraid of yourself, ain't it?" Chris said, coming to stand next to

him, almost as if he had read his mind.

"For all I know, he can." Andrew thought to himself. "So am I like this for good

now?" he asked, running his hands down his chest and marveling in the difference in feel.

"Sorry, hunny, but it's the old Cinderella bit."

"I'm like this till midnight?"

"No, til sunset. It will wear off if you sleep, so I don't suggest taking a nap

between now and then. Now, what I want you to do is go out and do something. I don't

care what, just go. Get comfortable with yourself and your body now and see how people

react. I'll see you at the bar tonight*make sure your there."

"You're leaving? What the hell am I supposed to do?"

"Yep*Gabe's here, so I have to go." Chris said, as there was a knock at the door

"besides, I have to get ready for the show tonight. Like I said, go out and do

something*go to the park, take a walk, whatever. Just make sure that you are back here

by sunset. I don't think that you would want everyone to watch you change back." He

laughed "Oh, and while I'm thinking about it, here are some of Gabe's clothes that should

fit you." He said, pulling out a pair of jeans and a shirt from his bag and tossing them to

Andrew. "I suggest that you put at least the pants on before I let Gabe in. He might be a

bit jealous, otherwise."

He had just figured out how to button the top button with his new "hands" when

Chris walked back in, followed by Gabriel.

"I knew they would fit." Gabe said, looking Andrew over. "You look good."

"Don't get any ideas, pussy-cat." Chris teased as he handed Gabe his duffle-bag

and picked up the box, which now had the lid firmly in place again. "I'll see you tonight,

hun." He said to Andrew as he blew him a kiss. "Have fun, and try not to get into


After they had left, Andrew pulled a chair over in front of the mirror, stripped

down again and just sat there looking at his reflection. He slowly ran his hands over his

chest, marveling at how sensitive his sense of touch was. He thought that he could feel

each strand of fur as his hand traveled over it. He moaned slightly in the back of his throat

as one hand brushed over his nipple and his other rubbed over his fur covered balls, now

twice the size they had been before his "change". He watched in the mirror as the red tip

of his cock began emerging from it's sheath, glinting moistly in the sunlight. He kept

fondling his balls until his entire hard-on had slipped free from his sheath and lay throbbing

on his belly. He was surprised to see that it looked almost exactly like a human cock, other

then being a deep red color all over, and about three inches longer then his "normal"

seven-inches. He let his hand trail up his balls until his paw was wrapped around his cock

and slowly began stroking, slipping down in the chair until he was almost laying down.

He stroked his cock faster as he reached down between his legs and under his tail, slowly

slipping a finger into his puckered ass-hole, letting out a growl of pleasure as he buried a

thick finger deep in his ass.

"Damn," he moaned "my fingers are longer now then some cocks I've been fucked

with." He growled again as he began finger-fucking himself harder and he pounded his

cock faster, pre-cum oozing out of his piss-slit and making his hand slicker and slicker.

Just as he was about to cum, he remembered how flexible most animals are and leaned

over, taking the head of his cock in his mouth just as he came. The orgasm shot through

him as he gulped down mouthful after mouthful of the thick cum that came shooting out

of his throbbing prick. Finally, after what seemed like hours, he lay back, contented. He

looked up at his reflection again and laughed at the sight of him laying there, his muzzle

covered in cum, his tongue lolling out of the side of his mouth and his finger still buried in

his ass.

"Well, Chris did say that I should get used to how my body was now." He laughed

softly to himself.

After taking another shower and getting dressed, he finally ventured outside. He

spent the day at the park, just walking around and watching people. He was amazed at

how many people just stared at him like he was something dangerous and thinking to

himself how ridiculous it was. He couldn't understand how they could be afraid of him just

because of how he looked.

"I'm the same as they are." He muttered to himself. Then, suddenly, it hit him. He

was the same as they were. The fear that they felt came just from his appearance. He

wasn't sure if he was over his fear of cats or not, but he definitely knew that he was over

his fear of Michael. Finally, about an hour before sunset, he decided to head home,

getting there just as the sun was setting. He had just sat down on the couch when he felt

something heavy fall into his lap. Looking down he saw the mask laying there and, looking

at his hands, realized that he had changed back.

Andrew watched as Tina finished her number on stage and blowing kisses as she

walked off stage, came over to him.

"Well, hun, how do ya feel?" she asked, smiling.

"Strange, and a little sad, I guess. It was kinda weird being someone else for an

entire day, but I really got to like it. I guess that I just wanted it to last longer than it did."

"So*you still afraid of him?"

"Nope. But I do have a question for you though. If you and Gabe are both

hundreds of years old, then how old is Michael?"

"Don't worry hunny, Mikey is only twenty-seven." Tina laughed at the confused

look on Andrew's face.

"How? You said that he was Gabriel's brother."

"He is, hun. Would you like to know how old my mother-in-law is?" Tina grinned.

"Nope*that's ok. I'll find out later when I meet her."

"Oh really? And why would you be meeting her?"

"Well, you just never know, do you?" Andrew grinned.

"Know what?" said the voice that Andrew had been wanting to hear all night from

behind him.

Andrew turned and looked at Michael, gazing into his eyes for a moment before he

said "How much I really want to kiss you."

Without waiting for a response from a shocked Michael, he reached up and twined

his fingers though Michael's thick mane, pulled his head down, and kissed him


"We shouldn't do this here," Michael growled softly in his ear. "Can we go back

to your place?"

Andrew didn't bother answering, but simply took Michael's hand and began

leading him toward the door. Just as he walked through the door, even though he knew

she was on the other side of the bar, he heard Tina's voice laughingly whisper in his ear.

"Have fun boys. See you in the morning for breakfast at my place."

"We'll be there, little sister." Michael said, just as the door closed behind them.

"Little sister?" Andrew asked, amused "Tina told me how old she is and how old

you are."

"Yeah*it's not an age thing. As long as I can remember, I have always been twice

her size, so I call her little sister. Besides it makes her feel younger." Michael laughed.

They managed to keep their hands off of each other on the drive home, but only

because they took separate cars. The door to the apartment had hardly closed when

Michael picked up Andrew in his arms and asked where the bedroom was. Andrew

distractedly pointed the way as he nibbled on the side of Michael's neck. Michael gently

lay Andrew on the bed and stood, looking down at him.

"What?" Andrew asked, looking up at him through half-lidded eyes.

"Nothing. I was just thinking how beautiful you are." He said, as he began

unbuttoning his shirt.

"Wait. I want to do that." Andrew said as he sat up and began slowly unbuttoning

Michael's shirt, stopping with each button to run his hand over the glossy fur of Michael's

chest. Michael moaned low in his throat as his shirt dropped to the floor and Andrew

leaned up and began licking his nipple, lightly biting him as he began working on the

buttons of his jeans. Finally, he had Michael standing naked in front of him and he sat

back, just looking at him for a moment, stunned that this mountain of rippling muscle and

fur was his to enjoy and pleasure. Getting up on his knees on the bed so that they were

face to face, he leaned over and kissed Michael deeply. Michael, for his part was not

letting his chance pass, as he quickly undressed Andrew, simply tearing though the fabric

of his jeans when he was unable to get them unfastened fast enough. Andrew gasped with

surprise at both Michael's strength and the feel of the cool air caressing his now-naked


"My turn now, lover." Michael growled as he pushed Andrew back and lay next to

him. Andrew gasped as he felt Michael's rough tongue against the side of his neck, licking

lightly up toward his ear, then down his jaw-line and across his face. Michael licked all

over his face with light, almost feather-soft touches, then began making his way down his

chest, repeating the entire thing, lingering over Andrew's nipples, teasing them with his

tongue and lightly biting until they were as hard as Andrew's cock was. Soon there wasn't

an inch of Andrew's body above the waist over which Michael's tongue had not traveled.

"What are you doing?" Andrew moaned

"Making you mine, lover." Michael growled, as his tongue kept traveling further

and further down Andrew's body. Andrew gasped, as he felt that rough tongue swipe

across his balls and up the shaft of his hard cock. He threw his head back and moaned

loudly, as Michael continued licking him from balls to cockhead and back, torturing him

with pleasure. Finally, just when he thought that he couldn't take it any more, Michael

took his entire cock down his throat and began to purr, sucking hard up and down the

shaft the whole time. Andrew knew that he couldn't take much more, when suddenly he

hear himself yell out.

"I'm cumming!" He gasped, as he felt the most intense climax of his life wash over

him. Michael pulled back quickly and began lapping with his tongue just behind the head

of Andrew's cock, letting Andrew's cum shoot all over his face and outstretched tongue.

As Andrew collapsed and began to go soft, Michael licked the stray drops of cum off of

his muzzle and lightly licked Andrew's balls as his breathing began to return to normal. As

he began to calm down, Michael began to lick even lower, until his tongue was brushing

against Andrew's hole with each lick. As Andrew began to moan again, Michael gently

turned him over and pulled him up on his knees so that he could better reach his target. He

flicked the tip of his tongue against Andrew's pucker, tasting him, then buried his face in

Andrew's ass, licking and nibbling at the tiny puckered hole, digging his tongue inside as

far as it would go, then lightly blowing cool air across it until Andrew was hard as a rock

again and moaning twice as loud as before.

"Fuck me, stud." Andrew moaned, looking back over his shoulder at Michael.

"I don't know*I don't want to hurt you." Michael said, worried.

"You won't*just fuck me."


"But nothing." Andrew said, as with strength that surprised Michael, he turned

over and pushed an astonished Michael down, who suddenly found himself on his back

with his feet on the floor. Straddling Michael's thighs and reaching down, Andrew took

hold of Michael's prick and gasped.

"My god*how big are you?" Andrew asked as his hand failed to close completely

around Michael's dick.

"Eleven and a half by seven." Michael said "I told you I'd hurt you."

"Fuck that" Andrew said "I have to have you in me. Just go slowly." Reaching up

to the end-table, he grabbed a bottle of lube and coated Michael's prick. Moving up, he

began to lower himself onto the hard pole, gasping as the head pushed past the outer ring

of muscle. Michael lay still, though it took every ounce of self-control he had to not just

sink his cock to the hilt into Andrew's tight, hot ass. Andrew was groaning and sweating,

as the large intruder made its way slowly, inch by inch, up his ass, but finally he felt

Michael's fur-covered balls against his ass and knew that he had the entire thing in him.

Staying completely still for a moment to allow his body to become used to something so

large, he then began to rock back and forth, lifting up so that an inch, then two, then three

would leave his ass, only to be thrust back in as he sat down hard. Slowly, he began to

pick up the pace until finally Michael's entire eleven and a half inches were pounding in

and out of his ass. He leaned forward and kissed Michael heatedly, then moaned into his


"Now, fuck me stud. Fuck me hard."

Michael growled low in his throat as he grabbed Andrew around the waist and

stood up, wrapping Andrew's legs around his waist. He put Andrew's back against the

wall and began fucking him like a jackhammer in heat, sliding his cock all the way out

before slamming it back into him over and over, kissing him hard. Then, suddenly, he

reached out with one arm and swept the contents of the top of the dresser to the floor and

lay Andrew on top of it so that he could watch himself fuck him in the mirror. Feeling his

balls tighten up against Andrew's hot hole, he picked him up again, leaving his cock buried

to the balls in his ass and carried him back to the bed where he lay him down and slammed

into his ass over and over until, with a roar that shook the windows, he thrust balls deep

into Andrew's asshole and came. Andrew could feel the powerful throb of Michael's cock

deep inside him as he came, and without touching himself, Andrew came at the same time,

his ass muscles tightening around Michael's cock and making both of them cum even

harder. Finally, when the aftermath of their orgasms had almost passed, Michael slowly

withdrew his cock and began licking the cum off of Andrew's chest, making his way down

to lovingly lick Andrew's prick and balls clean and moving further back to tongue at his

abused asshole, licking out his own hot load, while Andrew moaned and twitched above

him, only stopping when he had gotten as much of his own load out of Andrew's ass as he


Finally getting control of himself, Andrew looked down at Michael, who had lay

his head down on Andrew's stomach and was gazing up at him, the faint light from the

window glinting in his eyes. Then, as he brushed the back of his hand lovingly against

Michael's cheek, he realized that it wasn't just the light that made Michael's eyes gleam as

they did. Michael was crying.

"What's wrong, lover?" Andrew asked, half sitting up.

"I just wish that this could last forever and not just until morning."

"Who said that it couldn't?" Andrew said quietly.

"What do you mean?"

"I*.well*I think*.no, dammit*I know*.I'm in love with you Michael, and I

have been since the first time I saw you. I wasn't sure about it until just now, but there is

no way that I would have went though what I did today just to get someone in bed. And I

really don't think that Chris would have done what he did if that's all that I wanted." He

laughed softly "besides, I haven't ever been fucked that well before, and if you think that I

am going to let you get away, then your nuts."

Michael chuckled.

"I was hoping that you would say that. Now, if we are going to be at my brother's

for breakfast, then we need to get some sleep. Chris hates it if people are late."

With that, Michael stretched out next to Andrew and, putting his arm around him,

fell asleep. Andrew lay awake for a long time, thinking about what had just happened. He

had never felt like this about someone before, especially about someone as different as

Michael was. But something about it just felt right. He had never felt as safe, or as loved,

with any of his other boyfriends. He lay there content for a long time, feeling Michael's

warm, furry chest pressed against his back and his cock-sheath nestled against his ass and

began to get hard again.

"I'm starting to get a sex drive as high as Chris's." he murmured to himself as he

reached back between them and began to gently massage Michael's sheath until his hard

cock had emerged and was throbbing against his ass. He slowly began slipping down onto

Michael's cock, when Michael growled softly in his sleep, and pulled Andrew back against

him, sinking his cock all the way into him. Andrew lay there, enjoying being impaled on

eleven inches of lion-cock as he stroked his cock slowly, so as not to wake Michael up,

until he came, spraying cum all over the bed. He lay there afterward, loving the feeling of

Michael's hard cock inside him, snuggling even closer to him.

"I could really get used to this." He whispered as he began drifting off to sleep.

The last thing he heard as sleep overtook him was Michael whisper in his ear.

"Me too, lover. Me too."

Part Two will be coming later if there is enough interest.

Let me know if you want me to go on. E-mail me at [email protected] with any

suggestions for the next part, comments, encouragements, etc. All nice e-mail will be

answered. All flames will be fed to my pets. Have a yiffy day J