Story by KachaKun on SoFurry

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This is the first part of a series that I am currently writing. I hope that u like it! ^..^

CAUTION: This material may contain content that some people may find disturbing, please leave if you do not like things that are on this site and stuff. Please, if you are under 18... don't get caught. Otherwise, enjoy the story. ^..^

I fell through the window as I looked inside, trying to make out what was going on. The glass shattered around me, cutting into my arms and legs as I fell. The shards slashing red lines into my face, I closed my eyes out of reflex. I could feel glass bouncing off my eyelids. My stomach was rising up into my throat. What was happening? Everything was going twice as fast as it should've been. Yet, everything was going in slow motion. It was massive blur of confusion and there was a high-pitched ringing in my ears. But I was falling slowly, slowly down, I could feel it.

I seemed to be falling for hours before I hit the ground with a thud. I couldn't see, for my eyes were clenched shut, but I felt the first of the impact on my knees. The pain of hitting the ground surged through my entire body. The next impact hit my face and chest, my nose exploded in a mess of blood and fur. I stayed put with my face against the cold, hard, concrete floor. I could hear the murmur of voices through the harsh ringing in my head. I could sense the eyes of the people around me. I could feel their gaze burning into my skin through my fur; it hurt like hell.

I shakily lifted my head so I could see what was going on. No one was speaking. My vision was blurred because of the tears that were welling up in my eyes from both pain and embarrassment. I blinked to restore my sight and looked around. The entire factory was gathered around me. I lifted myself onto my aching knees and I could see the faces of those closest to me. Some were shocked, some appalled, some were wondering what was going on, and some looked like they were ready to pounce on me.

"Who the fuck is that?" A loud voice echoed through the large room. The voice was loud; it was sharp but with a mousey tone to it. It sounded tough, but I wasn't afraid of it. I could tell the man was from Chicago because of the way he spoke. Chicago was an old city, much older than New Orlando. It was also far away; I went there on vacation with my parents once. It was okay, I expected much more out of it.

"We don't know sir," a quieter voice answered. "He just fell through the roof window, he must have been watching us." This voice seemed calmer and it was much deeper. This voice was a New Orlando native's voice. A New Orlando accent sounded sort of British, but was sort of mumbled with all the words blended together. But it was from the east side of the city, not the west side where I was from. West side didn't really have an accent but people who have grown up on the west side don't really pronounce entire words.

New Orlando was founded in the year 2684, after the Homo Sapiens Empire started and the takeover began. The human species, being the majority of the world, decided that they needed to keep any one not human in check because to humans, they themselves are the intelligent race and everyone else is not as smart, even though animals and anthropomorphic hybrids have been living among humans for hundreds and hundreds of years. Every single species of animal besides humans, including the oldest species that have been on Earth much longer than the humans have been, have been bound to a set of rules that they must obey at all times. This was called the Ordinance of Species of Near Human Intelligence, or more commonly called SONHI Ordinance. The Proclamation of Superiority was the entire law's name. The human's mostly resided in North America and Europe, but there were humans in every continent. North America and Europe sent troops to the less human populated countries and started their hostile takeover.

Human-animal hybrids lived among humans, but with less than equal rights. The primitive animals that were not anthropomorphic didn't have any rights at all and just roamed the wild on their own, but human-animal hybrids, or ‘furs' as they are commonly called, had horrible rights and couldn't vote, couldn't go to the same schools as humans, had separate sports teams and separate work areas, which restricted furs from many jobs. There was also to be no sexual contact whatsoever between humans and furs. But there were many rebellions and protests, and the grip on the furs slackened. In present day, furs have almost the same rights as humans, but furs were treated with no respect and were getting blamed all the time for everything that was going wrong. There was no law against interspecies sex, but it was frowned upon extremely. Humans hated furs and we still cannot vote and there are no inter-species sports. But as long as you stay in line and don't get caught causing any kind of trouble, everything will be fine.

"Hey," the louder voice yelled behind me. I turned around to see. There was a large gap where the gathering crowd of people had made way for the two people in the middle. There was a tall black Doberman and shorter, pudgier panda bear. The first thing I noticed was the Doberman, he had several piercings all over his tall pointed ears. He towered over the smaller figure next to him. He was wearing long, black jeans that hung down below his ankles, touching his bare paws. He had on a thin, black tank top that showed his tan underside. The large dog was wearing a gas mask. Making his voice slightly distorted. I looked around at the ever-growing crowd around me; everyone was wearing a mask. I expected as much, considering where I was.

"Who are you and why are you here?" The Doberman looked ferocious as he spoke, he bared his teeth at me.

"Name's Duane," I was trying to be calm, but the fall shook me and my voice was shaking. Making some of the workers laugh. I ignored it. They would get theirs soon.

"Duane who?" the Doberman barked.

"Just Duane. I'm here because I fell through your ceiling." I wasn't afraid of these guys and I had nothing to lose. The only thing was that that blow to the nose made my voice sound nasal and stupid. It broke when I hit the ground. It would be easy enough to fix, I had broken my nose before and learned how to fix it myself, but I couldn't do it right now.

"You better watch your mouth, you dumb, little shit!" He snarled at me. I didn't flinch at all.

"Why are you here in my factory?" The panda talked this time. He was short and fat. He was wearing a maroon jacket over a yellow button down shirt that was not flattering to his size. He wore matching pants that were the same maroon color as the jacket. It was an extremely ugly suit that reminded me of vomit. His shoes were shiny and black. He was the only one in the room not wearing a mask. His voice was loud and clear. I looked at his face. He had beady brown eyes surrounded by black fur

"Well, I was on your roof and then I fell through the glass and-" my sarcastic remark was cut off by a loud bark. The Doberman lunged at me but was held back by the panda. It must've taken a lot of strength to keep the dog at bay. That panda must be stronger than he looks.

"Why were you up on my roof?" He was talking in a calm slow tone that didn't match the situation. If it was his roof, then he must be the head honcho of the place.

"Well, I've seen people come and go out of this factory for awhile and I wanted to investigate. I had no idea I would end up inside a full blown cocaine processing factory." I lied. I knew exactly where I was. The real reason I was here was that this place had been in town for a while and ever sense they arrived, the town has gotten worse and worse. This panda guy's name was Kam Chang. He was the leader of the plant and he was like a mafia boss. When people couldn't pay for the coke that he sold, he would send people out and torture them. He wouldn't just break their kneecaps, he would have his guys shove a screwdriver under the kneecap and slowly pry and peel it off. If it were a chick, he would let them rape her first before hurting her.

Yet people kept on buying. He turned the city into and horrible place full of druggies and anyone who wasn't a drug junkie was one of his little toadies. I was in his main factory because I needed to put a stop to this madness.

"Don't worry I won't tell anyone." I wasn't expecting to fall through the window. I had everything planned out. But falling through the sky roof window wrecked the plans and I had to improvise. The one sure thing was that I wasn't getting out of here without fighting my way through.

"Oh no you can't just leave." Kam looked eager. "For breaking in to my main factory, you just gave up your life." Everyone snickered a little at that line, but it wasn't because it was funny, it was because they wanted to suck up and not get hurt.

"Oh really?" I stood up, my nose still trickling a miniscule amount of blood. "I don't think so, tubby."

Kam's left eye twitched and he looked at me with pure rage in his eyes. I was going to have to use my gift; I would just have to make sure there were no survivors.

"All of you are going to die tonight." I said in a calm, almost scary way. I lifted my hands in front of my chest. Each hand facing the other in a loose cupped position. "Prepare yourselves."

"Kill him!" Kam yelled out. Everyone immediately lunged at me.

"Fwoosh!" I summoned a plume of fire from my outstretched hands. The fire ejecting from my palm felt like there were tiny little pebbles pressing up at my skin from the inside of my hand, only to expel into the air as orange flames. It feels like the feeling in your limbs when restrict the blood flow and then let it through, causing the limb to tingle. I ejected the flamed up into the air.

"Whoa!" Everyone backed up at once as the flames erupted upwards.

"What are you doing?" Kam was shocked and there was a twinge or fear in his expression. "What is that?"

"It's fire, I'm fighting back!"

"It's a trick, it's an illusion. No one can do that." Kam was slowly rebuilding his confidence, as well as his factory workers', as he spoke. "Get him! It's not real!" The group stayed put. "I SAID GET HIM!" Kam cried at the top of his lungs, his mousy voice piercing my ear canal.

"GRRR..." I summoned another larger plume in my hands. "ARRG!" I jumped up into the air and shot the flames at the ground and watched them spread out across it and the factory workers jump back at the sight of the spreading flame. They were all a good ten feet away from me now, and it was the perfect time to finish this.

I ducked down into a crouch on the ground and I took a deep breath. I exhaled slowly; the air coming out of my mouth was almost scalding hot on my knees.

"Humph!" I was ready.

"Someone do something!" Kam squeaked from behind the Doberman, who was whimpering quietly with his hands in a defensive pose in front of his chest. "Do something NOW!"

No one moved a muscle. "Kill him or I will personally slaughter your families! Fucking kill him NOW DAMMIT!"

"GRRR..." I could feel the heat inside me. My body temperature was starting to raise, my heartbeat start to quicken, and my skin began to sweat. "GRRRR..." I was growling loudly now and my prolonged inactivity was drawing in factory workers. I was not worried though. They would all die soon enough. They deserved more. They deserved to be tortured like the people they tortured. They deserve to be raped over and over again until the cum of their rapist was pouring out of every hole in their body. They deserve to bleed, they deserve to be punished, and I was doing them a favor.

"CHARGE HIM!" Kam cried from behind his guard. The workers started to pour in toward me, but I was ready. I released the contained heat from within me. I could feel it escaping and surrounding me in a ball of flame, ever consuming the mindless drones around me scared into obedience by an evil tyrant.

"AARRRRRGGGGGG!" Fire exploded from inside me and flew everywhere. Huge plumes of fire emitted from my body burning and melting my clothes. I began to float into the air propelled and levitated by the rising heat that surrounded me. My eyes were wide open in rage. The whites of my eyes turned a bright red and my iris turned black like soot and ash. I could see the factory burning. The pillars of fire and waves of pure heat were melting the manufacturing equipment and burning the workers to a crisp instantly.

"HAHAHAHAHA!" Maniacal laughter burst forth out from my throat. Blending with the blood curdling screams that were ejected from the evil workers, creating a beautiful symphony of pain and suffering that was lovely to my own ears.

I could feel the fire inside me start to fade, my body temperature beginning to cool, and I could see the bursts of flame and heat start to become less and less powerful. My intense rage was subsiding. I started to float back down to the ground. I felt my bare foot paw touch the ground. I looked around at what used to be the factory. It was bright red from the flames that were now burning the brick walls around me. This was a very old building. It was going to fall soon. I ran over toward the main entrance. I could feel the heat on my bare chest and I could see my cock start to protrude from my orange sheath. The heat mixed with the intensity of the situation was making me hard. I shot a small concentrated beam of heat, glowing yellow, at the door. Melted the steel of the door and sealed it shut. I ran to the other entrances and repeated the procedure.

"GROAN" the ceiling made a horrible sound like it was giving way.

"Damn!" I had to get out or the ceiling would collapse. I took one last glance. "HA!" There were no survivors. There were just skeletons. Lifeless skeletons that were so burned that no one would be able to tell who they were. They would just be piles of ash in an hour or so. It wouldn't take as long with regular fire, but this fire was my fire and it wouldn't be put out so easily.

"CREAK!" the roof started to fall down to the right of me.

"Shit!" I darted out of the way of a falling beam. And I lifted myself using rising heat through the hole I had made earlier when I fell. "Whew" I brushed the sweat off of my brow. I was really sweaty and I was dripping. I gave one last blast of fire from my palms that crushed the roof into the small factory. I then flew away towards the downtown area to find some new clothes.

"Yawn!" I groggily stood up from the bed I was sleeping on and could feel the cold hard ground on the pads of my paws. It sent a small shiver up my spine. What kind of house has hardwood floors next to their bed? I stretched my arms out above my head. "Ahhhh..." it felt good. I curled my toes and rolled my ankles. I rocked my neck back and forth and I bent down to touch my toes. I was done stretching and I looked around the room. I touched my nose. I had fixed it last night but it was still a little sensitive.

I was standing in a large, blue bedroom. There was a big, four-poster bed in the center of the room. The sheets were black, and the down quilt above them was pure white. Well, they were pure white. They were now covered in orange and black fur. I hadn't showered in a couple of days and I was starting to shed some.

I went into the large master bathroom and stripped out of the clothes I "bought" last night. My old friend Trevor and I would shoplift a lot and when we stole something, we would say that we "bought" it. When we actually paid for something with money, we called the item we paid for a purchased item. Stealing is buying and paying is purchasing. So when I bought my clothes, I really just robbed the Urban Outfitters down the street from the apartment I was temporarily staying at.

I stole stuff, so what. I never got caught and I only steal what I need. I don't steal things like cash or electronics. I steal food when I need it, I steal clothes when I need a new outfit, and I only break into uninhabited houses and I leave minimal damage and I clean before I go. I try to never hurt innocent people. I'll hurt and even kill people who are evil to the innocent. But I'll never hurt someone I believe is clean of wrongdoing. All those people I killed last night, they were not innocent. They all deserved to die. It made my insides burn just thinking about them. "Ouch," literally.

I twisted the large knob in the large shower. The shower was huge enough that you could comfortably fit ten people in it.

"Wow," I looked around the room. "I wonder..."

I pursed my lips in thought. "Computer?"

"Hello guest, how are you today?" A masculine voice sounded from every corner of the room.

"Err...fine thanks. I was wondering if I could play music in this room."

"Yes, there are speakers that can be used to play music. There are speakers all around the house. Would you like me to play a random song from the home playlist?"

" thanks." I had no idea what the owner of this place listened to. "Turn to radio, please."

"Which station would you like to listen to?"

"103.3 Chop FM." That was my favorite station. They played everything from death metal to Jpop.

"Hey hey hey, all you listeners! Welcome back to 103.3 Chop FM. DJ Drastic Draft here bringing you all of the latest and bringing back all of the old. What genre you ask? Well we've got a little bit of everything."

I loved DJ Drastic Draft. He was my favorite of all the DJs.

"Coming at you right now is a little something new. Here it is!"

The new song by Bird Chirp Ambience called Barcelona Highway came on. I loved that song I and I knew all the lyrics to it.

"Would you like me to save these preferences?"

"No, do not save." I didn't want there to be any proof that I was here.

I was about to step into the shower when I realized that I needed a towel and a washcloth. I went over to a large closet to the right of me and peered inside.

It was dark and I couldn't see. I stepped inside and ran my hand over the side looking for a light switch. I then remembered the computer. I slapped myself on the forehead for being stupid. I wasn't used to having a home computer system like this.

"Computer, lights on please." The light in the room lit up. Illuminating a closet full of suits and ties and vests. "Sigh," I was in the center of the closet and I turned around to leave but as I turned around, I saw something glint in the light on the wall. "Huh, what was that?" I stepped over to the wall. I looked over the wall. It was blocked by many sport coats. I moved them aside and there was a small button, hardly noticeable in the dim light. I pushed it.

"Fingerprint does not match. Only owner James is allowed." The computer was not letting me in so there must be something important that this button was concealing.

"I have permission from James. Let me in please." I was going to get into this hidden place.


"Ummm...password hint please."

"Why is the sky blue?"

"Err," I thought for a moment. I feel like I've heard that question before. In a show or something on the internet. It was a trick question. You didn't answer the question. You had to..."

"Why is the sky blue?" The computer repeated the question. I knew the answer.

"Why is the grass green?"

"Accepted." There was a hiss and the wall opened, revealing a dark room. I stepped inside. As I did the light around me flickered on. I found myself in a large, very tall room with dark blue walls and there were racks and shelves on every wall. There were black masks and racks and cages everywhere.

"OH" I looked at a large whip. "MY" my eyes fell upon an array of chains that fell from the ceiling. "GAWD!" The largest collection of anal plugs and dildos stood before me.

"Hello slave, what will it be today?" A sexual, skanky, masculine voice echoed around the room.

"Err...nothing today?" I couldn't believe it. The owner of the place was a gay, sex, bondage slave. I looked around. I completely skipped over all of the major bondage equipment. I may be secretly gay, but I wasn't secretly a bondage slave. I stopped for a minute and turned to my right where I could see my reflection in a mirror.

The radio was still playing in the background as I stared at myself.

"I am gay." I spoke aloud to myself. I have never really admitted it to myself. It felt good, like a weight was suddenly lifted from me. I smiled at my naked reflection. My smile started to spread and it soon turned into a fit of laughter. I wiped a tear from my eye as I walked back over to the shelf that I was aiming for.

"I see you eyeing your collection. What are you in the mood for? Your collection consists of many different species." The computer spoke in its sexy voice. It must think that I am the owner of all of

"What species do I have computer?" I was looking over the impressive collection of toys that the owner had. There were many different colors and shapes. The shelves were so high that I could only see half of the collection. I really wanted to use one. I never really have tried anything like this before. I have seen it being done, but never have I actually done it. I really had the urge to and I was going to satisfy it.

"You have a toy for almost every species. You have Human, fox, wolf, otter, tiger..." The computer was listing every species that the owner had. This was going to take forever. "...Wallaby, dragon, eagle, black bear, gryphon..."

"Computer which species are used the most?" this guy had almost every single species in existence so; I was going to take his word for which one to use.

"The most often used are the dragon tail, husky knot, Optimus Prime robot rod, and feral orca."

The last one sounded kind of cool. There were hardly any orcas around this side of the planet anymore. They mostly kept to their area. Ever since that stupid takeover...Grrr." I growled at the thought.

"Which do you want to pleasure you?"

"The feral orca." I slowly licked my lips. I was relishing the feeling of this thing inside me. Sure it wasn't the real thing but I didn't care. When was I ever actually going to fuck a real live orca?

"Do you want to pleasure yourself or do you want to enter the chamber where he can do it for you?"

"Can I see the chamber before I use it?" Who was this "he" person? Was it the computer that was going to pleasure me?

"Sure sugar." The mirror that I was using before opened and there was a whole separate room behind it.

"Oh wow!" This room was completely different from the other room. This room was all white. White walls, white floor and ceiling, and a single, king size, white bed in the middle of the room.

"Go ahead and lie down. Do you want anthro or non anthro?"

"Anthro please," I was shaking with excitement. All of the sudden I heard a voice from behind me. It was a higher pitched voice than the computers but it had a sexy smoothness to it and it had a British accent.

"Hey there." I turned around and my eyes popped. There was an orca in front of me. A real live orca, right in front of me. My jaw dropped as my eyes scanned him. He was beautiful. He was buff, but he wasn't bodybuilder buff, but normal buff. He was the perfect buff. He was smooth from the top of his head to the soles of his feet. I could see his huge tail moving around behind him. He was naked and he had a full on erection. His cock was glistening almost as if it were wet. It had two beautiful orbs that fell behind the shaft. I remember that cock. I saw it on the shelf. The shaft was about nine inches long and a light pink color and there were thick veins going up it. Only now the veins were throbbing as if it were being pumped with blood. The balls were a pure white and were gigantic. I was drooling a little but I wiped it away quickly. "What's your name?"

"Wow," I was breathing hard. I thought that I would just be using a toy. I never thought that I would be having actual sex. "Err...Duane." How much did something like this cost? I should get one!

"What do you say we have a" He winked at me. I became hard so fast I thought my dick was going to rip my sheath.

"O-okay," I stammered. As soon as the word fell from my lips, he pushed me back and I fell onto the bed. The orca then jumped on top of me and started to kiss me. I could feel his tongue exploring the inside of my mouth. It was awesome. I felt his cock pushing against my thigh. I broke away from the kiss. "Do-pant-do you have a-a name?" I immediately pulled him back onto me again and then he pulled away.

"Yeah," he was breathing hard too.

"What is it?" I have no idea why I want to know, but I just do.

"Just call me ‘T'." He answered back and he smiled at me, revealing a set of sparkling, white, pointed teeth.

"What is T short for?"

"T1367453x, its my model number."

"Oh right," my face fell a little I forgot that this was all an illusion. An awesome illusion, but it wasn't real.

"Is something wrong?" T kissed my neck and then looked into my eyes.

I looked back into his. They were blue like the emerald seas. They were beautiful. "No nothing's wrong." It may not be real, but it was pretty damn awesome still.

We kissed for almost a full hour. I never got tired of it. I could kiss T for weeks and not care. T broke away from me and I started to protest. "Wha-." He put a finger to my lips and he glided down to my stomach and he kissed it and then he went even lower and kissed the base of my shaft. "Mmmff." I immediately moaned in pleasure.

"Mmm...Hahaha." T laughed a little bit at my reaction. He started to kiss the head of my eight inches of pure hard. He licked the full length of my shaft and my whole body shivered in pleasure. "You like?" He looked right at my face.

"Heh, you know it." I let my head fall back and hit the pillow behind me. I could feel the pre start to dribble down out of me. I was in total heaven. The only negative thing coming out of this was that I would probably never be satisfied as well as this from anyone else.

T was now going full on deep throat all over my cock. I could feel myself touching the back of his throat. I was going to cum if he kept this up.

"Oh...Mmmff..." There was pre and robot saliva all over me and I was smearing what was on my chest into my fur. "Oh GAWD... I'm-I'm gonna cum...errgh!" I was about to explode inside this sexy orca's mouth. I could feel the hot, sticky climax stirring inside me. It was about to burst forth.

T looked up at me, his brilliant blue gaze piercing me.

"OH FUCK YEAH!" I was practically screaming at the top of my lungs. Thick shots of seed came shooting out of me. My back was arched in pleasure, my eyes rolled into the back of my head, and my mouth was gaping open in pleasure. The orgasm was so amazing and intense that I thought my heart was going to stop beating. I was humping T's face uncontrollably and he still was sucking on my cock even as it shot strings of sticky, tiger jizz into his mouth. "OHHHHH...FUCK!" It was incredible. I had pawed off many times but never had I experienced anything like this. The orgasm lasted for almost 20 seconds, which was way too short in my opinion. But it was the best damn orgy I have ever had. I was practically crying tears of awesome joy. I was still cumming all over the place. My face probably looked ridiculous because it was contorted with pure pleasure and ecstasy.

"Wow, you probably shot a gallon of cum into my throat. It was almost too much, even for me." He looked at me flashing a wet, sloppy, semen soaked smile. "Heh heh!" he started to laugh.

"Pant-pant...heh...oh god." There was still a steady flow of jizz leaking from me. T saw it and grabbed my cum soaked cock. I flinched. It was a little sensitive from the extreme orgy it just went through.

"You know what this would be good for?" He looked at me and I could feel something. Emotion, I could feel emotion radiating from his body. Was this a computer effect? Or was this real?


"This," He flipped me onto my back and lifted me up a little so I was on my hands and knees. He rubbed his hand all over his swelling dick and it was now lubed up with my seed.

"Oh shit!" I thought. I knew what was coming, but I didn't know if I was prepared for it.

"Ahhh..." T moaned out in pleasure.

"AHHH..." I yelped out in pain. I felt his long, veiny member plunge inside of me. My virgin hole had never known anything like this before. The pain was excruciating but I blocked it out. I gritted my teeth and didn't let it get to me. T may be a robot but he gave me the best orgy ever and I was going to do the best I could to give him at least some of the pleasure back. I was not going to let a little pain ruin the mood for him. I bit my tongue to take my mind of my ass pain.

"Oh shit this is gonna be quick I can feel it coming already." T was closing his eyes and he was smiling the cutest smile. It was a half smile but the side that was smiling was half open but it was like a smile and I can't describe it but it was the cutest thing ever. I wanted to jump up and start kissing him again.

"Oh!" The pain had subsided for now and I could feel the pleasure in the situation. I could feel T's orca cock rubbing up against my prostate. It was amazing. Having T inside me was like a dream come true.

" it comes...OHHH GOD DAMMIT!" T bit his lower lip and started to hump me hard. I could hear the sound of him slapping up against my backside. He then went in deep and I suddenly was filled with wet, wild orca juice. There was so much that it started to squirt through the tiny gaps between T's cock and me.

There was cum everywhere. It was in my hole, on my cock, on T's cock. There was cum on the bed and some around the side of the bed. Almost every inch of my body had either jizz or saliva on it.

I was lying on the bed with T stroking my chest. I was staring blankly at the ceiling. My knees were slightly shaking. I was enduring the shellshock of the past few hours.

"How was it?" T turned to face me and I turned to face him.

"It was truly amazing and..." I paused trying to think of the right word. "Truly orgasmic."

"Hahaha!" He laughed a thick hearty laugh. I wanted to spend the rest of my life with this guy. But the attraction was purely physical. He was a robot; I couldn't have anything more than a physical attraction even if I wanted more. I wanted to spend the rest of the day with him. But I couldn't. I had other things that I needed to attend to.

"I have to go." I said as calmly as possible. "But I'll be back again tonight. I promise!" I grinned at T. He grinned back at me. I kissed him and then got up and walked to the door.

"I wish I could come with you." T spoke out to me and I turned. I swear there were tears in his eyes.

"Why can't you?" I asked.

"I am confined to this room. I only am alive in this room. I would disappear as soon as I walked out that door." A single teardrop fell into his lap.

"I'm sorry." I really was. I wanted him to come with me just as much as he did.

"I have felt something today that I have never felt before with James." James was the owner's name. James had good taste. "I felt like I wanted to please you. I really wanted to satisfy your desires, not just do it because it was what I was made to do."

"That's so sweet." I could feel tears welling up in my eyes too.

"I...I love you." There were tears streaming down his cheeks now. "Do you love me back?"

"Oh yes, yes of course." We stared at each other for a while longer but I really had to leave. "I'll see you tonight."

"Promise?" T asked me and I looked back at him. I looked right into his eyes. "I don't just turn off, you know. I wait out time just like you do. Every second of they day I spend doing things just like you. So I'll know if you don't come."

"Don't worry I promise." I smiled, blew T a kiss, and walked out back into the bathroom where the radio was still playing and the water still running. I then jumped in the shower. All the while thinking about T, and how I was going to get him out of that cell that was called the chamber.

After my shower I got dressed and went over to the bed. I turned on the T.V. I turned it to channel 105. The Today show should be on. My time in the bathroom took awhile I hope I didn't miss the local news. It was 10:30 in the morning, and it was early for me. I never usually woke up until around eleven o'clock on a day like this. But I wanted to watch the news for any report on the factory fire.

"Hah, perfect." I smiled to myself as an image turned up on the T.V. The local news update was just starting. The two human news anchors of channel five news appeared. One of the anchors was a ginger man with light freckled skin and flaming red hair. He had small, square, black glasses that overpowered his face a little. He looked to be in his mid thirties or younger. Not a day over forty. The second anchor was a young woman about 30 years of age with short, hazelnut colored, curly hair. She was slender but I wasn't attracted to her at all. I was never really attracted to anyone. I was always friends with the girls at our school, but that was a close of a relationship as I ever was in. Whenever someone would ask me out, which happened a lot, I would just simply and assertively say, ‘No, I'm not really attracted to you." Soon girls stopped trying. A guy actually asked me out once too. He was a short, thin, purple silk scarf wearing otter named Steve Ramiro. It was weird and unusual because I wanted to say yes, but I just turned around and walked away. Steve and I have never even made eye contact since.

The news jingle ended and the anchors started to talk to the camera, moved along by the teleprompter.

"Hi, I'm Steve O'Brian."

"And I'm Wendy Meyers." I could barely hear them.

"Computer increase volume twenty percent." I waited for the sound to increase.

"I'm sorry, but that does not compute, please repeat your request."

The house computer must not control the T.V. I looked at the large, flat screen upon the wall. There was a small insignia that looked like a white apple with a bite out of the right side was printed upon the bottom of the T.V. It was an Apple Inc. insignia.

"Apple one, increase volume twenty percent." I said in a loud clear voice so the internal computer in the set could comprehend my words.

"Volume increase twenty percent. Now at sixty percent volume." A feminine computerized voice answered my and a side panel in the screen opened and showed a gray bar filled to a line marked forty percent with green increase to the sixty percent line." I could hear clearly now.

"We are mourning the loss of Andrea Pitt. She was one of the few remaining members of the long line of actors both Broadway and Hollywood." The woman, Wendy, was speaking and she fell silent and looked at Steve, the male anchor.

"There was a large fire in Downtown New Orlando last night..."

"Aha!" This was what I turned on the news for. This story I wanted to see what happened, what the outcome was, how many bodies were found. "Apple one, increase volume five percent."

"Volume increase five percent. Now at sixty five percent volume."

"The factory that the fire started in was rumored to be an illegal cocaine processing plant. These rumors were supported by the large amounts of cocaine fumes in the smoke that left the building. There were also many traces of the drug left in the remains of the old building. There were over one hundred fifty persons in the building at the time of the fire. But we do not know if anyone escaped. There were no bodies in the factory. There was evidence that the doors leading outside were sealed, but the intense heat of the fire could've started heating the metal, and having the steel doors weld themselves shut. There was evidence of arson, but there were no direct witnesses and there wasn't any traces of flammable substance that could've fueled the fire in the truly bizarre pattern that the fire burned..." That was all I needed to hear.

"Apple one, power off."

"Power off." The screen went blank and the room was silent.

"What?" I gasped and I perked my ears up so I could hear more clearly.

"Click," The lock on the front door was coming unlocked. Someone was trying to get inside. The owner? The police? Who was trying to get inside? The owner wasn't supposed to be back for another week. I couldn't think about that now I had to leave.

"Pant, pant." I was breathing hard I had to gather up all of my stuff and leave in a matter of seconds. There was no way I could leave no trace of my being here. I didn't have enough time to clear the apartment of DNA. I picked up my hat and my gloves from the nightstand. "SHIT, SHIT, SHIT!" Where was I going to go what was I going to do. I couldn't think now I had to leave.

I jumped out the window and flew away towards the rooftops where no one could see me. I could hear screaming from the apartment. They must think that someone broke in. John must have a wife and kids. He is probably going to check on the sex room.

"GASP!" I turned as pale as a sheet as I realized something vital that I had forgotten. "T, oh no." I wouldn't be able to go back. I looked back toward the ever-shrinking building behind me. I could imagine T getting all excited waiting for me. I promised him that I would come back. He'll be devastated when I don't. I can't go back there for a while. Not with the family there. "DAMMIT!"

Tears streamed from my eyes and fell down onto the streets and allies below.

"T will never forgive me." I couldn't fly anymore. I zoomed over to the closest rooftop and cried. I cried like I never have cried before. "I'm sorry T."

"I'm sorry."