Their Life Beyond #1

Story by Vorentia on SoFurry

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It was a normal, perfect, sunny and cool Sunday. A simple house stood on a single street, nothing special about it. It had an amazing lawn, roses and violets off setting the green grass. It was well kept, a place for everything and everything in it's place. Not a single leaf was on the lawn, the sun, shinning against the houses blue and pinkish colour. But there was a problem. It was on a postcard, being held in the paw of one depressed Canine. Carter sighed, staring at the house of his dreams, nothing more than a photo on paper. Everyone wanted so much in life, but Carter was more simple. He was average in every way. His canine ears stood tall on his head, a brown and white snout protruded from his face, his fur clean and smooth. He stood at 6 feet tall, average for his kind, and had a single brown stripe running from neck to tail along his back and front. He was neither handsome or particularly displeasing to look at, for he just was what he was.Life had treated Carter fairly, no different from anyone else. He struggled in primary school, making a few friends. He had a nice family, a mother and father who cared deeply for him. And his sister, Angelica, his twin. She was the exact same as him, his appearance, their looks, same hobbies and interests. He had spent all 17 years with her, caring for each other, sharing their things, sleeping in the same room, playing as a normal family would. They grew up with each other, they knew each other like the back of their own paw. Sometimes even their parents got them confused at a young age. His life was easy, and he enjoyed it. School started a little early for them, their parents placing them in a private school that ran earlier than public schools.They didn't mind, they always stayed with each other, sharing each class and always sitting next to each other. Hoffman High was a little over a block away from their house, so they always walked, or ran if they were in the mood. They stayed with each other, sharing friends and work, helping each other. Like most siblings, they had their own little rivalry, Carter being the younger of the two, always having it rubbed into his face by his older twin. He didn't mind, he found it funny when they joked together and teased each other.That was until puberty hit them both.It was glaringly obvious who was who now, Carter having grown, his shoulders more sharp and muscled. Angelica however grew curvier, her breasts starting to form under her fur. School was changing for them, as they both reached their last year of schooling and started to consider their future. Still inseparable as ever, they never strayed to far from one another. Having grown a little, Carter was noticing girls more often than not nowadays, even just walking down a corridor he could not help but stare at some of the females, felines or canines or other. He watched sometimes, staring at their hips as their gait changed, moving side to side. He had

always thought of getting a girlfriend, but he was just too shy to try. Angelica however was somewhat more popular among the men, her body curvy and petite.Brad was his name, having travelled home with them one day. Angelica had spotted this equine from the corner of her eye, and had taken a liking to him. Brad was tallish, a good foot above them both and and his mane hung down a little. He was black in colour, his gaze always moving about, watching others. Carter disliked him, wary immediately after seeing Brad with a few other females a year back. He didn't know if his sister knew that or not, but played along, keeping an eye on the horse when he came over. He was a jock, a rugby player in the school sport team. Lots of ladies were swooned by him, and Angelica was just another example.It was late, the Sunday before school started from the holiday. Angelica was sitting on her bed, next to Carters, chatting with one of her girlfriends on her phone. Carter smirked, laying down and reading a book he bought last week. It was often like this, both of them just lounging about together but not talking, just doing their own business. Carter sighed, turning the book over and resting his head back against the bed, fetching out his postcard again, looking at the pristine house. He turned to look at Angelica watching her smile at a comment."Have you ever thought about life after school?" he asked, curious and a little depressed. He had become friend with other females in school, and sometimes had to rely on his sister for advice or help.Angelica turned her head, still typing. "What do you mean? Like, after school is over?" she said, watching Carter.Carter nodded his head, looking at his sister and frowning a little, placing the postcard beside his book. He leant back, resting against his cushion. "Yeah. After school..."Angelica laughed a little, smiling at Carter. "I kinda hope I could move in with Brad.I haven't seen him for almost three weeks now and I cant wait. Why do you ask?" she said, placing her phone down and leaning against her pillow, her paws resting just below her breasts. Their family were traditionalists, frowning upon clothing when in private. They said it was to be closer to nature or something, but neither of them cared too much, as they were comfortable with each other.He sighed, glancing at his sisters nude form. "I don't know... I haven't met anyone. I don't really want to either. Why do you stay loyal to Brad anyway?" he asked, turning over to rest his stomach on the bed, playing with his pillow.Angelica was a little disturbed, as she didn't like Carter questioning her love life. "I just do." she said, huffing and rolling over.Carter frowned, but got up and sat next to his sister. "I only say that because I don't want to see you ruin your life with the wrong person. I do care about you know...'' he said, resting a paw against her side and rubbing it slightly.

He knew it was the easiest way to calm her, as they both liked being stroked and patted.She rolled over, blushing and smirking at him. "Aww. I know you care, but I like him, and he cares about me." she said, looking at her brother, placing a paw against his chest.Carter nodded, getting up and walking to the door. "Alright. Just be careful please." he told her, opening the door before winking and walking out. He walked to the shower, deciding to have a quick one before going to bed. He stood under the water, trying to wash away his worries. He smiled, picturing his sister instead, as that always helped him ease his stress and worry. He closed his eyes, letting the water drip down his fur into the drain. He pictured her, lying on her bed, smiling up at him. Carter frowned, shaking his head to stop the line of thoughts. That's wrong... he thought to himself, unable to stop seeing Angelica. He sighed, turning off the water and wrapping a towel around him. He shook a little water from his fur, rubbing the towel up and down his body.It was often that Carter thought of his sister, but never had he told her. Maybe it was from embarrassment, or fear of being pushed away. He loved his sister, a little more than he should, but he always thought that was from being her twin. He slumped his shoulders, walking back to their room. He opened the door, brushing the fur from his face before dropping the towel, to stare directly into his sisters breasts. He yelped, falling backwards and closing his eyes. Angelica stood at the door, frowning at him. "What? See a ghost or something" she said, walking over before snatching up his towel and walking off to the shower.Carter sighed, getting up and lying in his bed, still picturing her perfectly round breasts, bobbing slightly from.... Stop thinking about her like that! he said to himself, rolling over and grabbing his postcard. He stared at the house, trying to drown out his emotions and thoughts. He yawned, growing tired and decided to try and sleep it off. His dreams were scattered, moments of his house flying past, followed by his sister. He shuddered in his sleep, Angelica having walked back in and now lying on her bed.She got up, watching her brother writhe on his bed. It wasn't the first time this had occurred to him, and each time Angelica tried to comfort him. She moved away from her bed, resting a paw against his head before sliding into his bed, pressing her body against his. She closed her eyes, wrapping an arm around his chest and hugging him close, letting him know she was there.Carter was asleep still, but soon his shaking stopped, comforted by his twin sister. He let out a breath, his thoughts turning to his sisters face, her blushing in his dream. He smiled at her, reaching out a paw and rubbing it along her cheek, feeling a strong bond form between them. He leant forward, gently kissing her lips and embracing her, feeling

her warm tongue slide into his maw. He hugged her, his dream painting the picture of his desire.Angelica felt him stiffen, his body growing warm under her. She never felt this happen before, but rested against him, rubbing a paw down his side to comfort him. She smiled, playing with his fur before snuggling into his back, closing her eyes and falling asleep. She dreamed of her life, a pair of cubs at her feat, their resemblance to her so striking they could be triplets. She smiled at them, picking them up and hugging them tightly. She felt a warm paw on her shoulder, and turning around she looked into his face. It was unrecognisable, changing slowly, like a shifting image. She pressed against him, wrapping her arms around him and hugging her mate and pressing a kiss against him.Carter smiled in his sleep, pressing a paw against his sister's unconsciously and inter-locking their fingers. He breathed in deeply, his sleep undisturbed now as he relaxed in her warm embrace. Angelica sighed, pressing against his back a little more before breathing out onto his back. She slept easy that night.Night turned day, and both the twins awoke at the same time. Stretching, still half asleep, they awoke. They let go of each other, still too drowsy to see what they had done in their sleep. Today was a school day after all, so both wandered around, grabbing their uniforms and getting ready, yawning every now and then for being so tired. Carter sighed, walking down to the kitchen and making their breakfast, their parents still asleep. He made a simple bacon and eggs on toast, sliding a plate onto the table for himself and his sister before sitting down, drinking a glass of water. He blushed as Angelica came down the stairs, dressed in her slightly tight uniform from last year. She smiled, sitting down at the table and tucking into the food. They only had around half an hour to get to school on time.Cleaning the dishes, Angelica grabbed their lunches, putting Carters in his hands and opening the door, leaving without a word being said from the moment they awoke. Neither of them remember the previous night, but both feel different that day, a skip in their step as they walked to school.