Their Life Beyond #2

Story by Vorentia on SoFurry

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They walked together, their stride long and bouncy, both canines happy for no apparent reason. Carter strode a little bit behind his sister, watching her walk. He blushed, looking away and watching as Hoofman High came into view. The school wasn't majestic, or special in any way. It was actually quite simple for a private school. It had its grounds, soccer fields and some basketball courts. A large auditorium filled the middle of the school, with classrooms surrounding it. It was still quite young compared to most other school, but it was close and suited the needs of the twins, which is mainly way they were forced to go there.Angelica looked around, spotting neither her group of friends nor Brad, her boyfriend. She sighed, frowning a little before turning to her brother. "Are you ready for another term of school little bro?" she asked Carter, always tacking on that little remark when feeling happy or annoyed.Carter stumbled a little, having lost concentration during their walk. "Umm, yeah sure. Can't be that hard..." he replied, looking at his twin and following her. "What do we have first?" he asked, moving to stand beside her.Angelica pulled out a slip of paper, reading off a list of subjects. "First is English, then Maths, then Physical Education." she said, moving her finger down the page as she read. "Easy day for the first day back."Carter grinned. What the pair loved most about this school was the lax schedules. Usually on the odd Wednesday they would do an extra class, but it was easy either way, the classes only an hour and a half in length each. Nodding to his sister, Carter started making his way to the english classroom, taking his usual seat before watching Angelica come in, sitting right beside him. He smiled, grabbing out his english books and flipping to the right page. He leaned back, glancing around the room to spot few familiar faces.He turned back to the teacher, watching him stride in and start the lesson. They first were given homework, a reading of Romeo and Juliet and an essay task along with it. Carter was horrible with essay writing, so usually sought help from his sister, a genius when it came to writing. Likewise, when she had trouble with Maths, she came to Carter, a mutual benefit of having a brother and sister. Sighing, the students sat through the class, listening to the mad rambles of the teacher. The bell rang, and like a breeze, the room emptied into the hallway. Carter and Angelica left last, comparing notes and getting ready for the next class.They walked off to the math block, hoping to get there and take their seats before everyone else arrived. It was common for them to be picked on by some of the bullies of the school, teasing them around calling them names. It had worn off over the years but it left an edge on the two canines. Sitting in their respective seats, both waited, watching student file in. Angelica looked around, trying to find her

boyfriend but failing. Brad shared Maths with them, and usually sat near the twins. However, he was nowhere to be found. Where is he?Sighing, Angelica leant down and started her studies, trying to solve problem after problem. She tried hard, but deep down she felt like something was wrong. Brad was usually a good student, arriving on time and never missing a class. Carter watched his sister with mixed sympathy and brotherly love. He returned to his studies, staying quiet and letting her sister think to herself. He puzzled over a few questions, writing down an answer before rubbing it out and doing it again. Soon the bell rang again, and both twins made their way to the cafeteria, Angelica hoping that Brad was there.The twins arrived, sitting down in an empty bench before grabbing their lunches out and eating. Angelica looked down, visibly sad. Carter leaned over, gently nudging her. "You alright sis? You don't seem as happy as you were this morning..." he asked, his voice showing concern about her.Angelica let out a breath. "I was hoping Brad would be here today." she said, glancing around again. "He always shows up to school on time..."Carter nodded, leaning back and patting her shoulder. "He could be sick, or just busy today." he replied, a little distraught at seeing his sister so broken over her boyfriend.Angelica looked at her brother, a little teary eyed. "What if he left me?" she said, her eyes moistening. Without thinking, Carter leaned forward, wrapping a paw around her shoulder, gently pulling her into a hug. "It will be okay." he said, hoping that would be enough.Angelica sighed, leaning against her brother, glad he was at least here. "Yeah... Hehe, what am I thinking. Brad wouldn't leave me.'' she said, smiling a little before eating some more of her sandwich. She looked up, catching movement from the corner of her eyes. She turned around, watching the doors swing open, the equine walking through and walking into the cafeteria. He had a backpack on his shoulder, a grin on his face as he moved to the other side of the room from Angelica.She hopped up, smiling now before pushing past some students to Brad. When she reached him, she saw him sitting down in his chair, leaning down over something. She reached forward, going to pull him around to see him but stopped. She paled, seeing and hearing the sounds of a deep kiss. She walked to the side, looking as her boyfriend kissed a feline deeply, not having a care in the world about the canine. She gasped, no sound coming out before rubbing a paw across her eyes, turning and walking away. She pushed past students, half jogging and walking to the exit. She pushed her way out, standing by the railing and let her tears come, flowing down her cheek to splatter on the pavement.Carter watched curiously, seeing his sister intrigued by something. He followed her, grabbing her lunch and his, walking a few

meters behind her. He watched, seeing her reach out for her boyfriend and stop, turning and walking away. He frowned, walking over to the equine and seeing him embracing the feline. He closed his eyes, shaking his head before taking off after his sister. He found her, standing against the railing and sobbing into her paws. Placing their lunches down, he moved behind her, gently pulling her shoulder around before pulling her into a hug, not saying a word. He felt her warm tears flow onto his shoulder, but he didn't mind it, if it helped her. Carter gazed down at her shaking form, gently moving a paw to wipe away some of her tears. He smiled warmly, taking her by the shoulder and walking towards the school yard.Angelica cried into her brother, letting all her tears come forward. How dare he leave me for her... she thought, being led towards the exit. She let him guide her, moving her past students and obstacles, she not caring if she died right then and there. She cried, shaking a little at the sudden, heartbreaking sight she saw. She let out a moan, grasping onto her brothers arm and walking out of the school grounds.Carter sighed, grabbing their bags before walking out of the school. Students were allowed to leave, but it wasn't recommended. He took her arm, moving her towards their home. They stumbled around, taking their time getting home, Carter wanting Angelica to calm a little before arriving. She was still sobbing, her arms heaving in time with each moan. He frowned, thinking back to the cafeteria. How dare he do that to my sister...  he told himself, feeling his anger rise. He turned to his sister, walking her up their front door steps and into the house, leading her to their room before letting her lie down. He stayed with her, comforting her as she wept in pain and sadness, resting a paw against her side and lying with her.Angelica crashed on her bed, rolling over and crying into her paws. She was tired and angry, and felt more than sad, more like depressed about being left so easily. She shuddered, feeling her brother lay down with her and place a paw against her side. She turned to look at him, her eyes glistening in the light. She turned over, pressing her head against his chest, her lungs heaving as she fought against her tears. She felt him wrap a paw around her shoulder, pulling her closer against him and felt something press against her cheek. She sighed, calming a little before closing her eyes, feeling her body slowly relax in his embrace.Carter was confused, and a little shocked at himself. He had laid with her, wrapping his paws around her like he had never done before. He felt something inside him, a warmth that slowly grew as he hugged her. He felt her relax, leaning down against his own accord and gently press his lips against her cheek, kissing her before resting his head against her pillow. He felt his twin grow heavy in his grip, letting her

slide gently against the bed and sleep. He shuddered a little, overcome with emotion before getting up, heading over to his own bed to lie down. He turned over, watching his sister sleep, uniform pressed against her body. He yawned, suddenly tired himself, so kicking off his pants and taking his shirt off, he nestled under his blankets, watching his sister sleep before turning in himself.-5 hours later-Angelica woke up, feeling tired but also awake. She stretched, pressing a paw against her cheek, feeling his kiss still linger on her fur. She giggled, turning over to watch her brother sleep. She sighed, getting up and heading downstairs. She walked down into the kitchen, grabbing some food before grabbing her phone, checking it for messages. She had three, one from her best friend, one from their parents and one from her ex-boyfriend. She snarled, deleting his contact before walking up stairs, laying down on her bed and eating her apple. She sighed, taking off her clothing before settling on her bed sheets. She once again pressed a paw against her cheek, feeling the kiss like it was still there.She got up, walking to her brother before grinning, leaning down and nuzzling his neck fur. She grinned, watching him stretch out in his sleep. She felt warm inside, knowing what he had done before. So she decided to repay the favour, pressing her lips against his cheek. Carter rolled in his sleep, dreaming of his sister again. He shuddered in his sleep, turning and pressing his lips against hers, unconsciously kissing her with a deep passion he would have been unable to show awake.Angelica gasped, pulling away from the kiss, not expecting that to happen. She peered down at her brother, gently prodding his shoulder before deciding he was still asleep. She huffed, sitting on her bed and licking her lips, shivering in pleasure at his taste. What the hell? she thought, reeling back at the thought of kissing her brother. She sighed, turning over and pressing her head into her pillow, unable to get his taste out of her mouth. What has gotten into me? she gasped, shutting her mouth to stop licking her lips. She rolled over, shaking her head before willing her mind to sleep, hoping that her dreams will make her forget about all this.She slept, dreaming her normal dream. She watched her cubs playing at the feet. She was laying on a bed, someone next to her. Turning over, she leant into him, kissing his canine chest before looking into his eyes.She awoke, gasping for breath at what she saw. She turned to her brother, looking at him like one would look at a criminal. Watching him sleep calmed her, leaning back down into her bed. She couldn't shake away what she had seen. She rolled over, looking at him once more before sighing, neither accepting what she saw nor disregarding it, a little strange for her. She closed her eyes, picturing his face once more, looking into his eyes and seeing

herself. She looked down, seeing her cubs crawl over their legs, their brown and white fur resembling her mate's and her fur. She looked back at him, looking into his face, trying to find out just who it was, seeing his face take on the form of one she knew well.She gasped, rolling off the bed as she found exactly what she had been looking for, both fearful and confused as to why him. She looked at her brother, watching him with a newfound feeling, one more than that which a sister should have. She sighed, getting up and slipping out the door, shaking from her revelation as she walked to the shower, aiming to cleanse herself of these feelings.