Keep Singing

Story by CodgetMage on SoFurry

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I know it's two days late, but with my track record and story history it only made sense that I made a cutesy Valentine's Day story. Nothing too long or grand, but still cute.

As for life, I've been busy and I'm really sorry I haven't been able to update as frequently as I really wish to. The whole job search thing is bringing me down. But I assure you, there will be content coming back as soon as I get back to scheduling everything.

The white furred fox stood over the stove, pancake batter mixed and ready for separating. He separated the batter into different sized portions and began coloring them; red, pink, white, yellow, and blue. The young fox was humming to himself, doing a little dance as he mixed up the batter and food coloring into an even mixture.

"I see myself as I look into your eyes.

With every kiss there is no surprise.

I found what I was looking for,

And I don't need anybody else.

A sweet, sweet dream that will never end.

Just take my hand and you'll understand.

There's so much more left in store,

And I don't need anybody else,

But you!"

The fox's tail swished happily as he bounced to the beat of his own song while he cooked his special Valentine's Day breakfast. After the batter had been dyed in their bowls, he poured each bowl into little squeeze bottles for better control on his frying pan. He then started going to work on his finest piece of art. He formed a giant heart outline with the deep red, then wrote out the words "I LOVE YOU" in blue, backwards of course so that it would display correctly after flipping the cake once it was cooked. After waiting a brief moment to let the batter start forming under the low heat, he continued by making diagonal white stripes.

"I never thought I'd have the time to give.

I kept my distance for so long.

But your determination broke down my walls.

Since then you never did me wrong.

They told us that it would never last,

But we took on the world by storm.

And even through all of the falls,

You came back to keep me warm.

At first it was all so new to me,

But now there's no world if I don't have you."

A brown furred wolf rubbed his eyes sleepily as he slumped into the living room, wearing nothing but a pair of tight black boxer briefs. He yawned quietly as he looked around; the apartment was clean as usual. Nothing out of the ordinary. The light from outside indicated that it must be bright and sunny outside, perfect for a day in the park or a walk downtown. The wolf suddenly remembered what day it was and had to think of something fast. He was always good at being spontaneous, but Valentine's Day is a big deal to some people. He suddenly felt really nervous.

But then his ears perked sharply as he heard a singing voice coming from the kitchen. He didn't recognize the song, but he knew that the voice belonged to none other than his beloved fiance. Slowly, he tiptoed towards the kitchen and took a peak from behind the counter that faced the living room. He smirked as he saw his fox doing his little dance as he sang and cooked, and decided to take a seat on one of the bar stools just to observe. The counter was on the opposite side of the stove, so the fox was facing away from him. However, the counter was also on the same side as the sink, so the wolf knew that the vulpine would have to turn around eventually to clean dishes. He just wanted to see how long he could stay there before being noticed.

"I see myself as I look into your eyes.

With every kiss there is no surprise.

I found what I was looking for,

And I don't need anybody else.

A sweet, sweet dream that will never end.

_Just take my hand and-- _Ahh!!"

The fox had turned around mid-line and spotted his lover. Luckily he wasn't holding anything at the time or else it would've gone flying, because his hands shot up like rockets. The fox held his chest and started to blush. "Jeez, Andy, you scared the crap out of me! H-How long have you been sitting there?"

Andy chuckled. "Only a minute or so. I heard you singing and you know how much I like listening to you, Mark."

Mark blushed even deeper. "You know I don't like when people can hear me singing live..."

Andy stood, leaning his weight slightly over the counter top. "Aw babe, please keep singing. Your voice is incredible and you know everybody else agrees." He looked at Mark with a pouting face.

The fox sighed quietly and attempted to start again.

"A s-sweet, sweet dream that will never end.

Just take my hand a-and you'll understand.

There's so much more left in store.

And I don't need anybody else,

But you..."

Mark's ears drooped as he brought a hand up to rub the back of his head shyly, averting Andy's eyes. "It's not the best song..."

The wolf made his way into the kitchen, grabbing Mark in a gentle hold by the waist and leaned in to kiss the shorter male's forehead affectionately. "I think it sounds perfect and you sound perfect as always. Is that one of your original songs?"

Mark couldn't help but smile at the wolf's sweet gestures and he nodded softly. "Y-Yes... I call it _'A Sweet Dream' _and I was going to finish editing the song yesterday, but then I remembered I had to make sure I had all of today's things set up. Because Valentine's Day and all that..."

Andy grinned. "Things as in plural? You have more planned than just this amazing looking breakfast?" He glanced over at the pan with the heart-shaped pancake still cooking inside. "I was wondering why you wanted to buy those squeeze bottles."

Mark turned, grabbing the spatula and carefully scooping it under the finished pancake. "Well I only made one so far, but I think it turned out great. Ready?"

"I'm so ready."

Mark flipped the pancake perfectly, revealing the heart with a red border and pink to fill in the background. Thin zigzagging lines of yellow went all along the border and there were thick white diagonal stripes going from right to left. And lastly, a big "I LOVE YOU" written in blue, Andy's favorite color.

The wolf smiled widely, grabbing his boyfriend again and kissing him deeply on the muzzle, much to Mark's surprise from the small gasp he let out. "You're the best. I love it!"

Mark smiled too and moved the pancake onto a plate to be served. "Well go ahead and eat, wuff. I'll make a few more normal ones for both of us."

Andy smirked and pressed his body hard into Mark's backside before the fox was able to grab more batter, petting hard at his sides and nipping his tiny sensitive ears while letting out gentle growls. "I have a better idea..." He started to slowly hump against the fox's butt, his growing bulge digging against Mark's tail hole.

The fox let out sharp gasps at all of Andy's touches, his body going numb for a hot second. he shivered as the wolf's strong paws ran across his chest, turning his head to receive small kisses from the taller male. "You can't wait until after breakfast?"

"Nope," Andy said as he picked up Mark by the waist with only one arm and without any warning, using his other hand to turn off the stove. He carried the fox out of the kitchen, across the living room, and into their bedroom. He placed Mark in a laying position and leaned over him to kiss him deeply on the lips.

Mark kissed back, unable to defy the much stronger wolf even if he wanted to. Their hands roamed each other's bodies, hitting every sensitive spot as their arousal and moaning increased gradually with every passing second. This was the point where Mark expected Andy to start ripping off his clothes and have his way with him, but instead the wolf laid down on his side and continued with kisses. The wolf planted tiny little pecks all over Mark's face, causing the fox to blush faintly as he enjoyed the warmth the wolf provided. Andy's arms wrapped around his small frame and hugged tightly.

"You're beautiful, you know..." the wolf said quietly between kisses and nuzzles against the fox's nose.

Mark smiled shyly, one of his paws rubbing in tiny circles against the wolf's chest. "I only know because you say it all the time... But you're perfect."

Andy smiled. "Perfect? What makes you say that?"

"Maybe it's because you're such a stud. Or maybe because you make me so comfortable to just be myself because I know you won't judge me. Maybe because you treat me so well and always surprise me with good things. Maybe because you support me and everything that I want to do with my life. Maybe because you're always here for me to cuddle with even when I'm feeling down. Because you love me. It's all of those things combined that make you perfect. You even got me to sing in front of you; a song that's about you. That's a big deal for me."

Andy kissed Mark on the forehead again. "You do all those things for me too, babe. You're perfect to me too. And I'm really glad you made a song about me. I'm sure all your fans will love it."

Mark rolled his eyes. "I hardly have fans..."

"You have enough. And you get more every week. Maybe one day you'll become famous. And when everybody wants you, I'll be able to say that you're mine."

The fox giggled. "Maybe... But I'd rather just focus on us today."

"Of course, babe. After cuddling, obviously."

"I love you."

"I love you too. Happy Valentine's Day."

Precious, ain't it? This wasn't really based on anything, oddly enough. Usually that's where inspiration for my stories comes from. But I wrote this in like... I dunno, an hour or two? And it's fucking cute! So mission accomplished.

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