Mako and Vega - 02

Story by Skyline2368 on SoFurry

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#2 of The Chronicles of Seacrest City

Mako reveals his biggest secret to Vega, but is she bothered? Read on to find out...

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I don't know what to say to her, so I just end up standing there, staring at Vega like an idiot while she continues to hold the black, bullet-shaped vibrator in her hand. She sighs, and puts it back in the box, then grabs the other things that fell out - two dildos, one of them a big, blue canine one - and puts them away also. She walks away towards the bedrooms, and I hurry to catch up. It's just a few seconds to walk across the living area, but it's long enough that I realise that I'm going to have to tell her about my condition. "Did I touch a nerve?" Vega asks as I place the box of clothes next to the closet. I'll have to wait until I get new furniture to unpack properly. I sigh and turn to face her. "Not really. It's just that... I've never told anyone." "Mako, it's okay. There's nothing wrong with being gay." "I'm not- I'm not gay. Well, not really." She sits down and looks at me expectantly. "Well, then, what is it?" "I'm... intersexed." I tell her, blushing furiously and flicking my ears back to try and hide it. "What?" She replies, clearly confused. I blush even harder as I realise I'm going to have to show her, or else she won't realise. I slowly undo my belt and the strap at the back of my jeans over my tail, then push my jeans and underwear down. Exposing not a sheath and balls, but a very feminine mound. "Wait, you have a pussy?" She gasps, a look of shock crossing her muzzle. Tears prick at my eyes, and I yank my clothes back up and turn to run from the room. She thinks I'm a freak. I go into the separate toilet/laundry and sit down next to the washing machine, tears beginning to flow freely. I knew this was going to happen! A knocking at the door reaches my ears, then Vega's voice. "Mako." "L-leave me alone!"I sob, but I hear the door open anyway. The hyena enters the room and sits down next to me, the two of us shoulder-to-shoulder in the space. Her arm reaches around me, and she pulls me into a hug. "Mako, I'm not disgusted, or angry or anything. It just surprised me, that's all. This is actually a good thing." She says. "How?" I ask, slightly curious as to how it's a good thing. "Well, for one thing I don't have to worry about the seat being left up on the toilet. And I can wander around the place with no pants on without it being awkward." "Really?" It'd be just like at moms house. Dad was never there, and I don't have a brother... "Yeah. We can have girls nights, paint our claws, I can do your hair... It'll be fun!" She smiles, and gives me a gentle squeeze. "I... I suppose you're right. Yeah." I say, cheering up and wiping away the tears with the back of my hands. "Hmmm. That makes me wonder..." She murmurs, getting up and heading for the door. "What?" I wonder, getting up to follow her back to my new room. She gives me a cheeky grin, and says "I reckon you have some really cute clothes. I wanna find 'em." I blush, knowing that I do, in fact, have a few items of 'girls' clothing. "That box." I admit, pointing to the one I'd brought up last. The Hyena instantly pounces on the box and uses her claws to tear the tape. She pulls out a massive sweater I'd gotten a while back. It was maybe two or three sizes too big, and a deep electric blue color, but I found it really nice to wear on colder days when I stay home. The other few items are a bit more tame, a black crop top that I only really got on a whim, and an orange sarong that I'd gotten after my sister insisted that I looked cute in it. "Aw. I kinda expected more..." Vega says, seemingly disappointed. "I'm still a guy, you know." I tell her. "But you have this cute sweater!" She says, holding up said sweater. I blush again, and admit "It's comfortable on cold days..." Vega giggles and puts it back on the box, then notices the TV and PS4 boxes to one side. "You play?" she asks. I nod. "Yeah. Any spare time I get, I game." "Ah, cool. I've got my old Xbox One set up in my room." "Oh." I wonder where she's going, when she suddenly stands up and claps her hands. "Well, I'm hungry. You want some dinner?" she asks. I nod, and we head out to the kitchen...

"Sorry that I didn't have any food for you..." Vega says, apologizing for the sixth time, as she finally serves up her own food - a great big steak - and sits down next to me. We're sitting on the dining chairs at the island counter, because the table still has plastic on it, and we can't be bothered taking it off. I have to sit kneeling on the chair so that I can reach my takeout on the counter. "It's fine, Vega. I'm a student, so I can live on ramen noodles and sweet-and-sour chicken." I tell her, using my chopsticks to get another mouthful. "I still feel bad. We should go shopping tomorrow to get food for you. I should've done that today." She says, starting in on her meal. "I need to go find some furniture, too." I say through a mouthful. "Wait, you don't have any furniture?" Vega asks, shocked. I watch as the piece of steak on her fork falls back onto the plate, then say "Yeah. I didn't want to bring my old stuff. It was all too small." "So, what? You're going to just... sleep on the floor?" "Yeah. I'll be fine, though." Somehow I don't think that she's satisfied with that answer, but she doesn't say anything more, instead focusing on her meal.

After both finishing our food, we decide to unwrap the couches, two big three-seater couches in dark grey suede, a matching recliner, and a glass coffee table. "Where did you get this stuff?" I ask Vega, as it's clearly not something she got on student money. "Oh, it's some old stuff that my parents gave to me." "Old?" I wonder, especially as the coffee table is one of those single-piece-of-bent-glass type ones. She chuckles, then says "Well, it's not really that old. But they'd just gotten new stuff, anyway." "Oh, ok." I have to admit, I'm impressed. We arrange the couches to face the window, so that we can sit in the sunlight on good days, and watch the snow falling on the garden, as it is today. By now, the sun has begun to set, the light seeping through the snow-filled clouds beginning to decrease. With a wide, toothy yawn, Vega announces "I'm tired." Suppressing my own yawn, I agree. "I'm gonna go hit the shower. Unless you wanna go first?" "Nah. You go first." I nod, and go to my room to get some clothes to sleep in, and a towel. "Hey, can I use your shampoo?" I call from the hallway. "Sure thing!" Vega shouts back. I head into the bathroom and turn the shower on, the room beginning to fill with steam almost immediately. I strip, and hop in, letting the water flow over my face, then down my body. I turn around, enjoying the warmth of the water as it flattens my fur and plasters it down, and how my tail gets so much heavier as the water soaks in. I let out a sigh of relief, then reach for the shampoo...

I'm in the middle of blow drying my fur, when Vega knocks on the door. "You okay in there? You've been a while." She calls through the door. I switch off the air dryer and reply "Vega, I have a lot of fur. It takes a little while to dry off." "Oh, right. Sorry." I step into my clothes, a loose t-shirt and some boxers, then pad into my room. With a sigh, I pull a blanket and pillow from one of the boxes and lay them out on the carpet next to the pile of moving boxes. I place my phone on the ground nearby, and lie down. Pulling the blanket over, I try to get comfortable. "Um, Mako?" I roll over and look at Vega, outlined in the light from the hallway behind her. "Yeah?" I murmur. "Uh, I was just thinking... since you don't have a bed, and I kinda put you on the spot earlier about the whole, you know... vibrator-thing... I wondered if you wanted to share my bed? I don't mean anything sexual, just... sleeping." Thoughts of a nice warm bed overrun me, and I nod. "Sure. Thanks, Vega." She smiles, and I get up and follow her into her room. She's already in her nightclothes, a t-shirt and a pair of panties, so she wastes no time getting into bed. Still sitting upright, she pats the covers next to her. "Come on." She says. Nervously, I join her, and we get comfortable in bed, facing away from each other. "Goodnight, Mako." She says. "Goodnight." I reply, nervous because I've never shared a bed with anyone before. The light goes out, and Vega moves a little, getting comfortable. I close my eyes, and try to go to sleep, until suddenly Vega rolls over, and grabs my tail, which I'd had up behind my back. "What are you doing?" I ask, as she pulls me closer. "Your fur is so soft..." she mumbles sleepily. Uncomfortable with being touched in such a sensitive area, I quickly jerk my tail away and hide it between my legs. Vega gives a disappointed whine. "Why'd you do that?" "I-It didn't feel right..." I reply. She suddenly grabs me around the middle, and pulls me over until my back is pressed against her chest. "You're like a teddy bear. A cuddly Red Panda bear." She murmurs, and I can tell she's smiling. Despite myself, I have to admit it's kinda nice, her body warmth against my back... "H-hey!" I gasp and open my eyes as her hands go up and under my shirt. She wraps her arms around my midriff, and hugs me close. "Mmm... So soft..." I can't help but blush, however there's nothing I can do, as a few long moments later, the Hyenas breathing transitions into a soft snore, her chest pushing against my back with every breath. I close my eyes, and soon drift off...

The next morning I wake up still in the arms of the Hyena, only now I'm facing towards her, her breasts just below my chin, and her own chin on top of my head. Her arms are around me, and mine around her, which makes me think that she arranged this position herself at some point. Her steady breathing tells me that she's still asleep, but I don't want to wake her. So I just lay there, trying to ignore the growing need to pee. I'm just starting to wonder if maybe I do need to wake her up so as to detangle myself, when she smiles and says "Good morning, my cuddly panda." "How long have you been awake?" I ask. "About half an hour. You have a cute little snore, you know that?" I feel myself blushing again. "I need to go." I tell her. "Go where?" she asks, sounding disappointed. "No, I mean I need to go." I say. "Oh." Is all she says, before letting go. I quickly jump out of bed and make a quick dash for the bathroom...

After washing my hands, and then putting on some jeans and a t-shirt, I head into the kitchen. Vega has produced some waffles, and is putting them in the toaster, which we unpacked last night. "Hey." She says, passing me a plate with two waffles. "Thanks." I take the plate of food and sit down to eat. "What are we doing today?" I ask, bring the first waffle to my muzzle. Vega leans on the countertop, and replies "Well, we were gonna go shopping, remember?" "Oh, yeah." I remember suddenly our conversation last night. "So, I was thinking we'd take your car, that way we don't have to take all the groceries on the Metro." "Sounds good to me." I say, and quickly finish my breakfast. "Great! Let's go!" Vega happily smiles. I grab my car keys, and we leave the apartment...

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